Cruel swipe is balanced guys - Path of titans Achillobator testing

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • A new dino came out in Path of titans, its a giant raptor that destroys apexes... only the POT devs could come up with something like this.
    Ofc its not only good against apexes, but this video is about its most broken ability (cruel swipe).


  • @FlyinJMan
    @FlyinJMan 7 місяців тому +73

    I approve of anything that upsets smooth brain apex mains.

  • @DianceGamer
    @DianceGamer 7 місяців тому +121

    I’m honestly in love with the attack. So many people hide on apex’s and form giant gank groups and I hate it. This Dino alone helps with dismantling these groups. And tbf the Achillo has a rough time against other mid tiers.

    • @Huaka8907
      @Huaka8907  7 місяців тому +18

      The only other mid tier that can compete with Achillo was cerato and metri, atleast from what i saw. The groups will always be a problem in this game, whether its apexes, mid tiers, whatever. Apexes are slow at least, imagine a group of like 4-5 chasing you down, yes they can cuz they also have amazing stamina. A midtier should 7 shot a rex ... thats just an untested awful mechanic. Sidenote, this things damage as a whole is broken, i just showed the most broken atack here.

    • @mongooseodon7608
      @mongooseodon7608 7 місяців тому +15

      That’s exactly how I feel, I keep seeing people complain and all I can think is that they are apex mains. The only way it needs to be nerfed is against anything but apex’s

    • @raptor5034
      @raptor5034 7 місяців тому +2

      @@Huaka8907 styra is pretty good at fighting them aswell

    • @jolly_oh_golly8443
      @jolly_oh_golly8443 7 місяців тому

      ​@Huaka8907 Count Megs because I have seen countless Achillos get fucked by Megs lmao

    • @sunman2849
      @sunman2849 7 місяців тому +5

      @@Huaka8907while i can agree that the Achi needs to be balanced. What Dino doesn’t. Am I right? But apex groups have been dominating servers, especially large mix packed ones. This is honestly just evening out the score

  • @candlestick1899
    @candlestick1899 7 місяців тому +54

    It's supposed to do more DMG to heavyweight dinos no duh. I'm tired of ppl complaining about a dino just because they don't know how to learn counters to it...

  • @UncaDunca
    @UncaDunca 7 місяців тому +37

    I like the idea of the attack. I like that it scales with armor and combat weight, so it can be a true apex hunter. However, I do agree it could use some tweaking, but I personally hope the ability sticks around.

  • @rubenfb5178
    @rubenfb5178 7 місяців тому +20

    To be fair "cruel swipe" description specifies that it deals more damage the more weight the target has, this combined with the fact that achillo can only pounce dinos with 5k weight and above it's pretty obvious this thing was made to be an apex killer, also in the video you can see how ano (besides it's armor) barely receives any damage from cruel swipe even without hunkering due to it's low weight (compared to apexes)

    • @Sr_V2
      @Sr_V2 7 місяців тому


  • @fabriciobunglidul
    @fabriciobunglidul 7 місяців тому +36

    It's sad but the thing is, that big of a raptor would really dominate in packs irl...

    • @Huaka8907
      @Huaka8907  7 місяців тому +16

      Raptors wouldn't dominate, they are just another class of predators. The bigger dinos would dominate, hence why they are called apex.
      But this was more regards for game balance, not real life.

    • @The_BlueChicken
      @The_BlueChicken 7 місяців тому +11

      For game balance this is what the devs wanted. You could add to this video by showing the Spino dealing damage to the Achillobator and seeing how much damage it does. If you're playing as an Apex and just stand there to let it tear you apart that is a you problem not balancing problem. It seems many Apex players got used to just standing there and getting a free kill and now that the game is getting more mechanics they refuse to adapt.

    • @Huaka8907
      @Huaka8907  7 місяців тому +1

      ​@@The_BlueChicken Its a damage test my man, but yeah i also got fights coming out. An apex might win a 1v1, but they will be like 30-40% trading a hit with a midtier... thats a little silly. No other midtier or even pseudo apex can do that, why should a raptor?

    • @bishopsylvester8120
      @bishopsylvester8120 7 місяців тому +2

      its a video game.

    • @vladline1882
      @vladline1882 7 місяців тому

      I didn't see evidence of them killing a Tyranosaurus in the area. Hence they're scared to the apex carnis IRL.

  • @menaceflame
    @menaceflame 7 місяців тому +8

    If you read description of this skill. Causes heavy damage to heavier enemies. What can you expect?

    • @Huaka8907
      @Huaka8907  7 місяців тому +3

      Yeah, doesn't change the fact its broken??

  • @texasthib2029
    @texasthib2029 7 місяців тому +6

    Meanwhile the alio is basically a mini Rex and is dogshit

    • @matyaskassay4346
      @matyaskassay4346 6 місяців тому

      The alio is not a mini rex by any means. It's also pretty good.

