The primary and most important concern is maintaining peace and upholding the rule of law. Investment opportunities and other areas of development should come after this. Therefore, it's essential not to mislead the honest and diligent diaspora community on these matters.
Thank you so much for information. You are very dedicated, but could you tell us how to transfer national Bank of Ethiopia? They’re online and how to do that and interest rates the loan. Plus, do they have charge transfer fee or anything because that kills your rate down if they say 106+ rates transfer fee no god
NBE has also launched a new platform called, which will allow Ethiopians and foreigners of Ethiopian origin to open bank accounts in Ethiopia virtually.
NBE has also launched a new platform called, which will allow Ethiopians and foreigners of Ethiopian origin to open bank accounts in Ethiopia virtually.
What is the guarantee for investment because thier is no peaceful in ethiopia only addis ababa is the safe, I ask for investment land before 3 year but I didn't gate any results
NBE has also launched a new platform called, which will allow Ethiopians and foreigners of Ethiopian origin to open bank accounts in Ethiopia virtually.
Mr Solij, you are entitled to have your own opinion, but let me tell you the truth that individuals like you who are contaminated with hatred and sickening minds found it easy to talk rubbish and brainwashing innocent minds, but you have done nothing and made no any contributions to your own country but dividing people with your expired politics. Keep your dollars and you will continue to see in your own evil eyes the exponential growth of Ethiopia in every aspects with sound and excellent leadership of our PM. May God heal you to find yourself where you are fallen. Blessings
The problem is Ethiopian government they will change there policy any how no garnet. Because last they allowed to buy bank axcion then there changed there mind. This is big problem
You repeatedly mention safety of the investment.Where were you when the government declared nationalization of the houses built diaspora and other resources by giving a very funny reason. Do you think the words of government officials are trustworthy?
Do you think diaspora is foolish or crazy that it is only in Addis ababa is relatively peace . But unfortunately even in Addiss Ababa you will be evicted by Oromumma doctrine . So where shall you go with this money
Best presentation. Detailed analysis in short time & to the point. The Ethiopian Economist 🏆
Is there an attractive interest rate and repayment schedule available from this credit package?
Best decision NBE be ready Diaspora
First peace ☮️, ❤️, & respect ✊
It’s good news! How can we open online account ? Can you give us the details please 🙏 Thank you so much 🙏
ኢንቨስትመንት ሠላም ይፈልጋል እባክህ መንግስት ሆይ ሠላም፡ሠላም፡ሠላም
The primary and most important concern is maintaining peace and upholding the rule of law. Investment opportunities and other areas of development should come after this. Therefore, it's essential not to mislead the honest and diligent diaspora community on these matters.
If u read the original document and reference is better than ur explanation, this will u lead u to professional journalist!!!
If true we are ready
Thank you this is very nice 💚💛❤️👍
You are smart Ethiopian economist!
Very important information!!
አብረን እንስራ
Thanks for your dedication and dayli update the best UA-cam channel to understand Ethiopian economy I learn a lot from you keep going good job 🇪🇹❤️
Very informative, Can one be able to open an account online ?
It’s good news! How can we open online account ? Can you give us the details please 🙏 Thank you so much 🙏
Thanks 🙏 you are such a great person 🇺🇸
ወንድሜ ሃሳቡን ስላካፈልከን ትመሰገናለህ ።አንተም እንዳስቀመጥከው ብድር ቴክኒካል ድጋፍ መተማመኛ ፀጥታ የተሳለጠ ቢሮክራሲ ያስፈልጋል ።ታስታውስ ከሆነ በመለስ ጊዜ ስንቱ ነው በብድርም ጭምር ያመጣውን ዶላር ኢንቨስት ካደረጉ በሁዋላ በፀጥታ በቢሮክራሲ በዘር መድሎ ሁሉን ጣጥለው የተመለሱ ?እንደሰንሰለት የተያያዘ አሰራርና ድጋፍ ከሌለው መጨረሻው አማራሪ ይሆናል።
Ene detsobjnal selam belelebet menem Aytemememm
Thank you so much for information. You are very dedicated, but could you tell us how to transfer national Bank of Ethiopia? They’re online and how to do that and interest rates the loan.
