Forgive me if I come off sounding simplistic. I'm not a fan of over thinking things and making things seem more meaningful than they are. When you do that - you tend to miss the absolute wonder of God. Scrolling through your phone when being asked a serious question from someone who will take your word as gospel is a good sum up of what happened in this account. So I have to respectfully dismiss your summation as to the water having much at all to do with this event about the woman and the mob who were out to stone her. Yes - Jesus doodled in the sand but I don't think it was for any other reason than to get this mob wondering what He was doing and as a result pay attention to His words. Then - He suggests that the one without sin should throw the first stone because according to the law of that day - the just punishment for this woman was stoning. Then - He goes back to doodling in the sand in order to afford the mob an escape route which they take because they knew that not one of them was without sin. Jesus knows human nature. He made us. So - like clay in the hands of the potter - Jesus calmed an angry mob that was out for blood and made an ugly scene go away. I think that this account simply states that. That is a powerful lesson to take from this account. He gave us an escape route as well. He did that because He loves mankind. He loves this creation of His so much - He died and took all the sins of mankind - my sins - your sins - all sins. We screwed up. We sinned. We deserve death. He paid all of it for us and all we need to do is accept that gift. I'm not the brightest bulb on the tree and I definitely need to get into my Bible more often but ... life is complicated enough without assumptions of Bible accounts' meanings that (in my mind) serve to take away from the wonderful glory and nature of God.
No they are searching for God but are being fed the tares(matthew 13) of the jesus instead. Repent and return to the ten true commandments exodus 20 and deuteronomy 5.
You are correct..because they didht believe in Jesus, they would not be saved. So the pharisees names who brought the woman to Jesus was written in the sand.. they would not reach the heavenly kingdom
I am amazed at this man's teaching, I wonder how I have missed him all these years. I love you so much man of God, you've brought so much joy and excitement to my heart.
Why don't you read the letters of the church fathers. I know they were all Catholic and you probably harbor a lot of prejudices and lies about the Catholic Church but Catholic theology is rock solid
I’m sorry, people, but the passage about the woman accused of adultery is a complete fraud and was fabricated/added by the church. This story is not in the earliest copies of the “John” gospel. This is not even is known throughout the most elementary theological fields. I can’t believe any of you do not know this.
@@emotionalmodels8463 it's true that it's not in the original manuscripts, but you can't say that the story is not true or fraud. That story might have been a saying.
@@thetruthinhim8862 One hundred years later this story was added. 100 years!! 100 years later the story suddenly became apart of the Bible…one of which-again- was never found in any of the earliest copies of the “John” gospel. So why should it have been added to a script that didn’t have it originally? What a bunch of bullshit.
@@freespirit7450 Not sure what you are referring to. What are God’s words? Certainly not anything from the Bible. You, apparently, are not a serious biblical scholar.
@@emotionalmodels8463 And was there not a time when you didn't know that? Or anything else that you didn't but someone else probably said "I can't believe you didn't know that!"
Jeremiah 17:13 13 Lord, you are the hope of Israel; all who forsake you will be put to shame. Those who turn away from you will be written in the dust because they have forsaken the Lord, the spring of living water. So, those who where about to condemn this woman, recognise Jesus actions when he dipped and wrote in the sand! Absolute!
Now we also know why his vesture is dipped in Blood it's a metaphor, for the verse you site he's crushing under his feet those that have forsaken his Torah.
This woman's life was in Jesus's hands, but the crowd wanted her to die and was using Jewish law to force Jesus' hand. If he says " She should die" then his reputation as all loving and forgiving will be shattered in the eyes of general folk. 7:41 If he says " let her go, then a man who claims to be a holy rabbi doesn't follow the Jewish holy laws. Thus declaring himself a fraud, let alone the messiah. They thought they had trapped him, but Jesus calmly crouched down and wrote in the sand. Without saying a word. He was saying you claim to know and love God's law, and you don't even know that it was with this very finger I wrote those laws and gave them to moses them person You have no idea who you are trying to manipulate!
@@Mrjohnboy1965 Sorry, this is a very common response that tries to shoehorn a belief into the Torah. Doesn't fly. There is ONE Elohim. You're attempting to make *another* God and this is forbidden in Torah. I'll have to send you chapter and verse later because this is fact. I know all about the Aleph/Tav thing and that doesn't hold water either. Again, I'll have to send you chapter and verse. I was once like you until I understood the hebrew and immersed myself in Tanakh first. If you do that then read the NT you'll back up on most things you held as truth.
@@rhpicayune Deut. 6;4 Hear, O Israel: YHWH our Elohim, YHWH is one. And 'one' is ECHAD in Hebrew and is NOT a compound unity as all Christians try to argue. If you look up early instances of echad when Moses speaks to Pharoah, echad is used to describe Moses. And Moses wasn't THREE. He was one man.
Mr.Artist1971...every prophecy concerning the Meshiac was fulfilled in Christ Jesus. He is One with the Father just as you & your spirit are one. To better talk about this with a Christian, so you understand our side better please read "The Case for Jesus" by Lee Stroble.
This woman's life was in Jesus's hands, but the crowd wanted her to die and was using Jewish law to force Jesus' hand. If he says " She should die" then his reputation as all loving and forgiving will be shattered in the eyes of general folk. 7:41 If he says " let her go, then a man who claims to be a holy rabbi doesn't follow the Jewish holy laws. Thus declaring himself a fraud, let alone the messiah. They thought they had trapped him, but Jesus calmly crouched down and wrote in the sand. Without saying a word. He was saying you claim to know and love God's law, and you don't even know that it was with this very finger I wrote those laws and gave them to moses them person You have no idea who you are trying to manipulate!
They are many theories as to the why and the what Yeshua wrote in the sand, but this is by far the best explanation I have EVER heard. It follows solid principles of exegesis by connecting Hoshana Rabba which was occuring when this incident happend, to the why and the what of Yeshua writing in the sand. What a precious nugget of truth. Great work Joe. Well done...
It's not what Yeshua wrote, it's that out of the 613 commandments which were written in ink on parchment paper, the 10 commands were written on stone by the finger of Yeshua, on the 10 Commandments, it has, thou shall not commit adultery. The Pharisees said the woman was taken in the very act, but there was no man, in order to stone her, there had to be two, it was a setup.
@@julielemker2131 These are educated guesses and everyone is entitled to their opinion. For you to say it's "It's not what Yeshua wrote" is at best, presumptuous on your part (I'm being polite here). This is by no means definitive; i.e. NOBODY KNOWS FOR SURE what He wrote. How we act accordingly speaks volumes...
@@GTX1123 Like you said, knowing what He wrote is irrelevant because nobody knows what He wrote, and to say that we do is presumptuous. There are 613 commands given in the Torah, 10 of which are written with the finger of God, one of which is "Thou shalt not commit adultery" Now the text reads that she was caught in the very act of adultery, and she was brought to the feet of Jesus, while He was teaching in the Temple amidst a massive crowd. In order for someone to commit adultery there needs to be two parties, where was the man?
@Abdulhalim Mohamed I absolutely have an argument, that being faith. I believe in the trinity, such as God in three but still separate beings. If something like the world was created it had to be by something far far greater than we can even comprehend, and if we can't comprehend it, as the Bible states we cannot fully comprehend all that God has done, then who are we to apply our own knowledge to satisfy our understanding of the truth? When we lean on our own understanding is when we make God who we want and not who He is. I did not just read the Bible, I read many books on other religions because it's not fair to believe without seeking or trying to understand other beliefs/religions. The Bible was inscribed over a period of 2000 years by Kings, physicians, tax collectors, farmers, fisherman, singers and shephards; the marvel is that a library so perfectly cohesive could have been produced by such a diverse crowd over a period of time which staggers the imagination. Jesus said that the word would remain, and so it did. God also said that people will distort the truth, hence which is why there are so many religions and denominations. I believe in the word, and if anyone does not, they have no reason to fight it or argue it, as if they are trying to save the world from destruction... that is what Christians are instructed, to be prepared to share the reason of why we have hope, to love all and to bring others to God. I have a reason to fight for you and everyone. So I ask, what is your reason? What brought you here and what are you saving me from? The answer usually is something like "to make you realize how idiotic it is to believe such a thing". When it is all said and done this whole back and forth about religion is so much more than a UA-cam debate, it's a lifestyle. I wish you the best.
@Abdulhalim Mohamed I know you believe in what you were taught, it just doesn't completely agree with what the Bible actually tells us. The Bible says that Jesus was sent to die for us to overcome the sins of the world. The only way to overcome our sin was to come to earth blameless and without sin (as Jesus was) and dying and being raised from the dead.There is no human worthy of paying the price for the whole world since we all are sinners. The difference in Christianity in comparison to other religions is that we are saved only by grace; there is nothing we can do to be saved outside of Jesus paying the ultimate sacrifice. There's no more sacrifices because Jesus paid it all for us. We know that we don't deserve to be saved and there's nothing we can do to deserve it, but God showed us how great His love is for us by sending His only son to die for us. We don't have to do checklists to gain His approval of us. We cannot earn God's love, He already loves us. I notice that all other religions focus on something WE have to do, such as the 5 pillars, meditation etc. to earn God's approval, but as a Christian I come to God as a sinner, knowing that I can do nothing to earn His love, so the price has been paid for me through His son, as the Bible says. Some religions only use the Torah and not the full Bible, and that is because they don't want to factor in Jesus, or his death and resurrection. Why say some of the Bible is true but not all of it? People want to believe in what they want to believe in, not what God's word says. This creates an endless debate unfortunately, but I follow the Bible which has survived to this day. Many religions and/or cults were created from the Bible as the years went by, (Islam, JW, Mormonism, etc.) but the full scripture speaks truth to us even still. I don't pick and choose what to believe in the Bible, or I might as well come up with my own religion as well, I believe it to the full, and that is why I believe in Jesus as the son of God, who was with God and who was God as John 1:1 states. If you don't believe in the full Bible then of course that will lead to a distortion of the truth, and an attempt to fill the gaps with what we want to believe, not what is in the scripture (or partiality of the scripture). Now, if you do believe in the full Bible then you have read passages where Jesus said things like "I tell you the truth, Jesus answered, before Abraham was born, I am!". God told Moses in Exodus 3:13 "tell the nation I AM has sent you. Also in John 10:30 "I and the Father are one". Genesis 1:26 "And God said let us make man in our image, after our likeness". In John 5:17-18 it says "...but he was even calling God his own father, making himself equal with God". Genesis 1:2 "Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the 'Spirit' of God was hovering over the waters". There are so many verses that lead to my belief, but if you don't believe in the whole scripture then it would be impossible to identify with Jesus as God or the possibility of a trinity. Jesus respected God as the head, God sent Jesus to die, God gave Jesus the authority to judge, and all throughout scripture Jesus identifies as living to serve the one who sent him. He also is God and was there for all of creation, but that doesn't mean they are one mind and one being, that's why it is called a trinity. The old testament predicts Jesus coming numerous times, one being found in Isaiah 9:6-7 (700 years before Jesus came). It says "For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. 7 There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace, On the throne of David and over his kingdom, To establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness From then on and forevermore. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will accomplish this". I know it's a lot, and I don't expect you to change your beliefs over any of it, but I did want to give a reason for why I believe what I believe, and I wanted to support it with scripture.
@Abdulhalim Mohamed In the Bible it also clearly states him as the son of God and as God like John 1:1 tells us. In Revelation, John was approached by an angel and fell down to worship him, but the angel is not God so the angel replied “Don’t do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers and sisters who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For it is the Spirit of prophecy who bears testimony to Jesus.” Revelation 19:10. Jesus didn't reject worship, because he is worthy of worship. In Matthew 14:32-33 it says "And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God". Why would he not reject their worship? Also, in Matthew 28:9 it says "Suddenly Jesus met them. “Greetings,” he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him". Again, he did not reject their worship. One final one for good measure is John 9:35-38 where it says "Jesus heard that they had thrown him out, and when he found him, he said, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” “Who is he, sir?” the man asked. “Tell me so that I may believe in him.” Jesus said, “You have now seen him; in fact, he is the one speaking with you.” Then the man said, “Lord, I believe,” and he worshiped him". This is my Bible, and this is what I believe.
🙌🏼 “By Him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name.” Hebrews 13:15🌟
Not really. I just commented in another video that rather than anything significant, it was more likely to be something like tic-tac-tow. Jesus stood up from doodling in the sand, spoke the truth about the situation (that no man in the crowd was sinless enough to condemn the woman to death), and went back to drawing pictures in the sand. Typical of God to allow us to choose our own actions - right or wrong. ... and I have no real understanding of the culture in the times of Jesus.
Hi, "Last Days"....Wow, your comment confirms what i just posted on facebook concerning the "day and hour that no man knows". It was a Hebrew idiom referencing the celebration of Rosh Hashana/Feast of Trumpets. Today we misunderstand and believe that no one can know the day of the Lord's return for His church. But this is not true...Jesus spoke to a Jewish audience who understood the idiom He used. So, too with His drawing a line in the sand. It is a Hebraic mindset that the audience to whom Jesus spoke would understand. Good point, "Last Days"!
