Castle on the Hill - Ed Sheeran - Fingerstyle Guitar Cover

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @petergergelymusic
    @petergergelymusic 8 років тому +1568

    Best cover of this song. I'm calling it.

    • @EddievanderMeer
      @EddievanderMeer  8 років тому +81

      Thanks bro ^^

    • @carldayap2598
      @carldayap2598 8 років тому +3

      I like this cover too..
      I wish that i can do like that cover..

    • @Mikkelsuper21
      @Mikkelsuper21 7 років тому +2

      For cleaner sound of the bass is my guess...

    • @skycity9097
      @skycity9097 7 років тому +2

      LIke Peter Gergely said Its the best Fingerstyle for this song

    • @NguyenBDang
      @NguyenBDang 7 років тому +7

      This guy and his covers are incredible. Subscribed.

  • @FonziMGM
    @FonziMGM 8 років тому +349

    I can literally see the "castle" on the hill behind you ; ))

  • @janismathieu5949
    @janismathieu5949 8 років тому +350

    This is the best and most beautiful arrangement I've heard of this song:)

    • @EddievanderMeer
      @EddievanderMeer  8 років тому +57

      Thank you!!

    • @mamtapandey3092
      @mamtapandey3092 4 роки тому +3

      @@EddievanderMeer can you do cover of LOVER by TAYLOR SWIFT?
      By the way fan from India.

  • @GMell123
    @GMell123 2 роки тому +1

    I completely lost count of the number of times I’ve listened to this. Very lovely cover of this song. Makes for a smooth ride listening while driving through the countryside.

  • @drakenval5705
    @drakenval5705 8 років тому +168

    ur awesome bro... but ur channel is underrated.... i have hope this channel will grow big keep patience

    • @EddievanderMeer
      @EddievanderMeer  8 років тому +45

      Thank you! My channel is growing pretty well over the past few months

    • @drakenval5705
      @drakenval5705 8 років тому +7

      Yeah its all about time... Remember Pewdipie also had 100 suscrisbers 1 day

    • @yuza_6991
      @yuza_6991 6 років тому

      Eddie van der Meer the last few years now probably 👀

    • @Xgamer-cj9mx
      @Xgamer-cj9mx 4 роки тому +3

      Eddie van der Meer now:

  • @sxntnxdeqwq3324
    @sxntnxdeqwq3324 4 роки тому +22

    The pinky finger: LET ME PLAY
    The thumb: nope

  • @lyricallife2427
    @lyricallife2427 2 роки тому +4

    It already 5 years ago wow, and back watching this again. you man is one of my inspiration when I start learning fingerstyle. Thanks for the inspiration.

    • @MuseUSA
      @MuseUSA 2 роки тому +1

      Yes bro I love this song also fingerstyle of eddie

    • @ganieg_ganieg
      @ganieg_ganieg Місяць тому +1

      Yeah Eddie is my inspiration.....😎😎😎😎

  • @dabi7412
    @dabi7412 6 років тому +58

    When I was six years old I broke my leg
    I was running from my brother and his friends
    And tasted the sweet perfume of the mountain grass I rolled down
    I was younger then, take me back to when I
    Found my heart and broke it here
    Made friends and lost them through the years
    And I've not seen the roaring fields in so long, I know I've grown
    But I can't wait to go home
    I'm on my way
    Driving at ninety down those country lanes
    Singing to "Tiny Dancer"
    And I miss the way you make me feel, and it's real
    We watched the sunset over the castle on the hill
    Fifteen years old and smoking hand-rolled cigarettes
    Running from the law through the backfields and getting drunk with my friends
    Had my first kiss on a Friday night, I don't reckon that I did it right
    But I was younger then, take me back to when
    We found weekend jobs, when we got paid
    We'd buy cheap spirits and drink them straight
    Me and my friends have not thrown up in so long, oh how we've grown
    But I can't wait to go home
    I'm on my way
    Driving at ninety down those country lanes
    Singing to "Tiny Dancer"
    And I miss the way you make me feel, and it's real
    We watched the sunset over the castle on the hill
    Over the castle on the hill
    Over the castle on the hill
    One friend left to sell clothes
    One works down by the coast
    One had two kids but lives alone
    One's brother overdosed
    One's already on his second wife
    One's just barely getting by
    But these people raised me and I can't wait to go home
    And I'm on my way, I still remember
    This old country lanes
    When we did not know the answers
    And I miss the way you make me feel, it's real
    We watched the sunset over the castle on the hill
    Over the castle on the hill
    Over the castle on the hill

