These lockdowns have been a blessing to me ... I was always out matches ...gigs ..etc etc . But no distractions for a year plus and I'm a different man . Thanks in part to your teaching . The closer I get to the Lord the more I realise I need his covering SO MUCH
I agree with you. In Christ we can truly be blessed with the peace and rest the Lord has given us. I agree with you also that drawing close to the Lord truly changes us. It's so humbling. The good way :-) Many blessings.
Thank you for encouragement sister. I will pray today for the strength of the body of Christ and ask for prayer for my battle as well. God bless you Sabine. Never been so homesick .........
Yes, our desire and longing grow each day. I believe The Lord's anticipation and the angels rejoicing and watching over us too. Thank you for your prayers.
Dear Sr. Sabine, God bless you mightily. I had got encouraged from your channel to stay focused of our bridegroom's coming... Hallelujah to our our Almighty GOD.
Thank you, sister Sabine. Excellent study, as always. MAY WE "FLY" away soon! GOD bless, and SEE you soon! Much love for sharing! 🤗❤ 🙏always to be accounted worthy to escape all these things that are about to come upon the earth!!
While lifting up the body of Christ in prayer, I ask for prayer for my family and myself, that we are found worthy to escape the tribulation and horrors to come. Please Lord Jesus, show us our shortcomings and help us to ready ourselves to be worthy to be your bride when you call! I feel the urgency like never before and I tremble at the thought of being left behind! Nothing on this earth matters more than being told we are good and faithful servants. May the Lord bless and keep you all safe and may we all be the spotless bride. Thank you Sabine for all of your wisdom and guidance through our saviour, Jesus Christ. Maranatha ❤🙏
Thank you so much, dear Kelly. I share in your trembling. I believe that, although emotionally uncomfortable, it is a beautiful place to be, like a springboard of greater faith and love in seeking to please him. He is our great reward and the invitation to spend eternity with him in close fellowship is worth everything. The world pales completely in light of our Lord's promises to us. Much love, dear sister.
@@cathyclark6652 Dear Cathy, the combination is not found in Scripture. Here are some verses on assurance: The 'blessed hope' is a similar concept (maybe you meant this) and pertains to the Lord's coming in the rapture before tribulation starts, which is certain. It is our call to faith, love and obedience to ready ourselves to meet him. I believe if you read the booklet I referred to, most questions are answered there. If not, do not hesitate to contact me here or privately. Much love.
@@KariKellyMa Dear Rayelle, I agree with you that OSAS is not a Scriptural concept and its commonly shared interpretation can be confusing and misleading. Thank you for your warning. In the article I have included a portion on OSAS and a study that explains the confusion associated with the 'doctrine of eternal security', in a balanced manner IMO. I have not covered it in the video. "Scripture is clear IMO, that while no outside influence can cause people to lose their God-given salvation against their will, people can certainly remove themselves from the Lord’s grace and the promise of their future inheritance, due to unfaithfulness and disobedience and even fall away from the faith. The linked booklet offers us different Scriptural viewpoints about this, which has deepened my understanding." Understanding people can remove themselves from the Lord's grace and the promise of their future inheritance is very important, as it comes to informing those who find themselves left behind especially. Scripture states that after the rapture, people will have to maintain a living testimony of Jesus until the end of their life (Revelation 2:10). If they are alive to be offered the 'mark of the beast', they have to refuse and give up their earthly life as the only alternative in order to spend eternity in heaven with Jesus and their loved ones in Christ. ANYONE (emphasis mine) who worships the beast and accepts the mark of the beast will be damned to hell (Revelation 14:9-14).
Excellent as always precious and beloved sister Sabine. You are truly Holy Spirit led. Praise our LORD Jesus Christ. SHALOM and GRACE blessings to all members of the body of Christ. HE is coming VERY SOON...
I'm new to this channel family. May I ask for prayer that God almighty would do whats needed within me; to receive me happily at the rapture. And those I most love. Thank you wholeheartedly 🙏
Hi Sabine, I just found your channel and love this video. I have gone to your website and requested a copy of the booklet you referenced. I’m hoping it isn’t too late to receive a copy of it, as we are still here waiting, watching and praying for the very soon return of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank you and may God bless you. Maranatha 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻
Hi Linda, welcome to my channel and thank you for your blessings! You can dowload all the material for free directly by clicking on the links. All the material is found here on my blog as well: Please let me know if you have any questions. Much love.
