Hearthstone Theory: The Rastakhan Meta, and Nerfs

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024


  • @KantiDono
    @KantiDono 5 років тому +50

    Blizzard balance philosophy: If we make Hunter so good that 100% of players play it, then it will have a 50% win rate.

  • @robertlupa8273
    @robertlupa8273 5 років тому +89

    Rastakhan may be a failure, but you can't deny it has one of the best trailers ever. At least in my opinion.

    • @justinjakeashton
      @justinjakeashton 5 років тому +1

      It's the trailer with the best music. Credits to that,

    • @100daychallange5
      @100daychallange5 5 років тому +1

      I think rastakhad has so much potencual, every class has at least one core legendary for build a deck, just need more suport for that

  • @RaventhortheWarrior
    @RaventhortheWarrior 5 років тому +85

    This year was pretty awesome, to be honest. We experienced one of the most diverse, if not polarized, metas ever. And they did it while putting in very low power expansions in preparation for rotation. They could NOT afford to one-up Kobolds/KotFT in power, because those were SO batshit crazy that we'd just have powercreep on powercreep on powercreep. I am happy to have dealt with the 'staleness' (which, in my opinion, was still fun) in exchange for a HUGE reset in the upcoming year.
    Also, I'm happy to see the decks they nerfed. Druids have been top of the meta for a LONG, LONG time. Yes, they're SUPER weak now, but now blizzard can comfortably make ramp cards without them spiraling out of control (looking at you, Ultimate Infestation/Combo druid). And the Shudderwock combo had counters in only HYPER aggro or Warlock (gnomeferatu, void contract, demonic project, etc). It just had very little counterplay, whereas even though I'm losing to Odd/Even paladin, Odd Warrior, Hunter, I know WHY I'm losing and what I CAN do.
    Yes, the Rock Paper Scissors still exists, but you have a LOT more room to decide what to do, compared to before, AND they opened up design space. Shudderwock's combo probably made the upcoming 3 expansions a NIGHTMARE to balance with the infinite combo. Druid ramp was probably hindering ANYTHING from being made in druid that wasn't treant or aggro based.
    TL;DR, I like the power level, I like the changes. They opened up design space for the future, and it's going to make this upcoming year SUPER fresh. The next expansion could release 130 wisps and snowflipper penguins and it'd feel like a brand new game still. Me likey.

    • @chaechae1111
      @chaechae1111 5 років тому +3

      RaventhortheWarrior How is shudderwocks saronite and grumbles interaction a problem when two integral cards are going to wild when the next expansion dropds

    • @bestjobro539
      @bestjobro539 5 років тому +2

      @@chaechae1111 idk ask razakus

    • @bestjobro539
      @bestjobro539 5 років тому +1

      God i just want to deathstalker rexxar to rotate, cause its like playing rock paper scissors, but you can use both hands to do something diferent

    • @user-et3xn2jm1u
      @user-et3xn2jm1u 5 років тому

      I can't call this year awesome, when Boomsday was this year. That expansion was one of the worst.

    • @kds6992
      @kds6992 5 років тому +2

      the nerfs were bad, avianna over psymelon, mana wyrm dint need it. wild growth and nourish(a card that was barly ever used before ui came out) but they nerfed those and ruined druids classic set adn core identy(ramping) instead of nerfing ui and plague.
      And ramp wasnt hindering anything, without ui it Always had its drawback and was never opresive aslo plague without those ramp is fine.
      leeching being nerfed is fine but not way it got, made the card worthless(shouldve been restore 3health or so per attack or kills restore 5hp or something)
      chaingang couldve still been usable for handbuffs and not made shudder go infinite.

  • @bodbyss
    @bodbyss 5 років тому +23

    Power creep was getting out of control, Mammoth was just too strong of a year. And doubling down by releasing an even stronger Raven year would be a mistake. Its good that blizzard decided to hold back, but I think the same Mammoth cards should have been nerfed long ago. We would have had a less frustrating 2018.

    • @Ares3043
      @Ares3043 5 років тому

      Biggest issue in Mammoth was the presence of MSoG. Gadgetzan held such a fuckin' clout over the year and the exhaustion from Kraken's hyperaggro/aggro-midrange meta led to the sharp increase in Control/Defensive cards powerlevel. Which in turn... is what dictated this year. Huge drop in aggro tools aside from Genn/Baku, lots of Combo, etc.

