Is It Time to Pray for JUDGMENT Over These People?

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,6 тис.

  • @dana44ism
    @dana44ism 21 день тому +69

    I'm 60 years old now, and I still hurt everyday for what I did to my child in my womb many years ago. These people are of evil and of darkness and they are not going to stop with their agenda until GOD steps in...

    • @RedLegPiper
      @RedLegPiper 21 день тому +11

      If you are a born-again believer, you are forgiven, and you will be reunited with your child. Be encouraged.

    • @franmcdonald4702
      @franmcdonald4702 21 день тому +4

      There's a radio story Production ,Put out by Doctor Dobson, Focus on the family. There's actually a book about it as well called Tilly. Very comforting.
      Book by Frank Peretti.

    • @nobama3468
      @nobama3468 20 днів тому +2

      I bet your an amazing person and a wonderful woman. I watched my daughter struggle with this while I called every trusted person I knew to pray. Her worldly circumstances were so heavy and so scary, she almost buckled. Her daughters name is Keeley . Sh just turned 13. You have walked a hard road, I live in pain also for other things. GOD said we do not love this world or even our own lives. satan uses his disciples to do his work. YOU are not like them. 70 years we pound our head against the shell of this place, this being. But we will break through, our understanding is so limited. GOD knows ALL things, ALL our errors. WE chose hum, but he chose us first. We will make it, and she awaits you in total comfort and protection.

    • @ronlanter6906
      @ronlanter6906 20 днів тому +1

      @@franmcdonald4702 I like (and listen to) Doctor Dobson/Focus on the family. 👍✝

    • @bear3717
      @bear3717 17 днів тому

      May God have mercy on you ask God for forgiveness ❤❤❤🙏🙏

  • @pastortodd1964
    @pastortodd1964 21 день тому +274

    Murder is not health care.

    • @connielocke9700
      @connielocke9700 20 днів тому

      Abortion is not just murder, it is pre meditated murder.

    • @James5877
      @James5877 20 днів тому +1

      Because sometimes IUDs can kill an egg after it's fertilized.

    • @manager0175
      @manager0175 20 днів тому +2

      Abortion is not murder, and abortion is a necessary part of female reproductive health care.

    • @dondaugherty3138
      @dondaugherty3138 20 днів тому

      @manager0175 Abortion is murder because the life inside of a woman is distinct and growing and is created as an imager of God Almighty. This is a status bestowed on all people everywhere, even in the womb. It has nothing to do with the baby's abilities, or whether or not they can sustain themselves. They are fully human from conception.

    • @pastortodd1964
      @pastortodd1964 20 днів тому +6

      @@manager0175 I hope you are being sarcastic.

  • @cootumrebel
    @cootumrebel 21 день тому +438

    Retired physician here, trained in obstetrics/gynecology and pathology. Some who support abortion hold to the ridiculous notions that a fetus is not a baby or that an unborn baby isn’t human until it’s born. Others supporting abortion claim that life only begins when a baby takes its first breath at birth. They cite the Genesis account of God breathing life into the man whom He created. But these people conveniently ignore that in the Biblical account, God utilized no egg, no sperm, and no womb when He created Adam from dust and Eve from Adam’s rib. Unborn babies, however, are a totally different matter, for they are very much alive in the womb. They develop, move and grow, cardiac motion is detected by ultrasound by five-six weeks, they suck their thumbs, hiccup, and though they receive oxygen and nutrients from the mother via the umbilical cord, they still “breathe” small amounts of amniotic fluid, FOR GOD HAS ALREADY GIVEN THEM LIFE IN THE WOMB. How can unborn babies move and grow, etc., if they are not alive in the womb? Yes, babies take their first breath of AIR when they are born, but they are most definitely ALIVE BEFORE they do so. Life begins at conception. Abortion is the murdering of innocent human life.
    Jesus does not mention abortion by name in any of His teachings. Therefore, some folks take that to mean that mankind may kill innocent, unborn babies through abortion at will. How utterly absurd! Such people either conveniently ignore or are unfamiliar with the Scripture that states: HANDS THAT SHED INNOCENT BLOOD ARE AN ABOMINATION UNTO GOD (PROVERBS 6:16-17). This passage certainly indicates that those who shed the blood of innocent, unborn babies through abortion, or who condone such heinous acts, are ABOMINATIONS unto God.
    Pro-choicers often cite Numbers 5 as “evidence” for abortion. In this chapter according to the KJV, the priest conducts a ritual to test for adultery, whereby a guilty woman is cursed: “The LORD make thee a curse and an oath among thy people, when the LORD doth make thy thigh to rot, and thy belly to swell” (v. 21). Neither pregnancy nor abortion are specifically mentioned. On the other hand, the NIV implies miscarriage: “may the LORD cause you to become a curse among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell.” It is God Who causes the miscarriage, not man. The passage DOES NOT grant mankind permission to perform abortions.
    Pro-choicers also quote Hosea 13:16 as “evidence” for abortion. This passage describes the punishment that Samaria will suffer for rebelling against God: "they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up" (KJV). God destroyed the infants along with the adults, because He knew that when the infants grew to adulthood, they would be just as rebellious as their parents; in God's sight, those infants were not innocent. God would have none of that, so He destroyed them all, regardless of age. Harsh? Yes, but God is sovereign and holy and must be obeyed. As the Creator, God gives life and takes away life as He chooses. The Scripture said: "the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD" (Job 1:21b KJV). That DOES NOT mean we may take away life any time that suits us. We have NO permission from God to abort unwanted, unborn babies at will. Therefore, the passage above in Hosea has nothing to do with abortion.
    DO NOT apply human thoughts and actions to God. As God says, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts" (Isaiah 55:8-9 KJV).

    • @armywithbanners4084
      @armywithbanners4084 21 день тому

      If you read the book of Jeremiah you will read that God knew Jeremiah before he was created in his mothers womb, so birth control is murder

    • @kebo57
      @kebo57 21 день тому +28

      Thank you doctor, for such an informed opinion! I am surpised it only has 53 likes (at the time I liked it lol). I am Christian as well and truly abhor the thought or practice of taking the life of an unborn child. We should respect all life that God has given us and love it just as he loves us..

    • @stevenruark2930
      @stevenruark2930 21 день тому +20

      This the same as when they worshiped false gods and ran their children through the fire. They actually sacrificed their child by burning them to death. In the ceremony, they played the drums as loud as they could so you couldn't hear the cries of the children.

    • @DavidStrchld
      @DavidStrchld 21 день тому +1

      Do a Bible study on the word "womb", it does not equate to the uterus. It is something that can be open or shut like a door (or portal if you will). We are made in secret places underground (Ps 139:15). You sadly ignore your own advice " "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts" (Isaiah 55:8-9 KJV).". You are taking a very worldly view of where that life is, and that human caused abortion can send that life into death before that life appears in the world. My question for you is the fetus subject to the world's jurisdiction (which can be summed up as original sin) , Biblically it appears not, one must be born into the world where we are. This was so important when God wanted Israel to totally destroy a people that he ordered the women (who were to be put to death), to also be ripped open (2 Kings 8:12, Hosea 13:16,2 Kings 15:16):, thus delivering them into the world and subject to death. We are so arrogant, but God has simply not given us the option to be able to harm the unborn and keep their souls in hidden places in teh depths of the earth. God even uses abortion as a test for marital purity (Num 5:11-31) (so don't say the Bible does not mention abortion, because it clearly does). Cheers.

    • @gems4u990
      @gems4u990 21 день тому +14

      Couldn't have said it better. Kudos, Doctor!

  • @catherineclark8156
    @catherineclark8156 21 день тому +358

    Please pray for the pregnant women who are contemplating/considering an abortion. May the Holy Spirit work on their hearts to carry that precious little life to term and that the Lord will guide and help them in what to do from there.🙏

    • @jondstewart
      @jondstewart 21 день тому +1

      Right, but what if one of those precious little fetuses turns out to be an illegal alien or homosexual? Christian’s being anti-abortion is hypocritical to the max.

