[日本語/English]長いので続きは返信。独断と偏見の時間割。 00:04:11 開始。寝起きも綺麗な声 / Started. Beautiful voice even in sleep 00:06:13 ポエム / Poem 00:08:16 わくわくドキドキ / I'm so excited!
🐰DQB2 00:09:09 ゲーム起動 / Starting the game 00:10:25 ローディング / Loading 00:11:29 序曲 / Overture
🥕オープニング 00:13:01 キャラ作成 / Character Creation 00:16:19 ゲーム設定 / Game Settings 00:17:07 レシピにウキウキ / Excited about the recipe 00:17:59 オープニング / Opening
-ハーゴン教団の船:牢屋〜甲板 ├00:19:57 ★最初からピンチ? / Are you in trouble from the start? ├00:21:22 操作開始 / Start Operation ├00:22:54 会話しながら進む / Talk to each other as you go. ├00:25:10 スライムに喜ぶ / Be happy with the slime.
-ハーゴン -教団の船:甲板 ├00:26:04 ★船長と会話。 / Talk to the captain. ├00:28:21 速攻で海へ! / Go to the sea as fast as you can! ├00:29:38 会話して回る / Go around talking with the captain. ├00:31:58 ★船長と会話。 / Talk with the captain. ├00:33:16 素材集め / Collect materials. ├00:33:39 ★船長と会話 / Talk to the captain. ├00:35:12 依頼①:松明作成 / Request 1: Make a torch ├00:37:34 依頼②:戦闘 / Request 2: Battle ├00:39:26 ひらめいた! / I got an idea! ├00:40:56 再戦! / Rematch! ├00:42:29 依頼③:樽運び / Request 3: Carry a barrel ├00:45:41 ★船長と会話 / Talk to the captain
-ハーゴン教団の船:船倉 ├00:48:28 ★船が!? / There's a ship! ├00:49:39 穴ふさぎ / blocking a hole ├00:50:36 フラグ!? / Flag! ├00:51:19 ★船長と会話 / Talk to the captain ├00:52:06 オープニング / Opening ├00:52:45 序曲 / Overture
🐰1章『からっぽ島』 🥕からっぽ島:漂着1日目 ├00:54:49 周辺探索 / Explore the surroundings ├00:57:57 島の映像 / Images of the island ├00:58:30 シド―との出会い / Meeting with Sidney ├00:59:38 今のうちに!? / In the Moment! ├01:00:19 ルルとの出会い / Encounter with Lulu ├01:03:14 会話 / Conversation ├01:04:06 ルルのおねがい開始 / -Lulu's request begins ├01:04:52 同じ部屋に寝ていいの!? / Can we sleep in the same room? ├01:06:03 ★シド―と会話 / Conversation with Cid ├01:07:12 壁作成 / -Create a wall ├01:07:37 なんでぺこらじゃないの!? / Why not Pekora? ├01:08:22 -スライムの油!?焚き火作成 / -Slime oil! Make a bonfire ├01:09:51 ★シド―と会話 / Talk to Sid ├01:11:49 油にする / Turn it into oil ├01:12:19 料理 / Cooking ├01:13:03 会話 / Conversation ├01:14:51 藁ベッド作成 / -Make a straw bed ├01:17:00 ★ベッド設置 / Set up a bed ├01:18:28 ★ルルと会話 / Conversation with Lulu ├01:19:02 何様!? / Who the hell are you? ├01:19:23 ★そっちじゃない! / Not that way! ├01:20:14 シド―が物作り / Cid makes things. ├01:23:05 魔物討伐 / Defeating Demons ├01:23:41 戦闘開始 / Start fighting! ├01:24:08 会話 / Conversation ├01:24:34 LvUP / Lv UP ├01:26:08 本音 / True feelings
-からっぽ島2日目:山頂の神殿跡 ├01:30:34 イベント / Event ├01:31:06 会話 / Conversation ├01:32:35 神殿の設計図 / Blueprints for the Temple ├01:33:36 建築開始 / Start Building ├01:34:56 完成 / Completion ├01:39:36 掲示板を見る / View the bulletin board ├01:41:19 しろじいと会話 / Conversation with Shirozi
-からっぽ島2日目:南の船着き場 ├01:43:39 船へ / Go to the ship ├01:44:22 会話 / Conversation ├01:46:31 準備 / Preparation ├01:47:51 モンゾーラ島へ / To Monzora Island ├01:49:58 幕間 / Interlude The rest of the TS is in the reply.