  • @tanyadeathless964
    @tanyadeathless964 7 місяців тому +16

    Achi is a solo apex killer, it is proved by more tgat one ability. Its not a bug, its a feature.

    • @Huaka8907
      @Huaka8907  7 місяців тому +5

      I dont really understand very well what you ment, i know its not a bug, thats why i was making fun of the devs and questioning if this thing was ever tested before making it to the main game. A midtier being a solo apex killer is just dumb. If you outskil the apex with cerato or metri, then yeah you are good, but this thing that almost 7 shots rex?

  • @theoofer478
    @theoofer478 7 місяців тому +11

    Bars only took 12 hits because of its health nerf: 300 healths worth of the most to trite, unnecessary, and outright idiotic nerf I’ve ever seen. I used to main bars, but I guess it’s time to move on to meg 😭😭😭

    • @Huaka8907
      @Huaka8907  7 місяців тому +2

      I agree with the bars hp nerf, 1500 in this new meta is way too much for something that can play defensive with its tail, I've played bars a little and I think its still in a good spot.

    • @theoofer478
      @theoofer478 7 місяців тому

      @@Huaka8907 If you meet a pack of at least 3 Achillos on officials it’s guareented death on bars.

    • @ahumanoidtroodon1074
      @ahumanoidtroodon1074 7 місяців тому +2

      The main problem is Bars still doesn’t have slick hide lmao

    • @theoofer478
      @theoofer478 7 місяців тому +1

      @@Huaka8907 Still pointless, playing bars on officials is automatic death.

    • @Huaka8907
      @Huaka8907  7 місяців тому

      @theoofer478 i dont touch officials, unless u got a group.
      Semi-realism or atleast random community servers are the way

  • @AngleSideArmor
    @AngleSideArmor 7 місяців тому +8

    I fight these things as duck A LOT now, as long as you get good counters in on the achillo as it hits you you can out dps them quite easily

    • @Huaka8907
      @Huaka8907  7 місяців тому +2

      While yeah, you can kill them cuz many are unexperienced, 2-3 good ones or atleast decent will kill you on land, if you use water then yeah you shouldnt lose. If they simply trade hits with you, they will win. I will show come combat with these things aswell to show what im talking about.

    • @josephlopez038
      @josephlopez038 7 місяців тому

      ​@Huaka8907 bro, just get better tf I kill these things on a daily basis... on my rex stop trying to get shit nerfff

  • @R03stedB1Rd
    @R03stedB1Rd 7 місяців тому +3

    Archill is a apex hunter the move literally says more damage to heavier opponents, it's supposed to be that way, luckily they are kinda glass cannons, they don't have very much health when it comes to bigger things

  • @enteplays3662
    @enteplays3662 7 місяців тому +4

    Great now do a video about how many hits all these dinosaurs need to kill the achillo. When we compare numbers then we should compare all the numbers not only the ones that benefit the narativ

  • @zarokblack9039
    @zarokblack9039 7 місяців тому +27

    The damage relation makes no sense, I play many dinosaurs, and the Rex and trike do a tone more damage than that raptor in one shot, to where a the raptor takes about 2-3 hits to be close to equal. It’s a 800 pound 20-25 foot long raptor with up to a 8 inch curved set of claws and a large muzzle with a bigger sickle claw designed to be used to strike and bleed and kill prey small or large whatever it needed to, and to be fair, the bite or hit from any Apex is pretty critical given you hit the Achillobator in the body not the tail. So the damage it does is actually pretty low compared to its true capacity as a giant raptor. But for the games sake, it balances out fairly, it’s small, you do loads of damage in one hit to render it essentially crippled, this Raptor actually has long cooldowns compared to other playable dinosaurs for its bite, claw swipe and it’s pounce, which offsets any damage overdraw, and they made bucking more effective so it take way more skill, patience and talent to put a raptor to use properly now. If you go against 1 bad raptor you’ll find you can kill it with its bad patterns of attack. But 1 skilled or experienced raptor can take nearly anything down. If I’m being honest with my nearly 2 decades of work on studying dinosaurs including raptors, the Achillobator has been made much weaker than what it’s truly capable of. But it’s still a good dinosaur, able to fight the good fight, requiring experience, skill and a pinch of good luck to make it work. The sad part is everyone is crying about all these smaller carnivores taking advantage of their abilities weather it be mobility or bleed or health or stamina, all the Herbivores and Apex players cry about it and they get buffs on buffs on buffs, while many smaller but capable dinosaurs wind up not only getting completely outclassed but also being restricted with nerf after nerf after nerf. Take the fossils and what we know about them and their physiology and biology and let it work accordingly, fact is, yea the raptors of Path have suffered more than any other playables we have, they used to be squishy but fast agile, we needed pounce to help with a hitbox issue and help guarantee our hits at the cost of our stamina ok sure, they were meant to do it, there are bones with pitting from their claws from the impacts the punctures they made as proof of their capabilities and strategy, everyone crying got raptors stamina nerfed speed nerfed damage nerfed bleed taken away from their pounce attacks, now what they kiss you to death. People say they have ripping kick, I say yea good only agains an infant, because anything even slightly bigger than you can trample you mid kick and kill you. But here’s the kicker all herbs and Apexes got armor buffs health buffs, damage buffs stamina buffs and more abilities to stack on other abilities to increase every stat to get as close as possible to a one hit wonder, were are raptors left at, back to being trampled or kissing you for several minutes with a hoard of them or hours and starve because you can’t use your dinosaur to its full potential. That’s beyond pathetic. Forcing others to become weaker so what you can win every fight with ease. That’s not how life is, leave them alone quit whining about everything that could threaten you, some of us genuinely like some of the smaller Dino’s that should need skill to use properly, your not the only ones. We are playing too just leave our stats be we don’t complain about you guys all the time, even when we know your more op than you should ever be. But we keep playing because we want to enjoy it, as a working man myself I play Path of Titans for the fun of it the skill, the fights, the hunt and thrill of it all, and it’s upsetting to see one of my favorite to play dinosaurs getting nerfed when all it takes is 1 tail bump to kill it from a medium sized animal, because a bunch of kids don’t like having to actually fight to survive. Leave the Achillobator alone it’s fine, just okay the game.

