  • Опубліковано 23 лип 2022
  • Saa tuttavaks... "Kollikütid"
    Tegemist on minu uue lühimängufilmiga, mille kallal olen oma tiimiga töötanud ~2 aastat. Selle aja jooksul sai tralli ja pulli, valatud pisaraid ja higi, monteeritud unetuid öid ja filmitud väsitavaid võttepäevi. Käis see film ära filmifestivalidel kui ka kinolaval ning lõpuks on see toodud teieni UA-cam vahendusel. Loodan, et meie suur töö ja vaev läheb teile korda ning naudite seda filmi. Igasugune jagamine, levitamine ja tähelepanu toomine sellele projektile on teretulnud. Aitäh kõigile, kes aitasid selle ellu tuua!
    John - Raiko Sten Reidla
    Kapten - Reemus Tõniste
    Miisu - Inga-Victooria Ojavere
    Välk & Pauk - Aaron Thor Härm
    Pomiseja - Markus Reinboom
    Režissöör / Stsenarist / Monteerja - Raim-Janar Toms
    Operaator - Mark-Erik Tölpt
    Heli - Markus Rooveer
    Kostümeerja - Anita Metsküla
    Värvija - Kaur Hendrikson
    Aitäh vanaema Tiiule, kes oli nõus filmi jaoks oma hääle andma!
    dream big ♡
  • Розваги


  • @Estradikas
    @Estradikas Рік тому +34

    väga hea lühifilm. Selles ei olnud mitte mingit imalat plära nagu tavaliselt, nii et minu pool muah 10/10

  • @Toobero
    @Toobero Рік тому +68

    Isegi kui ma tavaliselt sellised asju ei vaata, minu arust on see väga hea! Need väiksed joonistused lisasid sittaks palju, ja sa näitasid iga ühe kohta nii palju personalitytit, hea film, 9/10

  • @susannekasema
    @susannekasema Рік тому +8

    täiega lahe, tubli töö! Näha on, et olete palju vaeva selle kallal näinud 10\10

  • @robins7940
    @robins7940 Рік тому +9

    Pole pikka aega midagi huvitavat tulnud sult tore, et teed ikka.

  • @grguy6956
    @grguy6956 Рік тому

    Ma tavaliselt vihkan lühifilme, aga see oli imeline. Best vid ever

  • @thediemargus3379
    @thediemargus3379 Рік тому

    väga hästi koostatud ja väljamõeldud lühifilm, näitlemine ja lugu 10/10 hea töö!

  • @staarvoors4341
    @staarvoors4341 Рік тому +1

    SUPER SUPER HEA!!! Parim lühifilm eaales. Pole ammu head Eesti lühifilmi.

  • @wan0heda
    @wan0heda Рік тому +2

    Väga hea lühifilm, oli ootamist väärt.

  • @Robzzzu
    @Robzzzu Рік тому +6

    Banger 🔥

  • @EikRandver
    @EikRandver Рік тому +3

    See oli nii lahe! Mulle nii meeldis see, kõik tegelased olid huvitavad ja mulle eriti meeldis Kapten ja Välk ja Pauk. Filmimine ja monteerimine olid ka fantastiline. Lugu oli ka huvitav, kuidas need tegelased siin teevad mis neile meeldib. Ma ei jõua oodata et näha neid tegelasi jälle kunagi!

