Still some of the most well thought out bags. I have several LBB bags and love every one of them. Not to mention, they're WAY more affordable than most other bags on the market - so not only are you getting top notch materials and design, but all of their stuff is incredibly affordable and durable.
Guau!!!, son las bolsas más increíbles que he visto nunca , realmente espectaculares, la posibilidad de añadir otros paquetes es genial , y se ven realmente bien .
Still some of the most well thought out bags. I have several LBB bags and love every one of them.
Not to mention, they're WAY more affordable than most other bags on the market - so not only are you getting top notch materials and design, but all of their stuff is incredibly affordable and durable.
Guau!!!, son las bolsas más increíbles que he visto nunca , realmente espectaculares, la posibilidad de añadir otros paquetes es genial , y se ven realmente bien .
Yang ditunggu-tunggu nih. Muat banyak pulak. Awto buy. Thank you LBB.
Hello. Is it still available ? Your website says sold out.
Nice. Can it fit a MacBook Pro brick?
P r o m o S M 🙌