Improve Your Style With These 10 Surprising Habits

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @gen_o
    @gen_o 2 роки тому +233

    I will add that when de cluttering, treat your clothes (including bags and shoes) with care and respect. Please don’t discard or throw them away like they are trash or unwanted items. Store them carefully and fold them well in the bag even if you are recycling or donating them. They have served you well for a time or even for a short moment in your life. Thank them before you say goodbye. Remember that other people may find joy or warmth in them; wish them well as you send them on their way to their new home.

    • @cynthiajohnston424
      @cynthiajohnston424 2 роки тому +27

      A friend w/ three growing girls did frequent donations - her mantra was : " Bless and release " . 💗 When donating , I launder , repair & fold each piece as if it will be placed on a sales display counter - what is old to me will be new for the recipient .

    • @NYEmma
      @NYEmma 2 роки тому +18

      I watch a lot of decluttering videos and am amazed at how many people just cram their donated items into a plastic bag. I don't understand why they can't be folded.

    • @gabrielapaulinho1luv
      @gabrielapaulinho1luv 2 роки тому +6

      Well said🙌🏽

    • @SomeOne-mp6ym
      @SomeOne-mp6ym 2 роки тому +5

      Marie Kondo?

    • @janegregory691
      @janegregory691 2 роки тому +6

      Another great video Marie-Anne! I hadn’t thought about hangers and my clothes, although nicely sorted, hang on a variety of plastic, metal and padded hangers. In addition I have a couple of bags of hangers left over from clothes I’ve donated. Obviously time to sort those out! Many thanks.

  • @FlipMacz
    @FlipMacz 11 місяців тому +31

    I have almost no words to describe how elevating my style according to this channel, has changed my life, forever. And it all started with de-cluttering. I didn't know that I could feel this good with "chic-ness."
    I'm even treated better by others. I feel like I'm in heaven now, when I walk out of the house. Getting to know the girl inside of me that I didn't know existed. Becoming "chic" has changed everything in my entire world. And I did nothing expensive. It was easy. Just a few simple changes. Still learning too. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the gift you've given me and this new lease on life.❤❤❤

    • @MarieAnneLecoeur
      @MarieAnneLecoeur  11 місяців тому +5

      You are very welcome FlipMacz I am very happy my channel has been able to help 🤗

  • @jessiebaker9313
    @jessiebaker9313 2 роки тому +25

    In October, I photographed my work outfit every day. I can look back on each outfit, see what worked, what I loved, what didn't feel so great. I see which pieces repeated and which accessories (I especially love scarves) I liked with each outfit. I highly recommend doing this.

    • @DianaStitching
      @DianaStitching 2 роки тому +2

      Great idea - I'm retired but I'm going to start doing this every day, thanks for the tip x

  • @christinewaters691
    @christinewaters691 2 роки тому +56

    Yes, I am retired and my lifestyle is much more casual than before-as you say, my past style. Purging is so hard because I think “I might wear that again…”

    • @acustomer7216
      @acustomer7216 7 місяців тому

      I retired 2 yrs ago and did a purge very soon after. I recently purged I did not wear those "I might wear it again" items😂

  • @davidcsolano7269
    @davidcsolano7269 2 роки тому +7

    You are left handed too!
    No wonder why I love you so much Marie-Anne.
    Thanks for another beautiful video!

  • @leslieh3785
    @leslieh3785 2 роки тому +32

    One reason there are times I let my space get overwhelmed is because I take really good care of my clothes. I wash in delicate, line dry and give a quick iron. They last forever! It’s so hard to get rid of a piece that I have truly enjoyed for years, is still in perfect shape and I made beautiful memories in! Those are the pieces that confuse me! Sometimes it actually makes me sad to say goodbye! Crazy, huh?!?
    BTW- your bee pillow is WONDERFUL!!!

    • @Kinypshun
      @Kinypshun 2 роки тому +6

      I hear you. If the piece still sparks joy, keep it. Also, the emotional attachment you describe definitely resonates with me. I've decided to draw the line with knick knacks and household goods (giveaway, sell) but I keep the clothes are in style and make me happy.

    • @2000disneyland
      @2000disneyland 2 роки тому +5

      I would benefit from a style journal too. I have emotional attachment to clothes. It takes me so much time to make decisions about clothes, sometimes I pack them away and store, if I’m not ready to donate or sell.