3DPDK or maybe this is a more likely explanation. The first thing he wrote was the first part of the law concerning adultery. Which can be found in Deuteronomy 17:5 That there are to be 2 or 3 witnesses to this crime and that those witnesses are to be the first to cast stones. Also that this matter is to be taken to the gates of the city to be heard by the priest's to be judged. He knew they had falsely accused this woman because they had not followed the law. This is why he asked he who is without sin cast the first stone. The second thing he wrote in the sand was the punishment for falsely accusing someone of this crime, which is the death penalty for the false accuser. This is why all the men walked away. Then he asked her where are those that accused you? Have no man accused you? She said no man Lord. Remember when God wrote the commandments in stone with his finger? Jesus being God in the flesh was simply writing the letter of his law in the sand. It is God's law that convicts us all of our sins. Just as it convicted those who falsely accused this woman.
Tic-tac -tow, really? Dude, if your going to continually rely upon your own arrogant, uneducated understanding of scripture, your going to miss out. The Bible is deep, very deep, and I"m only beginning to understand the layers within its pages. Take for instance "Biblical Mathematics". A book written by Ed F. Vallowe. Amazing data within its pages. The good thing is, the Bible was written in such a away that shallow people, like you and I, can still glean the basic message of salvation but, if you want more, it's in there waiting to be found. I"m not smart enough to figure these thing out so, thank God there are gifted and educated individuals out there to show us how deep it really goes. If your really interested, that is.
Shoeshine Boy Amen to that. I’m not clever enough to see this stuff on my own but I just love it when God reveals these little nuggets to me through others who are clever enough lol - God bless. Great little piece of God’s puzzle put together
Not only did this happen on the 8th day of the Feast of Tabernacles, it happened on the Mount of Olives. Also, Yeshua wrote on the ground twice & that means its really important just like when He'd say "verily, verily."
This woman's life was in Jesus's hands, but the crowd wanted her to die and was using Jewish law to force Jesus' hand. If he says " She should die" then his reputation as all loving and forgiving will be shattered in the eyes of general folk. 7:41 If he says " let her go, then a man who claims to be a holy rabbi doesn't follow the Jewish holy laws. Thus declaring himself a fraud, let alone the messiah. They thought they had trapped him, but Jesus calmly crouched down and wrote in the sand. Without saying a word. He was saying you claim to know and love God's law, and you don't even know that it was with this very finger I wrote those laws and gave them to moses them person You have no idea who you are trying to manipulate!
tjlaviolette He didn't write in sand it was stone. It was symbolic. The finger of God writing on stone. It was a picture of the law. They were challenging Yeshuah on his knowledge of the law forgetting that it was in fact HE who wrote it. or at very least, since he is one with the Father, he was there when it was written
This man is wrong. What did Jesus write in the sand? Probably all of this: Deuteronomy 22:22 (NASB) "If a man is found lying with a married woman, then *_both of them shall die,_* the *_man_* who lay with the woman, *_and the woman;_* thus you shall purge the evil from Israel. Deuteronomy 17:6 (NASB) "On the evidence of *_two witnesses or three witnesses,_* he who is to die shall be put to death; he *_shall not_** be put to **_death_** on the evidence of **_one witness._* Deuteronomy 19:15 (NASB) "A single witness shall not rise up against a man on account of any iniquity or any sin which he has committed; *_on the evidence of two or three witnesses a matter shall be confirmed._* Deuteronomy 19:18-19 (NASB) 18 "The judges shall investigate thoroughly, and *_if the witness is a false witness_* and he has accused his brother falsely, 19 *_then you shall do to him just as he had intended to do to his brother._* Thus you shall purge the evil from among you. Remember the Pharisees were trying to TRICK Jesus. *_As our perfect, sinless Lamb, He taught and enforced the law (Torah) PERFECTLY. He did not change it._*
SURELY YOU DONT ACTUALLY BELIEVE HIM. He's a CON MAN, how the hell could anybody KNOW what JC wrote in the sand, he is a LIAR LOOKING FOR MUGS LIKE YOU.
juergen bertram Shut up yourself you BRAINLESS MORON. I have the RIGHT to say WHAT I LIKE, you and your VILE RELIGION no longer have the power to SHUT ME UP. You can NO LONGER BURN ME AT THE STAKE AS YOU DID IN THE PAST. Your PSYCHO SUPERSTITIONS hold NO POWER OVER ME. Neither are your FOUL THREATS OF ETERNAL PUNISHMENT of ANY CONSEQUENCE TO ME. You and your VILE ILK no longer hold sway, your INSANITY IS OBVIOUS TO THOSE OF US WHO THINK. Your power to TERRORIZE THE SIMPLE MINDED is crumbling fast and You will now BE ON THE RECEIVING END , HOW DO YOU LIKE IT. If you insist on your INSANE BELIEFS so be it, but stay the HELL AWAY FROM MY LIFE, LIBERTY AND RIGHTS. You and your god CAN PISS OFF AND GO TO HELL. Do you UNDERSTAND now? Have a nice day and STOP LYING.
I just preached this text last week, i pointed out that the same finger that wrote in the stone is the same finger that writes in the stone of mens hearts. Who knows what was written. I imagined he wrote in the ground "the shape of mud" he literally shaped everyones heart from judgement and condemnation to self reflection and a realization that everyone there was guilty of something. For the extra critical folks i also taught on how this text does not appear in the earliest manuscripts but nevertheless it is a great moment to teach Christ's disciples how to shape mud or the human heart which has a natural tendency to not extend grace and mercy. Sermon title was the shape of mud.
The first thing he wrote was the first part of the law concerning adultery. Which can be found in Deuteronomy 17:5 That there are to be 2 or 3 witnesses to this crime and that those witnesses are to be the first to cast stones. Also that this matter is to be taken to the gates of the city to be heard by the priest's to be judged. He knew they had falsely accused this woman because they had not followed the law. This is why he asked he who is without sin cast the first stone. The second thing he wrote in the sand was the punishment for falsely accusing someone of this crime, which is the death penalty for the false accuser. This is why all the men walked away. Then he asked her where are those that accused you? Have no man accused you? She said no man Lord. Remember when God wrote the commandments in stone with his finger? Jesus being God in the flesh was simply writing the letter of his law in the sand. It is God's law that convicts us all of our sins. Just as it convicted those who falsely accused this woman. She was not properly accused by the law therefore could not be convicted of the crime.
Nothing in my comment suggests that Jesus was sinful or that he did not know the law. I am simply saying that if this woman was not guilty Jesus would have not told her to sin no more. The authenticity of what Jesus did here was to bring mercy and grace to her case, which give us the capacity to overcome sin.
Amen, the explanation given about the accusers knowing Jeremiah 17 and seeing it played out before them is the correct explanation. We need to humbly receive this man's teaching and quit going off in pride to find our own explanation.
I appreciate bigvevil's perspective here. John 8:6 says the scribes and Pharisees were testing Jesus to try to find something to accuse Him with, and this seemed the perfect catch. Should He tell them to let her go, they would accuse Him of breaking Moses' law. Should He say stone her, they would accuse Him before the Roman's since the Jews were not permitted to execute anyone under Roman rule. But Jesus masterly gave a perfect answer. As for the writing on the ground, Jeremiah's verse may well be relevant here, but I also believe He was writing their sins there. The context lends itself to that. "He who is without sin among you, let Him cast the first stone." And He stops down to write again. They obviously would have been curious to see what He was writing. The text only says He wrote on the ground. I can only imagine there was enough sand or dust on that stone pavement in that desert climate for Him to write in. And seeing their sins written there, they would know that they had better leave lest He publish these to all present. How masterly He handled this situation. He not only did not accuse the woman to the crowds, but neither did He publicly condemn the leaders who had falsely accused her (alone). He could have publicly condemned them and asked where the man was, but He discretely let them know on the ground that He knew their sins so they could leave her alone. As for the timing of this passage, you can read in verse 1 that this happened the morning after the last great day of the feast, not the day of.
Lord of Lords, your faithfulness is my shield. You are my healer, my comforter, and the lifter of my head. With a heart full of praise, I acknowledge that you are truly my everything!
This woman's life was in Jesus's hands, but the crowd wanted her to die and was using Jewish law to force Jesus' hand. If he says " She should die" then his reputation as all loving and forgiving will be shattered in the eyes of general folk. 7:41 If he says " let her go, then a man who claims to be a holy rabbi doesn't follow the Jewish holy laws. Thus declaring himself a fraud, let alone the messiah. They thought they had trapped him, but Jesus calmly crouched down and wrote in the sand. Without saying a word. He was saying you claim to know and love God's law, and you don't even know that it was with this very finger I wrote those laws and gave them to moses them person You have no idea who you are trying to manipulate!
This is a yes and no answer. Over the years I've heard many possible ideas to what did Jesus write on the ground ? Truth is, because the bible is silent on that. Everybody will come up with their own ideas and interpretations. Even what I think is only an opinion. Truth is, we don't know.
Seriously !!! Yeshua always referred back to what we call the Old Testament .... if you cant see that this refers to what happened in the dust then you are severely blind !!
@@Heather-xz3eo ... I have no idea what you're saying. But as far as Jesus referring back to the Old Testament. That's normal, The New Testament didn't exist yet.
This woman's life was in Jesus's hands, but the crowd wanted her to die and was using Jewish law to force Jesus' hand. If he says " She should die" then his reputation as all loving and forgiving will be shattered in the eyes of general folk. 7:41 If he says " let her go, then a man who claims to be a holy rabbi doesn't follow the Jewish holy laws. Thus declaring himself a fraud, let alone the messiah. They thought they had trapped him, but Jesus calmly crouched down and wrote in the sand. Without saying a word. He was saying you claim to know and love God's law, and you don't even know that it was with this very finger I wrote those laws and gave them to moses them personally You have no idea who you are trying to manipulate!
Jesus Saves!!! He loves you reading this and He will save you! Surrender your whole life to Him, ask Him to forgive you of your sins, and live for Him!!
Science-is-god Actually the ignorant one would be one. Trying to defend your argument by name calling childeshnes. Jesus will save you from Hell because we are all sinful and condemned eternally unless Jesus saves us.
Chase Childers Perhaps you should proof read your comments BEFORE POSTING THEM. Read you first sentence. So I NAME CALL DO I. Well you god freaks have been doing that for THOUSANDS OF YEARS, it is the standard thing to do, after all, all you have left is LIES, IGNORANCE AND THREATS OF ETERNAL PUNISHMENT. So when those DO NOT WORK you just Roy SLANDER AND INSULTS. But now YOU ACCUSE ME OF DOING THE SAME THING. Jesus couldn’t save a PISS UP IN A BREWERY, HE IS WITHOUT DOUBT THE MOST FOUL, INCOMPETENT BRAINLESS CRETIN IN THE BIBLE, CLOSELY FOLLOWED BY HIS DAD, A GHOST, HIS HOOKER OF A MOTHER AND JERKS LIKE YOU. Do you really believe that constantly repeating your PATHETIC BLEATS like “SURRENDER YOUR WHOLE LIFE TO JESUS” will have ANY effect on people who use KNOWLEDGE, REASON AND TRUTH. You are a worthless pathetic WRETCH. STOP LYING.
@@brit1066 if you dont believe in the lord im sorry. It is not out job to explain god and his word it is our job to proclaim it. I pray that you will find the truth and make it your own. God bless you
This woman's life was in Jesus's hands, but the crowd wanted her to die and was using Jewish law to force Jesus' hand. If he says " She should die" then his reputation as all loving and forgiving will be shattered in the eyes of general folk. 7:41 If he says " let her go, then a man who claims to be a holy rabbi doesn't follow the Jewish holy laws. Thus declaring himself a fraud, let alone the messiah. They thought they had trapped him, but Jesus calmly crouched down and wrote in the sand. Without saying a word. He was saying you claim to know and love God's law, and you don't even know that it was with this very finger I wrote those laws and gave them to moses them person You have no idea who you are trying to manipulate!
"Give them just enough and let them figure it out." Is that one way God teaches us? I was struck by Mr. Amaral's mention of rabbinic teaching method because it resonates with a notion I've been thinking about recently: that God has given us enough Truth to draw correct conclusions for ourselves. Let's consider slavery. Practically every great empire has practiced slavery to some extent. The Bible seems to condone it, with laws governing slavery in the Old Testament, and Paul mentioning it in the New Testament. Despite the American Civil War and efforts to abolish slavery around the world, the practice still exists - albeit mostly underground. However, most people today condemn slavery. Why? Because God let us figure it out. We blame God for so much - and I'm as guilty as anyone - failing to grasp the response-ability He has given us. Why are there people still starving on this planet? : because God allows it, or because we allow it? We haven't figured it out. Thanks for this video : I am convicted.
Spencer Grant WHAT! God let’s us figure it out! That has to be the most INSANE EXCUSE YET. What if we get it wrong? How do we know we are wrong? Why would a loving god say “JUST FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELVES” Well that is par for the course for that VILE ASSHOLE OF A GOD YOU WORSHIP. Didn’t your god lay out Ten Commandments? Are we supposed to figure them out? Let me see, thou shalt not kill, well sometimes you can and sometimes you can’t, Is that figuring it out. What kind of a BRAINLESS MORON ARE YOU. Read the bloody bible it says clearly that OWNING SLAVES IS OK, now what figuring out can you make of that. Some people will say” bibles says owning slaves is OK” while others will say it is not. Figuring it out has lead to the present INSANE CHAOS. Why is everything SO MYSTERIOUS, ASK YOUR FUCKING GOD TO COME DOWN AND PUT HIS FOUL MOUTH WHERE HIS MONEY IS. THEN TELL HIM TO PISS OFF.
