Honestly, I was never super crazy about the first half, but the second is nothing but _fire._ I remember the first time I heard "SAMO" I practically had a seizure from how awesome the beat was (RIP SOPHIE).
Fantano should re-review Joey's 1999. He gave it a 7/10 but seems eager to place it near the top when listing random "greatest albums". For me in that situation an album would have to be a 9/10 to confidently place it second given the other albums potentially coming up.
Public Enemy "Fear of A Black Planet" n It "Takes A Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back" are 2 of the top 5 greatest hip hop albums all time yo me n ps Ms. Lauryn Hills "Misseducation" is up there like 10 thru 15 to me🙏🙏
@@jance. 1999 is an okay rap album. Joey is a very talented rapper with some great verses there, but it’s fairly boring and not innovative at all. The beats are pretty tired. There aren’t that many rap albums as distinct and unique and bold as MTI. All I’m saying is, there’s a LOT (and I mean A LOT) of rappers that could make 1999, and there’s really only one rapper who could make Mista Thug Isolation, and that’s Lil Ugly Mane
I know art =/= artist, but I wish we could stop publicizing artists who are assholes. This includes talking about their projects. Whether you realize it or not, you're helping their pockets grow by giving them free advertisement
its not underrated its probably the single most well known and talked about 90s jazz rap album among modern and younger music fans. even more so than arguably better ones from de la soul, dig planets, pharcyde, hiero, etc
No… Criminal Minded. No… It Takes A Nation … No Illmatic … No … The Chronic or 2001. No… Dare Iz A Darkside … No …The Score. No… 36 Chambers … and and and That top5 list is ridiculous as if this guy never felt HipHop and is just some music consumer nerd
It's a randomized list....he's forced to rank the albums he stops at while it's randomly/rapidly shuffling. Do you think any of the other 4 in the video are better than The College Dropout?
@@alrulz6402 I can understand but it's influence on the culture is undeniable. Personally, I love Future anyways so I happily accept that distinction for DS2 with no complaints
you can tell what kind of hip hop fan he is just by looking at him (no i dont mean yt when i say that) and he proves it when he opens his mouth. idk why his biased ass is held in such high regard when it comes to rating rap music
Pretty bold of him to place Nav's Reckless at the number one spot, overall I think it was the best choice given the competition though.
Bro ds2
@@khesed0000 whoooosh
@@khesed0000 whoooooosh
1. Nav Reckless
2. Nav Bad Habits
3. Nav Brown Boy 2
4. Nav Emergency Tsunami
5. Nav Demons Protected By Angels
Perfect since he pretty much gave The College Dropout a 10
He did, on his metacritic it's listed as a 10
It didn’t make the 2000s These Albums Are 10s tho right?
@@flipperwhale7276 yep
@@athenux102 Yeah but on his RYM it's not listed as a 10 and also on his AOTY it's not listed as a 100.
@@aubreamber whats his rym?
we need a Mario Kart item box sound as the albums spin lol
when was this?
Anthony would be a Heavy in Mario Kart, like Donkey Kong, Wario or Bowser
Wait why am I hearing it already?
It’s like asmr when Anthony is talking and waiting for another album to show up
I see what you did here Anthony… being super vague on the actual number so you could rank them AFTER you filmed.. genius. But you can’t fool me
he didnt understand the trend on this video later he did it right
@SeahawksFan2004 yea, this is the first one lol
Okay but Big Fish Theory is a pretty great album tho
so underrated
I like it too but the albums above are better.
Nah too much EDM
Sophie produce yeah right Ft. Kendrick
Honestly, I was never super crazy about the first half, but the second is nothing but _fire._ I remember the first time I heard "SAMO" I practically had a seizure from how awesome the beat was (RIP SOPHIE).
He got real lucky on that last one.
