Halsey - Sorry

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 35 тис.

  • @BrookeMakenna
    @BrookeMakenna 6 років тому +998


  • @GreenredProductions
    @GreenredProductions 6 років тому +8454

    Piano + voice - that's how you do it!

    • @goldenchainhoney7415
      @goldenchainhoney7415 6 років тому +32

      just like brendon urie in this is gospel on piano

    • @julietspot
      @julietspot 6 років тому +18

      Greenred Productions - Relaxing Music YESS!

    • @loriaurand6100
      @loriaurand6100 6 років тому +10

      You mean like Adele lmao this girl is a knockoff of adele.same voice same style singing same type of sad emotional music

    • @mishamohan9298
      @mishamohan9298 6 років тому +6


    • @sick8958
      @sick8958 6 років тому +2

      Greenred Productions - Relaxing Music hahaha no beats huh

  • @mihai01364
    @mihai01364 5 років тому +12712

    " Someone will love you,
    But someone isn't me"
    Why these words are so painful?

    • @sayondey5744
      @sayondey5744 5 років тому +78

      Yeah that thing i didnt liked in the song😭

    • @eswarcareless
      @eswarcareless 5 років тому +145

      " someone better than me will love you,
      But someone isn't me " how about this ?

    • @mercedeshoberek264
      @mercedeshoberek264 5 років тому +90

      its how most depressed girls and boys feel this

    • @gkabimanyu5754
      @gkabimanyu5754 5 років тому +50

      That word. Hit me so much.

    • @matthewwalker3131
      @matthewwalker3131 5 років тому +90

      Because it shows kindness from the POV of the dumper in a melancholy way. You get the sense halsey genuinely didnt mean to hurt this person

  • @KibaSnowpaw
    @KibaSnowpaw Рік тому +274

    This song hits close to home and resonates deeply with me. As someone who has struggled with self-doubt and insecurity, I can relate to the feelings of not believing that anyone could fall in love with me. Halsey's lyrics capture the struggle of realizing that one's own actions have caused pain and regretting the loss of a love that was taken for granted.
    The chorus, in particular, is powerful in its vulnerability and honesty. It takes courage to admit fault and to apologize to someone that we have hurt. The repetition of "sorry to my unknown lover" emphasizes the regret and sorrow that the speaker feels for not valuing the relationship they had. The line "sorry I could be so blind" speaks to the self-awareness that comes with hindsight and the realization of one's mistakes.
    The bridge, with its repetition of "someone will love you," is a reminder that even if we don't feel deserving of love, there is someone out there who will love us for who we are. It's a message of hope in the midst of heartbreak and regret.
    Overall, "Sorry" is a beautifully written and emotive song that captures the complexity of human relationships and the regret that can come from taking love for granted. Its relatable lyrics and powerful message make it a standout track in Halsey's discography.
    #Halsey #Sorry #Love #Regret #Insecurity #Vulnerability #Relationships #Heartbreak #SelfDoubt #Apology #Hope #Music #Song #Emotions #SelfAwareness #Lyrics #Honesty #UnknownLover

    • @sue8415
      @sue8415 Рік тому +7

      You won 👏👏👏👏👏👏 absolutely true

    • @sue8415
      @sue8415 Рік тому +7

      😢😢😢damn ! literature

    • @angelanambela6129
      @angelanambela6129 10 місяців тому +5

      Some people are just sharp eish. This analysis right is superb 🤝🙌🏾

    • @craigmerrila7767
      @craigmerrila7767 9 місяців тому +3

      You have misunderstood the meaning. It's about the feeling of guilt for stringing people along when you never had any intentions. She's left a line of broken people who wanted more and she didn't.

    • @KibaSnowpaw
      @KibaSnowpaw 9 місяців тому +7

      @@craigmerrila7767 Hey Craig,
      Thanks for sharing your perspective! It’s always fascinating to see how differently we can interpret the same song, isn't it? Music, especially with artists as nuanced as Halsey, often speaks to us in unique ways based on our personal experiences and the moments we’re going through.
      I see where you’re coming from with the interpretation of guilt for leading people on. It’s a testament to the song's depth and Halsey’s skill as a lyricist that it can evoke such varied and personal responses. Your take adds another layer to the song’s meaning, highlighting the complexities of human connections and the unintentional hurt we might cause.
      Perhaps it's this multifaceted nature of music that makes it so powerful and relatable. Whether it’s about regretting not valuing love or the guilt of unintentionally leading someone on, the core themes of reflection, regret, and the hope for redemption shine through.
      Really appreciate your insight, Craig. It’s given me even more to think about and reflects the beauty of music’s ability to connect us through shared yet distinct emotional landscapes.
      #MusicDiscussion #DifferentPerspectives #Halsey #Reflection #HumanConnections

  • @shannonbellofatto4258
    @shannonbellofatto4258 6 років тому +800

    she never fails to succeed in making me cry

  • @sofiagrace1032
    @sofiagrace1032 6 років тому +498


    • @mayagold10
      @mayagold10 6 років тому +23

      Sofia Grace well 2017 was 2 months ago so..

    • @bebem1016
      @bebem1016 6 років тому +10

      let's be specific: before June of 2017, BEFORE HER ALBUM EVEN RELEASED.

    • @skyraven89
      @skyraven89 6 років тому +1

      maya one*

    • @edenlosev7134
      @edenlosev7134 6 років тому

      im shook too

    • @itsjosegurl
      @itsjosegurl 6 років тому

      They filmed around March 2017 I believe

    @LONDONALEXIS 6 років тому +18140

    She's honestly one of the best female artists out right now. Such a dope person inside and out. This video concept is so lit.

    • @dannyosnap
      @dannyosnap 6 років тому +102

      LONDON ALEXIS Don’t forget about Pink!!!

    • @ddj94
      @ddj94 6 років тому +35

      sis we been knew

      @LONDONALEXIS 6 років тому +43

      Danny OSnap she’s the OG. Never can forget our her. 🙌🏼

    • @TheLondonCyclist
      @TheLondonCyclist 6 років тому +17

      LONDON ALEXIS Stop with the "lit" bullshit.

    • @veggie42
      @veggie42 6 років тому +10

      Danny OSnap She does remind me of her a bit here

  • @mentals2240
    @mentals2240 2 місяці тому +15

    "Someone will love you, but someone isn't me." She's always been a poet, but I don't think she's gotten the flowers she deserves. She's still making impeccable music to this day even with life altering medical problems. I love you H.

  • @ricam7044
    @ricam7044 6 років тому +400

    "Sorry that I can't believe
    That anybody ever really
    Starts to fall in love with me"
    First time hearing that hit me so much

    • @lauraferreira6283
      @lauraferreira6283 5 років тому +1

      you and me both... :)

    • @kathybartley7790
      @kathybartley7790 5 років тому


    • @MarioRios-o8q
      @MarioRios-o8q Місяць тому

      Anybody can love someone even if the show love and kindness and respect that is true love with music we all can love

  • @eliza7884
    @eliza7884 5 років тому +3648

    "Sorry to my unknown lover, sorry that I can't believe that anybody ever really starts to fall in love with me..."
    Felt that.

