Reserve Tank Tierlist Part 2

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @warpig6459
    @warpig6459 Рік тому +231

    One of the nice upsides about the H39 is that you can angle it, I like to think of it as the tiger of 1.0

    • @Kettleman1.0
      @Kettleman1.0 Рік тому +35

      Yes 1.0 france has good armour but terrible guns

    • @irirjhrhr4645
      @irirjhrhr4645 Рік тому +11

      yeah it's armor is pretty good

    • @milkman4137
      @milkman4137 Рік тому +5

      Though to properly angle it you have to point your right corner towards the enemy, the left side has a big curve and it will negate any angling

    • @oliverdosa5693
      @oliverdosa5693 Рік тому +1

      A tiger? It's better than a maus in 1.0!

    • @mattguellec
      @mattguellec Рік тому +3

      Aside from the armor, french tanks at low br have very good gun depression and the APX turret is pretty hard to penetrate. You can easily transform into a maginot line if you find a good hill to hide your hull behind.

  • @rockig5529
    @rockig5529 Рік тому +188

    Italy’s M13s are nice. Decent armor, great reload, and amazing APHE filler for the BR. They are Italy’s low tier redeeming factors.

    • @AlRizz187
      @AlRizz187 Рік тому +15

      yeah they feel somewhat rewarding to play. pretty useful. just started playing italy

    • @azeemqureshi5654
      @azeemqureshi5654 Рік тому +18

      They actually got nerfed pretty heavily a bit back, and they used to be the reserve starting tanks too. I can understand why they chose to do one of those things, but both still seems excessive.

    • @vojnanaoruzanja9901
      @vojnanaoruzanja9901 Рік тому +2

      ​@@azeemqureshi5654now M13/M14 tanks are bit overrated

    • @azeemqureshi5654
      @azeemqureshi5654 Рік тому +1

      @@vojnanaoruzanja9901 Yeah I'd agree with that. The armour works sometimes, but only if a new player at low tier doesn't know to just hit centre mass. The gun is fairly unremarkable for it's new BR and it's not terribly maneuverable either. Doesn't really have much going for it at it's new placement, but that being said the inherent chaos of low tier and relative underdevelopment of most present vehicles, makes it perfectly serviceable as long as you aren't in a full up tier.

    • @vojnanaoruzanja9901
      @vojnanaoruzanja9901 Рік тому +1

      @@azeemqureshi5654 thats also problem since you almost always play 2.3,2.7,3.0

  • @reentrysfs6317
    @reentrysfs6317 Рік тому +40

    Tip for the m8 lac.
    It’s 50 cal is so high up it’s incredibly good in hull down positions where the enemy can’t kill you.
    Basically a marder in terms of how annoying the hull down is.

  • @apolloaerospace7773
    @apolloaerospace7773 Рік тому +74

    When I encountered my first T-26, it shattered my 37mm ApHE to front. This made me so angry, that I equipped heat on my early Panzer IV, accidentally equiped HE and created my personal record for spalling fragments.

  • @whatisalifeihavenone4708
    @whatisalifeihavenone4708 Рік тому +155

    I'm not genius, but I might think the M-51 is the best reverse tank compared to other ones. Just seems a little overpowered

  • @Nafinafnaf
    @Nafinafnaf Рік тому +9

    Italy's AB 41 is pretty good, ive gotten alot of 9 kill games with it by flanking the entire enemy team lol.
    Italy may not have armor, but it has speed and firepower. Flanking is italy's Forte and you must leverage that. The Breda 501 is a perfect example of how italy works. Flank from the side, shoot at enemies, move before you get bombed, win.

    • @LietunantGreek
      @LietunantGreek 7 місяців тому

      I feel I need to thank you. I play 3.0 Italy and I always rush them straight to the enemy instead of flanking. Now I do a lot of better. Thanks

  • @Magnus_Caramelo_55
    @Magnus_Caramelo_55 Рік тому +48

    The Strv reserve vehicles got me struggling playing as American and Soviet reserve vehicles, their guns are menacing

    • @bottoms_up2175
      @bottoms_up2175 Рік тому +9

      And they carry them for another few BR brackets. So nice to one shot 105 Sherman from the front (ammo by the driver), just like KV 85 to Tiger 1s.

    • @fcoutdoors6267
      @fcoutdoors6267 Рік тому +1

      @@bottoms_up2175 ive brought mine to 4.0 with no issues

    • @jojomaster7675
      @jojomaster7675 Рік тому +1

      @@bottoms_up2175 though at higher brs, the 37mm guns make for absolutely horrible stock grinds. Trying to play 2.7 with 59mm pen solid shot is just...