Plus, do they have charge transfer fee or anything because that kills your rate down if they say 106+ rates transfer fee no god
NBE has also launched a new platform called, which will allow Ethiopians and foreigners of Ethiopian origin to open bank accounts in Ethiopia virtually.
በፊትስ መች ተከለከለ ?በነፃ አስመሰልከው ኢንተረስቱ ስንት ነው? ዋናውን አልነካህውም ::
Thank you
What about benefits for us who love the country but not interested to leave the country.
What is the interest rate.
Best update wasu
Create peace and harmony. We have the potential to change the entire country. It is natural for people to feel secure and stable.
መልካም ዜና ነው
ስላጋራኽን መረጃ እናመሰግናለን ።ግን ደቦ የሚባል አፕልኬሽን ማግኘት አልቻልንም።
NBE has also launched a new platform called, which will allow Ethiopians and foreigners of Ethiopian origin to open bank accounts in Ethiopia virtually.
@@theethiopianeconomistview ሐገር ውስጥ ያለና ብድር ጠይቆ እየጠበቀ ያለ ሰውስ የጠየቀው ብድር ይለቀቅለታል ማለት ነው? ማለቴ እገዳው ከተነሳለት
@yonman9437 የንግድ ባንኮች ብድር መስጠት አላቆሙም የብሄራዊ ባንክ ትዕዛዝን ለመጠበቅ ሲሉ procedural በመሆናተው ብድሮች የተከለከሉ ይመስል ነበር! የ14% የብድር እድገት ጣራ ያልተነሳ ቢሆንም ተጨማሪ ቁጠባ ካገኙ ብድር ሊለቁ ይችላሉ ብዬ አስባለሁ (ለዲያስፖራው የተዘጋጀው 100 ቢሊየን ከ14% ውጪ እንደሚሆን ይሰማኛል)!
Try to explain immediately and not for long. To the point
ትልቅ ምክር ነው በርታ!
What is the guarantee for investment because thier is no peaceful in ethiopia only addis ababa is the safe, I ask for investment land before 3 year but I didn't gate any results
Good move
በመጀመሪያ በሀገራችን ውስጥ ስላም, አንድነት , ፍቅር, የኢትዮጵያክብሯ መመለስ አለበት ,ደሀው መደገፍ አለበት, የህገመንግስት መሻሻል የዘር ን ልዩነት , መጥፋት አለበት ባንዲራዋን ተደፍሮ ክብሯ ተዋርዶ ስላም በሌለበት ተበድረው ሊስሩ ሞራሉ አላቸው ዲያስቦራዎች ???
You should be able to give banks a guarantee for the dollar you invest and much lower interest
እኔ አንድ ጥያቄ አለኝ እሱም ሀገራችን ውስጥ ፖለቲካው ነው ኢኮኖሚውን እየመራ ያለው ወይስ ኢኮኖሚው ነው ፖለቲካውን እየመራ ያለው?
The idea is great but we have no warrant to invest in Ethiopia .
First piece Ethiopian
Ayee Ayee metemamen tefa cas nachiw bado sihon endhi lemenu😢
Tusunee belu behrawi bankin; mejemeria legna abedren
Ethiopia investment is not guaranteed. Once you go to the country they took forever
የኢትዮጵያን መንግስ እንዴት ታምናለህ የሚታመን አይደለም ከተወሰነ ጊዜ በዋላ ቢወርስህ ምን መተማመኛ አለህ
ምንም አናመጣም ::
አብይን ማመን ቀብሮ ነው
What is the name of the system
NBE has also launched a new platform called, which will allow Ethiopians and foreigners of Ethiopian origin to open bank accounts in Ethiopia virtually.
