If I may, please pay more attention to the screen... Yellow pacients need doctor, ambulance with paramedic is enough for white patient... Number above vehicle corresponds with scene where vehicle currently is... While browsing customization of units, while commenting "I would rather upgrade something" - there's tab labelled UPGRADES...
Sharp Eye! I Love it. Thanks for the feedback You Rock! I think I did figure out the yellow/white and number thing eventually but honestly disappointed I didn't notice the upgrades tab. I look forward to playing this more when it releases.
Yes the last one was way better I agree. I am hopeful they will make some improvements to this but seems very repetitive and storylined like the free to play phone version
If I may, please pay more attention to the screen... Yellow pacients need doctor, ambulance with paramedic is enough for white patient... Number above vehicle corresponds with scene where vehicle currently is... While browsing customization of units, while commenting "I would rather upgrade something" - there's tab labelled UPGRADES...
Sharp Eye! I Love it. Thanks for the feedback You Rock! I think I did figure out the yellow/white and number thing eventually but honestly disappointed I didn't notice the upgrades tab. I look forward to playing this more when it releases.
Not a fan compared to the last one … this is like a mobile game now … I will miss the non linear vehicle controls
Yes the last one was way better I agree. I am hopeful they will make some improvements to this but seems very repetitive and storylined like the free to play phone version
emergency 4 with mod better
I agree. I have a series coming out soon with mods