    • @yaboianz
      @yaboianz Рік тому +1

      @@jojomaster7675 It's pretty depressing but once you get that APHE it gets better

    • @edwardking9359
      @edwardking9359 Рік тому +3

      ​@anz3293 Try playing Italy. The same 55mm pen APHE without the option of APDS, eventually upgrading to 69mm (nice) flat pen point blank. And then at 2.7 you finally get something with good pen!.... but it's almost the same exact gun as the US reserve tanks.

  • @ethanbean2219
    @ethanbean2219 Рік тому +22

    Another reason you can dunk on the t26 is you can kill it with a 7.7mm mg from the back if you doubt me go on test drive as low tier Germany with arcade setting and mg the back where the hull protrudes in a wide v shape above the engine just have a separate keybind for shooting the mg

  • @randomexcessmemories4452
    @randomexcessmemories4452 Рік тому +11

    Protip for the Swedish low-tier stuff. Main the APHE and bring some sabot. The APHE is fine for most targets at that BR and it does more damage.

  • @charlestanut7964
    @charlestanut7964 Рік тому +27

    Swedish tanks should 100% be ss+, they have all the pros that you listed above (over 100mm of pen, good mobility, etc) but arguable the extremely strong APHE (60mm of pen and A LOT of filler) is better for fighting at 1.0 br's, personally have had a 18 kill game with them

    • @menny219
      @menny219 Рік тому

      As a swedish tank Player i agree the one he used (im pretty sure) has the Best Reverse Gear for a Reserved tank

    • @standard-carrier-wo-chan
      @standard-carrier-wo-chan Рік тому

      This, and the APDS is really good for when you encountered some extremely strong tanks in angled position like the H39 or the better Panzer 3s.

  • @thatrandomguyontheinternet2477

    Strv/41 in reverse is a 1.0 heavy tank
    That fat engine just eats all shoots only high pens can ge you through the turret + actual good reverse speed

    • @NotImportant791
      @NotImportant791 Рік тому

      I love this tank but I’m pretty sure that the design is that of the panzer 38

    • @kimjanek646
      @kimjanek646 Рік тому

      The Premium is outright unfair with how much armor it his, in addition to the insane firepower.

  • @katyusha1283
    @katyusha1283 Рік тому +21

    3:03 I actually preferred playing the L6/40 over the AB41. The gun is so much more stable when you're on the move because you're slow. Also it's smaller so a bit easier to hide.

    • @Idkwhattoputhereandbeoriginal
      @Idkwhattoputhereandbeoriginal Рік тому +3

      Apart from the fact that when u stop it feels like the gun is mounted to a bouncy castle

    • @edwardking9359
      @edwardking9359 Рік тому +4

      ​@@IdkwhattoputhereandbeoriginalTip for that: Don't brake to stop, simply just let go of the movement keys altogether. That stops the tank from rocking forwards so much during the stop, meaning your gunner will not be overcorrecting for it, too.

    • @kimjanek646
      @kimjanek646 Рік тому +1

      The AB 41 is a much more effective vehicle. The gun is stable and the reverse speed is a blessing for getting in and out of fights. It’s one of the best low tier tanks.

  • @jack1701e
    @jack1701e Рік тому +6

    I'm very glad the Chinese M8 got S tier. Just a fun little thing to go around it, i've gotten more kills with the .50 cal than the main gun in matches and at that BR it doubles as an alright AA too, very versatile imo.

    • @minhducnguyen9276
      @minhducnguyen9276 Рік тому +2

      Yeah. When you are flanking, you tend to meet German sdkfz doing the same thing. That's when you use the 50cal to assert dominance over their pea shooting MGs. Especially when they are still busy reloading their auto cannons.

  • @snek1557
    @snek1557 Рік тому +42

    It would be cool to add onto this with a reserve plane tier list

    • @yaboianz
      @yaboianz Рік тому +6

      I-15 immediately being launched to S tier be like

    • @humzaakhtar9208
      @humzaakhtar9208 Рік тому

      Also reserve tier premium list (you know those free premiums you get when you first start the game?)