🥕モンゾーラ島:だいのうえんのみちミッション1 ├02:22:23 イベント。世界樹 / Event. World Tree ├02:25:13 副総督と会話。 / Conversation with the Vice-Viceroy. ├02:27:58 ミッションスタート / Mission Start ├02:30:06 素材集めと家の建築 / Gather materials and build a house. ├02:31:58 起きてるのは… / I'm awake... ├02:33:34 のう! / Nou! ├02:34:16 部屋完成! / Room complete! ├02:36:02 会話 / Conversation ├02:36:53 キャベツ追加。家の装飾 / Cabbage addition. Decorating the house ├02:38:17 会話 / Conversation ├02:39:17 島を確認。チェスト作成 / Checked the island. Making chests ├02:40:46 素材集めと整地 / Gathering materials and clearing land ├02:43:28 キャベツ15個終了 / Finished 15 cabbages. ├02:44:30 会話 / Conversation ├02:45:01 小麦の種を探し / Find wheat seeds. ├02:45:57 会話。風車を登る / Conversation. Climbing the windmill ├02:46:34 会話。小麦入手 / Conversation. Get wheat. ├02:48:13 戦闘開始 / Start fighting ├02:49:03 会話 / Conversation ├02:50:11 素材集め。農園へ / Gather materials. Go to the plantation.
🥕モンゾーラ島:畑の拡張〜小麦の収穫 ├02:51:58 会話。小麦を植える / Conversation. Planting wheat. ├02:54:12 新しい仲間 / New friends ├02:54:53 会話。大ネズミの元へ / Conversation. Go to the big rat. ├02:56:00 会話。チュー / Conversation. Chew. ├02:58:44 ★イベント / Event ├02:59:38 戦闘開始 / Start fighting ├02:59:53 LvUP ├03:00:52 会話。農園へ戻る / Conversation. Return to the plantation ├03:04:14 ★イベント / Event ├03:05:18 逃げるぺこら / Pekora escapes ├03:06:48 会話 / Conversation ├03:07:34 畑を耕すミミズ / Worms plowing the field ├03:09:16 ベッドを用意する / Prepare a bed ├03:09:53 会話 / Conversation ├03:10:51 素材集めと建材作成 / Gathering Materials and Making Building Materials ├03:14:01 ★イベント / Event ├03:14:58 モンスター襲撃 / Monster attack ├03:16:31 石の剣で防衛強化 / Strengthen defense with stone sword ├03:19:46 種を探しへ / Go in search of seeds ├03:20:31 ネズミと会話 / Talk with rats ├03:21:06 ★イベント / Event ├03:22:27 かかし設置と会話 / Conversation with scarecrow ├03:24:23 登る練習 / Practice Climbing ├03:25:55 会話 / Conversation ├03:29:53 会話。種を植える / Conversation. Plant a seed ├03:34:26 鐘を叩きまくる。 / Beating the bell. ├03:36:23 倉庫を作る / Build a warehouse. ├03:38:37 倉庫完成 / Warehouse completed. ├03:40:19 モンスター襲撃 / Monster attack ├03:41:53 収納箱にきゃべつ / mushroom in the storage box ├03:43:43 種を貰いに行く / Going to get seeds ├03:44:44 素材回収 / Collect materials ├03:46:02 テーブルとイスの作成 / Making tables and chairs ├03:48:29 会話 / Conversation ├03:49:56 食堂を作ってみる / Try to make a diner ├03:54:53 一皿に全部盛る / Putting everything on one plate ├03:56:23 喜びを感じるぺこら / Pekora feeling the joy ├03:57:21 戦いの結果 / Results of the battle ├03:58:01 喜ぶぺこら / Pekora rejoicing ├03:59:06 今日のご飯の用意 / Preparing today's meal ├03:59:42 ★イベント / Event ├04:01:11 ミッション完了 / Mission completed
