Rose's theme is heartbreaking Martha's is haunting Donna's is sort of playful but remorseful Amy's has a tinge of regret and sorrow And Clara's is enchanting, slightly innocent sounding. All of the themes are beautiful nonetheless.
One of my favorite parts in the entire show is in Bill’s first episode: Doc: “I’m sorry Bill but I cant let you walk around with memory of aliens!” Bill (sobbing): “Okay, but just imagine how it would feel if somebody did this to you.” *Clara’s theme plays*
12th Doctor: “I’m sorry Bill but I cant let you walk around with memories of aliens!” Bill (sobbing): “Okay, but just imagine how it would feel if somebody did this to you.” *clara’s theme plays*
@aRandomPersonOfTheInternet She's more than a companion in my eyes, since she's the Doctor's wife, and her appearances are more sporadic compared to people like Rory. For the latter point, she feels more similar to someone like Kate Stewart than an actual companion. From the audience's point of view, I mean.
*resists urge to go all literature teacher on the music and fails* Rose's theme is soft, sweet, explaning how tender and warm her relationship with the Doctor was. it's rather sad once you think about it, but still leaves a bit of hope in there, just like the character's storyline. Martha's theme is strong and beautiful, moving slowly at first, but showing an expression of redemption near the end when it gets louder and faster, simbolizing her acceptance of herself and her separation from the doctor's fixation on Rose. Donna's is loud and vivid, just like she is. The uncertainty in some partsof the story shows her challenging behavior towards the doctor, it's bold ending displays how she was so unpredictable. Amy's is a lullaby, the story of her ragedy doctor. It's soft, small and quiet, with a hint of sadness and beauty, simbolizing Amelia Pond growing up by herself, never choosing to forget about her imaginary friend. Clara's has a sense of curiousness, a hint of wanting to know the secrets about the Doctor; and herself. It's sweet and happy, even sounding forgiving. It's quiet at times, misterious even, but sparkles of hope right after. Murray Gold is my favorite composer now, seeing how well he managed to capture ALL of them perfectly.
I don't get why so many people dislike Martha. Yes, she was a bit clingy to The Doctor at times, but that's understandable (he's not exactly ugly haha) But what I liked about Martha is that she helped The Doctor, because he was clearly lonely after his loss of Rose. He was grieving and Martha was there to give him company. And what I like was that Martha didn't have a sad goodbye. Even if The Master did destroy her family but she chose to leave and she didn't die or have a very sad departure because if she did, I think Ten would have had a mental breakdown! Martha was clever, funny and caring. I think in 'Human Nature' and 'The family of blood' we really got to see how intelligent Martha was on her own and how she had to fend for herself when The Doctor became human, and she looked after him well, even if they did have arguments in the episodes. Plus her theme is god damn beautiful
Martha was caring, generous and brave. She changed her life completely to help the Doctor when he needed her to. I love Martha and don´t really understand why she´s so underrated.
HannahLovesBeauty to be honest, I don't know why I don't like her, I know that she is a great character but there's just something about her that annoys me and I don't really know what it is
While listening to the intro of Donna's theme, I couldn't help but laugh and imagine hers and the Doctor's window conversation in Adipose. :)) And when it ended and it was Amy's, I had tears gathering up in my eyes. It sounds so much like a child's lullaby. That was one thing I forgot about Amy. I forgot that she was still a child at heart and that's why I love her.
I think Martha gets a bad Rep but I thought she was a wonderful companion and I love her theme music. I hate that Whovian fans always try to say she was one of the worst. She really wasn't she just wanted unconditional affection from the doctor and was treated like the rebound....But I loved her as a companion I hated we only got one season with her.
+Joseph loves bacon Like I said I never under the hate that whovians have for her. At the same time Clara is my least favorite so I guess we all have that one
Hannah Dehdashty Exactly Martha was a smart and Intellectual companion. She did like the doctor but she didn't swoon like Rose did or the way Clara did with 11th Doctor. I love Martha
Well, in season 3 I didn't like Martha, too. When she returned in season 4 and we got to see her interaction with Donna, I liked her very much. I think that alone with the Doctor she is boring. She can't take all the action on her shoulders, but with Donna they shared it. I don't know if you understand. I tried to explane it as good as I could! Rose is my favorite companion. I liked Amy with 11th and Clara with 12th. I think that every Doctor has *his* companion and Rose is 10's in my opinion.
Murray Gold is a genius musician. I loved all the companions for different reasons but after re-watching all the episodes recently I think Donna's were the ones I loved most.
I do love Amy's theme, its just so innocent and it grows with her. She went through so much with the Doctor, she spent her whole life with him pretty much; she grew old with the Doctor. She discovered herself yet she'll still always be the girl who waited
Mine is Clara's. You know when she is about to appear or run off with him.. It's slow bouncy music with a mischief manner.. Like Clara's personality ...
1 2 3 4: I Declare A Time-War 5 6 7 8: Daleks Scream EXTERMINATE 9 10 11 12: The Doctor Died & Silence Fell 12 11 10 9: Here He Goes, Back In Time 8 7 6 5: Saving Everybody's Lives 4 3 2 1: Grab Her Hand & Whisper RUN
Amy’s makes me cry... those days I used to sit with my dad on Saturdays watching Doctor Who... I was only 6ish when Matt Smith hit the screens... when Amy died... OF COURSE I CRIED! I LOVE THAT MADMAN IN THE BOX WITH ALL MY JAMMIE DODGERS!
Well, I mean yeah sure it wasn't huge or anything. But, remember that one scene where the Doctor says, "I can teach Rose Tyler how to do her homework." Or when River poisoned him and he was dying? How the voice interfaces were previous companions. I'm pretty sure it was Rose, Donna and Martha. Again, like I said not huge but at least it's something. Would love to see at least one of them to come back to the show. Like Sarah Jane, that'd be brilliant.