Imagine if he got illmatic, Reasonable Doubt, TPAB, All Eyez on Me and 2001 as the 5💀
All trash Carti owns you lil black boy
2. Illmatic
3. Reasonable Doubt
4. All Eyez On Me
5. 2001
imo ofc
@@bhagatsubedi1928 mine would personally be
1. Illmatic
2. Reasonable Doubt
4. All Eyez on Me
5. 2001
@@bhagatsubedi1928 nope
@@no-vk2qe nope
Fantano should re-review Joey's 1999. He gave it a 7/10 but seems eager to place it near the top when listing random "greatest albums". For me in that situation an album would have to be a 9/10 to confidently place it second given the other albums potentially coming up.
He didn't rank them till after he finished the recording
I agree 100% it’s my personal favorite album/mixtape of all time. Ik that’s bold but I just find a lot joy in this record
Him getting College Dropout is funny, but imagine if he got Kanye - MBDTF
It’s nice to see him give praise to Kanye not saying he’s never done so in the past but recently I’ve just experienced a lot of hate towards him
_Me Against The World_ will always be my favorite hip-hop album.
Mista Thug Isolation is the best rap album of the past few decades
U should do a video talkin abt 2pac.idk whether it's him personally, his albums, or songs, but I almost never hear u mention him
Tupac is boring nerd
@Tisutah true he desd from amenia
@The Rue Morgue its no wonder he doesn’t bring up tupac mych, hes been dead for over 20 years
Why you do the fish like that
This is probably one of the best I’ve seen of these
I keep thinking the album on thumbnail is what the vid is about. I was hyped to see ATLiens
Got best album of all times at #1 absolute W
Of all time hahahahhahhahaa
Come on man
top 3 kanye album but not of all time
All time is preposterous you teenagers need to relax
Fire take
He's so lucid and understated, it's unnerving
Public Enemy "Fear of A Black Planet" n It "Takes A Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back" are 2 of the top 5 greatest hip hop albums all time yo me n ps Ms. Lauryn Hills "Misseducation" is up there like 10 thru 15 to me🙏🙏
DS2 is so underrated. Pretty much influenced 90% of the trap music that came out since its release.
You can make the best garbage in the world. But at the end of the day it’s still garbage.
@@ryanjohnson3392 L take. DS2 is bangers on top of bangers. Real dark and grimey trap music done well.
@@saehanbang1376 There has never been a good trap song. People like Future have tried their hardest to kill HipHop. We won’t let them.
@Ryan Johnson Cringe ass, You prolly listen to NF and Hopsin
@@ryanjohnson3392 grow up
MTI is one of the greatest albums of all time
Absolutely. Shits transcendental
excuse me. what is MTI
@@quas3728 Mista Thug Isolation
@@ianmatthew138 thx man
Mista thug and college dropout are the good ones here
“Fuck up sum commas”🔥🗣️🔥🗣️
MTI is leaps and bounds ahead of 1999. So is pretty much every album here
Mista thug beats every album here
@@ohianaw yeah honestly ur prolly right I was cooling down the take for the fantano fans. They ain’t ready for this
ur insane lmfao. 1999 is excellent and ranked correctly here
Saying MTI ranks over the mf College Dropout is psychotic
@@jance. 1999 is an okay rap album. Joey is a very talented rapper with some great verses there, but it’s fairly boring and not innovative at all. The beats are pretty tired. There aren’t that many rap albums as distinct and unique and bold as MTI. All I’m saying is, there’s a LOT (and I mean A LOT) of rappers that could make 1999, and there’s really only one rapper who could make Mista Thug Isolation, and that’s Lil Ugly Mane
The yapdollar but in music.
Does anyone have albums recommendations like the College Dropout?
Late Registration
I mean Fantastic Damage by El-P is like a mixture of TCD and LR sometimes like on Lazerface's Warning
die lit
Her Loss
you are doing it WROONG
mista thug isolation is the best album of all time
Nahhhhh volcanic bird is more good
College Dropout is best album of Ye albums live with it
Do round 2
Babe wake up it’s a new melon video
How do you get the random hip hop effect?