    • @georgegunn6034
      @georgegunn6034 21 день тому +34

      ​@@jondstewartyou have no idea what you are talking about. Your words make no sense.

    • @jondstewart
      @jondstewart 21 день тому

      @@georgegunn6034 the fetuses they want to save are Mexican’s born into poverty that want to escape to the United States for a better life when they reach adulthood. Or the fetuses that are saved that reach puberty that realized they were gay. But the same people wanting to save those fetuses oppressed them later on.

    • @liannemarie2504
      @liannemarie2504 21 день тому +29

      ​@@jondstewartnone of those things have anything to do with abortion. No one is saying to murder all the people that are coming over the border. They're saying to abide by the laws we already have in place. Even the bible, God says that they are supposed to support man's laws unless they go against God's law. So maybe stop throwing a bunch of things together that have nothing to do with one another because it emotes an emotional reaction. That's childish

    • @violentshemp7776
      @violentshemp7776 21 день тому

      @@jondstewart where are the aliens and lgbt folks murdered? just more lies from the left.

  • @davidbriggs6086
    @davidbriggs6086 21 день тому +305

    Lord God, please clean house in all our institutions and raise up for us a Godly leadership, in Jesus Name, Amen.

    • @Blankee-o1t
      @Blankee-o1t 21 день тому +11

      Now that’s a prayer I think we can all agree on.

    • @MarshaVoires
      @MarshaVoires 21 день тому +4


    • @otallono
      @otallono 21 день тому

      @@Blankee-o1t unfortunately for difference reasons depending on who is saying it

    • @drdoscacciato6555
      @drdoscacciato6555 21 день тому +7

      Sorry but this will only happen when Jesus returns to rule. We are on the End Times train moving full steam ahead.

    • @Whatisthematterwithyoupeople
      @Whatisthematterwithyoupeople 21 день тому +1

      @@drdoscacciato6555 nonsense. You don’t know if it is God’s will to raise up new leaders. Look into something other than premil dispensationalism. Makes people give up on life here…which GOD MADE US FOR.

  • @amyk87
    @amyk87 21 день тому +186

    I pray for them to repent, and if not, to be removed from positions of power and influence immediately.

    • @mcprofound717
      @mcprofound717 21 день тому +2

      Both sides ... super wicked

    • @happyappy19931
      @happyappy19931 21 день тому

      @@mcprofound717 how are the Republicans super wicked though? They seem to be fighting for babies and children and what is right.

    • @markwillhite9200
      @markwillhite9200 20 днів тому +1

      ​@@mcprofound717Pray for people saved no one. An evangelist leads people to repentance, and the power of life and death is in the tongue. Jesus did not pray for non believers. John: 17.

    • @mcprofound717
      @mcprofound717 19 днів тому +2

      @markwillhite9200 if you think an evangelist is who is going to "lead" people to repent, just say that you don't know Scripture at all. Check out John 16.

    • @humboldthammer
      @humboldthammer 19 днів тому

      Wanna know what's really going on? Lucifer and Satan were detained in 30 AD, just after Pentecost, and were judged by the Ancients of Days, far from Earth in 1985. The devil and dragon -- Revelation 12: 12-13 -- remain on Earth, and their judgement has been set for 10/10/26. They intend to absolve themselves of blame by proving mankind unfit for God's kingdom with a worldwide nuclear war. Daniel 7: 9-14, As for the rest of us beasts, our lives shall be prolonged for a season and time.

  • @lewisedwards4058
    @lewisedwards4058 21 день тому +202

    Burden their hearts, confound and confuse their minds, take away their sleep, curse the work of their hands, let them fall into their own traps, and make them miserable until they turn to You Lord and away from their sin in repentance.

    • @MarshaVoires
      @MarshaVoires 21 день тому +8

      @@lewisedwards4058 amen

    • @jamescuratalo2609
      @jamescuratalo2609 20 днів тому +5


    • @BAM-jc7uy
      @BAM-jc7uy 20 днів тому +10

      .the Mobile ABORTION Clinic parked outside the dnc was really a mobile ALTAR offering up child sacrifices to molech in real time, just a few feet from the doors and podium of the dnc.
      How many attended the dnc and were knowingly or unknowingly attendees and participants for the child sacrifices taking place in real time???
      AND i'm sorry Wretched...I don't understand ur references to this 2024 dnc jokingly or as a smirk, considering what was actually taking place physically AND spiritually at that altar/dnc.

    • @ronlanter6906
      @ronlanter6906 20 днів тому +3

      Amen 🙏🏻✝

    • @oceans6195
      @oceans6195 20 днів тому +2

      ​@@BAM-jc7uyyou are absolutely correct👍👍 but most people don't know that😢😢💯

  • @acem82
    @acem82 21 день тому +462

    Yeah, I follow this stuff a bit too well and I've already been doing this. The prayer is something like, "Lord, please convict them of their sin and turn them to you ...but if they don't turn to you, judge them severely!"

    • @Brucev7
      @Brucev7 21 день тому +10

      Romans 11:22

    • @Double21Stuffed
      @Double21Stuffed 21 день тому +5


    • @cameroncombs9882
      @cameroncombs9882 21 день тому +27

      i humbly say that this might not be true that we should pray those type of prayers...i mean Jesus says this
      Luke 9:54, 55 and 56
      54 And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did?
      55 But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of.
      56 For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. And they went to another village.
      so, do you see what i meant? that seems to be pretty clear that we shouldn't do that, now, if Jesus wanted to do something like that, He is of course the Lord, but as far as Christians, i don't think we should pray those prayers based on these verses alone, but, that doesn't mean that we shouldn't pray FOR those people, love our enemies and have mercy on them, and pray that they will be saved

    • @dylankandoll3756
      @dylankandoll3756 21 день тому +10

      I think that is a very mature way to look at this. We as Christians should look at this as a modern example on what we should be doing with such a wicked and vile party. Salvation first but if they refuse then judgement

    • @acem82
      @acem82 21 день тому

      ​@@cameroncombs9882 I respectfully disagree, for the following verses:
      “As for you, do not pray for this people, or lift up a cry or prayer for them, and do not intercede with me, for I will not hear you. Do you not see what they are doing in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem?" Jeremiah 16-17
      Jeremiah 11:14 and 14:11 are similar.
      In fact, I am still being less harsh than God was in these verses. These modern people sacrifice not just to Baal, but their children to Molech!
      For a NT example, see 1 John 5:16-17
      "If anyone sees his brother committing a sin not leading to death, he shall ask, and God will give him life-to those who commit sins that do not lead to death. There is sin that leads to death; I do not say that one should pray for that. All wrongdoing is sin, but there is sin that does not lead to death."
      So, indeed there are things we aren't told to pray for forgiveness of.
      I believe it is entirely Scriptural to pray for salvation if possible and otherwise justice. In the same way, we are commanded to love the LORD and therefore hate evil (Proverbs 8:13, Psalm 97:10, Psalm 101:3).

  • @CeclieGatmaitan
    @CeclieGatmaitan 18 днів тому +160

    *Larry Burkett's book on "Giving and Tithing" drew me closer to God and helped my spirituality. 2020 was a year I literally lived it. I cashed in my life savings and gave it all away. My total giving amounted to 40,000 dollars. Everyone thought I was delusional. Today, 1 receive 85,000 dollars every two months. I have a property in Calabasas, CA, and travel a lot. God has promoted me more than once and opened doors for me to live beyond my dreams. God kept to his promises to and for me*

    • @GreysonDamian
      @GreysonDamian 18 днів тому +1

      There's wonder working power in following Kingdom principles on giving and tithing. Hallelujah!

    • @Poojamungurr
      @Poojamungurr 18 днів тому

      But then, how do you get all that in that period of time? What is it you do please, mind sharing?