    • @theharshtruthoutthere
      @theharshtruthoutthere Рік тому

      The Day of Judgment - What Will It Be Like? - just one word to give: HARSH. Yet 100% fair.
      Answer to the question found in the video at 23:59: Yes, GOD dose allow it for some souls to go through. Because like HE wishes and desires:2 Peter 3:9 | View whole chapter | See verse in context The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. He do allows it for some: He allowed it for me. For i once too found myself in Hell, BEING IN REGERETS , KNOWING THERE BE NO FORGIVENSS FOR ME NO LONGER, AND WISHING THAT NOONE ELSE WOULD GO THERE. When i had that "second in hell" , on earth i was 17 year old in 2013. After that "moment in hell" changed me a lot and years later i did CAME TO REPENTANCE AND BORNED AGAIN. I truly believe i got saved in late 2017, at age 21.
      A sin is a crime in the eyes of GOD and a sinner is a criminal. Why are we surprised and wonder why GOD send criminals aka wicked sinners into the prison HE created, when we do the same with them - the criminals here on earth, we lock them up and they have now only an existence in torment. Yes, none burns while in prison on earth, but in regrets they are. Therefore they do get 50% of that torment that awaits human souls in the prison of GOD hell and the lake of fire, already here on earth. And if not come to repentance while still alive on earth then after life on earth comes the full torment and this time it will last forever and more.
      Let`s go over it one more time:
      If earth is a globe then were would the firmament be placed? Would there a reason(s) for it?
      As the earth is FLAT in realty, therefor the firmament is on point, because it is keeping us from DROWNING.
      And earth being FLAT - was and still is a reason THE FLOOD was possible.
      Thinking skills, humans, thinking skills, have you lost it or never have it?
      GOD has given us another day to:
      get saved,
      win souls to GOD,
      work for his KINGDOM, (by preaching the gospel and exposing all evil).
      still that deeply blind? ' Bible is full of instructions. BASIC instructions BEFORE LEAVING EARTH = list first letters, what word we got? -BIBLE.
      This about him, ain´t surprise me at all. he was popular and that something a REAL CHRISTIAN can+t be.
      But that doesn't mean that the evil ones ain`t knowing the gospel too. They do know it. Therefore keep them all under suspicion and follow them not.
      Billy Graham was /is a TARE not a human being.
      Be wise and bold enough to let GOD back into your life, call upon the name of the LORD and get saved. Home in heaven forever awaits. BUT you and i and all others can`t take our sins with us and sadly we have sins in our lives (anger, lies, envy,.....). We MUST get rid of these all by coming to REPENTENCE and by BORNING AGAIN, this time from SPIRIT and from above. (KJV BIBLE ONLINE).
      Have courage to recommend to read and to hear the GOSPEL to others also.
      Hello, the physical place? - it`s the place we all live, and it is called EARTH.
      Let me, a human, try to be clear: HEAVEN + EARTH = was created SPIRITUAL PLACES.
      Yet something happened: SIN happened. And all creation lost it`s glory. Lives that once created to be everlasting, became temporary. Bodies that once were spiritual is no fully carnal. /the bones, the flesh/ the blood, the organs = human`s earthly bodies.
      And as SIN - that is crime against GOD and everything He created to be. Therefore a prison was in need to be created. Hell - it is GOD`s prison for all wicked. It is not an excuse, we being humans. If we have sins in our lives and repent not and becoming a new creature on this earth and in this lifetime - then we are criminals and must pay. (We deal with criminals the same way on this earth as GOD deals with them in Hell) - so, the points of complaining? - there is none.
      Heaven and New Earth, Hell and lake of fire is SPIRITUAL PLACES.
      Everything that is spiritual is everlasting - no beginning and no end.
      Only that is carnal is this fallen earth aka satan`s kingdom and our lives in it. - That`s all. For time is only in here, nowhere else.