    • @5halifa.881
      @5halifa.881 5 років тому +5

      Zoey S true

    • @nadajallouli132
      @nadajallouli132 5 років тому +2


    • @jonahsimmons5332
      @jonahsimmons5332 5 років тому +11

      Good thing no one ever will fall in love with me

    • @mardin4842
      @mardin4842 5 років тому

      Awe :(

    • @eliza7884
      @eliza7884 5 років тому +30

      @@jonahsimmons5332 That's not true, someone will love you, I promise. If I can get someone, you can too. I'm still really surprised that I found someone I like that says he likes me back

  • @JasonMyers
    @JasonMyers 6 років тому +784

    I've missed your calls for months it seems
    Don't realize how mean I can be
    'Cause I can sometimes treat the people
    That I love like jewelry
    'Cause I can change my mind each day
    I didn't mean to try you on
    But I still know your birthday
    And your mother's favorite song
    So I'm sorry to my unknown lover
    Sorry that I can't believe
    That anybody ever really
    Starts to fall in love with me
    Sorry to my unknown lover
    Sorry I could be so blind
    Didn't mean to leave you
    And all of the things that we had behind
    [Verse 2]
    I run away when things are good
    And never really understood
    The way you laid your eyes on me
    In ways that no one ever could
    And so it seems I broke your heart
    My ignorance has struck again
    I failed to see it from the start
    And tore you open 'til the end
    So I'm sorry to my unknown lover
    Sorry that I can't believe
    That anybody ever really
    Starts to fall in love with me
    Sorry to my unknown lover
    Sorry I could be so blind
    Didn't mean to leave you
    And all of the things that we had behind
    And someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    But someone isn't me
    Someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    But someone isn't me
    Sorry to my unknown lover
    Sorry that I can't believe
    That anybody ever really
    Starts to fall in love with me
    Sorry to my unknown lover
    Sorry I could be so blind
    Didn't mean to leave you
    And all of the things that we had behind
    And someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    But someone isn't me
    And someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    But someone isn't me

  • @wetnesseverdeen6750
    @wetnesseverdeen6750 Рік тому +642

    A lot of people make fun of the way she sings but her voice is truly unique and it’s beautiful

  • @killshotpjm8621
    @killshotpjm8621 6 років тому +1496

    All her songs are epic and yet soo underrated?!!!?

    • @annita2776
      @annita2776 6 років тому +14

      Ikr,she's the first artist who i love all her songs😊😊😊

    • @therealchaos3620
      @therealchaos3620 6 років тому +10

      listen to billie eilish ! she's amazing too ! im sure u will like her

    • @kumarmanglam9919
      @kumarmanglam9919 6 років тому +1

      I agree

    • @annita2776
      @annita2776 6 років тому +2

      Dubu soft i did,wow,she's amazing,thanks

    • @katharinac1407
      @katharinac1407 6 років тому +3

      I love her voice,it's so calming down❣

  • @grishmakorjani9024
    @grishmakorjani9024 3 роки тому +872

    A phenomenal actress, writer, singer, creative artist and now a MOM.
    This woman is UNSTOPPABLE
    I’m so grateful to be alive at the same time as her.

    • @fiita86
      @fiita86 2 роки тому +9

      She is the best indeed

    • @aisethewise
      @aisethewise 2 роки тому

      her child was born on my birthday=)

  • @mekhlachowdhury2089
    @mekhlachowdhury2089 6 років тому +816

    Halsey is so underrated, but she deserves so much more. All of her songs carry so much of emotion and meaning ❤️❤️I love her, and I feel bad that I didn't know about her sooner.. I wish everyone listens to her atleast once, she's a gem 💎.. Much love to everyone 💕

    • @snehalnaid533
      @snehalnaid533 5 років тому +6

      @Micah Mcgaffin that doesn't mean she's not underrated. Have u seen not many channels like billboard promote her and she barely wins any awards.

    • @kayleighwright2671
      @kayleighwright2671 5 років тому +3

      Me too she has the best choice and.ahe is awesome and I have been praying for he and.I love you Halsey

    • @felizitaskessler979
      @felizitaskessler979 5 років тому +1

      Me too

    • @Fireyfan40
      @Fireyfan40 5 років тому +1

      I literally just found out about her back in November of 2018 an I swear I love her music it's hard to find singers that sing from the heart ya know.

    • @prasadvasudevan9461
      @prasadvasudevan9461 5 років тому +1

      Truely she's a star🌟🌟

  • @everydaycoolmusic
    @everydaycoolmusic Рік тому +36

    This song shows what lack of communication can do to a relationship. An already fragile relationship that slowly dwindled away because they became complacent and never verbally communicated their feelings. One person blindsided that the other decides to walk away, never thinking it would actually happen. And the other who slowly placed one foot out the door over time. This is the reality of relationships. You learn (the hard way) that people don't see or understand things the way you do and you can't expect them to.

    • @ExplainerWizard-vw4jx
      @ExplainerWizard-vw4jx 5 місяців тому +4

      "Lack of communication" is almost always a symptom of a deeper issue.

    • @esperar6621
      @esperar6621 4 місяці тому +2

      Your vocabulary 🔥

    • @bobbygoes
      @bobbygoes 20 днів тому

      Avoidant vs Anxious lovers trope

  • @lilac.2455
    @lilac.2455 5 років тому +715

    When I heard " Someone will love you,But someone isn't me "
    I started crying and I remembered when my crush broke my heart.... Hope the person who sees this doesn't get heartbroken

    • @arthurlewis737
      @arthurlewis737 5 років тому +8

      Already am..,..

    • @lilac.2455
      @lilac.2455 5 років тому +4

      @@arthurlewis737 aw.... at least I'm a 11 year old and I learnt my lesson

    • @maggielol3225
      @maggielol3225 5 років тому +6

      I'm already been reject so many times I can't count😀😄☺️🙂🤔😐😶😒😢😭

    • @1SUBPAR
      @1SUBPAR 5 років тому +10

      Aww I didn't even get heartbroken yet, why? Cuz I didn't date people 😇

    • @theweirdosbts1160
      @theweirdosbts1160 5 років тому +2

      𝘪𝘮 𝘢𝘭𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘯

  • @ljlfilms7043
    @ljlfilms7043 6 років тому +129


  • @mariahgunn7101
    @mariahgunn7101 6 років тому +8752

    So happy she created a beautiful music video for this beautiful song.

    • @kchunckynguyen5252
      @kchunckynguyen5252 6 років тому +4

      Mariah Gunn Apology accepted

    • @matilalchapagain2991
      @matilalchapagain2991 6 років тому +3

      Mariah Gunn sub my channel I will sub back

    • @benge3092
      @benge3092 6 років тому +3

      Mariah Gunn sorry you have to be like this

    • @piercedupbeauty
      @piercedupbeauty 6 років тому +26

      Video story order:#1Now or Never, #2 Sorry, #3 Bad at Love. Now I see why she has cuts on her face in bad at love, and runs into the tarot card reader in the bathroom from Now or Never.

    • @malakmalak4744
      @malakmalak4744 6 років тому +1

      Can i ask u plz , she steels with g-eazy?

  • @gregdockowitz6092
    @gregdockowitz6092 2 роки тому +683

    The sound of this woman’s voice is amazing. She really is one of a kind.

    • @adambonus4320
      @adambonus4320 Рік тому +1

      Good voice but she looks like a Lez

    • @EyeKnowYourRight22
      @EyeKnowYourRight22 Рік тому +5

      Good voice but sounds and looks like millions of other people.