    • @CeclieGatmaitan
      @CeclieGatmaitan 18 днів тому

      It is the digital market. That's been the secret to this wealth transfer. A lot of folks in the US and abroad are getting so much from it, God has been good to my household Thank you Jesus

    • @CeclieGatmaitan
      @CeclieGatmaitan 18 днів тому

      And thanks to my co-worker (Michael) who suggested Ms Susan Jane Christy

    • @JaneSmith-pv4tj
      @JaneSmith-pv4tj 18 днів тому

      How can I start this digital market, any guidelines and how can I reach out to her?

  • @TheGreatSkull123
    @TheGreatSkull123 21 день тому +93

    I agree that we should. These people not only do evil, but they double-down on their evil and they are also PROUD of it

    • @jondstewart
      @jondstewart 21 день тому +1

      @@TheGreatSkull123 they’re not proud of it; they’re sick and tired of injustice and the hypocrisy of the Christian right!

    • @paulsimovich9157
      @paulsimovich9157 21 день тому +4

      ​@@jondstewart: your way off .....The Christian is always right!

    • @yan24to
      @yan24to 21 день тому +9

      They are proud of their wickedness and seek out more wickedness so to do.
      It's got nothing to do with the Christian, Left right or centre, they need no help devising wicked plans.

    • @happyappy19931
      @happyappy19931 21 день тому +3

      Romans 1

    • @IronGiant2790
      @IronGiant2790 20 днів тому +3

      @@paulsimovich9157 Wrong. We're not God. We're not perfect. We can get things wrong, and to claim otherwise is to deny the truth (1 John 1:8). A simple look at the NT shows us how many mistakes people in the early church made, and a look through history since then shows us how many errors Christians have made over time. The difference as believers is that we have the gift of grace and godly repentance when we find ourselves in error.

  • @CooperJones777
    @CooperJones777 21 день тому +45

    Don't worry. "Vengeance is mine, sayth the Lord."

  • @lbowen9432
    @lbowen9432 21 день тому +72

    I pray that God removes the blinders on their eyes and unplug their ears so they can see and hear themselves as God sees them and they understand that they need God.

      @MARANATHA-AMEN 21 день тому +8

      Romans Chapter one describes America (and many, if not every nation).
      My soul hurts.

    • @barrya.6212
      @barrya.6212 19 днів тому +1

      They are NOT BLIND....the Bible only teaches the devil blinds people from the ILLUMINATION of the Gospel....not the Gospel itself, people do not come to the Light because they LOVE SIN more than they want to be forgiven and repent of their sins.

  • @SpreadTruth24
    @SpreadTruth24 21 день тому +230

    If we haven't figured out that it's impossible to be in the Dparty and a Christian at this point, Lord please remove the scales from our eyes.

    • @berg6964
      @berg6964 21 день тому +21


    • @1954mill
      @1954mill 21 день тому +3

      You agree with me! We must be kindred!

    • @dnealuk
      @dnealuk 21 день тому +11

      Interesting... because it's impossible to be a Christian and in the R-party.

    • @1954mill
      @1954mill 21 день тому

      @@dnealuk corruption can be found almost everywhere, seemingly especially in so called churches. Basically wherever humans are. FYI @dnealuk , Prayer will do more than a vote will, and I don’t believe in a party system. 😮

    • @saved217
      @saved217 21 день тому +9

      @@dnealuk Explain?

  • @revelationakagoldeneagle8045
    @revelationakagoldeneagle8045 21 день тому +14

    Praying for "All" who are lost without Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior 🙏

  • @joshhigdon4951
    @joshhigdon4951 21 день тому +142

    We, as a nation, are under Gods judgement. The west as a whole are und we His judgement. Pray for His mercy on His people

    • @CSUnger
      @CSUnger 21 день тому +4


    • @user-kc7bd3wg8l
      @user-kc7bd3wg8l 21 день тому +12

      It's the whole planet...not just the west...

    • @sledawgpilot
      @sledawgpilot 21 день тому

      Romans 1. First sexual immorality, homosexual immorality and then reprobate minds. I always thought reprobate meant perverted. It means that your mind doesn’t work, insanity. Exactly what is happening

    • @eisbeinGermany
      @eisbeinGermany 20 днів тому +1

      whole world is like that, no country in the world is a religious country

    • @manager0175
      @manager0175 20 днів тому +1

      In the past 4 years, 15 million jobs created, more Americans working for more money than anytime in US history. If that is "God's judgement" I am all for it.

  • @kvanniekerk3792
    @kvanniekerk3792 21 день тому +36

    They have reached the third stage of Romans 1 judgement, having been given over to a reprobate mind. God will save anyone who truly grieves their sin and cries out to Him. I pray that the Holy Spirit will open the eyes of those who belong to Him, but I also pray that God will pour out His justice and wrath on the people who cause this evil in the world.

  • @Rai2023.user.
    @Rai2023.user. 21 день тому +73

    Pray that wickedness receives its wages but also that people will still turn from their wicked ways

  • @pamdawson8598
    @pamdawson8598 21 день тому +76

    It should bring us to tears such blatant wickedness.....surely the Lord will bring continued judgements upon our nations until we repent and desist.
    Lord have mercy.

  • @kupiigaa
    @kupiigaa 21 день тому +164

    I shudder to think of all these people who will stand before God one day and admit that they think murdering children is ok.

    • @EricRuskoski
      @EricRuskoski 21 день тому +12

      even the demons believe and shudder

    • @Brucev7
      @Brucev7 21 день тому +2

      Romans 11:22

    • @trencesmall8704
      @trencesmall8704 21 день тому +7

      Oh,at that point they’ll fully know that what they were doing was wrong, that’s why we plead with them to turn away from evil before they step into eternity, because it will be too late for,”I’m so sorry,”on judgement day.

    • @oreally8605
      @oreally8605 21 день тому +7

      They'll know it at the great white throne judgement. They'll make excuses to no avail.

    • @donniehendricks6772
      @donniehendricks6772 21 день тому

      If abortion is now a "Litmus test" for christianity, then why did God allowed in times for past for billions of babies to be aborted? Why is this only an issue now because of wanting Trump in power?

  • @sbukosky
    @sbukosky 21 день тому +157

    I pray for their repentance. I think that is what God wants to hear from us.

    • @wdtaut5650
      @wdtaut5650 21 день тому

      Yes. I pray for them to be enlightened and I pray that I will be given the strength and ability to overcome them, which is not the same as doing them harm.

    • @hardboard82
      @hardboard82 21 день тому +1

      But let’s not think we can make our words holier than God’s Word. Do you think God ever likes imprecations?

    • @solideomusical
      @solideomusical 21 день тому +4

      That's nice. What if they don't repent? We know historically that most of them won't.

    • @romanmichaelhamilton8729
      @romanmichaelhamilton8729 21 день тому +2

      @@solideomusical Precisely.

    • @sg51psd04
      @sg51psd04 21 день тому

      And for how many years has that exact prayer gone out? Many, many, many. Enough is enough. Time for the sons of Zebedee to call on that fire and brimstone....That means us Christian. How more demonic are you willing to wait for them to get?

  • @TravisHolmes91
    @TravisHolmes91 21 день тому +77

    God still has some elect in Chicago. That’s why he hasn’t blown it away this week. He still has people to save.

    • @christinegeary4877
      @christinegeary4877 21 день тому

      There have been so many times I said to the person speaking from the podium that I was shocked that lightning from heaven hadn’t struck them where they stood…

    • @otallono
      @otallono 21 день тому +3

      we have free will. it's not judgement time yet for them. Also sin is sin and we're all equally guilty, just as much as they are. So He would have to strike all of us with that logic. This is why it's important people know the gospel...not for a good life now, for eternal life in heaven. I have a friend who is Christian but he's an alcoholic, claims that it is perfectly okay to get drunk every day and commit adultery but condemns gay people.. it's all the same to God. This is the behavior of people who do not understand the seriousness of their own sin and the gospel.

