Truckshop: Mobile boutique is a rolling success

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024
  • OAKLEY, Ohio (Perry Schaible) - When Ashley Volbrecht rolls in, she usually makes quite an entrance.
    The petite blonde, originally from Chicago, is in the driver's seat of Ohio's first mobile boutique, "Truckshop."
    "I'd always wanted to be in fashion," Volbrecht said. "I'd always wanted to open my own store, but this felt like a completely different twist to it all."
    It's definitely a new way to shop.
    "We're here today, gone tomorrow," Volbrecht said. "We don't restock. People like the sense of a surprise when you come in. You can't go back a couple days later to get it. So, it kind of keeps people on their toes a little bit."
    Ashley got the idea for Truckshop during a trip to L.A. She bought an old bread delivery truck, hired a local designer and created a unique, boutique on wheels.
    "We've got tops in the front, tops in the back, dresses in the middle, but kind of try to keep it a clean layout since space is at a premium here."
    Her business is riding the way of the E-commerce boom, selling exclusively online and out of the truck.
    So far, it's been a success.
    Ashley opens the doors on her third season Saturday.