Haikyuu!! 4x6 REACTION!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @CarlieAndAnge
    @CarlieAndAnge  10 місяців тому +76

    Kags woke up and chose death 😆
    TANAKAS EPIC CROSS SPIKE is out now over on Patreon for anyone wanting to get ahead! www.patreon.com/carlie_and_ange

  • @raniaye
    @raniaye 10 місяців тому +357

    I love how in the discussion, both of you are right: Carlie in the king returning, and Ange is understanding "Goodie two shoes" as being an indication of appeasing others rather than doing what is challenging and may be better

    • @samsaumaralikhan
      @samsaumaralikhan 10 місяців тому +10


    • @eleyes1909
      @eleyes1909 10 місяців тому +4

      Yess, finally reactor who understands atsumu's goody two shoes

  • @Lloyd00
    @Lloyd00 10 місяців тому +93

    People usually don't pick up what the coach said at the camp. He foreshadowed that the players may have trouble readjusting with their teams.

  • @Martyyri
    @Martyyri 10 місяців тому +195

    Miya said Kageyama is too nice of a setter who is trying to please spikers too much. Kageyama used to be King of court and he was hated because of that. Then he listened to Great King OIkawa who said "have you ever tried to pass how shrimp (Hinata ) really wants." Then he started to pass how spikers want, and Miya thinks Kageyama is being goody two shoes.
    Kageyama is right now struggling on idea if he should be demanding more from other players or if he should just listen to others fully on their preference.

    • @JeanLoupGarou
      @JeanLoupGarou 10 місяців тому +45

      Yes, and it's funny to see these different philosophies (accomodating your hitters vs challenging them) in Oikawa's and Atsumu's words, when their actions showed us differently (Oikawa refusing to accomodate Kindaichi, in order to raise his contact point, and Atsumu declaring that anyone failing to hit his sets is just bad (so he DOES make it so that hitters can hit best)(also other things that would be spoilers)).
      Which just means Oikawa and Atsumu have found the balance between both, whereas Kageyama is still growing into his setter role, and is struggling with being too much on either extreme

    • @laiofurious6433
      @laiofurious6433 10 місяців тому +18

      ​@@JeanLoupGarou Yeah but the thing is, Miya is an even better genius than Kageyama, so it really doesn't apply what they say to what they do, even less comparing Oikawa to Miya.
      Oikawa give his spikers the set they need while pushing them to make them better, accomodating to them. He's no genius so his talent comes from pure hard work, as well the strength of his team.
      On the other hand, Miya forces his spikers to spike their best without accomodating, making themselves get their best without even realizing, that's why Kageyama said he was feeling better when spiking Miya's set, and why he thinks that if you can't spike his sets, it's just that you suck.
      What makes Miya different from Kageyama, is that he won't push you or yell you to play better, he just will make you be better or simply go F yourself (which was the reason he was as hated as Kageyama), but at the end, he made you play better without you even notice it.

    • @jrlombardi5251
      @jrlombardi5251 5 місяців тому

      I'm glad to hear this explanations bc I never really got what Atsumu said bc I haven't heard the term all that much so I didn't really know what was the way to interpret it, but at the same time, by seeing how Kageyama acted and how he ended up doing things a little above everyone's zone of confort to help them be better, I got to the same conclusion. I just didn't know it was actually Atsumu who brought that entire topic, even if I noticed he was related to it.

  • @sharanyachakrabortyorigina171
    @sharanyachakrabortyorigina171 10 місяців тому +173

    You guys don't know how eagerly I wait for you guys' Haikyuu reactions. It's being a complete rewatch of the show for me with you two. Keep it up guys!

  • @Kim-ng4ti
    @Kim-ng4ti 10 місяців тому +65

    Atsumu telling Kags he is a "Goody two shoes" is the best thing that could've happened to him. Miya has only himself to blame for Kag's incoming improvement😂

  • @NamanaCh
    @NamanaCh 10 місяців тому +54

    To be fair, in the middle of a play, you don't have time to give long thought out explanations, and short commands are often all you have time for. Not to mention Nishinoya was literally in the way after his roll, just staring up at the ball all proud of himself with no thought for the player behind him he's blocking.

  • @Zephyr2z
    @Zephyr2z 10 місяців тому +59

    It’s insane how spot on Carlie is sometimes

  • @pheonixsaga7714
    @pheonixsaga7714 10 місяців тому +6

    Big haikyuu fan

  • @OmnibuslPrime
    @OmnibuslPrime 10 місяців тому +27

    I need to remember you guys are about 12 episodes ahead already when leaving comments 😂
    The manga author is so good at subtle positioning and paneling given Kageyama’s comment to Nishinoya at the end.

  • @kirak2817
    @kirak2817 10 місяців тому +13

    i luv this community they give so many insights that i appreciate the art more than before so thanks guys

  • @aryastark7195
    @aryastark7195 10 місяців тому +8

    carlie during the team intros had me CRYING 😂

  • @apoorvabishtaartshare8385
    @apoorvabishtaartshare8385 10 місяців тому +4

    😂😂😂i love how daichi 😂 say's go home 😂😂😂 clinging to that wall😂

  • @noona9193
    @noona9193 10 місяців тому +4

    I can't believe we're on season 4 now, it feels like yesterday you started Haikyuu!!

