Tsis Yog Tus Neeg Qub Lawm. 5/27/2024
- Опубліковано 5 лют 2025
- Tsis Yog Tus Neeg Qub Lawm.
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Why would you want someone who left you when you needed them the most back? That should tell you that this person doesn’t really loves you
Probably because he would have done the same to her if she was in his shoe. Also in the story he talks alot about his kids so I'm guessing he's only doing so for the sake of his kids.
That's exactly what I say too! Agree!
Congrats, brother. God bless you 🙏 💯
NEVER GET BACK WITH A CHEATER EVER! CHEATERS WILL KEEP CHEATING. Never believe in the fake tears from any cheaters. You'll regret taking them back. The respect is long gone.
This one should be titled, "Tseem Yog Tus Neeg Qub Xwb!" 😅😂 move on because a niam dev will never change.
He likes niam dev ..
You can be a dad even if you’re not with the mom. Don’t use your kids as an excuse to save face for choosing to be with someone who betrayed you. Your sister is right that an unfaithful spouse is capable of killing you. You choose your misery and that’s ok. But you’re not a kind person or someone to look up to if that’s your motive for telling your story.
He’s actually not stupid because he came back with a bigger plan. He came back to gain all that he lost like his children.
Tseem muaj tej tug txiv neej zoo li koj thiab los
You seem like a really nice person to forgive your ex. She had another chance and didn't treasure it. Glad you moved on. You need to. Do not devour yourself in the past but move on to a better future with your new soul mate. Good luck brother!
Tsis muaj ib tug txiv neej siab zoo li koj lawm os koj tus poj niam hmoov tas lawm you try your best you got nothing to lose happy for you!!
Thar was my man 💪
Ab cas kuv hnov nej cov neej neeg es nej ua tsis tau txiv es poj niam khiav no cas kuv tus es twb ua tsis tau txiv tau 10 xyoo lawm es kuv tseem nyob os cov me niam tsev aw yog nej xav li cas es nej ho mus tau os vim yus hlub tej me nyuam dhau lawm
Ruam2 li koj ces kawg poj niam muab tsuj tas tsuj dua xwb los mas vim nws ua tas los koj zam.txim rau mws ne. Ces nws twb paub tias txawm nws tuav cheat on koj npaum li cas los koj yeej tso ysis tau nws no ne. Hos txiv neej cheat on poj niam los yeej tib yam nkaus thiab.yog poj niam pheej zam txim rau los txiv neej yeej kawg muab poj niam tsuj tag tsuj dua ib yam thiab
Thaub aw....Sim neej no koj ntshe pom koj poj niam lub tebchaws thiaj li zoo nyob xwb los..luag tias qub neeg ces coj qub siab no ne....
I would forgive but never go back to someone who had done me wrong. The past need to stay in the past and move on with your life.
Tug neeg phem thiab liam ce nws yeej yuav ua kom tag nws txoj kev liam os, tug neeg ntxeev siab yeej ib txwm ntxeev siab o poj niam liam no ce kav liam tso tseg zoo dua o
You must really love your wife even though she abandoned you. If it were me I wouldn't take him back. I will work on myself and let him see what he missed out by leaving me.
Good for you
Not trying to be a hater, but these stories are so exhausting.
Brother, if your wife really love you, she should have stayed and helped you. It’s during your darkest/lowest moments is when she should love you the most and uplift you. She didn’t truly love you.
why on earth would you want her back? she cheated and abandoned you when you were down and out and needed her most. she only wanted your money. now she's only going to used you for your money. you are truly a damn fool
Holy shit, I lost it shit ton of braincells listening to this story.
Peb hmoob noj quav nyuj lauj zoo li peb!
I don’t get it. Why these type of man still begging their cheater wife back when cheater will always be a cheater no matter what. Don’t these kind of men have any common sense? 🤦🏻♀️ if she really love you she would never leave you in the first place.
Tus txiv tsev no xiam tiag tiag muaj muaj nyiaj es rov mus khaws nws niag maum dev ntxeev siab rau nws lub neej. Qub neeg qub siab yog av tsis muab nws lim ib lwm ces maum dev los yog txiv dev yeej tsis pauv li os maum dev ces Lis cas los yeej yog maum dev
Yog txiv dev thiab maum deb ces li cas lo yeej yog dev pauv tsi Tau li os
This Title should be”Tus Txiv Neej Tsis Paub Ris Siab” vim tus txiv tsev no ruam tshaj ruam lawm.
Tus poj niam los yog txiv neej es thaum yus raug kev txom nyem los raug mob lawm nws twb tawm khiav lawm yog vim li cas nej thiaj yuav rov qab
Thank you for sharing. Live and learn.