-モンゾーラ島:ビルドレベル2 ├04:01:35 お歌。LvUP / Song. lv up ├04:03:10 新しい仲間 / New friends ├04:04:08 会話 / Conversation ├04:07:05 草原団子を使う / Use the meadow dumplings. ├04:08:31 会話 / Conversation ├04:09:29 襲撃イベント前 / Before the attack event ├04:12:01 ★シド―の物作り / Sid's making things ├04:13:52 村に柵を!? / Build a fence in the village! ├04:16:23 モンスターと戦闘 / Fighting with monsters ├04:17:02 いやぁ! / Oh no! ├04:18:23 ぼこぼこに! / Battered! ├04:18:58 LvUP。会話 / Lv Up, Conversation ├04:20:12 イベント / Event
🥕モンゾーラ島:ババンゴの実 -モンゾーラ島:ババンゴの実 ├04:21:44 ★イベント / Event ├04:25:43 実の排除 / Eliminate Fruit ├04:28:57 ★会話とイベント / ★Conversation and Event
🥕モンゾーラ島:だいのうえんのみち2 ├04:33:01 資材集め / Collect materials ├04:34:22 会話。犬が仲間に!? / Conversation. A dog becomes a friend! ├04:35:31 種探しへ / Go looking for seeds ├04:36:21 湿地発見 / Found a wetland ├04:37:01 ねずみと会話 / Talk with a mouse. ├04:38:13 女の子発見。イベント / Found a girl. Event ├04:40:01 イベント。種入手 / Event. Get seed ├04:41:16 会話 / Conversation ├04:42:52 抜き足差し足忍び足 / Pulling out legs and sneaking up on others ├04:43:55 ★犬の名付け / Naming the dog ├04:45:53 わんわん。会話 / Wan Wan. Conversation ├04:47:04 準備 / Preparation ├04:48:19 種探しへ / Go looking for seeds ├04:50:42 ねずみと会話 / Talk with a mouse. ├04:51:15 戦闘開始。会話の続き / Start fighting. Continue conversation. ├04:53:34 種を探す / Find the seed ├04:54:07 くんくん / Kun Kun ├04:59:32 キビの種そろった / Millet Seeds ├05:00:28 LvUP / Lv UP ├05:01:23 メギラと会話 / Talked with Megillah. ├05:03:51 ねずみと会話。依頼を受ける / Talk with Nezumi. Receive a request. ├05:06:08 家の物を… / Get rid of something in the house... ├05:08:02 水を補充する / Replenish water. ├05:09:46 農園に戻る / Return to the plantation. ├05:11:29 小麦の納品と水の補充 / Deliver the wheat and refill the water. ├05:13:33 メギラから報酬を貰う / Get a reward from Megillah ├05:16:43 素材集め / Gather materials ├05:18:29 リリパットと会話 / Talk to Lilliput ├05:19:31 マドハンド退治 / Exterminate Mad Hand ├05:22:09 草原作成。会話 / Create meadow. Conversation
├05:24:24 イベント / Event ├05:25:16 キビ畑作成 / Create Millet Field ├05:27:47 バカタレ連呼 / Calling Bakatare ├05:31:18 お風呂が欲しい! / I need a bath! ├05:35:10 お風呂の建築場所探す。整地 / Find a place to build a bath. Clearing the land ├05:39:06 ★寝床の位置を変える / ★Change the position of the sleeping area. ├05:41:45 これが兎田建設! / This is Usuda Construction! ├05:42:28 謎理論 / Mysterious theory ├05:46:47 見たかった光景? / The sight you wanted to see? ├05:49:20 食堂閉店 / The cafeteria is closed. ├05:49:52 ★深夜の大惨事 / Late night catastrophe. ├05:51:08 食事なし!建築 / No food! Building ├05:54:28 キビを育てる / Growing millet ├05:56:02 キビ畑完成! / Millet field completed! ├05:57:31 整地する / Clearing the land ├06:00:14 家完成。たれたれてたけど… / House completed. ├06:00:42 ごめんね。いいよ / I'm sorry. It's okay. ├06:03:55 お風呂場予定地整地 / Clearing the area for the bathroom. ├06:08:37 足りないベッド / Missing bed. ├06:10:30 間違えて設置 / Installed by mistake ├06:12:14 お風呂建築開始 / Start building the bath. ├06:18:10 完成! / Finished! ├06:19:19 今日はここまで?襲撃! / Is this it for today? Attack! ├06:20:02 今日はここまで / That's it for today.