@@brit1066 so says the man headed to hell if he does not repent (not my words, God's). "The light came into the world but they would not accept it because they loved the darkness". "They believed the lie because they did not want to know the truth". Your choice. So far, you have not chosen wisely.
virgil dolph Listen YOU MORON. What you are doing is simply repeating the FICTION OF THE BIBLE. The Bible is just a book like any other it is FICTION, a story it is NOT TRUTH OR REALITY. Your CHILDISH ATTEMPT TO FRIGHT N ME IS ABOUT AS SUCCESSFUL AS FIRING A CATAPULT AT A BATTLESHIP. Have you ever seen the Wizard of Oz? Did you actually believe that there was a WIZARD? Of course not, the same is true of the Bible, your FAKE GOD AND HIS LIMP WRISTD SON, THEY ARE NOT REAL. YOUR MORONIC REPETITION OF THE WORDS WRITTEN THERE ARE WORTHLESS. Unless you can get that SCUMBAG OF A GOD TO VISIT ME I shall continue my fight to OPEN YOUR EYES. None of us are going to a HELL OR A HEAVEN. When you die your body will simply decay and RETURN TO MOTHER EARTH. You can cuss, scream, snivel, cry and LIE UNTIL YOU ARE BLUE IN THE FACE, NOTHING WILL CHANGE THAT. Beliefs are just an acceptance of something for which there is NO EVIDENCE, no matter what you say you CANNOT TURN A FAIRY TALE INTO TRUTH. YOU WILL DIE JUST AS I WILL AND WE ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE AFTER THAT, ACCEPT IT AND STOP LYING, YOU SPINELESS WRETCH.
Spencer Grant Glad you see it. I have always thought this way. I believe that God wants us to have the satisfaction of coming to the answer ourselves so that we will keep following. I mean, really, who would want to follow God if it were too easy?
Spencer Grant - Just read a very good book 'Paradoxology.' God is of course difficult to figure out. We are finite humans. However, being God we could 'presume' that He knows how to teach, instead of saying, God doesn't know what he's doing, I know better. This is the way to do it, God. What appears on the surface to be obvious is not. I agree with you that exercising your mind, heart, spirit, etc. is the way to go. In today's world people are glued to their phones, all the flash and glitter. But learning about the Creator of everything -- that's the 'Super Phone.' That's how I try to see the Bible, for instance. It should be the most fascinating study in the world. Instead, often it's made to be the most boring.
When I was praying, the Spirit reminded me of the sections in Proverbs of "My son, don't go into an adulterous woman's house" and not to even be caught near her house, so like what are you doing near her house? And how they left from older to younger or something like that. It was the older/younger, father/son in Proverbs that connected the two for me.
This woman's life was in Jesus's hands, but the crowd wanted her to die and was using Jewish law to force Jesus' hand. If he says " She should die" then his reputation as all loving and forgiving will be shattered in the eyes of general folk. 7:41 If he says " let her go, then a man who claims to be a holy rabbi doesn't follow the Jewish holy laws. Thus declaring himself a fraud, let alone the messiah. They thought they had trapped him, but Jesus calmly crouched down and wrote in the sand. Without saying a word. He was saying you claim to know and love God's law, and you don't even know that it was with this very finger I wrote those laws and gave them to moses them person You have no idea who you are trying to manipulate!
This is the most excellent explanation of what Christ was doing when he was doodling in the sand, for he was not writing words just doodling, for if he was writing words, which were important, the Bible would have told us what he wrote, but this is insignificant, he was waiting for a word from his father and when he received the word he gave it to the people, let he who is without sin cast The First Stone. What he did in action doodling in the sand, was a sign which was directly connected to scripture as the man in the video said beautiful, just beautiful, most excellent, God bless you all.
He wrote the names of men that had also "been" with the woman they wanted to have Jesus condemn, and stands up and told them "he that is without sin cast the first stone"
I have a doubt here: if the pharisees said to Jesus, saying they caught the woman ‘in the very act’, then where is the other culprit? The man. Did he escape? According to Moses Law, both man and woman found committing adultery should be stoned to death - Deut 22:22-24.
No, Bear Lemke. Numbers 5:11-31. Our Lord Fulfilled the Sacrificial System of the woman whose husband suspects his wife of adultery. What is anyone expecting Our Lord to do? Cast the first stone? He was not there. The people who caught the woman, if they did actually catcher, should have thrown the stones killing her and her lover. CHRIST even told them to cast the first stone."17 The priest will take holy water in a clay jar, and taking dust from the floor of the dwelling, the priest will place it in the water. "
CatMan DO I understand what you are saying, but the scriptures in John 8 quite clearly state that she was caught in the very act, and was dragged before Jesus to test him... I love your love for the word, and thank you for sharing you views with me. By him writing the law (if that's why happened) before her accusers, he makes them out to actually be the ones who don't know the law of Moses, especially this one in particular.
Which is why I believe jesus was actually asking the crowd, "okay, well where is the man then?" He was always revealing and exposing the double religious standards of the day. On a further and more personal note, I absolutely love that it wasn't so much an angry crowd that brought her before Jesus, but rather it was the very law He had written that brought her broken and guilty to his feet... Where he then extended mercy over judgement. So amazing
Hey! READ the SCRIPTURE :- John 7:37 In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. 38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. 39 (But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.) John 8:3 And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst, 4 They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. 5 Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou? 6 This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not. 7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. Leviticus 20:10 And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death. Deuteronomy 17:5 Then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die. 6 At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses, shall he that is worthy of death be put to death; but at the mouth of one witness he shall not be put to death Deuteronomy 19:6 Lest the avenger of the blood pursue the slayer, while his heart is hot, and overtake him, because the way is long, and slay him; whereas he was not worthy of death, inasmuch as he hated him not in time past. 7 Wherefore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt separate three cities for thee. 8 And if the Lord thy God enlarge thy coast, as he hath sworn unto thy fathers, and give thee all the land which he promised to give unto thy fathers; 9 If thou shalt keep all these commandments to do them, which I command thee this day, to love the Lord thy God, and to walk ever in his ways; then shalt thou add three cities more for thee, beside these three: 10 That innocent blood be not shed in thy land, which the Lord thy God giveth thee for an inheritance, and so blood be upon thee. 11 But if any man hate his neighbour, and lie in wait for him, and rise up against him, and smite him mortally that he die, and fleeth into one of these cities: 12 Then the elders of his city shall send and fetch him thence, and deliver him into the hand of the avenger of blood, that he may die. 13 Thine eye shall not pity him, but thou shalt put away the guilt of innocent blood from Israel, that it may go well with thee. 14 Thou shalt not remove thy neighbour's landmark, which they of old time have set in thine inheritance, which thou shalt inherit in the land that the Lord thy God giveth thee to possess it. 15 One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established. 16 If a false witness rise up against any man to testify against him that which is wrong; 17 Then both the men, between whom the controversy is, shall stand before the Lord, before the priests and the judges, which shall be in those days; 18 And the judges shall make diligent inquisition: and, behold, if the witness be a false witness, and hath testified falsely against his brother; Jeremiah 17:13 O Lord, the hope of Israel, all that forsake thee shall be ashamed, and they that depart from me shall be written in the earth, because they have forsaken the Lord, the fountain of living waters. 14 Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise. Matthew 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. 18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. 19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
He was just minding his own business and refusing to get involved in Judging anyone. He practiced "do not judge and you will not be judged". You can stone an adulterer but Jesus modeled Mercy as the way. That's why our courthouses should display "Know this, I want mercy, not sacrifice" and "love your enemies" outside, not the ten commandments.
Charles Snarls whoa? Is that The Jesus of the Bible that just went around loving everyone, not judging and being happy go lucky?...I don’t think so but correct me if I’m wrong. He’s the King of Kings and Judge of’re off course friend. 🤨 that’s an example of me judging you (not to damnation mind you, but to a course correction) so as to get back on course if you’re a believer.
Please help our brother John to get united with his family in anyways possible,with prayers and sharing his story as well, Thanks again for the love and support @t
Why spend your time guessing at what Jesus wrote in the sand.... Spend your time figuring out what he means by the words we know he wrote in the Bible!!!
WE are the modern day pharisees. What Jesus wrote in the sand then, is relevent to us now. For this reason, it is pertinent to comprehend both what he wrote, and why he wrote it. Otherwise, we are just as spiritually blind as the pharisees were.
Anthony Gordon Matthew! Who the hell was he, you do realize that the people who wrote the Gospels, including Matthew, are UNKNOWN. Matthew is just a name, NO ONE KNOWS WHO HE WAS. So why the hell would you give any credence to the writings of a FICTITIOUS PERSON. How bloody DUMB CAN YOU PEOPLE BE.
Sir Mr.Hull, you are a great preacher of the word of God, we call Bible. Is this Jesus writing on the sand, is what is great , or that He came to this earth to sacrifice His precious life on the cross. for the salvation of mankind .That should be the message .we should be sending to this lost world, these days. Why spending time on these unimportant aspects of the scripture. Am I right or wrong ? Sometimes I wonder of these lectures coming from these great people.
talking about the man Jesus again , but what about the message he brought from the Father , he was a messenger with a message for mankind , he said ,I speak only what my Father tells me to say , and what his message was from God the father was that he is going to establish a government on earth [the Kingdom of God ] and Jesus is that King ,who will rule over all the governments of the earth with the saints ,from the headquarters which is Jerusalem . That was his message , surely he was the saviour and redeemer of mankind , but only 120 people believed what he said ,they believed on him , that he was a prophet come from god ,but they sought to kill him because his word was not in them , how many today believe on him ,but don't believe what he said , when the disciples asked him how should we pray ? , he said our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name ,thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven , Jesus came into Galilee preaching the Gospel ,what gospel ,the Gospel of the kingdom of God , it's mentioned everywhere in the Acts of the apostles , but you don't hear his message being preached in churches today , his Kingdom won't be established by men ,to the contrary ,man lives contrary to Gods way ,and no church will establish that Kingdom ,or government either ,it will be brought about completely supernaturally when man comes to the brink of destroying himself , and God will bring about peace to the earth ,and man won't learn war anymore , now that's a wonderful message of good news [ the Gospel] that God the father sent with God the son to mankind .Amen.
Those of his that are overcomers , we must be overcomers ,or at least trying to overcome our own lusts and desires of this world ,we must live in this world but not be a part of it's sin . We fail daily but Christ makes up the difference, because he has overcome the world and Satan ,and Qualified to take the Kingdom , Christ hasn't received the kingdom as yet ,this world is still under Satans influence but Christ defeated Satan and will establish his Kingdom on earth when mankind comes to the brink of destroying himself, only then will God intervene supernaturally .
why is it that these guys always say monetary support is critical. can't the gospel be spread without money, like when Jesus sent the disciples out in two's.
Money is just a tool. Provision from our provider is key. He said give and it shall be given unto you pressed down shaken together and running over shall men give unto your bosom. It's not just money but all resources in order to get the job done. If you'll go read the full chapter about when he sent out the disciples it'll explain that they were provided for. It ensured their full reliance on God. I'm not into advertising my needs. God lays it on the hearts of others.
You need resources to produce the best quality of videos such as these. Lights, microphones, antennas, etc. Prompting people’s faith to be more generous is not bad.
@@EBUNNY2012 Jesus didn't have to send the disciples out for money, the people, naturally, supported the 'ministry of JESUS'. They had finances/resources for the work; proof, Judas Iscariot was the treasurer.
Disgusting, how they attempt to steer viewers into an auto-renewing contract at the close of this video, in exchange for the Word of God. No surprise either, that he would posess a poor understanding of the biblical account of the "Adultrous Woman". "The fear of the Lord, is the beginning of wisdom." Never was a greater depiction offered in biblical text, than the scenerio which unfolded between the woman, the pharisees/teachers of the law, and Jesus. They conspired to create a situation that would cause people to regard Jesus as a hypocrite by promoting either the law of Moses, or Roman Law (under which, two sworn eyewitnesses would be required to accuse the woman, before condemning her.) Of course, the pharisees underestimated the intelligence of Jesus/Emanuel (aka, God With Us.) They were overwhelmed with fear as they slowly realized that Jesus not only knew their thoughts, but had knowlege of their sins as well. All eyes would have been intent on Jesus, in an attempt to determine what He was doing. Imagine the inner trembling of the pharisees, as He wrote not only their names, but their sins in the dirt. It was at this moment, that they realized Jesus had the power to destroy their lives if He chose to. He sent a clear message to each of them, that he would do precisely to them, as they chose to do to the woman. Thus, when prompted to cast the first stones, each of them walked away in shame. In His divine wisdom, Jesus fulfilled the will of the Father (to offer forgiveness to all that will submit to His divine authority) without judging, or condemning anyone. Later, upon the cross, Jesus paid the price for the woman's sins that he had forgiven, along with the sins of the pharisees that he had etched into the dirt, without so much as a word. It is vitally important that we all comprehend that the very same gift of forgiveness that Jesus extended to the sinners of biblical times, is also offered to each of us today. All sin is worthy of death in the eyes of God. However, if each of us will simply admit to the sins that Jesus could easily list in the sand, and repent of those sins, and accept the forgiveness of Christ, and declare Him as your only Lord and Savior... Jesus will spare you the penalty of death, in the very same act of love that He showed to the adultrous woman. ☺
@@reflexionesdelabiblia6711 Yes, I mentioned the requirements for righteous judgement in the 4th paragraph of my comment. Also, I am not the one to judge anyone. That is Jesus's authority, not mine. It is his Word that teaches us that all have sinned, and fallen short of the glory of God. It is with regard to these sins that we all must repent, and ask forgiveness. Not my words; His words. 🙂
Good answer, know the word! That is how to see In maturity, those that twist the truth of God's word for their own profit. Rightly dividing the word if truth gives us the authority to correct, instruction admonish and edify true believers! Kathy@CompassOfTruth
Concerning the "auto renewing account" that you mentioned... ..I was taken aback also. But in reality I think the man is being upfront with the viewer's because let's face it, it cost money to spread the gospel and also I noticed that he didn't ask for a specific amount or a minimum. It amazes me how the Lord turned everyone away by simply reminding them or us of our own guilt. There is non righteous no not one. May the Lord instill in us a heart full of forgiveness because I know that at one point or another in our lives we are going to face a situation where forgiveness will be required of us. God Bless everyone.