  • @alex-rs6ts
    @alex-rs6ts 5 років тому +79

    I don't know why they nerf permanent druid cards, which are fundamental for most druid decks, while let broken cards like Ultimate Infestation be broken for 2 years without any nerf. It's almost like they don't know what to do with that class

    • @drdorenton1060
      @drdorenton1060 5 років тому +14

      They nerfed them because all druid decks were the same +/- whatever combo pieces you chose. Toggwaggle, Maly, taunt were literally the same thing with only 5 card variance. Nerfing the ramp cards opens the class to actually be usable in different directions such as token

    • @alex-rs6ts
      @alex-rs6ts 5 років тому +15

      @@drdorenton1060 Well, now druid is the worst class, so maybe, just maybe, sacrificing the (as I said) fundamental pieces of druid without giving replacements is going to ruin it. Sure, let's wait until the next expansion, maybe they will try fixing it

    • @remyllebeau77
      @remyllebeau77 5 років тому +3

      Druid was one of my worst classes for having any good cards to make decks out of, besides the terrible Gonk legendary. These nerfes make it so I have no reason to play Druid anymore.

    • @danilomendonca31
      @danilomendonca31 5 років тому +10

      When blizzard nerfed ancient of lore, they said they were not changing innervate and wild growth because “its druid power”

    • @kds6992
      @kds6992 5 років тому +1

      @@drdorenton1060 and that was only casue of ui adn plague. withotu those ramp is fine 100% . it had ramp in past and even with ui it still had token decks with woods,soul of forest ,violet teacher etc, or used to be with living mana which fell out of favor casue no mark of the lotus.

  • @leonardoluiz7487
    @leonardoluiz7487 5 років тому +23

    I'm going to be pessimistic here and say "what comes next" will be more of the same. Even and Odd decks dominating since the card quality will be lower, which will make the stronger hero powers better in comparison.

    • @spidery7618
      @spidery7618 5 років тому +5

      That's a pretty fair assumption. Odd Warrior is going to stay 100%, Odd Rogue and Odd Paladin maaaaybe, and Evenlock most likely, but the other archetypes are just weaker overall.

    • @HeloisGevit
      @HeloisGevit 5 років тому

      This will be the case 100%, good call. Baku and Genn are a mistake!

    • @Melficzeero
      @Melficzeero 5 років тому

      @@spidery7618 even shaman loses little to nothing and is already one of the best decks, so theyll still be top tier

    • @pachiroth7848
      @pachiroth7848 5 років тому +1

      @@HeloisGevit no not a mistake, but id say more of an oversight, blizzard needs to make strong archetypes that function well and synergize and reward

    • @pachiroth7848
      @pachiroth7848 5 років тому +1

      Like for example, print more treant synergies and strong legendarys/epics that reward that druid player, rather than gping treant one expansion amd then going attacking with hero in another

  • @pfysky5510
    @pfysky5510 5 років тому +85

    The meta can be summed up in one word: Hunter

    • @nothankyou4859
      @nothankyou4859 5 років тому


    • @yretsym5921
      @yretsym5921 5 років тому +2

      Hunterstone is a whole new game

    • @remyllebeau77
      @remyllebeau77 5 років тому +5

      It's so pathetic that there isn't much reason to play any class or deck that can't do a 3 damage AOE by turn 4 or 5.

    • @leeroy1961
      @leeroy1961 5 років тому

      Otk pali

    • @leeroy1961
      @leeroy1961 5 років тому

      @@remyllebeau77 you can as warlock

  • @colechristie6903
    @colechristie6903 5 років тому +17

    Everyone is praising Blizzard for weakening this year's sets to hold off on power creep, but we have to remember that Blizzard caused the problem in the first place. I personally would much rather have had 6 balanced expansions, than 1 strong, 2 bat shit crazy, and 3 weak expansions.

    • @remyllebeau77
      @remyllebeau77 5 років тому +3

      @Melody tR But that is backwards. It is supposed to go from weak to balanced to strong. That way the strong set is in standard for the least amount of time.

  • @Passance
    @Passance 5 років тому +8

    Honestly I think despite the increased variety of decks, modern Hearthstone has fallen a lot in terms of gameplay quality. Obviously super-aggro pirate warrior and overload shaman were pretty toxic, but many decks from 1-2 years ago, decks such as Reno warlock, Raza priest, cubelock, miracle druid/rogue and mill warrior were so much more interesting to play as/against, even if there was a reduced number of viable deck archetypes, each game felt more distinct and fun than it does now. I can't wait for the rotation this year... I probably won't play much of this crappy hunter meta until then.

  • @meris8486
    @meris8486 5 років тому

    Grats on the sponsor you're a real UA-camr now! :)

  • @NightHawkXFG
    @NightHawkXFG 5 років тому +2

    "Odd rogue loses hard to spell hunter but I have no idea why" it's because spell hunter summons 4 3/3 minions on turn 5 and odd rogue can't deal with that board very easily.

  • @gosha305
    @gosha305 5 років тому +6

    There's LITERALLY one single deck I played since Rastakan came out. It's just a shitty Prelate Paladin I made myself and, although it surely isn't good, this is my favorite deck since the beginning of Hearthstone (I've played since Naxxramas so it's a long time). I don't know and I don't care if the meta has been balanced or polarized, this deck just made the current set my favorite set of all time.

