Absolutely baffling ingenuity. One of the best channels I’ve subscribed to. I’m always coming away with fresh inspiration and a different angle to approach my own MOCs
Killer croc: Do you notice anything different about me. Batman: hmm I know there’s something but I can’t quite put my finger on it, did you get a haircut.
man this is the most awesome thing I've ever seen anyone do with a big fig, you're always so creative with the new ways you use pieces! Keep inspiring!
Imagine, in a Lego DC video game, Croc's head pops out of a tiny manhole and someone goes "Oh, it's just Killer Croc, we can take this bruiser". Then the ground starts to rumble and he smashes out of the sewers looking like this.
ohh i love how he looks so much! his poseability is limited with the way the bigfig legs just are, but you still made it expressive! and oh ! i have an idea, since i see ideas down here from everyone else. a poisonous mech. nature has some very cool looking animals, and the poisonous ones have especcially interesting paterning and colours. i think itd be cool.
Not only is this guy really creative but I envy all LEGO creators because they have such a large amount of legos while the only legos I have are from multiple small lego sets.
Dude that looks amazing, Croc is my favorite Batman villain ever. Could you do one for the Lego Batman Movie Croc Bigfig? Since that is my favorite Lego version of the character.
Allow me to introduce myself I am a man making a batman show and I’ve been thinking about making croc one of the main villains like second to my favorite penguin but I’m not that big a croc nerd like I haven’t seen a lot of croc stuff like things he’s in so can you give me a rundown of how you like his character like what personality should he have things like that
i did do my own version and its like a full on mech ( P.S i made it in 2019 so i didn't really use your idea and my killer croc was the batman movie killer croc and i built the bottom half and gave it a war helmet / mask)
Props to this guy he literally looked at this big-fig and he imagined this creation in his head and he did an amazing job! This is the first time a Big youtuber has liked my comment i am grateful
Ngl this reminds me more of Garrosh Hellscream from WoW. Also love the vids. I'm working on designing Gundams via Legos and you're giving me inspiration for the part I'm having the hardest time on. Hands. Because I'm trying to make them posable... because I'm a sadist.
@@Chubbybots well he is one of my favorite big figs but Bane has some studs on his back you could probably do something cool with, but you build really cool stuff regardless thanks for sharing your creations
I love how creative the builds are. You use the most effective pieces and make it look really cool.
Thank you! 😊
@@Chubbybots can you make a lego alternate Lloyds titan mech vid.
You just attacked us with a killer moc
Love the build
thank you!
Yeah, a Killer Croc MOC.
@@Chubbybots love the hard work you do for your audience keep it up
@@dannytaylor6216 haha np! Thank you!
@@Chubbybots your the best builder in Lego your the best
Pretty amazing build. I really like how you show the steps and the final killer show ! Simply amazing !
Lego peice: isnt related to mechs in any shape way or form
Chubbybots: now this looks like a job for me
Im Lego fan I love Legos
Trippy Dumnut So everybody just follow me
Trippy Dumnut Leroy Jotaro Kujo, nice choice
Man you got some subs as just a jojo fan congratulations bro
@@niggaward5810 thanks bro, and nice name btw
Batman: the gear is new
Croc: yea, got an upgrade 🐊
Croc: I bought it from Lacoste)
can you make a mini shockcrawler and ultimate killer crock
@@danielaguilar2794 yea that would b awesome
The amount of patience this man has to even think of this is just, insane
Sharing my idea again:
Post-apocalyptic mech
You mean Liberty Prime MKII?
Jolios PL *Red* *Chinese* *communists* *detected*
@@MechaJulia2000 what is liberty prime?
the world is pretty close to being defined as "post-apocalyptic"
@@likehowdudehelp that is actually so true
There’s a time to go Villian, and then there’s a time to go Ultimate.
Ben 10 reference?
“ULTIMATE KILLER CROC” crocodile go rawr
It's official: This guy needs to fight Ultimate Humungousaur.
this dude one shots superman
Perhaps you can beat regular Killer Croc, but you're no match for.....
Your builds are truly amazing!
Glad you like them!
Absolutely baffling ingenuity. One of the best channels I’ve subscribed to. I’m always coming away with fresh inspiration and a different angle to approach my own MOCs
Wow, thank you!