    • @dondenabrowne
      @dondenabrowne Рік тому +1


    • @intheskatepark
      @intheskatepark Рік тому +8

      @@adambonus4320 she's bi

    • @adambonus4320
      @adambonus4320 Рік тому +1

      @@intheskatepark so am I. Doesn't mean I wear high heels and grow my hair out and iron it

  • @Veron_Ina
    @Veron_Ina 6 років тому +674

    Her voice is ❤️

  • @sofiagrace1032
    @sofiagrace1032 6 років тому +145

    I was so grateful to wake up to this thank you Halsey

  • @shannieluu3050
    @shannieluu3050 6 років тому +207

    This song 😭😭 it’s beautiful Halsey ❤️

  • @hardevkaur4877
    @hardevkaur4877 11 місяців тому +439

    Who still feels it like not a 5 year old song even in 2024 ?? 😢❤

  • @elfgirl2009
    @elfgirl2009 4 роки тому +12176

    This song makes me realise how mean I am to myself and how I don't allow myself to receive the love that I deserve

  • @bash3471
    @bash3471 6 років тому +2749

    There is something about Halsey that make her so special. Her voice, her emotions, her everything is just so special amd unique. I love it :)

    • @nicoleyward6308
      @nicoleyward6308 6 років тому +5

      1000 subscribers with no videos challenge Human i love Haley

    • @youtubename2638
      @youtubename2638 6 років тому +10

      Listen to Lana Del Ray she is sooo good 🦋

    • @aimeehart3130
      @aimeehart3130 6 років тому +2


    • @mariagarcia9739
      @mariagarcia9739 6 років тому +3

      I know every thing about is so unique and special.sometimes when i lisen to this song its helps me thing back about my life i just love her

    • @shosh7498
      @shosh7498 6 років тому +2

      exactly ❤💯👌

  • @layla1018
    @layla1018 5 років тому +311

    The reason why I love Halsey because she’s unique and has a creative attitude and she’s different and i hope she reads this because i love u Halsey

    • @malakmanar746
      @malakmanar746 5 років тому +7

      Yes she s cute like pink

    • @shaybay3999
      @shaybay3999 5 років тому +4

      Layla Link yea she is beautiful

    • @skkaws
      @skkaws 5 років тому +1

      Everyone is unique duh

    • @iluvb4mbi
      @iluvb4mbi 5 років тому +2

      Oop we have the same name 🌝

  • @ninas2340
    @ninas2340 2 роки тому +611

    I've missed your calls for months it seems
    Don't realize how mean I can be
    'Cause I can sometimes treat the people
    That I love like jewelry
    'Cause I can change my mind each day
    I didn't mean to try you on
    But I still know your birthday
    And your mother's favorite song
    So I'm sorry to my unknown lover
    Sorry that I can't believe
    That anybody ever really
    Starts to fall in love with me
    Sorry to my unknown lover
    Sorry I could be so blind
    Didn't mean to leave you
    And all of the things that we had behind
    Ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh
    I run away when things are good
    And never really understood
    The way you laid your eyes on me
    In ways that no one ever could
    And so it seems I broke your heart
    My ignorance has struck again
    I failed to see it from the start
    And tore you open 'til the end
    And I'm sorry to my unknown lover
    Sorry that I can't believe
    That anybody ever really
    Starts to fall in love with me
    Sorry to my unknown lover
    Sorry I could be so blind
    Didn't mean to leave you
    And all of the things that we had behind
    And someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    But someone isn't me
    Someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    But someone isn't me
    Sorry to my unknown lover
    Sorry that I can't believe
    That anybody ever really
    Starts to fall in love with me
    Sorry to my unknown lover
    Sorry I could be so blind
    Didn't mean to leave you
    And all of the things that we had behind
    And someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    But someone isn't me
    And someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    But someone isn't me

  • @jubilee2130
    @jubilee2130 6 років тому +164

    i swear this is my favorite song of hers EVER. so emotional and so relatable i can't even.

  • @absolutnadia
    @absolutnadia 6 років тому +318

    Most painful words coming from someone you’re in love with...
    “Someone will love you. But someone isn’t me” 💔😢

    • @AlaaLiloumic
      @AlaaLiloumic 6 років тому +2

      You're right

    • @marielauriac8852
      @marielauriac8852 6 років тому

      heard them not even a week ago and now this song comes out. Coincidence? don't think so

    • @zara185
      @zara185 5 років тому

      Why are people so emotional.. I don’t get it why would anyone cry...?

    • @poppy-ph3vk
      @poppy-ph3vk 5 років тому

      @@marielauriac8852 if you have siri or Google assistant or whatever then your phone is constantly listening to ur conversations (I think)

    • @poppy-ph3vk
      @poppy-ph3vk 5 років тому

      It's worse if that person dates you cos they don't wanna hurt your feelings but it feels so fake

  • @SebastianGarcia-vf5rz
    @SebastianGarcia-vf5rz 6 років тому +1811

    "Someone will love you, but someone isn't me" my heart 💔

    • @edralynbeliot7753
      @edralynbeliot7753 6 років тому +2

      Sebastian Garcia 😢😢😢

    • @ghostie9525
      @ghostie9525 6 років тому

    • @FLRS85
      @FLRS85 6 років тому +1


    • @dixim3591
      @dixim3591 6 років тому

      Oi so Brasileiroooooo

    • @aleyiah548
      @aleyiah548 6 років тому


  • @sarunjitrai3960
    @sarunjitrai3960 Рік тому +12

    A beautiful song about someone who cannot love or feel loved. I can so relate to it. Such an amazing song every word of it 🙏.

  • @thatskykidfreya
    @thatskykidfreya 6 років тому +446

    That haircut!
    That shirt!
    Those boots!
    😍😍 loveeeee

    • @brandonlicup3623
      @brandonlicup3623 6 років тому


    • @danielx164
      @danielx164 6 років тому +3

      thase boobs!

    • @elbombardero3615
      @elbombardero3615 6 років тому

      That haircut is hella trash bro

  • @kristinlongman6796
    @kristinlongman6796 5 років тому +134

    I think the video is very poetic. I think the scenery is symbolic for the deviation she's caused due to her just not paying enough attention, but she's also hurt, so her obliviousness causes her to get hurt as well, but she doesn't really notice that until someone else is hurt in the process, but she can last for so long being completely blind so when she finally realized the devistation is unrepeatable and she feels overwhelmed but alone and unworthy as she can only see the damage she caused and nothing else. For that reason she doesn't let people love her. By the way, I don't actually know her and but I love her music, and this is just how I personally interpret the video

    • @anupreetmatharu4101
      @anupreetmatharu4101 5 років тому +2

      I have seen the video before but never realised this.
      You made a great interpretation.

    • @sravanthch2879
      @sravanthch2879 5 років тому +1

      @@anupreetmatharu4101 Yeah

    • @lovebasket5121
      @lovebasket5121 5 років тому

      Beautiful interpretation

    • @izabirizadivine6268
      @izabirizadivine6268 5 років тому

      It is as if your wrote the song

    • @sarasonnier9606
      @sarasonnier9606 5 років тому

      I like to think of it more as her final speech before she is gone. Finally, when she is about to die she realizes what she has done and how she badly treated people. As a result, she pleads and says her sorry to anyone who tried to love her.

