MINO - 겁 (Fear) Feat. Taeyang {lyrics Han|Rom|Eng}

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1 тис.

  • @Pinkrevenge101
    @Pinkrevenge101 9 років тому +1278

    2:04 "I'm still much too young and fragile to be an adult; I still don't know the way"
    Oh Mino

  • @edgy_unicorn_dont_care8522
    @edgy_unicorn_dont_care8522 8 років тому +1980

    Mad respect for Mino. These lyrics man...

    • @abigealstephen5662
      @abigealstephen5662 8 років тому

      edgy_unicorn_dont_care ur dp 😅😅😅😅

    • @joycen1636
      @joycen1636 8 років тому +6

      edgy_unicorn_dont_care actually zico wrote and composed this song but I'm glad mino performed it

    • @hurrytoworry
      @hurrytoworry 8 років тому +32

      Joyce N wait are you sure? because the lyrics have alot of personal stuff about mino like his uncle dying and i dont think zico would write about something like that

    • @joycen1636
      @joycen1636 8 років тому +11

      Sonja Pelkonen​ sorry about that a couple of friends told me about it and I was new to kpop when I said that. Zico composed it and mino wrote the lyrics

    • @myfisrtlovekristinapimenov9531
      @myfisrtlovekristinapimenov9531 8 років тому

      +Joyce N what about taeyang, did he wrote the lyrics when it's part of his singing or is he only featuring

  • @kaitlinnguyen8104
    @kaitlinnguyen8104 8 років тому +2000

    I love rappers who rap about things that actually matter to them. About their lives and hardships and people they love. Nowadays all I hear is stuff about how great someone is, how much they own, how many people they've put down. But this song sounds like something from the heart that's genuine and real and utterly beautiful.

    • @afrahzuki7724
      @afrahzuki7724 7 років тому +58

      Kaitlin Nguyen Same, Im tired about rapper bragging about money money and money

    • @KT-qp7wx
      @KT-qp7wx 6 років тому +64

      True. It's sad how rap has become more about money, sex or vices. There's more to that. Vulnerability is such a powerful message that needs to be appreciated.

    • @rararebancos5803
      @rararebancos5803 6 років тому +33

      Kaitlin Nguyen true. This only shows how unique Mino is. He's not just a rapper but also a singer who sings and makes songs from the heart. I actually relate to this song. I think this can be my go-to song when Im feeling down.

    • @lavaquica5797
      @lavaquica5797 6 років тому +4

      Then check team b - climax

    • @testmylimits752
      @testmylimits752 6 років тому +19

      Sorry ..but the rap you all talking about can only be produced once in a lifetime, once they had produced rap that actually tell and matter on them, it will eventually go to different direction, it depends on their experience, inspiration.. And sometimes they'll vent their frustration may it be to someone, life or nature. The path of a newbie idol to becoming an artist can change their perspectives and their experiences from the path they take. So RAPPERS tend to be diverse. They can talk about money if they felt like it and some people also may relate to rappers only talking about money, but yeah i also don't like that, what i like about rappers, is they write their story and the hardships they gone through and how are they nowm

  • @user-tq5wy3yc7g
    @user-tq5wy3yc7g 9 років тому +2836

    The lyrics are so deep.

  • @sarahs5915
    @sarahs5915 8 років тому +719

    Honestly I have never let a song have such a big impact on me. When I was watching the live performance I was tearing up over the emotions in this song even if I didn't know what they were saying but now knowing the lyrics, I'm literally drowning in my room because of my tears

    • @passerbytanuki2456
      @passerbytanuki2456 8 років тому +16

      me every time , i don't even know why ,never has a song made me cry so much evry damn time i hear it

  • @mandabansao731
    @mandabansao731 8 років тому +721

    I always have goosebumps wheneber the part where he sings/shouts "father"

    • @mandabansao731
      @mandabansao731 8 років тому +2


    • @susannatorres8483
      @susannatorres8483 8 років тому +25

      Yes me too!! I noticed that part even before I had looked up the translated lyrics.