There is, theres a bit where he makes the tardis console respond to something, and it picks rose, then martha, then donna, then finally fixing with young amy
I know right? I thought Clara was leaving on the Christmas special! I actually shed some tears because Clara is going to be almost as bad as Roses departure, I cry every time I see Rose, she was just the most amazing! Sane with Amy! Not so much Rory but Amy had a sad deparure as well because she had known the doctor since she was a little Amelia Pond! This show is going to be my death! Unless they keep the 12th doctor, then I would stop watching it! He is such a jerk! I can't stand it!
Book Wormie I love Capaldi's Doctor, he's unpredictable and therefore really interesting and I love his socially awkward moments, e.g. Clara: "What are you doing here?" Doctor: "I thought I'd better hide in the bedroom in case you brought your boyfriend home" (or something like that)
+snailyccmbr He is okay I find, usually when I see the first two episodes of a new doctor, im in "love" with him, but Capaldi has his moments. I just don't like that he is so old! Gives me shivers that an old man is in every episode!
Ugh that's one of the things that annoys me about some 'whovians' who are not true fans if they judge him on his age. People need to get over the fact that he is still The Doctor, and he is just the same man but looks different. So don't you complain, Capaldi is doing a fantastic job and you should be grateful that we have fantastic actors like him, Matt Smith David Tennant, Tom Baker and all of the other actors to play The Doctor, and deep down The Doctor is the same man as ten, eleven, four, one, six and every other Doctor. And did you think Ten was young? Or eleven? Ten was over 900 and Eleven was even over a thousand at one point!
Im sorry if I offended anyone, you have good reasons to like him, I just dont, please dont hate on me for my opinions, im sure next season will be amazing!
If we're talking theme songs, not who kissed who (ah teenage girls, u gotta luv 'em), then although I love all of Murray Gold's compositions, I have to go with Martha's Theme. Such a haunting & lovely score. I remember hearing that Russell T Davies listened to it for weeks & weeks cause he couldn't get the melody out of his head ...
agreed, when i first watched that series, i couldn't get it out of my head. While she may not have been my favorite companion, she had the best theme for sure
I can't say my favourite companion theme because i love them all. They all suit their personalities. Rose's is sad yet determined. Martha's is full of wonder and i think shows her triumphancy in the end. Donna's is just all over the place, pure comedy. Amy's starts happy but takes a gorgeous dark twist full of mystery. Clara's is light, playful and happy yet still quite sad. My favourite one to play on the piano is Rose's theme. Donna's is by far the hardest and i'm still trying to learn it.
Rose's theme definitely tells the story of her great love with the doctor. Also, of her compassion and caring (a quality the Doctor has until he looses her). Martha is all of her brilliance and unrequited love for the Doctor, and also her healing ability- because she is the one who heals the Doctor from his loss of Rose. It ends with her strength to leave the Doctor. I love Donna's theme. It is immediately quirky and sleuth-y, and a bit awkward. Then, it becomes more coherent and smooth- Donna's strength of character that just needs to be uncovered. It also covers Donna's desire to explore- the first two companions were in it for the Doctor. Donna was the Doctor's bro- we can hear that in the theme (it's less flowery than the other two), but she was there to explore. Now, Amy's theme- contains the wonder at of the raggedy man of her childhood. The amazement and faith really only a child can possess- which is why Amy is the Doctor's dearly beloved little sister. You can hear the "I love my big brother" tones in her theme. Clara's theme (I wish I knew more about Clara)-it's wistful. And sweet. Much like her last words every time she dies.
My favourite song in all of this, is Donna's song. Since it reflects on all her attitude but then goes to the soft bits all in one. One of my favourite songs in Doctor who!
Donna is my favorite companion and is the best modern one. She wasn't young and pretty. She don't follow the Doctor because she loved him and she didn't want to snog him. That was something new and interesting, and it worked out perfectly. Donna's theme fits her. Her theme had class, but also a comical side to it. And Amy as a new companion not bad as her character later on was much, much MUCH better but it felt like a step back. Clara isn't bad her character plot reminds me of the Rose Bad wolf plot which is awesome
My favorite (of the newer companions) is definitely Rose. Although, I do love all of them a lot. I just related to her the best, I think. I dislike the amount of hatred that Martha and Clara get. But to be fair, I didn't really care for Martha until she let go of the ridiculous idea that the Doctor would ever forget about Rose. Then she became a total bad ass and I was really proud of her. And as for Clara, I really think the fandom needs to give her a chance before they judge her.
Clara had no personality with 11, then became a super annoying know-it-all with 12. Probably the worst companion of New Who, barring 13s companions because who cares.
Imagine if one of the "copies" of Clara (Name of the Doctor) went rogue or was taken under the influence of another villain, and the Doctor had to stop her before she killed him at an earlier point in his life?
i hate my self because i always called it the depressing movie background music and then i realized it was roses theme every time i hear it i cry it so beautiful
My list is 1. martha (for most helpful) 2. amy and rory (for best story) 3. Donna (for best laughs) 4. Clara (for cutest and most real) 5. wilfred (for best heart) 6. Rose (for most emotional)
I was watching the Doctor Who Christmas special from 2015 and I noticed...before he gives River the revamped Ten sonic screwdriver...a tidbit. A little, tiny, tidbit. Of Rose's theme faded in. And cut away, like it did not exist. Needless to say, I screeched, shouted, and straight up did a pterodactyl impression when I witnessed this.
+Lauren Zacchi Yes, but that was in an alternative future where Gallifrey had fallen. Now we know it has not fallen, and perhaps, now the Doctor can travel places he was previous unable to go.