Cパート 06:21:32 黙々とやちゃった / I've done it in silence. ├06:22:56 からっぽ島に家作りたい / I want to build a house on empty island. 06:28:01 スパチャ読み / Super chat reading ├06:34:54 作ったもの見せてね / Let me see what you've made! ├06:39:13 コメントが止まる / The comments stop. ├06:41:42 誕生日(昨日) / Birthday (yesterday) ├06:46:10 誕生日 / Birthday ├06:48:18 更新 / Update 06:49:04 おわりの挨拶 / Closing Remarks
Thank you Square Enix for letting Peko-chan stream this game. It's a very cute game and looks like a modern minecraft. I'm looking forward to the things Peko-chan will build later! Congratulations for getting 1.22M subs too!
Gotta thank SE for letting them play DQ games again. I've been waiting for someone from them to play DQB because it's a really great streaming material. Now waiting for others to play this and hopefully do some coop play.
Was it just DQ games they couldn't do or was it SE games in general? Also, have they not been able to play SE games since the mass content loss from a while ago?
I'm not entirely sure tbh but I believe SE in general. I only got a wind of it because SE recently released an announcement of letting streamers monetise DQ gameplays.
Always fun to see people get in to Builders. The objective based town building is very addicting, so I'll be glad to witness this journey and see what she comes up with!
Really glad that pekora is enjoying DQ Builders! The game is really fun and I spent a lot of time building and having fun in the game Can't wait for her marvelous creations in using magnet blocks and switches!
Pekora's reaction to Dragon Quest is always happy and childlike. And I don't mean it an disrespectful way. Also time to salute, the anthem started 11:39
This game is a lot of fun! Now I regret not buying it when a friend recommended it to me I had my doubts about being another kind of gender, but I really want to try it now. I always like Pekora's style, those demonic flags looked great
I really wish Square would let Pekora stream more Dragon Quest games. She clearly loves them. I've only played the two Builders and 11S, but I REALLY enjoyed all of them. I wish more people in the West would give the franchise a go
Today's lesson: Dragon Quest + Minecraft = A really happy bunny A really happy bunny = Around 30k fully entertained nousagis Thank you for offering us a really entertaining stream today Pekora, time literally flew by. I'm glad to see you finally get to play Dragon Quest on your channel again and I look forward to this let's play's part 2 (regardless of it's tomorrow after the meme review or next week). .P.S.: See? This channel has always been educational XD
Pekora playign for 6 hours straight, she really enjoyed the game. We're happy for Pekora that she enjoyed the game, the way she explores the world is Pekora style.
00:04:11 開始。寝起きも綺麗な声 / Started. Beautiful voice even in sleep
00:06:13 ポエム / Poem
00:08:16 わくわくドキドキ / I'm so excited!
00:09:09 ゲーム起動 / Starting the game
00:10:25 ローディング / Loading
00:11:29 序曲 / Overture
00:13:01 キャラ作成 / Character Creation
00:16:19 ゲーム設定 / Game Settings
00:17:07 レシピにウキウキ / Excited about the recipe
00:17:59 オープニング / Opening
├00:19:57 ★最初からピンチ? / Are you in trouble from the start?
├00:21:22 操作開始 / Start Operation
├00:22:54 会話しながら進む / Talk to each other as you go.
├00:25:10 スライムに喜ぶ / Be happy with the slime.
├00:26:04 ★船長と会話。 / Talk to the captain.
├00:28:21 速攻で海へ! / Go to the sea as fast as you can!
├00:29:38 会話して回る / Go around talking with the captain.
├00:31:58 ★船長と会話。 / Talk with the captain.
├00:33:16 素材集め / Collect materials.
├00:33:39 ★船長と会話 / Talk to the captain.
├00:35:12 依頼①:松明作成 / Request 1: Make a torch
├00:37:34 依頼②:戦闘 / Request 2: Battle
├00:39:26 ひらめいた! / I got an idea!
├00:40:56 再戦! / Rematch!
├00:42:29 依頼③:樽運び / Request 3: Carry a barrel
├00:45:41 ★船長と会話 / Talk to the captain
├00:48:28 ★船が!? / There's a ship!
├00:49:39 穴ふさぎ / blocking a hole
├00:50:36 フラグ!? / Flag!