    • @malihagarden7062
      @malihagarden7062 2 роки тому +6

      I have same situation. My clothes and shoes last forever 😂😂😂

    • @lauragawrusik9142
      @lauragawrusik9142 2 роки тому +2

      Me too!

  • @khaley37781
    @khaley37781 2 роки тому +5

    I cleared out my closet 3 weeks ago.
    I filled boxes with clothes in good repair tb donated....clothes that I have not worn in a year.
    I folded my spring and summer clothes and carefully packed them in one bin with a lid.
    My fall and winter clothes are clean and on hangers, hung by color, and immediately visible when I open my closet. The energy this released was tremendous! I am so calm each morning now. I do not struggle to find clothes that match or that I want to wear. Every item is organized by season and color. I no longer own clothing I do not or cannot wear. And yes, I shopped my wardrobe before deciding if I needed to buy an item. I love it!

  • @sparklie962
    @sparklie962 2 роки тому +71

    Agree with everything in this video! I recently got rid of everything worn out, unflattering and/or the wrong size. Purging all that stuff was incredibly powerful. Organizing everything by colour, category, and season was a revelation. Somehow I had only black skirts but no black jackets or cardis... and I had FIVE navy cardis but zero navy trousers or skirts (how??? why???) I made a list of the pieces and colours my wardrobe was lacking and I've only bought things from the list and voila, all of a sudden getting dressed in the morning is a snap. All due to your excellent advice Marie-Anne! Thank you so much!

    • @sabinekoch3448
      @sabinekoch3448 2 роки тому +4

      Love it- sounds so much like me…

    • @AD-wm9if
      @AD-wm9if 2 роки тому +5

      I must say UA-cam has been a GREAT tool for figuring out how to fill the right gaps in my wardrobe. I did this and have been wardrobe upgrading the past year--it's made SUCH a big difference. (Except I'm buying more black pencil skirts! 🤣) I've also decided that I love suits. They look much more polished.

    • @2000disneyland
      @2000disneyland 2 роки тому +2

      I taking inventory too, and controlling my shopping, by planning, and working on capsule wardrobes like Marie-Anne suggested.

  • @cdavham
    @cdavham 2 роки тому +12

    Excellent and to the point. At 75, I am learning new things every day, many from you, my dear. Merci. 🌹

  • @waterydepths5584
    @waterydepths5584 2 роки тому +20

    I did many of these tips several weeks ago. Love stepping into my closet now. No stress clothing decisions. Every item has a purpose and a place.

  • @SharonGrogan-wj1ho
    @SharonGrogan-wj1ho 7 місяців тому +3

    Your channel has helped me so much! Separating my clothes by type and color has made it easy to get ready and to see what I have. I do this with my shoes too. (Flats, boots, sandals together)

  • @joanfreestone1707
    @joanfreestone1707 2 роки тому +12

    Since I found your channel, I've been following your tips and recently I started going through my clothes and donating pieces that I no longer love to a charity shop. I feel like a weight has be lifted from me as I was hanging on the past too much. Thanks for the advice Marie-Anne.

  • @sharonfarnsworth3325
    @sharonfarnsworth3325 2 роки тому +9

    All good points Marie-Anne! I retired years ago from the corporate world & kept all of my jackets. Some I style with Levi’s & heels or boots. Some I style with solid black or solid white for a different look. Can also keep the suit skirts to wear with plain silk blouses & statement jewelry.

  • @jackiemonk3542
    @jackiemonk3542 2 роки тому +4

    I declutter twice a year, spring and fall. I do that when I change out my seasonal clothes. I also use all the same color/type hangers as well. I am teaching myself how not to need so much and not buy things when they catch my fancy.

  • @TampaTodayRealEstate
    @TampaTodayRealEstate 2 роки тому +35

    Declutering is very therapeutic and extremely powerful. I am one with a lot of clothes in different closets in my home. I have over consumed for years, but I am changing my buying behavior and I am so grateful to the time we had during the pandemic to make me see and understand what really matters. Thank you for your wonderful comments and insights. Merci

  • @simama...xox..
    @simama...xox.. 2 роки тому +7

    So true, I finally binned (read donated) a heap of clothes a month or so ago, combining weight loss, season change and realization that some clothes, though I still loved how they look, are no longer something I want to wear.
    My wardrobe will never look as pretty as yours as it is too small, but nice hangers and a level of organization is paramount 😊
    I am a big believer in repairs and adjustments. The clothes sit next to the sewing machine in the cellar until I get motivated 😅.
    Another enjoyable video ❤

  • @MerylGliddon
    @MerylGliddon 3 місяці тому +1

    When I find something I like, I buy it in every possible color. Uses up lots of space and hangers!