I think that all of the themes fit the companions perfectly. Rose's is sweet & pretty, but strong like her character and ends suddenly like her story. Martha's is beautiful and etherial almost, like how she was in love with the Doctor, but he didn't love her back. Then, it grows stronger at the end when she realizes she has to leave him & creates a better life for herself.(her theme is my fav) Donna's theme is very light, staccato, and bouncy at first because Donna is a very sassy, funny character. Then, it grows softer and sweet as it shows her depth- her heart and compassion for others & also her self-doubt. It grows stronger in the end, as she realizes her importances & reaches her full potential, and regresses back to the first part to show her memory loss & ends suddenly like her journey. Amy's theme is very simple & sweet at the beginning which I think partially represents her meeting the Doctor as a child & partially because she became 11's Rose in that hers (Amy's) was the first face he saw after everything he lost & the horrors he saw in his previous regeneration & Rose's was the companion he found after the horror of the Time War. What he needed was something innocent & sweet. Amy's theme crescendos into a beautiful, strong theme, representing Amy as a character, but with a hint of sadness underlying all the tragedy & mystery surrounding Amy- the crack in the wall, growing up without parents, losing & forgetting Rory, losing Melody, forgetting the Doctor, & finally being taken by the Weeping Angels. Her song regresses to the simple, childhood beginning because Amy's story ends when the Doctor goes back to tell little Amelia all the adventures she has yet to come. Clara's theme starts off simply and almost magically because that's what she's like when we first meet her- she's an magical thing that helps the Doctor & then we forget about her. Until we see her again in Victorian London, which is why her theme becomes slightly sad, to represent her deaths in both times. Her theme becomes happier because the Doctor discovers modern Clara & as the theme goes on, it's slightly mysterious. Her whole theme is a bit all over the place & becomes stronger at the end as we realize her purpose of saving the Doctor in his timelines.
Rose's one is so perfect for her. The others match their personalities too, but Rose's somehow sums her up completely. The unsatisfied teenage girl wanting something more in life, she finally finds it, and then it's all taken away. It's just so perfectly done.
I think amy's fits her very well, it started out as a lullaby and sort of got progressively louder and bolder, tho always staying the same and always a little sad
Rose and Martha were in it for the Doctor. Donna and Clara were like the Doctors mates, Jack was the brother who tried to win, River was his wife and Amy and Rory were his kids
Roses theme is a happy sad because she left in a happy sad way, Marthas is hopeful. Plain and simple because of all she did for the doctor. Donnas DEFIANTLY matches her personality its fun and quirky. Now, i love Rose, but Amy is probably my favorite companion. Her theme is mysterious, because she is an impossible girl. Her theme music had to match what the doctor and what the viewers thought about her. Clara is in a way similar. To live up the the greatness of Amy they had to make her music extra special, which they certainly did. Sorry for my ramble, i love music and doctor who :)
Rose's theme is so beautiful! Martha's sounds pretty too, kind of has this calming feel Donna's theme sounds kind of like a James Bond spy movie. Like the soft choir sound of Amy's theme Clara's theme sounds like something from a beautiful movie soundtrack. :D
Donna gets a lot of flack from viewers but honestly I don't know why. She's sassy and fun and exactly what the Doctor needed at that point: a companion. Plus, her chemistry with Tenant on screen is just awesome. I like her. A lot. And frankly, I like her more than Margaret. She's not nearly so whiny. And her theme totally reflects that.
Its probably because they don't like Catherine Tates comedic style I didn't care for her when her episodes first aired for that reason but in retrospect she was probably the best companion with Tennant's Doctor(save Wilf but that was just one episode) As I consider Rose Eccleston's companion.
I love how since these are played throughout each companion's season(s) when you listen to them you remember different moments from the series when the themes played.
I know whovians love to fight about who's the best doctor or who's the best companion but I think it's quite cool that you can choose from so many amazing characters. it's the magic of this show, that one series can be so different from a previous era yet still be the same at heart
ah I love Rose's Theme the best, it brings back bittersweet moments in Doctor Who (and sad sad sad doomsday saddddd) and then I love Donna's, it's so fun and just so DONNA! and then martha's because I just love it ♡
eep. i had watched the fifth-sixth seasons of dw about two years ago. i had never finished the rest of 11th's (well, 12th if you want to get technical) seasons - until this year, 2021. i get so teary eyed at amy's theme. it reminds me of the chapter i left unread for so long, ignoring the fact that 11th would regenerate. he would go. he felt so very real to me, like i truly knew him, and watching him regenerate was harder than i fancy admitting.
Booki Katt Rose always was my favorite, not just because of character, but because sh'e the one who brought the Doctor back, showed him to love again, and have mercy, which is what he needed after the events that happened before he regenerated into his 9th form.
Rory's my personal favorite companion of the new series, followed by Donna. Ms. Noble there got the best theme, no doubt, though I like Clara's too. Considering that Turlough's my favorite fifth doctor companion, I think it all means I have a thing for exasperated redheads in the TARDIS.
right in the feels for all the companions, because they remind me of how much pain the doctor must have endured after loosing them as we had to experience also. They're all fantastic.
even through all the companions rose is still my favorite she holds a place in my heart along with 9. they will always be my favorite characters and my eyes start to water just thinking about them.
Amanda Trevena Martha was an inspiring character. I mean come on, she walked across the earth in one year, spreading the word of the doctor to then save the world. Now if that doesn't get her any recognition idk what will.
I remember listening to this when I was maybe 13 years old to help me go to sleep. Several years later, I'm listening again for the same purpose. Doctor Who has been and likely always will be a very good impression on my life.
The only reason Clara's theme works so well is because of the position she is in. The warm brightness of a new day would not work without the harsh loss that came before her.