    • @paulmayaux6692
      @paulmayaux6692 5 років тому

      Gosha305 thats the spirit nice!! Personally I climbed to legend a few months ago with mech paladin, so everything is possible. Do you play quest btw?

    • @gosha305
      @gosha305 5 років тому

      ​@@paulmayaux6692 No, my deck is just based on the prelates by themselves. To be honest, it is complete trash (I literally crafted Prince Taldaram to have even more prelates). I just get obliterated by any mage or priest, but when a game lasts for long enough, the joy of having giant prelates with infinite Val'anyrs and Da Undatakah is just too good to renounce playing this deck. I'm rank 13 btw.

    • @paulmayaux6692
      @paulmayaux6692 5 років тому

      Oh right the valanyr synergy is actually pretty insane, I think there is something to do with that, but yeah it is a very late game deck that does not win vs big mage or any otk/meca thun deck, which in the current meta is pretty much not viable. If lategame decks did not have autowin, easy to achieve and impossible to counter for most classes combos, then it could be pretty good

  • @SuCCmaster-Succ
    @SuCCmaster-Succ 5 років тому +2

    Another interesting question is:
    "What will be the *theme* of the next expansions ?"
    We had Northrend, the Old Gods, Kobold stuff, Un'Goro, a ton of Mechs...
    But what other interesting stuff has Blizzard to bring us ?

  • @Andrewlik
    @Andrewlik 5 років тому +22

    I feel odd mage and rush warrior are decks to look out for post-roation. They don't lose many of their key pieces.

    • @Noobie2k7
      @Noobie2k7 5 років тому +2

      Same with Token Druid. They got basically all of their toys in Witchwood and this set.

    • @antro1881
      @antro1881 5 років тому +19

      Frost Lich Jaina is a fat loss.

    • @antro1881
      @antro1881 5 років тому +2

      Noobie2k7 yeah, but UI, Spreading Plague and Branching Paths and even Malfurion the Pestilent are all key cards in the deck

    • @Noobie2k7
      @Noobie2k7 5 років тому +2

      @@antro1881 Spreading Plague hurts sure but currently i feel it's only really strong agasinst Hunter and Odd Paladin that are both raped by the rotation. So Token Druid would turn more in the regular aggro side maybe. I feel UI is the main loss. Malfurion is also a loss for being able to have some late game survivability.

    • @antro1881
      @antro1881 5 років тому +1

      Noobie2k7 exactly my thoughts. We will see, I like the deck

  • @ottorud4680
    @ottorud4680 5 років тому +2

    Michael Jackson possessed the speaker at 11:53

  • @Noobie2k7
    @Noobie2k7 5 років тому +2

    You know you kinda fucked up though when more people are excited for the upcoming rotation and what new things that will bring than actually playing the game in this expansion for the next 3 months

  • @whybother3486
    @whybother3486 5 років тому

    Congrats on the sponsorship!

  • @evanolszewski6441
    @evanolszewski6441 5 років тому +4

    Nice job on landing a sponsor

  • @orianchambon9446
    @orianchambon9446 5 років тому +3

    The Shuderwock nerf was a joke, bliz mostly did that because of the complains of players without a global view of the meta and who couldn't even realise the deck was weak. The Kingsbane nerf was a beatrayal: the only reason kingsbane got a decent win rate was because they added this overpowered draw card and instead of nerfing this poorlly designed thing they burn the archetype to the ground for no reason. And when you think about it, the only thing that was'nt really nerf was, guess what, agro palladin. In conclusion, blizz destroyed an entire class, wich was overpowered (but a ultimate infestation nerf would have worked without killing taunt druids), destroyed 2 interesting archetipes, brought upon us a disgusting meta and mearly touched the deck of a winrate over 58% for now 9 months

  • @juanmatiasohara775
    @juanmatiasohara775 5 років тому

    Great video as always. I’m glad you are getting more sponsors now!

  • @dancer2234
    @dancer2234 5 років тому

    6:54 Nourish gives 2 mana per turn, so delaying it by a turn actually costs 2, meaning the total mana loss caused by increasing nourish by one mana point is a net loss of 3 mana.

  • @Danmagermoret
    @Danmagermoret 5 років тому +1

    The Penniless Player is the new masked Disguised Toast.

  • @draw1341
    @draw1341 5 років тому +1

    I like the enthusiasm in your voice.

  • @marschalleomer
    @marschalleomer 5 років тому

    As a wild player I actually really liked the nerfs and the meta feels like the best that it's ever been. Before there was only Big Priest, then Kingsbane countering Big Priest and countering all control decks and there was the unholy trinity of Odd Rouge, Odd Pally and Even Shaman. Now there are still a few popular decks, but most of the time I have no idea what I'm up against until my opponent starts playing his cards. There are a lot of interesting and fun decks that were able to surface, and if you are a standart player, this might be one of the best times to get into wild.

