The Drake Ironclad: Star Citizen's New Pocket Carrier | Launch Sequence Podcast

  • Опубліковано 4 вер 2024


  • @macrot5419
    @macrot5419 3 місяці тому +8

    "What your ideal gameplay?"
    "Log in an do something different"
    Perfect answer.

  • @PGR_
    @PGR_ 3 місяці тому +8

    Thanks for the Invite @SpaceTomatoToo, this was fun.

  • @eastend6695
    @eastend6695 3 місяці тому +19

    Great to see Phaseone on here.

  • @fajarn7052
    @fajarn7052 3 місяці тому +6

    Man, some days I would be here just to hear the Adzan. A live call to prayer from across the world, and we got a nice Podcast on top of that. What's not to like?

  • @Wh1terider
    @Wh1terider 3 місяці тому +6

    Thanks for showing PhaseOne some love. A humble move having a small but growing supporter of the community some appreciation. Classy move 🍅.

    @MILSPECMOM 3 місяці тому +30

    If we shed some of the copium we all hold we'd admit that the perfect sim would be a combination of Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous. The former trumps the latter with everything Phaseone mentioned. However the latter's 1:1 galaxy can't be matched. I love both for different reasons but once SC grows in size i.e. Pyro and beyond then and only then will it be close the Roberts' vision. o7

    • @lunamaria1048
      @lunamaria1048 3 місяці тому +1

      Very accurate! As a long time devout Elite Player Dangerous player, since it was in testing, and as someone who has followed SC development since the idea was pitched, I have always said these 2 can learn from each other, but as the "better game" Elite wins, every time! Elite is the definitely my favorite game, and remains the best "space sim" on the market. The Elite franchise started the PC space sim genre, back in the 1980s lol.
      Elite made my dream of exploring deep space of our galaxy, mining in space, fighting wars in space, encountering alien life, and randomly discovering alien ruins etc a complete reality! Lol Yesterday while logged into ED i was on the tab setting up my ship systems, adjusting how much power each system used and setting some to priority for power use, and tweaking for exploration, then started poking around the amazingly (award winning) in depth galaxy map, then I had this moment of realization and mixed emotions. I was just overwhelmed by "wow" feeling of realizing how in depth ED truly is, when compared to SC. But it made me think of SC's lack of depth, after my 13 year wait, and made me angry tbh lol.
      All Elite needed with Odyssey was ship interiors we can walk around in and have players as crew, IF we wanted. Or just friends joining us for exploration, mining etc😊

    • @dekulruno
      @dekulruno 3 місяці тому

      There’s no way to do Star citizen levels of detail at 1:1 galaxy scale… at least not for a long time. Would have to create an amazing ai to do so.

    • @lunamaria1048
      @lunamaria1048 3 місяці тому

      @@dekulruno Nobody said anything about Elite Dangerous having SC detail. The reference "combination of SC and ED" is referring to gameplay. Like if Elite Dangerous has similar ship interiors we could walk around and have friends onboard as crew etc, as we explore, mine, fight etc, like in SC, it would be perfect.
      They could each benefit with features from the other, basically

    • @ElfInflicted
      @ElfInflicted 3 місяці тому +1

      Pretty much this. How long had we wanted ship interiors in Elite? And I know I'm going to miss that level of exploration in SC. Being able to get lost 50kly from home isn't something we'll get in SC, but we can't have everything.

    • @lunamaria1048
      @lunamaria1048 3 місяці тому +1

      @@ElfInflicted Well said. Exploration will be very different in SC. Unfortunately though, CIG has been selling exploration ships for a long time, so people like me who own multiple exploration ships in SC are definitely expecting some form of exploration.

  • @pavlouvarov9538
    @pavlouvarov9538 3 місяці тому +8

    So unusual to see bald tomato.