@@gilbertrobles1374, I agree. I believe that the core of the message that Jesus conveys to us (the reason that biblical accounts are recorded for future generations in the bible, are to serve as examples to teach us about our sinful nature) in the account of the adulterous woman and her "accusers" is that we become hypocrites when we hold double standards; expecting forgiveness for our "small" sins, while judging others harshly and condemning them for what we see as their "large" sins. The actions of Jesus in this account teaches us that God sees all sins equally, and the wages of all sin is equal. Thus, it is evil to judge others, while asking for our own forgiveness. If we are willing to forgive others because We ourselves are forgiven, then we embrace God's will that all would be saved. After all, who are we to ask for forgiveness, if this is something that we do not extend to others? The divine logic seems to be that only a sinless one could rightfully judge a sinful person, without being hypocritical, and deserving of the condemnation that we deem appropriate for others. Its about embracing the Truth about who we are... we are sinners, everyone of us. And only Jesus has the authority to judge any and all of us.
Not everyone can afford to make a contribution that would love to have that book. During many many people that are very rich that can donate for those of us that cannot afford it. Thank you
It is not om]portent what JESUS wrote on the sand.why because the bible does not says what HE wrote. Look how he ignorant those fault finder. He didn't come to judge or condem ppl.He came to save us and to show us the way to GOD. JESUS LOVES EVERYBODY.
This woman's life was in Jesus's hands, but the crowd wanted her to die and was using Jewish law to force Jesus' hand. If he says " She should die" then his reputation as all loving and forgiving will be shattered in the eyes of general folk. 7:41 If he says " let her go, then a man who claims to be a holy rabbi doesn't follow the Jewish holy laws. Thus declaring himself a fraud, let alone the messiah. They thought they had trapped him, but Jesus calmly crouched down and wrote in the sand. Without saying a word. He was saying you claim to know and love God's law, and you don't even know that it was with this very finger I wrote those laws and gave them to moses them personally You have no idea who you are trying to manipulate!
A very interesting answer. I've heard one, however, that seems inspired. Taking into account the immediate circumstances and the observations made here by the interviewee, we can see that it is all a setup. They think they have Jesus cornered. The he starts wrting on the dust that accumulates on the temple floor, ALL THE SINS OF THOSE MAKING THE ACCUSATIONS! The Holy Spirit convicts the of THEIR sins. They are defeated and walk away. There is no need to go ouside the context of the event.
antonio hernandez He didn't write in sand it was stone. It was symbolic. The finger of God writing on stone. It was a picture of the law. They were challenging Yeshuah on his knowledge of the law forgetting that it was in fact HE who wrote it. or at very least, since he is one with the Father, he was there when it was written.
I like the idea . By showing the commandments He is pointing to the sins of those doing the accusing . It could be the temple stones but the text does say "ground" which the concordance does not indicate anything else. But "set in stone" is good. His laws are inmutable like His character.
Back up into John 7:39 but I do want to point out that " the Holy Ghost was not yet given" so the only thing that could convict them is their own conscience. Just clear that up. If you then look at John 8:9 it reads, "And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one".....
יג מִקְוֵה יִשְׂרָאֵל יְהוָה, כָּל-עֹזְבֶיךָ יֵבֹשׁוּ; יסורי (וְסוּרַי) בָּאָרֶץ יִכָּתֵבוּ, כִּי עָזְבוּ מְקוֹר מַיִם-חַיִּים אֶת-יְהוָה. {פ} 13 Thou hope of Israel, the LORD! All that forsake Thee shall be ashamed; they that depart from Thee shall be written in the earth, because they have forsaken the LORD, the fountain of living waters. {P}
Jesus wrote on stone not sand! Saying He wrote in sand relegates Jesus (the King of Kings and the Highest of the High) to being just a man. Only God can write in stone (with His finger). Jesus wrote on stone!
Joh 8:6 This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not. Jesus wrote on the ground!!!
Strong’s Definitions γῆ gē, ghay; contracted from a primary word; soil; by extension a region, or the solid part or the whole of the terrene globe (including the occupants in each application):-country, earth(-ly), ground, land, world. KJV Translation Count - Total: 252x The KJV translates Strong's G1093 in the following manner: earth (188x), land (42x), ground (18x), country (2x), world (1x), earthly (with G1537) (with G3588) (1x).
Now this is a great teaching! (And you didn't have to suggest a false doctrine like others are doing with this story). You gave a perfect account right from scripture.
Jesus never told a lame man to jump into a pool, but instead healed the man. First of all a lame man cannot walk therefore is incapable of jumping into a pool or anything for that matter. Please be careful what you teach people about our Christ. Thank you
@@venmic78 that's not what john 5:8 says. Jesus told him to rise, pick up his bed and walk. And immediately the man was healed by Christ and did not need to enter the water anymore. The point i'm trying to make is that we should study the bible ourself as a daily devotion instead of relying on others to give us a different version than what it actually says. Be blessed my brother
Don't be critical or judgemental all good things can be done under want is to believe it is not about who is right or wrong, it is about doing the right thing. Being selfless and the willinginess to learn and appreciate instead of hateful and condemning.
While the religious men stood, having rocks in their hands ready to stone the woman......Jesus stooped down touching a dirty ground to let everyone know that He is not ashamed of the woman's sin and that she should not be condemn......Jesus gives us plenty of chances for us to repent of our sins.....that is something we should be grateful about.
Yooooo, this is super amazing. I had no idea. I feel like I had missed out on a lot. Tbh, I actually thought that I let down God by not knowing such things.😭😭😭🤦♂️🤦♂️
@@nb3500 John 8:56-58 NIV Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad.” “You are not yet fifty years old,” they said to him, “and you have seen Abraham!” “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!” John 8:56-58 NIV
This woman's life was in Jesus's hands, but the crowd wanted her to die and was using Jewish law to force Jesus' hand. If he says " She should die" then his reputation as all loving and forgiving will be shattered in the eyes of general folk. 7:41 If he says " let her go, then a man who claims to be a holy rabbi doesn't follow the Jewish holy laws. Thus declaring himself a fraud, let alone the messiah. They thought they had trapped him, but Jesus calmly crouched down and wrote in the sand. Without saying a word. He was saying you claim to know and love God's law, and you don't even know that it was with this very finger I wrote those laws and gave them to moses them person You have no idea who you are trying to manipulate!
This side of Jesus nailed the superiority of the New Testament, the better Law, the better Covenant. Sin easily forgiven by believing in Jesus, sin is easily committed by just thinking of it.
I always wondered what that meant and heard other explanations but not according to Scripture like this one was. Scripture says ; give honor where honor is due, great video!!!!!
I am a lay person who makes only 10.90 a hour at 58 who provides for a family of 5 . One morning I look up this passage and at 3:40 am I asked God on this passage due to His Finger really focus on it , he wrote there sins down that’s a given. But His Finger , he says in Silence how dare you temp me for I am God for I wrote the Commandments and the Dirt I created You from. He misses God higher ways .
Thanks for explaining this intriguing story. Now I have another question: If they didn't accept Jesus as the Living Water, how would they associate the condemning of the woman with rejecting Him as God/Living Water??
God is so interesting to me. When you look at kings and leaders that have complete power that live/lived on earth, you see a man that makes good and bad decisions, declares war and moves the nation according to his own beliefs of good and evil. God does the same (yes, even war against sin), but his decisions are perfect and he fills you with his presence and love, joy and peace. I'm both very happy and scared about this.
At 2:08, he mentions that Jesus taught like the other Pharisees. He actually did not. (Mark 1:22) That’s why we have to continuously study what Jesus did and said in its proper context-because He did not teach as the people were used to being taught.
The thing is that the last time we saw GOD writing anything was with Moses. HE wrote the commandments. So imho we need to consider that people were convicted of sin. “He who is without sin, cast the first stone…” So from the oldest to the youngest they were all convicted of sin. I think JESUS was writing the commandments… they were judging her by the law, so the law judged them first. That’s more likely imho. GOD bless!
Interesting explanation. Problem is that many scholars say that this passage is not found in the earliest manuscripts and is therefore an interpolation.
This woman's life was in Jesus's hands, but the crowd wanted her to die and was using Jewish law to force Jesus' hand. If he says " She should die" then his reputation as all loving and forgiving will be shattered in the eyes of general folk. 7:41 If he says " let her go, then a man who claims to be a holy rabbi doesn't follow the Jewish holy laws. Thus declaring himself a fraud, let alone the messiah. They thought they had trapped him, but Jesus calmly crouched down and wrote in the sand. Without saying a word. He was saying you claim to know and love God's law, and you don't even know that it was with this very finger I wrote those laws and gave them to moses them personally You have no idea who you are trying to manipulate!
All who are watching want to let you know. The fact you're watching this means you are Hungry for Jesus that means alot. He loves you
Nathan Thorson
Yes Nathan!!!
We love our Wonderful sweet Lord 🍞🍷😙💓💓💓
Forgive me if I come off sounding simplistic. I'm not a fan of over thinking things and making things seem more meaningful than they are. When you do that - you tend to miss the absolute wonder of God. Scrolling through your phone when being asked a serious question from someone who will take your word as gospel is a good sum up of what happened in this account. So I have to respectfully dismiss your summation as to the water having much at all to do with this event about the woman and the mob who were out to stone her.
Yes - Jesus doodled in the sand but I don't think it was for any other reason than to get this mob wondering what He was doing and as a result pay attention to His words. Then - He suggests that the one without sin should throw the first stone because according to the law of that day - the just punishment for this woman was stoning. Then - He goes back to doodling in the sand in order to afford the mob an escape route which they take because they knew that not one of them was without sin.
Jesus knows human nature. He made us. So - like clay in the hands of the potter - Jesus calmed an angry mob that was out for blood and made an ugly scene go away. I think that this account simply states that. That is a powerful lesson to take from this account. He gave us an escape route as well. He did that because He loves mankind. He loves this creation of His so much - He died and took all the sins of mankind - my sins - your sins - all sins.
We screwed up. We sinned. We deserve death. He paid all of it for us and all we need to do is accept that gift. I'm not the brightest bulb on the tree and I definitely need to get into my Bible more often but ... life is complicated enough without assumptions of Bible accounts' meanings that (in my mind) serve to take away from the wonderful glory and nature of God.
Nathan Thorson BULLSHIT, I watch to see just how INSANE AND SPINELESS YOU PSYCHOS ARE.
Nathan Thorson thanks Nathan
No they are searching for God but are being fed the tares(matthew 13) of the jesus instead. Repent and return to the ten true commandments exodus 20 and deuteronomy 5.
the finger of jesus writing on the ground/concrete is jesus reminding the pharisees that this is the same finger that wrote the ten commandments.
keeping it real
And I thought I was the only one who knew this truth.
Amen to your reply
I just commented almost the exact same thing as you. Then scroll down and seen ur comment 😀
Wow. Powerful
Jeremiah 17:13
Jesus is writing their names in the dust.
starting from the pharessee and those in the Gatherings.
You are correct..because they didht believe in Jesus, they would not be saved. So the pharisees names who brought the woman to Jesus was written in the sand.. they would not reach the heavenly kingdom
I am amazed at this man's teaching, I wonder how I have missed him all these years. I love you so much man of God, you've brought so much joy and excitement to my heart.
His teaching was stolen from St. Augustine and St. Ambrose
Why don't you read the letters of the church fathers. I know they were all Catholic and you probably harbor a lot of prejudices and lies about the Catholic Church but Catholic theology is rock solid
I love Jesus a lot
Wow, I had absolutely no clue to this significance. Thank you so much for bringing this to light and clarifying this action taken by Yeshua meant.
The mystery of Him writing in the sand has always wondered in my mind for so long. Thank God for the answer!!!
I’m sorry, people, but the passage about the woman accused of adultery is a complete fraud and was fabricated/added by the church.
This story is not in the earliest copies of the “John” gospel.
This is not even is known throughout the most elementary theological fields.
I can’t believe any of you do not know this.
@@emotionalmodels8463 it's true that it's not in the original manuscripts, but you can't say that the story is not true or fraud. That story might have been a saying.
One hundred years later this story was added. 100 years!!
100 years later the story suddenly became apart of the Bible…one of which-again- was never found in any of the earliest copies of the “John” gospel.
So why should it have been added to a script that didn’t have it originally?
What a bunch of bullshit.
Not sure what you are referring to. What are God’s words?
Certainly not anything from the Bible.
You, apparently, are not a serious biblical scholar.
@@emotionalmodels8463 And was there not a time when you didn't know that? Or anything else that you didn't but someone else probably said "I can't believe you didn't know that!"
Jeremiah 17:13
13 Lord, you are the hope of Israel;
all who forsake you will be put to shame.
Those who turn away from you will be written in the dust
because they have forsaken the Lord,
the spring of living water.