  • @OnEiNsAnEmOtHeRfUcKa
    @OnEiNsAnEmOtHeRfUcKa 5 років тому

    1:51 Because I'm not a terrifying warmonger that wants to nuke the entire planet and rule over its ashes with an iron fist?

  • @waldowagan7992
    @waldowagan7992 5 років тому

    you have no idea how long ive been waiting for this to come out

  • @LounoirRecords
    @LounoirRecords 5 років тому +43

    rastakhans rumble failed hard, its existence didn't change much if anything at all
    overall this year of borestone was pretty damn bad

    • @moocats
      @moocats 5 років тому +17

      Beast hunter was single handedly propped up by the expansion, otk paladins (Shirvalah, death knight) became a thing, Frog Shaman, Hakkar Druid, Odd Mage, and Priests got a 5 mana board clear that is in their two control decks. Coupled with the nerfs this expansion added a lot, the problem before nerfs was that these new decks had to compete with the OP old ones.

    • @RadexyTV
      @RadexyTV 5 років тому +9

      The power level of the previous year was insanely high and Blizzard seems to making an effort to fight this power creep. Considering that I actually think Rastakhan wasn't too bad in terms of the changes it brought. But the real test of the year of the Raven will be at the next set rotation imo. Then we will see if the efforts to lower the power level paid off.

    • @justinjakeashton
      @justinjakeashton 5 років тому

      @@moocats One problem with Rastakhan is how much it sucks for newer players. I recently got my account deleted so I restarted only to get random legendaries that don't match and require a very specific deck to be playable. Which is why I crafted Whizbang. He got buffed since those horrendous deck recipes from Witchwood got replaced and I get to play the Rastakhan decks in their full glory. (and the "I Hunt Alone" spell hunter recipe is still broken as shit which is awesome)

  • @christopheralmeida3653
    @christopheralmeida3653 5 років тому +3

    this new and exciting meta for the next year might be full of odd warriors, calling it now.

  • @TheBlueToad
    @TheBlueToad 5 років тому

    The next standard rotation will be the first time I feel bad about cards rotating out rather than feel good about never seeing certain cards again. (Unless MCT rotates, then I'd be pretty happy)

  • @maxtiemann9903
    @maxtiemann9903 5 років тому

    I appreciate the hitchikers guide to the galaxy reference

  • @Liverator
    @Liverator 5 років тому +1

    Rastakhan seems to have just been worsening the meta from the Boomsday. Boomsday wasn't nearly as polarized towards one deck archetype as the Boomsday.

  • @codycoy2943
    @codycoy2943 5 років тому

    The reason I like the Druid card nerf is it’s now easier to figure out what Druid you are playing against. Since if you were playing control you would not know what Druid you were up against until like turn 15.

  • @FilipeSousa97
    @FilipeSousa97 5 років тому

    About your odd rogue vs spell hunter I play spell hunter and I think not only the kinda control spells that contain the heat of odd rogue if hunter draws well he's able to last turn 10 and then zul jin to have a full BOARd It is, still, a difficult match. Great videos and keep up!

  • @alecshockowitz8385
    @alecshockowitz8385 5 років тому +5

    Odd Rogue literally can't handle spellstone in my experience. So I started to play a Kingsbane aggro variant and did waaaay better vs spell hunter.

    • @antro1881
      @antro1881 5 років тому

      I was playing Odd Rogue a lot around three weeks ago, just after the nerfs. I gotta tell, I was really salty how I tried to grind to rank 5, got to rank 6 and then deranked to 10 because of every Hunter and Odd/Odd Quest Warrior. Odd Rogue is severely overhyped right now. Switched to Odd Warrior and things are going really well, the deck has very few «instaloss» matchups, except Mecha’thun decks. And yeah, Deathstalker Rexxar is a pain in the ass to outvalue, but I have done that sometimes, Elise the Trailblazer is a great tech against infinite value decks, just to get that last damage in.

  • @magnatorra5325
    @magnatorra5325 5 років тому

    i always enjoy these videos, and gives an understanding of how the game works.
    the only video i would dare to ask for is something on the wild meta

  • @Grimfang999
    @Grimfang999 5 років тому

    Going forward they need to reverse one of the two nerfs on druid, theyve made the ramp window way too narrow since nourish loses its ramp value after turn 7, wild growth after turn 4. Just fixing one fixes the other to still being playable if not as powerful.
    Druid players werent exactly complaining about these cards, nor were they the problematic pieces, which are all leaving.

  • @byronvonedmund
    @byronvonedmund 5 років тому

    Let's just wait for the rotation. I hope everything would change

  • @danperalta8952
    @danperalta8952 5 років тому

    Psychic scream, I will miss you.