  • @Z3RO4351
    @Z3RO4351 3 місяці тому +1

    What a great ship right? Truly designed with purpose. Theres a gap in the cargo ship acquisition progression and they fill it. And its a cargo ship through and through, with all aspects of it's design servng that main purpose - a massive bay, support sections, long term living, and.... it has some bite to it with turrets. Paradoxically, it can be repurposed for other professions. Its truly Drake in that way: a surface purpose, but clearly allows you to do other things with it without them spelling it out for you. We have daily drivers, usually small to medium sized ships, but I think this may be the first in daily sub-caps. I know its going to be mine.

  • @jedi_drifter2988
    @jedi_drifter2988 3 місяці тому +2

    With Pyro on it's way and more systems coming, a ship like the Ironclad is almost a must have for a Firefly/Serenity nomadic style of play. Having a very flexible jack of most trades, depending on what you put inside the 1500 SCU hold is great. Whether it be a fighter for bounties, a ROC/Prospector/vulture a C8R/Nursa or any combination. Myself, I want to do the long haul cargo runs and while doing that, explore opportunities to discover derelicts, rescue others, scan for resources etc. The Ironclad has extreme long range, 4 large shields and armored. I really hope CIG goes the rout of individual bunk rooms like the Corsair. I feel that I will be able to pick up almost any mission in my journeys through the Deep dark of the verse.

  • @PEN0311
    @PEN0311 3 місяці тому +6

    24:30 Keeping idle crew engaged during transits will be a challenge for CIG. IRL, crew members are either engaged in maintenance, janitorial duties, watch standing, or personal time (hygiene, fitness, professional development). Generally, its very tedious and boring during transits. Personally, it would be beneficial to run General Quarters Drills, Damage Control Drills, or Mass Casualty Drills.

    • @jedi_drifter2988
      @jedi_drifter2988 3 місяці тому +1

      I agree and look at it like a time to do preventive maintenance, repair, and replenish ammo. To make sure you have your $#!t in order when you come out of that long quantum ... In the Ironclad it will be racing Mules/Graycats around cargo.

    • @ncpolley
      @ncpolley 3 місяці тому

      I disagree. Drills are a good option, but this is a video game. Not real life.
      As a diversionary experience (as intense a diversion as it is), players need more to do in downtime. I'm reminded how in MMOs, downtime can sometimes be relegated to inventory management, a fun activity for people in and of itself.
      I think we need to start giving players small mini-game experiences within the larger whole, especially experiences that engage the fictional social spaces we have.
      What if we could play a wii-sports level table tennis with other players. Or a game of chess on a tabletop. Or a robust card game simulator.
      These ideas aren't exhaustive, but could provide a use for that table and chairs, etc.
      Neither, will I add, do I think these ideas are too prohibitively complex to implement, nor are they a pie-in-the-sky idea.

    • @PEN0311
      @PEN0311 3 місяці тому

      @@ncpolley To accurately address this problem, I think we first need to determine what the longest stretch of transit time we can expect. Persona;;y, anything longer than 45 minutes and I will turn to UA-cam on another monitor.

    • @ncpolley
      @ncpolley 3 місяці тому

      @@PEN0311 The youtube option is always there, but I anticipate true long-distance transit to be somewhere in the ballpark of 45 minutes to an hour. Imagine jumping three systems in a trip. Easily 30 minutes irl at least.
      SC is a game that uses time to communicate that immersion.
      Should we abandon immersive gameplay/social components because the trip takes too long? I don't blame you for using UA-cam. But should we (they) be offering experiences we can engage in during that time?

    • @wertacus
      @wertacus 3 місяці тому

      As the ships engineer, I'm going to misappropriate some engine parts to make a distillery onboard

  • @Christhebearable
    @Christhebearable 3 місяці тому

    The awesome thing about the ironclad for me is:
    Especially the assault with its repair bay for ground vehicles, and component manufacturing for them imagine it as a mobile land base station.
    You could essentially live out of it and use it as a central hub for a ground base of operations, would also be extremely defendable if someone tried to raid you.
    Could straight up take off and have a huge amount of air support to help defend on the ground.
    They would essentially have to bring in dedicated bombers to be able to deal with you, it would no longer just be a casual raid.
    Would also still be able to be used as a drop ship or to go fetch supplies and no need to unload because you are living out of it.