  • @elisabethlinz4256
    @elisabethlinz4256 2 роки тому +9

    I am a person who likes to write little texts about all kinds of problems in order to see them clearer.
    A style journal I haven't started so far,
    but I know (!) that it will be an eye opener.
    Thanks for this very good tip, Marie Anne!

  • @junethiel632
    @junethiel632 2 роки тому +18

    Your tips on editing my closet certainly made my life a lot easier - I started following your tips on UA-cam last year. This new video is helping me to refresh my very pared down wardrobe - I HAD to, as my closet now is tiny. But I have discovered just how easy it is to get dressed every day, ready to meet clients - no trying on different things! Everything can virtually be paired with everything is wonderfully freeing! Merci Marie-Anne!

  • @lu_re7198
    @lu_re7198 2 роки тому +27

    Looks like you remodeled your dressing room! Please give us an updated tour.🤩 It would also be interesting to see which items you have decluttered and hear what led to your decisions. Loved this video.

    • @nikkisue1715
      @nikkisue1715 2 роки тому +4

      I would love to see this as well.

    • @lu_re7198
      @lu_re7198 2 роки тому

      @Marie-Anne Lecoeur. Than you!

  • @GhostOfMrPickles
    @GhostOfMrPickles 2 роки тому +5

    it's hard, getting rid of those things that I've held on to for various reasons, but it was worthwhile, a catharsis of sorts. there are things I've kept because i know i will use them, but shedding those things that were not a reflection of who i'm becoming had a wonderful effect-it was as if i shed an old skin and made another step towards my self, who i am becoming over who i was.

  • @jennifercoralie9158
    @jennifercoralie9158 11 місяців тому +7

    This is so interesting. The closet represents your life. If you are stuck you need to clean out your life. You need to embrace the new you.

    • @MarieAnneLecoeur
      @MarieAnneLecoeur  11 місяців тому

      👏 it is indeed a reflection of you Jennifer as is how you dress 🙏

  • @lorimiller623
    @lorimiller623 Рік тому +3

    I put a motion-sensor shop light in my closet and plugged it into an outlet nearby, using a cord concealer to hide the cord. It's easier to tidy up your closet and see what's in there when it's light!

  • @MsActor2009
    @MsActor2009 2 місяці тому +1

    I agree with all of this! In the middle of decluttering mine. Finding things I forgot I had ☺️and making lists of things I need, so when it’s time to shop I don’t waste money 💰

  • @emmcee662
    @emmcee662 Рік тому +2

    I love these ideas especially all hangers in the same colour and clothes arranged by style and colour ❤ Merci chère Marie-Anne

  • @dorisgray8306
    @dorisgray8306 8 місяців тому +2

    I’m in the process of purging my closet now. I think you’ve been in there! Every reason you mentioned applies to me!! Just what I needed!!!

  • @DebraNo9
    @DebraNo9 6 місяців тому +1

    I totally agree about hangers! All of mine are the same.

  • @LucianaVIP1
    @LucianaVIP1 2 роки тому +8

    I'd like to ask if anyone knows whether Marie has made any videos on gray/white hair. Thanks!

  • @ceciliaexp
    @ceciliaexp 2 роки тому +6

    Words of wisdom. I need to work on all of your points. Thanks for sharing.

  • @AutumnBardotAuthor
    @AutumnBardotAuthor 2 роки тому +6

    I dream of a closet that’s big enough to prettify… sigh. LOL. Great video, Marie-Anne. I do stay on top of organization, repairs, etc. Makes all the difference when getting dressed.

  • @lynnbass708
    @lynnbass708 9 місяців тому +3

    I have just cleaned my cupboard, two bin bags of clothes going to the heart foundation as we speak, I never wore most of the stuff in there. I do that from time to time, but this time it’s because I have been watching your UA-cam. I have wooden coat hangers

    • @MarieAnneLecoeur
      @MarieAnneLecoeur  9 місяців тому

      That is wonderful Lynn - great things happen when you declutter 🤗

  • @suebryanwilliams8611
    @suebryanwilliams8611 10 місяців тому +3

    I am still adjusting to retiring and moving from the UK to life the beautiful mountains of Andalusia. After 3 years I have made some progress but my big problem is coping with the big difference iin seasons! Very cold at night for a couple of months. Then blazing hot in summer when it's strictly cotton only!!! I need to put your brilliant ideas into practice! Merci beaucoup!