├00:51:19 ★船長と会話 / Talk to the captain
├00:52:06 オープニング / Opening
├00:52:45 序曲 / Overture
├00:54:49 周辺探索 / Explore the surroundings
├00:57:57 島の映像 / Images of the island
├00:58:30 シド―との出会い / Meeting with Sidney
├00:59:38 今のうちに!? / In the Moment!
├01:00:19 ルルとの出会い / Encounter with Lulu
├01:03:14 会話 / Conversation
├01:04:06 ルルのおねがい開始 / -Lulu's request begins
├01:04:52 同じ部屋に寝ていいの!? / Can we sleep in the same room?
├01:06:03 ★シド―と会話 / Conversation with Cid
├01:07:12 壁作成 / -Create a wall
├01:07:37 なんでぺこらじゃないの!? / Why not Pekora?
├01:08:22 -スライムの油!?焚き火作成 / -Slime oil! Make a bonfire
├01:09:51 ★シド―と会話 / Talk to Sid
├01:11:49 油にする / Turn it into oil
├01:12:19 料理 / Cooking
├01:13:03 会話 / Conversation
├01:14:51 藁ベッド作成 / -Make a straw bed
├01:17:00 ★ベッド設置 / Set up a bed
├01:18:28 ★ルルと会話 / Conversation with Lulu
├01:19:02 何様!? / Who the hell are you?
├01:19:23 ★そっちじゃない! / Not that way!
├01:20:14 シド―が物作り / Cid makes things.
├01:23:05 魔物討伐 / Defeating Demons
├01:23:41 戦闘開始 / Start fighting!
├01:24:08 会話 / Conversation
├01:24:34 LvUP / Lv UP
├01:26:08 本音 / True feelings
├01:26:27 会話 / Conversation
├01:27:13 喜ぶぺこら / Pekora rejoicing
├01:28:19 おおきづちを追いかける! / Chasing the Ookizuchi!
├01:30:34 イベント / Event
├01:31:06 会話 / Conversation
├01:32:35 神殿の設計図 / Blueprints for the Temple
├01:33:36 建築開始 / Start Building
├01:34:56 完成 / Completion
├01:39:36 掲示板を見る / View the bulletin board
├01:41:19 しろじいと会話 / Conversation with Shirozi
├01:43:39 船へ / Go to the ship
├01:44:22 会話 / Conversation
├01:46:31 準備 / Preparation
├01:47:51 モンゾーラ島へ / To Monzora Island
├01:49:58 幕間 / Interlude
The rest of the TS is in the reply.
├01:50:59 上陸! / Landing!
├01:52:12 イベント / Event
├01:53:35 止まらないシド― / The Unstoppable Sidhe
├01:54:34 戦闘開始 / Start of battle
├01:55:08 ★会話 / Conversation
├01:56:51 イベント / Event
├02:00:11 かかしを建てる / Build a Scarecrow
├02:01:14 素材集め(破壊神) / Gather materials (God of Destruction)
├02:02:29 設置 / Installation
├02:02:46 がんばれ / Good luck!
├02:04:33 会話。種植え / Conversation. Planting seeds
├02:05:58 会話。水まき / Conversation. Watering
├02:06:56 水場設計 / Watering hole design
├02:07:28 素材集めと建築 / Gathering materials and building
├02:09:41 設計図再確認 / Reviewing blueprints
├02:10:25 完成! / Completion!
├02:11:36 会話 / Conversation
├02:12:44 追加で種を植える / Planting additional seeds
├02:13:29 ビルダーパズル / Builder puzzle
├02:14:41 クリア / Clear
├02:15:19 周辺探索 / Explore the surroundings
├02:16:23 ビルダーパズル / Builder Puzzle
├02:17:39 寝てるの可愛い! / He's so cute sleeping!
├02:18:09 キャベツの収穫。会話 / Harvesting cabbage. Conversation
├02:20:03 鐘を鳴らす。LvUP / Ringing the bell. lv up.
├02:22:23 イベント。世界樹 / Event. World Tree
├02:25:13 副総督と会話。 / Conversation with the Vice-Viceroy.
├02:27:58 ミッションスタート / Mission Start
├02:30:06 素材集めと家の建築 / Gather materials and build a house.
├02:31:58 起きてるのは… / I'm awake...
├02:33:34 のう! / Nou!
