What Shia LaBeouf Gets Wrong About Joy

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024
  • Ask Pastor John
    Episode 2049
    Transcript: www.desiringgo...


  • @ChristopherElwell
    @ChristopherElwell 3 місяці тому +3

    “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds,”
    ‭‭James‬ ‭1‬:‭2‬

  • @robynahgreen1283
    @robynahgreen1283 3 місяці тому +17

    Remember, "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; 👉🏽who for the JOY that was set before him 👉🏽endured the cross, 👉🏽despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God."🙌🏽

    • @wanda520
      @wanda520 3 місяці тому +3

      Joy followed Jesus enduring the wrath of God that should have been mine. The wrath wasn’t fun or serine.

    • @AA-ws3vd
      @AA-ws3vd 3 місяці тому +3

      The Joy was from the completion of the Mission, God's will and being reunited back into the Father as ONE.
      There was no joy in the cross for him or anyone the Romans put there.

  • @juliamckay4393
    @juliamckay4393 3 місяці тому +8

    I really love John Piper. I think he is sound teacher with just a graceful heart. I do however cringe a bit when I see things like this. Shia is new in his faith. He is in an industry that is completely against Christianity and yet he is speaking about Christ. God is clearly at work within him. I hate to see a new believer so scrutinized over something like this. What he said is on par with his personality, artistic and thought provoking. He was sharing his personal view on something and how he relates to it. Getting in the theological weeds of everything he says with no encouragement has got to be so discouraging for him as a new believer. I think we can do a lot of damage by creating content purely to point out everything wrong that someone has said. Of course he doesn’t perfectly understand the joy or suffering of our Lord. Who fully can? I understand the desire to unpack his comments, we should. But to make a video solely about what a new Christian doesn’t understand perfectly doesn’t exactly seem edifying. It helps to remember when we first believed, how we didn’t get everything right. It took people to come along side us and encourage us to grow.

    • @michaelbanda9993
      @michaelbanda9993 3 місяці тому

      True. These “reformed Baptist” claim Catholics aren’t saved. I disagree. I think Catholics have many faults, but are brothers and sisters in Christ and can be truly be born again.

  • @delanagracejohnson6282
    @delanagracejohnson6282 3 місяці тому

    When I was pregnant, I eagerly anticipated the joy of holding my baby, but the pain and suffering during labor were overwhelming. Despite this, I remained focused on the impending birth of my child.so it was the future I was looking towards in and through the pain. The joy I set before me . Amen.

  • @TheCreepypro
    @TheCreepypro 3 місяці тому +2

    help us to understand Your joy Lord!

  • @liamgalaruwa
    @liamgalaruwa 3 місяці тому +5

    Watch and Pray

  • @ManuelB777
    @ManuelB777 3 місяці тому +5

    Thank you Jesus.

  • @BozzleyOfficial
    @BozzleyOfficial 3 місяці тому +6

    To say that Jesus was joyful on the cross is so wrong. It’s just so wrong.

    • @truck5050
      @truck5050 3 місяці тому

      100%. I've unsubscribed to this nonsense

    • @HearGodsWord
      @HearGodsWord 3 місяці тому

      Bye bye 👋

    • @nekaylasmith
      @nekaylasmith 3 місяці тому +1

      He was anything but, I will always hate the past and modern world for trying to kill Him and for calling Him a liar ✝️

    • @misspriss2482
      @misspriss2482 3 місяці тому +2

      The attitude of his heart was joyful even if His emotions were not. There's a difference between enjoying what I'm doing vs being joyful about it. A mother who is up all night with the baby isn't feeling happy at 2 a.m. when she would rather be sleeping. However, there is joy overall in the sense that she wants to be there to take care of her baby. There is joy in her purpose even if she isn't feeling particularly joyful about every aspect of the experience.

  • @potapotapotapotapotapota
    @potapotapotapotapotapota 3 місяці тому

    On the cross you get to see the essence of God on display. His justice and mercy, his love and hatred, his grief and joy, his giving and receiving, his power and weakness... His duality.