I have to say, as stereotypical as this sounds each theme is suited perfectly to the type of companion they were. Rose's theme is tragic and beautiful, suited because it was so tragic how she left and her overall story line with 10 was somewhat sad. Martha's is sad yet somewhat triumphant towards the end because she always chased a love that wasn't there, before finally overcoming it. Donna's is just Donna, sassy and different as she was just a friend rather than a love interest companion, need I say any more! Amy's theme is almost dreamy and like a lullaby at the start as she met the doctor as only a child and waited all that time for him. Clara's is lovely much like her, it's almost happy as she was the one who brought 11 out from his sadness with the ponds and someone mentioned before. I have to say though Clara is my least favorite companion only because I didn't feel she connected with 11, or at least not as much as Amy did! I loved Donna and Rose with 10. I think Amy&Rory together was fantastic as well! whew long paragraph
Donnas theme is so cheeky! It is my favourite companion theme because it describes exactly what Donnas personality is like! I love the Doctor/Donna so much
I feel the opposite- Rose was annoyed with Sarah Jane, a past companion- imagine her reaction when she finds out that the Doctor has companions after her
Donna's theme will always remind me of the Adipose scene, when they wordlessly communicate through the room. XD
Yeah that was super hilarious😂😂😂😂😂
That scene will never cease to be iconic and absolute comedy gold. Wish we got more of Donna and Ten
I wish we could have had more Ten and Donna. They were just amazing together.
Exactly! They will always be the best.
My favourite!
Your wish has come true my friend
@@globetrotteur8642 I just looked it up after seeing your comment THIS IS AWESOME
Wishes do come true
Donna's Theme fit's so perfect for her. Quirky and sassy, but sometimes warm and loving. And always with a lot of passion.
+Lessien Séregon ikr i love donna XD
+ATimeLadyFromGallifrey me too!
I love the fact that in some moments you can dance tango with it and then in some others is like a circus
Yes! Perfectly said! Donna Noble is the best :)
She's the funniest lmao
Rose's theme is heartbreaking
Martha's is haunting
Donna's is sort of playful but remorseful
Amy's has a tinge of regret and sorrow
And Clara's is enchanting, slightly innocent sounding.
All of the themes are beautiful nonetheless.
I agree, i also feel every single theme has a glimpse of hope in it,
One of my favorite parts in the entire show is in Bill’s first episode:
Doc: “I’m sorry Bill but I cant let you walk around with memory of aliens!”
Bill (sobbing): “Okay, but just imagine how it would feel if somebody did this to you.”
*Clara’s theme plays*
@@zoinksss1372 and I started crying because CLARA
not haunting
Perfect description of all characters
12th Doctor: “I’m sorry Bill but I cant let you walk around with memories of aliens!”
Bill (sobbing): “Okay, but just imagine how it would feel if somebody did this to you.”
*clara’s theme plays*
I love how Rose and Martha both have these beautifully tragic melodies, and then Donna comes in with this quirky little tune :)
That would only make him the best husband, not the best companion of The Doctor.
What about Wilfred Mott then?
And what about River Song?
@aRandomPersonOfTheInternet She's more than a companion in my eyes, since she's the Doctor's wife, and her appearances are more sporadic compared to people like Rory. For the latter point, she feels more similar to someone like Kate Stewart than an actual companion. From the audience's point of view, I mean.
Rose: 0:00
Martha: 2:07
Donna: 5:50
Amy: 9:05
Clara: 12:03
Like if that helped you! Or not, I've never gotten a like before. :)
That helped. Unfortunately I found it too late.
+Edgar Johnson well, youve got now :D
+Edgar Johnson you're the top comment, wow!!
I finished Nuwho recently thanks man!
thank you
*resists urge to go all literature teacher on the music and fails*
Rose's theme is soft, sweet, explaning how tender and warm her relationship with the Doctor was. it's rather sad once you think about it, but still leaves a bit of hope in there, just like the character's storyline.
Martha's theme is strong and beautiful, moving slowly at first, but showing an expression of redemption near the end when it gets louder and faster, simbolizing her acceptance of herself and her separation from the doctor's fixation on Rose.
Donna's is loud and vivid, just like she is. The uncertainty in some partsof the story shows her challenging behavior towards the doctor, it's bold ending displays how she was so unpredictable.
Amy's is a lullaby, the story of her ragedy doctor. It's soft, small and quiet, with a hint of sadness and beauty, simbolizing Amelia Pond growing up by herself, never choosing to forget about her imaginary friend.
Clara's has a sense of curiousness, a hint of wanting to know the secrets about the Doctor; and herself. It's sweet and happy, even sounding forgiving. It's quiet at times, misterious even, but sparkles of hope right after.
Murray Gold is my favorite composer now, seeing how well he managed to capture ALL of them perfectly.
I don't get why so many people dislike Martha. Yes, she was a bit clingy to The Doctor at times, but that's understandable (he's not exactly ugly haha)
But what I liked about Martha is that she helped The Doctor, because he was clearly lonely after his loss of Rose. He was grieving and Martha was there to give him company. And what I like was that Martha didn't have a sad goodbye. Even if The Master did destroy her family but she chose to leave and she didn't die or have a very sad departure because if she did, I think Ten would have had a mental breakdown!
Martha was clever, funny and caring. I think in 'Human Nature' and 'The family of blood' we really got to see how intelligent Martha was on her own and how she had to fend for herself when The Doctor became human, and she looked after him well, even if they did have arguments in the episodes.
Plus her theme is god damn beautiful
Martha was caring, generous and brave. She changed her life completely to help the Doctor when he needed her to. I love Martha and don´t really understand why she´s so underrated.
Yes! Someone agrees with me!
HannahLovesBeauty THANK YOU.
HannahLovesBeauty Who Hates her, is rasist!
HannahLovesBeauty to be honest, I don't know why I don't like her, I know that she is a great character but there's just something about her that annoys me and I don't really know what it is
While listening to the intro of Donna's theme, I couldn't help but laugh and imagine hers and the Doctor's window conversation in Adipose. :)) And when it ended and it was Amy's, I had tears gathering up in my eyes. It sounds so much like a child's lullaby. That was one thing I forgot about Amy. I forgot that she was still a child at heart and that's why I love her.