├02:34:16 部屋完成! / Room complete!
├02:36:02 会話 / Conversation
├02:36:53 キャベツ追加。家の装飾 / Cabbage addition. Decorating the house
├02:38:17 会話 / Conversation
├02:39:17 島を確認。チェスト作成 / Checked the island. Making chests
├02:40:46 素材集めと整地 / Gathering materials and clearing land
├02:43:28 キャベツ15個終了 / Finished 15 cabbages.
├02:44:30 会話 / Conversation
├02:45:01 小麦の種を探し / Find wheat seeds.
├02:45:57 会話。風車を登る / Conversation. Climbing the windmill
├02:46:34 会話。小麦入手 / Conversation. Get wheat.
├02:48:13 戦闘開始 / Start fighting
├02:49:03 会話 / Conversation
├02:50:11 素材集め。農園へ / Gather materials. Go to the plantation.
├02:51:58 会話。小麦を植える / Conversation. Planting wheat.
├02:54:12 新しい仲間 / New friends
├02:54:53 会話。大ネズミの元へ / Conversation. Go to the big rat.
├02:56:00 会話。チュー / Conversation. Chew.
├02:58:44 ★イベント / Event
├02:59:38 戦闘開始 / Start fighting
├02:59:53 LvUP
├03:00:52 会話。農園へ戻る / Conversation. Return to the plantation
├03:04:14 ★イベント / Event
├03:05:18 逃げるぺこら / Pekora escapes
├03:06:48 会話 / Conversation
├03:07:34 畑を耕すミミズ / Worms plowing the field
├03:09:16 ベッドを用意する / Prepare a bed
├03:09:53 会話 / Conversation
├03:10:51 素材集めと建材作成 / Gathering Materials and Making Building Materials
├03:14:01 ★イベント / Event
├03:14:58 モンスター襲撃 / Monster attack
├03:16:31 石の剣で防衛強化 / Strengthen defense with stone sword
├03:19:46 種を探しへ / Go in search of seeds
├03:20:31 ネズミと会話 / Talk with rats
├03:21:06 ★イベント / Event
├03:22:27 かかし設置と会話 / Conversation with scarecrow
├03:24:23 登る練習 / Practice Climbing
├03:25:55 会話 / Conversation
├03:29:53 会話。種を植える / Conversation. Plant a seed
├03:34:26 鐘を叩きまくる。 / Beating the bell.
├03:36:23 倉庫を作る / Build a warehouse.
├03:38:37 倉庫完成 / Warehouse completed.
├03:40:19 モンスター襲撃 / Monster attack
├03:41:53 収納箱にきゃべつ / mushroom in the storage box
├03:43:43 種を貰いに行く / Going to get seeds
├03:44:44 素材回収 / Collect materials
├03:46:02 テーブルとイスの作成 / Making tables and chairs
├03:48:29 会話 / Conversation
├03:49:56 食堂を作ってみる / Try to make a diner
├03:54:53 一皿に全部盛る / Putting everything on one plate
├03:56:23 喜びを感じるぺこら / Pekora feeling the joy
├03:57:21 戦いの結果 / Results of the battle
├03:58:01 喜ぶぺこら / Pekora rejoicing
├03:59:06 今日のご飯の用意 / Preparing today's meal
├03:59:42 ★イベント / Event
├04:01:11 ミッション完了 / Mission completed
├04:01:35 お歌。LvUP / Song. lv up
├04:03:10 新しい仲間 / New friends
├04:04:08 会話 / Conversation
├04:07:05 草原団子を使う / Use the meadow dumplings.
├04:08:31 会話 / Conversation
├04:09:29 襲撃イベント前 / Before the attack event
├04:12:01 ★シド―の物作り / Sid's making things
├04:13:52 村に柵を!? / Build a fence in the village!
├04:16:23 モンスターと戦闘 / Fighting with monsters
├04:17:02 いやぁ! / Oh no!
├04:18:23 ぼこぼこに! / Battered!
├04:18:58 LvUP。会話 / Lv Up, Conversation
├04:20:12 イベント / Event
├04:21:44 ★イベント / Event
├04:25:43 実の排除 / Eliminate Fruit
├04:28:57 ★会話とイベント / ★Conversation and Event
├04:33:01 資材集め / Collect materials
├04:34:22 会話。犬が仲間に!? / Conversation. A dog becomes a friend!