I will, Mike. Self-deliverance or deliverance prayers with a prayer partner are most effective, as all born again believers are given the spiritual authority to cast (lustful impure) demons out in Jesus name: (best to turn your sound down a bit prior)
As in the days of Noah, all flesh was corrupted but Enoch and Noah and Sons ...the Zodek line ...The Jewish boy Nathan said the Father's Son will smell us... the blood of his blood ....flesh of his flesh. I have researched the Genealogy and the history and these are the hidden ones...the treasured ones.=(The Bride).. spoken of in the bible. Chuck Missler talked about it in teaching about Jesus' strange prophecies...God Bless All!
Yes, Enoch is a type of the bride of Christ. Taken before the flood, so before tribulation started. There are others: Mary, Esther, the Revelation 22 bride.
My beloved sister you are a dear BLESSING to me. I want to know more about how to prepare for our beloved King Yeshua as HIS Bride. I cant find the part in your precious book. May I ask could you do a video on preparation for our King? Much love and looking forward to truly hugging you soon dear Sabine 🌹🕊🎺💕🌹🕊🎺💕🌹🕊🎺💕🌹🕊🎺💕🌹🕊🎺💕🌹🕊🎺💕👰🏼👑
Dear Beth, let me include the link to the booklet for you here. Please glance through pages 27-36 and tell me if you need any assistance or anything else you would like to share or ask. The Holy Spirit is faithful to guide us in all truth, and he will show you. We are here for one another as well. Much love, dear sister.
@@lidiyalupashku8030 Dear Lydia, Your concept of the prophetic type of the bride of Christ is way outside Scriptural bounds. The Lord Jesus Christ himself calls us to prepare. Please read the booklet I referred to. Be Ye Ready A wise bride is active, responsive and a doer of spiritual works. She applies the power of the blood of Christ to overcome (I John 5:4-5, Revelation 2:7, 11,17, 26 and Revelation 3:5,12,21). She assesses and judges herself by the Spirit and the Word (1 Corinthians 11:32-33) to be found in peace, without spot and blameless (II Peter 3:13-14, 1 John 3:2-3). We will be rewarded according to our works (Revelation 22:12, Luke 21:36). The rapture is one such reward, set apart for those that serve Jesus first and foremost (Malachi 3:17, Luke 21:36). The guiding principles of a wise bride are found on page 27 of the booklet. As you are accusing me of leading people astray, I will delete your comment. Many blessings.
@@lidiyalupashku8030 Dear Lydia, as you were accusing me of leading people astray, I deleted your comment. You can contact me privately if you have any questions or feedback. Many blessings, Sabine
He has you and your prayers for your loved ones will not return void! As led, here you can download and print information and instructions for people you think will be left behind at the first departure: Many blessings.
For your information the people who you are referring to as unrepentant believers are in fact those Hebrews who in the tribulation are still rejecting Christ spilt blood - the Bride is all those who chose to believe in the dispensation of Grace before the start of the tribulation. Matthew 25 is being used to mislead the faltering over and over again and I am sick of the vitriol posted by well meaning people who say they are ready for the rapture and do not sin while Christians who are struggling with their walk with the Lord are pasted as foolish! The foolish are those who don't believe and openly reject the true gospel as in 1 Corinthians 15: 1-4! You are rapture ready the minute you believe!!!
Dear Cathy, I agree with you that no one is without sin on this side of heaven. Struggling is not a sign of foolishness, at all. We all struggle in our walk, especially when we are called to take leaps of faith; at times we even wrestle with God, like Jacob. And yes, unfortunately, we are subject to lack of love and at times persecution for our faith, even from brethren who falsely accuse. The servants (Revelation 1-3) are those belonging to him, believers. The letters are written to the 7 churches, not to unbelievers (Revelation 1:4). The bride is compromised of wise believers, those from within the churches of Philadelphia and Smyrna, characterized by faith love and obedience to God and demonstrating brotherly love, even under persecution. Those among the other five churches (Pergare at risk of being left behind, unless they repent from their sins and turn back to Jesus and follow him alone. Page 27 in the booklet I referred to speaks of the guiding principles of the wise bride in more detail. The wise bride is active, responsive and a doer of spiritual works. She applies the power of the blood of Christ to overcome (I John 5:4-5, Revelation 2:7, 11,17, 26 and Revelation 3:5,12,21). She assesses and judges herself by the Spirit and the Word (1 Corinthians 11:32-33) to be found in peace, without spot and blameless (II Peter 3:13-14, 1 John 3:2-3). This sanctification process is not without struggle. We work out our salvation with fear and trembling. We will be rewarded according to our works (Revelation 22:12, Luke 21:36). The rapture is one such reward, set apart for those that serve Jesus first and foremost (Malachi 3:17, Luke 21:36). I recommend you read the booklet I referred to in the article which, I believe, will give clarity on most topics you raised. Be Ye Ready Much love
Hi Cathy. I have to lovingly disagree with your point about the 10 virgins. All 10 virgins were invited to the wedding (believers), but only 5 of them were allowed in, because the other 5 were not ready to go. You may want to re-read Matt chapter 25, since these are Jesus own Words to us as believers, jews and gentiles alike. I highly recommend you read the booklet Sabine edited. It will open your eyes to the truth of the eternal Word of YHWH God, Jesus Christ (Ref: John chapter 1). God bless!