Bad Wolf
The girl who walked the earth
The Most Important Woman In all of Creation
The girl who waited
The impossible girl
Don't forget "The Impossible Girl"
The last centurion?
these handles make me cry especially for the impossibile girl and the girl who waited
Kachowski_Games and Mickey
Kachowski_Games mind you the doctor made all this happen
Hands down Martha and Amy's themes are my favorite so calm and sad yet each perfectly describing their journey with the doctor.
Amralhe Elise
My favourite is either Amy's theme or Clara's theme
So true
I think Martha gets a bad Rep but I thought she was a wonderful companion and I love her theme music. I hate that Whovian fans always try to say she was one of the worst. She really wasn't she just wanted unconditional affection from the doctor and was treated like the rebound....But I loved her as a companion I hated we only got one season with her.
She is my least favorite companion but her theme is my favorite
+Joseph loves bacon Like I said I never under the hate that whovians have for her. At the same time Clara is my least favorite so I guess we all have that one
Her theme is really intellectual
Hannah Dehdashty
Exactly Martha was a smart and Intellectual companion. She did like the doctor but she didn't swoon like Rose did or the way Clara did with 11th Doctor. I love Martha
Well, in season 3 I didn't like Martha, too. When she returned in season 4 and we got to see her interaction with Donna, I liked her very much. I think that alone with the Doctor she is boring. She can't take all the action on her shoulders, but with Donna they shared it. I don't know if you understand. I tried to explane it as good as I could!
Rose is my favorite companion.
I liked Amy with 11th and Clara with 12th.
I think that every Doctor has *his* companion and Rose is 10's in my opinion.
Murray Gold is a genius musician. I loved all the companions for different reasons but after re-watching all the episodes recently I think Donna's were the ones I loved most.
I will always love Rose the most but tbf they were all great
Amy's is my favourite. It just makes me feel like I'm floating though space watching the stars.
And London is floating to?
My favourite is Clara. every time I listen to it I tear up.
I do love Amy's theme, its just so innocent and it grows with her. She went through so much with the Doctor, she spent her whole life with him pretty much; she grew old with the Doctor. She discovered herself yet she'll still always be the girl who waited
10 and Rose are the most iconic
10 and Martha had the best episodes
10 and Donna were the funniest
It's so hard to pick a favourite...
Go with Martha 😊
Donna was the best
I felt like 10 and Donna had the best episodes especially the library my fave
I do NOT remember that Martha had the best episodes (besides Smith and Jones and Gridlock) maybe I should rewatch that series.
Same but I have to say Rose as my favourite
The only thing I think of when I see Donna:
Donna Nobble. Has been saved. Donna Nobble. Has been saved.
Kitty Cat The Vashta Nerada episode.
Donna Noble has left the library. Donna Noble has been saved.
Rose tyler has her regular theme but she also has the badwolf theme :)
Mine is Clara's. You know when she is about to appear or run off with him.. It's slow bouncy music with a mischief manner.. Like Clara's personality ...
Yup! ^^ I was extremely angry when Amy and Rory left...
But Clara seems cool! :] I love how mischievous she is.
1 2 3 4: I Declare A Time-War
5 6 7 8: Daleks Scream EXTERMINATE
9 10 11 12: The Doctor Died & Silence Fell
12 11 10 9: Here He Goes, Back In Time
8 7 6 5: Saving Everybody's Lives
4 3 2 1: Grab Her Hand & Whisper RUN
+Aj's Gameplay this is cool!
+Time Travler In Space (Leilani Trott) I'm famous af
+Time Travler In Space (Leilani Trott) theyareeverywhere
Amy’s makes me cry... those days I used to sit with my dad on Saturdays watching Doctor Who... I was only 6ish when Matt Smith hit the screens... when Amy died... OF COURSE I CRIED!
It really upsets me how no references were made to Rose, Martha, or Donna throughout Matt Smith's reign
Well, I mean yeah sure it wasn't huge or anything. But, remember that one scene where the Doctor says, "I can teach Rose Tyler how to do her homework." Or when River poisoned him and he was dying? How the voice interfaces were previous companions. I'm pretty sure it was Rose, Donna and Martha. Again, like I said not huge but at least it's something. Would love to see at least one of them to come back to the show. Like Sarah Jane, that'd be brilliant.
Ashley Celis Actress who played Sarah Jane unfortunately is dead, so she can't return :(
Karolina Rączka yes she can she may be dead but through editing they can
There was a refrence. In the series 7 part 2 intro, there was a wolf holding a rose..
There is, theres a bit where he makes the tardis console respond to something, and it picks rose, then martha, then donna, then finally fixing with young amy
Amy's theme sounds so sad yet so happy
Same with Rose + Clara
Who else really likes Clara as the companion?
I know right? I thought Clara was leaving on the Christmas special! I actually shed some tears because Clara is going to be almost as bad as Roses departure, I cry every time I see Rose, she was just the most amazing! Sane with Amy! Not so much Rory but Amy had a sad deparure as well because she had known the doctor since she was a little Amelia Pond! This show is going to be my death! Unless they keep the 12th doctor, then I would stop watching it! He is such a jerk! I can't stand it!
Book Wormie I love Capaldi's Doctor, he's unpredictable and therefore really interesting and I love his socially awkward moments, e.g.
Clara: "What are you doing here?"
Doctor: "I thought I'd better hide in the bedroom in case you brought your boyfriend home"
(or something like that)
+snailyccmbr He is okay I find, usually when I see the first two episodes of a new doctor, im in "love" with him, but Capaldi has his moments. I just don't like that he is so old! Gives me shivers that an old man is in every episode!