    • @DarknerSoul
      @DarknerSoul 7 місяців тому +15

      No way someone is gonna read all that

    • @mikey-qe9op9fv9w
      @mikey-qe9op9fv9w 7 місяців тому +11

      Bro wrote a whole college essay.

    • @mongooseodon7608
      @mongooseodon7608 7 місяців тому +8

      I totally agree, people need to stop complaining about the one raptor that’s actually good

    • @Cosmic_DBD
      @Cosmic_DBD 7 місяців тому +1

      Bro wrote the raptor jesus bible ain't no way I'm reading all thay

    • @mikey-qe9op9fv9w
      @mikey-qe9op9fv9w 7 місяців тому +3

      @@mongooseodon7608 true it may be strong against large dinos however from what I noticed most medium sized dino can counter this new raptor very well. Cera,alio,metri,meg do pretty well against it. On the herbivore side kentro,sytra,stego are also good counters to the acilibator. The new raptor is only strong against large dinos and but has many counters.

  • @JWayne-vb1yg
    @JWayne-vb1yg 7 місяців тому +8

    let tbe people have their fun before it gets nerfed like everything else

    • @Huaka8907
      @Huaka8907  7 місяців тому +4

      I dont really see the fun in this, but go ahead, i doubt they will nerf it anytime soon anyway.

    • @eesamohammed2104
      @eesamohammed2104 7 місяців тому +4

      ​@@Huaka8907honestly achillobators combat weight is abysmal and its slow enough its a challenge to fight with having a strong swipe attack makes it so its actually useful considering spino does so much damage i dont understand why your complaining if this game was realistic spino would get whooped by every land apex and ut would basically be a 1 shot between rexs carchs and gigas

    • @Huaka8907
      @Huaka8907  7 місяців тому +3

      ​@eesamohammed2104 very incorrect, but anyway, this is about game balance, no midtier should be able to do this kind of insane damage to an apex in just 1 hit.

    • @eesamohammed2104
      @eesamohammed2104 7 місяців тому +2

      @@Huaka8907 thats the whole point of the achillobator it struggles with smaller dinos and other midtiers but does well against apexs and dinos with combat weight above 5000 its whole point is to be an apex killer you cant just expect it to get a nerf for doing its job

    • @hellsker3433
      @hellsker3433 7 місяців тому +3

      ​@@Huaka8907 No matter what you say, people that play this game know nothing about game balance, i AM happy to see someone like you actually thinks, say on 🙏

  • @rxlf4380
    @rxlf4380 6 місяців тому +1

    Best thing is bark increase that damage by 8% and it can do up to 300 dmg by itself. Lone hunter bark before each cruel swipe and it's just a massacre

  • @screamingsicilian263
    @screamingsicilian263 7 місяців тому +2

    Doing the math, I'm estimating about 11.3 hits from the Cruel Swipe to kill the Spino (assuming it's balanced, has no other DEF buffs or anything, just assuming with it's base health). So it took 11.3 CS to deplete Spino's 1000 healthpool. That means it'd have to do ~88 per hit. Going from there, and using the formula (AttackerWeight/VictimWeight)*Damage... (2600/6500) x (BaseDmg) = 88. That leads to BaseDmg = ~220 which is... insane. Using the same formulas for a full-grown Bars at 1200 HP and 7000 CW, that's results in ~270 per hit... Yikes.
    Again, for the record, this is all an estimation based on that 11.3 CS hits to kill the Spino, so take it with a grain of salt