    • @MarieAnneLecoeur
      @MarieAnneLecoeur  10 місяців тому

      Let me know how you get on Sue and I wish you a happy retirement in your new home x

  • @cananboomer2045
    @cananboomer2045 2 роки тому +8

    Thank you for this video. It’s so easy for me to go off track with the French capsule but your videos are helping a lot. Thanks to you I have decluttered my entire closet and have purchased some capsule items. It is so much easier to dress now. An acquaintance saw me shopping the other day and complimented me on my outfit, Trenchcoat, scarf, and a fabulous bag. I was thrilled!

  • @nikkisue1715
    @nikkisue1715 2 роки тому +5

    Your closet, Marie-Anne, looks like a beautiful boutique. I used to keep my shoes in plastic shoe boxes. A few months ago, I decluttered my shoe collection (getting rid of many) and chose my all-time favorite shoes to display on each shelf. I dust my shelves every other week, so my collection resembles a well-maintained shoe shop. Your ideas do make such a difference. I also categorize and colorize my clothing. I also use the same wooden hangers throughout. This makes all the difference in the world. It makes getting dressed effortless. I still need to unleash a few pieces of clothing. Perhaps I will do that this week! As always, I really enjoy all your videos and inspiration.

  • @merry3733
    @merry3733 Рік тому +2

    So funny you mentioned the hangars! I did that when I purged my closet a few months after I retired. I had purged a lot but even though my closet was less crowded, it still looked messy. I replaced the random collection with white and you're right - I can see the clothes better now!

  • @sueclayton564
    @sueclayton564 2 роки тому +4

    I love a good wardrobe audit. Having been working from home for the last 30 months I’m finding my old work style is no longer appropriate and the fact that I’m also planning on retiring within the next two years this is an on going task as I look to see what would work with a bit of re styling what needs to go and writing a list of items I would ideally like to purchase.

  • @donnabronner4837
    @donnabronner4837 2 роки тому +7

    The one tip I would add is lighting. I simply switched from a 1 bulb fixture to a 2 bulb fixture with daylight bulbs. Made a huge difference. Even my husband noticed.

  • @lorrieorr3753
    @lorrieorr3753 2 роки тому +3

    Bonjour Marie-Anne,
    Such simple and practical trips for a wardrobe. My closet is small so purging happens regularly. I keep out of season clothes in storage in another room. One of my goals is to purchase hangers in the same colour and style (well, three styles - wooden shaped hangers for blazers and jackets, padded hangers for delicate items, and regular hangers for everything else). Thank you for your wonderful videos.

  • @aliceinwonderland.2080
    @aliceinwonderland.2080 2 роки тому +10

    Hello Marie-Anne. A great idea to help de clutter your wardrobe is to turn your coat hangers the reverse way round when you wear the particular piece and put it back on the hanger. This way, you can tell at a glance the pieces that you are not drawn towards and move them along by selling them or taking them to a charity or second hand shop. Your advice is invaluable as always. 🧡🍂🍁

  • @2000disneyland
    @2000disneyland 2 роки тому +3

    I am so inspired by this video! I will keep beautifying my closet. Time to buy the same color and style of hangers.

  • @katekeller1898
    @katekeller1898 2 роки тому +7

    When shopping, if I find something I really like yet I already have it such as a navy blazer, I ask myself which one would I keep and wear more. If it is the store blazer, the closet blazer gets pulled out and moved on so someone else may enjoy it. If one item comes in, one goes out.

  • @elizabethandiosa4579
    @elizabethandiosa4579 Рік тому +2

    Hello Marie-Anne❣️,
    I am so happy for your query. My closet is very small and I lack storage space. I am considering. I am decluttering. I have to renovate my apartment, deal with legal issues, paint, and I have to paint and repair the walls. I have decided to expand my closet space in the bedroom eventually. In the meantime I am going to purchase wall shelves and a couple affordable closet organizing systems. I do have to concentrate on decluttering and making space such as wall shelving for organization and decluttering. I plan on getting opening doors like French doors for my closet. This way zi can use the closet door to hang some scarves and belts and be able to readily see what I have to wear. I sm also planning what to wear daily a week or two in advance. Makes life easier. I think the wall shelves will help very much. A neighbour did that in her flat and put her purses and stuff on display. It looks great.