  • @andonyoung6493
    @andonyoung6493 7 років тому +15

    This guy needs to be noticed more along with the amazing Peter Gergely

  • @jameskettle3412
    @jameskettle3412 8 років тому +31

    That's amazing. It just puts the version I'm arranging to shame.

    • @walfridonovero9957
      @walfridonovero9957 7 років тому +3

      James Kettle just go with it. It just takes time and practice, go for it!😄

    • @alfredogarcia2273
      @alfredogarcia2273 7 років тому +5

      Lol that's how I always feel when I try to arrange something and then I watch Eddie, Peter, Gareth, or Andrew just outdo my version by miles haha

    • @martincanosa1297
      @martincanosa1297 7 років тому

      Walfrido Novero z

  • @MarkoGajicMusic
    @MarkoGajicMusic 8 років тому +8

    Fantastic cover Eddie! Your production quality is top notch and has been improving every video! Cheers from Canada!

  • @augustw.landing1755
    @augustw.landing1755 2 роки тому

    That string tap you do after 'I'm on my way...' is magical!

  • @DaxAndreas
    @DaxAndreas 8 років тому +1

    Spot on! Masterful arrangement Eddie.

  • @neelmehta9092
    @neelmehta9092 8 років тому +65

    if this doesn't go viral i don't know what will..

    • @akilakavisinghe7189
      @akilakavisinghe7189 8 років тому +100

      apparently people would much rather see an Asian guy dancing with apples and pineapples

    • @hilolpancham7693
      @hilolpancham7693 7 років тому +2

      Akila Kavisinghe lol

    • @RitchiGames
      @RitchiGames 7 років тому

      Akila Kavisinghe your the first comment that has more likes than the comment u reply I ever saw

  • @mizkamusica
    @mizkamusica 7 років тому +6

    Oh my god, this cover is amazing! Beautiful sound, arrangement and scenery..

  • @setiawan.wijaya
    @setiawan.wijaya 8 років тому +6

    Everything is perfect, especially the way you play harmonics, it's really beautiful, i really like this one,

  • @vanessalandrock
    @vanessalandrock Рік тому +2

    I have just watched 20 of your videos and I am so in awe and speechless that I have been unable to comment until now..😮 You make the guitar seem like the most beautiful instrument in the world. Thanks for sharing your touching talent with us 🥰

  • @lunjoekhongsai8458
    @lunjoekhongsai8458 5 років тому +2

    perfect scenario😍 cool winter breeze with morning sunlight!! I wish I lived in your country side😰

  • @TwiceScooter
    @TwiceScooter 7 років тому +1

    I can not understand how people dislike your music.
    That arrangement is truely perfect!
    love it

  • @shawnchaudry2126
    @shawnchaudry2126 8 років тому

    Those harmonics are on point man. This is one of your best covers, it is so accurate, incredible.

  • @jeremiah7611
    @jeremiah7611 8 років тому +43

    thanks for inspiring me to play more

  • @natansilva50
    @natansilva50 8 років тому +18

    Awesome!! Best Cover! Very good Eddie!

  • @panichadechanetirat4975
    @panichadechanetirat4975 8 років тому +1

    Would be somewhat heaven for me, and probably for other people, if you cover more of the popular songs. I could listen to your covers 24/7 :)

  • @AlbertGyorfi
    @AlbertGyorfi 8 років тому +29

    Awesome video! Great job, dude!