So, those who where about to condemn this woman, recognise Jesus actions when he dipped and wrote in the sand! Absolute!
Yes, and the key connection is that both times were at the water libation.
Grape Vine777 700000
Grape Vine777 I’m glad to see some one who gets it!!!! Good on you Grape Vine777!
Now we also know why his vesture is dipped in Blood it's a metaphor, for the verse you site he's crushing under his feet those that have forsaken his Torah.
God made Israel out of blood
I watch this every now and then and even though I have seen it before - it always gets a huge, shocked, teary "Wow!" from me... Wow!
This woman's life was in Jesus's hands, but the crowd wanted her to die and was using Jewish law to force Jesus' hand.
If he says " She should die" then his reputation as all loving and forgiving will be shattered in the eyes of general folk. 7:41
If he says " let her go, then a man who claims to be a holy rabbi doesn't follow the Jewish holy laws. Thus declaring himself a fraud, let alone the messiah.
They thought they had trapped him, but Jesus calmly crouched down and wrote in the sand. Without saying a word.
He was saying you claim to know and love God's law, and you don't even know that it was with this very finger I wrote those laws and gave them to moses them person
You have no idea who you are trying to manipulate!
Jesus is God.
He is not Elohim. Elohim is ECHAD. ONE. And not a plural unity.
@@Mrjohnboy1965 Sorry, this is a very common response that tries to shoehorn a belief into the Torah. Doesn't fly. There is ONE Elohim. You're attempting to make *another* God and this is forbidden in Torah. I'll have to send you chapter and verse later because this is fact. I know all about the Aleph/Tav thing and that doesn't hold water either. Again, I'll have to send you chapter and verse. I was once like you until I understood the hebrew and immersed myself in Tanakh first. If you do that then read the NT you'll back up on most things you held as truth.
"I and my Father are ONE".
@@rhpicayune Deut. 6;4 Hear, O Israel: YHWH our Elohim, YHWH is one. And 'one' is ECHAD in Hebrew and is NOT a compound unity as all Christians try to argue. If you look up early instances of echad when Moses speaks to Pharoah, echad is used to describe Moses. And Moses wasn't THREE. He was one man.
Mr.Artist1971...every prophecy concerning the Meshiac was fulfilled in Christ Jesus. He is One with the Father just as you & your spirit are one. To better talk about this with a Christian, so you understand our side better please read "The Case for Jesus" by Lee Stroble.
thanks a lot, I was studying yesterday, and all of a sudden I just asked, what did Jesus write on the dust, this answer was just timely
Always timely :)
This woman's life was in Jesus's hands, but the crowd wanted her to die and was using Jewish law to force Jesus' hand.
If he says " She should die" then his reputation as all loving and forgiving will be shattered in the eyes of general folk. 7:41
If he says " let her go, then a man who claims to be a holy rabbi doesn't follow the Jewish holy laws. Thus declaring himself a fraud, let alone the messiah.
They thought they had trapped him, but Jesus calmly crouched down and wrote in the sand. Without saying a word.
He was saying you claim to know and love God's law, and you don't even know that it was with this very finger I wrote those laws and gave them to moses them person
You have no idea who you are trying to manipulate!
They are many theories as to the why and the what Yeshua wrote in the sand, but this is by far the best explanation I have EVER heard. It follows solid principles of exegesis by connecting Hoshana Rabba which was occuring when this incident happend, to the why and the what of Yeshua writing in the sand. What a precious nugget of truth. Great work Joe. Well done...
It's not what Yeshua wrote, it's that out of the 613 commandments which were written in ink on parchment paper, the 10 commands were written on stone by the finger of Yeshua, on the 10 Commandments, it has, thou shall not commit adultery. The Pharisees said the woman was taken in the very act, but there was no man, in order to stone her, there had to be two, it was a setup.
@@julielemker2131 These are educated guesses and everyone is entitled to their opinion. For you to say it's "It's not what Yeshua wrote" is at best, presumptuous on your part (I'm being polite here). This is by no means definitive; i.e. NOBODY KNOWS FOR SURE what He wrote. How we act accordingly speaks volumes...
@@GTX1123 That's very Christian-like WOW
@@julielemker2131 Please explain your sarcasm. What is it that you're so offended over?
@@GTX1123 Like you said, knowing what He wrote is irrelevant because nobody knows what He wrote, and to say that we do is presumptuous. There are 613 commands given in the Torah, 10 of which are written with the finger of God, one of which is "Thou shalt not commit adultery" Now the text reads that she was caught in the very act of adultery, and she was brought to the feet of Jesus, while He was teaching in the Temple amidst a massive crowd. In order for someone to commit adultery there needs to be two parties, where was the man?
Jesus is Lord
david ayobami Amen
@Abdulhalim Mohamed Yes Kings were called lord also. Jesus is Lord of all creation, meaning Lord of Lords, King of Kings, Ruler of all things.
@Abdulhalim Mohamed I absolutely have an argument, that being faith. I believe in the trinity, such as God in three but still separate beings. If something like the world was created it had to be by something far far greater than we can even comprehend, and if we can't comprehend it, as the Bible states we cannot fully comprehend all that God has done, then who are we to apply our own knowledge to satisfy our understanding of the truth? When we lean on our own understanding is when we make God who we want and not who He is. I did not just read the Bible, I read many books on other religions because it's not fair to believe without seeking or trying to understand other beliefs/religions. The Bible was inscribed over a period of 2000 years by Kings, physicians, tax collectors, farmers, fisherman, singers and shephards; the marvel is that a library so perfectly cohesive could have been produced by such a diverse crowd over a period of time which staggers the imagination. Jesus said that the word would remain, and so it did. God also said that people will distort the truth, hence which is why there are so many religions and denominations. I believe in the word, and if anyone does not, they have no reason to fight it or argue it, as if they are trying to save the world from destruction... that is what Christians are instructed, to be prepared to share the reason of why we have hope, to love all and to bring others to God. I have a reason to fight for you and everyone. So I ask, what is your reason? What brought you here and what are you saving me from? The answer usually is something like "to make you realize how idiotic it is to believe such a thing". When it is all said and done this whole back and forth about religion is so much more than a UA-cam debate, it's a lifestyle. I wish you the best.
@Abdulhalim Mohamed I know you believe in what you were taught, it just doesn't completely agree with what the Bible actually tells us. The Bible says that Jesus was sent to die for us to overcome the sins of the world. The only way to overcome our sin was to come to earth blameless and without sin (as Jesus was) and dying and being raised from the dead.There is no human worthy of paying the price for the whole world since we all are sinners. The difference in Christianity in comparison to other religions is that we are saved only by grace; there is nothing we can do to be saved outside of Jesus paying the ultimate sacrifice. There's no more sacrifices because Jesus paid it all for us. We know that we don't deserve to be saved and there's nothing we can do to deserve it, but God showed us how great His love is for us by sending His only son to die for us. We don't have to do checklists to gain His approval of us. We cannot earn God's love, He already loves us. I notice that all other religions focus on something WE have to do, such as the 5 pillars, meditation etc. to earn God's approval, but as a Christian I come to God as a sinner, knowing that I can do nothing to earn His love, so the price has been paid for me through His son, as the Bible says. Some religions only use the Torah and not the full Bible, and that is because they don't want to factor in Jesus, or his death and resurrection. Why say some of the Bible is true but not all of it? People want to believe in what they want to believe in, not what God's word says. This creates an endless debate unfortunately, but I follow the Bible which has survived to this day. Many religions and/or cults were created from the Bible as the years went by, (Islam, JW, Mormonism, etc.) but the full scripture speaks truth to us even still. I don't pick and choose what to believe in the Bible, or I might as well come up with my own religion as well, I believe it to the full, and that is why I believe in Jesus as the son of God, who was with God and who was God as John 1:1 states.
If you don't believe in the full Bible then of course that will lead to a distortion of the truth, and an attempt to fill the gaps with what we want to believe, not what is in the scripture (or partiality of the scripture). Now, if you do believe in the full Bible then you have read passages where Jesus said things like "I tell you the truth, Jesus answered, before Abraham was born, I am!". God told Moses in Exodus 3:13 "tell the nation I AM has sent you. Also in John 10:30 "I and the Father are one". Genesis 1:26 "And God said let us make man in our image, after our likeness". In John 5:17-18 it says "...but he was even calling God his own father, making himself equal with God". Genesis 1:2 "Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the 'Spirit' of God was hovering over the waters". There are so many verses that lead to my belief, but if you don't believe in the whole scripture then it would be impossible to identify with Jesus as God or the possibility of a trinity. Jesus respected God as the head, God sent Jesus to die, God gave Jesus the authority to judge, and all throughout scripture Jesus identifies as living to serve the one who sent him. He also is God and was there for all of creation, but that doesn't mean they are one mind and one being, that's why it is called a trinity. The old testament predicts Jesus coming numerous times, one being found in Isaiah 9:6-7 (700 years before Jesus came). It says "For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. 7 There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace, On the throne of David and over his kingdom, To establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness From then on and forevermore. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will accomplish this".
I know it's a lot, and I don't expect you to change your beliefs over any of it, but I did want to give a reason for why I believe what I believe, and I wanted to support it with scripture.
@Abdulhalim Mohamed In the Bible it also clearly states him as the son of God and as God like John 1:1 tells us. In Revelation, John was approached by an angel and fell down to worship him, but the angel is not God so the angel replied “Don’t do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers and sisters who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For it is the Spirit of prophecy who bears testimony to Jesus.”
Revelation 19:10.
Jesus didn't reject worship, because he is worthy of worship. In Matthew 14:32-33 it says "And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God". Why would he not reject their worship? Also, in Matthew 28:9 it says "Suddenly Jesus met them. “Greetings,” he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him".
Again, he did not reject their worship. One final one for good measure is John 9:35-38 where it says "Jesus heard that they had thrown him out, and when he found him, he said, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” “Who is he, sir?” the man asked. “Tell me so that I may believe in him.” Jesus said, “You have now seen him; in fact, he is the one speaking with you.” Then the man said, “Lord, I believe,” and he worshiped him". This is my Bible, and this is what I believe.
🙌🏼 “By Him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name.” Hebrews 13:15🌟
I never knew this into this very moment. My Lord Jesus is so awesome!!! I want to be the apple of his eye 🌷.
Thank you Mr Joe. Blessings from Yashua HaMashiach to you and your family always. And to the host and the poster of this video
He is absolutely correct about Messiah's actions! Like he said only a Hebraic mindset would understand!
Not really. I just commented in another video that rather than anything significant, it was more likely to be something like tic-tac-tow. Jesus stood up from doodling in the sand, spoke the truth about the situation (that no man in the crowd was sinless enough to condemn the woman to death), and went back to drawing pictures in the sand. Typical of God to allow us to choose our own actions - right or wrong. ... and I have no real understanding of the culture in the times of Jesus.
Hi, "Last Days"....Wow, your comment confirms what i just posted on facebook concerning the "day and hour that no man knows". It was a Hebrew idiom referencing the celebration of Rosh Hashana/Feast of Trumpets. Today we misunderstand and believe that no one can know the day of the Lord's return for His church. But this is not true...Jesus spoke to a Jewish audience who understood the idiom He used. So, too with His drawing a line in the sand. It is a Hebraic mindset that the audience to whom Jesus spoke would understand. Good point, "Last Days"!
3DPDK or maybe this is a more likely explanation.
The first thing he wrote was the first part of the law concerning adultery. Which can be found in Deuteronomy 17:5
That there are to be 2 or 3 witnesses to this crime and that those witnesses are to be the first to cast stones. Also that this matter is to be taken to the gates of the city to be heard by the priest's to be judged. He knew they had falsely accused this woman because they had not followed the law. This is why he asked he who is without sin cast the first stone. The second thing he wrote in the sand was the punishment for falsely accusing someone of this crime, which is the death penalty for the false accuser. This is why all the men walked away. Then he asked her where are those that accused you? Have no man accused you? She said no man Lord. Remember when God wrote the commandments in stone with his finger? Jesus being God in the flesh was simply writing the letter of his law in the sand. It is God's law that convicts us all of our sins. Just as it convicted those who falsely accused this woman.
Tic-tac -tow, really? Dude, if your going to continually rely upon your own arrogant, uneducated understanding of scripture, your going to miss out. The Bible is deep, very deep, and I"m only beginning to understand the layers within its pages. Take for instance "Biblical Mathematics". A book written by Ed F. Vallowe. Amazing data within its pages. The good thing is, the Bible was written in such a away that shallow people, like you and I, can still glean the basic message of salvation but, if you want more, it's in there waiting to be found. I"m not smart enough to figure these thing out so, thank God there are gifted and educated individuals out there to show us how deep it really goes. If your really interested, that is.
Shoeshine Boy Amen to that. I’m not clever enough to see this stuff on my own but I just love it when God reveals these little nuggets to me through others who are clever enough lol - God bless. Great little piece of God’s puzzle put together
Not only did this happen on the 8th day of the Feast of Tabernacles, it happened on the Mount of Olives. Also, Yeshua wrote on the ground twice & that means its really important just like when He'd say "verily, verily."
Be Holy for HE is Holy.
YESHUA is coming. 🙏❤️
Thank you thank you Yeshua for your faith & Glory to Hashem for glory is in your love ❤️
That is so good ..a Rabbi gave just so much info and then the person has to learn what is to be known..this is why we study the Bible❤
Another part he left out read the passage again then read my next comment , tell me what you think and spread the word. God bless you
This woman's life was in Jesus's hands, but the crowd wanted her to die and was using Jewish law to force Jesus' hand.