  • @dulcielong4679
    @dulcielong4679 2 роки тому +2

    I just moved into my current apartment a year ago, so I did a big purge at that time. After watching this video a couple of times it's clear that I still have my work cut out for me. I have a few pieces that I'll sell online and the rest I'll donate. I agree so much with Gen O on treating my donation items with respect. During my last purge, I'd lost a significant bit of weight so I donated some pieces that I really loved and were still nice. I imagined them going to another woman of similar size as it's often hard to find career-type clothes in larger sizes. Thanks again for an inspiring video

  • @sherriedavis1222
    @sherriedavis1222 2 роки тому +2

    I am 62 and have been keeping a style journal since I was in my teens. Such a worthwhile tip!

  • @gwenewing6837
    @gwenewing6837 2 роки тому +2

    I needed this, I will rewatch. I have a mess in my closet. I actually fell in my closet the other day, banged my head, bruised my arm and leg. My husband said I can thank my shoes.

  • @kimberlyperrotis8962
    @kimberlyperrotis8962 2 роки тому +3

    Any item that needs work, whether ironing, shoe-polishing, mending or just laundering, I leave in my laundry area until I can get to it, then deal with the items in small batches (I made a laundry “room” by enclosing the end of my long garage that already had the laundry machines and utility sink in it). Everything returned to my closet is 100% ready to wear, it makes getting dressed so much simpler! It helps me a lot too, to have this clean laundry area where I can leave my ironing board up, my full-size steamer, a clothesline and racks, leather care items, sewing machine and supplies, etc. out without interfering with the other functions, or look, of my home. Before I enclosed it, dust came in from the garage, settling on my clean, ironed clothes. If wardrobe care is made convenient, it will get done.

  • @metrower42
    @metrower42 10 місяців тому +1

    Thank you for the good advice and I really love your new hair style. That is the look I have been trying to achieve and can't quite get it right. It looks great on you.

    • @MarieAnneLecoeur
      @MarieAnneLecoeur  10 місяців тому

      Merci Metrower 🤗 I have my hairstylist to thank 🙏

  • @kauffrau6764
    @kauffrau6764 9 місяців тому +3

    Your closet is so pretty! It looks like a showcase in a store! Even though I can't build a structure like this in my closet, I can do better - get rid of some clutter and organize all my clothing.

  • @SandraPaulsenPhD
    @SandraPaulsenPhD 11 місяців тому +5

    I used to think I should sell things when decluttering but it helps to think
    1. That was my old life, and
    2. Donating is better than selling because people need these and I don’t.
    Thank you

    • @MarieAnneLecoeur
      @MarieAnneLecoeur  11 місяців тому

      Bonjour Sandra - merci for sharing your insight into this topic. I took time to look at your channel (as I always do when I see people have a number of subscribers) and your detailed and professional insights in psychology could help so many 🙏 I hope you will start to make videos again - there are so many making videos on the topics you cover with no experience or qualifications - people need and would benefit your expertise 🙏

    • @hanselpollack4075
      @hanselpollack4075 7 місяців тому

      This will surprise you, as well: when you give something away it opens an economic door. Your giving mind-set triggers a path of finding many better items for you easily, at a discount, or elevated styling within reach. It’s not magic, but the world of supply comes into view better with giving, than selling…

  • @soniaspf9705
    @soniaspf9705 2 роки тому +8

    One thing I really recommend, when moving countries is not to be drastic strait away; but make sure you live in your new environment for the full year. I like you Marie-Anne have moved for my work from UK - Australia- Belgium - France - Switzerland - Germany. Weather and what is acceptable to wear. I now live in the mountains and commute to a large city to work all complicated but what the Germans say there is no unsuitable weather only unsuitable clothes.