  • @ahumanoidtroodon1074
    @ahumanoidtroodon1074 7 місяців тому +2

    Honestly I think the main problem isn’t that newly added creatures are good, it’s just that a lot of other creatures are weak. If you look at all the old creatures that got new attacks recently, they also do loads of damage, like Cerato’s 90 damage per second

  • @Reptrilian
    @Reptrilian 7 місяців тому +2

    I can say overall it does seem overtuned like other newer creatures or those given fresh big power abilities, especially in light of other creatures such as hatzegopteryx, which also to my knowledge does "low" damage at about 100 flat for its armor Piercing attack, not counting any other nunber of attacks. We must also keep in mind Cerato charge bite and thrash, which at same size as Achillo class does ridiculous damage **and** recoil for hits on it. Point being, as a fella referenced in comments b4, dev image said this is the goal, and if it's bad it will change. Official T Rex used to have charge thus spawning the more ambush-y style PT Rex, meanwhile official goes for a tankier rex with I shit you not a TSL style walk and build (TSL being stomping lands). I appreciate you bringing its roughness to light as it makes sure people are cautious, but current development team logic seems to prefer OP, then nerf to convenience generally.

    • @Huaka8907
      @Huaka8907  7 місяців тому

      The devs usually don't really have a good ideea on making good balance decissions. They do sometimes, but its kinda rare... Giving a midtier a stupid high damage atack against slow and tanky targets is def to show for their incompetence to think how it will affect the game.

  • @dinohvp9488
    @dinohvp9488 7 місяців тому +2

    i think it can 5 shot alio with the wing slap, and alio takes a shitload of bites to kill a single one

  • @SurF1Nyt
    @SurF1Nyt 7 місяців тому +3

    You can spam bite then kick during the downtime to make ☠️ time way faster! Cheers

  • @perkuu6937
    @perkuu6937 6 місяців тому

    They tested it alright. There’s been an apex problem for too long, this thing was made specifically to be an apex killer to get rid of that problem. I’m glad they put a medium dino in the game with a move just to defeat apexes when there’s apexes in the game with moves to defeat certain dinos already.

  • @zarokblack9039
    @zarokblack9039 7 місяців тому +2

    If they do then they get the point. A point can’t always be made in 2 or three words, but at least this way if someone reads it and understands it then maybe it will get a following of people willing to say leave the Dino’s alone and just play it rather than complain about it because your not invincible ya know. But thanks for the reply.

    • @Huaka8907
      @Huaka8907  7 місяців тому

      I will try to reply to your comment too, but it will take some time.

  • @user-ez1oo3qu6z
    @user-ez1oo3qu6z 6 місяців тому +1

    In my humble opinion, this is realistic, if a 20 ft raptor jumped on you and started slashen your screwed... but this is not a realistic game so who cares some balancing needs to be done.

    • @Huaka8907
      @Huaka8907  6 місяців тому

      Well if a creature that size hit the raptor, its dead, but yeah, something needs to change

  • @matyaskassay4346
    @matyaskassay4346 6 місяців тому

    Relax guys, new creatures always start up like this. They'll balance it eventually. Plus let's not forget that using an ability like this in actual combat is very different.

  • @karlohunjak1331
    @karlohunjak1331 7 місяців тому +1

    weirdly this game is called path of TITANS but never has a titan in this game felt safe around any small shit, mod or not

  • @lumperony5664
    @lumperony5664 4 дні тому

    Not to mention even in the current patch idk if they nerfed that claw yet but it’s ripping kick can be used 28 times on one stam bar even without the stam call and with the kick spam it can litterally outrun Dino’s that are suppose to be faster then it

  • @Fins-Up-74
    @Fins-Up-74 7 місяців тому

    1 thing I love is that this thing... literally lowers the population of all apexes

  • @SternaRegnixTube
    @SternaRegnixTube 7 місяців тому +2

    3:47 it does damage based on weight

  • @skymaster7776
    @skymaster7776 5 місяців тому

    Its definitely strong, but I’m a big believer that its strong because its feature complete, not because it ls over powered. Achillo, rhamph, and hatz are arguably the only true “feature complete” playables in the game. The rest are not even close, with as many as 13 less abilities than the 3 feature completes. Once the other dinos get their 20+ abilities, achillo will be put into a comfortable place

  • @citrus5797
    @citrus5797 7 місяців тому +6

    Holy cow, I never really realized how much damage this thing deals.
    How many hits does it take to kill a max armor amarg or a max armor hunkering anodonto?

    • @Huaka8907
      @Huaka8907  7 місяців тому +3

      Anodonto is really effective against them, amarga I have no ideea, its prob not too bad either, that atacks is based on how much combat wieght you have, things like spino/rex will get a huge chunk of damage, while stuff like conca and alio will barely feel it!