  • @NotAsGoodAsItUsedToBe
    @NotAsGoodAsItUsedToBe 5 років тому

    I was completing a pirate quest yesterday. Random the rest of deck and won 6 in a row with rogue.

  • @peterkirk8510
    @peterkirk8510 5 років тому

    Odd rogue loses to spell hunter because of flanking strike, wandering monster, baited arrow, the spellstone, candleshot, and rexxar. Secrets, candleshot and flanking strike cover the early game so things like fledgling and the 3/3 that gets bigger on hero attack don’t get out of control, where the hunter then plays stronger finishers - to my side and the spellstone are both extremely high stats for the mana, rogue loses the board a little too early to finish the game by going face. Also, sometimes rexxar just nukes the board and makes taunt or lifesteal while taking the board back. Basically, rogue struggles to get far ahead early, and gets hit by big tempo swings in the mid game.

  • @amaroignacioponce
    @amaroignacioponce 5 років тому

    I really enjoy your videos, your humor and the way that you make them, really makes my day.

  • @kiran6270
    @kiran6270 5 років тому +1

    Depending on the next set il probaly go wild since the mamoth sets are just way more fun then the raven

  • @trazz407
    @trazz407 5 років тому +3

    I think they already dropped the ball. I haven't been having as much fun with the game and am regretting investing money and a lot of time in it

  • @sillyboy9314
    @sillyboy9314 5 років тому

    good to have you back

  • @spidery7618
    @spidery7618 5 років тому +17

    I'm still really mad about the nerfs. Kingsbane was my favorite deck to play in Standard, and because of a nerf to a common card I ended up losing thousands of dust on cards that have never seen play in any other deck.
    And that dust would be REALLY nice, because right now everything playable is expensive as shit. The cheapest deck out there is likely Odd Rogue, and even that sucks dong without cards like Leeroy and Myra's.

    • @GubbiGap
      @GubbiGap 5 років тому

      Now I’m not very good at Kingsbane Rogue personally, but doesn’t the deck still work? I mean if you run two Leaching Poisons that gives you two turns of healing. I’m only asking because I want to understand the deck more - I still loose to it all the time so that was what I thought and maybe you have some tips :)

    • @drdorenton1060
      @drdorenton1060 5 років тому +6

      I reinstalled the game, spent all my dust crafting Kingsbane just to have it gutted in 2 days. quick uninstall lol

    • @atari8897
      @atari8897 5 років тому +5

      @@GubbiGap Two turns of healing is NOWHERE EVEN CLOSE to enough against aggressive strategies. Even decks like Odd Warrior can race you to the finish line now. A nerf to one common that only saw play in one archetype completely gutted the entire prospect of a legendary weapon.

    • @chaechae1111
      @chaechae1111 5 років тому +2

      Damn you’re lucky you crafted kingsbane. I crafted a full 13k dust shudderwock shaman

    • @fredv7349
      @fredv7349 5 років тому +2

      @@chaechae1111 same. Nerfs basically killed my favorite class.

  • @jimdofrunetotem
    @jimdofrunetotem 5 років тому +3

    It's been a month, I'd like to say my take on Rastakhan being underwhelming was correct.

  • @TheWoodcookie
    @TheWoodcookie 5 років тому

    i Wasnt surprised rumble felt so weak. The past few expansions had some crazy power levels and I believe the next xpac will be a bit stronger and the end of the year one will be even stronger

  • @coffeenator3219
    @coffeenator3219 5 років тому

    i just love this channel

  • @Ishygog
    @Ishygog 5 років тому

    I don't blame you. The lure of gnarly pow is irresistible.

  • @Zakading
    @Zakading 5 років тому

    As dumb as it sounds, Odd Druid is losing next to no key cards and is already performing shockingly well against a lot of things. I actually wouldn't be surprised if that deck managed to get its foot in the door, considering its odd pay-off Elk is incredibly overstatted, it can run an Oondasta package and can push for a lot of incremental life swing with how much damage its hero power deals AND heals.

  • @marshall5912
    @marshall5912 5 років тому +1

    Interesting video. One thing to point out though is that the deck triangle laid out in the video is the standard for basically all card games, even in games like MTG. Aggro usually beats midrange, midrange usually beats control, and control usually beats aggro. And designing these decks to counter each other in such a way is important because it keeps the metagame balanced.