    • @mcgillstern
      @mcgillstern 17 днів тому

      @Travis: Do you know that Satan is the father of ALL lies (including Trump's "Big Lie")? Do you think that, perhaps, God has some elect ALL over the earth, including at the Republican National Convention?

    • @waholoopesorry74
      @waholoopesorry74 13 днів тому

      @@otallono Your friend is not a Christian. Sorry to break it to you

  • @melodiestewart6877
    @melodiestewart6877 21 день тому +118

    Please God
    Have mercy on us all

    • @jondstewart
      @jondstewart 21 день тому

      @@melodiestewart6877 he does if you just look to him and not politics or social issues.

    • @michellep.6482
      @michellep.6482 21 день тому +1

      Amen 🙏

    • @ChrisG313rd
      @ChrisG313rd 21 день тому +4

      He has mercy on the ones that love Him, the rest have wrath coming. There is no excuse for being ignorant to His word with all of human knowledge at your finger tips

    • @alwaystrustinthelordone
      @alwaystrustinthelordone 21 день тому +1

      Amen !

    • @alwaystrustinthelordone
      @alwaystrustinthelordone 21 день тому +1

      @@ChrisG313rd Very true

  • @timestealr2967
    @timestealr2967 21 день тому +79

    God's already handling that, Todd. He's just waiting for their cup to be filled up.

    • @user-dv7uh4wb1z
      @user-dv7uh4wb1z 21 день тому +18

      Yep, he is allowing them to exterminate themselves out of existance

    • @Sardious
      @Sardious 21 день тому +7

      We don't need to pray those prayers against the Philistines David God will handle them in his time. We don't need to pray those prayers against Babylon God will handle them in his time. No Elijah you don't need to pray and preparatory prayers against the prophets of Baal or Jezebel or Ahab they'll get theirs in time. And other true statements that did not make the imprecatory pairs of their time wrong.

    • @otallono
      @otallono 21 день тому +1

      We have free will.

    • @timestealr2967
      @timestealr2967 21 день тому +2

      @@otallono Nope. We don't. You cannot operate outside of the will of God. If you could, that would make you God over God.

      @MARANATHA-AMEN 21 день тому +1

      Agreed! I have Freedom of choice...for good or for evil... Not free will.
      It's not my "will" that evil exists... but GOD has given me a "choice" over my thoughts, words and my actions.
      GOD is Sovereign over all.
      Judgment Day also belongs to GOD. HIS will and Justice - "be done".

  • @ritchievernon8099
    @ritchievernon8099 21 день тому +4

    We're not to pray judgment over people we're supposed to pray Mercy! God was merciful to us so we are supposed to pray Mercy over others! 🙏

  • @patsmith8523
    @patsmith8523 21 день тому +6

    I really struggle with this one. It is hard for me to pray salvation on a group of people who has done everything they could to destroy this country, people who I can only politely describe as traitors.

    • @redwatkins85
      @redwatkins85 20 днів тому

      Yet God died for you and them. None are above another. I pray their eyes be open as yours are. God is a good judge and His plan will prevail.

    • @christineh449
      @christineh449 19 днів тому

      They're lost. They're really, really lost. And many of them probably don't realize how lost they are. Or how they are being used as pawns in a larger game. But it's important to remember that God loves them, too. God's heart is so big and his grace is so abundant that even these matter to him.

  • @williamsporing1500
    @williamsporing1500 21 день тому +8

    I’ve been a believer most of my life, and the hardest thing for me to do is pray for my enemies.
    The price for being human….

    • @ronlanter6906
      @ronlanter6906 20 днів тому +1

      I agree, it is very difficult for me to pray with love for my enemies. God bless you ✝

  • @garrettmccullough2249
    @garrettmccullough2249 21 день тому +32

    There is a substantial amount of the "church" in America that is deserving of imprecatory prayer. How much more for those who openly worship Satan? The division couldn't be more clear these days. There is no excuse for being on the wrong side. It seems there are a lot of "Christians" still trying to figure out which side to be on.

  • @jamesq7954
    @jamesq7954 21 день тому +69

    I'm going to stick with this prayer: Matthew 6:9-13
    I pray that the Lord's will be done and whatever happens will be what God's will is.

      @HOOSIERDADDY24 21 день тому +6

      Most of what is going on in the world IS NOT GOD'S WILL.

    • @Wretched_Man_REDEEMED
      @Wretched_Man_REDEEMED 21 день тому +6

      Yep. And when His kingdom comes, it will be ugly for many. It's like the line from that hymn "It Is Well With My Soul" ---
      "...the clouds be rolled back as a scroll...the trump shall resound...and the Lord shall descend...EVEN SO, it is well with my soul"
      those words "even so" placed after the description of Christ's return indicates that Horatio Spafford understood the Lord's return will not be a pleasant thing for many. Even so, it was well with his soul.

    • @jondstewart
      @jondstewart 21 день тому +3

      The Lord’s will has been done for thousands of years. He already knew the past, present, and future when he created the Earth. He already knew who wasn’t going to accept his son Jesus Christ, as their savior with them to roast in hell forever, but he created them anyway.

    • @Kepi_Kei
      @Kepi_Kei 21 день тому +7

      Unfortunately the Lord told us this would happen. Not specifically, but about how wicked people would be,. All of these things have to happen. It stinks and sometimes it's scary. I am pressing in more than ever before.

    • @Kepi_Kei
      @Kepi_Kei 21 день тому +4

      @@jondstewart That is true. As a Christian I have not figured that one out yet. I do believe God is sovereign and I do not question Him in the sense that I feel He was wrong, but I would like to understand that. I cannot explain that to others if I do not understand it myself. I do believe in Jesus, I know a good amount about Him, but that doesn't mean I understand everything. (sigh) I am no theologian.

  • @realamarica
    @realamarica 21 день тому +12

    Absolutely. Yes we are supposed to pray to God to stop these wicked people from doing their evil deeds. They are already under judgment and God hears the cries of the saints, the cries of the slaughtered babies.

    • @mcgillstern
      @mcgillstern 17 днів тому

      Jesus took God's judgment for the WHOLE WORLD over 2,000 years ago. The Narrator does not know what he is talking about.

    • @realamarica
      @realamarica 17 днів тому

      @@mcgillstern Yes, if everyone in the world was to come to Jesus and be Born Again in Christ, they would all be saved. His death was sufficient to redeem the whole world, but the whole world will not be saved. Jesus made that clear Himself (Matthew 7:13-14). Revelation also reveals that those who have rejected Him will stand before the Great White Throne judgment and be found guilty and cast into the Lake of Fire along with the Antichrist, the False Prophet, Satan and all the demons and fallen angels (Revelation 20:11-15).
      Believers may pray for severe temporal judgments upon the enemies of God, but they must leave to God the application or outworking of such petitions. Christians may use imprecatory psalms in worship and may offer them as prayers to God.
      An imprecatory psalm is a type of lament. In Hebrew Wisdom Literature, lament psalms are the individual and corporate cries of God’s people. The imprecatory psalms in particular vocalize Israel’s tears in the face of injustice and suffering. By praying down the curse of God on His enemies, Israel sought to hold up the goodness of God’s law for His people.
      At root, an imprecatory psalm is an invocation of divine cursing. Examples of these imprecations include Psalms 5, 6, 35, 69, and 109, all of which are cited in the New Testament. Curse pronouncements are interspersed throughout the biblical canon. For example, Jesus calls down woes of judgment on religious leaders in Matthew 23. Paul pronounces an anathema on anyone who preaches another gospel in Galatians 1:8-9. And the martyrs in heaven petition God to avenge their blood in Revelation 6:10.

    • @waholoopesorry74
      @waholoopesorry74 13 днів тому

      @@mcgillstern Jesus took God's judgement for the elect, not for the wicked

    • @mcgillstern
      @mcgillstern 13 днів тому

      @@waholoopesorry74 "God so loved the WORLD that he gave his only begotten Son..." (Why the World: Because ALL have sinned and come short of the Glory of God - there was NO elect - "while ALL were yet sinners..."). Was "the elect" of which you speak called THE PRINCE (SATAN) OF THIS WORLD? - he is the one who was judged - not me nor you.