  • @PaulLee-rs8uw
    @PaulLee-rs8uw 3 місяці тому +3

    Mark 4:30-34( The parable ❤of the mustard seed❤)
    "30 And he(Jesus😊1st❤) said,
    " With what can we compare the kingdom😊❤
    of God(😊100%❤), or what parable shall we use for it?
    31 It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when sown on the ground, is the smallest of all seeds on earth,
    32 yet when it is sown it grows up and become a larger than all the garden plants and put out large branches, so that the birds ( " birds " in this case is better type of "birds"( from Mark 4:32b) than previous type of birds from Mark 4:3b,15b) of the air can make nests in its shade."
    33 With many such parables he( Jesus😊1st❤) spoke the word to them, as they were able to hear it.
    34 He (Jesus😊1st❤)
    did not speak to them without a parable,
    but😊❤ privately😊❤ to his own disciples( 12) he explained everything."(Mark 4:30-34 ESV Study Bible)
    Today went out to get food with my wife, window shopping and also got her some clothings . And drove my wife's aunt 😊❤
    to visit her mom so that her aunt
    can replace our mom to take her mom too in action of love in Christ and then we drove our mom😊❤
    back home. Then cooked dinner for my wife😊❤ in Christ and her mom went home to eat with her dad. Busy day in Christ. And shared what we did in small groups in Christ. Went to eat at bread restaurant that are in Christ. Their staffs are outstanding in Christ. May Jesus heal everyone who trust him( Jesus😊1st❤) in Jesus'name,i pray( 😊❤ James 5:14-15😊❤, and also bought some new clothings for my wife😊❤ in Christ and also bought an educational item❤ on sale for the future child❤ in Christ😊❤ too❤ in Christ❤). Amen.
    Full of joy😊❤ in Christ Jesus😊1st❤ in Christ.❤

    • @PaulLee-rs8uw
      @PaulLee-rs8uw 3 місяці тому +1

      1 Corinthians 3:6
      "6 I ( Paul 😊❤ in Christ)
      planted, Apollos😊❤ watered, but😊❤
      God(God 😊 100%❤ our Father in heaven) gave❤ the growth😊❤."( 1 Corinthians 3:6 ESV Study Bible) Good night in Christ😊❤.

  • @PaulLee-rs8uw
    @PaulLee-rs8uw 3 місяці тому +3

    Philippians 4:4😊-7😊❤

    • @PaulLee-rs8uw
      @PaulLee-rs8uw 3 місяці тому +2

      Mark 4:30-34( The parable ❤of the mustard seed❤)
      "30 And he(Jesus😊1st❤) said,
      " With what can we compare the kingdom😊❤
      of God(😊100%❤), or what parable shall we use for it?
      31 It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when sown on the ground, is the smallest of all seeds on earth,
      32 yet when it is sown it grows up and become a larger than all the garden plants and put out large branches, so that the birds ( " birds " in this case is better type of "birds"( from Mark 4:32b) than previous type of birds from Mark 4:3b,15b) of the air can make nests in its shade."
      33 With many such parables he( Jesus😊1st❤) spoke the word to them, as they were able to hear it.
      34 He (Jesus😊1st❤)
      did not speak to them without a parable,
      but😊❤ privately😊❤ to his own disciples( 12) he explained everything."(Mark 4:30-34 ESV Study Bible)
      Today went out to get food with my wife, window shopping and also got her some clothings . And drove my wife's aunt 😊❤
      to visit her mom so that her aunt
      can replace our mom to take her mom too in action of love in Christ and then we drove our mom😊❤
      back home. Then cooked dinner for my wife😊❤ in Christ and her mom went home to eat with her dad. Busy day in Christ. And shared what we did in small groups in Christ. Went to eat at bread restaurant that are in Christ. Their staffs are outstanding in Christ. May Jesus heal everyone who trust him( Jesus😊1st❤) in Jesus'name,i pray( 😊❤ James 5:14-15😊❤, and also bought an educational item on salefor the future child❤ in Christ😊❤). Amen.

  • @samuellefischer9596
    @samuellefischer9596 3 місяці тому +4

    I hate to say it and I pray it’s not so but I do not believe him to be a true convert. He doesn’t seem to understand sin, repentance, and grace. His focus is on Jesus as an inspiring figure

    • @CoCoFantastique
      @CoCoFantastique 3 місяці тому +3

      sanctification is a process. Not a lot of new believers understand all of those things you mentioned. Just as Apollos in the Bible needed better understanding no one questioned his conversion. Shia found faith through AA. he is talks openly about his struggles. Give him a break. Let God do his work in his time. Even Peter needed to be rebuked by Paul after he was restored!

    • @CherryBlossomn1
      @CherryBlossomn1 3 місяці тому +1

      Nah, there's some things required in the justification process like repentance and belief. He's saying he doesn't know if JB has taken this proper steps to be saved

  • @jamestiffany3531
    @jamestiffany3531 3 місяці тому +9

    Just like anybody else..
    Let's pray for Shia and his deliverance from the Catholic church.