    • @crowman1795
      @crowman1795 5 років тому +1

      Mate, you need to play more MTG. If control beats aggro, then it sure as hell will shit all over golgari midrange with the nexus bullshit

  • @klaus1352
    @klaus1352 5 років тому

    Really can't wait for rotation

  • @TopPotato109
    @TopPotato109 5 років тому

    i believe that HS will always be rock paper scissors because there will always be 3 types of decks which are 1.control with some degenerate combo in the end 2. aggro 3. midrange i honestly cant think of a way blizzard could possibly add another archetype into the mix (while yes they can remove one of them that will leave us with only rock and paper which is even worse)

  • @DrNeonGaming
    @DrNeonGaming 5 років тому

    (whispers) Quest Paladin is a mix of all the meta and is good for any situation besides Maaaage

  • @boofiman6082
    @boofiman6082 5 років тому

    A second tier predator that rises dominance due to the fall of top tier predators

  • @in_dgoh4915
    @in_dgoh4915 5 років тому

    I just hope that shaman is good after the rotation since it died from the nerfs

  • @ThelastProdigy
    @ThelastProdigy 5 років тому +1

    Wish I could still have 4 quarter master effects in my wild odd paledin

  • @padoraye
    @padoraye 5 років тому

    Odd rogue loses to spell hunter because from turns 1-4, you are locked out of attacking (wandering monster, freezing trap) from turn 5 to ~turn 10 you are forced to attack minions ( spellstone, to my side) while your board is being removed (flanking strike, baited arrow, explo trap, deathstalker). After turn 10,you have hardly any board, hardly any hand, and hardly any health while the hunter is outvaluing you every turn. And since you can hardly go face, the hunter's health is usually very high, so you cant burst with leeroy.

  • @joshreddy4359
    @joshreddy4359 5 років тому

    God i'm so excited for the hearthstone thanos snap.

  • @rawovunlapin8201
    @rawovunlapin8201 5 років тому

    I like to think that odd warrior is stopped by the hunter dk alone.

  • @pulledpork9778
    @pulledpork9778 5 років тому

    RIP Saronite Chain Gang, I can’t use it in wild Armagedillo Taunt Warrior

  • @Noobie2k7
    @Noobie2k7 5 років тому

    The thing is Heartstone's meta will always be definined in this way and there will always be only a tiny amount of actually top tier decks in any meta because that's the way the game was designed from day 1. They can't ever change that fact. With the way the class system works, severely limiting the actual creative possibilities of deck building means it doesn't matter if Blizzard only ever print average power cards because some classes will always have ways to make certain themes of cards work.
    Like you compare Hearthstone to other competitive card games around right now and you find that the actual meta grows incredibly stagnant and unchanging so much faster than in other games. I'm playing a lot of Eternal lately and their latest set came out November 21st and we've only just really found one deck that could be considered tier 1 and even that deck loses to a lot of possible combinations and strategies.
    It's a game of building what works for you then playing that until it no longer works then changing it a little at a time so it continues to win games. Hearthstone is just find out what's the best deck day 1 then play that for the next 3-6 months without having to change a single card.

  • @Bruh-el9js
    @Bruh-el9js 5 років тому

    since odd star aligner priest became a deck I can't doubt anything

  • @JOZ3gC
    @JOZ3gC 5 років тому

    I.... Hate....hunters . Secrets , 4 wolfs, best companion , more secrets , more wolfs , 5 damage, 3 + wolf .... Sight.

  • @iamNazrak
    @iamNazrak 5 років тому

    I’m gonna miss spell hunter and hunter secrets. It’s what Iv been playing most of 2018.

  • @Petrico94
    @Petrico94 5 років тому

    Odd and Even are just TOO GOOD.

  • @schumerus6786
    @schumerus6786 5 років тому +2

    The whole game is build on the Rock Paper scissors. That aspect won‘t go away that soon. Also as long as Baku is in Standard, Aggro will always be a thing that can be Top Tier

  • @TheBriceLP
    @TheBriceLP 5 років тому

    "shudderwock being absent for the current meta" and then viper wins the hct eu playoff with shaman

  • @jamesrobsonza7752
    @jamesrobsonza7752 5 років тому

    Druid is honestly still fine, yes they are now the worst classic only class but they still have viable decks for a few months, its no longer just a case of Druid always has double your mana for the 1st 5 turns and then plays UI on turn 6/7.
    Druid decks are going to need to be much more board centric and run cards like tar creeper, wardruid loti and doomsayer to get through the early game.

  • @kassandramartin3016
    @kassandramartin3016 5 років тому +5

    Sure, the nerfs made the meta more rock-paper-scissors, but within that rock-paper-scissors is a lot more diversity. You seem to complain about Hunter's dominance, but all of its decks play differently. We are no longer bound to the same cycle of every game feeling the exact same because we're always playing against Odd Paladin with their tempo incarnate hero power or Druid with its ramp-then-win gameplay.
    It's also much more fun to play with, too. No longer do you get utterly screwed as Druid if you don't draw Wild Growth or Nourish early. No longer do you get ruined by not having Keleseth early. Many of those kinds of decks now have much more balance in their decklists from the top, down.