If he says " She should die" then his reputation as all loving and forgiving will be shattered in the eyes of general folk. 7:41
If he says " let her go, then a man who claims to be a holy rabbi doesn't follow the Jewish holy laws. Thus declaring himself a fraud, let alone the messiah.
They thought they had trapped him, but Jesus calmly crouched down and wrote in the sand. Without saying a word.
He was saying you claim to know and love God's law, and you don't even know that it was with this very finger I wrote those laws and gave them to moses them person
You have no idea who you are trying to manipulate!
Praise and glory be to God Almighty ❤ his love endures forever and far surpasses any human understanding Hallelujah 🙌 Amen Lord
thats amazing, I always wondered what He wrote in the sand. Thank you so much for posting this video!!
tjlaviolette He didn't write in sand it was stone. It was symbolic. The finger of God writing on stone. It was a picture of the law. They were challenging Yeshuah on his knowledge of the law forgetting that it was in fact HE who wrote it. or at very least, since he is one with the Father, he was there when it was written
This man is wrong.
What did Jesus write in the sand?
Probably all of this:
Deuteronomy 22:22 (NASB)
"If a man is found lying with a married woman, then *_both of them shall die,_* the *_man_* who lay with the woman, *_and the woman;_* thus you shall purge the evil from Israel.
Deuteronomy 17:6 (NASB)
"On the evidence of *_two witnesses or three witnesses,_* he who is to die shall be put to death; he *_shall not_** be put to **_death_** on the evidence of **_one witness._*
Deuteronomy 19:15 (NASB)
"A single witness shall not rise up against a man on account of any iniquity or any sin which he has committed; *_on the evidence of two or three witnesses a matter shall be confirmed._*
Deuteronomy 19:18-19 (NASB) 18 "The judges shall investigate thoroughly, and *_if the witness is a false witness_* and he has accused his brother falsely, 19 *_then you shall do to him just as he had intended to do to his brother._* Thus you shall purge the evil from among you.
Remember the Pharisees were trying to TRICK Jesus. *_As our perfect, sinless Lamb, He taught and enforced the law (Torah) PERFECTLY. He did not change it._*
He's a CON MAN, how the hell could anybody KNOW what JC wrote in the sand, he is a LIAR LOOKING FOR MUGS LIKE YOU.
@@brit1066 ,
shut up, godless fool, you and your ilk are going to be judged and condemned, the moment you close your eyes in death !
juergen bertram Shut up yourself you BRAINLESS MORON.
I have the RIGHT to say WHAT I LIKE, you and your VILE RELIGION no longer have the power to SHUT ME UP.
You and your VILE ILK no longer hold sway, your INSANITY IS OBVIOUS TO THOSE OF US WHO THINK.
Your power to TERRORIZE THE SIMPLE MINDED is crumbling fast and You will now BE ON THE RECEIVING END , HOW DO YOU LIKE IT.
If you insist on your INSANE BELIEFS so be it, but stay the HELL AWAY FROM MY LIFE, LIBERTY AND RIGHTS.
You and your god CAN PISS OFF AND GO TO HELL.
Do you UNDERSTAND now?
Have a nice day and STOP LYING.
I just preached this text last week, i pointed out that the same finger that wrote in the stone is the same finger that writes in the stone of mens hearts. Who knows what was written. I imagined he wrote in the ground "the shape of mud" he literally shaped everyones heart from judgement and condemnation to self reflection and a realization that everyone there was guilty of something. For the extra critical folks i also taught on how this text does not appear in the earliest manuscripts but nevertheless it is a great moment to teach Christ's disciples how to shape mud or the human heart which has a natural tendency to not extend grace and mercy. Sermon title was the shape of mud.
The first thing he wrote was the first part of the law concerning adultery. Which can be found in Deuteronomy 17:5
That there are to be 2 or 3 witnesses to this crime and that those witnesses are to be the first to cast stones. Also that this matter is to be taken to the gates of the city to be heard by the priest's to be judged. He knew they had falsely accused this woman because they had not followed the law. This is why he asked he who is without sin cast the first stone. The second thing he wrote in the sand was the punishment for falsely accusing someone of this crime, which is the death penalty for the false accuser. This is why all the men walked away. Then he asked her where are those that accused you? Have no man accused you? She said no man Lord. Remember when God wrote the commandments in stone with his finger? Jesus being God in the flesh was simply writing the letter of his law in the sand. It is God's law that convicts us all of our sins. Just as it convicted those who falsely accused this woman. She was not properly accused by the law therefore could not be convicted of the crime.
This woman was not falsely accused otherwise Jesus would not tell her to sin no more.
Nothing in my comment suggests that Jesus was sinful or that he did not know the law. I am simply saying that if this woman was not guilty Jesus would have not told her to sin no more. The authenticity of what Jesus did here was to bring mercy and grace to her case, which give us the capacity to overcome sin.
Amen, the explanation given about the accusers knowing Jeremiah 17 and seeing it played out before them is the correct explanation. We need to humbly receive this man's teaching and quit going off in pride to find our own explanation.
I appreciate bigvevil's perspective here. John 8:6 says the scribes and Pharisees were testing Jesus to try to find something to accuse Him with, and this seemed the perfect catch. Should He tell them to let her go, they would accuse Him of breaking Moses' law. Should He say stone her, they would accuse Him before the Roman's since the Jews were not permitted to execute anyone under Roman rule. But Jesus masterly gave a perfect answer. As for the writing on the ground, Jeremiah's verse may well be relevant here, but I also believe He was writing their sins there. The context lends itself to that. "He who is without sin among you, let Him cast the first stone." And He stops down to write again. They obviously would have been curious to see what He was writing. The text only says He wrote on the ground. I can only imagine there was enough sand or dust on that stone pavement in that desert climate for Him to write in. And seeing their sins written there, they would know that they had better leave lest He publish these to all present.
How masterly He handled this situation. He not only did not accuse the woman to the crowds, but neither did He publicly condemn the leaders who had falsely accused her (alone). He could have publicly condemned them and asked where the man was, but He discretely let them know on the ground that He knew their sins so they could leave her alone.
As for the timing of this passage, you can read in verse 1 that this happened the morning after the last great day of the feast, not the day of.
Lord of Lords, your faithfulness is my shield. You are my healer, my comforter, and the lifter of my head. With a heart full of praise, I acknowledge that you are truly my everything!
My response is to the person that mentions the bible and slavery,how do u not understand if you work at a job for pay that you are still a slave?
I love Yeshu'a so much and I hunger for and miss Him daily
Teaching is so powerful when Old Testament and New Testament converge.
This woman's life was in Jesus's hands, but the crowd wanted her to die and was using Jewish law to force Jesus' hand.
If he says " She should die" then his reputation as all loving and forgiving will be shattered in the eyes of general folk. 7:41
If he says " let her go, then a man who claims to be a holy rabbi doesn't follow the Jewish holy laws. Thus declaring himself a fraud, let alone the messiah.
They thought they had trapped him, but Jesus calmly crouched down and wrote in the sand. Without saying a word.
He was saying you claim to know and love God's law, and you don't even know that it was with this very finger I wrote those laws and gave them to moses them person
You have no idea who you are trying to manipulate!
Wowwwwww. . . . Wonderful teaching
Love from Pakistan
This is a yes and no answer. Over the years I've heard many possible ideas to what did Jesus write on the ground ? Truth is, because the bible is silent on that. Everybody will come up with their own ideas and interpretations. Even what I think is only an opinion. Truth is, we don't know.
But we also have tradition
Seriously !!! Yeshua always referred back to what we call the Old Testament .... if you cant see that this refers to what happened in the dust then you are severely blind !!
@@Heather-xz3eo ... I have no idea what you're saying. But as far as Jesus referring back to the Old Testament. That's normal, The New Testament didn't exist yet.
This woman's life was in Jesus's hands, but the crowd wanted her to die and was using Jewish law to force Jesus' hand.
If he says " She should die" then his reputation as all loving and forgiving will be shattered in the eyes of general folk. 7:41
If he says " let her go, then a man who claims to be a holy rabbi doesn't follow the Jewish holy laws. Thus declaring himself a fraud, let alone the messiah.
They thought they had trapped him, but Jesus calmly crouched down and wrote in the sand. Without saying a word.
He was saying you claim to know and love God's law, and you don't even know that it was with this very finger I wrote those laws and gave them to moses them personally
You have no idea who you are trying to manipulate!
Congratulations for puting all the context ! Enlightening.
Jesus Saves!!! He loves you reading this and He will save you! Surrender your whole life to Him, ask Him to forgive you of your sins, and live for Him!!
What the hell will he SAVE me from? You are an IGNORANT, BRAINLESS, MORON.
Science-is-god hopefully from yourself
Science-is-god Actually the ignorant one would be one. Trying to defend your argument by name calling childeshnes. Jesus will save you from Hell because we are all sinful and condemned eternally unless Jesus saves us.
Chase Childers Perhaps you should proof read your comments BEFORE POSTING THEM.
Read you first sentence.
Well you god freaks have been doing that for THOUSANDS OF YEARS, it is the standard thing to do, after all, all you have left is LIES, IGNORANCE AND THREATS OF ETERNAL PUNISHMENT.
So when those DO NOT WORK you just Roy SLANDER AND INSULTS.
Do you really believe that constantly repeating your PATHETIC BLEATS like “SURRENDER YOUR WHOLE LIFE TO JESUS” will have ANY effect on people who use KNOWLEDGE, REASON AND TRUTH.
You are a worthless pathetic WRETCH.
@@brit1066 if you dont believe in the lord im sorry. It is not out job to explain god and his word it is our job to proclaim it. I pray that you will find the truth and make it your own. God bless you
I love this. Historically relevant theology. Seeking and finding deeper meanings from Jesus teaching.
This woman's life was in Jesus's hands, but the crowd wanted her to die and was using Jewish law to force Jesus' hand.
If he says " She should die" then his reputation as all loving and forgiving will be shattered in the eyes of general folk. 7:41
If he says " let her go, then a man who claims to be a holy rabbi doesn't follow the Jewish holy laws. Thus declaring himself a fraud, let alone the messiah.
They thought they had trapped him, but Jesus calmly crouched down and wrote in the sand. Without saying a word.
He was saying you claim to know and love God's law, and you don't even know that it was with this very finger I wrote those laws and gave them to moses them person
You have no idea who you are trying to manipulate!
Jesus is so Amazing ♥️
Thank you for your explaination. Blessings.
"Give them just enough and let them figure it out." Is that one way God teaches us?
I was struck by Mr. Amaral's mention of rabbinic teaching method because it resonates with a notion I've been thinking about recently: that God has given us enough Truth to draw correct conclusions for ourselves.
Let's consider slavery. Practically every great empire has practiced slavery to some extent. The Bible seems to condone it, with laws governing slavery in the Old Testament, and Paul mentioning it in the New Testament. Despite the American Civil War and efforts to abolish slavery around the world, the practice still exists - albeit mostly underground.
However, most people today condemn slavery. Why? Because God let us figure it out.
We blame God for so much - and I'm as guilty as anyone - failing to grasp the response-ability He has given us. Why are there people still starving on this planet? : because God allows it, or because we allow it? We haven't figured it out.
Thanks for this video : I am convicted.
Spencer Grant WHAT!
God let’s us figure it out!
That has to be the most INSANE EXCUSE YET.
What if we get it wrong?
How do we know we are wrong?
Why would a loving god say “JUST FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELVES”
Well that is par for the course for that VILE ASSHOLE OF A GOD YOU WORSHIP.
Didn’t your god lay out Ten Commandments?
Are we supposed to figure them out?
Let me see, thou shalt not kill, well sometimes you can and sometimes you can’t, Is that figuring it out.
Read the bloody bible it says clearly that OWNING SLAVES IS OK, now what figuring out can you make of that.
Some people will say” bibles says owning slaves is OK” while others will say it is not.
Figuring it out has lead to the present INSANE CHAOS.
@@brit1066 so says the man headed to hell if he does not repent (not my words, God's). "The light came into the world but they would not accept it because they loved the darkness". "They believed the lie because they did not want to know the truth". Your choice. So far, you have not chosen wisely.
virgil dolph Listen YOU MORON.
What you are doing is simply repeating the FICTION OF THE BIBLE.
The Bible is just a book like any other it is FICTION, a story it is NOT TRUTH OR REALITY.
Have you ever seen the Wizard of Oz? Did you actually believe that there was a WIZARD?
Of course not, the same is true of the Bible, your FAKE GOD AND HIS LIMP WRISTD SON, THEY ARE NOT REAL.
Unless you can get that SCUMBAG OF A GOD TO VISIT ME I shall continue my fight to OPEN YOUR EYES.
None of us are going to a HELL OR A HEAVEN.
When you die your body will simply decay and RETURN TO MOTHER EARTH.
You can cuss, scream, snivel, cry and LIE UNTIL YOU ARE BLUE IN THE FACE, NOTHING WILL CHANGE THAT.
Beliefs are just an acceptance of something for which there is NO EVIDENCE, no matter what you say you CANNOT TURN A FAIRY TALE INTO TRUTH.
Spencer Grant Glad you see it. I have always thought this way. I believe that God wants us to have the satisfaction of coming to the answer ourselves so that we will keep following. I mean, really, who would want to follow God if it were too easy?
Spencer Grant - Just read a very good book 'Paradoxology.' God is of course difficult to figure out. We are finite humans. However, being God we could 'presume' that He knows how to teach, instead of saying, God doesn't know what he's doing, I know better. This is the way to do it, God.