The app not working
@@antenhegemeda6159 yea can't upload photos
እኔ ከኢትዮጰያ ውጭ ነው ምኖረው ነገር ግን ይህ ስራ ተግባራዊ እንዲሆን ብላክ ማርኬትና ህጋዊ ምንዛሬው እኩል መሆን አለበት
You talk a lot of repeated thing but didn’t say anything about the credit rate. Is this how to build trust?
Just information (NEWS) i will try to provide the detail!
ዲያስፖራ ሆሌም ሰበብ አያጣም ። ትይዩ ገበያው መጥፋቱ የግድ ነው። ምክንያቱ ደግሞ ገንዘቡን በትይዩ (በጥቁር ) ገበያ ለማስተላለፍ የሚወጣው ወጪ ከሚገኘው ገቢ ጋር ስለማይጣጣም ነው።
እኛ ገንዘብ ስለፈለግን ብቻ አይደለም በብላክ የምንልከው ዋናው ህዝቡን ለሚጨቁን ወገኑን በድሮን ለሚጨፈጭፍ ኢትዮጵያ የምትባልን አገር እሱ እንደፈለጋት ለማድረግ ለሚፍጨረጨር መንግስት ተባባሪ ላለመሆን ነው እኔ በበኩሌ መቸም ይሄ መንግስት እያለ በባንክ ሆነ መንግስት በሚቀርበው መንገድ አልጠቀመም ይልቁንስ መጥፊያውን የሚያመጣ ማንኛውንም ነገረ እደግፋለሁ።።
ሀገሩ ላ የሸፈተን ከሀዲና መከላከያን የወጋ በሙሉ አይደለም በድሮን በመርዝ መጨረስ ነው
ከሀዲዎች ናቸው
Shabia 😂.
Mr Solij, you are entitled to have your own opinion, but let me tell you the truth that individuals like you who are contaminated with hatred and sickening minds found it easy to talk rubbish and brainwashing innocent minds, but you have done nothing and made no any contributions to your own country but dividing people with your expired politics. Keep your dollars and you will continue to see in your own evil eyes
the exponential growth of Ethiopia in every aspects with sound and excellent leadership of our PM.
May God heal you to find yourself where you are fallen. Blessings
አንተ ዓላማህም ምክንያትህም አጀንዳህም ሌላ ነው።ጥላቻን ዘረኝነትን ክፍፍልን እየሰበክህ ነው የሌሎችን አጀንዳና ተልእኮ የተሸከምክ ነህ ። የአንተና የመሰሎችህ የሆነን ምንም ነገር ኢትዮጵያ አያስፈልጋትም
እድሜውን ሙሉ የደከመበትን ብር ልታስበላ ነው? ዛሬ ኢትዮጵያ ላይ ኢንቨስት ይሚያደርግ አእምሮውን የሳተ መሆን አለበት
እሱ ያንተ አመለካከት ነው
ተበድረህ ነው የተባለው ማን አምጣ አለህ ? መች ተርፎህ ..
ስብሀት ነጋን ፈታችሁ ከዲያስፓራውን ጋ ተቆራርጣችኃል።
Nobody trust Abiy.
አይ ህፃኑ ጠ/ሚ ስንቱን አበላሸ።
ቀሽም ኮሞንት
The problem is Ethiopian government they will change there policy any how no garnet. Because last they allowed to buy bank axcion then there changed there mind. This is big problem
እንዴት እንደሚላክ ደሞ በሚቀጥለው ቪዲዮ ብትሰራልን።
@@theethiopianeconomistviewand please also include what are all the requirements for the diaspora to get this loan initiative?
Could you tell us on your next video how to send to the national Bank of Ethiopia there online account or something and about the interest rate?
You repeatedly mention safety of the investment.Where were you when the government declared nationalization of the houses built diaspora and other resources by giving a very funny reason. Do you think the words of government officials are trustworthy?
