mid to zone their mid for prio/lvl 2, while the lane swap top zones top for prio. then aatrox, their jg, and top all lvl 2 dive the lvl 1 top laner LOL. I'm assuming this tactic will be used a lot esp when the feats of str come out.
The other answer missed the point of laneswap. The reason why botlane is top and XCM is mid is because enemy botlane is Kalista Blitzcrank. This duo is extremely strong early and Ashe Alistar would get bullied to hell and beyond, leading to a massive cs and exp gap. The idea of the laneswap is that their botlane can dodge the hard matchup and get a few important levels easily (lv3. for Alistar for full combo) to then play the bot matchup from an even point. Aatrox cannot go botlane though, as they will zone him off and then dive him with a lvl lead. (Aatrox lv1 vs Kalista Blitzcrank lv2 and jungle level 3 never survives that). So therefore, he goes mid to share exp and then dive toplane in case someone on the enemy wants to catch the minions. Essentially, the botside of the map is a no-no for everyone until ashe and alistar go there again
8:19 from 300 so to full health.
why are they sharing a lane at start
mid to zone their mid for prio/lvl 2, while the lane swap top zones top for prio. then aatrox, their jg, and top all lvl 2 dive the lvl 1 top laner LOL. I'm assuming this tactic will be used a lot esp when the feats of str come out.
The other answer missed the point of laneswap. The reason why botlane is top and XCM is mid is because enemy botlane is Kalista Blitzcrank. This duo is extremely strong early and Ashe Alistar would get bullied to hell and beyond, leading to a massive cs and exp gap. The idea of the laneswap is that their botlane can dodge the hard matchup and get a few important levels easily (lv3. for Alistar for full combo) to then play the bot matchup from an even point. Aatrox cannot go botlane though, as they will zone him off and then dive him with a lvl lead. (Aatrox lv1 vs Kalista Blitzcrank lv2 and jungle level 3 never survives that). So therefore, he goes mid to share exp and then dive toplane in case someone on the enemy wants to catch the minions. Essentially, the botside of the map is a no-no for everyone until ashe and alistar go there again
@@Niqkl good explanation, thank you
I guess I gotta build Youmu's on Ashe now
What team is he in?