Lupus Europe • EXERCISE PROGRAM for Lupus Patients • LEVEL #1

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
    6 Exercises • 10-15 Minutes
    This level is for when you feel unable to get out of bed
    for one reason or another or feel more comfortable lying down.
    This should be your starting point, if you are not used to exercising.
    The exercises can be done while lying in bed or on a mat on the floor.
    You can increase the difficulty of some of the exercises
    by using waterbottles or dumbbells.
    • • •
    In collaboration with trained physical therapists Lupus
    Europe has developed an exercise program in five levels
    which has been endorsed by leading European Lupologists.
    Studies show, that the only thing, that is clinically proven
    to help lupus fatigue is “moderate” exercise. We as lupus
    patients ourselves do however realise, how difficult it can
    be to start exercising, when you feel fatigue! This is why
    we developed this program from our own experiences.
    Exercise doesn´t necessarily mean, that you have to run a
    marathon or go to the gym. With this program we want to show,
    that you can do it no matter where you are and how you are
    feeling. You should be able to find a level that suits you each day.
    The goal is of course to increase in level whenever you can,
    but you will probably experience, that you have to go down
    a level at some point. Don´t despair, this is quite normal,
    and the most important thing is, that you do one exercise a
    day - not which level it is.
    Who knows - you might even feel so energized by doing one
    program, that you can take on the next level straight away…?
    All exercises can be done without training tools and in the
    individual videos we will guide you through the various
    options for increased or reduced difficulties. Each program
    can be done in 15-20 minutes, if you do two or three rounds.