The 7 Levels Of Wealth (What Stage Are You At?)

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024


  • @GabeBult
    @GabeBult  10 місяців тому +14

    Go to my partner Mint Mobile to get premium wireless for as low as $15 a month

    • @annaperalta505
      @annaperalta505 10 місяців тому +2

      Did this last year when I first subscribed to you 👍🏼

    • @mikesaia4617
      @mikesaia4617 10 місяців тому

      70 yo. My wife & I own & love our business. So used to being frugal I feel guilty when we splurge. We prefer eating in, exercise, our kids (1 in the business). Probably die with my boots on and a smile.

    • @ZeroBOY-nj2uv
      @ZeroBOY-nj2uv 10 місяців тому

      Thanks sir

    • @Goddees
      @Goddees 8 місяців тому

      Gabe, Make a video, top 10 books on finance that you recommend reading

    • @susanh.7516
      @susanh.7516 8 місяців тому


  • @Sunshya
    @Sunshya 10 місяців тому +31

    I'm 18 and already at stage 3! Super excited to be able to grow and reach my goals in the future :) Stage 7 I'm coming for ya! 🤗

    • @sassiejoan
      @sassiejoan 7 місяців тому +4

      I’m 40 and I’m at stage 3. Well done getting here at your age! 🎉

    • @Jaythevillan
      @Jaythevillan 8 днів тому

      I’m 18 at stage 2

  • @becca1325
    @becca1325 10 місяців тому +14

    Stage 5, actually surprised myself, I would have thought I was further away. I don’t need 7, but 6 would be great. Next goal!

  • @LeeBason
    @LeeBason 10 місяців тому +15

    It took 68 years to get to abundance and building a successful business was the primary reason. Even though I’m in stage 7, I’m still working in my company, but… for the first time in 34 years, I’m a W2 employee! Hope my partners (they still call me that) will keep me around for another 10 or so years. I’m having the time of my life.
    Just recently found your channel and love it!

    • @CraigL-rs9be
      @CraigL-rs9be 5 місяців тому

      I prefer not to work but its nice that you enjoy it

  • @anneard1674
    @anneard1674 10 місяців тому +4

    In 1966 married hubby w/ $300, spent that on trailer downpayment,- bought 10 acres/$2000 sold for $20,000, - bought first house $7500 sold for$15000,-. bought 2 1/2 acres subbed house for 40,000 sold for 75,000, -bought 1 acre 4200 sold for 16000 , ... now as recent widow owe nothing , downsizing from 10 acres 2500 sq ft house cost$100450 worth $350,000 to 1200 sq fr house paid off. no debt living on retirement/ss and heading to Christian missions... Real estate ALL the way! started out small but you gotta START!

  • @LivingProcess
    @LivingProcess 10 місяців тому +15

    Brilliant as always... Unfortunately stage 1 on permanent disability (Canadian) but working on it Thank you

  • @philipw4849
    @philipw4849 10 місяців тому +30

    Stage 3.5. I need to keep moving forward and not look back or dwell on the past or compare my stage to others.

    • @GabeBult
      @GabeBult  10 місяців тому +5

      For sure! Doesn't matter where you are just that your working on the next stage

  • @rayphot
    @rayphot 10 місяців тому +6

    I'm somewhere between 5 and 6. I left the Navy last year after 27 years and am now receiving a pension for the rest of my life 😀(I'm only 51). I'm completely debt free having paid off my mortgage a few years ago which took a fair bit of effort and sacrifices. Multiple vehicles all paid for. I've now got a job I enjoy and just live off that salary, saving the entirety of my pension each month. Still building up my investments inc TSLA stock, tax free savings in a cash ISA, premium bonds and a small amount of BTC/ETH for fun. I'm also making over payments into a works pension with my current job. By the time I retire I will have 4 different pensions paying out which is pretty nice. I'm single so can spend or save however I see fit.

  • @carwoman43
    @carwoman43 10 місяців тому +8

    This is a great video that could help a lot of people! I'm stage 4 and you motivate me to get to stages 5 and 6.

  • @lilypudd
    @lilypudd 10 місяців тому +9

    I'm between stage 2 & 1 right now. I was at stage 4 but at the beginning of 2020 I was in a workplace accident, then lockdown happened, then got laid off, then surgery, then drug reactions, etc. I had a 24 month safety net for overhead and had workmens comp for a year and a half. That helped but medical bills(after insurance) zapped my regular savings too so fast(workmens comp doesn't cover everything) So many things that were out of my control but affected my finances negatively. Had all the ducks in a row but still didn't matter. Hoping to get back to work soon & start to rebuild but it's so frustrating. Oh, and when you are at stage 2 it is extremely stressful, especially when you are single.