  • @jayden6225
    @jayden6225 Рік тому +2

    the ab41 is amazing if used as a flanking vehicle

  • @pqddachu
    @pqddachu Рік тому +3

    One thing i love about the strv m/31 is its insane reverse speed

  • @dev1stat0r37
    @dev1stat0r37 Рік тому +7

    Ive taken the french armored car up to 2.3 so far and gotten tons of use out of it still

    • @milkman4137
      @milkman4137 Рік тому +2

      The AMD.35 is one of my favourite vehicles in the game, it's so great.

    • @cherrymolotov
      @cherrymolotov Рік тому

      it was the only vehicle i had fun with when i was playing low-tier france

    • @matsoudo5980
      @matsoudo5980 Рік тому +2

      You can send it 3.0 it's able to pen a T-34 on the side. If not, just bait enemies ...
      Once I was driving full speed with AMD, I saw a friendly Sherman stuck at angle because of a T-34 that was keeping the road waiting for the Sherman to expose. I was at ~70km/h and decided that it would be a good idea to pass by the road like a moron ... So I came in like a wrecking ball, the T-34 surprised had a reflex shot that missed, the Sherman then seized the occasion to make the shot ... Road is cleared.
      Teamwork at it's finest ...

  • @Bober_s_benzopiloi
    @Bober_s_benzopiloi Рік тому +2

    Wow, as soon i watched part 1, 2 minutes later i got an new part 2! Ty, you are great

  • @khoipham8303
    @khoipham8303 Рік тому +2

    Reserve tank battle royale
    Random guy with his M-51:

  • @notazombie...notatall8577
    @notazombie...notatall8577 Рік тому +1

    Unsurprisingly the Strv m/31 is a very good tank, and the right way to use it is in reverse, at least wen engaging, the rear armor is very good, it can be angled more effectively and it covers the turret ring weak spot. It's a good tank, pretty mobile, and survivable.

  • @Galaxy-oy4nj
    @Galaxy-oy4nj Рік тому +1

    One thing very good about the M-51 is if you aim center of mass, you can one shot panthers

  • @tyrannicswinen117
    @tyrannicswinen117 Рік тому +1

    Nah this L6/40 slander shall not be tolerated when it’s basically an Italian PzII that is pretty destructive

    • @kimjanek646
      @kimjanek646 Рік тому

      It only has 2 crews, less armor and the gun is super unstable.
      You also only have four 20mm Pzgr. 40 per clip, which is fine on the AB 41 since you can actually shoot others in the side.

  • @knmc_1
    @knmc_1 Рік тому +1

    blud combined martincitopants and spookston 💀

  • @alpacaofthemountain8760
    @alpacaofthemountain8760 Рік тому +3

    Great videos! Low tier is always a welcome surprise

  • @William_Bryant
    @William_Bryant Рік тому +1

    5:12 Plane gameplay: A tier editing.

  • @Scongi
    @Scongi Рік тому +1

    Can you extend the tier list with the 1.0 br tanks in another video?

  • @campbellgentle7418
    @campbellgentle7418 10 місяців тому

    With the T26, I was playing with a friend once and he was on USSR tree, I towed him around the map the whole time once he died in the BT5 just so we could actually get to a fight in a reasonable amount of time

  • @Law-qf4ez
    @Law-qf4ez Рік тому +2

    The L6 is absolutely amazing dude great tank for ppl wanting to start Italy

  • @Grebogoborp
    @Grebogoborp Рік тому +2

    The .50 on the m8 is actually insane at low BR ripping through just about anything at reserve tier and anything you can’t pen you can disable super fast plus with it’s crazy traverse rate and funny mounting you can do some very illegal things with it from behind cover or while moving

    • @edwardking9359
      @edwardking9359 Рік тому

      it's essentially a second main gun, especially since there is an American tank that has the 50 cal as its main gun

  • @-Lazy
    @-Lazy Рік тому +1

    Fun fact, the first Strv you played has more armour in the back than in the front

  • @oogachaka4596
    @oogachaka4596 Рік тому +3

    imagine lumping the Strv m/31 and the Strv m/38 together despite them being FAR from similar. The M/31 has the ability to tank nearly EVERY shot, if you go engine first. The m/38 is laughably bad in comparison, it lacks reverse gear, it has less armor, its engine sucks, and the tank itself is unbearable. (yes, im nerding out and being a jerk, but you cannot lump those two tanks together)

    • @giovannifoulmouth7205
      @giovannifoulmouth7205 Рік тому

      I swear to god it feels like the guy who made the video didn't even bother to play the m38 bc you're right, they are very different, other than having the same gun. Hell they even have different number of crew members!

