Quiet Confidence | Psalm 11 | Shine Thomas | City Harvest AG Church

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024
  • Quiet Confidence | Psalm 11 | Shine Thomas | City Harvest AG Church
    Sermon Transcript : cityharvestag....
    What do you do when your foundations are shaken? Do you fret, freeze, or flee? Or do you trust with quiet confidence in the Lord? Psalm 11 addresses such situations, offering guidance on relying on God amidst life's challenges.
    Structure of Psalm 11
    Psalmist’s Trust in the Lord (v1a): "In the Lord I take refuge."
    Advisors Urge David to Flee (v1b-2): "Flee like a bird to your mountain. For look, the wicked bend their bows..."
    Bridge (v3): "When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?"
    David’s Statement of Faith (v4-7): "The Lord is in his holy temple... For the Lord is righteous, he loves justice; the upright will see his face."
    Psalm 11: A Psalm of Trust
    Psalm 11 is one of the Psalms of trust, expressing confidence in reliance on the Lord. The author, King David, faces stress and panic but begins with trust in God: "In the Lord I take refuge." The Psalm ends with affirmation: "For the Lord is righteous, he loves justice; the upright will see his face."
    Illustrations of Shaken Foundations
    Consider catastrophic events like the 9/11 attacks or personal crises such as job loss, unexpected death, or serious illness. These events shake our foundations. David's advisors suggest fleeing, but he decides to trust in God.
    Psychological Defense Mechanisms: Fight, Flight, Freeze
    Psychologists identify common responses to threats: fight, flight, and freeze. David’s advisors suggest flight. However, David chooses a different response: faith in God.
    Faith Over Fear
    In crises, instead of fighting, fleeing, or freezing, faith is the strategy of a godly person. Trust in God rather than human solutions. The Psalmist doesn’t pray for protection or rescue but declares trust in God’s rescue.
    Example: Nehemiah
    Nehemiah faced adversaries who tried to frighten and discredit him. He chose not to flee but to trust in God's mission for him. Similarly, David and Nehemiah demonstrate unwavering trust in God.
    God's Sovereignty and Presence
    Psalm 11:4: "The Lord is in his holy temple; the Lord is on his heavenly throne." God’s sovereignty and presence provide assurance that our foundations are secure in His hands.
    God Observes and Judges
    Psalm 11:4-5: "He observes everyone on earth; his eyes examine them." God sees both the righteous and the wicked and will judge accordingly.
    Psalm 121: My Keeper Is Not A Sleeper
    Psalm 121 reassures that God watches over us constantly, protecting and guiding us. "He who watches over you will not slumber."
    God Punishes the Wicked
    Psalm 11:6-7: "On the wicked he will rain fiery coals and burning sulfur; a scorching wind will be their lot." God will address the actions of the wicked in His time.
    Trust in God’s Justice and Righteousness
    Psalm 11 concludes with confidence in God’s justice: "For the Lord is righteous, he loves justice; the upright will see his face." The upright are assured of God’s presence and ultimate justice.
    Examples of Faith: Moses
    When the Israelites faced the Red Sea and the Egyptian army, Moses encouraged them to stand firm and trust in God’s deliverance (Exodus 14:13-14). Likewise, we should trust in God’s provision and be still, knowing He will fight for us.
    Conclusion: Be Still and Trust in God
    In moments of uncertainty and adversity, like Moses and the Psalmist, refrain from fear and indecision. Trust in the sovereignty and provision of God, knowing that He is our refuge and will ultimately deliver and uphold the righteous.
    Quiet Confidence | Psalm 11 | Shine Thomas | City Harvest AG Church
    #FaithInAdversity #TrustInGod #BiblicalTrust #OvercomingChallengesWithFaith #DavidsTrustInGod #PsalmsOfTrust
    #ChristianEncouragement #FacingDifficultTimes #FaithOverFear
    #BiblicalGuidanceForHardTimes #SpiritualConfidence #FoundationOfFaith
    #TrustInGodsSovereignty #ChristianResponseToCrisis #Psalm11Analysis
    #BiblicalWisdomForStress #TrustingGodInCrisis #GodsPresenceInAdversity