The whole series is about that obviously outsider chick that doesn't have it as good as the others, and feels left out, and jealous even. This episode is called jealousy, and the chick who talks first is talking about her cousins perfect wedding, perfect life and whatnot, and she said she wasn't even jealous, just happy for her. Then the outsider chick (who is really a guy, as you might've noticed) thinks back on all the times she's been jealous of the other chick, which is basically every other episode of this series.
Mich Gellen Ok, so this is 'girl talk' at the café basically, and three of the girls are constantly in agreement on various typically 'girly' things, while this one girl has a totally different experience, and doesn't really fit in at all. I'm not sure how deep this goes, but it could be a dig at how a lot of people are very superficial and everything is supposed to be light, happy, easy, etc. when in actuality it's not, for most people. These videos aren't really HAHA! -funny in Norwegian either, they're more observational, chuckle-worthy dark comedy.
God Jul folkens!
Is this the end, or just a new beginning ?
Can someone tell me the context in english please?
Thomas Pound Evans what exactly do you mean by that? I didn't force YOU to tell me so don't bother
The whole series is about that obviously outsider chick that doesn't have it as good as the others, and feels left out, and jealous even. This episode is called jealousy, and the chick who talks first is talking about her cousins perfect wedding, perfect life and whatnot, and she said she wasn't even jealous, just happy for her. Then the outsider chick (who is really a guy, as you might've noticed) thinks back on all the times she's been jealous of the other chick, which is basically every other episode of this series.
Thanks a lot for taking the time to explain it to me. I feel like an outsider myself when I can't understand Kollektivet's videos :(
Mich Gellen Ok, so this is 'girl talk' at the café basically, and three of the girls are constantly in agreement on various typically 'girly' things, while this one girl has a totally different experience, and doesn't really fit in at all. I'm not sure how deep this goes, but it could be a dig at how a lot of people are very superficial and everything is supposed to be light, happy, easy, etc. when in actuality it's not, for most people. These videos aren't really HAHA! -funny in Norwegian either, they're more observational, chuckle-worthy dark comedy.
Mich Gellen
Sure man, most of us are nice enough to explain it, there are however, some meanies around.
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