    • @citrus5797
      @citrus5797 7 місяців тому +1

      @@Huaka8907 Amarga has a CBW of 4650, which is the highest CBW below 5000, which is the benchmark for apexes.

  • @modernmarrow1411
    @modernmarrow1411 7 місяців тому

    It’s an apex killer, honestly I’m glad we have a Dino like this bc people just sit on apexes and kill all the little guys

  • @dapperdino6044
    @dapperdino6044 6 місяців тому

    Interesting they made the archillo a big-game hunter, especially since it gives buffs to smaller animals.

  • @angelocastillo276
    @angelocastillo276 7 місяців тому +2

    Ppl who cry about a Dino being to strong are the same ones who want the Dino they main to be Op and everyone else to suck. Just say you suck at the game

    • @creeper-sp5vg
      @creeper-sp5vg 7 місяців тому

      Iggy mains fr cry whenever thet nerf iggy by a smidge

    • @dovod4413
      @dovod4413 7 місяців тому +4

      Or they care about the general balance of the game?? 😂

    • @creeper-sp5vg
      @creeper-sp5vg 7 місяців тому

      @@dovod4413 no

  • @masonharkness6437
    @masonharkness6437 7 місяців тому +2

    I’ve actually been feasting on achillos maybe it’s just the server and the players on it but yeah my diet has had a influx of chicken lately lol ig most ppl haven’t been running cruel swipe

  • @paulgivens5247
    @paulgivens5247 7 місяців тому +1

    Yes, cruel swipe does do really great damage but it’s so difficult to connect with in game that it’s basically useless. Tried it for a bit and even when my nose was clipping into targets I was still missing every shot!

  • @penguincolt6649
    @penguincolt6649 5 місяців тому

    1:41 “why are we still here…just to suffer?”

  • @el_barras2622
    @el_barras2622 5 місяців тому

    I hope they don't nerf it, I haven't played the game in a while and this motivates me to come back.
    I was tired of people with apex doing boring things and that we mid-tier couldn't fight them unless we were 4 or 5.
    With dinos like this you avoid mixpacking because you give players more opportunities

    • @Huaka8907
      @Huaka8907  5 місяців тому

      Or you could just go an apex too, they are alot harder to grow, so you should be strong. And people mixpack regardless so you dont fix anything.

  • @opasvibes4785
    @opasvibes4785 7 місяців тому +3

    Bro last night I was playing stego two of them pounced on me I was dead in seconds I was bucking and charging my tail it did nothing 😍

    • @Huaka8907
      @Huaka8907  7 місяців тому +1

      If they pounce wrong you should be able to hit them with your normal tail atack, try to never use charge tail against targets that are faster then you! I am not sure how they do against stego myself, as i havent seen one yet. I can give it a try I gues.

  • @romanb1615
    @romanb1615 7 місяців тому +1

    The only thing is its speed and long tail, apexes that have good turn speed like eo can get a hit in at least as it runs away after pouncing and increased stamina drain means it will be vunerable to getting run down afterwards.

  • @user-mb8yo3il1c
    @user-mb8yo3il1c 6 місяців тому

    It’s sort of evened out, apexes just need to fight back, and for smaller dinos, it does little to no damage

  • @ramonsantiago6513
    @ramonsantiago6513 7 місяців тому +2

    Do anyone here watch Animal and or dinosaur documentaries??

  • @anabolix_
    @anabolix_ 7 місяців тому +2

    I play Meg, Achillobator looks like totaly free kill for her after buffs.

  • @llCyanidell
    @llCyanidell 6 місяців тому +1

    Bro is really complaining about an ability that’s supposed to do more damage to apexes and heavier creatures lmao read the description and don’t come on YT just to complain about a feature of a creature. Personally, I love it because it stops people from hiding behind apex dinosaurs and gets them to go and cry just like this video 🥴🥴 learn a counter rather than hide.

  • @aspextant5987
    @aspextant5987 11 днів тому

    It was a 6 foot raptor that weighed up to 1200 pounds and 15-20 feet long and the T. rex is only 12-20ft tall and 11,000 to 15,500 pounds that’s only 9800 off that’s not a lot fr when you put in that the raptor can hold on to stuff and claw at it

  • @Fins-Up-74
    @Fins-Up-74 7 місяців тому

    What do you mean a dino the size of a metri shouldn't be able to kill a rex in 8 hits? Makes total sense to me

  • @dakotaspringer4539
    @dakotaspringer4539 7 місяців тому +1

    Bro if the bars also load a lot of weight class and I’d imagine one or two stomp and it’s dead not just that spino got a 10% buff to wet Dino’s that’s where spinous are suppose to be is by water so it’s not that crazy

  • @zarokblack9039
    @zarokblack9039 7 місяців тому

    That’s why I made the comment, thank you for not being afraid to speak up bud much appreciated

  • @shahinarahaque2071
    @shahinarahaque2071 7 місяців тому

    After reading your comment, I do have to say, it's swipe is the only busted part about it. BUT, it's MEANT to slay apexes. The devs made it only pounce things over 5,000 cw and gave it attacks that can kill apexes because it was meant to. Yes, cruel swipe should be nerfed back down to 40 damage instead of 60, but that's the only attack that has to be nerfed.

