Ovr nya udah mendekati tapi kalo boleh turunin lagi om biar makin riil. Pemain timnas yg bukan naturalisasi 50an juga gapapa, ngikutin ovr asli arhan & lino di base game nya. Rata2 masih 60an, agak sedikit overrated menurut ane hehe tp udah jauh lebih baik daripada pes b!tbox yg asal input wkwkw
Great mod, does it replace any league + does it work with career and also is there an easier way to buy the mod for example patreon? I'm from the UK who is looking to buy it
akhirnya yang ditunggu tunggu tiba 🎉
Ovr nya udah mendekati tapi kalo boleh turunin lagi om biar makin riil. Pemain timnas yg bukan naturalisasi 50an juga gapapa, ngikutin ovr asli arhan & lino di base game nya. Rata2 masih 60an, agak sedikit overrated menurut ane hehe tp udah jauh lebih baik daripada pes b!tbox yg asal input wkwkw
Ovr sgtu jg kadang kita msh kesulitan lawan musuh hehe..
Ini jadi kalau main carrer mode pake liga indonesia ada acl elit/2 nya juga kah? Kayak kalau pake club eropa ada uclnya gtu ?
Great mod, does it replace any league + does it work with career and also is there an easier way to buy the mod for example patreon? I'm from the UK who is looking to buy it
AFAIK it does replace all women's competitions
Did you buy it? I cannot contact the video owner, please help me
@@kieuquangquynh97 I don’t know how to, you’d think there’s a discord/patreon but there’s not any
@@kieuquangquynh97 I have messaged him, he said it's for only for Indonesia people not foreigners. :/
Kalau boleh liga jepang tambahin real face lagi sama liga 2nya dong hehehe😅
Bng, saya mau dong modnya, bisa beli dimna bng
bang ini bisa di fc 25 TU 7 ?
udh include timnas terupdate kah bang ?
Mod nya bisa di rog ally x gak bang
Cara beli eafc 25 di laptop gimna ya bang dan hrganya berapa
Di steam bang,harganya 900 an
Skrng 320k bro
Include timnas Indo nya bang?
Ini buat laptop bisa ya?
Itu Fc25 buat ps4 bisa ga ya
Khusus Komputer dan Laptop
Links to download this mod?
Bayar bro
This is payable mod not free
Buat ps kah ini. Apa di hp
Khusus Komputer dan Laptop saja bro
Link nya mana bang
beli bro 100k
I really wanted to see this 🥲❤️