    • @anthonynix9659
      @anthonynix9659 3 місяці тому

      You got this @lilypud.. You made it farther than most people ever would and you’re still blessed.. Pat yourself on the back for being genuine about your situation and still pushing.. I believe in the power of our Holy Divine Creator and that he blesses the righteous and driven.. Trust in him and you will be fine.

  • @staceyd8397
    @staceyd8397 10 місяців тому +11

    0:04 S1 budget
    1:16 S2 self sufficiency
    3:06 S3 breathing room
    4:55 S4 stability
    6:36 S5 wealth building
    8:04 S6 financial independence
    9:06 never be broke again

  • @ameliagrace1106
    @ameliagrace1106 10 місяців тому +5

    I would say 4/5 and looking at opening a business in a few years. Hopefully I’ll can get up to 6/7.
    Thanks for your videos you do a great job at creating them each week.

  • @turtlepizzarolls8058
    @turtlepizzarolls8058 10 місяців тому +30

    I have been following you for about a year, and this is easily one of the best and well put together videos so far ❤

  • @danielturczan2485
    @danielturczan2485 9 місяців тому +1

    Stage 3. I've been fighting lifestyle creep and am keeping my spending within a budget. I believe your advice for this stage is spot on.

  • @senorasarahCDMX
    @senorasarahCDMX 10 місяців тому +3

    YES I'm at stage 3! You hit the nail on the head! We save about 10%. Time to save more!

  • @vdwhite687
    @vdwhite687 9 місяців тому +4

    Im currently between stage one and two right now. I just got to the point in my life where I was able to move out of my parents, and start my own life at age 20. Right now I’m starting to track my expenses, build a budget, and I already have a good amount in savings… However, I’m not sure if my expenses outpace my income at the moment. Essentially I was thrown into having all of these expenses and forced to get a job as soon as possible, when I might not have been ready for it… but here we are. I don’t believe I need multi millions in order to live the life that I want to, because I very much want to be off grid, and live that sustainable lifestyle… but it would also be nice to go on vacations and enjoy more expensive things as well; and not have to worry about finances.

  • @mademydaybyemily
    @mademydaybyemily 10 місяців тому +13

    Between stage 2-3 currently. I’m proud of this as for the past few years I’ve been at stage 1. So excited to keep going 😃 Thanks Gabe!

    • @GabeBult
      @GabeBult  10 місяців тому +1

      Let's go! It's all about just small steps in the right direction

  • @busaj383
    @busaj383 8 місяців тому +1

    I guess im not looking for that much out of life. Just finally getting into stage 3 at 52 years old becasue ive never really cared about future, i just roll along each day. Personally don't feel the need to go past level 4 myself. I can do what i wnat to now, go on trips sometimes, my job gives me a reason to get out of bed each day plus i get a free new car every 3 years and they pay for gas and all the expenses. I've never wanted to be a millionaire ever and am just hanging out until im put in the dirt like we all we be with no stress at all ☺️ Take care out there people ❤✌️

  • @Liahs333
    @Liahs333 10 місяців тому +4

    Stage 2-3 right now. Gabe I need your course in a Canadian version. Any advice for your neighbours to the North would be appreciated. I still watch because you have a lot of common sense tips ♥️🇨🇦

  • @natalieollis8281
    @natalieollis8281 10 місяців тому +2

    23 at Stage 4! Comfortable, but gearing up to buy my first piece of real estate!

  • @ClearDiscussion
    @ClearDiscussion 10 місяців тому +7

    I'm between stages 3 and 4 right now. Being smart with money, but not super comfortable yet. We've saved a lot over time and are fairly frugal so that helps. Thanks for the video Gabe.

  • @cathyholt5215
    @cathyholt5215 10 місяців тому +7

    Mid 6. LOTS of hard work to get here but I can breath. I can also help others which was/is a big goal for me.

  • @sierrabouchard3147
    @sierrabouchard3147 6 місяців тому

    I'm definitely in Stage 3 - I can see myself falling into some traps with lifestyle creep, and the urge to purchase a new car. This was an excellent reminder to tighten things up to move up to stage 4!