  • @jaketaylor4193
    @jaketaylor4193 3 місяці тому

    Kind of agree kind of don’t because a mid tear will destroy it easy so if you want a counter run a mid tear. I think the devs were trying to give people who don’t want to run a meta apex all the time a chance to survive

    • @jaketaylor4193
      @jaketaylor4193 3 місяці тому

      It gets old when everyone runs apex all the time

    • @Huaka8907
      @Huaka8907  3 місяці тому

      What about people who run solo apexes and they have 3 rexes chasing them and an achillo doing chucks of thier hp in 1 atack? Megapacks are annoying even if they arent all apex, look at dasp and ano rn. But this video is old now, so cruel swipe got a well deserved nerf.

  • @vladline1882
    @vladline1882 7 місяців тому +2

    That cruel claw swipe should be given to megataptorans not them.

    • @creeper-sp5vg
      @creeper-sp5vg 7 місяців тому

      Says who

    • @vladline1882
      @vladline1882 7 місяців тому +1

      @@creeper-sp5vg because draemosurids ain't that strong for clawing than the megataptorans who are way larger arms and claws than them.
      It's ridiculous

    • @creeper-sp5vg
      @creeper-sp5vg 7 місяців тому +4

      But its a game. Nothing in it is realistic. We got calls that increase stats and dinosaurs mixing with species theyre not supposed to be packed with.

  • @ramonsantiago6513
    @ramonsantiago6513 7 місяців тому +2

    Yes the attack need to be reduced a bit or th3 apex healt or defense need to be adjusted
    .. but we talking about a Massive Raptor...

  • @connorstamps1298
    @connorstamps1298 7 місяців тому

    My Hatzegopteryx was killed by this attack while I tried to contest for a body against two Achillobators on a realism server.

  • @msdyks9000
    @msdyks9000 6 місяців тому

    I mean it is a large raptor with huge claws and the strength to pounce. So far had no trouble to go up againts them but then again, most only try to pounce me and then I get them. They dont do this larger attack

  • @randompersonontheinternet5514
    @randompersonontheinternet5514 7 місяців тому

    Cruel claw does Up to 300 DMG at its highest. The regular claw Attack does 90.
    I think These DMG numbers are a bit high for a 2600 cw creature.
    If they make cruel claw 90 or 100 at Most and claw Attack 70 i think IT would be more fair

    • @Huaka8907
      @Huaka8907  7 місяців тому

      100 damage means it 8 shots rex , thats still way too much for a midtier.

    • @randompersonontheinternet5514
      @randompersonontheinternet5514 7 місяців тому

      @@Huaka8907 100 at its highest. So Like argent.
      300 is the absolut Most IT can do.

  • @josephlopez038
    @josephlopez038 7 місяців тому

    Okay, actin' like they're just gonna stand there and let you hit them

  • @EmpireOfLuciferSatanson666
    @EmpireOfLuciferSatanson666 7 місяців тому

    If all creatures are OP and broken, then no creatures are OP, just skill issue.

  • @InterExpertz
    @InterExpertz 7 місяців тому

    "Oh lord above... what is this damage?" 💀

  • @lolNOTpoggersaurus69
    @lolNOTpoggersaurus69 7 місяців тому +1

    Finally, I can reliably bully apexes as a solo player 💪🦐

    • @Huaka8907
      @Huaka8907  7 місяців тому +1

      You can bully apexes as an apex if you are good enough

    • @lolNOTpoggersaurus69
      @lolNOTpoggersaurus69 7 місяців тому +1

      @@Huaka8907 That is genuinely not true at all. All it is, is brain rot who has more damage output and can avoid being hit for a health lead. Apex gameplay and combat is just so bad biting the air is the way any apex player wins just because if someone accidentally runs into the random attacks their hp is immediately obliterated. Plus it’s funny how dumb most apex players are (I almost killed rexes with campto on several occasions).🍷🗿

  • @seanbailey9804
    @seanbailey9804 7 місяців тому

    It’s a apex hunter! Claw attack is in my opinion better due to the damage output vs all other Dino’s yes you lose damage against apex but you fight a achillorapter with claw attack on and you don’t well you dead. I think it’s perfectly balanced you can go full apex killer but suck at everything else. Or have a more use claw attack and deal extra damage when pounced onto Dino’s and a good defence against other Dino’s aswel. Test out the entire Dino before you say it’s say it’s broken.