├04:35:31 種探しへ / Go looking for seeds
├04:36:21 湿地発見 / Found a wetland
├04:37:01 ねずみと会話 / Talk with a mouse.
├04:38:13 女の子発見。イベント / Found a girl. Event
├04:40:01 イベント。種入手 / Event. Get seed
├04:41:16 会話 / Conversation
├04:42:52 抜き足差し足忍び足 / Pulling out legs and sneaking up on others
├04:43:55 ★犬の名付け / Naming the dog
├04:45:53 わんわん。会話 / Wan Wan. Conversation
├04:47:04 準備 / Preparation
├04:48:19 種探しへ / Go looking for seeds
├04:50:42 ねずみと会話 / Talk with a mouse.
├04:51:15 戦闘開始。会話の続き / Start fighting. Continue conversation.
├04:53:34 種を探す / Find the seed
├04:54:07 くんくん / Kun Kun
├04:59:32 キビの種そろった / Millet Seeds
├05:00:28 LvUP / Lv UP
├05:01:23 メギラと会話 / Talked with Megillah.
├05:03:51 ねずみと会話。依頼を受ける / Talk with Nezumi. Receive a request.
├05:06:08 家の物を… / Get rid of something in the house...
├05:08:02 水を補充する / Replenish water.
├05:09:46 農園に戻る / Return to the plantation.
├05:11:29 小麦の納品と水の補充 / Deliver the wheat and refill the water.
├05:13:33 メギラから報酬を貰う / Get a reward from Megillah
├05:16:43 素材集め / Gather materials
├05:18:29 リリパットと会話 / Talk to Lilliput
├05:19:31 マドハンド退治 / Exterminate Mad Hand
├05:22:09 草原作成。会話 / Create meadow. Conversation
├05:24:24 イベント / Event
├05:25:16 キビ畑作成 / Create Millet Field
├05:27:47 バカタレ連呼 / Calling Bakatare
├05:31:18 お風呂が欲しい! / I need a bath!
├05:35:10 お風呂の建築場所探す。整地 / Find a place to build a bath. Clearing the land
├05:39:06 ★寝床の位置を変える / ★Change the position of the sleeping area.
├05:41:45 これが兎田建設! / This is Usuda Construction!
├05:42:28 謎理論 / Mysterious theory
├05:46:47 見たかった光景? / The sight you wanted to see?
├05:49:20 食堂閉店 / The cafeteria is closed.
├05:49:52 ★深夜の大惨事 / Late night catastrophe.
├05:51:08 食事なし!建築 / No food! Building
├05:54:28 キビを育てる / Growing millet
├05:56:02 キビ畑完成! / Millet field completed!
├05:57:31 整地する / Clearing the land
├06:00:14 家完成。たれたれてたけど… / House completed.
├06:00:42 ごめんね。いいよ / I'm sorry. It's okay.
├06:03:55 お風呂場予定地整地 / Clearing the area for the bathroom.
├06:08:37 足りないベッド / Missing bed.
├06:10:30 間違えて設置 / Installed by mistake
├06:12:14 お風呂建築開始 / Start building the bath.
├06:18:10 完成! / Finished!
├06:19:19 今日はここまで?襲撃! / Is this it for today? Attack!
├06:20:02 今日はここまで / That's it for today.
06:21:32 黙々とやちゃった / I've done it in silence.
├06:22:56 からっぽ島に家作りたい / I want to build a house on empty island.
06:28:01 スパチャ読み / Super chat reading
├06:34:54 作ったもの見せてね / Let me see what you've made!
├06:39:13 コメントが止まる / The comments stop.
├06:41:42 誕生日(昨日) / Birthday (yesterday)
├06:46:10 誕生日 / Birthday
├06:48:18 更新 / Update
06:49:04 おわりの挨拶 / Closing Remarks
Thanks for the stream nousagi :)
Thank you Squeenix-san, Pekora was really happy. I only played the first one the PS Vita a long time ago, but this as improved the gameplay a lot
1:36:10 ここからブラウンの伝説が始まったのか・・・
I haven't see Pekora so happy in a while. It made smile to see her so exited
Thank you Square Enix for letting Peko-chan stream this game. It's a very cute game and looks like a modern minecraft. I'm looking forward to the things Peko-chan will build later!