  • @Jessi-44
    @Jessi-44 9 років тому +1270

    Best song from Season 4 :)

    • @blossomingbeelzebub
      @blossomingbeelzebub 9 років тому +9

      I also sorta liked black nuts song from the semi finals, but i know a lot of people didnt like him...

    • @Jessi-44
      @Jessi-44 9 років тому +56

      That performance was dope too

    • @f4Domyouji
      @f4Domyouji 9 років тому +11

      +FrodoBaggins1926 basick did awesome also in semifinals

    • @briarrose1798
      @briarrose1798 7 років тому +72

      best from all season ( the best selling from all season)

    • @bellechoi8667
      @bellechoi8667 6 років тому +3

      SMTM4 was a good season👌👌🔥

  • @kimdominguez9252
    @kimdominguez9252 8 років тому +353

    "I dug at one place to the point of death,
    The fact that this might be my grave scares me."

  • @bashem424
    @bashem424 9 років тому +1021

    "Hey you b*tard, don't be so obvious.
    Stand strong, i know, even if you're lonely you need to endure this"
    F*ck, these lines hit me hard! that's what i tell myself everytime i'm about to cry...

    • @bashem424
      @bashem424 9 років тому +1

      Bastard* lol, that's how the lyrics were soo...
      Hurry Calls

    • @imasepan
      @imasepan 9 років тому

      Rozii Praanks I was commenting on your mistake :/

    • @imasepan
      @imasepan 9 років тому

      Rozii Praanks Your use of English in a korean word is adorable.

    • @eunbichoi9711
      @eunbichoi9711 9 років тому +1

      Samee tho !!!

    • @FM_ris
      @FM_ris 8 років тому +9

      +Stay My Freak fucking same, that hit me so hard

  • @azee7492
    @azee7492 8 років тому +449

    "Youre your dongsaeng mirror and your family's star"
    "I musn't sleep so they can sleep peacefully"
    "to live inside a cctv" : when you live a public life where your every move is scrutinise and every movement is filmed
    "for my members who are like my brothers"
    Is that his dad that he hugged at the end?
    Shit this song is giving me all kind of feels D': The melody the lyrics all work together perfectly. And why did he get all the critics for using taeyang?? I think taeyang suits this song so well. I can't imagine anyone else singing it.

    • @gogozeppeli9267
      @gogozeppeli9267 8 років тому +6

      did he win though??

    • @victoriawilson542
      @victoriawilson542 8 років тому +18

      he won this challenge but he didn't win the entire show.

    • @chiyakwang9980
      @chiyakwang9980 7 років тому +9

      sad that mnet just using him, he was good and talent i cry went he perform this during SMTM :')

    • @armagz5959
      @armagz5959 5 років тому +9

      They are in the same agency. Those who judge him and criticize him are just jealous. They are friends.

    • @hehe5345
      @hehe5345 5 років тому +1

      The first candidate was dean. But ended up with taeyang+ dean did the demo for taeyang's part🥺

  • @snowpeasify
    @snowpeasify 9 років тому +261

    I liked that he thanked everyone at the end

  • @saram995
    @saram995 8 років тому +150

    Taeyang's part is SOOOOO Addictive 🎶🎶🤗🤗🤗

  • @glorianaelizondoz.2373
    @glorianaelizondoz.2373 9 років тому +25

    Dear God, I almost cried. Those are some beautiful lyrics, Mino killed me when he thanked his agency, YG is definitely a family. Woah, it's amazing to see how much the idols suffer, and how strong they are to keep going. Taeyang and Mino are so amazing, and they sound incredible together.

  • @sourcheesepringles
    @sourcheesepringles 9 років тому +253

    Fuck i feel like he's talking directly to me. I'm crying.

    @VIP2NEXO 9 років тому +343

    I have been going through some shiit this week. I have been really despressed and just crying....then I go back to this song. Thank you mino

    • @Jastastic936
      @Jastastic936 9 років тому +4

      +VIP 2NEXO This song speaks volumes. I'm going thru this worst time of my life right now, and I can't help but feel every line of this song. I see you posted this comment a month ago, I hope everything turned around for you and came out ok. Although I see no hope for own situation, I still hope someone out there endured and got thru!