  • @staybussin
    @staybussin 3 місяці тому +1

    Love the dew tomato, looking clean!

  • @Strikox
    @Strikox 3 місяці тому +4

    about the 6 crew and how to keep every one busy:
    Especially for cargo haulers, what if they could enhance the performance of the ship through engineering? Having all 6 pairs of hands on deck to extract overclocked performance of the ship. It would allow solo haulers to still fly those ships at the cost of standard slow travel times while fully crewed ships could make their travel times shorter and not only justify their role but also improve their payout.
    I'm mostly a solo player and every MMO's are mainly crowded by solos. What would be really cool from CIG would be NOT to penalise solos (would be shooting themselves in the foot) but reward crewed gameplay with quadratic returns rather then linear.
    For isntance atm it is worthless to crew a Mole or a Reclaimer in pure economical terms because I'm way more efficient not having to coordinate with people in a prospector or in a vulture...
    Very long comment but those where my 2 cents on what the focus for multicrew should be: active buffs of not playing solo and not nerfing solo players

  • @CeesaX
    @CeesaX 3 місяці тому

    The main role I'm hoping to see in cargo hauling is a payload specialist who makes sure volatile cargo doesn't become volatile. They would have something to do to with monitor and affect the cargo. Feed live animals, adjust temperatures on bacteria cultures, stuff like that. Similar to the mining game, but different. You just have to keep numbers in their optimal ranges.

  • @jbirdmax
    @jbirdmax 3 місяці тому +2

    Wow Phaseone was on point with his Ironclad cargo SCU capacity of 1500.
    I like the military variant with its repair, refuel, and parts manufacturing capabilities.
    The jump seats seem just a bit out of place since it’s not really a dropship. But they could come in handy during hard Atmo flights, and maybe quantum?

    • @jbirdmax
      @jbirdmax 3 місяці тому

      CIG overdoes the knock-back or kickback mechanics imho.

    • @Birbucifer
      @Birbucifer 3 місяці тому

      well you're gonna new crews for all those tanks, no? plus infantry and engineering squads to support them

    • @dekulruno
      @dekulruno 3 місяці тому

      Need a place for your repair and vehicle crews to sit while doing hard maneuvers approaching a drop zone?

    • @jbirdmax
      @jbirdmax 3 місяці тому

      Indeed all good points 👍

    • @ZackSavage
      @ZackSavage 3 місяці тому

      A good sign because of it may be the life support system. If CIG wants you to put those people in those seats, it will need to oxygen to support them. Also it doesn't need to be a dropship. it can efficiently bring a company to a battlefield with some vehicles for them.

  • @MrSmith123123
    @MrSmith123123 3 місяці тому

    Ship engineers could tune for oerformance. Also co pilots could run remote drone probes along the way to scan the surrounding areas travelled by.

  • @Wind_Lord
    @Wind_Lord 3 місяці тому

    There are a lot of things CIG could implement to keep the crew occupied in flight. Beyond console machines, chess, cards, a piano, pool, basketball and Arena Commander.
    They are working on crafting, so crafting of small usable items, also most big ships have a kitchen so I can see some food crafting coming in, adding in ship and quarters personalisation and game loops of scanning and engineering optimisation could be ongoing tasks. Or active cargo watch for volatile cargo. People transport could need serving your clients and keeping them happy. Upkeep of suits and repair of small items or components. Restocking lists etc… checking sales / stock market or checking ahead for local laws and checking lore on the galactopedia and so on… for sure some will find these things boring, but the fact you are playing this with friends should mean banter and chat will also help.

  • @maydayj2099
    @maydayj2099 3 місяці тому

    My thoughts on passenger game play is this - I think the 890 "Jump" will allow you to "Jump" further than a single system. 'Want to go to Nyx without having to travel through Pyro and Stanton forst?' 890's your go to. Moving all your things from Stanton to Pyro? Hire an Ironclad.