  • @djrekin7312
    @djrekin7312 5 років тому

    Penniless i must thank you. You are the only one i know who agrees with me that Shudderwock Nerf was impactful in a wrong way 👌

  • @ezekielbenavides2740
    @ezekielbenavides2740 5 років тому +2


    • @leeroy1961
      @leeroy1961 5 років тому

      Why tho? It was a pain in the ass to play vs shudderwock

    • @LellsonW
      @LellsonW 5 років тому

      It's also a nerf to my boy Zoolock :(

    • @user-et3xn2jm1u
      @user-et3xn2jm1u 5 років тому

      @@leeroy1961 Lots of decks played Chain Gang.

    • @leeroy1961
      @leeroy1961 5 років тому

      @@user-et3xn2jm1u yes but saronite is the same for every deck except buffing decks and shudderwock

  • @Radarssbm
    @Radarssbm 5 років тому

    I feel like you ignored the negative consequences of Shudderwock and Druid decks being dominant. By having many many combo decks in the meta that have essentially a guaranteed win vs control, it shuts out control almost entirely. We still have some OTK decks left, but nowhere near as many as we used to, so control decks now have a shot at winning.
    I don’t think it’s really fair to see the meta has become more Rock Paper Scissors-y, it’s just lost the combo part of that tactical wheel and replaced it with control.
    Without the nerfs we wouldn’t have decks like Control Priest/Odd Warrior (reminder that Odd warrior was literally like tier 4 in the first two weeks prior to the nerfs) so I’m not sure your criticism is totally valid.

  • @moiseguran737
    @moiseguran737 5 років тому

    Odd rogue loses to spell hunter because of spellstone
    The meta was not varied before, when you picked up a deck you just asked "How good it is against druid?". Nowadays, you have OTK Paladin, Odd Warior, Odd Rogue, Odd mage, Control Priest, Even Shaman, 5 different hunters and Mecha'thun druid. All of them are vieble decks. Blizzard's tring to have all classes have at least one vieble deck.
    And Shudderwock and kingsbane were nerfed because they were slidly OP. Having the abillity to remove anything on the board for essentially free or to reapet all battlecries (freze most minions, deal 8 damage, heal for 8) was too much for a 1 mana minion that reprodused itself constantly

  • @TheRomanoLV
    @TheRomanoLV 5 років тому

    I wish my father would invite me to skiing trips, or show up to my 5th birthday

  • @Khalmidgar
    @Khalmidgar 5 років тому

    ive already began hoarding my dust for the rotation, trying to look ahead at what will be good without knowing the new expansion. Sadly, bake genn decks will prob still be rampant, the hero powers are just so good.

  • @poopbuttmcgee
    @poopbuttmcgee 5 років тому

    To everyone still complaining about hunter, I’ll just be over here hellfiring and mecharoo/defiling their spellstones while they cry.

  • @aaroncusick9610
    @aaroncusick9610 5 років тому

    Well there will at least be a big change next expansion
    Lookout for a bunch of new decks or just odd rogue and paladin

  • @sosgrosil1085
    @sosgrosil1085 5 років тому

    I actually prefered the Jade Druid era over the Hunter's existance being significant meta

  • @shadyloony8344
    @shadyloony8344 5 років тому +1

    So when knights of the frozen throne rotates out won't that leave only 3 classes with hero cards? Unless they plan on doing another expansion with different hero cards which would be great

    • @Zakading
      @Zakading 5 років тому

      They'll most likely keep releasing 1 Hero per set. Maybe throw in the odd weapon, quest or spell every now and then for the classes without heroes.If next 3 expansions all have 1 hero and either 1 quest, 1 spell or 1 weapon, all 9 classes are going to have a defining legendary again, until rotation.

    • @shadyloony8344
      @shadyloony8344 5 років тому

      But hero cards are what define a classes late game every class that plans to go into late game brings a hero card for the hero power buff that it provides. So won't all the classes without hero cards turn to aggro or just become unplayable?

    • @Zakading
      @Zakading 5 років тому

      @@shadyloony8344 Absolutely not. Look at Quest Warrior, that deck hardly needs either of its heroes right now since the quest is the end-game goal, while King's Bane Rogue had its weapon as its big wincon. Every class already uses its hero(es) in different ways and for different purposes, they're not necessarily all the finisher of a deck. Druid, for example, uses Malfurion in almost every deck but in no way can that card alone carry any of those decks.

