Question: I am getting desires for a second wife. What can I do? Answer: Stop eating tuna and chilli. Eat Sunnah foods such as olives and cheese. Don't rush to sai hotaa after salat ak fajr to demand hoonu mas roshi. This is the cure for that foolish ness
This is a reminder to us all about the current situation in our country. Thank you. alhamdulillah
Raamaa makkah badhaluveema giyaanath dhuvahun emeehun nah vaany kihineh?
Allah tha'aala naraka aa suvaruge lehvevee inseennaa jinneen nah.
Alhugandumenah guruaanugevaa e aayath maanakohdhehve shaikhun vidhaalhuvany, "raamakunu fadhain vaashey" kamah evany.
Jazaaka Allah
جزاك الله خيرا
جزاك الله خيرا❤️
Sauce jahaalinama varah ragalhu vees
Aameen 😢
Question: I am getting desires for a second wife. What can I do?
Answer: Stop eating tuna and chilli. Eat Sunnah foods such as olives and cheese. Don't rush to sai hotaa after salat ak fajr to demand hoonu mas roshi. This is the cure for that foolish ness
Explain why? Tuna chilli
އަޅުގަނޑުމެން ކުޑައިރު އަޅުގަނޑުމެންގެ ބައްޕަ މިވާހަކަ ވަރަށް ގިނައިން ކިޔައިދީ އުޅުނު! މިކަހަލަ އިބުރަތްތެރި ވާހަކަތައް ކިޔައިދިނުމުން ދަރިން ރަނގަޅު ގޮތުގައި ތަރުބިއްޔަތު ވުމަށް މަގުފަހިވެގެންދޭ! ބައްޕައަށް ވަރަށް ޝުކުރިއްޔާ! އަދި މިވާހަކަ އަޑު އިވުމުން ކުޑައިރު ދިރިއުޅުނު ގެއާ އެމާހައުލު މަތިން ވަރަށް ހަނދާން ވޭ!
جزاك الله خيرا