  • @PaulLee-rs8uw
    @PaulLee-rs8uw 3 місяці тому +3

    Genesis 48:1-7 of Genesis 48:1-22( Jacob😊❤ blesses Ephraim and Manasseh)
    Genesis 48:1-7
    "48 After this, Joseph😊❤ was told,
    " Behold😊❤, your father❤
    is ill."
    So he took with him his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim.
    2 And it was told to Jacob😊❤,
    " Your son Joseph has come❤
    to you😊❤
    Then Israel summoned
    sit up
    in bed.
    3 And Jacob( Israel😊❤) said to Joseph😊❤,
    " God Almighty😊❤ appeared to me at Luz in the land of Canaan and blessed me,
    4 and said to me, ' Behold😊❤, I will make you fruitful😊❤ and multiply you, and I will make of you a company of people and will give this land to your offspring😊❤ after you❤ for an everlasting possession.'
    5 And now your two sons, who were born to you in the land of Egypt before I came to you in Egypt, are mine; Ephraim and Manesseh shall be mine, as Reuben and Simeon are.6 And the children that you fathered after them shall be yours. They shall be called the name of the ir brothers in the inheritance.
    7 As for me( Israel❤), when I came from Paddan, to my sorrow Rachel died in the land of Canaan on the way( reminds me Jesus is the way, the truth and the life to God😊100%❤ our Father in heaven too from John 14:6😊❤ too in Christ),
    When there was still some distance to go to Ephrath, and I buried her( Rachel
    ) there on my way to Ephrath( that is Bethlem)." "
    ( Genesis 48:1-7 ESV Study Bible)
    From my ESV Study Bible in Christ😊❤,
    Genesis 48:3-7,
    " Jacob😊❤ speaks to Joseph😊❤
    , picking up on
    three distinctive issues.
    First he refer to the theophany( his( Israel😊❤') vision of God(😊100%❤)) at Bethel, recalling the all-important promises mades to him ❤ by God( 😊100%❤ from Genesis 28:13-15)"( ESV Study Bible)
    "Second, Jacob😊❤
    elevates his grandsons Ephraim and Manasseh to the status of full sons, on par with Reuben and Simeon( from Genesis 48:5b ). Later, this will result in Joseph's descedants, through Ephraim and Manasseh, being viewed as two separate tribes. Consequently, when the land of Canaan is allocated, Joseph through his descedants receives one- sixth of the territory. This double portion of the inheritance confirms that Joseph was designated the "firstborn" in place of Reuben(see 1 Chronicles 5:1-2); also...on Genesis 35:22-23). By naming Ephraim before Manasseh( Genesis 48:1), Jacob anticipates what will transpire in Genesis 48:13-19."( ESV Study Bible)
    Third, Jacob😊❤ recalled the death of Joseph's mother, Rachel( from Genesis 48:7 middle of the verse) following their return from northern Mesopotamia( ...Genesis 35:16-20).
    " "Paddan"( from Genesis 48:7a) is an abbeviated form of "Paddan- Aram"( ...Genesis 25:20)."( ESV Study Bible)
    Romans 8:28😊❤
    John 14:6❤😊
    " 6 Jesus answered,
    " I am
    the way ❤😊
    the truth ❤😊
    the life😊❤.
    No one
    to the Father( God, our Father in heaven )
    through me."( John 14:6😊❤ Zondervan NIV Study Bible.Amen.). Amen.

    • @PaulLee-rs8uw
      @PaulLee-rs8uw 3 місяці тому +2

      Mark 4:30-34( The parable ❤of the mustard seed❤)
      "30 And he(Jesus😊1st❤) said,
      " With what can we compare the kingdom😊❤
      of God(😊100%❤), or what parable shall we use for it?
      31 It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when sown on the ground, is the smallest of all seeds on earth,
      32 yet when it is sown it grows up and become a larger than all the garden plants and put out large branches, so that the birds ( " birds " in this case is better type of "birds"( from Mark 4:32b) than previous type of birds from Mark 4:3b,15b) of the air can make nests in its shade."
      33 With many such parables he( Jesus😊1st❤) spoke the word to them, as they were able to hear it.
      34 He (Jesus😊1st❤)
      did not speak to them without a parable,
      but😊❤ privately😊❤ to his own disciples( 12) he explained everything."(Mark 4:30-34 ESV Study Bible)
      Today went out to get food with my wife, window shopping and also got her some clothings . And drove my wife's aunt 😊❤
      to visit her mom so that her aunt
      can replace our mom to take her mom too in action of love in Christ and then we drove our mom😊❤
      back home. Then cooked dinner for my wife😊❤ in Christ and her mom went home to eat with her dad. Busy day in Christ. And shared what we did in small groups in Christ. Went to eat at bread restaurant that are in Christ. Their staffs are outstanding in Christ. May Jesus heal everyone who trust him( Jesus😊1st❤) in Jesus'name,i pray( 😊❤ James 5:14-15😊❤, and also bought an educational item on salefor the future child❤ in Christ😊❤). Amen.