    • @waholoopesorry74
      @waholoopesorry74 13 днів тому

      @@mcgillstern If you don't think there is a predetermined elect then you are being willfully blind to the words in scripture. If Jesus' death atoned for everyone's sins then everyone is going to heaven. Are you a universalist?

  • 21 день тому +41

    LORD JESUS CHRIST YESHUA come quickly! Please, like, NOW... please. Yet, His will, not our own. I pray all come to salvation while there's still time.

    • @Wretched_Man_REDEEMED
      @Wretched_Man_REDEEMED 21 день тому +2

      This is my prayer every single day, many times throughout the day. For years and years I have groaned for our King's return

    • @jondstewart
      @jondstewart 21 день тому

      Don’t tell him to come quickly, he’ll come when he feels like it!

  • @anniathome
    @anniathome 21 день тому +12

    Pray first and most often for God to remove the logs in our own eyes. Then pray fervently for their salvation! Imagine their testimonies if they become believers! Praise God! Pray for their victims and those they have deceived, that their eyes would be open and that they would seek TRUTH. Then with the very next breath, pray that God stops them from continuing to hurt themselves and others. It’s His choice of methodology. Finally, thank God we can trust His timing. God will not let evil continue one hour past its usefulness. I cannot wait for Jesus to speak just one word and destroy the armies of Satan.

  • @wandalester8624
    @wandalester8624 21 день тому +7

    I got a chance to feel my six weeks old gastation unborn baby son's tiny feet kicking in 1979. I didn't know l was pregnant. Two years before in 1977, l was forced to have an abortion, l was about 14 weeks pregnant. I wanted my baby so much, but my baby's father got so angry. He said, "l don't care what I have to do, but, you won't have this baby." My baby lived, turning and turning mortally wounded between the two procedures. The damage caused is the reason I was carrying my last baby abnormally and I felt his tiny feet kicking in my right groin area. I begged God to help me carry my son, who grew the whole nine months in a displaced position. He did! Praising God Almighty for his Compassion and grace and mercy!

    • @annalynn9325
      @annalynn9325 19 днів тому +1


    • @lyndavonkanel8603
      @lyndavonkanel8603 19 днів тому +1

      The pro-abortionists keep saying, "My body" etc. not realizing that not only do they kill a baby they can, as in your experience, suffer damage to their own body. I am sorry you were forced to have that procedure. You were brave to follow through with the difficulties of having a second child.

    • @John-i6p
      @John-i6p 19 днів тому

      You have a gastation baby? Exxon or Mobil?

    • @wandalester8624
      @wandalester8624 19 днів тому +1

      @@lyndavonkanel8603 Thank you for comment, the hardest part is knowing how much excruciating pain my baby and the millions of others. I want to help the mothers and fathers who, like me, one day realize that they hired a hitman (Planned Parenthood) to kill their children.

    • @wandalester8624
      @wandalester8624 19 днів тому +2

      @@annalynn9325 Thank you for caring, l named my baby in heaven, Anna Catherine. I love your name! Don't be sad, Anna's soul is whole. Jesus loves you!!! 💗

  • @russellprickett1652
    @russellprickett1652 21 день тому +9

    As a follower of Jesus Christ I must do my part to be a light in our ever darkening world. Then Jesus spoke to them again saying, I Am the light of the world, he who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life. John 8:12

  • @tednash7210
    @tednash7210 21 день тому +7

    Here in the UK a sister in Christ was arrested twice for silent prayer outside an abortion clinic, thankfully all charges were eventually dropped and she was paid compensation (presumably for false arrest). Sadly this clearly shows the intentions of the state. There was an "exclusion zone" around the clinic where protest was not allowed, but in essence the sister was arrested for "thinking."

    • @stonergene
      @stonergene 18 днів тому

      Its like...tell me you know the power of God without telling me you know the power of God. Why would they arrest her? Because the people who made the laws know that prayer is a weapon against evil.

  • @agentvictoria
    @agentvictoria 21 день тому +16

    😂😢My prayer is, Lord your name is above all else, Every knee must bow to you Lord. Have mercy on us Lord. Your will be done in our nation.

  • @evanssooklal1620
    @evanssooklal1620 21 день тому +8

    Woe unto them that call good evil and evil good.. one can actually feel the evil spirit pervading the Democratic Party’s convention.. yet God is rich in mercy to all who call upon Him- through Jesus- in truth.. espin repentance..

  • @charliegarnett9757
    @charliegarnett9757 21 день тому +4

    The problem is that acceptance and affirmation has invaded congregations today. These congregations do not believe repentance is required. Your body your choice… love who you want…etc. I am shocked at the percentage of Church going Christians that believe this is okay.

    • @lyndavonkanel8603
      @lyndavonkanel8603 19 днів тому

      Not happening in our Catholic Church. If I am called a bigot for it, I don't care.

  • @jcho0222
    @jcho0222 21 день тому +26

    The short answer is Yes.

  • @Mike-sd9we
    @Mike-sd9we 21 день тому +4

    I pray they turn from their wicked ways and embrace the way, the truth, and the life.

    • @mcprofound717
      @mcprofound717 21 день тому

      Yes. Harris & Trump are wicked & lack a relationship with God. Safe to say that most of their supporters, followers & worshippers need salvation as well.

  • @zacharyrobertson4552
    @zacharyrobertson4552 21 день тому +3

    Heaven rejoices when a sinner repents of their sin and turns to the Lord. Pray for the conversion of their hearts. Gods divine providence is always at work. We need to cling to our faith until the very end by praying for our enemies.

  • @hellohila
    @hellohila 21 день тому +3

    Revelation 6:10
    “And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?”

  • @haserotmalach7324
    @haserotmalach7324 21 день тому +3

    This isn't our house, this isn't our nation and regardless of what happens around us we must keep our eyes and hopes on the things from above.
    The Holy Spirit and Jesus himself have warned us several times not to fret about earthly matters. Texts like Col 3:1-2, Philippians 3:19-20, Heb 13:14, Gal 4:3, 1 John 2:15, Rom 12:2 and so many others alert us to the importance of not getting distracted by earthly matters. We know that things must get much worse before the last day comes and the Lord returns. Nothing is out of God's control regardless of what the wicked does.

  • @Modeltnick
    @Modeltnick 21 день тому +2

    The Narrow Gate is indeed narrow and few will pass through it.

  • @christinegeary4877
    @christinegeary4877 21 день тому +3

    Jan Markell has asked “what did you expect the last days to look like?”. Truthfully, I hadn’t given THAT any thought…. The answer is probably “exactly what we see now”.

  • @christopherfedele6081
    @christopherfedele6081 21 день тому +6

    My church had a split because I spoke the Gospel truth. It's sad because the way churches are today are more of an entertainment center. Where did the message of repentance go, coming to the cross, asking for forgiveness, fleeing from sin. Not just going to a building to get your ears tickled. Life Ministries of Yeshua. SINY. The Word of Godn never goes void. Thank you Todd for speaking out the Word of God.

    • @mcprofound717
      @mcprofound717 21 день тому +1

      Harris & Trump are both wicked. Pray for their salvation.

  • @megleighnor7759
    @megleighnor7759 21 день тому +6

    Lord God, please bring our nation to repentance for abandoning YOU. According to Your Word, we are a sinful nation are under Your righteous judgement. Open eyes to see Your truth, ears to hear Your Word that we would repent and turn to YOU. Our nation has been turned over to wickedness since we have forsaken YOU . Please strengthen Your followers to pray for Your intervention to stop the murdering and mutilation of our children and the restoration of families. In the name of Christ Jesus, Amen.

    • @mcprofound717
      @mcprofound717 21 день тому +1

      Our "nation" didn't abandon Him. It never had Him. But, His true church needs to stay faithful & fight the good fight. We have to stop compromising, start praying & keep spreading The Gospel.