  • @ms_prescott_regrets
    @ms_prescott_regrets 2 роки тому +3

    I constantly reevaluate my closet. I also try to keep it organized. I know it may seem weird but I think hangers make a HUGE difference. It makes your closet seem like a store. I often have a repair day. I usually do the whole family 😂 Love the advice. Shop your closet, keep refining, and I really need to improve my style journaling. Thanks so much ❤❤❤

  • @blktauna
    @blktauna 2 роки тому +5

    In my closet, wooden hangars are for jackets and trousers, slim ivory velvet for tops and sweaters. My colours are white, navy and blue with the odd bright or other neutral. Thats always been how I roll. My shoe problem is another issue tho ;-D

  • @joannebutzerin6448
    @joannebutzerin6448 2 роки тому +6

    Thank you, Marie-Anne. To the extent I have followed your advice, I feel much better about the transformation I am trying to make. I am at an awkward stage right now, a rather painful stage, so your help is even more appreciated. Thank you.

    • @joannebutzerin6448
      @joannebutzerin6448 2 роки тому

      @@MarieAnneLecoeur Thank you, I will look at your book. I am OK. I know this will not be a straight line to the destination, but a zig zag one. Right now I zag, but soon I will zig again 😂

  • @judyevans2205
    @judyevans2205 2 роки тому +3

    Can you talk more about a style journal? How do I do it? What do I include?

  • @marygillespie2028
    @marygillespie2028 2 роки тому +28

    It's not attractive, but I keep a plastic bag in my closet so that whenever I see an item that I no longer wear, I can immediately get rid of it. The bag goes to the local charity shop monthly. This habit surely helps my wardrobe!

    • @edzwyner9349
      @edzwyner9349 2 роки тому +1

      Wow nice tips,I would love to do it

    • @eileenmcgovern9193
      @eileenmcgovern9193 2 роки тому +1

      I keep a pretty sack from the store where I am getting my new clothes. It feel so good to exchange the new for the old .

  • @sugarcakes-sv9dj
    @sugarcakes-sv9dj 2 роки тому +3

    Marie-Anne always fabulous

  • @cherylmeri5143
    @cherylmeri5143 2 роки тому +2

    I have some high quality professional clothes in size 10 to 12 I no long fit into as of 1.5 years ago, but they are classic styles so I'm keeping them. They are separated in a cedar chest until I lose this weight I gained moving to Texas (and eating awesome Mexican food and BBQ brisket).. 15lbs down so far.

  • @fredalearhinan6693
    @fredalearhinan6693 2 роки тому +6

    I am in Bali at the moment and I am leaving 90prr cent of my clothes here for the Balinese women as they are so in need. I did bring the clothes with this in mind when I packed . I also bought make-up and creams to also leave behind. Your tips are very helpful thankyou x

  • @khorl.m.6992
    @khorl.m.6992 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you for this helpful tips to improve my closet. Had started to modify & re-match most of my clothings to wear again.

  • @annefitz7346
    @annefitz7346 Рік тому +3

    I organized my clothes according to color and it’s a huge time saver. Plus my closet looks neater

    • @JaneCrossan
      @JaneCrossan 9 місяців тому

      I don't know why I've never thought of that! ❤

  • @starlightshimmery
    @starlightshimmery 2 роки тому +6

    With the keeping your closet pretty tip I have an unusual one - I have a couple of items which I don’t wear anymore but I keep them just because they are pretty and look nice when I open my closet. I use in a visible spot at the front of the racks. So while I’m choosey with what gets to stay in the closet, those items get to stay because they’re doing another job - to make me happy because it looks pretty! 🥰

  • @mypositivetrueworld
    @mypositivetrueworld 11 місяців тому +1

    Yes, yes and more yes! Thank you 🙏

  • @janetmorley6681
    @janetmorley6681 Рік тому +2

    Although I purge items occasionally through a season, I do a full edit twice a year when the seasons change. It allows me a breath of fresh air as well as being able to donate during the appropriate time of year for the resellers.

  • @vivienprice
    @vivienprice Рік тому +1

    Thank you Marie-Anne. I have taken all your tips to heart and am working them! They are all actionable. You inspire change! Thank you so much!

  • @kelsie_adams
    @kelsie_adams 2 роки тому +6

    Thank you for saying "habits" and not "hacks." Totally bothers me that doing things so they work is now a hack.
    Anyway, yes, about 5 years ago, I moved to grey slim velvet hangers. I can't believe how they make me smile and also make it easier to look into my closet and think "what do I want?" rather than "what was I looking for?"
    And yes, organized wardrobe makes shopping easy. Last sale at Nordstrom (I live near the original store and went to college various Nordstrom family members - I'm lucky to have a wonderful selection at 'my' store) instead of looking in every department for what's on sale, I went straight to oxblood colored sweaters in two departments. Decided which I want, bought it, and was gone in maybe 30 minutes. And no but it was such a great deal purchases.
    If you weren't looking for it at full price then it isn't a sale price for you.
    If it's not a wow it's a non has stopped me from buying so many things!