Hi Cathy. Whether hebrew or gentile, if they reject Jesus as Messiah, then they are an "unbeliever". Matthew chapter 25 is Jesus Christ Himself, telling us as believers to get ready and stay ready, otherwise we risk being left out, just like the 5 foolish virgins and the servant who buried the talent. God bless you in Jesus name. Amen
Hi Lisa, I had the same issue in the past. I would either go to a trusted friend or family member or a public computer and print there. You can save the information on your phone as well if you cannot afford to print. If you write a letter you can say where people can find the info. Much love.
Great job teaching, I'm of the tribe of Simeon with the dead church of Sardis church of Seven Stars an Seven Spirits of God. I saw myself being dressed in fine white linen garment with a stash around my waist and a round buckle for the stash. Rev.3:1-6 A Righteous Democratic Believer is a Oxymoron Jeremiah 7 defines why, they never repented of their abortion Proverbs 17:15. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Woe unto the idoloators an oppressors as well these are them with the Sin Unto Death 1 John 5:16. The abortIonist idolators and oppressors who repent not like the democratic believer.
No, it will be an individual application after the beast system is fully implemented and the antichrist is revealed. The current CV19 jabs are not yet the mark of the beast. This is explained in more detail here:
42 I Esdras saw upon the mount Sion a great people, whom I could not number, and they all praised the Lord with songs. 43 And in the midst of them there was a young man of a high stature, taller than all the rest, and upon every one of their heads he set crowns, and was more exalted; which I marvelled at greatly. 44 So I asked the angel, and said, Sir, what are these? 45 He answered and said unto me, These be they that have put off the mortal clothing, and put on the immortal, and have confessed the name of God: now are they crowned, and receive palms. 46 Then said I unto the angel, What young person is it that crowneth them, and giveth them palms in their hands? 47 So he answered and said unto me, It is the Son of God, whom they have confessed in the world. Then began I greatly to commend them that stood so stiffly for the name of the Lord. 48 Then the angel said unto me, Go thy way, and tell my people what manner of things, and how great wonders of the Lord thy God, thou hast seen.
These lockdowns have been a blessing to me ... I was always out matches ...gigs ..etc etc . But no distractions for a year plus and I'm a different man . Thanks in part to your teaching . The closer I get to the Lord the more I realise I need his covering SO MUCH
I agree with you. In Christ we can truly be blessed with the peace and rest the Lord has given us. I agree with you also that drawing close to the Lord truly changes us. It's so humbling. The good way :-) Many blessings.
Awe Sabine it..God bless you sweetheart and everyone here ☁️🕊🐑
Yeah! Cissi hugs :-)
@@SabineVlaming 🤗🌺
Thank you for encouragement sister.
I will pray today for the strength of the body of Christ and ask for prayer for my battle as well. God bless you Sabine. Never been so homesick .........
Yes, our desire and longing grow each day. I believe The Lord's anticipation and the angels rejoicing and watching over us too. Thank you for your prayers.
Amen! Sabine! Praise Jesus! Love you all my brothers and sisters in Christ, our SOON coming KING!
Lets go
We’re ripe & ready
Thanks sister. 🙏🏽
God bless you beautiful sister.. I'm almost too excited for words!! What a time to be alive.
It's truly amazing, Amen. Many blessings Kristi.