  • @mbent8138
    @mbent8138 21 день тому +12

    This is why we pray and sing the Psalms. All of them

    • @ronlanter6906
      @ronlanter6906 20 днів тому

      Are you familiar with the Australian band that puts their music to Psalms? Best I've ever heard 👍✝

  • @rockhopper01
    @rockhopper01 21 день тому +35

    I don’t trust my fallen wisdom for imprecations. I’m content with praying for their repentance and forgiveness. Such was I without Christ.

    • @davidcamperman5674
      @davidcamperman5674 21 день тому +1

      The seemingly high road, but I'll offer a few thoughts-
      1, did Christ demonstrate imprecatory prayers?
      2- does the Lord filter his responses or does he answer all your prayers with the malicious compliance of a cartoon imp?

    • @garrettmccullough2249
      @garrettmccullough2249 21 день тому +2

      So how then do you trust your fallen wisdom to pray for repentance of those God intends to judge?

    • @rockhopper01
      @rockhopper01 21 день тому +12

      @@garrettmccullough2249 objective logic. Imprecatory prayers MAY be appropriate. Praying for repentance and forgiveness is ALWAYS appropriate.

    • @bjornegan6421
      @bjornegan6421 21 день тому +1

      @@garrettmccullough2249 praying for the salvation of others is something done because we love God, and as such we are commanded to seek it, love Him, and love them. This love is not from us, but from God Who saves us. Although our love is not perfect, at all, it is good to seek that. On the other hand, do you really think that you can pray for the destruction of others in a way that is not sinful, from fallen motives, sinful hatred, pride, selfishness, desires for yourself, etc?

    • @garrettmccullough2249
      @garrettmccullough2249 21 день тому +3

      @bjornegan6421 So are you accusing David, the author of imprecatory psalms of being unloving for praying for the destruction of his enemies? It's an act of love to pray for the destruction of evil. Turning evil into good is a wonderful thing of course. But some enemies, God's enemies, will not be turned towards Him whom they hate.

  • @TriarchVisgroup
    @TriarchVisgroup 21 день тому +24

    0:43 It's actually spelled "murder"

  • @kenjohnson5124
    @kenjohnson5124 21 день тому +15

    2:16 You can pray for someone but pray against their wickedness!

    • @dansw0rkshop
      @dansw0rkshop 21 день тому +1

      Exactly this. People are to be loved, their sins hated.

    • @stonergene
      @stonergene 18 днів тому +1

      Exactly. I pray for the renewal of their mind and test themselves against Gods word to discern His will.

  • @charliecrowe6606
    @charliecrowe6606 21 день тому +11

    Paul directs us to pray for the likes of Nero (1 Tim 2:1-2) Current political leaders are bad but not that bad, yet. So perhaps we should pray for evil people of all kinds. That they should be made miserable under the conviction of the Holy Spirit. If they repent how great is God's grace, if not how great is God's justice. My eyes are so full of splinters I feel compelled to ask for mercy, the ,mercy of conviction, for all.

  • @oshea2300
    @oshea2300 21 день тому +40

    You know judgment begins at the house of God right... If you as a Christian are asking God to judge others you better be prepared to be judged.. 1 Timothy 2: 1-8. We are not Israel.. we are the church. The church is not Israel.. God desires all men to be saved and come to repentance

    • @Brucev7
      @Brucev7 21 день тому

      Not only desires, "Commands" Acts 17:30; 3:19 Mark 6:11-12 Luke 5:32 Ecclesiastes 12:13

    • @garrettmccullough2249
      @garrettmccullough2249 21 день тому +2

      Then why does He send some to Hell? Is He impotent in implementing His will?

    • @hellotheremyolfriend
      @hellotheremyolfriend 21 день тому +4

      God doesn’t force anyone to choose Him. Therefore, people going to hell (rejecting God and Jesus) does not equate to God being impotent.

    • @jeffreypaulross9767
      @jeffreypaulross9767 21 день тому +1

      Lord, do you want us to call down fire upon them? (LUKE 9:54)

    • @benjaminhaley9993
      @benjaminhaley9993 21 день тому

      You stole my comment. I'm not a Democrat but I don't think Christians deifying Trump, supporting him no matter what and not trusting God with our country (buying into all the conspiracy theories, etc) is any better.

  • @user-md9bk1js3y
    @user-md9bk1js3y 21 день тому +1

    I pray for their repentance and for their plans to be thwarted. I have not been convicted to pray further than that.

  • @simeonyves5940
    @simeonyves5940 21 день тому +43

    Pray for their Forgiveness, as we have been Forgiven, despite being... possibly even *worse* than them!

    • @JonahzVoice3-4
      @JonahzVoice3-4 21 день тому +13

      A prayer that the Holy Spirit would convict people of their sin is Biblical. They need to be aware they are even sinning. So they don't care a wit about forgiveness. And forgiveness does not mean you escape justice or don't suffer the consequences of the sin you commit.

    • @Kepi_Kei
      @Kepi_Kei 21 день тому +6

      @@JonahzVoice3-4 You are so right. In my youth I drank and smoked and took drugs. I'm "old" now and have a lot of health issues due to those activities. I told my pastor I don't expect God to heal me if I get lung cancer or something like that. I think he was surprised I said that by the look on his face, but he agreed. He did say I could still ask Him to heal me, and while I would love that I think sowing and reaping is a natural law. It is, as you said, a consequence of sin.

    • @e_s2978
      @e_s2978 21 день тому +5

      ​@@Kepi_Keinot forever, though. Someday, there will be no more curse, or death, sorrow, tears, or pain, for those who trust in Jesus. Take comfort in that. And tell others about Jesus. And to not smoke etc.

    • @Kepi_Kei
      @Kepi_Kei 21 день тому

      @@e_s2978 ❤

    • @jondstewart
      @jondstewart 21 день тому

      @@Kepi_Kei people that smoke, drink, and do drugs still live long in many cases. Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Robert Plant, Alice Cooper, and Ozzy Osborne are all in their 70’s and some over 80 and doing just fine. Yet the star of Black Panther was a vegan and died at 43 from colon cancer.

  • @Davidmar92
    @Davidmar92 21 день тому +1

    I think we do need to pray against them so that hopefully some might come to repentance!

  • @Paige-Turnner
    @Paige-Turnner 21 день тому +8

    Hard to come to grips that we're at this point in this country. 15 years ago if you told me this would be how the US looks today, I wouldn't have wanted to believe it, i would have probably said something like 'yeah we're certainly heading that direction'. But it's still hard to accept.

    • @UsmanKhan-coolmf
      @UsmanKhan-coolmf 21 день тому

      I know. Can you believe this? "Mount Olive Primitive Baptist Church pastor arrested on accusation of rape
      The victim was his 15-year-old niece"

    • @mcprofound717
      @mcprofound717 21 день тому

      The world didn't get further from God. There is either relationship or not. For Him or against him. Minds need renewed that see either gang party as less sinful or more Christian. Harris and Trump are wicked leaders who don't know God. Pray for the salvations of them & their followers / worshippers.

  • @cateclism316
    @cateclism316 21 день тому +37

    New Testament believers don't need to pray judgement in non-believers. Pray for their repentance.

    • @ServantSaved
      @ServantSaved 21 день тому +1


    • @clay._.
      @clay._. 21 день тому +10

      Did you watch the video or nah?

    • @marilizescherman6517
      @marilizescherman6517 21 день тому +4

      Watch the whole video. Listen.

    • @gary6754
      @gary6754 21 день тому +1

      maybe but i also believe he understands if we do pray for their judgment.
      He understands we're human and need to vent

  • @faisonhoward9191
    @faisonhoward9191 21 день тому +5

    The prayers of a righteous man avails covers a multitude of sin..oh Lord you judge for your children ❤

  • @petrolhead9008
    @petrolhead9008 21 день тому +9

    Their leaders aren't going to repent. God has given them over to a reprobate mind. Romans Chapter 1.