  • @shea455
    @shea455 10 місяців тому +3

    I don't mean to disagree, but as a mid-stage-6 myself, you absolutely can get to 7 by saving and investing (call it deca-millionaire stage). We are likely to retire prior to stage 7, but our consumption is such that we'd reach stage 7 prior to age 65 simply on S&P.

  • @ShalomDove
    @ShalomDove 6 місяців тому

    The 7 baby steps 💜 i love them, because they are so clear.

  • @sarahlundregan3403
    @sarahlundregan3403 10 місяців тому +9

    Stage 5 at the moment and a good few years (7-10) until stage 6. We just invested in a larger apartment for our growing family. You're right that at this stage it's so difficult to avoid lifestyle inflation...

    • @ankitap9887
      @ankitap9887 10 місяців тому

      So true, Feel the same

  • @davidhiramreyes6490
    @davidhiramreyes6490 10 місяців тому +1

    I didn’t want to buy a new car but we needed it.
    My wife & I now have 2 kids, we needed a larger vehicle.
    APR’s are craaaaazy right now! We fought it down the best we could but yup we’re tied down for 7year payment on that vehicle.

  • @SolvingTheWealthProblem
    @SolvingTheWealthProblem 7 місяців тому +2

    5-6 hard to tell because i dont have security backup i prefer invest all that money. Otherwise low level 6 or high level 5 hard to tell. Im aiming level 7 in few years

  • @lindacgrace2973
    @lindacgrace2973 10 місяців тому +13

    Sigh. Excellent advice. Retire in my 40s? Hell, I wanna be able to retire NOW, in my 70s! Instead I limp along in penury living on a very modest widow's pension and Social Security (which is quite low because of the way they calculate benefits). I'm legally blind, so not a lotta employment opportunities. I'm a decent writer and I'm trying to create a second career for myself with writing, but I have failed so far. I write really good books (I've won awards) but I suck so bad at marketing them that I've bankrupted myself trying to self-publish. I would really love some help with side hustles, 'cause I'm flat out of inspiration. I represent a minuscule fraction of your viewership, so I will understand completely if you can't fit it in; but my biggest problem is income. $40,000 per year just ain't what it used to be and I'm stranded overseas (Malaysia - super low cost of living) until I can figure this out.

  • @Just...Peachy
    @Just...Peachy 10 місяців тому +1

    On 5. I can't wait to be financially free!

  • @OroborusFMA
    @OroborusFMA 10 місяців тому +1

    If you're under 30 start now if you haven't already started. I was a graduate school bum until I was 34. Didn't get my first "real" job until I was 36. Only had that one job until I was 45 and then I got laid off for two years. That layoff opened my eyes and I built several modest revenue streams while looking for another "real" job. As luck would have it I was rehired by the same company but I kept those other revenue streams and then started a home business. The home business had modest earnings for its first ten years but this year all the pieces fell into place and the revenues are starting to rival that "real" job. I'm now 60 and have a net worth over one million. I am aiming to double that by the time I retire around age 67. All of which is to say the "seven revenue streams" is what I think is truly important.

  • @liene4619
    @liene4619 10 місяців тому +1

    Such an underrated video. Loved this!

  • @chatryna
    @chatryna 10 місяців тому

    1. But I watched the video and I can recognize when someone is teaching good stuff.

  • @HaircareTime
    @HaircareTime 10 місяців тому +3

    Great overview, will jump into your specific videos.
    When I have money i don't know what to do with it eccept catch up. I need better goals.

  • @AimForSuccess.S
    @AimForSuccess.S 10 місяців тому +22

    This is very well put together and will make individuals think about where money is going! Essentialism is key to success! Thanks, Gabe. Come on let's get Gabe some more likes 🏆

    • @GabeBult
      @GabeBult  10 місяців тому +2

      Definitely agree! Essentialism has been life changing

  • @rodrigovaccari7547
    @rodrigovaccari7547 8 місяців тому

    26 at stage 5, all prospects looking positive to keep increasing my income significantly in the next years.

  • @Mateo12485
    @Mateo12485 10 місяців тому +1

    Stage 4... new cars aren't a bad option anymore with this market. They aren't depreciating when you drive them off the lot. A low mileage 3 year old car is within a few thousand dollars of a new car now.

  • @AnaViolinViola
    @AnaViolinViola 10 днів тому

    I’m not going to specify the stage but I’m striving to improve!😊

  • @circa1890
    @circa1890 10 місяців тому +5

    At ~5.7 at 54... what keeps me working is health insurance - this becomes very important as one ages.
    And everyone younger? Eat healthy, exercise, take Vit D (with K2) and find ways to relax and de-stress everyday. Go into later life healthy!