  • @mattsully5332
    @mattsully5332 3 місяці тому +2

    fwiw, caterpillar can *fit* 32 SCU boxes, but they do not lock to grid

  • @reamoinmcdonachadh9519
    @reamoinmcdonachadh9519 3 місяці тому

    The minute I saw the Ironclad I understood that this is an Org Ship, pure and simple. Pirate Orgs will love it. Its the perfect accompaniment to a raid on a big ship. Open that top and hoover up that cargo!! Or tractor in that smaller ship and loot at leisure!! With a Secure Section (Brig) you can hold prisoners/hostages until credits are paid for their release. Or you can hand them over or drop them off at some mine or outpost!!
    Or if a Legal Hauling Org, you can fill it up and know this juggernaut is going to be hard to stop!!
    Military Orgs will love the Assault Ironclad, they can finally live out those 'D' Day / Saving Private Ryan moments in Star Citizen!!

  • @kairos9508
    @kairos9508 3 місяці тому +1

    Top isn’t gonna open on the assault, they would have listed it as a feature on the brochure otherwise, I think the ironclad will shine in logistics, an armoured freighter that can carry ammo, medical and repair supplies, weapons, armour for ground forces and fleets, pair it with Vulcan, Apollo’s ect… it can be an amazing mobile supply point

  • @Dragotalon
    @Dragotalon 3 місяці тому

    the Cat and Ironclad are unique in the Drake line in the fact they have an escape mechanism most Drake ships don't even have ejection options let alone an escape pod like most other ships

  • @UnleashedEsX
    @UnleashedEsX 3 місяці тому

    Hey Tomato, regarding the question about the long travel times... Imagine if CiG could give us like a console for our Ships, where we can hook them to a screen and they have this fancy tech to connect themselves to that universe equivalent of the internet, and then we play Arena commander against other players while in longer quantum travels, or race "games", or other type of games. Would that not been cool and revolutionary?

  • @Tentacl
    @Tentacl 3 місяці тому +1

    The ironclad is exactly what it looks like - 3 caterpillars glue together. I got a reclaimer to ironclad upgrade and will decide later if I'll apply it or not. I expect this to be one of the, if not THE largest cargo ship to operate in planets/atmosphere.

    • @jedi_drifter2988
      @jedi_drifter2988 3 місяці тому +2

      The Ironclad does have 4 VTOL thrusters and 10 main thrusters to get it in/out of planetary atmo

  • @llillian4055
    @llillian4055 3 місяці тому +1

    They need the boarding ships to work for defence against NPC boarders gameplay. They have sold boarding ships, they just straight up don't work yet.

  • @Killingblaze
    @Killingblaze 3 місяці тому

    The assault version can do the Datalis maneuver from Macross, also the Liberator doesn’t sacrifice cargo space to haul ships, I would love it if we could park a vulture on the hanger doors as a landing pad

  • @Birbucifer
    @Birbucifer 3 місяці тому

    it's gonna be interesting to see when the ASOP terminal considers ships like tha caterpillar and C2 "light freight" and the ironclad "medium freight".
    especially when i'm so used to seeing medium freight next to my cutlass black

    • @archerkee9761
      @archerkee9761 3 місяці тому

      they will likely use the correct terms for hauling and freight, that seperate them based on the usual distance for goods transportation.

  • @MrMcbear
    @MrMcbear 3 місяці тому

    24:54 You'd have to incorporate sort of mini-games into engineering in a way or things on the ship that people can interact with to boost performance. Maybe everyone has to do a task and the result grants +10% travel speed, or -20% fuel usage + 1000 UEC. Maybe one of the defenders mans a scanner while not actively combating intruders and he gets rep/ UEC earned for the crew by scanning star systems for minerals, maybe he finds a massive asteroid filled with quantanium he can capture the coordinates, head to the galactic marketplace terminal and then sell the coords to a mining crew for UEC. Things along those lines that encourage essentially constant interaction with the game world. Just have to find that balance of sim vs still a game.