How did you even think of this?? Like how
He was basement like hell yeah imma make Ultimate killer croc!!!
IQ 9999
Oh man that’s so true
Cus he's in quarantine
You haven’t?
Killer croc: Do you notice anything different about me. Batman: hmm I know there’s something but I can’t quite put my finger on it, did you get a haircut.
It's having the same vibe as Solenye, or Pickel Rick. Anw, love to see the way you built, kudos!
Thanks!! Haha never thought this will be referenced to pickle rick!
What product is the other one? Killer croc and? Please tell me i want to do it also i'm a fan! Tnx.. waiting for answers 😊😊😊😊
man this is the most awesome thing I've ever seen anyone do with a big fig, you're always so creative with the new ways you use pieces! Keep inspiring!
Thank you so much 😀
Me: Maybe you can relax and make something simple next vid.
Chubbybots: Badass mech, take it or leave it
The chain really makes it work for me for some reason... awesome build
Glad you like it!
Another gorgeous build by Chubbybots! Love it my dude!!
Glad you like them!
Imagine, in a Lego DC video game, Croc's head pops out of a tiny manhole and someone goes "Oh, it's just Killer Croc, we can take this bruiser". Then the ground starts to rumble and he smashes out of the sewers looking like this.
This guy is so good at using his imagination.Like what kind of pieces dose he know what to use
I have watched this like 6 times and it's still amazing
batman: finally bad guys in jail
ultimate killer croc: are you sure
batman: offf, here we go again
Knk oraya offfff yazmasaydın keske
@@berrkayyukcu6622 ayn oh shit yazmaliydi
Off yerine oh shit yaz bunlar anlamaz
Erdinç Güzel ah shit,here we go again
Looks like an orc warboss. Love it!
ohh i love how he looks so much! his poseability is limited with the way the bigfig legs just are, but you still made it expressive!
and oh ! i have an idea, since i see ideas down here from everyone else.
a poisonous mech. nature has some very cool looking animals, and the poisonous ones have especcially interesting paterning and colours. i think itd be cool.
UA-cam recommended me to this. This is pure art! Love your channel
Me: its a big fig killer croc
Chubbybots: its a mech killer croc
My sis will be like 🧑🏻🦱👱🏼♀️
I don't like bulky mini figures which lower body is just solid plastic, what you have done here is magnificent. Bravo👏👏👏
Really cool build, hope your staying safe!
Thanks, you too!
I swear every video I watch of yours I just think "You talented SOB"
haha thanks
I like it, but I can’t think of a single comic where Croc looks anything like this.
Killer crochet looks so amazing
This was mesmerizing. Totally subbing for more!! I love lego and this is amazing!
Thanks for the sub!
@@Chubbybots you are most welcome! 😁
the chain around his neck is a nice touch man good build
This is literally the coolest thing ever👍
Ultimate lego Minecraft iron golem. That would be sick.
He already did one
“So you’re half cold unfeeling reptile, half also cold equally unfeeling machine? “
Love the music in the background.
What if you did a WiFi tower mech, just pitching in some cool random ideas. Love the build too
Not only is this guy really creative but I envy all LEGO creators because they have such a large amount of legos while the only legos I have are from multiple small lego sets.
I saw this on ig and u make Killer Croc look like a complete badass🔥🔥🔥
your idea is awesome. and it looks like cyborg killer croc!!
I'm still working on your nucleo armor.😂😂😂😂
Omg, chubbs sent me a heart on here!
Ur so awesome! Dude!😄😄😄😄😄
You and Hachiroku24 are AWESOME at MOC Making!!!
Glad you think so!
Awesome! I can build it!
You deserve more subscribers!
1:37 Zephyr + croc LUFFY GET READY YOUR SELF
Dude that looks amazing, Croc is my favorite Batman villain ever. Could you do one for the Lego Batman Movie Croc Bigfig? Since that is my favorite Lego version of the character.
unfortunately this is my only bigfig!!
@@Chubbybots Dang, well great video regardless.
Im to that my favorite villain
Allow me to introduce myself I am a man making a batman show and I’ve been thinking about making croc one of the main villains like second to my favorite penguin but I’m not that big a croc nerd like I haven’t seen a lot of croc stuff like things he’s in so can you give me a rundown of how you like his character like what personality should he have things like that
Hey it’s me ann this is my other account since that old one stopped working
It puts a smile on my face
i did do my own version and its like a full on mech ( P.S i made it in 2019 so i didn't really use your idea and my killer croc was the batman movie killer croc and i built the bottom half and gave it a war helmet / mask)
cece bintang you really have a way with words.