    • @VIP2NEXO
      @VIP2NEXO 9 років тому +3

      JENuine Thanks so much. I hope you will feel better too. It does speak volumes and it touched my heart the first time I heard it. I hope eerything will be okay for you too

    • @dema4356
      @dema4356 9 років тому


    • @uminamy732
      @uminamy732 9 років тому +9

      I've been my worst days too. Thank u Mino, Taeyang and thank Zico for composing this song

    • @kyungsoodo3127
      @kyungsoodo3127 7 років тому


  • @kaouthargoudan9640
    @kaouthargoudan9640 8 років тому +31

    omg taeyang's voice is just amazing 😍😍 ,the song is so beautiful

  • @nickjjbfan1
    @nickjjbfan1 9 років тому +128

    Im not much of a Mino or Winner fan though i watched WIN (i prefer Ikon). i listened to this song because many people where talking about it. i really didnt expect much but dame this song had me in tears. Half way through i just started to feel it then the line that said "From the corrupted directors who tried to use this boy 6 years ago To my current agency that rescued me" i started to really feel the heartache then "For my uncle in heaven who taught me how men live" i started to tear up and then "Even my members who are like brothers" i started to sob uncontrollably. Mino Fighting!!

    • @khadijahmf8560
      @khadijahmf8560 9 років тому +1

      we did the same thing😂 except i teared up the second time i heard this

    • @yanie2515
      @yanie2515 8 років тому +6

      I remembered when Mino meet Block B and P.O. cried a lot and I cried also 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  • @onigirimiyaa6042
    @onigirimiyaa6042 7 років тому +270

    And yet haters keep considering YG like every other evil company when many of their artists consider it their salvation. (Ex. Tablo, PSY, Sechskies, etc)

    • @layloo5244
      @layloo5244 5 років тому +10

      FallenAngel pretty evil now..

    • @JessAyu
      @JessAyu 5 років тому +11

      FallenAngel maybe the one that rescue him is a good employee...YG ent is a corporation, u know..

    • @layloo5244
      @layloo5244 5 років тому +2

      JessAyu could be u know

    • @armagz5959
      @armagz5959 5 років тому +17

      @@layloo5244 you believe in kmedia so easily

    • @layloo5244
      @layloo5244 5 років тому

      Ar Magz so its not true? Everythings thats happened?

  • @missjiaa9616
    @missjiaa9616 8 років тому +789

    I love part when mino say abeoji!! 😂🎶

    • @IamChrists
      @IamChrists 8 років тому +136

      u'll be lying if u say u didn't read this comment "abeoji" in song mino's tone. (i did it again while writing too lol)

    • @suhaimisharif3978
      @suhaimisharif3978 7 років тому

      Marsha Mellow me too

    • @sadielor4367
      @sadielor4367 7 років тому +2

      Honestly, who doesn’t 😂

    • @idleuniverse
      @idleuniverse 5 років тому

      same huhu

    • @adellianaura7910
      @adellianaura7910 4 роки тому +4


  • @sammie3624
    @sammie3624 8 років тому +171

    This song is too beautiful for words... I'm speechless because it hit me right in the heart.

  • @daludna
    @daludna 8 років тому +80

    mino is a genius his songs are filled with strong content and meaning

    • @rp8346
      @rp8346 8 років тому +1

      "Spread your leg like if you were at the gynecologist" full of meaning ...

  • @ColorCodedKpop
    @ColorCodedKpop  9 років тому +564

    hello! How are you? I hope you're all welll!!
    So I've been following up with the SMTM4 and then this song came out and it was so amazing and inspirational and just wonderful feels that I HAD to make lyrics to it. I'm also very happy that baby Mino got so far. I hope he wins ^_^ I mean obviously all other entries very cool but he just.. he just hit us in the feels u know? So yeah. I wish him all the luck and hope you do to.
    ALSO QUITE IMPORTANT NOTICE- Please stop commenting on how the hangul is wrong. like the 성 becomes 형.. it's not the lyrics fault! it's actually the font I use. it kinda messes up parts often. I'll change it in the next video. I'm sorry.
    Thank you for watching the video! I hope you enjoyed~

    • @atikahzulkipli7114
      @atikahzulkipli7114 9 років тому +1

      thanks a lot for this. really appreciate it 😘

    • @Khrenisbaymot1
      @Khrenisbaymot1 9 років тому +1

      ColorCodedKpop Thanks so much for the translation!!

