Nice briefing Bro. You touched all the issues with EV. It would be better if you could suggest the ranks/performance of the EV cars that found in Ethiopia with their price if buyers have only EV choice. Please keep alerting us. Good job !
Battery costs much but you need to know that there is no running cost at all with EV, hence replacement cost for battery could be high but that would happen after 10 plus years
Pls first consult the profesionals. Your only complaint might be wz the battery, which could be fixed by proper specification analysis. Otherwise EV is by far best whatever draw backs you mention. In geneal forget all this details you mention but do it according to SWAT analysis.
Our government policies should be considered all situations all community poor rich and middle class citizen and also the market always decided if its very good they did not involvement government ,government only decided government vicle and public transportation , How mony people employed take care family oil .oil used vicle including oil and related business . The governments please did not involved nonsense policies, focus built alternative roads expandvpublic transpiration opportunity like railroads ,etc also keeps hands rail road cheapest transportation
Correct !!!!
ትክክለኝ እይታ ነው ያየህው እኔ የአውቶሞቲቪ ባለሞያ ነኝ አይደለም ስለመኪና ለማያው ትንሽም በስራው አብርን ለምናሳልፈ ሰዎችም ያልተርጋጋ ነገር ነው የማየው ስለዚህ ቴክኖሎጂው በደንብ ቢዳርስ እንዳልከውም የእስፔር ነገሮች ሲፈቱ : ያልካቸው ነገሮች በሀገራችን ሲዳርሱ ይደርሳል ባይ ነኝ !!!!
አመሰግናለሁ ተወዛግቤ ነበር
ልክ ነህ ወንድንሜ በርታ
Nice briefing Bro. You touched all the issues with EV. It would be better if you could suggest the ranks/performance of the EV cars that found in Ethiopia with their price if buyers have only EV choice.
Please keep alerting us. Good job !
yrs. you are right.
Battery costs much but you need to know that there is no running cost at all with EV, hence replacement cost for battery could be high but that would happen after 10 plus years
የሊትየምና የኮባልት ማእድን አላቃ ነው የማእድን እጥረትም ስለሚኖር በቅርብ ጊዜ የኤሌክትሪክ መኪና ባትሪ በጣ ውድ ይሆናል።
የሌለ ነገር ነው የምታማርጠው።የነዳጅ መኪና አይገባም።
ያውልህ ዝም በል።
ማነው የከፈለክ ?
ግን የባትሪ ዕድሜ አንተው እንዳልከው 8 አመት ቢሆን
አንድ የነዳጅ መኪና ተጠቃሚ በወር በትንሹ 10000 ብር ያውጣል።
በአመት 120000 ብር
በ8 አመት ደግሞ
960000 ብር የማይመለስ ብር ለነዳጅ ይከፍላል ማለት ነው።
ከዛ ውጭ ደግሞ
የፍልትሮ የሞቴር ዘይት የሲሊንደር ጥገና የካርቦራይቴር የክራንክ ሻፍት ሞሬድ ኤረ ስንቱ በምንም አይወዳደሩም።
በምንም አይገናኙም ሲጀመር።
ዘጋቢው በደንብ አጢናው።
ስለቻርጅ ከፈለግ ደግሞ በጣም ቀላል።
እኔጋ ራሱ ብትመጣ ስለቻርጅ አሳያለው።
ስለባትሪ ከፈለግ ደግሞ
Half life of carbon አንብብ
።half life = lnk/2...ስለዚህ ቀመር የኬምስትሪ ተማሪ ካልሆንክ አይገባህም።
ስለዚህ የኤልክትርክ መኪና የቴክኖሎጂ ልህቀት ውጤት ነው እንጂ እንዴ ፓለቲካ የመንደር ወሬ አይደለም አባቴ።
ትንሽ አንብብ
አሁን የተናገርከው ነገር መንግስት ስለኤሌትሪክ መኪና የደበቀን ብለህ ጀምረህ ምንም የነገርከን ነገር የለም ነውር ነው
Pls first consult the profesionals. Your only complaint might be wz the battery, which could be fixed by proper specification analysis. Otherwise EV is by far best whatever draw backs you mention. In geneal forget all this details you mention but do it according to SWAT analysis.
There is no difference b/n electric car and mobile.
Our government policies should be considered all situations all community poor rich and middle class citizen and also the market always decided if its very good they did not involvement government ,government only decided government vicle and public transportation , How mony people employed take care family oil .oil used vicle including oil and related business . The governments please did not involved nonsense policies, focus built alternative roads expandvpublic transpiration opportunity like railroads ,etc also keeps hands rail road cheapest transportation
አንተም ይኽንን ሀሳብ አጋርተህ ዩቲዩቤን ላይክ አርጉ አልክ። ሁሉም አንድ ሀሳብ ይዞ እየመጣ ጋዜጠኛ እየሆነ ነው። የሚገርም ነው ሀሳብን ለወገኔ ይጠቅማል ካልን አጋርተን መውረድ ነው እንጂ ሀሳቤን ለህዝብ ልሽጥ ብሎ ምኑንም መጫር/ማውራት ሆነ የህዝቤ ስራ። አይ ዩቱይበርስ ። ዩቱይበር መክፈል የተወ እንደሆነ ምን ሊሰራ ይሆን?
It is good that you mentioned this is your opinion only which is un professional opinion. It is better to listen to professional opinion.
very poor analysis.... and that is very old analysis. now there is clear analysis on EV. so your analysis is very very poor
If it is poor analysis, put your reasons. But I found it good