Psychoanalysis & Freudian Personality Structure; Id, Ego, & Superego (Intro Psych Tutorial

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @marsshha
    @marsshha 7 місяців тому +2

    been a psychology student for a long time no one mentioned about ich-uber ich-es it was brilliant detail thank you!

  • @sarahhakim3094
    @sarahhakim3094 7 років тому +8

    "When you mean to say one thing and you accidentally say your mother", now I'm sure to remember the Freudian slip for my exam tomorrow, thanks! hahhaha

  • @karenhumphries4016
    @karenhumphries4016 4 роки тому +6

    Your videos are really good, I will be coming back to watch more. I feel that how you describe things just makes the penny drop in relation to really getting the theories etc so thank you. I appreciate your efforts to make these videos. :)

    • @PsychExamReview
      @PsychExamReview  4 роки тому

      I'm really glad to hear that, thanks for watching!

  • @devravi7049
    @devravi7049 3 роки тому +1

    3:28 you can rest assured that that joke killed me lmao, but thank you so much. this was extremely helpful.

  • @enigmaticpuzzle9654
    @enigmaticpuzzle9654 3 роки тому +1

    Day 3 of binge watching your videos from episode 1. They are awesome

  • @CadoPack
    @CadoPack Рік тому

    If found your videos well studying and your videos our great. The way you teach sticks in my head and your videos are entertaining. Thank you! Keep up the great work, I'm definitely not the only one.

  • @angieswift341
    @angieswift341 2 роки тому

    You explain so well and clear, I didn't have to use captions. Thanks for this video! I am a first year Bs Psychology student and we have a weekly exams. I came here to review, again.

  • @SankhoneelChakraborty
    @SankhoneelChakraborty 2 роки тому

    Truly appreciate your efforts for such concise, crisp yet comprehensive understandings of psychological concepts and theories.
    I have a request-
    It would be highly beneficial if you provided some insights on various detailed comparison of approaches, for instance, Psychoanalysts Vs Humanistic approach, Trait Vs Type, Behaviorists Vs Humanistic approach etc.
    Thank you in advance, PsychExamReview is one of my favorite youtube channel on Psychology :)

    • @PsychExamReview
      @PsychExamReview  2 роки тому

      I'm glad you like my channel and thanks for the great suggestion! I'll be creating a lot of new content in the next few months so I'll try to incorporate more videos with comparisons.

    • @SankhoneelChakraborty
      @SankhoneelChakraborty 2 роки тому

      @@PsychExamReview Thank you so much!

  • @Xavierjayasuriya
    @Xavierjayasuriya 10 місяців тому

    Such a good teacher u r 👍 thank u. Im learning more from u than my text books.

  • @musaka15
    @musaka15 5 років тому +2

    I really love these videos, they're so helpful

  • @placid5583
    @placid5583 Рік тому

    Very helpful sir🙏🏽

  • @shreyadebnath7062
    @shreyadebnath7062 3 роки тому +1

    It is a very good video, I like this.

  • @eahschool8824
    @eahschool8824 3 роки тому

    Thank you!!!

  • @the_madridista9059
    @the_madridista9059 2 роки тому

    thanks a lot sir, your videos are helping me for exam :)

  • @maithlinair9094
    @maithlinair9094 4 роки тому +1

    so, is subconscious another name for the preconscious in Freudian theory?

    • @PsychExamReview
      @PsychExamReview  4 роки тому

      No, the term subconscious is mostly used outside of psychoanalysis for referring to processes that are occurring beneath conscious awareness but Freud intentionally did not use this term. The reason is he thought it was unclear in differentiating between something that is in the unconscious (and isn't available to consciousness) or in the preconscious (and can be made conscious).

    • @maithlinair9094
      @maithlinair9094 4 роки тому

      @@PsychExamReview thank you, sure to keep that in mind now.

  • @cosby605
    @cosby605 2 роки тому

    you are awesome

  • @nguyenmanhcuong1608
    @nguyenmanhcuong1608 4 роки тому

    trường hợp Ngô Kỷ

  • @Quis92246
    @Quis92246 4 роки тому

    Yo mama jokes huh 🤣🤣🤣

  • @nguyenmanhcuong1608
    @nguyenmanhcuong1608 4 роки тому

    trường hợp NGÔ KỶ

  • @gmdyt1
    @gmdyt1 2 роки тому

    It is sad to hear that you uncritically give credibility to Psychoanalytic theory. Unscientific is a killer criticism that needs to be explored for the beginning student. Any theory that cannot make specific testable predictions is both unethical and potentially harmful to clients. Try "the mind is flat" by Nick Chater. The psychobabble of psychodynamic theory is not well founded in the evidence.