    • @wnirsmn45
      @wnirsmn45 9 років тому +1

      Thank you for this video. It's beautifully made

    • @krizzy8736
      @krizzy8736 9 років тому +1

      ColorCodedKpop Thank you so much for translating the song!

    • @LynnEksonyeondan
      @LynnEksonyeondan 9 років тому +1

      +ColorCodedKpop OMG that font gets on my nerves too @@ Like I have to watch my videos multiple times to check on the spelling before uploading them whenever I use this font '_' It's Uhbee something right? And I feel you. I got a copyright strike too TT_TT. Btw nice job on the video. I love how you use different pictures of Mino xD

  • @thequeen4188
    @thequeen4188 8 років тому +165

    Mino is the second best K-pop male boy group rapper.

    • @thequeen4188
      @thequeen4188 8 років тому +30

      ***** I know, Zico is the best rapper for boy groups. But, it's actually Tablo.

    • @thepotato1067
      @thepotato1067 8 років тому

      Whos the best?

    • @thequeen4188
      @thequeen4188 8 років тому +6

      The Potato Zico.

    • @ygd6053
      @ygd6053 8 років тому +19

      +Salimatou balde as much as I love Mino base on the officials Khiphop choose.. #1 Zico #2 Bobby #3 Mino. there's also no need to compare these 3 since they have diff style and they're brothers.

    • @thequeen4188
      @thequeen4188 8 років тому +29

      iKONIC ARMY No, based on skills it is 1.Zico 2.Mino 3.Rap Mon 4.Bobby. I like Bobby the best but I asked this one boy who does rap analysis they said Mino what better than Bobby

  • @abbysantore4805
    @abbysantore4805 8 років тому +12

    Youngbae has such a beautiful voice. And Mino's rap lyrics were stabbing at my heart man. He playing my heartstrings I swear.

  • @Meggyys
    @Meggyys 9 років тому +129

    I get goosebumps every time I listen to this. Its just amazing

  • @anonumosGirl
    @anonumosGirl 8 років тому +60

    came for mino, stayed for the lyrics
    edit: august 2018 and I still love this!

  • @3333yasmine
    @3333yasmine 9 років тому +128

    Mino gave me goosebumps but seriously Tae yang killed it *_* ( A YO)

  • @azulwatchnight
    @azulwatchnight 9 років тому +86

    i cried. this hit close to home really good song

  • @zennaz6558
    @zennaz6558 9 років тому +19

    taeyang's part take me to another world , he's voicz is magic 3>

  • @rahafebdelmelik2053
    @rahafebdelmelik2053 9 років тому +49

    Mino is the real winner.

  • @coco-oj6nm
    @coco-oj6nm 9 років тому +154

    " for my uncle in heaven who taught me how men live" he's referring to #guns dad right? omg I'm crying this song is beautiful TT.TT

    • @Chunliia
      @Chunliia 9 років тому +6

      bangtan tho I think so too ! T-T And Gunhee was behind Mino's dad (we can see him when Mino is hugging is dad :') )

    • @BasalKibble
      @BasalKibble 9 років тому

      +bangtan tho I just realized.... that's deep....

    • @DAGVC
      @DAGVC 9 років тому +1

      can you explain?