በውጭ ያላችሁ ውድ የኢትዮጵያ ልጆች እሰኪ መንግሰትን ሳይሆን እምየ ኢትዮጵያን አግዙ
still im doing
gove me a credit😅
il faut envoyer combien pour a voir le crédit?
ተወኝ እባክህ ! በ40/60 የኢትዮጵያን መንግስት አይቼዋለሁ ! እዚያ ሃገር መጥቶ ዘመድ ጠይቆ ከመሄድ ያለፈ ነገር ማድረግ የበለጠ ሃገርህን እንድትጠላት ያደርግሃል በእኔ እይታ ነው የምገልፀው የተሰማኝን መጥፎ ስሜት !
ስለዚህ ከኢትዮጵያ መንግስት ጋር በዶላር ዲያስፖራው ባይነካካ ጥሩ ነው !!
Do you think diaspora is foolish or crazy that it is only in Addis ababa is relatively peace . But unfortunately even in Addiss Ababa you will be evicted by Oromumma doctrine . So where shall you go with this money
Who will send with 23% interest rate? no one
ዛሬ ህግ ቢወጣ ነገ ይሽሩታል
Fugera new. ...sebseb karege behuaka chich lil new
Guys you played games the beshasha kid government done. No matter you guys said 100% done.
ተበድሬ ምን ሰረለሁ
አለቅላቂ ዝናብ ወንዝ ላይ ይጥላል አሉ።
ምን ዋስትና አለን እነደፈለጉ ህጉን ይቀይራሉ በዲያስፖራ አካውንት እንዴት እንደተጫወቱብን የምረሳው አየደለም እነሱ ዲያስፖራውን የሚፈልጉት ለዶላሩ ነው እንጂ በጣም ነው የሚጠሉት
አይመስለኝም ይሄ የግል ቂም አይደለም የሚወራው investment ነው ጥላቻ ምን አመጣው
Shabia 😢
ሰላም ከሌለ ከነብድር እዳ መግባት ነው። ሰላም ካለ ብድር ሳይፈልግ ገንዘቡን ይዞ የሚመጣ ሰው በ100 ሺዎች ይቆጠራል።
የብልፅግና አራጅ መጫወቻ እቁልጭ እያለ አታሎ ማረድ ህዝቡስ ተረግማል መቼም😂
No piece no investment
Investment it need stable economic environment and honest government service.
Are you crazy? Without freedom, peace , you talk about investment? Go to your doctor please.
ይሆች ጨዋታ እውነት ለዲያስፖራው ታስቦ ነው ወይስ ዶላር መሰብሰቢያ ??????
I thinks "Give and Take" approach!
ንብረትህን ያለ በቂ ካሳ የሚፈርስ አገር ግብር ያለ አግባብ የሚበቀበል አገር ሠላም የሌለው አገር ለምን እቨዝት ይደረጋል በነጻም ቢሠጠን አያዎጣም
ህጎ ቢወጣ ምን ዋጋ አለው አይሰጡም እንጂ በባክ ብልክ ደስታውን አልችለውም።
ትርጉም፡ ለዳያስፖራው ኦሮሞ ለማለት ነው
LC mndnew
ይሄንን የቡዳ የምቀኛ የደደብ ጥርቅም የሆነውን መንግስት አምነህ የምትበደር ዲያስፖራ:ብድሩ ደም ይሁንበት ::
በሞኝ ክንድ፣ የዘንዶ ጉዱጓድ ይለኩበታል።
ወሬ ብቻ ነው በተግባር 0 ነችሁ ከዚህ ሁሉ የንግድ ባንክ ሌቤነት አሰቁሙ
አብይን ማመን ቀብሮ ነውውውውው: ስልህ
በብር ተበድረህ በዶላር ልትከፍል ነው😂😂😂
Min chigir alew. Malete ye bank minizari ke black beltoal eco. Malete invest madreg lemifelg sew.
ብልፅግናን ማን ያምናል