  • @lukeih
    @lukeih 6 років тому +217

    Finally, my favourite track from Hopeless Fountain Kingdom has been released as single.

    • @AmonZico
      @AmonZico 6 років тому +1


    • @lukeih
      @lukeih 6 років тому

      Asap _Ow I’ve been waiting haha. Halsey never fails to impress us

  • @BudgieBoyBB
    @BudgieBoyBB Рік тому +1

    This is the better Sorry song that doesn't have millions of dislikes!

  • @morgancornelius8332
    @morgancornelius8332 6 років тому +687

    •cut up face
    •abandoned buildings
    •short blonde hair
    •shit on fire
    •ripped jeans

    • @morgy9803
      @morgy9803 5 років тому +4

      morgan cornelius thank you for commenting thIS

    • @taiwoidris5136
      @taiwoidris5136 5 років тому +1


    • @IzzyIsIsi
      @IzzyIsIsi 6 місяців тому +2

      So 911 is a number
      I think you should call

  • @Raven0915
    @Raven0915 2 роки тому +2359

    “Someone will love you, but someone isn’t me” hit me hard 🥺. Love this song so much!

    • @lynettemaskiell5348
      @lynettemaskiell5348 2 роки тому +9


    • @erdenebaatarbatmunh6841
      @erdenebaatarbatmunh6841 2 роки тому +33

      imagine being rejected and finding this song...

    • @soccerfreaks3700
      @soccerfreaks3700 2 роки тому +25

      Damn that line hit me hard......my girlfriend told me to listen to this song when she broke with me😂.....and someone aint me was too brutal

    • @harmonykong3938
      @harmonykong3938 2 роки тому +8

      Who does she say sorry to

    • @krustykrabbbbb
      @krustykrabbbbb Рік тому +5

      @@erdenebaatarbatmunh6841 I'd cry😂😭

  • @luvmusic357
    @luvmusic357 6 років тому +105

    not the next video I expected her to release but I’m definitely loving it. This song is so relatable in so many ways

  • @AmosPhiri-kc4dd
    @AmosPhiri-kc4dd Рік тому +10

    The first time I saw this song I didn't know the title and didn't know your name, it was stuck in my head and I didn't know how to find it, I exploded with joy when I did. Thank you halsey

  • @karlozz9295
    @karlozz9295 6 років тому +106

    Was expecting strangers but this is always appreciated and loved too💁💕

  • @kal9486
    @kal9486 4 роки тому +3563

    “Sorry that I can’t believe that anybody ever really starts to fall in love with me.”
    that hit a lil too hard

    • @bluejay2386
      @bluejay2386 4 роки тому +14


    • @aniya8623
      @aniya8623 4 роки тому +17

      Same 😔

    • @trentstrong8179
      @trentstrong8179 3 роки тому +12

      Gave me chills, multiple times throughout the song😣

    • @AdityaSharma-yi1oi
      @AdityaSharma-yi1oi 3 роки тому +9

      same here...I cried listening to that line...btw...its the first time I'm listening to it

    • @fennailchurch
      @fennailchurch 3 роки тому +9

      this song just touches me someway. i'm very insecure i will end up alone 😄

  • @user-ck2us7wn7w
    @user-ck2us7wn7w 6 років тому +356

    My heart skipped a fucking beat when I got this notification I WAS NOT EXPECTING THIS OMG. 😭😭

    • @benfelli24
      @benfelli24 6 років тому

      shahad •• Same

    • @nikkitran3241
      @nikkitran3241 6 років тому

      shahad •• is how u meet halsey

  • @ManuelleandKatherinePage
    @ManuelleandKatherinePage 18 днів тому +1

    This song is fucking amazing! The lyrics, her voice,......... Not to mention the passion..... I love this! Seriously. No matter how rough and rugged you are... This song has that place your soul needs

  • @kristinloveskitties6228
    @kristinloveskitties6228 3 роки тому +233

    I think this is a really good representation of what it feels like when you aren't ready to be with someone, but you try anyway, and end up hurting them. Very beautiful.

  • @OscarVenuez
    @OscarVenuez 6 років тому +193

    Following the álbum...
    -Now or never- the begining
    -Sorry- the damage
    -Bad at love- the runaway
    -Next single-the end

    • @Emmaxir
      @Emmaxir 6 років тому

      Oscar Venuez yup

    • @adore8088
      @adore8088 6 років тому +21

      Strangers is going to be the next video

    • @esmfamil5086
      @esmfamil5086 6 років тому

      Hech Noooo I need more

    • @aliali-br9mr
      @aliali-br9mr 6 років тому +3

      Oscar Venuez angel on fire 😍😅

    • @idlevelvets1808
      @idlevelvets1808 6 років тому

      SpøøkyTysh proof?

  • @bangtansbae3985
    @bangtansbae3985 6 років тому +3419

    This is painfully underrated

    • @journeyaaliyah4313
      @journeyaaliyah4313 6 років тому +8

      Bangtan's Bae yaaaassss

    • @anivieredillas9550
      @anivieredillas9550 6 років тому +11

      yup .. _sigh_

    • @clarawilliams635
      @clarawilliams635 6 років тому +6


    • @Chalkedrip
      @Chalkedrip 6 років тому +21

      Bangtan's Bae yeah because 24 million views and 5213 likes is under rated

    • @OGOfficialChannel
      @OGOfficialChannel 6 років тому +1

      Bangtan's Bae Format of the song. What do you think of this one ? ua-cam.com/video/2VgKSc5evPU/v-deo.html

  • @dwylevelasquez8121
    @dwylevelasquez8121 Місяць тому +14

    It's November 2024 and still listening to this song

  • @simran8692
    @simran8692 6 років тому +390

    Her voice is like a angel

    • @williededeaux8054
      @williededeaux8054 5 років тому +3

      I agree her voice does sounds like an angel and she has a butiful voice and she is a fan of mine 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇

    • @alex05071988
      @alex05071988 5 років тому +2


    • @KudzyMuffin
      @KudzyMuffin 5 років тому +2

      @@alex05071988 I hate you

    • @hesita8671
      @hesita8671 5 років тому

      @MiniMuffin Mimi your pfp is beautiful

    • @KudzyMuffin
      @KudzyMuffin 5 років тому

      @@hesita8671 Thank you! It is my favorite bnha ship :p

  • @hadiramli84
    @hadiramli84 5 років тому +2550

    In the early 2000s, we got PINK. Now we got Halsey.
    Salute to both of them.

    • @noorulakmal2856
      @noorulakmal2856 5 років тому +17

      Just give me a reason-pink

    • @jasoncheers7122
      @jasoncheers7122 5 років тому +69

      lmao jus cuz they both have short hair, cmon Halsey is nothing like Pink, there both have their own amazing styles

    • @fanofharleyquinn7353
      @fanofharleyquinn7353 5 років тому +13

      @@jasoncheers7122 True but both amazing

    • @locklann55
      @locklann55 5 років тому +16

      P!nk is still here and well.
      Stream Hurts 2B Human

    • @xxcookielovexx4210
      @xxcookielovexx4210 5 років тому

      Hadi Ramli yep

  • @slayarie
    @slayarie 6 років тому +324

    "someone will love you, but someone isn't me" woww what a great concept

    • @slayarie
      @slayarie 6 років тому +1

      i heard it already, feel bad for those rejected ones

    • @iMuaaz
      @iMuaaz 6 років тому +2

      I don't feel it mean rejected, more like love from one side only

    • @Madam-Dynamite
      @Madam-Dynamite 6 років тому

      nedylaineari yeeesss shes thr best i love her

  • @ronnymiller3424
    @ronnymiller3424 17 днів тому

    GOD has blessed me with a full life. Half Samoan and raised in Europe. US Army Pathfinder at 17. US Air Force at 20, Computer Programmer for the SR-71, Crab fisherman in Alaska before the show, etc...etc....etc... This song generates courage for me. Thank you for posting! GOD has blessed me beyond my worth.