    • @coco-oj6nm
      @coco-oj6nm 9 років тому +50

      +Alejandra Galvez so basically #gun was a starship trainee, he was on a survival show called no mercy and it was to see who will be able to debut, #gun 's father passed away when he was still young, and he is minos cousin therefore his dad is minos uncle

    • @katecutiekat
      @katecutiekat 9 років тому +1

      +bangtan tho Actually Gunhee's father just 5 months before the filming of the second episode of No.Mercy

  • @ivino465
    @ivino465 7 років тому +32

    I came back here again after i heard the news about Jonghyun. I'm thinking that maybe he felt the same thing like Mino did in this song. But in Jonghyun case, he create an ending to his story sooner than other by leaving this world. I know, It's a sad ending for the fans. But, at the same time i just hope that its a happy ending for him. May the family, (fan)mily, friend will keep stay strong. I'm incles btw. I cant imagine if one of Winner member disappear from this world. Maybe i'll lost my mind. My dear friends 'Shawol', please stay strong for him, i'll pray for him and may his soul rest in peace with God in heaven.
    (Sorry for my bad english)

  • @baambi_
    @baambi_ 7 років тому +15

    i keep coming back and i end up crying. the lyrics are so deep. Song Mino, a genius lyricist person, did that

  • @soominssi7353
    @soominssi7353 9 років тому +109

    Woah this song hit me hard.
    During these past weeks I've been thinking and getting myself up from my past. Went on an amazing trip too which has changed me a lot. I have been that target of fear for over 2 years already and I'm soo happy I'm getting over it bit by bit. I wish to every person listening to this song, reading my comment and dealing with the same fear or problems, you can get over it! Think about your true self, who you really are. Think about the things that scare you, why they scare you and if they are actually that scary and worth it to be scared of? Besides, you're a beautiful person and everyone must be damn lucky to be beside you. A recommended song is 'New Beautiful - Epik High' it made me realize even more that every single person is beautiful in his/her own way. You shouldn't give a f*ck about the words which could bring you down. You can make that change in your mind, you're strong and you're beautiful.

    • @Danny____22
      @Danny____22 5 років тому +1

      im here for you, you can always message me on instagram

  • @catlegs6233
    @catlegs6233 8 років тому +41

    mino has deep respect from me. ikonic here, also somehow an army xDd damn my loyalty just flying around like a pingpong ball

    • @e-i384
      @e-i384 8 років тому


  • @Pinkrevenge101
    @Pinkrevenge101 9 років тому +16

    3:06 "..for my members who are brothers I'll receive consolation just until today From tomorrow, I'll be mature instead of being a coward"
    0:35 "Broke down once or twice, now it's nothing..You said you're going on a trip to heaven"
    "When I didn't want to speak at all,
    I purposely raised my voice."

  • @dahirh5325
    @dahirh5325 8 років тому +18

    i fall in love at "ayo" like i cant even describe it.... Famm Taeyang feels always come out )):)

    • @dahirh5325
      @dahirh5325 8 років тому

      Urgh "there is no there reason" like damn he sings better than most girls bruh them high notes )):) * Yu can tell i luv him LOOOOL*

  • @gwynethezra
    @gwynethezra 9 років тому +22

    this song will really hit you hard. the part "to my current agency that rescued me", "For my uncle in heaven who taught me how men live." , "Even my members who are like brothers." i was like awww~ this song has great feels and a story that will inspire you. thank you MINO

  • @karenholl2489
    @karenholl2489 7 років тому +12

    came here after being utterly blown away by the lyrics of this song on produce 101. i knew the original would be just as emotional and i was right. i'm a pretty new mino fan but im certainly not going anywhere anytime soon!

  • @bakytzhorobaev2939
    @bakytzhorobaev2939 9 років тому +18

    this song is awesome,it tells and describes not only Mino`s story,story of each person in the little part of his life.

  • @deeuphrosyne
    @deeuphrosyne 7 років тому +19

    Produce 101 S2 trainees will rap this song, I bet that they'll cry when they performing on the stage because this is the song that all trainees and idols can relate

  • @SC-vd9zz
    @SC-vd9zz 7 років тому +10

    TOP came across into my mind while i was listening to this song. I hope that he is fine. Pray for TOP!

  • @khairunnajwa1512
    @khairunnajwa1512 7 років тому +14

    the lyric that said 'i mustn't sleep so that they can sleep comfortably' hits me hard. that is so deep and meaningful. well this song itself is meaningful and so touching :'( i have mixed feelings after understanding the lyrics

  • @mochi8100
    @mochi8100 5 років тому +6

    taeyang's voice mixes with mino's meaningful rap and lyrics. emo feels ㅠㅠ...