Congratulations for getting 1.22M subs too!
1:27:50 マックのCMじゃんw
4:06 スタート
11:26 詠唱開始
52:44 詠唱2回目
4:39:20 光堕ち勧誘
32:10ここなんかい見てもくっそ笑う wwwww
Gotta thank SE for letting them play DQ games again. I've been waiting for someone from them to play DQB because it's a really great streaming material. Now waiting for others to play this and hopefully do some coop play.
Was it just DQ games they couldn't do or was it SE games in general?
Also, have they not been able to play SE games since the mass content loss from a while ago?
I'm not entirely sure tbh but I believe SE in general. I only got a wind of it because SE recently released an announcement of letting streamers monetise DQ gameplays.
yup, its SE games in general. I remember Miko used to stream FF7R before the content claim wave.
@@B0tAcH1 Yeah, I couldn't remember if that stream was before or after the content claim.
@@love-fz1rt おめありぺこ~
5:46:50 狂気()
Always fun to see people get in to Builders.
The objective based town building is very addicting, so I'll be glad to witness this journey and see what she comes up with!
52:45 ご唱和くださいから始まり、背中で語る魔人を振るう忠義の将からの『やべーたのしそー!』
Really glad that pekora is enjoying DQ Builders! The game is really fun and I spent a lot of time building and having fun in the game
Can't wait for her marvelous creations in using magnet blocks and switches!
thank you pekora and you cuteness and you will allways be the best of my life and thank you for the hololive girls
Pekora's reaction to Dragon Quest is always happy and childlike. And I don't mean it an disrespectful way.
Also time to salute, the anthem started 11:39
@@こうふ-p3z やっぱりそうなんですね!多くのひとが楽しいって言ってるし😀
@@エルマ-h9z そうなんですね、、ちょっとほんとに買おうか検討してみようかな
Usada construction has expanded into DQ Builder universe
I remember that one of of the first hololive clips I wached was one of Pekora huming the DQ anthem in like 12 different screens.
This game is a lot of fun! Now I regret not buying it when a friend recommended it to me I had my doubts about being another kind of gender, but I really want to try it now. I always like Pekora's style, those demonic flags looked great
DQBuilder 2 can changer gender
CAN'T WAIT for tomorrow stream. Thanks again for enjoyable stream - peko
I really wish Square would let Pekora stream more Dragon Quest games. She clearly loves them. I've only played the two Builders and 11S, but I REALLY enjoyed all of them. I wish more people in the West would give the franchise a go
@Kohana They did?!?! Sweet! I bet that helped Pekora get her mojo back. Thank you Square. Now time for Peko Quest!
@@epiccarrot88 Yep, SE recently released an announcement of it. You can easily search it online.
This makes me wanna replay this game. Thank you Pekoraさん. I love this game.
This is my favorite building game series, I'm very happy Pekora seems to enjoy it too
Today's lesson:
Dragon Quest + Minecraft = A really happy bunny
A really happy bunny = Around 30k fully entertained nousagis
Thank you for offering us a really entertaining stream today Pekora, time literally flew by. I'm glad to see you finally get to play Dragon Quest on your channel again and I look forward to this let's play's part 2 (regardless of it's tomorrow after the meme review or next week).
.P.S.: See? This channel has always been educational XD
Pekora playign for 6 hours straight, she really enjoyed the game.
We're happy for Pekora that she enjoyed the game, the way she explores the world is Pekora style.
Pekora streamed for nearly 7 hours. Props to her and the rest of hololive :)
She must really love Dragon Quest. Please Squeenix, let her stream more! Dragon Quest is too good.
11:28 いつもの
〇 長のビルダーズ2
Just bought this game cuz of pekora
With how long this stream was, Pekora must love this game lol. Dragon Quest Builders is hella fun
Judging by how she perfectly sang to the main theme of Dragon Quest at the beginning she must really love the series.
I really liked the game thank you pekora i picked the game again for a second time after completing it the first time xd
3:11:42 ペットにしたいマリンスライム
ドラクエ ってだけで最高やな
ドラクエ第二弾嬉しい 2はいい作品だから楽しんでほしい
Welp I'm addicted to this game, just thought I'd come back and say thanks ^^