What appears on the surface to be obvious is not. I agree with you that exercising your mind, heart, spirit, etc. is the way to go. In today's world people are glued to their phones, all the flash and glitter. But learning about the Creator of everything -- that's the 'Super Phone.' That's how I try to see the Bible, for instance. It should be the most fascinating study in the world. Instead, often it's made to be the most boring.
When I was praying, the Spirit reminded me of the sections in Proverbs of "My son, don't go into an adulterous woman's house" and not to even be caught near her house, so like what are you doing near her house? And how they left from older to younger or something like that. It was the older/younger, father/son in Proverbs that connected the two for me.
Jesus did not throw mud
The guy's an obvious shill
He did not start to do doo doo in the sand either, that is gross. Lol
And did not try also to get someone drowned.
He put mud pies in the guys eyes😁
Wowwwww! amazing I am speechless halleluyah! Praise Yahashua!
We don't know alot. I believe that when we get to heaven, we will find out everything. 👑 Praise be to our Lord Jesus
This woman's life was in Jesus's hands, but the crowd wanted her to die and was using Jewish law to force Jesus' hand.
If he says " She should die" then his reputation as all loving and forgiving will be shattered in the eyes of general folk. 7:41
If he says " let her go, then a man who claims to be a holy rabbi doesn't follow the Jewish holy laws. Thus declaring himself a fraud, let alone the messiah.
They thought they had trapped him, but Jesus calmly crouched down and wrote in the sand. Without saying a word.
He was saying you claim to know and love God's law, and you don't even know that it was with this very finger I wrote those laws and gave them to moses them person
You have no idea who you are trying to manipulate!
This is the most excellent explanation of what Christ was doing when he was doodling in the sand, for he was not writing words just doodling, for if he was writing words, which were important, the Bible would have told us what he wrote, but this is insignificant, he was waiting for a word from his father and when he received the word he gave it to the people, let he who is without sin cast The First Stone. What he did in action doodling in the sand, was a sign which was directly connected to scripture as the man in the video said beautiful, just beautiful, most excellent, God bless you all.
Are Those "Cocoa Puffs" cereal surrounding a candle in the dish on the table?
Marie Murley rabbit pellets ???
Coffee beans?
Marie Murley lol I like this comment in the midst of the chaos lol
He wrote the names of men that had also "been" with the woman they wanted to have Jesus condemn, and stands up and told them "he that is without sin cast the first stone"
I have a doubt here: if the pharisees said to Jesus, saying they caught the woman ‘in the very act’, then where is the other culprit? The man. Did he escape? According to Moses Law, both man and woman found committing adultery should be stoned to death - Deut 22:22-24.
Smart smart Smart. You are Smart. Someone is paying attention.
That's why I believe he wrote that very law in the dust. They were trying to trap him with the very law he authored.... Jesus is so good.
No, Bear Lemke. Numbers 5:11-31. Our Lord Fulfilled the Sacrificial System of the woman whose husband suspects his wife of adultery. What is anyone expecting Our Lord to do? Cast the first stone? He was not there. The people who caught the woman, if they did actually catcher, should have thrown the stones killing her and her lover. CHRIST even told them to cast the first stone."17 The priest will take holy water in a clay jar, and taking dust from the floor of the dwelling, the priest will place it in the water. "
CatMan DO I understand what you are saying, but the scriptures in John 8 quite clearly state that she was caught in the very act, and was dragged before Jesus to test him... I love your love for the word, and thank you for sharing you views with me. By him writing the law (if that's why happened) before her accusers, he makes them out to actually be the ones who don't know the law of Moses, especially this one in particular.
Which is why I believe jesus was actually asking the crowd, "okay, well where is the man then?" He was always revealing and exposing the double religious standards of the day. On a further and more personal note, I absolutely love that it wasn't so much an angry crowd that brought her before Jesus, but rather it was the very law He had written that brought her broken and guilty to his feet... Where he then extended mercy over judgement. So amazing
"Their names shall be written in the earth." Jer.17:13
John 7:37 In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. 38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. 39 (But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.)
John 8:3 And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst,
4 They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.
5 Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?
6 This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.
7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
Leviticus 20:10 And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.
Deuteronomy 17:5 Then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die.
6 At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses, shall he that is worthy of death be put to death; but at the mouth of one witness he shall not be put to death
Deuteronomy 19:6 Lest the avenger of the blood pursue the slayer, while his heart is hot, and overtake him, because the way is long, and slay him; whereas he was not worthy of death, inasmuch as he hated him not in time past.
7 Wherefore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt separate three cities for thee.
8 And if the Lord thy God enlarge thy coast, as he hath sworn unto thy fathers, and give thee all the land which he promised to give unto thy fathers;
9 If thou shalt keep all these commandments to do them, which I command thee this day, to love the Lord thy God, and to walk ever in his ways; then shalt thou add three cities more for thee, beside these three:
10 That innocent blood be not shed in thy land, which the Lord thy God giveth thee for an inheritance, and so blood be upon thee.
11 But if any man hate his neighbour, and lie in wait for him, and rise up against him, and smite him mortally that he die, and fleeth into one of these cities:
12 Then the elders of his city shall send and fetch him thence, and deliver him into the hand of the avenger of blood, that he may die. 13 Thine eye shall not pity him, but thou shalt put away the guilt of innocent blood from Israel, that it may go well with thee.
14 Thou shalt not remove thy neighbour's landmark, which they of old time have set in thine inheritance, which thou shalt inherit in the land that the Lord thy God giveth thee to possess it.
15 One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.
16 If a false witness rise up against any man to testify against him that which is wrong; 17 Then both the men, between whom the controversy is, shall stand before the Lord, before the priests and the judges, which shall be in those days;
18 And the judges shall make diligent inquisition: and, behold, if the witness be a false witness, and hath testified falsely against his brother;
Jeremiah 17:13 O Lord, the hope of Israel, all that forsake thee shall be ashamed, and they that depart from me shall be written in the earth, because they have forsaken the Lord, the fountain of living waters.
14 Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise.
Matthew 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
Please please make this book available in audible as audio book
4funjust123 thanks. I was just wondering that. Going there next.
He was just minding his own business and refusing to get involved in Judging anyone. He practiced "do not judge and you will not be judged". You can stone an adulterer but Jesus modeled Mercy as the way. That's why our courthouses should display "Know this, I want mercy, not sacrifice" and "love your enemies" outside, not the ten commandments.
Do you really believe we should never judge anyone?
Charles Snarls whoa? Is that The Jesus of the Bible that just went around loving everyone, not judging and being happy go lucky?...I don’t think so but correct me if I’m wrong. He’s the King of Kings and Judge of’re off course friend. 🤨 that’s an example of me judging you (not to damnation mind you, but to a course correction) so as to get back on course if you’re a believer.
Charles Snarls But he also told her, go and sin no more. He loves us to much to leave us where we are.
Yes he did judge her, he judged her as a sinner and told her to sin no more. Jesus is the mighty judge as we will find out one day.
@@douglasboyd8475 You and Charles are both correct, he is just, and he DIDN'T slay her where she stood, although he rightfully could have...
Please help our brother John to get united with his family in anyways possible,with prayers and sharing his story as well, Thanks again for the love and support
Sounds great but all is theory,no one but those present at that time know what He wrote
Exactly !!!!!
Cynthia same thing I said read my comment. Everybody wants to sell some new realization these days.
Yurp! Too much theories these days. Every wants to be a teacher of the word!
It wasn't what He wrote, the Bible doesn't say, it is about Why He wrote in the sand.
Thank youJoe and 100huntley street so much for this insight and all the others too.
Why spend your time guessing at what Jesus wrote in the sand.... Spend your time figuring out what he means by the words we know he wrote in the Bible!!!
In the Bible, he
wrote in the sand!! So let's figure it out
Because ALL Scripture is profitable
WE are the modern day pharisees. What Jesus wrote in the sand then, is relevent to us now. For this reason, it is pertinent to comprehend both what he wrote, and why he wrote it.
Otherwise, we are just as spiritually blind as the pharisees were.
@@marshalllhiepler spoken like a real Pharisee! JK, you're right.
Awesome teaching
Jesus did not threw mud, neither did He say if the man who jumps in water and is not healed will drown... there are no biblical truth to substantiate
I agree. It only took me a few seconds to rule out this guy.
Anthony Gordon Where did you get that CRAP? off the back of a WHEATIES BOX?
Anthony Gordon Amen. God bless you for speaking the truth.
Matthew 28:18 Shalom
Anthony Gordon Matthew!
Who the hell was he, you do realize that the people who wrote the Gospels, including Matthew, are UNKNOWN.
Matthew is just a name, NO ONE KNOWS WHO HE WAS.
So why the hell would you give any credence to the writings of a FICTITIOUS PERSON.
Good stuff!.. God is beautiful!!
levitcus 20:10 wheres the man?
Sir Mr.Hull, you are a great preacher of the word of God, we call Bible. Is this Jesus writing on the sand, is what is great , or that He came to this earth to sacrifice His precious life on the cross. for the salvation of mankind .That should be the message .we should be sending to this lost world, these days. Why spending time on these unimportant aspects of the scripture. Am I right or wrong ? Sometimes I wonder of these lectures coming from these great people.
talking about the man Jesus again , but what about the message he brought from the Father , he was a messenger with a message for mankind , he said ,I speak only what my Father tells me to say , and what his message was from God the father was that he is going to establish a government on earth [the Kingdom of God ] and Jesus is that King ,who will rule over all the governments of the earth with the saints ,from the headquarters which is Jerusalem . That was his message , surely he was the saviour and redeemer of mankind , but only 120 people believed what he said ,they believed on him , that he was a prophet come from god ,but they sought to kill him because his word was not in them , how many today believe on him ,but don't believe what he said , when the disciples asked him how should we pray ? , he said our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name ,thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven , Jesus came into Galilee preaching the Gospel ,what gospel ,the Gospel of the kingdom of God , it's mentioned everywhere in the Acts of the apostles , but you don't hear his message being preached in churches today , his Kingdom won't be established by men ,to the contrary ,man lives contrary to Gods way ,and no church will establish that Kingdom ,or government either ,it will be brought about completely supernaturally when man comes to the brink of destroying himself , and God will bring about peace to the earth ,and man won't learn war anymore , now that's a wonderful message of good news [ the Gospel] that God the father sent with God the son to mankind .Amen.
GrooberNedJardine Who do you think are gonna live is Jesus's kingdom? The redeemed.
Those of his that are overcomers , we must be overcomers ,or at least trying to overcome our own lusts and desires of this world ,we must live in this world but not be a part of it's sin . We fail daily but Christ makes up the difference, because he has overcome the world and Satan ,and Qualified to take the Kingdom , Christ hasn't received the kingdom as yet ,this world is still under Satans influence but Christ defeated Satan and will establish his Kingdom on earth when mankind comes to the brink of destroying himself, only then will God intervene supernaturally .
And those who are faithful now will rule over the nations in the 1000 years!
Yes ,all those throughout the ages that have died in Christ will rule with him .
"Faithful"? o you even understand what that means? How can you worship the "Holy Trinity" and even think you are "Faithful'?
37 yrs of church in every denom and this is the first time I've heard it explained.
why is it that these guys always say monetary support is critical. can't the gospel be spread without money, like when Jesus sent the disciples out in two's.
Money is just a tool. Provision from our provider is key. He said give and it shall be given unto you pressed down shaken together and running over shall men give unto your bosom. It's not just money but all resources in order to get the job done. If you'll go read the full chapter about when he sent out the disciples it'll explain that they were provided for. It ensured their full reliance on God. I'm not into advertising my needs. God lays it on the hearts of others.
But when he sent the disciples out they did ask for money to support the gospel.
You need resources to produce the best quality of videos such as these. Lights, microphones, antennas, etc. Prompting people’s faith to be more generous is not bad.
@@EBUNNY2012 Jesus didn't have to send the disciples out for money, the people, naturally, supported the 'ministry of JESUS'. They had finances/resources for the work; proof, Judas Iscariot was the treasurer.
Amen and God Bless All.
Disgusting, how they attempt to steer viewers into an auto-renewing contract at the close of this video, in exchange for the Word of God.
No surprise either, that he would posess a poor understanding of the biblical account of the "Adultrous Woman".
"The fear of the Lord, is the beginning of wisdom."
Never was a greater depiction offered in biblical text, than the scenerio which unfolded between the woman, the pharisees/teachers of the law, and Jesus.
They conspired to create a situation that would cause people to regard Jesus as a hypocrite by promoting either the law of Moses, or Roman Law (under which, two sworn eyewitnesses would be required to accuse the woman, before condemning her.)
Of course, the pharisees underestimated the intelligence of Jesus/Emanuel (aka, God With Us.)
They were overwhelmed with fear as they slowly realized that Jesus not only knew their thoughts, but had knowlege of their sins as well. All eyes would have been intent on Jesus, in an attempt to determine what He was doing. Imagine the inner trembling of the pharisees, as He wrote not only their names, but their sins in the dirt.
It was at this moment, that they realized Jesus had the power to destroy their lives if He chose to. He sent a clear message to each of them, that he would do precisely to them, as they chose to do to the woman.
Thus, when prompted to cast the first stones, each of them walked away in shame.
In His divine wisdom, Jesus fulfilled the will of the Father (to offer forgiveness to all that will submit to His divine authority) without judging, or condemning anyone.