    • @garrettfornea1088
      @garrettfornea1088 21 день тому +3

      God can save to the uttermost

    • @jondstewart
      @jondstewart 21 день тому

      So how do you yourself interpret Romans, chapter 1. So many Christians love to use that book in the Bible to justify their smug, self-righteous sense of superiority. Please tell me.

    • @erikhaack4123
      @erikhaack4123 21 день тому +3

      ​@@jondstewartChristians are not superior to no one else. They are humble, respectful, humility, peaceful, forgiving and love Jesus with all their mind, soul and strength. Maybe you have dealt with lukewarm christians that are not really christians at all they claim to be. Jesus Christ said: Love thy enemies as yourself and pray for those that persecute you in my name. And love one another as you're self. If you love me than obey my commandments.

    • @mcprofound717
      @mcprofound717 21 день тому +2

      As long as you see both Harris & Trump as wicked leaders lacking relationship with God. Pray for their salvation & the salvation of their followers/ worshippers.

    • @jondstewart
      @jondstewart 21 день тому +1

      @@mcprofound717 the last president that even admitted to being a follower of Christ or born again, Christian that I knew of was Jimmy Carter and most evangelical Christians didn’t care for him either because he was a Democrat and had compassion instead of a mean streak.

  • @aztec0112
    @aztec0112 21 день тому +6

    This whole nation is already under judgement. As much as it pains me to say, the failure of the church is as much to blame for the wrath that will be poured out on it and all humanity. For far too long the church pointed at the evil outside and laughed, "you will reap what you sow", yet never taken into account that the modern evangelicult will also reap the decades of pernicious evil it has sown.
    Sure we can pray for judgement, however the truth is...judgement is already here. Perhaps repentance and sackcloth is more the order of the day. The evildoers outside are merely living according to their sinful nature. We are seeing the late verses of Romans 1 literally playing out before our eyes. They are truly the spider dangling by the thinnest of threads over an open flame. That flame will also be applied to those who name the name, burning off the chaff and tempering the precious metal.
    I fear it is only the beginning of sorrows to come. Buckle up, the storm is coming, the storm is here. Lash yourself to the cross, it is our only hope.

  • @joekirby4707
    @joekirby4707 20 днів тому +2

    I pray to God to have his will in their lives. Whether it be salvation or judgment it's His choice.

  • @dabhidhm4093
    @dabhidhm4093 21 день тому +3

    Pray for God to reward them according to their works. That will be imprecatory enough.

  • @InChristalone737
    @InChristalone737 21 день тому +2

    I pray their evil deeds are stopped

  • @MEAToftheWORDsermons4theMATURE
    @MEAToftheWORDsermons4theMATURE 21 день тому +7

    interestingly enough, there even comes a time when we should stop praying for someone all together (1 John 5:16), but you'd have to have a relationship with God to know if or when that time had come.

  • @LUKEc16v31
    @LUKEc16v31 21 день тому +9

    I'd settle for God's people praying. Praying with fasting, confession, repentance and brokenness would help.
    “Yet even now,” declares the LORD,
    “return to me with all your heart,
    with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning
    and rend your hearts and not your garments.”
    Joel 2:12-13, ESV

  • @leewong7421
    @leewong7421 21 день тому +11

    I think as he said, our main priority should be praying for salvation. We are sinners too, and we have been saved by Christ. If anything, I think we should also pray that this institution (Planned Parenthood/Democratic Party) be crippled or dismantled, but people themselves to be saved in the process

    • @prryblu
      @prryblu 21 день тому +5

      Yes,Their Are Alot Of Women Who Have Quit PP After Seeing The Slaughter,My Sister Was One Who Couldn't Take It and Quit And Opened a Daycare Instead!

    • @jillhoward1879
      @jillhoward1879 21 день тому

      You are absolutely correct. Both institutions are nothing but evil.

    • @mcprofound717
      @mcprofound717 21 день тому

      Pray that Harris, Trump, and their followers get saved.

  • @cintarocko5095
    @cintarocko5095 21 день тому +1

    Put God back in your lives. We need him. Amen❤

  • @WolfRhymesEntertainment
    @WolfRhymesEntertainment 21 день тому +3

    we can pray for our enemies to fall but no one commands the LORD what to do. he knows all have fallen short and makes it rain on the just and unjust and we all think we are just.

  • @tlb25303
    @tlb25303 20 днів тому +1

    People have no idea of the terrifying severity of God’s righteous and Holy judgement that is coming. There will be NO debate at any time.

  • @davidposton6827
    @davidposton6827 21 день тому +3

    Serious question from a Christian who’s been watching the DNC and saw & heard something completely different. I heard no one advocating abortion but rather a clear call to leave the choice and the responsibility-personal, legal, social, and spiritual-to the pregnant individual. Why should I pray against a party or a government that is willing to stay out of matters that are between me and God?

  • @carlausoff6407
    @carlausoff6407 21 день тому +1

    Been doing it for years now. I pray for exposure of the evil and justice.

  • @MikeMatkin-of9iy
    @MikeMatkin-of9iy 21 день тому +8

    I say that first pray for their salvation, but yes, when you suppress the truth in unrighteousness preaching a perverted gospel, and killing unborn children, promoting, making it possible - also promoting what God calls a depraved mind......You qualify for imprecatory prayers. Even Paul did this

    • @HumbleRustic
      @HumbleRustic 21 день тому +3

      Yes sir you are correct. Finally a comment that makes sense of the totality of biblical revelation!!

    • @reginaford8575
      @reginaford8575 21 день тому +1

      I certainly have used these 2 - Psalms 35 and 109, with Matthew 23”woe”
      My husband and I also pray 1 Timothy 2:1-4! Warfare

  • @william-ajones3959
    @william-ajones3959 21 день тому +1

    Walz went from talking about expanding abortion for women to talking about how blessed he is for fertilization treatments being successful for his wife to have their daughter in a span of about 2 minutes.....THIS is Romans 1.

  • @MQShawGravity
    @MQShawGravity 21 день тому +5

    Wretched will never be irrelevant.

  • @alistair6914
    @alistair6914 21 день тому +1

    Yes I always say you can pray for people but you can pray against them too. God will not answer an unjust prayer.

  • @ron234-o9e
    @ron234-o9e 20 днів тому +8

    Do we pray for the devil?, no. Do we pray for fallen angels?, no. Do we pray for demons?, no. Should we pray for the democratic party? Look at them, they are completely sold out to evil. I say imprecatory prayers are appropriate.

  • @davidjenkins2464
    @davidjenkins2464 21 день тому +1

    We are supposed to pray for our enemies the lost the sick and our government. God knows who what and when to judge.

  • @AJ-yw7hf
    @AJ-yw7hf 19 днів тому +3


  • @ronmortimer252
    @ronmortimer252 20 днів тому +5

    If Donald Trump is your 'chosen one' I wouldn't be making any imprecatory prayers against anyone. First remove the beam from your own eye then you will see clearly to remove the splint from your brother's eye. And if you don't want an abortion then don't get one.

    • @manager0175
      @manager0175 20 днів тому +1

      You said: "If Donald Trump is your 'chosen one' I wouldn't be making any imprecatory prayers against anyone. First remove the beam from your own eye then you will see clearly to remove the splint from your brother's eye. And if you don't want an abortion then don't get on'. AMEN AND AMEN AGAIN!

    • @stonergene
      @stonergene 18 днів тому

      Youre mistake is assuming anyone is worshipping Trump.

    • @darlenekaus3189
      @darlenekaus3189 17 днів тому

      Exactly! The Trump cult has enough sins of its own to deal with.

  • @user-fx5vm6hu9t
    @user-fx5vm6hu9t 19 днів тому +5

    Did the religious hypocrites say anything about the pagan Sikh prayer to the God Ardis that Trump allowed at his GOP National Convention?