  • @_filipamelo
    @_filipamelo 6 років тому +483

    Who’s here before 1M? Halsey always killing it💕

  • @ella-zj8zw
    @ella-zj8zw 6 років тому +377

    Who loved the song before the music video came out? 😍😍

  • @kitkat-dax11
    @kitkat-dax11 5 років тому +2056

    ‘I’m sorry I can’t believe anybody ever really starts to fall in love with me’

  • @mutantsandmemes
    @mutantsandmemes Рік тому +5

    The way she sings "Someone will love you...someone will love you...someone will love you - but someone is me..." breaks my heart each time

  • @aaso2000
    @aaso2000 4 роки тому +2944

    it's so bad when you think you don't deserve anybody's love and just can't believe when someone likes you

    • @felkiaya6650
      @felkiaya6650 4 роки тому +29

      alex story of my life 💔

    • @sandralobach69
      @sandralobach69 4 роки тому +25

      It truly takes a lot of work to change this. Sometimes it's just not possible. 😔

    • @bayleehenderson6623
      @bayleehenderson6623 4 роки тому +13

      Everybody hates me

    • @meemsasa21
      @meemsasa21 4 роки тому +4

      So bad

    • @elyaseu2803
      @elyaseu2803 4 роки тому +20

      @@bayleehenderson6623 don't say that, love yourself and don't care about what people say. 💚💚🌿Love the life(◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。

  • @myathegrandma
    @myathegrandma 6 років тому +315

    Guys.....she's TRENDING! That's my girl

  • @kingmendes2663
    @kingmendes2663 6 років тому +123

    My favourite song of the album

    • @MgMg-cv2zl
      @MgMg-cv2zl 6 років тому

      Professional Faktori= d ty mengatakan, saya rasakan rt. swypeforvivo) :(

    • @MgMg-cv2zl
      @MgMg-cv2zl 6 років тому

      girl! Swype ziuz2ytyfrezzryt4ytrzrtr

    • @abigailfuentes1417
      @abigailfuentes1417 6 років тому

      Mine too

  • @SuhanaRai-c6t
    @SuhanaRai-c6t Рік тому +6

    This song is so underrated. I won't say I relate with this song but I used to love a girl. But sadly, it was one sided one. She understood me perfectly except my feelings for her. She never knew I used to love her till this day. If she knew then she'll probably sing this song for me🤣 When I listen to this song, I imagine her singing this and idk why it makes me cry.

  • @fayezal-alami6847
    @fayezal-alami6847 6 років тому +434

    [Verse 1]
    I've missed your calls for months it seems
    Don't realize how mean I can be
    'Cause I can sometimes treat the people
    That I love like jewelry
    'Cause I can change my mind each day
    I didn't mean to try you on
    But I still know your birthday
    And your mother's favorite song
    So I'm sorry to my unknown lover
    Sorry that I can't believe
    That anybody ever really
    Starts to fall in love with me
    Sorry to my unknown lover
    Sorry I could be so blind
    Didn't mean to leave you
    And all of the things that we had behind
    [Verse 2]
    I run away when things are good
    And never really understood
    The way you laid your eyes on me
    In ways that no one ever could
    And so it seems I broke your heart
    My ignorance has struck again
    I failed to see it from the start
    And tore you open 'til the end
    So I'm sorry to my unknown lover
    Sorry that I can't believe
    That anybody ever really
    Starts to fall in love with me
    Sorry to my unknown lover
    Sorry I could be so blind
    Didn't mean to leave you
    And all of the things that we had behind
    And someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    But someone isn't me
    Someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    But someone isn't me
    Sorry to my unknown lover
    Sorry that I can't believe
    That anybody ever really
    Starts to fall in love with me
    Sorry to my unknown lover
    Sorry I could be so blind
    Didn't mean to leave you
    And all of the things that we had behind
    And someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    But someone isn't me
    And someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    But someone isn't me

  • @KichboiiJJ
    @KichboiiJJ 6 років тому +679

    EXPLANATION: So if you watch the end of the now or never video, she cuts her hair which continues into the camp in Bad at Love. I believe that she has gone back to the place where the shootout scene happened in now or never and believes that her lover is dead (similar to how Romeo thinks Juliet is dead) and shes reminiscing and feeling guilty that she wasn't there before it was too late ❤

    • @ameliapatacho5358
      @ameliapatacho5358 6 років тому +10

      Halsey World agree. Very original, clever and beautiful

    • @carsonberry2670
      @carsonberry2670 6 років тому +26

      I love this theory, but I still think there's a piece missing. Because she has blood on her face in this video. So I think either the events happened in order of Now Or Never, Sorry, THEN Bad At Love or there's still a piece missing to the story which will be revealed in a future music video

    • @samyaowens4055
      @samyaowens4055 6 років тому +4

      Halsey World just like the movie

    • @KichboiiJJ
      @KichboiiJJ 6 років тому +4

      Carson Berry Strangers? 🤔

    • @KichboiiJJ
      @KichboiiJJ 6 років тому +2

      Life as sa'Mya Exactly ❤

  • @just_another1human61
    @just_another1human61 4 роки тому +4344

    It’s really hard to believe that anyone loves you when you can’t love yourself.

    • @muslimahdz
      @muslimahdz 4 роки тому +57

      so hard
      so hard and so sad

    • @chemicallykayla
      @chemicallykayla 4 роки тому +28

      I feel the same way.

    • @lamly2853
      @lamly2853 4 роки тому +60

      So PLEASE PLEASE take time and take care of your self!! I just broke up because of my stubborness and insecurity I'm still moving on but I'm learning the biggest lesson in my life - LOVE MYSELF. Hope whoever having a hard times will find themselves back

    • @Oiontc962
      @Oiontc962 4 роки тому +6

      Felt that

    • @teodidi6415
      @teodidi6415 4 роки тому +3

      Really though..

  • @Amanilaihhe
    @Amanilaihhe 9 місяців тому +8

    Is there anyone but me still listening to this song and remember a lot of sadness and memories ❤️

  • @sofiagrace1032
    @sofiagrace1032 6 років тому +278


    • @univbae
      @univbae 6 років тому +1

      Sofia Grace ALMOST

  • @djdairyqueen4095
    @djdairyqueen4095 6 років тому +309

    Dear Future Me,
    If you're reading this, hopefully this is 3 years into the future. I want you to look back on this when you're 30, and the world is a little more different.
    It was a week ago you lost the woman you loved more than anyone in the world. You two were great friends, although imperfect. Your loyalty knew no bounds, bur sadly, she didn't feel the same way.
    But she did love you, at one point. And you loved her the whole time. The memories will blur as time goes on, but never forget her love, even if in the end she left you in anguish.
    You had a beautiful flame that was destined to go out. While here in the past you loved her so, and she made you cry so many times that you forced yourself to hate her, as time goes on, you'll both grow, or maybe I'll be dead by the time 2021 comes. Who knows?
    But with her, you once knew happiness. And who knows? You may find love again.
    You found it once, and she was my best friend, but she will never know the magnitude of how much you loved her.
    Someone will love you, future me. That someone isn't her. Take care of yourself, okay? It's about time you did.