Ty Sabine love you remember your Dance Card for ME❤️🙏
Dear Sr. Sabine, God bless you mightily. I had got encouraged from your channel to stay focused of our bridegroom's coming... Hallelujah to our our Almighty GOD.
Hi dear sister, it's a blessing to read your feedback. I'm listening to your very insightful testimony video. Many blessings.
Thank you, sister Sabine. Excellent study, as always. MAY WE "FLY" away soon! GOD bless, and SEE you soon! Much love for sharing! 🤗❤ 🙏always to be accounted worthy to escape all these things that are about to come upon the earth!!
Thanks Sabine . Please pray for my spiritual maturity and preparedness also xxx
I will, David.
While lifting up the body of Christ in prayer, I ask for prayer for my family and myself, that we are found worthy to escape the tribulation and horrors to come. Please Lord Jesus, show us our shortcomings and help us to ready ourselves to be worthy to be your bride when you call! I feel the urgency like never before and I tremble at the thought of being left behind! Nothing on this earth matters more than being told we are good and faithful servants. May the Lord bless and keep you all safe and may we all be the spotless bride. Thank you Sabine for all of your wisdom and guidance through our saviour, Jesus Christ. Maranatha ❤🙏
Thank you so much, dear Kelly. I share in your trembling. I believe that, although emotionally uncomfortable, it is a beautiful place to be, like a springboard of greater faith and love in seeking to please him. He is our great reward and the invitation to spend eternity with him in close fellowship is worth everything. The world pales completely in light of our Lord's promises to us. Much love, dear sister.
What happened to blessed assurance?
@@cathyclark6652 Dear Cathy, the combination is not found in Scripture.
Here are some verses on assurance:
The 'blessed hope' is a similar concept (maybe you meant this) and pertains to the Lord's coming in the rapture before tribulation starts, which is certain. It is our call to faith, love and obedience to ready ourselves to meet him. I believe if you read the booklet I referred to, most questions are answered there.
If not, do not hesitate to contact me here or privately.
Much love.
@@KariKellyMa Dear Rayelle, I agree with you that OSAS is not a Scriptural concept and its commonly shared interpretation can be confusing and misleading. Thank you for your warning.
In the article I have included a portion on OSAS and a study that explains the confusion associated with the 'doctrine of eternal security', in a balanced manner IMO. I have not covered it in the video.
"Scripture is clear IMO, that while no outside influence can cause people to lose their God-given salvation against their will, people can certainly remove themselves from the Lord’s grace and the promise of their future inheritance, due to unfaithfulness and disobedience and even fall away from the faith. The linked booklet offers us different Scriptural viewpoints about this, which has deepened my understanding."
Understanding people can remove themselves from the Lord's grace and the promise of their future inheritance is very important, as it comes to informing those who find themselves left behind especially. Scripture states that after the rapture, people will have to maintain a living testimony of Jesus until the end of their life (Revelation 2:10). If they are alive to be offered the 'mark of the beast', they have to refuse and give up their earthly life as the only alternative in order to spend eternity in heaven with Jesus and their loved ones in Christ. ANYONE (emphasis mine) who worships the beast and accepts the mark of the beast will be damned to hell (Revelation 14:9-14).
@@cathyclark6652 Hi Cathy, If you meant eternal salvation, please read my comment to Rayelle just now.
Pray you be accounted worthy to escape all the things that are coming, Lord I pray I will. 🙏🏼
Thank you my wonderful sister and friend. I really appreciate the Work you have done for us. GOD bless you and your family. See you very shortly. Jim
Thank you for your kindness, dear Jim!
Excellent as always precious and beloved sister Sabine. You are truly Holy Spirit led. Praise our LORD Jesus Christ. SHALOM and GRACE blessings to all members of the body of Christ. HE is coming VERY SOON...
Amen, he is. Thank you for your kindness.
I appreciate your ministry, thank you.
Amazing teaching, Word and Revelation. Amein Praise you and Glory to you Father!!!
I'm new to this channel family. May I ask for prayer that God almighty would do whats needed within me; to receive me happily at the rapture. And those I most love.
Thank you wholeheartedly 🙏
Amen, dear Manny. Thank you for your message. He is faithful to help us overcome. Much love.
Thank you for a timely message 🙏.
You're welcome!
Hi Sabine, I just found your channel and love this video. I have gone to your website and requested a copy of the booklet you referenced. I’m hoping it isn’t too late to receive a copy of it, as we are still here waiting, watching and praying for the very soon return of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank you and may God bless you. Maranatha 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻
Hi Linda, welcome to my channel and thank you for your blessings!
