EVIDENTIAL // I am a greatest of all time triumpher champion and championship title winning contender. My challenges and weaknesses make me potent. // The acronym of GOAT means The Greatest of all Time. In order to accomplish greatness excellence and success, never ever give up. // I am indestructible and undestroyable. Doubt negativity and pessimism cannot exterminate who I am and my voice. I am unconquerable and unstoppable. // Greatness and excellence was always inside of who I am. That will never ever change. You can do anything you set your mind to. Nothing is impossible. // Unconquerable and unbreakable champions and warriors survive the toughest battles and war time experiences. Nothing will erase me. // In my lifetime, I experience through the roughest challenges and setbacks ever. Do I ever let my haters and critics get the better of me? I define me for me. // In my lifetime, I broke a wooden karate board that got lit up with fire. I am told constantly by people who hate me, I will fail. I will triumph and emerge victorious. // Inside the word disabled is the word able. Inside the word impossible is the word of possible. The greatest winners of all time dominate and remain titans. // Reigning champions and contenders are defined by how they respond to and overcome the worst knockouts. In primetime arenas, I am omnipotent. // We are responsible for how we get remembered. Seize the present now. Exhibit love kindness hope joy and compassion. We are superheroes.
😕 Promo sm
I am a greatest of all time triumpher champion and championship title
winning contender. My challenges
and weaknesses make me potent.
The acronym of GOAT means The
Greatest of all Time. In order to
accomplish greatness excellence
and success, never ever give up.
I am indestructible and undestroyable.
Doubt negativity and pessimism cannot
exterminate who I am and my voice. I
am unconquerable and unstoppable.
Greatness and excellence was always inside of who I am. That will never ever
change. You can do anything you set
your mind to. Nothing is impossible.
Unconquerable and unbreakable
champions and warriors survive
the toughest battles and war time
experiences. Nothing will erase me.
In my lifetime, I experience through
the roughest challenges and setbacks
ever. Do I ever let my haters and critics
get the better of me? I define me for me.
In my lifetime, I broke a wooden karate board that got lit up with fire. I am told
constantly by people who hate me, I will
fail. I will triumph and emerge victorious.
Inside the word disabled is the word able. Inside the word impossible is the
word of possible. The greatest winners
of all time dominate and remain titans.
Reigning champions and contenders
are defined by how they respond to
and overcome the worst knockouts.
In primetime arenas, I am omnipotent.
We are responsible for how we get remembered. Seize the present now. Exhibit love kindness hope joy and compassion. We are superheroes.