  • @henry2256
    @henry2256 2 роки тому

    Every cover you play, they surprises me cuz I had never heard anyone made this cover better

  • @Adam-jk8mb
    @Adam-jk8mb 8 років тому +3

    Awesome I love the way you play the guitar it really speaks to me

  • @noahstevensetc
    @noahstevensetc 7 років тому

    Dude. I am COMPLETELY blown away. I am learning this song on guitar, but singing the melody. The way you take these incredible melodies and mix them with the harmonies at the same time is an incredible skill that will take me years to learn. Keep making videos like this. I love your playing!

  • @naetuir
    @naetuir 7 років тому

    Holy crap. Easily the best cover of the song I've heard yet. Amazing job.

  • @letsthinkit
    @letsthinkit 3 роки тому

    Respect to you bro for putting up subtitles - turn them on viewers for the entire experience!!!

  • @distozicrr3952
    @distozicrr3952 8 років тому +12

    Im legit crying rn my 5 years of guitar seem meaningless i wish i could be as great as you, andrew foy or sungha:( this was a masterpiece eddie

  • @TheExCaliBur-wf5jm
    @TheExCaliBur-wf5jm 6 років тому

    this is channel will grow massive best arrangement ive heard ever keep up the good work!

  • @NicoleTing
    @NicoleTing 8 років тому +3

    finallyyyy! One of my favorite songs :) Great job Eddie! I love your arrangement!

  • @zoeb9463
    @zoeb9463 8 років тому +87

    Awesome video Eddie! Got a question though, why do you always have a thumb pick on?

    • @Enogimka
      @Enogimka 8 років тому +16

      It's to play a clear sound when you pull a string with your thumb. Some people let their nail thumb grow longer to get that long nail instead of having that thumb pick.
      At least for my part, I like to use one too. ;)

    • @zoeb9463
      @zoeb9463 8 років тому +4

      +Enogimka Oh alright. I find it much difficult to slap with a thumb pick. I'm not sure if that means I need more practice with it, or I'm slapping with it wrong. Thanks for the reply though!

    • @Enogimka
      @Enogimka 8 років тому +6

      For some reason I found it so much more easier to make that slap with a thumb pick. The found is so much more loud and clear with almost no effort

    • @zoeb9463
      @zoeb9463 8 років тому

      +Enogimka Do you slap it on the flat side? I slap with it on the side (of the ring), and the strings kept getting pulled each time I slap it.

    • @mateuszandraka3558
      @mateuszandraka3558 8 років тому +1

      Practice makes everything! just keep trying since you find your own style.

  • @ChrisPFries-kz5vf
    @ChrisPFries-kz5vf 6 років тому +12

    Ur the reason why i started playing guitar 😊

  • @oliverbaxendale1030
    @oliverbaxendale1030 7 років тому

    I sung this for our leavers assembly with the others in my year I get emotional just listening I love this :.)

  • @RhythmPlays
    @RhythmPlays 8 років тому +1

    You are ridiculously talented... keep it up!

  • @nataliebyrnes
    @nataliebyrnes 5 років тому

    I love this!!!! There’s literally a castle on a hill behind you!! You’re so talented!!! I love the tune too! Keep up the awesome work!! Im so jealous of ur talent

  • @renzdulay98
    @renzdulay98 8 років тому +1

    This deserves a million views!! 🔥

  • @konstantinpopov3973
    @konstantinpopov3973 7 років тому

    just the best cover I've ever listened in my whole life, its just amazing, I can not even explain my feeling during listening this cover

  • @aaronselva1970
    @aaronselva1970 7 років тому +3

    You deserve much more subscribers mate

  • @PT4918
    @PT4918 7 років тому

    I love how Eddie makes it feel like there are both the rhythm guitarist and that lead guitarist playing at the same time. I hope one day I'll be half as good as you on guitar.