Koj yeej paub ntsoov tias ib tug neeg thaum koj muaj mob, koj need kev pab es cia li muab koj so tseg tsis quav ntsej txog koj, tab sis thaum nws pom koj pob nyiaj ces nws ho yeem2 rov los yuav koj ces yog neeg siab xwb. Twg, twg kom koj ruam koj ces pab tsis tau. Tsis tau pom ib tug txiv yuav ruam tshaj koj li lawm os thaub.
It’s good that you let her go this time. It ok to try again but you needed to see this to be able to move on. Best wishes to you.
Koj niam nkawv yog tus tu koj es cas tsis muab koj cov nyiaj rau koj niam thiab koj txiv es ho muab koj cov nyiaj mus rau nws koj mas koj niam nkawv nkim zog tu xwb os
Everyone deserves a 2nd chance with whatever situation they are in and if their partner accepts them back.
I'm glad he was able to forgive her and love her the 2nd time, but not stupid enough to keep accepting her back. Good for him!
koj tu poj laib ko ma ntsej muag tuab tiaĝ li os hahh
oh ua cas koj tsis zim txim mas
Koj tsis yog plam ib tug pojniam, koj dim ib tug maum dev xwb.
Ua cas koj thiaj txais tus neeg uas ntxeev siab rau koj lub sij hawm koj muaj mob es koj need nws tshaj plaws. Tus neeg no twb tsim nyog koj tsis zam txim rau nws thawj zaug. Once a cheater always a cheater!
Your children are old enough to know what’s right and wrong. If they side with their mother, let them be with her. She will try everything to ruin your marriage. Your current wife needs to stand her ground and not let this cheater near you.
Ruam li kuv thiab thaum luag zoo tsis muaj mob ces luag tsis yuav yus thaum luag yuav tuag kev tws mam rov los rau yus yog vim li cas tiag2
Yog lawm ua ib tug txiv neej ngob tshaw tus niam tsev tw yog thaum yuss muaj mob muaj nkeeg es tu yus ntag tw khiav thaum yus muaj mob lawm yus zoo yus muaj ngiaj ess mam los xw koj tseem yuav thia ces koj ruam dhau lawm tsis yog hais thuam os kuv nug cov dab neeg no mas feem coo nej cov ngob mekas te mas muaj cmti co tee meem txawv2 xw yom😅😅
cov txiv neej zoo2 li kj tseem muaj thiab lo yog lam hais xwb na
Neeg nruam ces zoo li koj. Koj mas tos kom nws muab koj tua.
Nyiaj yuav tau lub cev yuav tsis tau lub siab. Koj yuam kev vim koj xav tias koj muaj nyiaj nplawm ces nws yuav nrog koj nyob. Tabsis nws lub siab tsis rov los lawm vim hauv nws lub siab twb tsis muaj koj lawm.
Zaj dag Neeg no tsis muaj tseeb.Yog muaj tseeb mas tus Txiv Neeg no tsis yog Neeg tab sis yog …… xwb
I believe in 2nd chances. But after that chance, it's a no-no. I'm glad this brother saw his worth and dumped the cheater.
There's plenty of women.. why take her back? I wouldn't.
Because she is the only one with a mushroom
Pab tsis tau lawm laud.....
Niag poj niam ntsej muag ruam khiav kom beb nawj
Title shoulda been: "Qub neeg qub siab"
Let her with no regrets, she doesn't deserve you.
Koj mam tseem yog dev tsis muaj siab muaj nrws tiag. Koj niag maum dev twb muab koj tua tuag thaum koj lov duav lawm na npwb...
Tus ko ces maum dev mas
Brother koj mas siab zoo dhau lawm os. Nrog koj zoo siab uas koj muaj neej ua lawm. Koj tug qub poj niam ces cia nws ua poj nrauj rau txhua tug txiv neej tham mas. 😆
Kheev lam txiv neej siab loj siab dav npaum koj lol. She cheated with your sister’s husband and you forgave her.
Poj niam hmoob meskas cov coob yog cov liam tshaj dev.zoo li peb cov txiv neej hmoob nplog ib txhia .txoj kev no tsis yog seem rau peb cov poj niam ua. aub tseem2
Kuv yeej qhua koj tus ua txiv rau koj tus niamtsev vim qhov koj ntshaw yog xav kom tau koj cov menyuam thiab koj tus poj niam rov los ua lub neej xwb. Peb cov txiv neej xyov puas muaj 1 tug ntawm 1000 tus muaj lub peev xwm ua tau li koj. Kuv yeej qhuas koj es yog tim koj tus niamtsev xwb, Txoj kev niam txiv nws yeej ua tsis yog rau koj lawm, nws khiav koj thaum koj xav tau nws kev pab, qhov nov yeej txhaum ntawm txoj kev niam txiv lawm. Koj yog tus zoo es cia koj niag poj niam siab phem nws mus nws.