    • @theeternalsbeliever1779
      @theeternalsbeliever1779 19 днів тому +1

      At least most of the "righteous Rep Christians" were saying "the RNC is not a church, and we need to welcome anybody who supports Trump". They aren't shy about judging Dems with the Bible, but when the Reps and Trump specifically are held under the same standard, they'll start using every religious sounding justification to excuse them from scrutiny. Their hypocrisy is just as despicable as the left's love for abortion.

    • @stonergene
      @stonergene 18 днів тому

      No, because we afford the constitutional right to freedom of religion for everyone the same way God lets us have free will. The RNC isnt the house of God, and Trump isnt God.
      Stop worshipping politicians and people of influence.

  • @ralwoe
    @ralwoe 18 днів тому +1

    Can't you just feel the Christian love coming from this guy?

    • @ndrudyjr
      @ndrudyjr 14 днів тому

      @@ralwoe If I had three wishes from a genie, 2 of them would be for this channel to be erased completely. It’s incredible to think how many unbelievers will never consider Jesus again because of this “ministry.” It’s hate, hate, hate. Todd and his clan will claim persecution, persecution, persecution. It’s amazing how they cherry pick Scripture.

  • @texanmartialarts
    @texanmartialarts 21 день тому +10

    It seems like most people are saying pray for forgiveness. I definitely don't agree with that we should be asking that they see the errors of their ways, repent, and turn to Christ and the Cross. Than may God forgive them. But if they don't than ask for punishment.

    • @Brucev7
      @Brucev7 21 день тому

      Romans 11:22

  • @rodneycoffey7393
    @rodneycoffey7393 20 днів тому +1

    I pray for the Lord to change their hearts or take them out but for the most part we have been given these wicked people because we are under judgment !!

  • @richardmcgraw4427
    @richardmcgraw4427 19 днів тому +2

    Never trust a preacher that tells you how to vote or a politician that tells you how to pray.

    • @rc6184
      @rc6184 17 днів тому

      So you would vote for a political party that pushes for the murder of unborn children?

  • @eileenniehaus5368
    @eileenniehaus5368 20 днів тому +1

    These are the same ways I also think of traffickers. So many seriously wicked people in our world.

  • @markh4926
    @markh4926 21 день тому +3

    We don't have the right to point to others as our problem. "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14
    We are the problem; we sin way too much and that's why our enemies have taken us over. Read that again and pass it on to your neighbor. Remember that Mystery Babylon thing, well you are looking at it. Repent.

  • @rysloan
    @rysloan 21 день тому +1

    "They" aren't doing it, "we" are doing it. I certainly don't do enough to get people saved, which would obviously stop all this happening - so yeah, I'm to blame.

  • @ericvalkenaar6276
    @ericvalkenaar6276 21 день тому +7

    No, "abortion care" is spelled: M-U-R-D-E-R.

    • @Conmezzo
      @Conmezzo 21 день тому +2

      Abortion may be illegal but as long as sin is in the world, there will be abortion, legal or not. There are other sins involving abortion such as adultery, fornication, and lying. Unfortunately, sometimes abortion is a salvage operation because sadly things go fatally wrong in the womb.

    • @Ricman78
      @Ricman78 21 день тому

      ​@@Conmezzo96% of the time, abortion is performed for convenience. If you asked Dems if we could meet in the middle and only perform abortions for rape, incest, and life of the mother as many states have done since Roe v. Wade was overturned, they don't want any restrictions at all. Oh and they don't want to pay for it either.

  • @hawaiinrainbow
    @hawaiinrainbow 21 день тому +2

    I think we should pray for protection against those who would do evil, while also praying for their salvation. We need to let God know we trust in Him to do whatever is within His divine will and purpose. Jesus speaks quite clearly of what happens to those who don't believe in the One who God sent for the salvation of mankind. John 3:16-21.

  • @HumbleRustic
    @HumbleRustic 21 день тому +7

    They are already under God’s judgment, His wrath is already upon them. They are given over to the wrath of abandonment. A man given over by God is the greatest judgment a person can be under this side of hell.

  • @robertaustin6970
    @robertaustin6970 21 день тому +1

    Right on cue, thank you I’ve been wrestling with this [this] week.✝️🙏

  • @cenoviaarroyo
    @cenoviaarroyo 21 день тому +8

    First time hearing about imprecatory prayers. This is a very tough question.

  • @barrya.6212
    @barrya.6212 19 днів тому +1

    Walz, a former Army National Guardsman and a former teacher, was one of the first governors to sign into law a bill making Minnesota a "sanctuary state" for children seeking transgender surgical procedures and hormone prescriptions. This laid the groundwork for several of his more progressive xLGBTQxx policies.
    The law tells courts in Minnesota not to follow prosecutions from other states against people who come to Minnesota for treatments like puberty blockers, hormone therapy or surgery. Before the law was passed, Walz had already issued an order in May 2023 to prevent criminalization of transgender procedures in the state.
    Walz also signed a controversial bill into law that prevents books, which may include explicit material for children, from being removed from public schools in an effort to clap back at parents who complained about certain LGBTQ+ materials in school libraries.

  • @thedaltoid0266
    @thedaltoid0266 21 день тому +3

    I didn't know this was a thing. I'm a teen, and I know as Christians we're supposed to have exuberant joy and peace, but I'm genuinely scared, and I don't know if that's okay.

    • @JamesStansell
      @JamesStansell 21 день тому +2

      Your comment caught my attention and my heart goes out to you. This world can truly be a scary place. Can i ask, what are you scared of?

    • @happyappy19931
      @happyappy19931 21 день тому +2

    • @thedaltoid0266
      @thedaltoid0266 20 днів тому

      @JamesStansell Thank you. Mainly, how close we are to the end. I am scared of the second coming. Not really for the same reason the lost are, but the whole thing just kinda scares me

    • @jonathanmarks3112
      @jonathanmarks3112 20 днів тому

      @@thedaltoid0266 What about the second coming of Christ scares you?

    • @thedaltoid0266
      @thedaltoid0266 20 днів тому

      @jonathanmarks3112 Well, it's the event itself. All the people left behind, and me not being able to have very much to show for. I haven't really done anything significant for GOD. Like when your boss comes back. You want to show you've done something, but you're scared for everyone else who doesn't care and partying, but you know you haven't done much for him

  • @ASD128London
    @ASD128London 19 днів тому +2

    I look forward to your analysis of former president Trump saying he would not ban the mail delivery of abortion drugs under the Comstock Act.

  • @MEAToftheWORDsermons4theMATURE
    @MEAToftheWORDsermons4theMATURE 21 день тому +3

    I at times ask God what I could pray for someone that would please God - 1 John 5:14-15

  • @getkraken8064
    @getkraken8064 21 день тому +1

    Judgement must begin in the House of the Lord, so be careful what you ask for.

  • @socialservicesresources
    @socialservicesresources 21 день тому +5

    🤔 I didn’t know we’re supposed to pray for judgment on others. I thought No not one is righteous. I’ll lead the judgement to God. Also I haven’t heard you asking for judgment on Republicans who are racist , liars or corrupt and refuse to fund free lunch for kids at schools just as a few examples.

    • @darlenekaus3189
      @darlenekaus3189 17 днів тому

      Exactly. So many things Trump and his followers have said and done deserve judgement. The evening is too short to list them all.

    • @waholoopesorry74
      @waholoopesorry74 13 днів тому

      You haven't read the Bible much, have you? I encourage you to read the words of David specifically, in both Samuel and Psalms

  • @victorcarr212
    @victorcarr212 18 днів тому

    Praise The Lord Almighty God for men and women of God, that push back against legally established evil, Amen!!! Continue to fight the good fight!!!!!

  • @user-iq5md9if7d
    @user-iq5md9if7d 20 днів тому +3

    Republican does not mean Christian and Democrat does not mean unbeliever. Stop making this comparison. It is blasphemous.

    • @darlenekaus3189
      @darlenekaus3189 17 днів тому

      The sins within the Republican party are legion, but Satan has blinded their eyes.