      And as all that was created was already created spiritual aka everlasting and shall be again. All that once lost it`s glory shall have it again, never again to lose it.
      Our bodies put on immortality and everlasting beings we are. No matter, are we in heaven , on new earth or in the lake of fire. All are spiritual again. Just in that hot lake - there`s no glory, but torment.
      1 Corinthians 15:53 | View whole chapter | See verse in context For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
      Charlie didn`t make a monkey out of me, i`m a spirit being, called HUMAN/ADAM, created directly by GOD. ua-cam.com/video/DRlanfu8ZeI/v-deo.html
      Rapture is soon to take place, will you go or will be left behind?
      GOD is VERY REAL , He is a spirit and must be worship in SPIRIT. And He is up there above our heads, He is in His KINGDOM, recording our every move, thought, words.
      True, he do not sit on the clouds, He is higher then the clouds, WATERS are before the KINGDOM OF GOD.
      So, soul, repent and born again, heavenly home awaits.
      And share the good yet harsh news with others also. All must hear, all shall be judged by GOD.
      Tribulation period is immediately after RAPTURE. Have you prepared, stored food and waters, build a bunker away form cities,
      Cause the evilness that comes in that period is too much for a single soul to bear, not even 1000s and 100 000s can bear it. Only GOD can help us through it. SO? is your faith in GOD and is it strong or is your faith in satan and is it very weak?
      haven`t you shack out all the 12 playlist you will find on my channel?
      1.) ua-cam.com/play/PLHYOKu9d9bz6NzPIZHvOliDroyiNFwr9v.html
      2.) ua-cam.com/play/PLHYOKu9d9bz5wNVuo3rRX5Afi7hCShbTL.html
      3.) ua-cam.com/play/PLHYOKu9d9bz4C3cQSNdox1372n1iOljGt.html
      4.) ua-cam.com/play/PLHYOKu9d9bz76Dn5iMAmrIofhzUHtJxpu.html
      5.) ua-cam.com/play/PL8bt_6drZB49wkl9av8Lgfcu4m8GF86LV.html
      6.) ua-cam.com/play/PL6jqQQLDUKSzqfchW2-t42mEyjHWuzBnd.html
      7.) ua-cam.com/play/PLHYOKu9d9bz4xUIXjs1NENXj2YuHhnGfG.html
      8.) ua-cam.com/play/PLHYOKu9d9bz6NzPIZHvOliDroyiNFwr9v.html
      9.) ua-cam.com/play/PLHYOKu9d9bz5azWnKymBiZMO_braY0AVr.html
      10.) ua-cam.com/play/PLHYOKu9d9bz7kAox0O-ulTQ6-KF3qHVBY.html
      11.) ua-cam.com/play/PLHYOKu9d9bz4xOnRz6iyM1zVENPjfVKz4.html
      12.) ua-cam.com/play/PLHYOKu9d9bz6iXzZxn95AIIhSbIODUu7V.html
      How to get contact with them - the owners of these channels:
      they all are an helping hand of exposing the wicked.
      Email: rippster4christ@gmail.com
      Email us at: info@christsforgiveness.com
      If you would like to feature on this channel, work with Lion Of Judah or have any other enquiries, please get in touch team.lion.of.judah@gmail.com
      ✉ Email me: jake@jaketran.io
      Email me: torchofchrist@gmail.com
      email me at questions@truthunedited.com
      email me at biblicaltypology 777@gmail.com
      contact us: teamg4p@gmail.com
      EMAIL ME AT: thetruthisstrangerthanfiction44@ymail.com
      Email - redheadmom8@gmail.com
      email questions@geoengineeringwatch.org
      Email: mindunveiled@gmail.com
      Email: Divine1eleven@gmail.com
      Contact me at TabooConspiracy@protonmail.com
      Email: kingdomincontext@gmail.com
      email: gwendolensong@gmail.com
      One thing is to KNOW the truth, - devil knowns it too. Other thing is to UNDERSTAND IT AND ACCEPTED IT. - the devil ain´t doing here so. Then comes LIVING IN TRUTH AND SHARE IT WITH OTHERS. - devil messes up here and therefore he perish and so dose any other soul, who stays LOST/UNSAVED.
      The road to life is NARROW and it is foolish to assume that all these channels and their owners are real deal aka SAVED SOULS GOING HOME/HEAVEN. Like GOD calls us to 2 Corinthians 13:5 | View whole chapter | See verse in context Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
      All those who are quick to block those who share harsh and judging comments with them (usually these judging comment have point in these) are proving to be like their father the devil. They do not like JUDGING because they know that they and their deeds are evil. Now i ask from you, WHOEVER YOU ARE, will you do the same to me (block me, like DIVINE TRUTH1 did) if i share judging comments with you and these are on point?