    • @julianna.4388
      @julianna.4388 6 років тому +19

      Daquan Jackson that's really touching.. and I'm sure you will find that special someone. We all will. 😊

    • @StewieJustSaidDat
      @StewieJustSaidDat 6 років тому +12

      I'm in the exact same situation, it happened 3 weeks ago for me, the pain is unbearable. But you do get through it, and you learn to love again. :)

    • @hibaelalami3390
      @hibaelalami3390 6 років тому +7

      This is so cute

    • @violetmoon6233
      @violetmoon6233 6 років тому +11

      Daquan Jackson this is so beautiful&touching. It moved me to tears. You have a beautiful way of expressing yourself. Don't stop writing. Write songs,poems,essays. Wishing you peace and happiness.🌻🌼☀🌈🌸🍭🍬

    • @djdairyqueen4095
      @djdairyqueen4095 6 років тому +16

      Thanks, guys. Moving on is never easy.
      The hardest part was watching someone who I once shared an effortless, undeniable connection with turn into someone different.
      Like this person died, but was replaced by a doppelganger.
      I will get through it. I copped this album months ago, and this is my favorite song on said album. It always makes me think of her.
      It's what I imagined she feels about it, even if whatever love we had between us is gone on her end.
      Losing her as a friend was hard, her confessing to me that she once loved me and I never knew it right before our friendship died, made it worse.
      Guess that someone really wasn't her.

  • @personal8630
    @personal8630 6 років тому +217

    i had wished on all the stars that this beautiful masterpiece of a song gets a fucking video because only then people ever listen to gems of songs like these. hopeless fountain kingdom is a work of art and if you haven't heard it yet and still know this wondeful woman only by Closer, you need help.

    • @kalunavi8215
      @kalunavi8215 6 років тому


    • @danielinthemaiden9039
      @danielinthemaiden9039 6 років тому +1

      Ritika Mukherjee I knew her from New Americana before Hopeless Fountain Kingdom, and I hate it when a good song does'nt have a video.However, I don't like when every song on an album has a video with a connecting story.It's not like everybody has the time and/or data to watch them all.

    • @personal8630
      @personal8630 6 років тому

      Daniel in the Maiden but if the music videos have a story it becomes SO MUCH of a holistic experience then! like an added bonus! i mean just see Beyonce's Lemonade, a visual AND musical gem. i think music videos like these help us resonate with the music better tbh

    • @petrakuna-kresic7106
      @petrakuna-kresic7106 6 років тому +1

      I've known her since I heard Hurricane when her Badlands album came out

    • @danielinthemaiden9039
      @danielinthemaiden9039 6 років тому

      Ritika Mukherjee Maybe if I were rich as hell I would share your point of view.If you like albums that feel like a story though,you should check out Ozzy Osbourne's"Ultimate Sin." I felt like I was watching a movie listening to that tape.

  • @RodnnyPSBA
    @RodnnyPSBA 7 днів тому +4

    2024 is ending in few days, still listening to this song in nostalgia-who’s with me??? ✨

    • @NiGhTdRiVeS617
      @NiGhTdRiVeS617 7 днів тому +2

      Im right with ya!!! ❤❤❤

    • @Hen_ry_001
      @Hen_ry_001 3 дні тому +1

      Right here 🥲

    • @RodnnyPSBA
      @RodnnyPSBA 3 дні тому +1

      guess I’m not ’d only one who’s sorry to their unknown lovers then eh

  • @alyl.9430
    @alyl.9430 4 роки тому +483

    "Sorry that I can't believe that anybody ever really starts to fall in love with me".
    I really relate to this line. But I'm not commenting this to share my sad story, talk about how hard my life is, or throw myself a pity party. I'm commenting to say that I'm growing. Someone once asked how I could call myself loving if I can't even learn to love myself. And they were right. I didn't want to live in a spiral of self hate, and I still don't. I am learning to be optimistic, and I'm trying to be nicer to myself. I want to be a better friend, family member, and overall person. And I can't really ever do that if I'm not happy. So I'm learning to love myself. And I encourage everyone to do the same! Have a great day to anyone reading this.

    • @bayleehenderson6623
      @bayleehenderson6623 4 роки тому +2

      Same for me

    • @bayleehenderson6623
      @bayleehenderson6623 4 роки тому +2

      Everyone hates me

    • @alyl.9430
      @alyl.9430 4 роки тому +8

      @@bayleehenderson6623 I don't think everyone hates you. However, I have no way of knowing that. Either way, though I am aware that I don't know you, I don't think I would hate you at all. I think anyone that is kind to others is a likeable person that deserves to be loved.

    • @bayleehenderson6623
      @bayleehenderson6623 4 роки тому +3

      @@alyl.9430 thanks at least one person don't hate me

    • @redmond7313
      @redmond7313 4 роки тому +4

      @@bayleehenderson6623 i don't know what made you write this but i hope you will feel one day that there are people around you who love you 😊💜

  • @Squiggleywiff
    @Squiggleywiff 6 років тому +2502

    This song makes me miss people I haven't met yet.

  • @ryanm.n.8950
    @ryanm.n.8950 5 років тому +110

    Sorry to my unknown lover
    Sorry I can be so blind
    And someone will love you
    And someone will love you
    But that someone isn’t me...
    Those line hit me like a truck

  • @مقتدىقصيداود
    @مقتدىقصيداود Рік тому +7

    This song was made for people who can't keep their feelings the same 😞🤝🏻🔥

  • @ihssaneihssane7165
    @ihssaneihssane7165 4 роки тому +840

    This song absolutely speaks for people with avoidant attachment style.
    They avoid love and loose good partners because they are not able to let love enter their lives nor give it in a permanent way and end up hurting others and themselves

    • @mezzi761
      @mezzi761 4 роки тому +44

      That’s me in a way. I’ve always avoided getting into a relationship and would come up with all of these excuses to not get in one. And when I once finally did get in a relationship because I deeply cared and fancied them, I broke it off very shortly after it begun because I felt uncomfortable and my feelings suddenly completely changed. And now we don’t talk anymore...

    • @anikaloves
      @anikaloves 4 роки тому +7

      i wish he could love me. i dont want someone else to love me plzz

    • @mandistanke6387
      @mandistanke6387 4 роки тому +11

      Attachment styles explain a lottttt of things about people!

    • @t.s3994
      @t.s3994 4 роки тому +10

      I got asked by this great boy. I liked him too, but I made up an excuse, and said no. I didn't even have a good reason. He would've been good to me, I just couldn't do it.

    • @anikaloves
      @anikaloves 4 роки тому +4

      @@t.s3994 good ppl get their heart broken

  • @imalik4965
    @imalik4965 6 років тому +372

    FINALLYYYY. this song has been out for awhile, so this video was long awaited. love you halsey :))))

  • @bobuxlord3266
    @bobuxlord3266 5 років тому +853

    ‘Someone will love you, but someone isn’t me...’ That is a depressing line someone has said to my face before.