  • @adikabagaskara7753
    @adikabagaskara7753 7 років тому

    why are you so underrated😢
    this is the best fingerstyle cover i ever heard

  • @NiccoloNarvaez
    @NiccoloNarvaez 7 років тому

    Awsome work, always lit. You're the only one that covers with the background music and all the stuff going on the music. NICE💯

  • @socratha
    @socratha 8 років тому +3

    Nice bro, i love to hear you playing the guitar , also im suscribed to ur vlogs channel

  • @YongCyrus
    @YongCyrus 8 років тому +9

    The legend himself

  • @GeeOClock
    @GeeOClock 7 років тому

    This is so beautiful! My eyes went teary because of how beautiful the guitar sounds ;___;

  • @ceceeli7991
    @ceceeli7991 5 років тому

    Okay, I actually got chills thanks to this

  • @angusmack.2202
    @angusmack.2202 2 роки тому

    Wow I have been learning ur version for a while now… but still can’t get the harmonics as clean as u… it’s so clean dude! Keep it up!

  • @buneasalmon6040
    @buneasalmon6040 8 років тому

    And that happened when the man and the guitar became one. A true masterpiece. Congratulations Eddie!

  • @kimtormey2557
    @kimtormey2557 4 роки тому

    dude ur literally incredible! keep it up my dude

  • @ryleedelacruz7283
    @ryleedelacruz7283 5 років тому +1

    its beautiful i love the sound

  • @a.g.easton
    @a.g.easton 7 років тому

    Eddie I have never felt compelled to make a UA-cam comment before, nor will I likely ever make another. But I just wanted to say you inspire me to become a better musician. Keep up the good work mate.

  • @williamsoler6125
    @williamsoler6125 8 років тому +107

    Isn´t cold outside Eddie? Nice one :P

  • @tawsifuddin2720
    @tawsifuddin2720 6 років тому

    Broo !!!! Your so good .... why are you not having 10 MILLION Subscribers ?!?!

  • @reubenwhettenmusic
    @reubenwhettenmusic 6 років тому

    Love it

  • @patricknepomuceno5080
    @patricknepomuceno5080 3 роки тому +1

    My new idol

  • @andrearosyl
    @andrearosyl 8 років тому

    Eddie you did a great job

  • @socratesrodrigues1385
    @socratesrodrigues1385 7 років тому

    Very beautiful arrangement and perfect execution! Congrats!

  • @OfficialAndrewLee
    @OfficialAndrewLee 5 років тому +2

    This is amazing man!!!

  • @stephanvanzyl7303
    @stephanvanzyl7303 7 років тому

    Damn bro, you really nailed this cover... Well done, you are a beast..!!!

  • @GeeOClock
    @GeeOClock 7 років тому

    This is flawless!!!

  • @AlmightyHonkis
    @AlmightyHonkis 6 років тому

    Bro you have a gift you are the best guitarist I've ever seen I wish I was as good as you

  • @jdoe3006
    @jdoe3006 8 років тому

    Definitely the best fingerstyle cover of this song

  • @AgarBJ-dm9ms
    @AgarBJ-dm9ms 8 років тому

    Great cover Eddie! As always a great performance! Keep up the good work

  • @DragDGs
    @DragDGs 8 років тому +1

    You rock eddie, excellent cover

  • @Jozen321
    @Jozen321 8 років тому +1

    Best one out there for sure

  • @jayteesmash9365
    @jayteesmash9365 7 років тому +1

    This deserves more views 😤

  • @alpa1276
    @alpa1276 6 років тому

    Wowww this is sooo goood... its sooo diffucult to play the guitar..... I've just been learning for a month and u play such complicated strings sooo welll😍😍😘😘😀😀

  • @pizzapanic1
    @pizzapanic1 7 років тому +1

    fingerstlye goals

  • @theanmeng3082
    @theanmeng3082 3 роки тому

    The most beautiful thing I have ever seen

  • @stevensoriano4591
    @stevensoriano4591 7 років тому

    I love this. The arrangement, the quality, the video

  • @yoruyi5009
    @yoruyi5009 8 років тому +2

    that is... uhm... perfect. and you are a genius, eddie :D thanks for your music, i'm always enjoying it :)

  • @JayJay-zd8si
    @JayJay-zd8si 7 років тому +2

    You're great and amazing. I want to be like you.
    Even without the vocals, this may just happen to be the best cover.