Look amazing...!!! Like ever a great work. Greeting from Chile.
This looks so good. I wonder what itll look like on thanos bigfig
Yu Liew he should give thanos some infinity armour :))
Cool love your creativity!
You should do something similar with the roadhog bigfig!
This mans creativity is on an entirely different spectrum.
When i first saw the thumbnail i thought it was some sort of evil pickle rick
I don't know how you did it, but you made croc even more terrifying lol
Hmm. Might do this eventually, but with a DARKSEID big fig. In my mind it’s awesome.
I don't understand why there are only 170,000 followers! This channel should have 5 million subscribers
5:29 very very very nice relly
Props to this guy he literally looked at this big-fig and he imagined this creation in his head and he did an amazing job! This is the first time a
Big youtuber has liked my comment i am grateful
Me: okay, who let killer croc into the lab???
WTF!!!!!! What What What WHAT, you managed to make a figure look 10 times cooler. AMAZING
Why wasn’t this in the LEGO movie 2
awesome build mate!!
Thank you bro!!
The vid is cool
But there problem is one(thx Heric Oli)
You dont have even Killer Crow xDD
ha ha
The engrish tho...
@@hericoli607 huh
The problem is one. Don't you mean "but there is one problem"?
Awesome build keep up the hard work
This is the best creative thing I’ve ever seen
nice you have made the best arm and leg extender for the big figs
Cool, looks better and more aggressive than the old one.
This person is AWESOME
Nice work dude really cool. Youve gotta do this with bane too!!
Batman: croc is easy
Croc in this vid: sure... SURE
looks as sick as hell
Custom Cyborg Killer Croc wasn't something I knew I needed but now I want!
Ya it’s Christmas morning like 1:50 and I’m supposed to be asleep but I couldn’t fall asleep so I was watching him since 10:00 last night🦊
I like you but take the gold off ... Your not worthy
I don’t even know how lego didn’t hire you yet, you would be the #1 worker.
This minus the chain would go great with Rhino.
Love this idea!! It looks like it meant to be built like that!!!
5:21 I love it, it's funny
Lego really need to consider hiring this guy.
Love your work keep it up on the killer croc
It’s like if Croc was in Mad Max. Awesome!!!
i like your builds
Damn dude its really cool, I wish i have those piece's!
Really good dude
I Love ❤️ Killer Croc 🐊!!!be cause Is a Crocodile 🐊
now this is what we call a pro master builder
Chubbybots always gives me ways to entertain myself
Love the hands armour😍😍
This is AWESOME! You should have more subscribers
As an avid lego builder/modifier myself, I just have to say that this guy is awesome
Thank you!
@@Chubbybots how do you come up with these ideas?
@@billyfootjr2810 hmm I play around with several designs during my free time
@@Chubbybots makes sense. I normally just come up with a design in my head and try to make it and mod it when needed.
I still love this idea and build to buff big figs more and give them elbows.
i love your videos Chubbybots youve inspired me to atempt to make lego creations!!!
Happy to hear that!
Impressive 👍
Ngl this reminds me more of Garrosh Hellscream from WoW. Also love the vids. I'm working on designing Gundams via Legos and you're giving me inspiration for the part I'm having the hardest time on. Hands. Because I'm trying to make them posable... because I'm a sadist.
Great build as always
Keep up the good work!
I really like what you did here, now I want to do something similar but with the Bane big fig
unfortunately this is my only big fig haha..
@@Chubbybots well he is one of my favorite big figs but Bane has some studs on his back you could probably do something cool with, but you build really cool stuff regardless thanks for sharing your creations
Yes. Da. Million times si! Gonna do this to the abominable snowman I got. Slight mods of course. Thanks for the idea and peace!-)
Cyber croc would be a cool name
badass killer croc! this is how the movie's supposed to feature him!
If the legs were detachable, you could make a more articulated Big Fig. If only....
But what you made is AMAZING!
have to make do with what is given :D
Dope. A suggestion would be to add claws to the fingertips.
So cool! Carry on what your doing!