    • @Huaka8907
      @Huaka8907  7 місяців тому

      It is def not balanced, you can have cruel claw and normal bite. Cruel claw is the only 1 you need for apex, and bite can do well against midtiers. It is super broken, 12 shoting bars and spino as you saw...

  • @user-mt4rm5zo8u
    @user-mt4rm5zo8u 6 місяців тому

    If you see an achillo : run

  • @Bropsik
    @Bropsik 6 місяців тому

    What did you expect if there is no balance on off-servers?

  • @Louvenoire05
    @Louvenoire05 6 місяців тому

    I don’t play achillo but I do have a duck and Rex. I just quest and the fights come to me, help babies if they need questing. I just mind my own business, but always it’s kos for apex, people hate them really lol 😂 this Dino was made to roll em. I haven’t had any issues on my Rex and on my duck I haven’t come across any achi as of yet. I did kill 2 achi on my sty and I was super happy about it.

  • @Madcatdave
    @Madcatdave 7 місяців тому

    So that’s why so many people play those giant turkeys

  • @lukerapoza3909
    @lukerapoza3909 2 місяці тому

    I'd question whether you play much official... yes, that's a damaging move, but on official, you need to go to homecave to change abilities. That means you run the other claw, which is essential for fighting smaller dinos and surviving attacks. If you run cruel swipe, you are at a big advantage against apexs but left vulnerable to lighter creatures. I feel like they make official dinos for the official playstyle and not community servers where you can just switch out on the fly, so in a way, it is kinda fair.

    • @Huaka8907
      @Huaka8907  2 місяці тому

      It already got a huge nerf from 45 base, to 30 so i was right. Now its okey. Shred on the other hand...

  • @WN80012
    @WN80012 7 місяців тому +1

    Cope + mald
    Dont like getting killed by balanced gameplay? Play midtier.

  • @jasongonzalez3546
    @jasongonzalez3546 7 місяців тому

    Is not that bad, you just have to land 3 hits on the raptor and it’s gone

  • @GermXO
    @GermXO 7 місяців тому

    the apex mains upset and fighting for nerfs once again

  • @Sr_V2
    @Sr_V2 7 місяців тому

    Apex Players when a AP attack made to hit Apexes/Big Stuff Hard hits Hard: 😭
    Ofc Cruel Swipe needs some tweeks but its meant to hit hard
    Been nerded to 75-80 dmg to Apexes with 10 sec cd is fine
    Since attack atm only does 58 dmg vs other stuff at 2600 CW
    Cruel Swipe is worth it vs stuff 5000 CW and up
    Also tf you mean "Broken Dmg"
    When its heaviest hitting attack with base dmg is reg claw attack with 90 dmg and that has a 3 sec cd which is 30 dps which is Average specially for its size
    Achillo is a 3 slot after all
    "OP Turn"😭
    Theres alot of things with better turn then achillo wth
    Most 2 slots turn better then Achillo
    Achillo has amazing TiP tho

  • @AnkleMuncher
    @AnkleMuncher 7 місяців тому

    Videos like this get alot of views but alot of hate(even though its true) dont make my mistakes. Especially not uploading for months def dont do that one I went from 1000s a day to 100s not good. Keep any negative opinions to yourself and you will be way better off than my big mouth lol

  • @HungrySharkGamerthesharkojira
    @HungrySharkGamerthesharkojira 7 місяців тому

    God damn…………………
    Also why is spino tackier than rex

  • @ed8006
    @ed8006 7 місяців тому

    The achillo isnt op it gets destoryed by almost every mid tier especially stego, kentro ,cera and pynco. Also the small raptors are such a pain to fight as achillo. They are strong but they can get like 3hit by apexs. And apexs arent supposed to be unstoppable, otherwise wouldnt be fun.

  • @user-wolf__pfkr
    @user-wolf__pfkr 7 місяців тому

    Is perfectly fine balance game for everyone 👍🏽

  • @DeinoChenus
    @DeinoChenus 7 місяців тому

    This situation can be avoided if:
    1- fight back
    2- go to water (Spino, Cheirus)

  • @k1blitz350
    @k1blitz350 4 місяці тому

    I see all em big boy dinos out there crying rn 😂😂 i remember when the jump an grab attack dropped was so funny watching the rex that use to kill all baby dinos get jumped by 4 little guys 😂

    • @Huaka8907
      @Huaka8907  4 місяці тому

      Theres a reason rats got nerfed, they were way to strong for a toe sized creature. Achillo's swipe is getting a rework for the reason of it being stupidly op. 8 shoting a rex with a mid tier is wild.

  • @ammielquides6572
    @ammielquides6572 7 місяців тому

    You won’t see achi user using cruel swipe on official, but i can imagine them using it on communities because it can be changed easily. It’s not broken, just try using the achi and know it’s movements and playstyle. You’ll know how to counter it in no time ☺️

  • @SternaRegnixTube
    @SternaRegnixTube 7 місяців тому +1

    0:06 hmm seen cerato now?