Ugh that's one of the things that annoys me about some 'whovians' who are not true fans if they judge him on his age. People need to get over the fact that he is still The Doctor, and he is just the same man but looks different. So don't you complain, Capaldi is doing a fantastic job and you should be grateful that we have fantastic actors like him, Matt Smith David Tennant, Tom Baker and all of the other actors to play The Doctor, and deep down The Doctor is the same man as ten, eleven, four, one, six and every other Doctor.
And did you think Ten was young? Or eleven? Ten was over 900 and Eleven was even over a thousand at one point!
Im sorry if I offended anyone, you have good reasons to like him, I just dont, please dont hate on me for my opinions, im sure next season will be amazing!
If we're talking theme songs, not who kissed who (ah teenage girls, u gotta luv 'em), then although I love all of Murray Gold's compositions, I have to go with Martha's Theme. Such a haunting & lovely score. I remember hearing that Russell T Davies listened to it for weeks & weeks cause he couldn't get the melody out of his head ...
agreed, when i first watched that series, i couldn't get it out of my head. While she may not have been my favorite companion, she had the best theme for sure
I can't say my favourite companion theme because i love them all. They all suit their personalities. Rose's is sad yet determined. Martha's is full of wonder and i think shows her triumphancy in the end. Donna's is just all over the place, pure comedy. Amy's starts happy but takes a gorgeous dark twist full of mystery. Clara's is light, playful and happy yet still quite sad.
My favourite one to play on the piano is Rose's theme. Donna's is by far the hardest and i'm still trying to learn it.
Rose's theme definitely tells the story of her great love with the doctor. Also, of her compassion and caring (a quality the Doctor has until he looses her). Martha is all of her brilliance and unrequited love for the Doctor, and also her healing ability- because she is the one who heals the Doctor from his loss of Rose. It ends with her strength to leave the Doctor. I love Donna's theme. It is immediately quirky and sleuth-y, and a bit awkward. Then, it becomes more coherent and smooth- Donna's strength of character that just needs to be uncovered. It also covers Donna's desire to explore- the first two companions were in it for the Doctor. Donna was the Doctor's bro- we can hear that in the theme (it's less flowery than the other two), but she was there to explore. Now, Amy's theme- contains the wonder at of the raggedy man of her childhood. The amazement and faith really only a child can possess- which is why Amy is the Doctor's dearly beloved little sister. You can hear the "I love my big brother" tones in her theme. Clara's theme (I wish I knew more about Clara)-it's wistful. And sweet. Much like her last words every time she dies.
My favourite song in all of this, is Donna's song. Since it reflects on all her attitude but then goes to the soft bits all in one. One of my favourite songs in Doctor who!
yeah it does especially slapping him in the face
I love how there's either epicness or sadness in each one... and then there's Donna
all of these songs relate to the companions personality
i love how every theme perfectly captures their personalities. it’s so magical
Donna's theme was so fun, and so fitting hehe.
Donna is my favorite companion and is the best modern one. She wasn't young and pretty. She don't follow the Doctor because she loved him and she didn't want to snog him. That was something new and interesting, and it worked out perfectly. Donna's theme fits her. Her theme had class, but also a comical side to it. And Amy as a new companion not bad as her character later on was much, much MUCH better but it felt like a step back. Clara isn't bad her character plot reminds me of the Rose Bad wolf plot which is awesome
Love all of the comments on every theme, so eloquently and poetically put. Brilliant. My favourite would have to be Clara's.
My favorite (of the newer companions) is definitely Rose. Although, I do love all of them a lot. I just related to her the best, I think. I dislike the amount of hatred that Martha and Clara get. But to be fair, I didn't really care for Martha until she let go of the ridiculous idea that the Doctor would ever forget about Rose. Then she became a total bad ass and I was really proud of her. And as for Clara, I really think the fandom needs to give her a chance before they judge her.
Your take on Clara now? (If of course you see this)
Clara is my favourite companion followed closely by Amy
Clara had no personality with 11, then became a super annoying know-it-all with 12. Probably the worst companion of New Who, barring 13s companions because who cares.
Imagine if one of the "copies" of Clara (Name of the Doctor) went rogue or was taken under the influence of another villain, and the Doctor had to stop her before she killed him at an earlier point in his life?
She became a Dalek and still managed to save the Doctor.
TheWindsofWonder Fair point.
TheWindsofWonder Touche
In the Zygon Invasion and Inversion she tried to kill him.
I cry every time I hear Rose's theme.
Same here :') it's so beautiful
i hate my self because i always called it the depressing movie background music and then i realized it was roses theme every time i hear it i cry it so beautiful
Can't help but feel sad when listening to Rose's theme she has to still have had the saddest goodbye
Donna's theme XD All of the others are so sweet an beautiful and hers is like a dopey chase scene I love it
I totally agree xD Donna was one of my favorite companions to... Mainly cause I used to watch Catherine Tates show :P
My list is
1. martha (for most helpful)
2. amy and rory (for best story)
3. Donna (for best laughs)
4. Clara (for cutest and most real)
5. wilfred (for best heart)
6. Rose (for most emotional)
I think I like Clara’s theme best. It has a sense of innocent childlike wonderment with a hint of sadness
Roses theme made me cry, I miss her so much
I was watching the Doctor Who Christmas special from 2015 and I noticed...before he gives River the revamped Ten sonic screwdriver...a tidbit. A little, tiny, tidbit. Of Rose's theme faded in.
And cut away, like it did not exist.
Needless to say, I screeched, shouted, and straight up did a pterodactyl impression when I witnessed this.
OK that's imposible isn't? rose is gone and plus on dooms day she was trapped in a hole in the u universe so is it possible?
She was trapped in an alternate universe- if the doctor can go there not once, not twice, but three times, he can do a fourth.