    • @oogachaka4596
      @oogachaka4596 Рік тому

      @@giovannifoulmouth7205 You. You get it. You are a person of CULTURE!

  • @amhuman5138
    @amhuman5138 Рік тому

    Italy used to get that one 20mm round that was fucking awesome, it made the low tier armoured cars so good (And the AS 42 could get some god tier kills)

  • @dragonkiller9953
    @dragonkiller9953 Рік тому +2

    can u do top tier raneked pls btw love the video

  • @HeavilyArmedRaccoon
    @HeavilyArmedRaccoon Рік тому +2

    Love the content as always. Keep it up 👍.

  • @wonghy1115
    @wonghy1115 Рік тому +3

    This is a very underrated channel lol. Good luck in that next big video mate.
    *reserve heli tier list when?*

  • @jiggaboojones9379
    @jiggaboojones9379 Рік тому +2

    Bro tip: dint use APDS with the STRVs they will over pen use the APHE you can literally collect 10 kills a match

  • @phoneey645
    @phoneey645 Рік тому +1

    Back in my day the ab 41 wasnt a reserve

  • @benrboss
    @benrboss Рік тому +1

    Fun fact the m51 becomes more survivable the more it is uptiered

  • @TheAverageLTU
    @TheAverageLTU Рік тому

    Was waiting for this quite a long time lol, nice vid keep it going!

    @EK-CLIPS Рік тому

    Finally u uploaded it!

  • @vivalameme6341
    @vivalameme6341 Рік тому +1

    Anyone else remember when the AMC34YR and the H35 were the French reserves?

    • @kimjanek646
      @kimjanek646 Рік тому

      I was there…. 3000 years ago

  • @shadow_fox3018
    @shadow_fox3018 Рік тому +1

    Im NOT okay with the L6 because when paired with the Ba and the AS40 it's a fucking monster !
    And also, have a nice day !

  • @Betisebox33
    @Betisebox33 Рік тому

    I may be French, I watch your videos because they are amazing ! 😂 This tier list is more boring but more interesting than the other video !

  • @arcroyal1258
    @arcroyal1258 Рік тому +2

    Ab41 used to be soo good before pzgr 40 nerf. 64mm of pen at 10m

  • @Pippippipvk
    @Pippippipvk Рік тому

    Please I beg you tell me what that Gif is called you used at 4:14, I just can't find the name to it :'C

  • @Ser_3007
    @Ser_3007 Рік тому +1

    honestly the H-39 is a monster if you play it properly, like angling hiding etc... i did many matches where i was at 1st place with like 12 tanks destroyed

  • @user-sg9ql8nk1u
    @user-sg9ql8nk1u Рік тому +1

    me a swedish main seeing strv being S tier : *here come the money*

  • @skipslash7367
    @skipslash7367 Рік тому +2

    why didn't you use the .50 cal on the chinese tank that's like half of its armament

  • @DaveRobbins-re2zf
    @DaveRobbins-re2zf Рік тому +3

    Can you consider playing the aft 09. It was really good before the saclos missiles nerf

  • @gfdgfdgdfdfggdfdfggdf
    @gfdgfdgdfdfggdfdfggdf Рік тому +2

    This guy needs more fame

  • @TheOneWayDown
    @TheOneWayDown Рік тому

    One of the earlier matches I took the Strvs out, I used the APHE and got an insane flank off, I was one shotting almost everything I clicked on. That's not even using the lolpen APDS

  • @Gungusgaming
    @Gungusgaming 10 місяців тому

    The greyhound is a magical vehicle, whenever I play low tier, that thing is the bane of my existence
    You can get easy 15:0 games with it if you play against Italy or japan

  • @mcxttxr7598
    @mcxttxr7598 Рік тому +1

    You can play m/31 like is2 because it has decent tail armor and reverse speed

  • @siroglethorpe311
    @siroglethorpe311 Рік тому +1

    Me when the almighty ego uploads 😊

  • @Master-tl3ww
    @Master-tl3ww Рік тому

    man he subway surfers theme always gets me

  • @Guilherme.o7
    @Guilherme.o7 Рік тому

    Your channel is really good :)

  • @fleet_admiral_xman
    @fleet_admiral_xman Рік тому

    As an American player: all I know about the M-51 is that it’s super easy to kill and I haven’t been killed a lot by them, so I personally thought that they sucked. But DANG that’s a lot of pen

  • @_skip4849
    @_skip4849 Рік тому +1

    hmhmhmmmmmm 2 minutes in is me
    great video btw keep it up

  • @starwarsgeek1565S1
    @starwarsgeek1565S1 6 місяців тому

    I always take APHE for the Strvs, switch to APDS if I can't pen something.