Later, upon the cross, Jesus paid the price for the woman's sins that he had forgiven, along with the sins of the pharisees that he had etched into the dirt, without so much as a word.
It is vitally important that we all comprehend that the very same gift of forgiveness that Jesus extended to the sinners of biblical times, is also offered to each of us today. All sin is worthy of death in the eyes of God. However, if each of us will simply admit to the sins that Jesus could easily list in the sand, and repent of those sins, and accept the forgiveness of Christ, and declare Him as your only Lord and Savior...
Jesus will spare you the penalty of death, in the very same act of love that He showed to the adultrous woman. ☺
whaaa? Not sure that's accurate. Im sure there's a counter-thesis out there somewhere....
@@reflexionesdelabiblia6711 Yes, I mentioned the requirements for righteous judgement in the 4th paragraph of my comment. Also, I am not the one to judge anyone. That is Jesus's authority, not mine. It is his Word that teaches us that all have sinned, and fallen short of the glory of God. It is with regard to these sins that we all must repent, and ask forgiveness.
Not my words; His words. 🙂
Good answer, know the word!
That is how to see In maturity, those that twist the truth of God's word for their own profit.
Rightly dividing the word if truth gives us the authority to correct, instruction admonish and edify true believers!
Concerning the "auto renewing account" that you mentioned... ..I was taken aback also. But in reality I think the man is being upfront with the viewer's because let's face it, it cost money to spread the gospel and also I noticed that he didn't ask for a specific amount or a minimum.
It amazes me how the Lord turned everyone away by simply reminding them or us of our own guilt. There is non righteous no not one. May the Lord instill in us a heart full of forgiveness because I know that at one point or another in our lives we are going to face a situation where forgiveness will be required of us. God Bless everyone.
I agree.
I believe that the core of the message that Jesus conveys to us (the reason that biblical accounts are recorded for future generations in the bible, are to serve as examples to teach us about our sinful nature) in the account of the adulterous woman and her "accusers" is that we become hypocrites when we hold double standards; expecting forgiveness for our "small" sins, while judging others harshly and condemning them for what we see as their "large" sins. The actions of Jesus in this account teaches us that God sees all sins equally, and the wages of all sin is equal. Thus, it is evil to judge others, while asking for our own forgiveness. If we are willing to forgive others because We ourselves are forgiven, then we embrace God's will that all would be saved. After all, who are we to ask for forgiveness, if this is something that we do not extend to others? The divine logic seems to be that only a sinless one could rightfully judge a sinful person, without being hypocritical, and deserving of the condemnation that we deem appropriate for others.
Its about embracing the Truth about who we are... we are sinners, everyone of us. And only Jesus has the authority to judge any and all of us.
Not everyone can afford to make a contribution that would love to have that book. During many many people that are very rich that can donate for those of us that cannot afford it. Thank you
Jesus wasn't Christian and he wasn't a rabbi. He is the Messiah
Dont Afk He most absolutely was and is a Rabbi. The Highest Rabbi. Rabbi means Teacher.
He is called Rabbi in the NT.
Jesus and all of his followers were Jewish. They were 100% Jews. Jesus did have sharp words for those who rejected him as the Messiah.
In fact, I think the first occurrence of the word "rabbi" in literature is in reference to Jesus.
Stephen S. He spoke in parables referring to well known parrables and jewish law. He called non jews (gentiles) dogs.
Thank you for this new study
About Jeremiah 17:13
It is not om]portent what JESUS wrote on the sand.why because the bible does not says what HE wrote. Look how he ignorant those fault finder. He didn't come to judge or condem ppl.He came to save us and to show us the way to GOD. JESUS LOVES EVERYBODY.
I wish you health, wealth, and the time to enjoy and share.
Just enlightened on why Jesus was writing on the sand...grest teaching
To God be the glory
This woman's life was in Jesus's hands, but the crowd wanted her to die and was using Jewish law to force Jesus' hand.
If he says " She should die" then his reputation as all loving and forgiving will be shattered in the eyes of general folk. 7:41
If he says " let her go, then a man who claims to be a holy rabbi doesn't follow the Jewish holy laws. Thus declaring himself a fraud, let alone the messiah.
They thought they had trapped him, but Jesus calmly crouched down and wrote in the sand. Without saying a word.
He was saying you claim to know and love God's law, and you don't even know that it was with this very finger I wrote those laws and gave them to moses them personally
You have no idea who you are trying to manipulate!
A very interesting answer. I've heard one, however, that seems inspired. Taking into account the immediate circumstances and the observations made here by the interviewee, we can see that it is all a setup. They think they have Jesus cornered. The he starts wrting on the dust that accumulates on the temple floor, ALL THE SINS OF THOSE MAKING THE ACCUSATIONS! The Holy Spirit convicts the of THEIR sins. They are defeated and walk away.
There is no need to go ouside the context of the event.
antonio hernandez He didn't write in sand it was stone. It was symbolic. The finger of God writing on stone. It was a picture of the law. They were challenging Yeshuah on his knowledge of the law forgetting that it was in fact HE who wrote it. or at very least, since he is one with the Father, he was there when it was written.
I like the idea . By showing the commandments He is pointing to the sins of those doing the accusing . It could be the temple stones but the text does say "ground" which the concordance does not indicate anything else. But "set in stone" is good. His laws are inmutable like His character.
antonio hernandez ii
He drew a line in the sand.
What does that mean
Back up into John 7:39 but I do want to point out that " the Holy Ghost was not yet given" so the only thing that could convict them is their own conscience. Just clear that up. If you then look at John 8:9 it reads, "And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one".....
Powerful teaching
יג מִקְוֵה יִשְׂרָאֵל יְהוָה, כָּל-עֹזְבֶיךָ יֵבֹשׁוּ; יסורי (וְסוּרַי) בָּאָרֶץ יִכָּתֵבוּ, כִּי עָזְבוּ מְקוֹר מַיִם-חַיִּים אֶת-יְהוָה. {פ} 13 Thou hope of Israel, the LORD! All that forsake Thee shall be ashamed; they that depart from Thee shall be written in the earth, because they have forsaken the LORD, the fountain of living waters. {P}
That's Jeremiah 17:13 in both Hebrew and English
Wayne Warmack you meant YAHUAH not lord _ Baal..
Yes, it says in hebrew language bā-’ā-reṣ, that means on the earth or land.
@@notmyworld44 Good observation.
How do you write that on a keyboard?
Amen and Wow! That's an amazing explanation!
Jesus wrote on stone not sand! Saying He wrote in sand relegates Jesus (the King of Kings and the Highest of the High) to being just a man. Only God can write in stone (with His finger). Jesus wrote on stone!
Joh 8:6 This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.
Jesus wrote on the ground!!!
Strong’s Definitions
γῆ gē, ghay; contracted from a primary word; soil; by extension a region, or the solid part or the whole of the terrene globe (including the occupants in each application):-country, earth(-ly), ground, land, world.
KJV Translation Count - Total: 252x
The KJV translates Strong's G1093 in the following manner: earth (188x), land (42x), ground (18x), country (2x), world (1x), earthly (with G1537) (with G3588) (1x).
Strongs 1093. The more accurate meaning translates to earth. Not stone or sand. Perhaps it's the revelation beneath the ink that matters anyways. Hmm.
Now this is a great teaching! (And you didn't have to suggest a false doctrine like others are doing with this story). You gave a perfect account right from scripture.
Jesus never told a lame man to jump into a pool, but instead healed the man. First of all a lame man cannot walk therefore is incapable of jumping into a pool or anything for that matter. Please be careful what you teach people about our Christ. Thank you
@@venmic78 that's not what john 5:8 says. Jesus told him to rise, pick up his bed and walk. And immediately the man was healed by Christ and did not need to enter the water anymore. The point i'm trying to make is that we should study the bible ourself as a daily devotion instead of relying on others to give us a different version than what it actually says. Be blessed my brother
Don't be critical or judgemental all good things can be done under want is to believe it is not about who is right or wrong, it is about doing the right thing. Being selfless and the willinginess to learn and appreciate instead of hateful and condemning.
quick solid Bible study, thanks
The Temple courtyard is not sand, it's paved, Jesus wrote on stone.
Great & simple point. With chalk or charcoal I would suspect, but it does read finger.
james ohara
So it was probably dusty. ☆
It gets swept and washed ever morning, noon and night, even today.
james ohara
Yeah! that's because.. it doesn't take long to get dusty.
Especially on Feast days.
Wow this brother is batting 1000.
Nice optics in bringing the lords word. Lov u Dad, humbled son.
he was not a jewish rabi.....he was KING of the jews and RABI means teacher...
a slave master is not a slave...he is the king of the slaves
While the religious men stood, having rocks in their hands ready to stone the woman......Jesus stooped down touching a dirty ground to let everyone know that He is not ashamed of the woman's sin and that she should not be condemn......Jesus gives us plenty of chances for us to repent of our sins.....that is something we should be grateful about.
I agree but i hope you dont forget what he told her after that.
Go and sin no more.
@@robertknight3354 that is why you have to repent......I'm sure she got it.
Jesus wrote the name of the adulterer, who was probably their buddy, and was in on the plan.
rustyshadow7 no it wasn't a plan,Jesus saved her.and the Pharisees did wrong to try to stone her because the husband wasn't present
David Aragon
whose husband?
@@rustyshadow7 The wife's husband!
(just kidding!)
Yooooo, this is super amazing. I had no idea. I feel like I had missed out on a lot. Tbh, I actually thought that I let down God by not knowing such things.😭😭😭🤦♂️🤦♂️
Yeshua wrote the same thing His finger wrote at Sinai.
Don't talk RUBBISH!
Christopher Scallio Amen. I always believe that.
@Christopher Scallio Yeshua didn't exist during that time.
John 8:56-58 NIV
Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad.” “You are not yet fifty years old,” they said to him, “and you have seen Abraham!” “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”
John 8:56-58 NIV
@@miltonchorei4105 Heresy.
The fact is that nobody knows what Jesus wrote because it was never explicitly revealed to us in the scriptures
Great message
This men explains really good
I like how he makes you understand
This woman's life was in Jesus's hands, but the crowd wanted her to die and was using Jewish law to force Jesus' hand.
If he says " She should die" then his reputation as all loving and forgiving will be shattered in the eyes of general folk. 7:41
If he says " let her go, then a man who claims to be a holy rabbi doesn't follow the Jewish holy laws. Thus declaring himself a fraud, let alone the messiah.
They thought they had trapped him, but Jesus calmly crouched down and wrote in the sand. Without saying a word.
He was saying you claim to know and love God's law, and you don't even know that it was with this very finger I wrote those laws and gave them to moses them person
You have no idea who you are trying to manipulate!
This side of Jesus nailed the superiority of the New Testament, the better Law, the better Covenant.
Sin easily forgiven by believing in Jesus, sin is easily committed by just thinking of it.
I always wondered what that meant and heard other explanations but not according to Scripture like this one was. Scripture says ; give honor where honor is due, great video!!!!!
WOW! That made perfect sense! POWERFUL!! 😄🤗🤗🤗🌹🌹💞
Oh my.. how wonderful is that? Amen and Amen.
I am a lay person who makes only 10.90 a hour at 58 who provides for a family of 5 . One morning I look up this passage and at 3:40 am I asked God on this passage due to His Finger really focus on it , he wrote there sins down that’s a given. But His Finger , he says in Silence how dare you temp me for I am God for I wrote the Commandments and the Dirt I created You from. He misses God higher ways .
Am from Tanzania, how can I get the book, Understanding Jesus?
Thanks for explaining this intriguing story. Now I have another question: If they didn't accept Jesus as the Living Water, how would they associate the condemning of the woman with rejecting Him as God/Living Water??
Just curious... What is the meaning of a ring on the right thumb, if any?
Thank you much!
God is so interesting to me. When you look at kings and leaders that have complete power that live/lived on earth, you see a man that makes good and bad decisions, declares war and moves the nation according to his own beliefs of good and evil. God does the same (yes, even war against sin), but his decisions are perfect and he fills you with his presence and love, joy and peace. I'm both very happy and scared about this.
Great interpretation of Jeremiah 17:13/John 8:1-12. Thank you.
Thank u brother.
At 2:08, he mentions that Jesus taught like the other Pharisees. He actually did not. (Mark 1:22)
That’s why we have to continuously study what Jesus did and said in its proper context-because He did not teach as the people were used to being taught.
The thing is that the last time we saw GOD writing anything was with Moses. HE wrote the commandments. So imho we need to consider that people were convicted of sin. “He who is without sin, cast the first stone…” So from the oldest to the youngest they were all convicted of sin. I think JESUS was writing the commandments… they were judging her by the law, so the law judged them first. That’s more likely imho. GOD bless!
Interesting explanation. Problem is that many scholars say that this passage is not found in the earliest manuscripts and is therefore an interpolation.
This woman's life was in Jesus's hands, but the crowd wanted her to die and was using Jewish law to force Jesus' hand.
If he says " She should die" then his reputation as all loving and forgiving will be shattered in the eyes of general folk. 7:41
If he says " let her go, then a man who claims to be a holy rabbi doesn't follow the Jewish holy laws. Thus declaring himself a fraud, let alone the messiah.
They thought they had trapped him, but Jesus calmly crouched down and wrote in the sand. Without saying a word.
He was saying you claim to know and love God's law, and you don't even know that it was with this very finger I wrote those laws and gave them to moses them personally
You have no idea who you are trying to manipulate!
@@wainwynter5541 : IN what BIble does it say all that? The passage is an interpolation.. There is no evidence that it happened.