I think you don't understabd that Alice is more an Utility DPS, her damage will never be the best, but with the mark of vengance she becomes more helpfull, if she hits whit the ult a marked heroes, she stuns the enemis, also she does DOT damage to marked enemied with her second ability and the Rabbit Decoy its a hell of a good ability, cuz you summon a kind of minion in the middle of the enemie formation, the doll(Minion) its tanky as hell it will absord a lot of damage and CC from the Enemies( i use Alice to counter Cara for the Rabbit Decoy) and after the minion dies, it explodes. I think Alice is not an " Do more damage when she get hits" heroe, she is more of an heroe with a pretty standar of magic damage and tankiness, but if she get hits she can contribute more to the battle with utility and like i said her third abilty is a hell good ability
Pablo Jóse Arena was probably a bad place to show her power. Raids, PP and HoL are where this hero will shine. You are absolutely right about her though Jóse.
How do you think she'll do in the hall?
Happy Halloween Andi and thank you for this video! Does little Julius have a costume?
First i said why alice on Halloween it was when this doll face was on the screen someone hited me with The door
I think you don't understabd that Alice is more an Utility DPS, her damage will never be the best, but with the mark of vengance she becomes more helpfull, if she hits whit the ult a marked heroes, she stuns the enemis, also she does DOT damage to marked enemied with her second ability and the Rabbit Decoy its a hell of a good ability, cuz you summon a kind of minion in the middle of the enemie formation, the doll(Minion) its tanky as hell it will absord a lot of damage and CC from the Enemies( i use Alice to counter Cara for the Rabbit Decoy) and after the minion dies, it explodes.
I think Alice is not an " Do more damage when she get hits" heroe, she is more of an heroe with a pretty standar of magic damage and tankiness, but if she get hits she can contribute more to the battle with utility and like i said her third abilty is a hell good ability
Pablo Jóse Arena was probably a bad place to show her power. Raids, PP and HoL are where this hero will shine. You are absolutely right about her though Jóse.
Your worng jerry stoves she's also useful at hall of legends how a deek
Is a good alica angel
Nice vid
gotta try her in HoL and raids. She could be good there.
The art in the awakening card is really sick
Emanuel Valenciano hey! Do not do that to my favorite hero!
I love that intro song
Tavier letford the songs name is on and on by cartoon
what's the name of the intro song?
lelouch lamperouge On & On
i thank you Kind sir.
1fragment piece and I csn craft sylphi item, I dont pay to play, very difficult with awakening heroes ....
Alice is my favorite hero and her awakening is the best thing in the world XD
My too!!
Its very very good
lmao perfect timing alice awaken on halloween
Хочу эту карту, есть близнецы ли, мне и они нрав) еще не пробудил но собираюсь
I think she might be good in Hall of Legends
Corventus man I used to be in ur server but I quit
Alice is a child but not her bigger of awaking and more beaty
Art of conquest🤔?
she failed her ultimate
Was better before awakening 😂😂