You can dowload all the material for free directly by clicking on the links. All the material is found here on my blog as well:
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Much love.
Bless this ministry Sabine 🙏✨🌹 thank you for your kind instruction and reminder to be spiritually watchful and ready for our Lord
You are very welcome, Aaron. Many blessings and thank you for your kindness.
Thank you Sister 💖💜 God's Will Shall Be Done. 🐑☁️ See you soon Come Lord Jesus come !!!
Please pray for me to overcome the lustfulness in my heart and mind.
I will, Mike. Self-deliverance or deliverance prayers with a prayer partner are most effective, as all born again believers are given the spiritual authority to cast (lustful impure) demons out in Jesus name: (best to turn your sound down a bit prior)
@@SabineVlaming thank you sister. Jesus is Lord. Much love and blessings to you.
wonderful words...
Many blessings! Thank you for your kindness.
That was a great message, you have a pretty voice no need for loud background music
Thank you for your kindness and feedback dear sister.
Thank you Sister!
Come Lord Jesus
I pray that God is with us all .
Amen, dear sister.
As in the days of Noah, all flesh was corrupted but Enoch and Noah and Sons ...the Zodek line ...The Jewish boy Nathan said the Father's Son will smell us... the blood of his blood ....flesh of his flesh. I have researched the Genealogy and the history and these are the hidden ones...the treasured ones.=(The Bride).. spoken of in the bible. Chuck Missler talked about it in teaching about Jesus' strange prophecies...God Bless All!
Yes, Enoch is a type of the bride of Christ. Taken before the flood, so before tribulation started. There are others: Mary, Esther, the Revelation 22 bride.
Sabine, quick question! According to your understanding of the calendar and such, when is passover going to be this year?
My beloved sister you are a dear BLESSING to me. I want to know more about how to prepare for our beloved King Yeshua as HIS Bride. I cant find the part in your precious book. May I ask could you do a video on preparation for our King? Much love and looking forward to truly hugging you soon dear Sabine
This comes from daily spending time quiet before Him and in His word.
Dear Beth, let me include the link to the booklet for you here. Please glance through pages 27-36 and tell me if you need any assistance or anything else you would like to share or ask. The Holy Spirit is faithful to guide us in all truth, and he will show you. We are here for one another as well.
Much love, dear sister.
@@lidiyalupashku8030 Dear Lydia,
Your concept of the prophetic type of the bride of Christ is way outside Scriptural bounds. The Lord Jesus Christ himself calls us to prepare. Please read the booklet I referred to.
Be Ye Ready
A wise bride is active, responsive and a doer of spiritual works. She applies the power of the blood of Christ to overcome (I John 5:4-5, Revelation 2:7, 11,17, 26 and Revelation 3:5,12,21). She assesses and judges herself by the Spirit and the Word (1 Corinthians 11:32-33) to be found in peace, without spot and blameless (II Peter 3:13-14, 1 John 3:2-3). We will be rewarded according to our works (Revelation 22:12, Luke 21:36). The rapture is one such reward, set apart for those that serve Jesus first and foremost (Malachi 3:17, Luke 21:36). The guiding principles of a wise bride are found on page 27 of the booklet.
As you are accusing me of leading people astray, I will delete your comment.
Many blessings.
@@lidiyalupashku8030 Dear Lydia, as you were accusing me of leading people astray, I deleted your comment. You can contact me privately if you have any questions or feedback. Many blessings, Sabine
@@SabineVlaming Thank you so much Sabine. You are always so kind. My love to you precious sister. 💕👑👰🏼🌹🕊🎺
He has you and your prayers for your loved ones will not return void!
As led, here you can download and print information and instructions for people you think will be left behind at the first departure:
Many blessings.
For your information the people who you are referring to as unrepentant believers are in fact those Hebrews who in the tribulation are still rejecting Christ spilt blood - the Bride is all those who chose to believe in the dispensation of Grace before the start of the tribulation. Matthew 25 is being used to mislead the faltering over and over again and I am sick of the vitriol posted by well meaning people who say they are ready for the rapture and do not sin while Christians who are struggling with their walk with the Lord are pasted as foolish! The foolish are those who don't believe and openly reject the true gospel as in 1 Corinthians 15: 1-4! You are rapture ready the minute you believe!!!
