So far has been only EE, everybody else was Nick, Arther (Nick shadow) and Dean who is not in OTK Basically EE is the only collaboration outside game day that Nora had besides NMP
1:39,, first she starts off side ways then straightens up into full flight. Emily is freekin gold... She is hilarious. If u having a bad day, just watch Emily
Did Emily just tactically evade embarrassment with jumping jacks? astonishing really.
It cuts right before she said something like "I'm going to fly away". Girl was so embarrassed she forgot she is not a bird.
@@gffg387 exactly, she’s so cartoonish I think she was actually trying to fly away out of embarrassment
Only she can do that. Its her superpower
Her artistic side kicked in
I like how she tried to fly away
How to avoid an awkward social situation? Try and fly away while shitting yourself
Nora to Emily: "Are your eyes closed?"
Arther: "That was a crazy question..."
nobody else caught that? lol
There’s no way she turned jumping jacks into a means of transportation.
The Chinese are capable of anything
And then she flew away into he sunset
@@Furanku13 😁
EE pants being all dirty from sitting on the curb 🤣
Fly flappy bird, fly
It even broke her T-pose in the end
Emily look like a coal miner out there 😂😂
how can you not like extra emily
lmao, Nora is such a fun addition to the Austin group of streamers!
So far has been only EE, everybody else was Nick, Arther (Nick shadow) and Dean who is not in OTK
Basically EE is the only collaboration outside game day that Nora had besides NMP
@@lir4enick likes to lock people down when they visit him in Austin (Nora, Katchii)
@@lionking2531 touch grass
@lionking2531 Nora literally said on her stream that her priority was to hang with Nick. This was a personal life trip, not a business trip.
WOW, we finally get a Emily and Nora collab. Even if it's just for 5 minutes...
First Esfand now Nora lol how do you fall for the same trick twice😂
1:39,, first she starts off side ways then straightens up into full flight. Emily is freekin gold... She is hilarious. If u having a bad day, just watch Emily
"That was a crazy question", tf is this bro talking about lmfao
Plot twist: The whole time, Emily's eyes were open.
Yup my girlfriend
Got Eafand'd by Nora
im gonna try that jumping jack strat, i think shes onto something
emily is such a darling, easily brightens you day
Y yall cooking in a parking lot ? Twitch aint paying well at all 😂
she is not a real person man she is a cartoon
LMAO this is so funny hahaha.
Placebo effect on live stream.
Good idea u saw Nora spends time away from nick and does some content with other Austin streamers whilst she's there
I like how Esfand did the same trick like less than a month ago and she fell for it😂
"that's so embarrassing" while doing something even more embarrassing to counteract it
200 IQ right there
So, is emily cooking crak in drive way again?
poor emily got too embarrass