  • @camcheeseman4795
    @camcheeseman4795 6 місяців тому

    Stage 3! Thanks for the video you made my goals seem that much more obtainable. I'm still "delusional" about my goals but I think that's a good thing. Currently saving/investing 27% of my monthly income and looking to get to 30% and then make enough off dividends to cover necessities.

  • @giovannaguido
    @giovannaguido 9 місяців тому

    I’m 23 and currently at stage 4. Looking forward to progressing to further stages 🥳

  • @mr.j997
    @mr.j997 4 місяці тому

    Currently between stage 4 and 5. Working towards financial independence before 40

  • @joycegonzales4994
    @joycegonzales4994 10 місяців тому +5

    I really don’t care for the background music, could just be me. But I think he’s been happy just to listen to you.

  • @keithmachado-pp6fv
    @keithmachado-pp6fv 5 місяців тому +1

    You can get to $10m by working 40 years with a job with a six figure pension/ 7 figure lump sum option plus 2 earners maxing out 401k contributions with company matching in a diversified portfolio.

  • @FindtheNuggets
    @FindtheNuggets 10 місяців тому +13

    At 0 but i have no where to go but up. Looking forward to the challenge of getting there.

    • @GabeBult
      @GabeBult  10 місяців тому +2

      Gotta start somewhere! Just keep making progress

  • @agnesambelyekintwa8730
    @agnesambelyekintwa8730 9 місяців тому

    You are trully God sent ! Keep doing these very life changing videos. Thank you much ! God Bless you !

  • @CraigL-rs9be
    @CraigL-rs9be 5 місяців тому

    I'm at stage 7 and its true money does not buy happiness. I'm happy but I live the same as when I was stage 5 or 6. I can't think of anything I need so in a sense, the money is not doing me a lot of good. You get to the goal and its not all you thought it would be

  • @martinrbookermb
    @martinrbookermb 10 місяців тому +1

    Grate video, im @ stage 5 i would say i wouldn't wait until stage 4 to start investigating though? Small investments build over time, even if its $20. I would start investigating @ stage 3 and treat the money you invest like a bill you need to pay every month. That helps you to start good financial practices moving forward.
    Also dont spend that money you save after you pay off a debt, use it to invest with instead.
    Thanks again for the great video.

  • @emajeharrison1913
    @emajeharrison1913 10 місяців тому +1

    I'm at stage 4 and currently almost close to being debt free but got 30% in investments and 25% in savings and my goal is to retire by 47-49 and to have 6 properties and currently have 2 working on number 3.

  • @chessmaster1115
    @chessmaster1115 10 місяців тому +1

    Ten million seems very high for top phase though if your a minimalist. I am not a minimalist and that is a lot of money for me to consider to even have.

  • @quantum.spectrum
    @quantum.spectrum 7 місяців тому +1

    Helped a lot in my journey becoming a Billionaire 😊

  • @adamfulford6423
    @adamfulford6423 10 місяців тому +1

    Love the practical videos mate! Thankyou 😂

  • @ds5651
    @ds5651 10 місяців тому +1

    I am at early stage level 6. Stocks and rentals.

  • @Jumpman67
    @Jumpman67 10 місяців тому +13

    I’m in stage 5. I save about 45% of my income and I live pretty frugally. I have enough free time to get another job or start a side hustle if I want.

  • @jamieleach9322
    @jamieleach9322 10 місяців тому +2

    Love this video and so wish I could get my older son to watch and learn from you...he doesn't want to hear it from mom...😉

  • @mauihomebuyers
    @mauihomebuyers 9 місяців тому

    I'm borderline stage 6-7, crazy to think just 10 years ago I was homeless and now own 19 rentals in hawaii! Only reason i cant claim stage 7 is my net worth is only like 4m, not the 10m you say qualifies a true stage 7. Thanks, Great video. Love all the comments.

  • @JoshuaFarrer
    @JoshuaFarrer 10 місяців тому +1

    Such a good video bro!! Thank you

  • @bedw3320
    @bedw3320 6 місяців тому

    Just reached level 5, looking for business ideas to reach lvl 6!!

  • @KenBruceWayne
    @KenBruceWayne 10 місяців тому +2

    kinda annoying when I can't turn off cc

  • @homesteadingcreek4460
    @homesteadingcreek4460 10 місяців тому +1

    Great video! Gabe!