  • @kototo9320
    @kototo9320 Рік тому +1

    väga hea lühifilm minu arvates, pane ikka samas vaimus edasi!

  • @railikutt
    @railikutt Рік тому +1

    Jumala hea, jätka samas vaimus❤️

  • @schreubenplayz006
    @schreubenplayz006 Рік тому +1

    damn bro saled toesti vaeva naind sellega respect lemmik luhifilm❤️‍🔥

  • @SCRT
    @SCRT Рік тому +4

    Kvaliteetne ja norm

  • @i9bondai
    @i9bondai Рік тому +4


  • @q_drinitys2660
    @q_drinitys2660 Рік тому +3

    Jummala hea video

  • @johannameus9208
    @johannameus9208 Рік тому +17

    wow! väga hästi tehtud, heli, animatsioon, pilt, kõik olio väga hästi paigas! keep it up :)

  • @xoluver
    @xoluver Рік тому

    Väga hea lühifilm 10/10!

  • @himeyuuz
    @himeyuuz Рік тому

    Minu arust ületasid ennast, keep up the good work!! :D

  • @katlinj.6558
    @katlinj.6558 Рік тому

    Very good! Very nice!

  • @eliismarie
    @eliismarie Рік тому

    Super hästi tehtud:)

  • @emelainen567
    @emelainen567 Рік тому +1

    Tead Janar sa oled ikka üks lahe vend. Keep it up!

  • @zzalii
    @zzalii Рік тому +2

    yli vahva oli vaadata koos 8e tytrega haha, hea n4ha j4lle yhte head filmi tehtud sult. keep up the good work 💪🏼💪🏼

  • @sleagh
    @sleagh Рік тому +2

    See oli väga tore lühifilm. Mine Edasi Oma Teel Janar ja see film vajab part 2te

  • @antsvaarsi2734
    @antsvaarsi2734 Рік тому +1

    hea lühifilm mulle väga meeldisid need characterid ja nende nimed väga loovad 11/10

  • @Afternoongamer
    @Afternoongamer 2 місяці тому

    Väga hea lühi film. Keep it up bro

  • @nitchh7335
    @nitchh7335 Рік тому +1

    Vinge, ma armastan seda keep it up

  • @Pouthunder69
    @Pouthunder69 Рік тому

    No see on ikka naljakas ja põnev video küll, ootan tulevikus veel selliseid!

  • @iceee3813
    @iceee3813 Рік тому

    cuul film keep up the good work

  • @Tooma8Channel
    @Tooma8Channel Рік тому

    väga huvitav....hästi tehtud!

  • @deify5070
    @deify5070 Рік тому

    väga nice! keep it up :)

  • @Brunhub
    @Brunhub Рік тому

    pole paha 👌

  • @lindaliiskannukene1147
    @lindaliiskannukene1147 Рік тому


  • @happypants5127
    @happypants5127 Рік тому

    Good job
    Aga kuidas kurat, enamus ajast näeb välja nagu oleks kõik animeritud, müts maha see oli hea

  • @Optiqe_
    @Optiqe_ Рік тому +1

    Minu honest review. Mulle otseselt see ise nii väga ei meeldinud. Filmi "topic" on lihtsalt natuke ebameeldiv. See oli originaalne, seda küll, aga mulle lihtsalt väga see ei istunud. Camerawork aga oli minu arust väga hea. Väga hea töö sellega. Aga see oli suht hea võttes seda arvesse, et see on (vist) su esimene lühifilm (Pole kindel. Võibolla unustasin mõne ära). Jätka samas vaimus!

  • @liliantobujuss1823
    @liliantobujuss1823 Рік тому

    väga hea lühifilm

  • @marikareinsalu5801
    @marikareinsalu5801 Рік тому

    Ma korra nägin alkust ja jäingi vaatama keep it up my boi

  • @peterson.
    @peterson. Рік тому

    jummala banger

  • @e.s.s2291
    @e.s.s2291 Рік тому +1

    Välgu näitlemine 10/10!

  • @fyzo_iz1913
    @fyzo_iz1913 Рік тому +5


  • @italyfamily1933
    @italyfamily1933 Рік тому

    Üli haigeeee lis . keep it up

  • @enricoanton7214
    @enricoanton7214 Рік тому +1

    See lühifilm oli isegi filmifestivalil

  • @remokene7221
    @remokene7221 Рік тому +1

    10/ 10

  • @skyon4820
    @skyon4820 Рік тому

    See on väga hea film.Mul sai popcorn seda filmi vaatates otsa.

  • @hyugakris6790
    @hyugakris6790 Рік тому +4

    super film.