  • @suepittel426
    @suepittel426 11 місяців тому +1

    Thank yu so much Marie-Anne!

  • @joannanangle4876
    @joannanangle4876 2 роки тому +2

    Marianne so good video yessss use clothes that suit the time moment and season very good advice loved this video

  • @sabinekoch3448
    @sabinekoch3448 2 роки тому +3

    I am definitely stuck - intend to follow all your advice! I’ve recently retired!

  • @eileenf2100
    @eileenf2100 2 роки тому

    Thanks for the encouragement

  • @suemorgan5808
    @suemorgan5808 2 роки тому +3

    I love what you’ve done with your closet, Marie-Anne. Is this the new house? You’ve painted and put in new furniture. I’d love to hear more about how and what you’ve done. Sue x

    • @suemorgan5808
      @suemorgan5808 2 роки тому

      I look forward to seeing that. When you produce this for your second channel, might you consider letting us know how you made the decisions about how much space you needed for each category of clothing/shoes/accessories. And then, how you managed to source all the lovely furniture. It really does look to be a delightful space…and you’ve done an amazing amount of work from when you first moved in. Great job! ❤️

  • @Addieb22
    @Addieb22 Рік тому

    I would love a video on your style journal!

  • @janetleeadams7287
    @janetleeadams7287 2 роки тому

    Very nice hair, very good color and style for you, very nice makeup.

  • @manonsinclairladyofblairad9675
    @manonsinclairladyofblairad9675 2 роки тому +8

    I used to shop and buy because the prices were cheap. Now when I shop, I have your voice in my head: if it's not a wow, it's a non. I've lost a bit of weight so I'll have to try all my winter clothes and eliminate what doesn't fit and what I find is now a meh. 😊

  • @margievernon436
    @margievernon436 2 роки тому +1

    Very informative thank you Marie-Anne .Changing all my coat hangers to white had a huge effect 👏👌🥰😘

  • @debrablack5173
    @debrablack5173 2 роки тому +1

    An outstanding video. Thank you Marie-Anne.

  • @hazydreamer7965
    @hazydreamer7965 2 роки тому

    Merci Madame Lecoeur, plenty of extremely good and useful advice. I enjoy your videos and can hardly wait for the next one. Stay healthy and happy.

  • @karinbara4537
    @karinbara4537 2 роки тому +1

    Great, practical tips. Thank you. ❤

  • @vivan111
    @vivan111 2 роки тому +1

    I love all the colors in your wardrobe.🌈 Love from Sweden.

  • @shawnjamehdor7311
    @shawnjamehdor7311 2 роки тому +3

    I found you between a couple of major moves. Although it has been a number of years since I worked in an office in the corporate world (very early 90s) up until about 3 years ago, I still had a number of the suits I had back then. Then, as I moved houses, then different climates, finding you online, and moving into ever smaller and warmer places, I’ve decluttered a good bit. I think I could do more. The lifestyle part is hard for me, being retirement age, in anew community, and not traveling much at the moment. There are probably still things I am keeping that I haven’t worn in a couple of years, but Covid and not really visiting anyone but family kind of limits how much and how many opportunities for getting dressed up. I think I’m in a good place with the decluttering. Every once in a while, I let go of a piece. Probably because I have become more critical of the overall look and how it works with other items and my current possible lifestyle. Thank you for helping me develop this skill.

    • @selectiveoutrage6617
      @selectiveoutrage6617 2 роки тому

      There used to be charities that wanted suits and nice clothes poor people could wear on job interviews and in offices. You might see if there are any near you. Otherwise, Goodwill is always good.

  • @LSG7771
    @LSG7771 2 роки тому

    Love this video. I’m always decluttering as often as possible. If something new comes in, something old goes out. Would love new hangers. Your hanger link goes to your Cube link.

  • @keodi1
    @keodi1 2 роки тому

    I agree with everything in this video Marie-Anne! I have learnt a lot in the ears I've watched your channel on improving my style. Decluttering is something I do every season , it's very powerful indeed. Thank you for this video!