  • @cherrypoptart2001
    @cherrypoptart2001 Рік тому

    M8 is SSS tier for me. those 50 cals shred everything until u see stuff like panzar 2s and 3s . I literally nvr use the main canon lol

  • @aubreyjphilips9481
    @aubreyjphilips9481 Рік тому

    The M8 Lac is my favorite reserve, due to the .50 cal on it. It can kill almost everything at that tier

  • @tidepod10yearsago97
    @tidepod10yearsago97 Рік тому +1

    The best part of the M-51 is that you get 3 lives

    • @kimjanek646
      @kimjanek646 Рік тому

      I didn’t know that so I put some backups on it. In one game I respawned 4 times 0_0

  • @Box_plot
    @Box_plot Рік тому +2

    italy had the best reserves before the change

  • @salt1838
    @salt1838 Рік тому

    old italian reserve vehicule ruled, i'm kinda sad but its understandable that they changed it

  • @mynt253
    @mynt253 Рік тому +1

    I wouldn't call mediocre mobility to be desired

  • @MrJamesThe7th
    @MrJamesThe7th Рік тому

    0:37 im just annoyed how you didnt use your 50 cal on that armored car

  • @nicolaemacovei7204
    @nicolaemacovei7204 Рік тому

    i love your videos!! Keep going!!

  • @DrRaccoon-ux9gq
    @DrRaccoon-ux9gq Рік тому

    When i started going down China I didnt use the T-26 at all because I hated it so much in Russia, easily my least favorite Reserve, if not my least favorite tank

  • @TheAzorg
    @TheAzorg Рік тому +1

    I hate that "greyhound" isnt even in american tech tree... But in a fokin Chinese one.

    • @kimjanek646
      @kimjanek646 Рік тому +1

      Yeah it’s a joke 😑
      At the same time so is the BR.
      It’s like a 1943 vehicle that outclasses all rank 1 vehicles by a big margin 🫤

  • @vojnanaoruzanja9901
    @vojnanaoruzanja9901 Рік тому

    I would make L6/40 same tierlist as T-26 since it has ticker armor

  • @hedgehog2257
    @hedgehog2257 Рік тому

    Hey Ego, mind quickly saying what the music you used for the m51 is I can't seem to find it in the description thanks

  • @martapavic7843
    @martapavic7843 Рік тому +1

    In my opinion AB41 is better than France Car, better mobility and canon

  • @ogamer9250
    @ogamer9250 Рік тому

    I mean idc abt aircraft fameplay but if these ppl want to see reserve aircraft game play then just ask for it as a seperate vehicle but also maybe naval reserve?

  • @GandMrecreation
    @GandMrecreation Рік тому

    "And it's mobility unsurprisingly for a french tank is complete garbage"
    Me being french: Triggered Baguette !
    also me that played both USSR and French: Yeah that's def true french tanks are slow ass and poor ammunition, only good armor

  • @tubaaja322
    @tubaaja322 Рік тому

    can u tier list the reserve planes

  • @keddrifft
    @keddrifft Рік тому +1

    the l6/40 is amazing with pgr/40 rounds

    • @kimjanek646
      @kimjanek646 Рік тому

      It’s worse in every way compared to the AB 41 and the gun is super unstable.

    • @keddrifft
      @keddrifft Рік тому

      @@kimjanek646 tracks, faster turret traverse, 12mm more armour and its smaller

    • @kimjanek646
      @kimjanek646 Рік тому

      @@keddrifft What about tracks? It’s way slower and the armor makes it even worse since 12mm will fuze APHE while 8mm doesn’t. Traverse rate is the same as far as I know.

    • @keddrifft
      @keddrifft Рік тому

      @@kimjanek646 tracks are faster in non roads and more stable, 30 mm of armour angled can stop most reserve ammo

    • @kimjanek646
      @kimjanek646 Рік тому

      @@keddrifft The vehicle rocks back and forth everytime you move or come to a stop. Most reseve ammo? It may stop a 20mm AP with good luck, and not even the Japense ones. Unless it's snow or sand, the AB 41 is way faster moving cross country.
      You can just shoot the mantled and the vehicle is knocked out because of having merely two crews.