  • @krstyyhwa
    @krstyyhwa 9 років тому +48

    Also, I must be reading too much Korean. Because when Young Bae went "EH".... I read it as "tae".

    • @lala-kq3bp
      @lala-kq3bp 7 років тому

      Kristy M Lor I THOUGHT IM THE ONLY ONE😂😂😂

    • @ryumitsurugi2088
      @ryumitsurugi2088 7 років тому

      Kristy M Lor Same here! 😎👌

  • @jezzy178
    @jezzy178 9 років тому +9

    the lyrics are so beautiful!! I cried!
    and that clip at the end tied it all together
    thanks for uploading!!

  • @YvonneTheodore
    @YvonneTheodore 9 років тому +12

    I'm legit crying right now ;; i love this song before i understood what they were talking about and now that i understand I'm going to love it even more ;; this song is beautiful and song mino is really talented ;;

  • @nadeenabdelhameed8545
    @nadeenabdelhameed8545 8 років тому +14

    Honestly came for Taeyang and stayed for Mino
    This is the most emotional rap I've heard in Kpop
    FOREVER listen to this song and by forever i mean *FOREVER*

  • @anonymous2dsimp395
    @anonymous2dsimp395 4 роки тому +9

    Taeyang's part is absolutely beautiful 😍

  • @kimpark9084
    @kimpark9084 7 років тому +9

    love this song too much im crying. thanks mino and taeyang. your music has saved me. thank you.

  • @butmonsterlivesforever1119
    @butmonsterlivesforever1119 3 роки тому +7

    This is the reason Mino is my fav rapper in Kpop🙂

  • @zyt6201
    @zyt6201 8 років тому +16

    it's like he is encouraging me right now .. that hits me so hard

  • @Rosie-ih9zt
    @Rosie-ih9zt 9 років тому +15

    Thank you so much for making this video ~ This song is so beautiful and the lyrics made me cry ;-;

  • @melissa202
    @melissa202 7 років тому +3

    I'm so proud of him. He definitely got there, my boy deserves all the success in the world. :(

  • @ii218
    @ii218 3 роки тому +5

    this song will forever have one of the best lyrics out of all the kpop songs out there

  • @maameesi473
    @maameesi473 3 роки тому +5

    These lyrics truly speak to me and it's a pity I have no one to share this with at this time in my life😔

  • @gyu4617
    @gyu4617 8 років тому +80

    I just love youngbae voice .

  • @bodhitala
    @bodhitala 8 років тому +13

    This is beautiful... respect for Mino

  • @vip_incle_ikonic_bling3693
    @vip_incle_ikonic_bling3693 7 років тому +12

    I don't why,but until now I still can't get over this "fear"

  • @hocuspocus__
    @hocuspocus__ 7 років тому +6

    Mino your an amazing songwriter! These lyrics were so beautiful and hit me deep!
    I needed to cry

  • @cherrylixie
    @cherrylixie 8 років тому +36

    this is such a special song, it touched my soul haha really. Mino poured his true emotions and experiences in this song, i was like reading his diary. love this song so much and winner 💙 fighting!

  • @MeLoveSmile1
    @MeLoveSmile1 8 років тому +7

    Zico is the perfect producer for this song bc he knows what he's been through, they were with each other that time. Stardom treated them like shit

  • @myrasahira3240
    @myrasahira3240 7 років тому +9

    A friends of mine had suggest this song for me.. Tha facts that the lyrics is really connected to me right now... It helps me burst out emotion that I had been keeping.. ❤❤

  • @ixxati9797
    @ixxati9797 7 років тому +6

    Mino... Thank you for write this beautiful song and lyric...

  • @cardboardclub
    @cardboardclub 7 років тому +10

    *I keep coming back to this song*

  • @RackiePromotions
    @RackiePromotions 3 роки тому +6

    I forgot how I found this, but I think Spotify recommended it and it just got insta added to my playlist. Later realized the name/voice seemed familiar and realized I know MINO from WINNER and somehow never managed to recognize Taeyang's voice, how?! Such a great song, tho.