  • @GavinFox2028
    @GavinFox2028 10 місяців тому +9

    Let’s go we back to Haikyuu 😊❤

  • @alpaulkennethrazalan9685
    @alpaulkennethrazalan9685 10 місяців тому +13

    FIRST!!!!...I really love your reaction guys...

  • @tamarlevy5949
    @tamarlevy5949 10 місяців тому +6

    i love this mini arc against dateko, they're such fun characters

  • @NabiMoon2
    @NabiMoon2 10 місяців тому +5

    Wohhhh! you guys don't how you just make my day now, because of your reaction

  • @Ray_Kaminari
    @Ray_Kaminari 9 місяців тому +3

    Kageyama isnt speaking hinata's language, its his own , like remember when noya was trying ro explain recieving or smth to someone but they didn't get it cuz he was using weird terminology but kageyama got it straight up and then someone made a point of noya and kageyama being of the same breed lol cuz they are great at what they do but cant explain for shii, while hinata uses similar vocab because well lack of the better terms lol this works for kageyama as well prolly lol

  • @Zephyr2z
    @Zephyr2z 10 місяців тому +4

    You forget how good aone is until we get back to this practice match

  • @Tschilde
    @Tschilde 10 місяців тому

    I wont stop till you both watch made in abyss its incredible😭

  • @sk8terGrlM
    @sk8terGrlM 10 місяців тому +1

    The character "Pantalon" is based off a member from a band in japan. That band member's nickname is Pantalon as well.

    • @laurainathunderstorm
      @laurainathunderstorm 8 місяців тому

      Isn't Pantaloon the name of a song by the guy? I'm pretty sure that was it

  • @dorkshoujo
    @dorkshoujo 10 місяців тому +3

    As you've already seen the next ep, all I can say is Hinata is the MC for a reason and season4 highlights that 😅

  • @platypusp3rry
    @platypusp3rry 10 місяців тому +3

    0:30 Date Techniques... 🤣

  • @skysaber23
    @skysaber23 10 місяців тому +4

    Let's go!!!

  • @Dryltd
    @Dryltd 10 місяців тому +1

    Yes! Aone makes MVP

  • @ssjdre
    @ssjdre 10 місяців тому

    Good analysis both

  • @oyaoya4156
    @oyaoya4156 10 місяців тому +3


  • @Charmomilleseaurchin9733
    @Charmomilleseaurchin9733 10 місяців тому +5

    It’s the last season 😭😭 can’t believe we’re going through the last season. The movie I know about but it’s just not the same

    • @neito.m.6741
      @neito.m.6741 10 місяців тому +1

      Movie better be Karusuno vs Nekoma at Nationals how S4 ended. Or maybe highly pissed

    • @Charmomilleseaurchin9733
      @Charmomilleseaurchin9733 10 місяців тому

      @@neito.m.6741 it is but it won’t cover everything in the manga for 1 1/2 hours😕

    • @neito.m.6741
      @neito.m.6741 10 місяців тому +1

      ​@@Charmomilleseaurchin9733damn, I thought they'd be able to cover it all. I didn't know I'm not a manga reader. But, if that is the case. Then sh×t. They should make it about something else. Because I'd much rather have the entirety of S5 be the whole game hiw S4 was about against the Miya twins.

    • @xixgowxix3509
      @xixgowxix3509 10 місяців тому +4

      @@neito.m.6741 I'm not going to spoil anything, but you need to know that there are 4 matches and a training arc left to adapt.
      After seeing the time duration of first movie, I don't have to much hope that they can end the same as the manga.

    • @neito.m.6741
      @neito.m.6741 10 місяців тому

      ​@@xixgowxix3509I see

  • @marjoriebade5847
    @marjoriebade5847 10 місяців тому

    Been binge watching all of your video reactions, and I'm loving every single one of it!! Hopefully, you could react to My Hero Academia sometime in the future too. Sending loves xx

  • @vagoerrante
    @vagoerrante 10 місяців тому

    Carlie has a very strange idea about the meaning of goody two shoes haha

  • @GuyAnibi
    @GuyAnibi 10 місяців тому

    Reaction super sentai all openings

  • @kishorekumar9342
    @kishorekumar9342 10 місяців тому

    Pls react to gyeongseong creature

  • @dididyo2253
    @dididyo2253 10 місяців тому +1

    Seeing nishinoya actually irritated is so weird

  • @gabrielvaldez4334
    @gabrielvaldez4334 10 місяців тому

    friends reaction Classroom of the Elite is amazing

  • @vagoerrante
    @vagoerrante 10 місяців тому

    they're about to lose in national because of Daichi interrumping there LOL /obvious joke

  • @sirKen_NU
    @sirKen_NU 10 місяців тому +1

    oops. i'm early.

  • @farhanmonsuradnan8225
    @farhanmonsuradnan8225 10 місяців тому +1

    Aone will finally beat hinata on miyagi prefecture final