cant wait for dark fantasy to be here
MTI deserved the number 2 spot, nothing against 1999 though
I like these vids
vince staples is highkey the most underrated rapper
clickbaited by atliens 💀
Can you react to IDMHY by Quadeca? :D
W melon
Why does he keep re-uploading the same videos lmao
how do I find these "filters"
No ATLiens??? 😤
DS2 at 5 is crazy
it's a good album but the rest of albums are easily better than ds2
maybe 1999's tied with ds2
@@ii8192ii only album from the rest that "easily" better than DS2 is TCG
They told him he had no rap knowledge now he tryna prove himself
The melon doesnt miss
I know art =/= artist, but I wish we could stop publicizing artists who are assholes. This includes talking about their projects. Whether you realize it or not, you're helping their pockets grow by giving them free advertisement
W list
I don't think Future has made any projects that come close to DS2. And I like the album art too lol
1999 underated
They all belong in the 5th spot and then Carti fills in the rest
Kinda sucks he doesn’t commit to numbers in the video
Has Melon ever talked about Low End Theory? Underrated these days even with hip hop heads
he did a classic review on it
in what world is Low End Theory underrated lmao
its not underrated its probably the single most well known and talked about 90s jazz rap album among modern and younger music fans. even more so than arguably better ones from de la soul, dig planets, pharcyde, hiero, etc
Was waiting on MBDTF at the end, turned out to be College Dropout lol
big fish in fourth how does this guy still have a yourube channel
Tony ur supposed to rank it without looking at the next one
you're supposed to say the placements as they come up
Can’t see these on 240p
This man's Big Fish Theory review was one of his biggest mistakes ever.
What is this list ?
Best Hip Hop album of ALL TIME ?!?!?!
It s almost insulting
No… Criminal Minded. No… It Takes A Nation … No Illmatic … No … The Chronic or 2001. No… Dare Iz A Darkside … No …The Score. No… 36 Chambers … and and and
That top5 list is ridiculous as if this guy never felt HipHop and is just some music consumer nerd
@@franksound6922 its a randomized list that he arranges.
It's a randomized list....he's forced to rank the albums he stops at while it's randomly/rapidly shuffling. Do you think any of the other 4 in the video are better than The College Dropout?
MTI, Dropout, 1999, bft, ds2
Hurts to see 1999 over mti
ATLiens clickbait smfh tony
where would you rank it with these
We were robbed of ATLiens
i don’t think he understands how this trend works
Does anyone know his ratings for all of Kanye's albums cause I didn't know college dropout was a 10.
TCD and LR he gave 5/5s, KSG 10/10, Donda 7/10, TLOP 8/10, Graduation and Ye 8/10, Yeezus, WTT 5/10, 808s 7/10, MBDTF 6/10, JIK 4/10.
Do best Funk Albums of all time. C'mon.
1999 the true 1
Do more metal stuff!!
Aren't you meant to rank them as you go along, without knowing what's coming next?
You can't rank something with out being able to compare...
I don’t think he understands what he was supposed to do lol
I know 1ne album on the list 😎
Big Fish Theory should've been number 2 smh smh
Ds2 5th!
Future ds2 is very solid new school in my book. Over travis any day
In my opinion Big Fish Theory is like a 9
All 5 of these are classics I don't care what anyone says
I personally I'm not crazy about DS2. Though
@@alrulz6402 I can understand but it's influence on the culture is undeniable.
Personally, I love Future anyways so I happily accept that distinction for DS2 with no complaints
DS2 number 1
College dropout then ds2
@@sleddinggybe142 I can agree on this
@@therealstupidwaffle U defo listen to death grips u weirdo
Where’s Quadeca
crazy that he put kanye at the bottom because hes black
I don’t think Fantano is doing these right…
U only gave 1999 a 7 smh my head
you can tell what kind of hip hop fan he is just by looking at him (no i dont mean yt when i say that) and he proves it when he opens his mouth. idk why his biased ass is held in such high regard when it comes to rating rap music
yandhi was better tbh :/
1. Kanye
2. Joey
3. Vince
4. LUM
5. Future
Putting Ugly Mane and Vince over DS2 🤮
ugly mane deserves to be higher
Big fish will be loved years later
so u cheated
I own you lil black boy carti better
i hat yiouy
1. College Dropout 2. DS2, rest is mid
MTI >>> all
@@SwitchbIade based opinion and based pfp
he didnt do it right