    • @xolq867
      @xolq867 Рік тому +3

      saled fr taun, vid pandi 8 mini umbes tagasi üles ja see kestab 15 minutit ja ytleb juba super

    • @hyugakris6790
      @hyugakris6790 Рік тому +1

      @@xolq867ega ei viicinud prgg rohkem vaadata kohe vaatan ylejaanud poole ara

  • @_toffifee
    @_toffifee Рік тому

    Väga lahe oli ootamist väärt

  • @ounake2973
    @ounake2973 Рік тому

    Väga kift 11/10

  • @Drippyboy300
    @Drippyboy300 Рік тому

    See on parim lühifilmi

  • @Ke3gan
    @Ke3gan Рік тому


  • @mitras7808
    @mitras7808 Рік тому

    Very nice töö mehel annet jääb ülegi.

  • @Legorunner
    @Legorunner Рік тому

    Sõnad ei kirjelda väheste inimeste poolt tehtud imelist lühi filmi, aga ma proovin. Kuidas suudab mingi 10 head noort inimest teha parema filmi, kui mingi 200 Eesti "professionaali". Ma lihtsalt ütlen:
    Tomsikese tiim > Eesti filmi tegijad
    Rating: 8/10

  • @valjasmangud371
    @valjasmangud371 Рік тому +1

    top 1 lühifilm lic fire

  • @eyesinthewater
    @eyesinthewater Рік тому


  • @oneofthefew9110
    @oneofthefew9110 Рік тому +1

    Tehke part 2

  • @utrek10
    @utrek10 Рік тому

    bytheway super hea

  • @duchahaa9858
    @duchahaa9858 Рік тому

    See cinematography on imeline!

  • @lahecoq2417
    @lahecoq2417 Рік тому

    eino see juba täitsa on midagi ju, pane samamoodi edasi ja kes teab kuhu jõud omadega

  • @m.m.hobudelf2239
    @m.m.hobudelf2239 Рік тому


  • @raulins100
    @raulins100 Рік тому +1


  • @mr.creeper6836
    @mr.creeper6836 Рік тому

    I mean edasi Holliwoody ja täispikaks filmiks. Väga hea!

  • @karlgustavkivivali1444
    @karlgustavkivivali1444 Рік тому

    See selver asub Sakus ,ma elan sakus

  • @Mistacle
    @Mistacle Рік тому

    Nice film kohe näha et oled palju vaeva näinud😁

  • @mathiaslambing9112
    @mathiaslambing9112 Рік тому +2

    Mulle väga meeldib selle lühifilmi animatsioon. 2. aastat on pikk aeg nii et edu.

  • @gregorelbrecht6070
    @gregorelbrecht6070 Рік тому

    Mulle see video väga ei istund, aga see video on väga hästi tehtud, Jätka samad vainus Janar

  • @riflegod_am
    @riflegod_am Рік тому +1

    See oli väga huvitav ja head animatsioonid olid ka ja annaks au su näitlejatele naad tegid head tööd kui jätka samas vaimus

  • @AulisA.O.T
    @AulisA.O.T Рік тому +2

    4:54 hõnnnnnn!

  • @Matu-4
    @Matu-4 Рік тому

    10/10 ootan juba osa2 ka

  • @ramilpaulberg6746
    @ramilpaulberg6746 Рік тому

    see film oli lauda võrratu ja päris raske on mõelda et selle tige ainult üks ja väga tubli mees

  • @BanaaniKoor
    @BanaaniKoor Рік тому

    Kollikütid 2 when

  • @Lo_.
    @Lo_. Рік тому +1

    Kuidas on võimalik, et terve aja, treilerist filmi alguseni, ma lugesin “Koolikutid” mitte “Kollikütid” 🤦
    Aga hea lühifilm, hästi tehtud! 👍

  • @stuff_
    @stuff_ Рік тому

    w banger

  • @loretakaljas9200
    @loretakaljas9200 Рік тому +1

    Parem kui kiired ja vihased 9! See film oli üli cool! mulle meeldisid karakterite erinevused stiilid ja nimed. Näha on ,et sinu filmid on teinud tohutu arengu ja skript kui te seda kasutasite mega hea! Sellist lühifilmi kujutaksin ette Pöffi lühifilmide seas:) Oled ära teeninud suure suure aplausi. (plaks plaks plaks):) (pomiseja oli minu lemmik)