    • @PaulLee-rs8uw
      @PaulLee-rs8uw 3 місяці тому +2

      Mark 4:30-34( The parable ❤of the mustard seed❤)
      "30 And he(Jesus😊1st❤) said,
      " With what can we compare the kingdom😊❤
      of God(😊100%❤), or what parable shall we use for it?
      31 It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when sown on the ground, is the smallest of all seeds on earth,
      32 yet when it is sown it grows up and become a larger than all the garden plants and put out large branches, so that the birds ( " birds " in this case is better type of "birds"( from Mark 4:32b) than previous type of birds from Mark 4:3b,15b) of the air can make nests in its shade."
      33 With many such parables he( Jesus😊1st❤) spoke the word to them, as they were able to hear it.
      34 He (Jesus😊1st❤)
      did not speak to them without a parable,
      but😊❤ privately😊❤ to his own disciples( 12) he explained everything."(Mark 4:30-34 ESV Study Bible)
      Today went out to get food with my wife, window shopping and also got her some clothings . And drove my wife's aunt 😊❤
      to visit her mom so that her aunt
      can replace our mom to take her mom too in action of love in Christ and then we drove our mom😊❤
      back home. Then cooked dinner for my wife😊❤ in Christ and her mom went home to eat with her dad. Busy day in Christ. And shared what we did in small groups in Christ. Went to eat at bread restaurant that are in Christ. Their staffs are outstanding in Christ. May Jesus heal everyone who trust him( Jesus😊1st❤) in Jesus'name,i pray( 😊❤ James 5:14-15😊❤, and also bought some new clothings for my wife😊❤ in Christ and also bought an educational item❤ on sale for the future child❤ in Christ😊❤ too❤ in Christ❤). Amen.

  • @Gronky-sv5yp
    @Gronky-sv5yp 3 місяці тому +1

    I don't remember having yo sweat blood before doing a joyous activity.

  • @elfwife
    @elfwife 3 місяці тому

    I saw that video clip a couple of years ago, and it really bugged me. The idea that he was feeling only joy takes away from Christ's severe pain and suffering in body and the spiritual separation from God the Father. To focus so much on the joy also feels like it leans towards being very human-centric.

  • @PaulLee-rs8uw
    @PaulLee-rs8uw 3 місяці тому +2

    1 Corinthians 3:6
    "6 I ( Paul 😊❤ in Christ)
    planted, Apollos😊❤ watered, but😊❤
    God(God 😊 100%❤ our Father in heaven) gave❤ the growth😊❤."( 1 Corinthians 3:6 ESV Study Bible) Good night in Christ😊❤ and Romans 8:28❤& John 14:6😊❤

  • @AmbiNicole1702
    @AmbiNicole1702 3 місяці тому +1

    [1Co 1:2 KJV] 2 Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called [to be] saints, with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours:

  • @cirr3587
    @cirr3587 3 місяці тому +2

  • @user-xq2bm3nq8y
    @user-xq2bm3nq8y 3 місяці тому +1

    Piper, as you pursue joy, do you ever recall your pursuing of a transitory political goal at the expense of millions of babies and their would-be descendants is simply not of God?

