The rental process for giant pandas can be found on the internet. You idiot actually spread rumors that this is a gift? Stupid, do I need to submit an application for a gift? Do gifts require a lease agreement to be signed? Fool! Only foolish Korean media would report that this is a gift, and ironically, there are also foolish Koreans who believe it. You are a typical shameless Korean. By the way, there is no panda in the world that belongs to South Korea. When the lease agreement expires, all pandas will return to their homes in China. The number of pandas in South Korea is zero, and even if the pandas die, they will be transported back to China. Continue to scream helplessly, shameful Koreans!
The rental process for giant pandas can be found on the internet. You idiot actually spread rumors that this is a gift? Stupid, do I need to submit an application for a gift? Do gifts require a lease agreement to be signed? Fool! Only foolish Korean media would report that this is a gift, and ironically, there are also foolish Koreans who believe it. You are a typical shameless Korean. By the way, there is no panda in the world that belongs to South Korea. When the lease agreement expires, all pandas will return to their homes in China. The number of pandas in South Korea is zero, and even if the pandas die, they will be transported back to China. Continue to scream helplessly, shameful Koreans!
뭐여~~안돌아와요 거짓여~~😮😮😮
돌아가는게 아니고 가는겁니다.
푸바오 고향은 한국아닌가요?
판다들 서식지가 쓰촨성이니까 돌아간다는 말을 하는거죠
돌아가는 것이 아니라는 말에 공감합니다. 용인 푸씨니까요.
출생한 곳에서 강제로 보내는거
The rental process for giant pandas can be found on the internet. You idiot actually spread rumors that this is a gift? Stupid, do I need to submit an application for a gift? Do gifts require a lease agreement to be signed? Fool! Only foolish Korean media would report that this is a gift, and ironically, there are also foolish Koreans who believe it.
You are a typical shameless Korean. By the way, there is no panda in the world that belongs to South Korea. When the lease agreement expires, all pandas will return to their homes in China. The number of pandas in South Korea is zero, and even if the pandas die, they will be transported back to China. Continue to scream helplessly, shameful Koreans!
놘난눈물 흐리는데 마음이아프네요.중국이 진정한판다 외교라면증식잘하고건강하게자랄수 있다면죽을때까지그나라에 있어도되지않을까 ? 노화되서중국에가도 중국사육사도 힘들지않을까?
맞아요~돈받고 외교하는것은 아니것같아요
태어난곳이 고향이지... 우리 푸 😢
아이바오 출산과정에서 지켜본 중국사육사기억나세요 그분인터뷰봤는데 푸바오 백일 과정까지 봤다고해요. 그분이 푸공주 맡아주면좋은데 죄송해요 이런말해서 저도푸공주 안갔으면 하는데
아직한달이남 남았고 아직은 대한민국 에버렌드에있는데 뭐그리 지금부터야단인가
전부 보내는게 맞다
5개월안으로 어른이 되는 판다 푸바오는 많은 복과 사랑을 누렸다
좋은 추억가지고 이젠!!!
야생이 살아있는 중국으로가
갈색 야생마 치차이와 함께하자 너도 적응해야지
푸마오. 중국. 가도 중국 사람 절대 때리지마세요 발로차지마세요 물뿌리지마세요. 부처님 어떠개 도와주세요
한달에. 1억씩. 푸바오 사용요금을. 지금껏. 냈어요
판단는. 우리나라. 소유가. 아닙니다
판다외교 싫어 푸바오 왜데려가 우리나라에서 태어난애를 키워주구했더니 달래 잔짜 중국싫어
받듯이. 돌려보네라. 꼭
푸바오도 시집가야지~~
외교는 돈으로 하는게 아니다
판다 보내라
The rental process for giant pandas can be found on the internet. You idiot actually spread rumors that this is a gift? Stupid, do I need to submit an application for a gift? Do gifts require a lease agreement to be signed? Fool! Only foolish Korean media would report that this is a gift, and ironically, there are also foolish Koreans who believe it.
You are a typical shameless Korean. By the way, there is no panda in the world that belongs to South Korea. When the lease agreement expires, all pandas will return to their homes in China. The number of pandas in South Korea is zero, and even if the pandas die, they will be transported back to China. Continue to scream helplessly, shameful Koreans!
20억넘든다고 하드만 그돈이면 생개 어려운 아이들좀 돕지.