  • @airbear320
    @airbear320 7 років тому +10

    This song is a masterpiece.

  • @nucucumber_7cskrrskrr136
    @nucucumber_7cskrrskrr136 7 років тому +1

    this is why I love Mino, his lyrics actually means something and speaks out by itself. I will carry on your words ❤🙏 remembering back in his trainee days 😢 the backbreaking hard work has finally paid off 💕🎤💘

  • @xxibritannia286
    @xxibritannia286 3 роки тому +6

    This is dope! Taeyang voice is so versatile

  • @youa8111
    @youa8111 9 років тому +6

    that one dislike for this song....NO.... no matter how many dislike thumb down for this song.... NO ONE can even touch a bit of Mino hair... no matter what....he proved it. As for the finalist.... I WILL see MINO through this... Anyways the winner will be Song MINO. He will always be the winner in my heart. love you bae 💜💜💜😢😢😢😭 my tears can't stop flowing... so many tissues on my bed... the feelsssssss you guys... man.... this will be on my PLAYLiST and on REPEAT!! Best song of the year from MINO.. that's my bae...he kept his smiles till the end... our innocent boy...known as WINNER from YG Fam NOW mature tremendously through SMTM as MINO himself. thank you for waking me up as well. "I cant sleep so that my parents can fall asleep comfortably"

    • @youa8111
      @youa8111 9 років тому +3

      😢 "I must't sleep so my parent can sleep comfortably"🙏🙏🙏👐👐👐👏👏👏👏👍💋💜

  • @caesarromeredulla961
    @caesarromeredulla961 2 роки тому +4

    I found the performance randomly in Yt and I just feel something with it even though I understand nothing so I look up the lyrics... and WOOOWWW! not a fan of Mino (yet) but MAD RESPECT!

  • @brownskinstories
    @brownskinstories 7 років тому +7

    This boy will go a long way!

  • @dogmosatchmo
    @dogmosatchmo 7 років тому +4

    Never heard of this guy, but he is awesome. Thanks for the lyrics, you helped create a new fan.

  • @enchantedpropaganda
    @enchantedpropaganda 8 років тому +4

    I love the way Taeyang sings "can anybody save me from this fear"

  • @devinh4725
    @devinh4725 8 років тому +122

    I love how Taeyangs EH looks like the hangul for tae (태). Did you do this on purpose?

  • @g.w.b9321
    @g.w.b9321 5 років тому +1

    I still get goosebumps whenever i hear this song. Man, i'm so into your lyrics. It was a masterpiece. So much respect for MINO 😭👏💜

  • @kristinacapistrano1989
    @kristinacapistrano1989 7 років тому +7

    Everything about this song hits you so hard.

  • @xxbloodyanimaresxx
    @xxbloodyanimaresxx 9 років тому +1

    This is really touching... I couldn't help but tear up! Inspirational for all students out there trying their best to follow their desired career while carrying the invisible burdens of keeping opt to family and parents' expectations ! Smile, keep going, pain only helps with the gain of will to continue on!

  • @alya5477
    @alya5477 8 років тому +3

    "even my members who are like brothers" :') winner really have strong bonds between them :')

  • @czarinadeleon2128
    @czarinadeleon2128 4 роки тому +4

    I remember coming here just to see the last part but i ended up listening to everything.. This song is a healing to be honest. Along with epik high's home is far away..

  • @mystick2960
    @mystick2960 8 років тому +30

    This is soo sad, mino use to have a company but then he got tricked and mino joined a new company called yg and he's thanking yg because he's having a good life in there.

    • @laizaleng
      @laizaleng 8 років тому

      really? what company?

    • @sachalala1898
      @sachalala1898 8 років тому

      +x Buttercup x Y2Y company

    • @mystick2960
      @mystick2960 8 років тому

      x Buttercup x I forgot but he use to be in a group called block b

  • @caelanca
    @caelanca 6 років тому +1

    Such a well made video.
    Songs like this are genius. How they manage to make gems like this will always baffle me.
    Everything was perfect in this song.