  • @IndigenousRealGuy
    @IndigenousRealGuy Рік тому

    I actually killed a M47 with the AMD a few years ago

  • @mupetmassyker
    @mupetmassyker Рік тому

    ive taken out 3in gun carriers from the front with the reserve strv tanks. theyre ss+ in my book

  • @perlasandoval7883
    @perlasandoval7883 Рік тому

    the Strv are best played with the rear in front particularly on close combat

  • @duke0salt717
    @duke0salt717 Рік тому

    Ngl the moment I got the Israeli T 54 I never touched the M 51 again

  • @Foremarkex
    @Foremarkex Рік тому

    Do the reserves. The worse-thans. L3, French things, the Vickers E, etc.

  • @iivwu
    @iivwu Рік тому

    You should make this vid but with reserve planes

  • @Soldier96-tf2hm
    @Soldier96-tf2hm Рік тому

    You should do a tier for the planes next time

  • @vedcrafthp1284
    @vedcrafthp1284 Рік тому

    Good video👍

  • @downwindrat98
    @downwindrat98 Рік тому

    Everyone talks shit about Italy till they drop a Nuke game 1

  • @rizalarrah6727
    @rizalarrah6727 Рік тому

    Ha-go is quite fun to play

  • @Luca12653
    @Luca12653 Рік тому

    I get a very martincitopants vibe and I like it

  • @viper4622
    @viper4622 Рік тому

    The martincitopants of war thunder

  • @zeensy7275
    @zeensy7275 Рік тому

    yo man cant belive its you, we met eachother few months ago and i just found ur youtube channel my name is zeensy in warthunder

  • @CDe3179
    @CDe3179 Рік тому

    How about all 1.0 tanks

  • @domingolaranio3911
    @domingolaranio3911 Рік тому +2

    Swedish are not identical i have over 13,000 kills in the Strv/41 is the best because of its armor in reverse the engine + 2 angled plates they can only set you on fire by then you got off 10 shots to their 3.
    if played correctly its unbeatable
    Learn to drive backwards stay at long range the reload is fast you can kills from across the map
    I play it at 3.7 to 2.7 because it wouldn't be fair and sometimes its still not😂

  • @empireofitalypsstimfromano5025

    The Italian Reserve Used To Be The Strongest By Far Since It Had Medium Tanks That Could Kill A Matilda.
    And Even After That The Pizza Van And The Big Brother Of The L3 Used To Have PZ.GRN Wich Is Pretty Much The Most Op Ammo For Any Rapid Fire Cannon And Being An Italy Main I Can Assure You That Used Correctly The L6 Is F*cking Op Or At Least It Was When It Had That Ammo

  • @o-hogameplay185
    @o-hogameplay185 Рік тому

    6:14 that was very dishonest. you shot a periscope cover, that is only 80mm effective, and a very small weak spot. the 37mm APDS can NOT penetrate the frontal armor of a T-34, only when it is literally in front of the T-34 and using it's 10 degrees of gun depression to decrease the effective angle of the armor.
    since the APDS nerf, you just better off using the APHE on tjose tanks, and only go for APDS, when the APHE can't pen

  • @Mycikakat
    @Mycikakat Рік тому

    Sure the reverse speed is garbage, but everything else about it is good.
    The armor is also decent, despite it looking like garbage.
    Want proof? Ok.
    I killed an abrams in a custom lobby 4 times.
    Carried the team in a 1.3 br match with 6 kills and 6 awards, adamant 1x, professional 5x, teamwork 1x, and many more.
    The best thing, is that I have footage of the entire game.
    So, if you want proof that the T-26 is the best reserve tank, i'm the person.
    plus, you'll mostly see new players at this be, so it's also a bonus point.
    It's also very fast.

  • @fjssalas
    @fjssalas 6 місяців тому

    Re do the ab 41 you didn’t use the APDS

  • @HMSHyde02
    @HMSHyde02 Рік тому

    People defended the T-26 ??
    That thing was a pain in the ass when I started the Chinese line. Not to mention it’s not exactly aesthetic apart from the turret.

  • @Atariusz_
    @Atariusz_ Рік тому

    Man i love swedish reserve tanks. Thanks to sub caliber rou ds i can SOMETIMES pen a stuart

  • @oliverdosa5693
    @oliverdosa5693 Рік тому

    The strv's are not identical, you can reverse to battle with the m31 variant, but can't with the n38

  • @calzinoesotico
    @calzinoesotico Рік тому

    I hate the fact that gaijin added a new reserve tank for Italy, the m13/40 was op at that br😢

  • @palcube2467
    @palcube2467 Рік тому

    in the strv you missed the op apds