  • @Bellayabelle
    @Bellayabelle Рік тому +4

    when you got traumatized from loving wrong people in your life, heart got torn times and times and start questioning your worth in love you'll understand the pain in that chorous

  • @jesikakubeserian8968
    @jesikakubeserian8968 6 років тому +727

    I’m not crying, my eyes are just sweating

    • @redhotchilifan98
      @redhotchilifan98 6 років тому +3

      Jesika Kubeserian such an emotional video

    • @Artur77324
      @Artur77324 6 років тому

      Sacrifice a little money for a good deed and you will have happiness. And God will help you and you will not be affected by illness and unhappiness. Amen. Webmoney Z318771550717 \ X779156845575 \ E337872545894 \ Paypal - pas.in@yandex.ru

    • @fuzzysheepy8378
      @fuzzysheepy8378 6 років тому +1

      Haha eyes sweating?

    • @Squiggy2010
      @Squiggy2010 6 років тому +2

      who is chopping onions in here..

    • @jordan2671
      @jordan2671 6 років тому

      Nice original joke!

  • @bethabe6748
    @bethabe6748 5 років тому +647

    "Are you okay?"
    "I'm fine"
    *another piece of me crumbles away*

    • @mommawilson8508
      @mommawilson8508 5 років тому +4

      Beth Abe same...and it hurts everytime, no matter how used to it i am

    • @PrinceRuRu
      @PrinceRuRu 5 років тому +2


    • @lost-in-space5580
      @lost-in-space5580 5 років тому +2

      Every time someone asks how I am.. *I'm Fine*

  • @xrae5432
    @xrae5432 5 років тому +490

    ,,sorry to my unknown lover, sorry that i can't believe that anybody ever really, starts to fall in love with me..."
    True hurts.

    • @jonahsimmons5332
      @jonahsimmons5332 5 років тому +4

      Can someone please fall in love with me :-(

    • @shashankprabhu4126
      @shashankprabhu4126 5 років тому +2

      @@jonahsimmons5332 this year hope u find a gf

    • @jonahsimmons5332
      @jonahsimmons5332 5 років тому

      @@shashankprabhu4126 Thank you so much 😭

    • @shashankprabhu4126
      @shashankprabhu4126 5 років тому

      @@jonahsimmons5332 but my story is the worst of all bruh ive had a huge crush on a girl from 6months and till now ive not made any attempt in approaching her!

    • @jonahsimmons5332
      @jonahsimmons5332 5 років тому +1

      @@shashankprabhu4126 I've had crushes on girls for years and I never went for it

  • @thelegendko5203
    @thelegendko5203 Рік тому +7

    This song didn't get famous enough It really deserves 🖤

  • @skylarbrittanyx
    @skylarbrittanyx 6 років тому +5198


  • @selenadamman8417
    @selenadamman8417 6 років тому +470

    I used to not understand why people loved halsey so much
    Then i listened to more of her songs
    and now i don't understand why i used to not like her before.. it's just so beautiful

    • @timothyholcomb8494
      @timothyholcomb8494 6 років тому +6

      Selena Damman I feel the same way she has a beautiful & unique voice

    • @bobbyrounsley1799
      @bobbyrounsley1799 6 років тому +3

      Same! She is very underrated in my opinion! Beautiful voice!

    • @shanienchanjonchu6763
      @shanienchanjonchu6763 6 років тому


    • @curiousmind212
      @curiousmind212 6 років тому +1

      This was me 100%. I didn't like her for some reason, having never really listened to any song except Bad at love, which wasn't my favorite. But now that I've actually listened to more of her music, I feel bad that I so misjudged her.

    • @goingcrazy2002
      @goingcrazy2002 6 років тому +3

      Well I heard she has problematic personality. But I do like her song, I just don't care much about her.

  • @xhighlymedicatedx
    @xhighlymedicatedx 6 років тому +2405

    If your goal was to make me cry from the amazing vocals and awesome video, u have succeeded😳

  • @jilliansnell8649
    @jilliansnell8649 26 днів тому +1


  • @sonata4real
    @sonata4real 6 років тому +291

    the piano & the strings in this ❤

    • @redhotchilifan98
      @redhotchilifan98 6 років тому

      Sonata Kay gorgeous

    • @Niriixa
      @Niriixa 6 років тому +3

      There's... no strings though???

    • @sonata4real
      @sonata4real 6 років тому +3

      Albdruck if you listen from 2.20s it sounds like strings to me, not a full orchestra, but a subtle touch of strings with quite a bit of effects on it. I might be wrong though, maybe it’s just some cool plugin. Love the song anyways 🙂

    • @jordan2671
      @jordan2671 6 років тому +2

      Sonata Kay pretty sure it’s a synthesizer

    • @ceniseloera4595
      @ceniseloera4595 6 років тому

      FOR REAL

  • @anweshadas470
    @anweshadas470 6 років тому +492

    You love him, he loves you. For years you both are inseparable and everyone calls you a team. Suddenly the lightning strikes and annihilates everything beautiful about their friendship. Love, in it's most lethal form strikes the biggest crack between the two best friends. She cared for him more than anything, anyone. She never realised what love actually was, and out of ignorance she assumed and declared she loved him too and promised pretty little dreams to him unknowingly.
    The aftermath however was the worst one could have ever imagined. The most perfect duo broke as their feelings treaded on different paths, holding on was difficult and she left his hand.
    He was broken, destroyed, and the worst thing about it all is, it was her - The only girl he ever loved, unconditionally.
    She missed him, terribly. But she let go as she knew that she was nothing but poison to his soul.
    The team was now just two random strangers with some beautiful memories.
    That's how destructive love can be.
    The most relatable song ever. 💕

    • @yuri.h5813
      @yuri.h5813 6 років тому +15

      This made me sob harder than the song did, exactly what I am going through right now 💔

    • @paulihel
      @paulihel 6 років тому +5

      You should do a fic of this 😍

    • @thesupremeseal8358
      @thesupremeseal8358 6 років тому +12

      Wow the detail and emotion in this is insane you'd be an amazing author

    • @plentyplus
      @plentyplus 6 років тому +12

      best comment on a song on UA-cam

    • @himanshusharma-xl5lw
      @himanshusharma-xl5lw 6 років тому +3

      That was one boring shit i rolled my eyes over but the idea is still not bad...

  • @RetroWolf934
    @RetroWolf934 6 років тому +468

    I dated girl who was bipolar and I was listening to Halsey and always felt her music appropriate, when I found she Halsey was bipolar all her music makes so much more sense and reminds me of my ex, makes me feel... for her.

    • @suzannekinlough3994
      @suzannekinlough3994 6 років тому +9

      My fiance is BPD and it describes him too. Love to you x

    • @oddeyes9413
      @oddeyes9413 6 років тому +13

      I'm bipolar as well. Had no idea what was wrong with my strange moods and behavior switches at the drop of a hat for my whole life... and I finally found out about three months ago that I was bipolar type one. So, after relistening to a lot of my favorite songs, I realized it was because I associated them with my own ordeals.

    • @Kodico
      @Kodico 6 років тому +7

      Same I listened to the song before but I didn’t really understand it. Then I read up on her and found out that she had BPD and more of her music made sense including this song. I love her so much!!!!