  • @noahfangmusic
    @noahfangmusic 7 років тому

    beatiful arrangement dude awesome cover

  • @lofti8221
    @lofti8221 8 років тому

    This guy is amazing ! I love all of your covers :')

  • @guitarguy4706
    @guitarguy4706 8 років тому +24

    Your sound mastering and mixing are spot on !! Is it synth that you add in the backround ?

  • @vjlanguita7597
    @vjlanguita7597 5 років тому +1

    Best cover guitar song

  • @zianmartha1882
    @zianmartha1882 8 років тому +1

    Awesome, mate! A fan here.

  • @Netherzapdos
    @Netherzapdos 7 років тому

    Best cover out of every other one in yt boi

  • @kesshavpandey3088
    @kesshavpandey3088 7 років тому

    your videos are beyond praise
    but what u r doing is beyond any good deed u r inspiring so many young minds to also develop their talent and love for music u r really awesome keep up the good work hope to see u reaching new heights
    keep on uploading new videos waiting.... :)

  • @alphajunix4117
    @alphajunix4117 7 років тому

    The best guitar cover of this song ( I swear)

  • @Moyushii
    @Moyushii 8 років тому

    When I saw this I was so happy because it's a much more beautiful song than 'Shape of you' and it holds so much more meaning. And with your beautiful cover it just makes it that much better, thank you for blessing our ears with this

  • @buffalo194
    @buffalo194 7 років тому

    This is the best arrangement for this song 👌

  • @titaGrace
    @titaGrace 4 роки тому

    ...the cold never bothered you anyway! You're really dedicated in what you do whenever and wherever. I salute! :)

  • @Spartan-sz7km
    @Spartan-sz7km 4 роки тому

    honestly these covers are so good that i legit tear up

  • @Zchaee
    @Zchaee 8 років тому

    oml. amazing. you're the best.

  • @Sunny-cg8uq
    @Sunny-cg8uq 7 років тому

    Beautiful cover of a beautiful song.

  • @leahsun8592
    @leahsun8592 7 років тому +1

    This is amazing!

  • @TuffShitHereXD
    @TuffShitHereXD 8 років тому

    ed needs to see this oml

  • @rayaraujo1396
    @rayaraujo1396 7 років тому

    congratulations boy!! nice, ITS AMAZING

  • @PianoGinger
    @PianoGinger 7 років тому

    Nice, very well played! Loved it :D

  • @nataliebyrnes
    @nataliebyrnes 5 років тому +3

    This is the single best cover of a song I’ve ever heard! Im calling it. You are so talented Eddie

  • @sennishere
    @sennishere 7 років тому

    True talent.

  • @mamunoz41
    @mamunoz41 8 років тому +4

    Your an amazing guitarist man. Quick question... Why do you use the speed pick so much? Is traditional use of the thumb nail not as effective? I have some of those picks but I can't seem to get used to them.

  • @musicmessage6047
    @musicmessage6047 7 років тому

    The BEST cover!!

  • @jeankim5376
    @jeankim5376 7 років тому

    This is just purely amazing!

  • @santyB93
    @santyB93 8 років тому

    Amazing eddie! Love it

  • @黃品瑜-d1p
    @黃品瑜-d1p 6 років тому

    This is so good omg you killing it 🔥 🔥🔥

  • @auuuuugh4296
    @auuuuugh4296 5 років тому

    The fact that he did this under 0 degree weather is true commitment right there!