  • @heatheranderson2618
    @heatheranderson2618 10 місяців тому +10

    Stage 3 mostly, although we own 2 rentals and are currently flipping a house as well. I’m a realtor and my husband is a property manager. Shooting to be at stage 6 within the next 3-5 years.

  • @Gumby1978
    @Gumby1978 10 місяців тому +1

    I lived by the guidelines and I was able to retire and 56 and do what I want to do. This is great advice. Keep up the good work.

  • @My-video123
    @My-video123 7 місяців тому

    i save about 60 percent of income. things are much more simple now.

  • @SilverStacker56
    @SilverStacker56 10 місяців тому +1

    I’m at stage six, lean fire

  • @alejandrotorrero3621
    @alejandrotorrero3621 10 місяців тому +1

    Great content as always man 🙏

  • @educatedwanderer9293
    @educatedwanderer9293 9 місяців тому

    I reached stage VI in my 40's. Stage VII implies you have to be a successful business person with a net worth beyond 25 times expenses. I think a net worth of 5 million might be enough to be beyond VI into VII.

  • @guillaumel2049
    @guillaumel2049 10 місяців тому +1

    Hi Gabe! 413k subscribers congratulations! I am level 5!

    • @GabeBult
      @GabeBult  10 місяців тому +1

      Thanks 🙏

  • @pattidj4384
    @pattidj4384 10 місяців тому +2

    I'd say I'm 6 and 3/4.......but I should be considering I'm OLD!

  • @tiffanygriffin
    @tiffanygriffin 10 місяців тому

    I would say probably stage 2.5. We have most stuff paid off. But we still need to figure out how to earn more money

  • @gtbcwood
    @gtbcwood 10 місяців тому +2

    Hi, my name is: a random subscriber. Nice to meet you :-)

    • @GabeBult
      @GabeBult  10 місяців тому +1

      Well hello random lol

  • @chadnature81
    @chadnature81 10 місяців тому

    I’m in stage 2 working pay check to pay check. Paid off my mortgage, and 2 auto finance, I’m still broke. Now I’m worry paying for the house tax.

  • @amvaun
    @amvaun 10 місяців тому +1

    Interesting. There are still higher levels. I’m actually at level 12! 🙏🏽❤️‍🔥

  • @Joy-fy1lp
    @Joy-fy1lp 8 місяців тому

    Gracias este video me ayudo a darme cuenta de que no estoy para nada mal, solo que tengo estándares asquerosamente altos, los voy a seguir teniendo porque eso me motiva, pero esto me ayuda a no ser tan duro con migo mismo y apreciar mas todo lo que he conseguido, saludos desde latinoamerica arg

  • @TheRealWurstCase
    @TheRealWurstCase 6 місяців тому

    Stage 5 but struggling to get to stage 6. Working on it for 3 years now

  • @FanatiC89gmxat
    @FanatiC89gmxat 7 місяців тому

    i´m at Barista Fire.. thats a awesome state to be

  • @mindaugasInvest
    @mindaugasInvest 8 місяців тому

    Stage 5

  • @user-qp6vg9ho8u
    @user-qp6vg9ho8u 7 днів тому

    I’m at stage 8

  • @BillyClint22
    @BillyClint22 10 місяців тому

    The problem for me with moving somewhere cheaper is that I’m in the military which means my pay also gets cheaper because my housing allowance goes down.

  • @annaperalta505
    @annaperalta505 10 місяців тому +6

    I’d say I’m at a 2. It’s college debt but I do own a rental property and I have a good income and no other debt than my student loans. I payed off my 2021 Corolla. I do make impulsive decisions when it comes to investing, hopefully I have learned from my mistakes when I owned my business or tried to buy a tiny house lol 😅. Thank you for your videos, long time subscriber, first time commenting.

    • @GabeBult
      @GabeBult  10 місяців тому +3

      Well thanks for the comment! Don't be a stranger

  • @KellyBoettcher-qo9tx
    @KellyBoettcher-qo9tx 10 місяців тому +1

    Great page, 👍 👌

  • @jm7588
    @jm7588 9 місяців тому +1

    been watching this channel since 11k subs

    • @GabeBult
      @GabeBult  9 місяців тому +1

      Yo that's crazy thanks

    • @jm7588
      @jm7588 9 місяців тому

      your videos are excellent. I was shocked how fast you grew all of a sudden@@GabeBult

  • @darkwoman0
    @darkwoman0 8 місяців тому

    The music changed from sad to hopeful and fancy lol nice

  • @agnesambelyekintwa8730
    @agnesambelyekintwa8730 9 місяців тому

    Wow wow wow ! Thank you

  • @Immanuelmsa
    @Immanuelmsa 10 місяців тому

    THank you Gabe

  • @sarahburns344
    @sarahburns344 10 місяців тому

    I believe Im in early stages of level 4 with alot of work to do if I want to move up. I do dabble in investing and side hussles but they arent paying off due to my own personal contributions with time/money/effort. I do feel comfortable but i reckon something could pull the rug out so to speak.