    • @HearGodsWord
      @HearGodsWord 3 місяці тому

      Still bitter that your precious idol lost the election 😂

  • @PaulLee-rs8uw
    @PaulLee-rs8uw 3 місяці тому +3

    Pro- Jesus😊1st❤ only in Christ😊❤. John 14:6😊❤

    • @PaulLee-rs8uw
      @PaulLee-rs8uw 3 місяці тому +2

      Mark 4:30-34( The parable ❤of the mustard seed❤)
      "30 And he(Jesus😊1st❤) said,
      " With what can we compare the kingdom😊❤
      of God(😊100%❤), or what parable shall we use for it?
      31 It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when sown on the ground, is the smallest of all seeds on earth,
      32 yet when it is sown it grows up and become a larger than all the garden plants and put out large branches, so that the birds ( " birds " in this case is better type of "birds"( from Mark 4:32b) than previous type of birds from Mark 4:3b,15b) of the air can make nests in its shade."
      33 With many such parables he( Jesus😊1st❤) spoke the word to them, as they were able to hear it.
      34 He (Jesus😊1st❤)
      did not speak to them without a parable,
      but😊❤ privately😊❤ to his own disciples( 12) he explained everything."(Mark 4:30-34 ESV Study Bible)
      Today went out to get food with my wife, window shopping and also got her some clothings . And drove my wife's aunt 😊❤
      to visit her mom so that her aunt
      can replace our mom to take her mom too in action of love in Christ and then we drove our mom😊❤
      back home. Then cooked dinner for my wife😊❤ in Christ and her mom went home to eat with her dad. Busy day in Christ. And shared what we did in small groups in Christ. Went to eat at bread restaurant that are in Christ. Their staffs are outstanding in Christ. May Jesus heal everyone who trust him( Jesus😊1st❤) in Jesus'name,i pray( 😊❤ James 5:14-15😊❤, and also bought some new clothings for my wife😊❤ in Christ and also bought an educational item❤ on sale for the future child❤ in Christ😊❤ too❤ in Christ❤). Amen.

    • @PaulLee-rs8uw
      @PaulLee-rs8uw 3 місяці тому +2

      1 Corinthians 3:6
      "6 I ( Paul 😊❤ in Christ)
      planted, Apollos😊❤ watered, but😊❤
      God(God 😊 100%❤ our Father in heaven) gave❤ the growth😊❤."( 1 Corinthians 3:6 ESV Study Bible) Good night in Christ😊❤.

  • @loucontino4804
    @loucontino4804 3 місяці тому

    Your making it too complicated. Jesus Joy was purely in doing The Will of His Father.

  • @timothymcdonald7407
    @timothymcdonald7407 3 місяці тому

    Pastor wackadoodles rules.

  • @wanda520
    @wanda520 3 місяці тому +4

    Christ should not be depicted on the cross . He isn’t there. Crucifixes in churches verge on idolatry. Yes, I’m Calvinist.

    • @foodforthought8308
      @foodforthought8308 3 місяці тому +1


    • @foodforthought8308
      @foodforthought8308 3 місяці тому +1

      I wear a crucifix as a Protestant. It's a beautiful way to silently evangelize and declare our Lord's death until He comes. We have much to learn from out Catholic brothers and sisters in Christ

    • @wanda520
      @wanda520 3 місяці тому

      @@foodforthought8308 A Cross is different from a crucifix. Yes, we have a lot to learn about what the Bible actually says versus what Catholics are taught.

    • @foodforthought8308
      @foodforthought8308 3 місяці тому

      @wanda520 That's not what I said. A crucifix uniquely invites us to mediate on the reality and Mystery of our Lord's suffering.True there is much we can learn from each other, but you may be surprised to find how much a genuine Catholic understanding brings to light the unsearchable depth and Beauty of the Scriptures. I recommend Bishop Barron's "Word on Fire" as well as Father Mike's "Bible in a Year" series

    • @wanda520
      @wanda520 3 місяці тому

      @@foodforthought8308 I recommend the Bible

  • @whiteydiamond
    @whiteydiamond 3 місяці тому +2

    The fuck does a priest care about what an actor says? You guys really got nothing going on over there in church eh?

    • @SoodeauxKnymn
      @SoodeauxKnymn 3 місяці тому +5

      The actor is very famous and also a confirmed Catholic. Furthermore, John Piper is a pastor, not a priest.

    • @limaTheNoob
      @limaTheNoob 3 місяці тому +4

      There's enough reason to care about this as much as to care about anyone else's, really. It's just a discussion of ideas. No harm done - just ideas being discussed. We should probably do more of that as a society, as a church, as so on. I don't understand what about this aggravates or befuddles you.

    • @jpmadison98
      @jpmadison98 3 місяці тому +7

      I think Pastor John was very charitable in this discussion, friend. And I find it hypocritical of you to voice your disapproval of his expressing his opinions when you are doing the exact same thing here.
      Why should we care what you say? Have you nothing better to do? I say this with love merely to get you to reflect on your words.

    • @Grant-gq7in
      @Grant-gq7in 3 місяці тому +2

      if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;

    • @CoCoFantastique
      @CoCoFantastique 3 місяці тому

      The actor is in the church...we are minding our business. And why you are here exactly?