+Lauren Zacchi Yes, but that was in an alternative future where Gallifrey had fallen. Now we know it has not fallen, and perhaps, now the Doctor can travel places he was previous unable to go.
I've heard little callbacks to Rose and Martha's theme in some episodes before. Musical motifs can hit hard.
Rose and Donna are my favourite companions. I like all of them but these two will always be my favourites.
same here
Clara's one is my favourite:) makes me feel happy
I love them all so much! While Rose is my favorite companion, Martha's and then Clara's themes are my favorites.
I think that all of the themes fit the companions perfectly. Rose's is sweet & pretty, but strong like her character and ends suddenly like her story. Martha's is beautiful and etherial almost, like how she was in love with the Doctor, but he didn't love her back. Then, it grows stronger at the end when she realizes she has to leave him & creates a better life for herself.(her theme is my fav) Donna's theme is very light, staccato, and bouncy at first because Donna is a very sassy, funny character. Then, it grows softer and sweet as it shows her depth- her heart and compassion for others & also her self-doubt. It grows stronger in the end, as she realizes her importances & reaches her full potential, and regresses back to the first part to show her memory loss & ends suddenly like her journey. Amy's theme is very simple & sweet at the beginning which I think partially represents her meeting the Doctor as a child & partially because she became 11's Rose in that hers (Amy's) was the first face he saw after everything he lost & the horrors he saw in his previous regeneration & Rose's was the companion he found after the horror of the Time War. What he needed was something innocent & sweet. Amy's theme crescendos into a beautiful, strong theme, representing Amy as a character, but with a hint of sadness underlying all the tragedy & mystery surrounding Amy- the crack in the wall, growing up without parents, losing & forgetting Rory, losing Melody, forgetting the Doctor, & finally being taken by the Weeping Angels. Her song regresses to the simple, childhood beginning because Amy's story ends when the Doctor goes back to tell little Amelia all the adventures she has yet to come. Clara's theme starts off simply and almost magically because that's what she's like when we first meet her- she's an magical thing that helps the Doctor & then we forget about her. Until we see her again in Victorian London, which is why her theme becomes slightly sad, to represent her deaths in both times. Her theme becomes happier because the Doctor discovers modern Clara & as the theme goes on, it's slightly mysterious. Her whole theme is a bit all over the place & becomes stronger at the end as we realize her purpose of saving the Doctor in his timelines.
Sorry, it's a bit long. I just needed to get it off my chest. :)
Rose's one is so perfect for her. The others match their personalities too, but Rose's somehow sums her up completely. The unsatisfied teenage girl wanting something more in life, she finally finds it, and then it's all taken away. It's just so perfectly done.
My favorites were Donna and Clara. The music captures their personality so well
immediately welled up as rose’s started playing
and clara’s won’t ever fail to give me chills
The theme of Rose is so uplifting.... Loved her as a companion. And she was with 2 most amazing doctors: 9th and 10th. They loved her for a reason
Amy's, Rose's and Clara's themes are amazing!
I think amy's fits her very well, it started out as a lullaby and sort of got progressively louder and bolder, tho always staying the same and always a little sad
I love how everyone's theme is all serious, and then there's Donna lol! 😄 love her!
Rose and Martha were in it for the Doctor. Donna and Clara were like the Doctors mates, Jack was the brother who tried to win, River was his wife and Amy and Rory were his kids
Amy and Rory are also his mother and father in law as well Ironically.
dreman999 its Rory.
Alex Ward Thank's. It's corrected.
no problem :D
also, i just noticed in google maps at London SW5 9RB, United Kingdom there is a tardis that you can go inside
how cool is that?!
Roses theme is a happy sad because she left in a happy sad way, Marthas is hopeful. Plain and simple because of all she did for the doctor. Donnas DEFIANTLY matches her personality its fun and quirky. Now, i love Rose, but Amy is probably my favorite companion. Her theme is mysterious, because she is an impossible girl. Her theme music had to match what the doctor and what the viewers thought about her. Clara is in a way similar. To live up the the greatness of Amy they had to make her music extra special, which they certainly did. Sorry for my ramble, i love music and doctor who :)
Donna Noble your sass won me over so fast seeing you go was heartbreaking
It's the End but the Moment has been prepared for.
Rose's theme is so beautiful!
Martha's sounds pretty too, kind of has this calming feel
Donna's theme sounds kind of like a James Bond spy movie.
Like the soft choir sound of Amy's theme
Clara's theme sounds like something from a beautiful movie soundtrack. :D
I love all the themes, but Martha's is just really memorable.
...Clara's my favorite, though. Or Donna. Or Amy.
I can't decide.
I don't think I could ever choose my favorite companion because they're all amazing!
All the themes are beautiful, they all leave chills running down by spine, but I must say, Rose and Martha's themes are my favourite.
Donna gets a lot of flack from viewers but honestly I don't know why. She's sassy and fun and exactly what the Doctor needed at that point: a companion. Plus, her chemistry with Tenant on screen is just awesome. I like her. A lot. And frankly, I like her more than Margaret. She's not nearly so whiny. And her theme totally reflects that.
Sorry, meant to say Martha. I don't know what forgotten corner of my brain Margaret came from, but came it did.
Its probably because they don't like Catherine Tates comedic style I didn't care for her when her episodes first aired for that reason but in retrospect she was probably the best companion with Tennant's Doctor(save Wilf but that was just one episode) As I consider Rose Eccleston's companion.
I love listening to these and just think about the companions. ( I tend to like all of them, Rose being my favourite
Clara's them and Amy's theme are my favourites
I love how since these are played throughout each companion's season(s) when you listen to them you remember different moments from the series when the themes played.