  • @George-nn8ui
    @George-nn8ui 10 місяців тому

    Stage 5 with 30k hedge and off grid living in an ekodome., looking into buying some mining stocks., and then an Airbnb.

  • @Mint-kj9kw
    @Mint-kj9kw 10 місяців тому +1

    Those are NOT the 7 stages of wealth because wealth has very little to do with money. Wealth is your reamlationships, health, creativity, peace, joy, etc.
    You are talking about riches...huge difference.

  • @lookingafterthepennies
    @lookingafterthepennies 10 місяців тому +1

    Gabe, you mentioned you should have all of your debt paid off besides anythings that's under 3-5%, do you mean debt that takes up 3-5% of your income or debt that costs 3-5% in interest?

  • @anneard1674
    @anneard1674 10 місяців тому

    I need mint mobile to offer reasonable internet!

  • @Morningcycles
    @Morningcycles 10 місяців тому +4

    This was soooooooo well done!!!

  • @Lobofindings
    @Lobofindings 9 місяців тому

    I am at stage 3

  • @jonthealth9187
    @jonthealth9187 10 місяців тому +1

    Stage 2

  • @davidgraf4840
    @davidgraf4840 10 місяців тому

    Still at stage 2. I'm one of those 100k paycheck to paycheck people.

  • @ColleenJoudrey
    @ColleenJoudrey 10 місяців тому

    Approximately stage 3 but also I have very little in my chequing account at any time because I've allocated every dollar towards paying off a shit-load of debt and within a month, that repayment amount will be saved to buy a more reliable car.

  • @OborCS
    @OborCS 7 місяців тому

    23yo stage 5, taking 1year off work soon.

  • @thekrazyasian
    @thekrazyasian 4 місяці тому

    Im stage 7 but i still feel like it's not enough.

  • @CastoBoyMania
    @CastoBoyMania 7 місяців тому

    Stage 2 hoping to get to stage 4 one day.

  • @Edgardo477
    @Edgardo477 10 місяців тому +134

    I've come to realize that money is a tool. I’ve worked so hard over the years to realize that if you don’t make money work for you, you can’t experience true freedom. fully retired with over $3.5million, my dividends is supplementing my retirement at the moment. started saving and investing in 2010 in growth, No regrets and financially free

    • @ArchieLatham502
      @ArchieLatham502 10 місяців тому +6

      You're really doing well for yourself, my retirement plans are going down the drain, I've tried investing in the stock market several times but always got discouraged by fluctuations of stock value

    • @Edgardo477
      @Edgardo477 10 місяців тому +2

      I have my portfolio overseen by a California-based wealth advisor 'Martha Cornell Kerns', Safest approach i feel to tackle it is to diversify investments. By spreading investments across different asset classes, like bonds, real estate, and international stocks, they can reduce the impact of a market meltdown

    • @jaidenSalinas
      @jaidenSalinas 10 місяців тому

      thanks for sharing, hope to speak with her soon. I've known I've wanted to start investing for a few months but just haven't been brave enough to start due to the market so far this year. I have 70k i want to transfer into an s&s isa but its hard to bite the bullet and do it

    • @Edgardo477
      @Edgardo477 10 місяців тому

      All the best. It’s a tough one to start, Just invest a bit each month but it’s up to you

    • @andrewwashere82
      @andrewwashere82 10 місяців тому +11

      The comment sounded legit, ngl. Until the name drop of someone responsible for your wealth. Oh well

  • @rasm4577
    @rasm4577 6 місяців тому

    Well it is quite hard to get from stage to stage... I was in stage 2-3 and then received a lump sum of money so working hard right now to get to stage 6 (I am sort of there also in a country where stage 7 is at about 2x my net wortg), but still very well explained...

  • @jup1828
    @jup1828 10 місяців тому

    stage 3...goal of stage 4 in 2 years.