  • @bigbangytfrezzingking1271
    @bigbangytfrezzingking1271 8 років тому +6

    mino you're always make me cry 😭I love u so much

  • @Milleny-vs7yh
    @Milleny-vs7yh 6 років тому +2

    the lyric are so meaning a lot! i really felt it because right now im really on that position as the elder of the family and have so many responsibility, i'm proud of mino he really brave and strong:) this song give me so many motivation. thankyou mino

  • @vipbigbang695
    @vipbigbang695 4 роки тому +7

    Taeyang's part is mg fav❤ plus his voice 💕

  • @zezesarai8519
    @zezesarai8519 3 роки тому +2

    Too young too soon to feel the pain.Too deep..I can't..😭 RESPECT MINO OPPA!!

  • @saytehee4296
    @saytehee4296 6 років тому +10

    Mino be strong. InnerCircle always support you :'( #ApologizeToMino

  • @emmyloubauer9217
    @emmyloubauer9217 9 років тому +1

    Honestly my favorite song so far in 2015...don't think any other song is going to beat it at this point - it's a masterpiece in my eyes...
    When I moved to Seoul in August, the fact that this lovely song played everywhere kept me reassured and calm amongst all the chaos of settling into a new country and culture. I want to thank Mino and Taeyang for this epic song - and of course, I can't forget Zico, who composed this baby

  • @cindy2387
    @cindy2387 6 років тому +3

    This is masterpiece taeyang and mino!

  • @HiThereHeyThere
    @HiThereHeyThere 8 років тому

    I love how this was put together with actual footage at the end. I remember hearing the song before thinking it sounded so nice, so good, and had forgot the lyrics. I came here today, with the lyrics, and I'm just so moved by this song again (with the lyric meanings). This song can fit so many people struggling in life and in their jobs, I'm really glad this song turned out so well, and to have TY's voice and style added to the song, just made it that much more memorable and amazing.

  • @kwonminah6917
    @kwonminah6917 9 років тому +4

    i'm going to cry, this song, music and the lyrics. Hhhh, so touched. Go! go! song minho

  • @ppeettqq97
    @ppeettqq97 9 років тому

    yeah, I cried too. Mino is so precious to me. From the moment I first saw him I knew he has a big heart and is really talented..

  • @sorelleia1760
    @sorelleia1760 3 роки тому +3

    Finally, after 5 years of finding this song😭. I always hear this on our radio but I didn't know the title because I can't understand it.

  • @wazihawahid5815
    @wazihawahid5815 4 роки тому +1

    Taeyang part soooo sick...tq zico n mino for giving taeyang the chance to sing this masterpiece....i repeated this song hundred times for taeyang majestic vocal

  • @sunshine794
    @sunshine794 7 років тому +7

    im here after watching him in new journey to the west singin this w kyuhyun kekek hes so talented n cute

  • @salihablackbird3589
    @salihablackbird3589 9 років тому +1

    i think this song shows everyone here how hard the music business can be and how much they expect from you.. wish you all the best mino

  • @NSHHC
    @NSHHC 7 років тому +6

    What have I done for these 2 years that I only find out about this now? This song touches my heart so deep like no other.

  • @clairebautista5611
    @clairebautista5611 9 років тому

    I criiiiiiiiiii~~~ tonight is the 2nd time I listened to fear, when I downloaded it on my phone. it made my heart melt specifically on the part where he talked about his father. TT.TT unfortunately minho doesnt have an instagram where I can say how I feel about his song~ on the other hand, THANKYOUSOMUCH FOR MAKING THIS VIDEO. I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY APPRECIATE THIS! AS WELL AS IT BEING SIMPLE, + IT IS ON ROMAN/ENGLISH,WELL APPRECIATED!!!! SIMPLICITY IS BEAUTY~ THANKYOUSOMUCH!!! THANKYOUSOMUCH FOR YOUR EFFORT!!!!

  • @multicolouredmochi1769
    @multicolouredmochi1769 7 років тому +13

    "ABEOJI!!" 😭

  • @paulinem9254
    @paulinem9254 8 років тому +2

    Omg I'm crying over and over again when I'm listenin to this song. This song is unbelieveable omg :""")