If this woman is smart, she would had called the cops to kick him out of the house, take the kids and sue him for child support and alimony and the law will 100% be on her side because in the US, infidelity doesn't matter in court. She can have affairs and can still take everything. But it looks like she thinks like 1975 Hmong women so she thinks since she had an affair, she's no longer entitled to anything. Buy legally, she can get the house, kids, child support, alimony and half of everything else.
Not condoning this lady’s cheating habit but why is it that when a Hmong women cheats she gets beat up by her parents but when a Hmong men cheats he gets praise by their parents telling his wife to “ua sab ntev”. Hmong people need to have that same energy when a Hmong man cheats 🤷🏻♀️Again, not condoning this woman’s cheating
pojlaib siab phem ces zoo li kj tus poj niam no ntag. tabsi txiv neeg ces poj niam twb tsi tau handicapped twb mus plog teb for niam mejcab lawm. so, to think about what thaub laus did to peb cov older niam (s), ces it makes sense.
WOW…she betrayed you when you needed her the most…bad decision will lead to bad results at the end…kids will grow up…you will regretted in later life…wish you luck…!
Koj ua yog lawm os ❤❤
Tu poj niam phem li no yog tu poj niam tsi tsheej.nw xav li ca nw ua li ntaw
I would never let her get any closer to me. Cov pojniam zoo li ntawd ces yog cov pojniam yuav los rhuav koj lub neej xwb os.
Can we know what’s the med you take for future reference?
When you allowed someone who betrayed you back in your life that already means you allow her to step over you and disrespect you. You can’t blame her. You are at fault.
Qub neeg ces qub siab no muaj tseeb tiag. Dev noj kam dev caw quav ces dev yeej tso tsis taus tseg. Ntev npaum twg los dev yeej rov mus nrhiav dua.
Tseem tseem yog maum dev 😮😮😮😮😮
Tsov tom hmoob noj quav noj mov mus ua quav ces sau hlo rau koj koj ces tuag mus zoo dua lau yog tsis thim txoj kev ruam na
These people have NO Dignity At All 🤦🏻♀️
Tus txiv ruam li koj ce ntshe twb tsi tau txaus os niag yawg hmoob dev
Stupid is, stupid does 😮😮😮
kuv yog koj ces kuv tsis take mas back lawm os. She too evil.
Poj niam mas tseem nyob 3 hlis hos txiv neej ces twb tss tos peb hli
That's a lie, not every man are that evil.
Thaum ruam hais li cas los xaus rau tus maum dev no xwb tsis mloog nkim cov nad this xwb txiv neej ruam
Me tub aw tsam no nws txhob txwm ua kom koj Tus poj niam chim siab rau koj xwb mas txhob cia tuaj2 Lawm nws yuav tshum neb Lub neej Lawm xwb os ceev faj tsam nws ua hlus nraug tuaj tham koj poj niam Li lawv cov dab neeg nawb
leave for the streets.
This guy the dumbest I have ever heard. Kept wanting someone who had betrayed you .. tus txiv tsev no ruam tshaj aub lawm.
Stupid husband story,, 😭😭😭😭 she can piss and shit on his face and he still love her.
I need a man like him 😂
Poob peev kawg tus tswv ntawm zaj dab neeg no
Xz 🙄:!"' vjv. F fjnnfbk
Koj ua yog tshaj plaws 👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏
Ruam tshaj dev lawm
Txiv neej tsi kho ce pojniam thiaj xuab thiab liam
Omg .. this guy is a laughing joke
Dogs will be dogs
U didnt win in life u lost big time dude
Eww, brother ew….why 😂
Stupid story
Koj ruam dlau koi txhiaj yuav tau kok Tus log men cab ko liam
Nej txhob thuam tus Txiv tsev no, nws ua yog lawm nawb, kom neb ob niam Txiv tshiab tsuas ua neej sis hlub mus xwb nawb thiab hlub cov me nyuam mus ua ke, kom miaj nyiaj muaj txiaj mus ntxiv
Its always these weak low clash dudes that always want their cheated wife back
poj niam nyiam thiab hlub nyiaj xwb tsi hlub tus txiv.
Nwg tsi yog ib tug poj niam, tiasim yog niam zej niam zog xwb.