  • @bethmoore-love4223
    @bethmoore-love4223 11 місяців тому +1

    I've learned SO MUCH from your channel! After I understood that I'm pretty much a straight-up Kibbe Classic, everything made sense in what I always suspected looked best on me. (I never could figure out my fruit shape) Also I live in a small space, and really enjoy a uniform, and I love dressing these days, getting lots of compliments on the way I always look good. That being said, have a look at my very favorite fashionista, Mel Kobayashi at A Bag And A Beret, whose style thrills and inspires me! She's really an artist who clearly has a great time with her wardrobe- which is really fun and crazy!

    • @MarieAnneLecoeur
      @MarieAnneLecoeur  11 місяців тому

      Now there is a lady who makes her fashion fun Beth 😃 you may enjoy my comparison of Kibbe v French Chic here 😃

  • @marissaclaridge7627
    @marissaclaridge7627 Рік тому

    Lovely and helpful Marie-Anne xxx thank you!!!xxx

  • @Andrea_Stz
    @Andrea_Stz 2 роки тому

    Good Tipps, some i already use. For journaling and capsule wardrobe i use the cost-free App Acloset. It was simple to load up my complete stuff. I can create and save outfits by myself or pick from occasions. In the calendar i can add them, and see afterwards how often i wear it. I had a few pieces i not or rarely wear or where I was unsure to style them a little more adventurous and get a few surprising occasions, that I wouldn't have thought of and could wake up some closet corpse. I also load up things i think about to buy, so i can check before if they fit to my other clothes and avoid bad buys.

  • @bibibrin5035
    @bibibrin5035 9 місяців тому +6

    Changed town, a country, a job, and a house at least 4 times in the last 7 years. So...lots of work ahead...
    I already donated plenty to the second hand shop, that gives their profit to the children's cancer hospital. 😊

    • @MarieAnneLecoeur
      @MarieAnneLecoeur  9 місяців тому +1

      That is great Bibi - decluttering is a great way to ring the changes and I am sure your donations are gratefully received

    • @bibibrin5035
      @bibibrin5035 9 місяців тому


  • @lucjagrabowska2726
    @lucjagrabowska2726 2 роки тому

    Marie -Anne I would love your advice about the best quality clothe hangers; which one do you use yourself? wooden ones?

  • @Hans6789-j9t
    @Hans6789-j9t 2 роки тому +1

    The journal idea sounds fabulous 😊. It will take discipline but will make me more present in my own life❤

  • @morganharrell1722
    @morganharrell1722 2 роки тому


  • @jackieo8693
    @jackieo8693 2 роки тому

    Thank you for the great tips!

  • @marnasorensen988
    @marnasorensen988 2 роки тому

    All great ideas, especially removing and mending! Although I sew, I detest mending and always procrastinate. No more!

  • @hanhdao01
    @hanhdao01 Рік тому

    I love your new haircut Marie. I looks so fresh and modern!

  • @morganharrell1722
    @morganharrell1722 2 роки тому

    I have a huge task of going through things and organizing, but I know the benefit of it and yes, I would love to have a pretty closet. Great for stress relief.

  • @tatiananikulina7917
    @tatiananikulina7917 4 місяці тому

    Very interesting idea about the color of hangers! It never occurred to me... But it's true - it's because of different hangers that the dressing room is untidy.

  • @dianeintheshire3693
    @dianeintheshire3693 2 роки тому +1

    Helpful video.I think clutter does indicate being in the past and I needed to hear that!

  • @kmsm832
    @kmsm832 Рік тому

    Important points to remember shared here. Thanks 😊
    Can you advise which tablet are you using? Planning to gift one to my sister

  • @leisongivangomo4478
    @leisongivangomo4478 2 роки тому +1

    Very well timed video! Thank You 😊

  • @donnamurphy1871
    @donnamurphy1871 2 роки тому +1

    Fabulous idea, thank you. ❤

  • @veronicarar8227
    @veronicarar8227 11 місяців тому +1

    Merci Marie-Anne

  • @lucindasavona2278
    @lucindasavona2278 2 роки тому

    Merci beaucoup Marie-Anne.
    Fantastic video.

  • @mieczyslawapascoe7234
    @mieczyslawapascoe7234 2 роки тому +8

    Stuffed wardrobe is one sin I'm not guilty of. I almost have a fobia of too many things, often remove items but very rarely replace them and sometimes LITERALLY have nothing suitable to wear. 😅