    • @marbakhongwar
      @marbakhongwar 6 років тому


    • @nonatania3150
      @nonatania3150 6 років тому

      @@marbakhongwar :((

  • @AC-th4ci
    @AC-th4ci 8 місяців тому +4

    I love that you can tell she's actually singing, not just mouthing the words! It's so impressive that this is a single take too (or appears to be). Since it's slo-mo the song would've been sped up during shooting, nailing the whole thing in one go must've taken forever.

  • @alessandracromer8010
    @alessandracromer8010 6 років тому +113

    I'm glad she made a music video for this song so it can get the attention it deserves. Love it!

  • @targattano
    @targattano 6 років тому +244

    [Verse 1]
    I've missed your calls for months it seems
    Don't realize how mean I can be
    'Cause I can sometimes treat the people
    That I love like jewelry
    'Cause I can change my mind each day
    I didn't mean to try you on
    But I still know your birthday
    And your mother's favorite song
    So I'm sorry to my unknown lover
    Sorry that I can't believe
    That anybody ever really
    Starts to fall in love with me
    Sorry to my unknown lover
    Sorry I could be so blind
    Didn't mean to leave you
    And all of the things that we had behind
    [Verse 2]
    I run away when things are good
    And never really understood
    The way you laid your eyes on me
    In ways that no one ever could
    And so it seems I broke your heart
    My ignorance has struck again
    I failed to see it from the start
    And tore you open 'til the end
    So I'm sorry to my unknown lover
    Sorry that I can't believe
    That anybody ever really
    Starts to fall in love with me
    Sorry to my unknown lover
    Sorry I could be so blind
    Didn't mean to leave you
    And all of the things that we had behind
    And someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    But someone isn't me
    Someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    But someone isn't me
    Sorry to my unknown lover
    Sorry that I can't believe
    That anybody ever really
    Starts to fall in love with me
    Sorry to my unknown lover
    Sorry I could be so blind
    Didn't mean to leave you
    And all of the things that we had behind
    And someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    But someone isn't me
    And someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    But someone isn't me

    • @sage1151
      @sage1151 6 років тому +4

      Thanks hope u have a good day

    • @lilyhenry7110
      @lilyhenry7110 6 років тому +2

      Thanks for the lyrics

    • @Meowzaz6
      @Meowzaz6 6 років тому +1

      disnhal isn't that Cheryl from Riverdale in your profile?❤

    • @rojdaa6192
      @rojdaa6192 6 років тому

      Anime geek it is lol

    • @skilay3449
      @skilay3449 6 років тому

      disnhal thankyou

  • @Ariv002
    @Ariv002 6 років тому +308

    I’m so in love with you Halsey. This was beautiful

    • @NightCore-bc7uv
      @NightCore-bc7uv 6 років тому

      Halsey - Sorry - Cover ua-cam.com/video/Rww3of_yzfg/v-deo.html I hope you hear it

  • @pedrofisilva
    @pedrofisilva 6 років тому +91

    Read this if you have ever felt alone, depressed, suicidal, lost, scared, worthless, abandoned, or anything of that nature, this is for you You Are Beautiful. You Are Wanted. You Are Wonderful. Don't quit on yourself. Don't hurt yourself. You are worth the world and nobody wants to see you suffering. This is not the end. The way you feel right now will pass. Peoples minds will change. Things WILL get better. We love you and are always here for you. Do NOT do something permanent over something temporary. You're better than that. All stars need to see darkness before the light. And always remember, Don't change so people will like you. Be yourself & the right people will find and love the real you. Your own unique Mindset always trys to engage in the right ways Now read the first letter of every word You Matter! no matter what other people may say. Always know this is true. It helps. You are worth my time to write this. I do care.

    • @margaretbonomi7761
      @margaretbonomi7761 6 років тому +1

      Thank you

    • @accountdeactivated5655
      @accountdeactivated5655 6 років тому

      Blutab fãs thank you so so so much! God bless you

    • @reshmavalame8374
      @reshmavalame8374 6 років тому +2

      That's the thing. You may think we are wonderful, but do you know us? We're disappointed in ourselves. We're not in need of love. We're in need of self-acceptance.

    • @subinchentha3015
      @subinchentha3015 6 років тому +3

      To the guy who wrote this I know how u feel inside but u try to help others.
      Good job man

    • @lilli7711
      @lilli7711 5 років тому

      reading this with tears in my eyes :‘)

  • @m.g.k0271
    @m.g.k0271 5 років тому +1987

    I've missed your calls for months it seems
    Don't realize how mean I can be
    'Cause I can sometimes treat the people
    That I love like jewelry
    'Cause I can change my mind each day
    I didn't mean to try you on
    But I still know your birthday
    And your mother's favorite song
    So I'm sorry to my unknown lover
    Sorry that I can't believe
    That anybody ever really
    Starts to fall in love with me
    Sorry to my unknown lover
    Sorry I could be so blind
    Didn't mean to leave you
    And all of the things that we had behind
    [Verse 2]
    I run away when things are good
    And never really understood
    The way you laid your eyes on me
    In ways that no one ever could
    And so it seems I broke your heart
    My ignorance has struck again
    I failed to see it from the start
    And tore you open 'til the end
    And I'm sorry to my unknown lover
    Sorry that I can't believe
    That anybody ever really
    Starts to fall in love with me
    Sorry to my unknown lover
    Sorry I could be so blind
    Didn't mean to leave you
    And all of the things that we had behind
    And someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    But someone isn't me
    Someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    Someone will love you
    But someone isn't me
    Sorry to my unknown lover
    Sorry that I can't believe
    That anybody ever really
    Starts to fall in love with me
    Sorry to my unknown lover
    Sorry I could be so blind
    Didn't mean to leave you
    And all of the things that we had behind

  • @ابوعلي-ل9ث2ك
    @ابوعلي-ل9ث2ك 5 років тому +1748

    I really don't understand why songs like despacito has over billions view s while this masterpiece has only 60M!! Like wtf

  • @RomanticMelodies2904
    @RomanticMelodies2904 11 місяців тому +9

    Is anyone else obsessed with this song? No just me okay... lol... honestly, I relate to this song...

  • @Karen-kd3fg
    @Karen-kd3fg 6 років тому +304

    “Someone will love you but someone isn’t me”

  • @LyricalGenes
    @LyricalGenes 6 років тому +1487

    *Her voice man!* 🙌

  • @Troubledpro
    @Troubledpro 6 років тому +384

    I genuinely believe we live in a world were people except perfection before love. If its not perfect they run, because everyone thinks they deserve perfection. loyalty is lost when hope falls on perfection.

    • @EddieLove
      @EddieLove 6 років тому

      Preston Lewis 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

    • @westuren8085
      @westuren8085 6 років тому +8

      Preston Lewis wow. you said that well. people do expect perfection, and when they don't get it, it hurts them.

    • @petruspinotti4507
      @petruspinotti4507 6 років тому


    • @mimismith6313
      @mimismith6313 5 років тому

      Yes...deep my friend

    • @emilebon8168
      @emilebon8168 5 років тому

      u got me right there 😔

  • @rajivegayan7740
    @rajivegayan7740 2 місяці тому +1

    Can't believe that I'm discovering this amazing talented artist after 6 years!, She's having this amazing voice that can truly touch your emotions, 🙏 Thank you Halsey for this amazing song🎉😍♥️

  • @rebeccakilcoyne
    @rebeccakilcoyne 6 років тому +194