Favorite Companion: Donna
Favorite Companion Theme: Martha
I know whovians love to fight about who's the best doctor or who's the best companion but I think it's quite cool that you can choose from so many amazing characters. it's the magic of this show, that one series can be so different from a previous era yet still be the same at heart
ah I love Rose's Theme the best, it brings back bittersweet moments in Doctor Who (and sad sad sad doomsday saddddd) and then I love Donna's, it's so fun and just so DONNA! and then martha's because I just love it ♡
eep. i had watched the fifth-sixth seasons of dw about two years ago. i had never finished the rest of 11th's (well, 12th if you want to get technical) seasons - until this year, 2021. i get so teary eyed at amy's theme. it reminds me of the chapter i left unread for so long, ignoring the fact that 11th would regenerate. he would go. he felt so very real to me, like i truly knew him, and watching him regenerate was harder than i fancy admitting.
I really liked Martha's theme... Personally I think it's the best.
I like all the companions but I miss rose like crazy I cried when the doctor got a new companion
Same rose is the best
I'm a little late, but yeah I cried too, not ashamed at all.
Booki Katt Rose always was my favorite, not just because of character, but because sh'e the one who brought the Doctor back, showed him to love again, and have mercy, which is what he needed after the events that happened before he regenerated into his 9th form.
Booki Katt I miss the Brigadier... cuz we're never getting him back now :'(
Jeremy Xu There will be many Doctors, but only one Brigadier. :)
Rory's my personal favorite companion of the new series, followed by Donna. Ms. Noble there got the best theme, no doubt, though I like Clara's too.
Considering that Turlough's my favorite fifth doctor companion, I think it all means I have a thing for exasperated redheads in the TARDIS.
"I think it all means I have a thing for exasperated redheads in the TARDIS."
Um, who doesn't?? ;)
Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Donna Noble, TARDIS!
I love Rory! Why don't more people like him? He's pretty great/
Wolf howl127 Rory is awersome
Sombra Sangrienta Of course he is :3
right in the feels for all the companions, because they remind me of how much pain the doctor must have endured after loosing them as we had to experience also. They're all fantastic.
Martha only retired, so this one wasn't that bad.
Whenever ,I hear these themes I think of the companions that goes with them. I like how Donna 's theme sticks out a bit in comparison to the others.
even through all the companions rose is still my favorite she holds a place in my heart along with 9. they will always be my favorite characters and my eyes start to water just thinking about them.
My fav one is Martha's one..
Shut up I like it D:
Me too, it's so inspiring.
omg Martha's is wonderful, amazing, Epic, Awesome. Love it so much! and the back round and the music and the pic omg. Just wow. Just wow. amazing. :P
Amanda Trevena Martha was an inspiring character. I mean come on, she walked across the earth in one year, spreading the word of the doctor to then save the world. Now if that doesn't get her any recognition idk what will.
I don't know why people don't like her! She's one of my favorites!
Her theme is so beautiful my second fave after claras
I remember listening to this when I was maybe 13 years old to help me go to sleep. Several years later, I'm listening again for the same purpose. Doctor Who has been and likely always will be a very good impression on my life.
i think rose's is sad, martha's is just plane amazing, donna's is fun,amy's is pretty,and clara's is pretty too.
I like Donna Noble's the most. It just has that fast paced, more "happy" feeling to it unlike some other themes that really suits Donna.
i loves donna's it fits her so well!
i know
Its my favorite!
*Fanboy scream*
Donna is the most awesome companion that has ever been on the show. Rose was my first companion, though.
Rose is my fav!!!
My favorite themes are:
5. Amy
4. Clara
3. Martha
2. Rose
1. Donna
mine to :D
this is lovely to listen to. thank you for putting this together.
I almost cried at the first one.... so many memories
The only reason Clara's theme works so well is because of the position she is in.
The warm brightness of a new day would not work without the harsh loss that came before her.
I unabashedly loved them all. I refused to have a favorite.
Donna's theme is my favourite! Whenever I listen the theme song it reminds of the times when she gets an idea or has her moments 😂
Rose's theme still makes me tear up to this day... TT_TT
Murray Gold’s music really does make up half the experience of the show, if not more. Amazing shit.
I have to say, as stereotypical as this sounds each theme is suited perfectly to the type of companion they were. Rose's theme is tragic and beautiful, suited because it was so tragic how she left and her overall story line with 10 was somewhat sad. Martha's is sad yet somewhat triumphant towards the end because she always chased a love that wasn't there, before finally overcoming it. Donna's is just Donna, sassy and different as she was just a friend rather than a love interest companion, need I say any more! Amy's theme is almost dreamy and like a lullaby at the start as she met the doctor as only a child and waited all that time for him. Clara's is lovely much like her, it's almost happy as she was the one who brought 11 out from his sadness with the ponds and someone mentioned before. I have to say though Clara is my least favorite companion only because I didn't feel she connected with 11, or at least not as much as Amy did! I loved Donna and Rose with 10. I think Amy&Rory together was fantastic as well!
whew long paragraph
Omg i love clara she and her theme are sooo soft i really wanna get a piano now
Rose Martha and Donna had some great emotional themes I wish they created a theme for Sarah Jane they should do one in memory of her and the brigadier
I had an urge to listen to all the companions themes, and you just so happened to upload them six hours ago. Thanks!
I love Clara's and Roses the best, actually those are also my favorite companions coincidence!
Wow, I loved Martha's theme!!! They were all amazing!! Favourite companions though have to be Rose and Amy, although I adored them all :)
Murray gold was such an excellent composer. It's such a shame he left doctor who
Donnas theme is so cheeky! It is my favourite companion theme because it describes exactly what Donnas personality is like! I love the Doctor/Donna so much
I feel like rose and Clara would have gotten along really well, is that just me?
I feel Amy and Clara would have got on well too
I feel the opposite- Rose was annoyed with Sarah Jane, a past companion- imagine her reaction when she finds out that the Doctor has companions after her
@@godhathirumalaianandanpill3140 She met Martha and Donna, Donna multiple times.