  • @Agressive_mode
    @Agressive_mode 7 місяців тому

    With this attack u can’t win mid tier dino’s, because 2 sec cd on bite and low damage from cruel, I’m runing with simple claw attack for killing low,mid tiers

    • @Huaka8907
      @Huaka8907  7 місяців тому

      Just hit and run with it, mid tier fights arent a facetank, bite hurts, just dont sit there and facetank, even tho the only 2 that can facetank you are cerato and metri if im not wrong.

  • @ShaneKJGilman
    @ShaneKJGilman 7 місяців тому

    I love it but it’s a glass cannon I’ve killed a Rex and eo today solo but if you take like 3-4 direct hits it’s game over for the achillo

  • @recklesslyarrogant7242
    @recklesslyarrogant7242 7 місяців тому

    This chili needs nerfing.

  • @JokubasSavickas-vk8lh
    @JokubasSavickas-vk8lh 7 місяців тому

    Achillo is built to be apex hunters, even solo laten can solo apexes that don’t have slick hides with pounce

    • @purplelemonade1399
      @purplelemonade1399 7 місяців тому

      Fr people just mad they can’t walk around and kos anymore

  • @notnamed6315
    @notnamed6315 7 місяців тому

    Gtfo. Your “test” is standing still. Crack vid bud. Git gud.

    • @Huaka8907
      @Huaka8907  7 місяців тому +3

      The video tested how many hits for each apex, no need to be butthurt?

    • @notnamed6315
      @notnamed6315 7 місяців тому

      @@Huaka8907 lol. drama for a dino game. cry moar.

  • @aCrocodileMan
    @aCrocodileMan 7 місяців тому

    But u have HATZ with armour ignoring attack and so does dasp

    • @Huaka8907
      @Huaka8907  7 місяців тому

      Dasp has a 35 sec cd or smt, and you can beat him up when he goes in and is alot easier to hit, Hatz is squishy and clumsy and again, you can beat him up when he goes in, but a midtier, small, fast and nimble, going in and out, is way more op then the other 2.

  • @jesserodruges9413
    @jesserodruges9413 7 місяців тому

    Why does everyone want the dinosaurs to be weak there is obviously gonna be Dino’s to take out apexes and plus you need at least to go kill a rex, spino, or eo

  • @deadpool2.0lopez48
    @deadpool2.0lopez48 7 місяців тому +1

    Every apex should get more health

    • @dtbrex08
      @dtbrex08 7 місяців тому +1

      Honestly apex hp is fine, I main rex and dont have too much problems, I think cruel swipe needs a 15 - 20 second cooldown like dasps pierce bite tho

  • @Ntkshi
    @Ntkshi 6 місяців тому

    Little raptor? Its not like laten or deyno bro lol

    • @Huaka8907
      @Huaka8907  6 місяців тому

      If you compare it to the other things in this vid, achillo is tiny.

  • @diogopereira1475
    @diogopereira1475 7 місяців тому

    This game is a circus anyways, theres nothing realistic about it 😅😂

    • @Huaka8907
      @Huaka8907  7 місяців тому +1

      I am not talking about realism, just game balance. Something that small and fast, shouldnt do so much damage to something big, slow and tanky

  • @Esoyojasn
    @Esoyojasn 7 місяців тому

    W for real

  • @chrisdovahkiin
    @chrisdovahkiin 7 місяців тому +1

    Waaa waaaa I can't swim in water waaa my 1200 pounds can 2-3 a achillabator waaas!!!!

  • @ChrisSmith-rd6dm
    @ChrisSmith-rd6dm 5 місяців тому

    This guy just a cry baby

    • @Huaka8907
      @Huaka8907  5 місяців тому

      Expand on where i cryed, im pointing out how stupid it is for a raptor to 7 shot a rex.

  • @ligmasphere901
    @ligmasphere901 6 місяців тому

    skill issue 😀

  • @chrisdovahkiin
    @chrisdovahkiin 7 місяців тому +1

    Waaaa waaaaa waaaaa😂 keep crying

  • @vinnynguyen1750
    @vinnynguyen1750 7 місяців тому

    Lol try pvp see. We kill alot of them

    • @Huaka8907
      @Huaka8907  7 місяців тому +1

      I will try pvp, this was a quick showcase if how broken that atack us

    • @NotToast22
      @NotToast22 7 місяців тому +1

      did you even watch the entire video?

    • @vinnynguyen1750
      @vinnynguyen1750 7 місяців тому

      Dont try pvp. You need experience yourself dont watch video about pvp. Pvp is about learn to adapt.

    • @vinnynguyen1750
      @vinnynguyen1750 7 місяців тому

      Come to drop off. Pvp for fun. If you die you die. This game isnt balance. Dev make balance for ppl cant pvp and cry.