  • @oneyboney8056
    @oneyboney8056 Рік тому

    hasti tehtud mees

  • @faith.in.orthodoxy
    @faith.in.orthodoxy Рік тому


  • @HelloIamGustav
    @HelloIamGustav Рік тому

    "Oota, kas see on mu portfell?"
    Ajas mind naerma 😂

  • @stensaukkonen4809
    @stensaukkonen4809 Рік тому

    Väga norm aga samas mv

  • @valdurveeroja8150
    @valdurveeroja8150 Рік тому

    Parim film no cap

  • @liinakaosaar580
    @liinakaosaar580 7 місяців тому

    See on 😂 👊🏻👊🏻

  • @angelamittemaiste
    @angelamittemaiste Рік тому +1

    Pomiseja carrys😂

  • @oklahe
    @oklahe Рік тому

    Mis resolutsioonis film exportitud/renderdatud on?

  • @user-ji2oi7ib2v
    @user-ji2oi7ib2v Місяць тому

    Imelik,kapten käib hommikumantliga SELVERIS

  • @elluuuu8260
    @elluuuu8260 Рік тому

    Saatke see film apollose,nad kuulutavad selle aasta parimaks filmiks.tehke kolliküttid #2

  • @kaur1503
    @kaur1503 Рік тому

    Niimoodi edasi lähed saad kuulsaks

  • @GregAndRandom
    @GregAndRandom Рік тому +1

    Noh pole paha, mulle väga meeldib, 4.7/5

  • @duckle3152
    @duckle3152 Рік тому +1

    Teine osa võiks olla et john näitab kolliküttidele linna elu

  • @hermanavandi9907
    @hermanavandi9907 Рік тому

    Nad mängivad nii halvasti et see on lahe! Naq ausalt

  • @emiliaparnpuu3262
    @emiliaparnpuu3262 Рік тому

    kas teine osa tuleb ka ?

  • @Eneli5161
    @Eneli5161 Рік тому

    see oli väga naljakas ja tore

  • @duckle3152
    @duckle3152 Рік тому

    need 2d effectid on väga head

  • @CoolNfancY
    @CoolNfancY Рік тому +1


  • @monzy5486
    @monzy5486 Рік тому

    2 tunndi tagasi sa oled parim

  • @kairetoombu9765
    @kairetoombu9765 Рік тому

    See oli tore kogemus ja muide mulle meeltiks kui ehitad kartuli püssi👉🥔

  • @riflegod_am
    @riflegod_am Рік тому

    Aga millal film välja tuleb?

  • @gaminggod69420
    @gaminggod69420 Рік тому

    Tore lühifilm, lihtsate aga toredate ja kenade effektidega, ja naljadega mis tegelikult pihta lähevad.
    Ma kommenteerin põhimõtteliselt ainult engagementi pärast, sest sellel videol on kurvastavalt vähe vaatamisi.
    (samuti, aitäh et sa treileri panid natukene enne päris-asja ülesse, sest see tundus treileril nii põnevalt, ning sellel tuli see magus ootuse effekt, kuid mitte liiga pikk et... ma ei tea mida ma siin ajan, ma ei oska oma emotsioone selgitada ja kahe sõnaga: "hea lühifilm".)

  • @OOFberd
    @OOFberd Рік тому

    The Tomsikene oli Sakus

  • @DANES598
    @DANES598 Рік тому +2

    Tahaks juba teist osa näha mu lemmik tegelane on välk ja pauk

  • @puustujurger5857
    @puustujurger5857 Рік тому

    He lühifilm jätka samas vaimus

  • @rewnee4106
    @rewnee4106 Рік тому

    See on ju mu Saku selver!? :)

  • @timotsaikoov3643
    @timotsaikoov3643 Рік тому

    vaga lahe

  • @johanmoorits7972
    @johanmoorits7972 Рік тому

    Kuradi sarnane minuclaapsepõlvega