    • @shadyloony8344
      @shadyloony8344 5 років тому

      @@Zakading I guess that's true I still would like it if each class had a hero card though I love using them and I would be thrilled to see a new wave come out

  • @NA-nz9lv
    @NA-nz9lv 5 років тому

    Spell Hunter wins against odd rogue because of tempo, wandering monster and freezing trap are really strong cards that disrupt your opponent's tempo and boost yours

  • @Godspeeds
    @Godspeeds 5 років тому

    and obviously not link in the description and it has to be spell in a position so the link can be obscure by the video timer screen

  • @autumngrace7742
    @autumngrace7742 5 років тому

    I somewhat just have 1 problem with the sets.
    Most of the cards from the year of the raven were similar to support cards for most decks in the mammoth year, which is, pretty true with how strong hero cards are. BUT THEN WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THEY R GONE .-.
    The remaining cards would be like healers and supports in a MMORPG without a main tank to support >_> If the new year packs don't meet expectations, then we can really start yelling at blizzard for how stupid they are.

  • @aimbotarrow5981
    @aimbotarrow5981 5 років тому

    Deathrattle Rogue will probably become stronger, even though it will be losing Corspetaker and Shinyfindee

  • @samseward1374
    @samseward1374 5 років тому

    I am kind of hoping that blizzard reverts all or most of the nerfs after the new year rotation.

  • @thesa-x2462
    @thesa-x2462 5 років тому +4

    I don't even play hearthstone anymore

    • @grezy_mechta6809
      @grezy_mechta6809 5 років тому +1

      same so many braindead hunter in the meta gj Blizz..

  • @kamikuru5398
    @kamikuru5398 5 років тому

    Druids completely fine now

  • @cleaved3453
    @cleaved3453 5 років тому

    Actually your video is mistaken in so many ways.I ll just mention the biggest one which is Control counter midrange and aggro.midrange vs aggro is matchup dependant and usually can go either way,Control lose to otk,otk loses to aggro midrange .In the history of hearthstone midrange always lost to control while aggro sometimes would beat it.

  • @lucaferraris3259
    @lucaferraris3259 5 років тому +1

    Blizzard's gonna drop the ball very hard

  • @real_n01r
    @real_n01r 5 років тому

    I was just looking on hsreplay "meta" and clicked on odd palladyn, on hs replay you can look at worst and best matchup which and i looked at worst mach up for odd palladyn it was odd warrior for odd warrior it was deathrattle hunter and for deathrattle hunter guess who, odd palladyn. And the cycle starts again.
    Ps. Nice work Blizzard

  • @Lovehandels
    @Lovehandels 5 років тому

    Was planning to climb rank with my druid deck haha oh well :P would have been nice to get higher then rank 17

  • @juanmarailgun7783
    @juanmarailgun7783 5 років тому

    "any deck that utilized Saronite Chain gang" no... only decks who use it with Shudderwock or Prince Keleseth

  • @CapitanBarbaschiuma
    @CapitanBarbaschiuma 5 років тому +1

    odd rogue loses to hunter because spellstone, since it cant run betrayal or vanish

  • @deejayf69
    @deejayf69 5 років тому +2

    Why would they not buff any cards in hearthstone seems really controversial to me. Would be nice if you could make a video on that. #BuffManaWyrm :c

  • @tim1259
    @tim1259 5 років тому

    Blizzard would be fooling themselves if they think these weak expansions are doing anything to the meta. The two things that shook up the meta were nerfs and rotation. They might as well have printed blank cards for year and it would've done the same. It's just gonna be a "shit show" all over again when the powercreeps start next year (I doubt they can print lower powerlevel cards even if they wanted). I wish they would just keep doing the powercreeps instead of taking a year off.

  • @drdorenton1060
    @drdorenton1060 5 років тому +3

    The meta being rock paper scissors isn't really that bad and has always been this way. I'm just incredibly glad to see OTK dominance cut down since it's super cancerous to play with/against

  • @talentlesspoppy5681
    @talentlesspoppy5681 5 років тому

    I for one, am glad to see shudderwock gone.
    By turn 10, you may as well concede.

  • @GreekMorpheous
    @GreekMorpheous 5 років тому

    Penniless, for the first time in a long time I’m disappointed in you. While tier one is definiately hunter palidin and control decks like priest and odd quest warrior fighting their way in, looking into tier 2 and tier 3 shows a much wider story especially since otk death night Pali often fights with the tempo and combo mix that you said was lacking in this meta . The meta is low power enough that new decks are popping up with enough success to be viable in the right hands. I’ve managed to climb with rush warrior and discard warloc, both created without net-deck lists, and I find myself beating tier one decks with enough consistency that I think the nerfs were sucsessful in creating a meta where the power level is low enough that fun/meme decks are playable.

  • @ericstaples7220
    @ericstaples7220 5 років тому

    Will Frozen Throne, Un'Goro, and Catacombs be rotated out at the same time or will it be exactly 2 years after their release?

  • @fcoomega7734
    @fcoomega7734 5 років тому +1

    shudderwock in wild is just not viable, the gangsters are too slow, cost 1 more mana and doesnt have taunt, so is not a good idea.