Dear Cathy,
I agree with you that no one is without sin on this side of heaven. Struggling is not a sign of foolishness, at all. We all struggle in our walk, especially when we are called to take leaps of faith; at times we even wrestle with God, like Jacob. And yes, unfortunately, we are subject to lack of love and at times persecution for our faith, even from brethren who falsely accuse.
The servants (Revelation 1-3) are those belonging to him, believers. The letters are written to the 7 churches, not to unbelievers (Revelation 1:4).
The bride is compromised of wise believers, those from within the churches of Philadelphia and Smyrna, characterized by faith love and obedience to God and demonstrating brotherly love, even under persecution. Those among the other five churches (Pergare at risk of being left behind, unless they repent from their sins and turn back to Jesus and follow him alone. Page 27 in the booklet I referred to speaks of the guiding principles of the wise bride in more detail.
The wise bride is active, responsive and a doer of spiritual works. She applies the power of the blood of Christ to overcome (I John 5:4-5, Revelation 2:7, 11,17, 26 and Revelation 3:5,12,21). She assesses and judges herself by the Spirit and the Word (1 Corinthians 11:32-33) to be found in peace, without spot and blameless (II Peter 3:13-14, 1 John 3:2-3). This sanctification process is not without struggle. We work out our salvation with fear and trembling.
We will be rewarded according to our works (Revelation 22:12, Luke 21:36). The rapture is one such reward, set apart for those that serve Jesus first and foremost (Malachi 3:17, Luke 21:36).
I recommend you read the booklet I referred to in the article which, I believe, will give clarity on most topics you raised.
Be Ye Ready
Much love
Hi Cathy. I have to lovingly disagree with your point about the 10 virgins. All 10 virgins were invited to the wedding (believers), but only 5 of them were allowed in, because the other 5 were not ready to go. You may want to re-read Matt chapter 25, since these are Jesus own Words to us as believers, jews and gentiles alike. I highly recommend you read the booklet Sabine edited. It will open your eyes to the truth of the eternal Word of YHWH God, Jesus Christ (Ref: John chapter 1). God bless!
Hi Cathy. Whether hebrew or gentile, if they reject Jesus as Messiah, then they are an "unbeliever". Matthew chapter 25 is Jesus Christ Himself, telling us as believers to get ready and stay ready, otherwise we risk being left out, just like the 5 foolish virgins and the servant who buried the talent. God bless you in Jesus name. Amen
I don't have a computer how can I get your down load information for those left behind? Thank you and God bless you.✝️🥀❤️🙏
Hi Lisa, I had the same issue in the past. I would either go to a trusted friend or family member or a public computer and print there. You can save the information on your phone as well if you cannot afford to print. If you write a letter you can say where people can find the info. Much love.
U can email me I’ll send you money to print
23/24 September ❤️
Can we have business tie up for Tv channel
Great job teaching, I'm of the tribe of Simeon with the dead church of Sardis church of Seven Stars an Seven Spirits of God. I saw myself being dressed in fine white linen garment with a stash around my waist and a round buckle for the stash. Rev.3:1-6
A Righteous Democratic Believer is a Oxymoron Jeremiah 7 defines why, they never repented of their abortion Proverbs 17:15. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Woe unto the idoloators an oppressors as well these are them with the Sin Unto Death 1 John 5:16. The abortIonist idolators and oppressors who repent not like the democratic believer.
Does the mark of the b spread?
No, it will be an individual application after the beast system is fully implemented and the antichrist is revealed.
The current CV19 jabs are not yet the mark of the beast. This is explained in more detail here:
42 I Esdras saw upon the mount Sion a great people, whom I could not number, and they all praised the Lord with songs.
43 And in the midst of them there was a young man of a high stature, taller than all the rest, and upon every one of their heads he set crowns, and was more exalted; which I marvelled at greatly.
44 So I asked the angel, and said, Sir, what are these?
45 He answered and said unto me, These be they that have put off the mortal clothing, and put on the immortal, and have confessed the name of God: now are they crowned, and receive palms.
46 Then said I unto the angel, What young person is it that crowneth them, and giveth them palms in their hands?
47 So he answered and said unto me, It is the Son of God, whom they have confessed in the world. Then began I greatly to commend them that stood so stiffly for the name of the Lord.
48 Then the angel said unto me, Go thy way, and tell my people what manner of things, and how great wonders of the Lord thy God, thou hast seen.