+Ismail Arsa Hello Ismail, this 2 Lokomotives have to pull a wheight of approximate 3000 Kg and they start at the beginning of an inclination of 3% in a range of 30 meters. The lokos have a weight of about 300 kg and they can pull by physics about 60 to 70 kg. I think the Locomotives did under this circumstances a great job. Werner
1St Steam Locomotive But Your Steam Was Small But Very Strong
I Was Hear That Sound That Very Cool Oya I Very Sorry
The Train Not Strong
+Ismail Arsa
Hello Ismail, this 2 Lokomotives have to pull a wheight of approximate 3000 Kg and they start at the beginning of an inclination of 3% in a range of 30 meters. The lokos have a weight of about 300 kg and they can pull
by physics about 60 to 70 kg. I think the Locomotives did under this circumstances a great job.
Sorry Oya Please Building Me A Steam Locomove Like That But The Mallet Pleas
Wow Very Cool But Your Steam Kan Pull 450Kg