  • @nerdquake
    @nerdquake 3 місяці тому

    I feel like physicalized cargo will help a lot with things to do during transit. If you are doing a multileg sell, your crew will have to reorganize the cargo bay to make the next stop's commodities easily accessed for unloading onto the cargo elevators.

  • @kalebbarker7490
    @kalebbarker7490 3 місяці тому

    Would be amazing to crash land in the command pod and have to source parts and components from the area to build Jared's idea of a Jalopy to get back to greater civilisation

  • @Shawnsrumi
    @Shawnsrumi 3 місяці тому

    I’m really happy to see phaseone on you show….good dude… been watching his videos for good minute.

  • @kreature4253
    @kreature4253 3 місяці тому

    Phaseone's journey to Star Citizen sounds exactly like mine 😁

  • @citizenstan24
    @citizenstan24 3 місяці тому

    Something to add to death of a spaceman, what about maps? Didn't they say that you will need to download area maps and you gain maps through exploration? If you need the maps to set jump points, that would be a major hit to lose them when you die.

  • @PEN0311
    @PEN0311 3 місяці тому

    The Ironclad might become my Industrial Support Ship. I can see it hosting a fleet of MOLEs or Prospectors to help receive full
    mining bags and storing empty mining bags to be replaced in the field. I can see it providing T3 Medical Support with an onboard C8R/Ursa Red.

  • @SoaringSimulator
    @SoaringSimulator 3 місяці тому

    Love the background.

  • @Jakub816
    @Jakub816 2 місяці тому

    Pretty sure there will have to be actual players and lot of roll play involved to make luxury cruises worth for both sides. But than again, that's the nature of those ships.

  • @northshoreroller9559
    @northshoreroller9559 3 місяці тому +1

    with crew play on these big multiplayer ships , regarding what will the crew be doing , my thoughts are that most likely , with the universe being so big and so vast and with the nature of the ship (s) for the most part , I can see me and my crew talking about plans about various opportunities along the way. for example , On my ship, I'm the captain I'm going to have my crew organizing the cargo bay, to have the room for other possibility's that my present itself along the way to a drop, if I'm not full. ill have my co pilot scanning for enemy ships, possibly base locations, or derelict sites, or caves, downed ships to loot, possible locations to base build, if cruising an atmo on a planet or moon. If not manned in a turret or other station , have crew mates re stock weapon and armor lockers, doing repairs, re socking the fridge and med supplies with all the loot we will be collecting, all the while have someone scanning along the route for opportunities all the while on alert for pirates. I have Polaris, odyssey, arrastra, Galaxy and many other support ships, and like you said have the ability to travel infinitely and stop wherever we want, the game is the mission. we got great people in the org Phase, we support each other, and together we are a traveling armada.

  • @basedsketch4133
    @basedsketch4133 2 місяці тому

    I got mine ordered after upgrading from my reclaimer... I'm like waiting eagerly

  • @Illfury
    @Illfury 3 місяці тому

    Here for PhaseOne but Tomato is awesome too!

  • @aumaar
    @aumaar 3 місяці тому +1

    Very good discussion. Thank you!

  • @PerfectlyNormalBeast
    @PerfectlyNormalBeast 3 місяці тому

    Ironclads racing each other in some course
    In each ironclad, a ptv race course also going on

  • @grimrank
    @grimrank 3 місяці тому

    yeah good to see phaseone

  • @brucereutens8730
    @brucereutens8730 3 місяці тому

    The Ironclad feels like a significantly larger Serenity (Firefly).

  • @VP_Halo
    @VP_Halo 3 місяці тому

    The ironclad could be used as like a map to for FPS was basically foundry in a ship

  • @themightymo3491
    @themightymo3491 3 місяці тому

    I have long been hoping for some kind of survival gameplay for crashing on a planet. It would be cool to be able to develop a little settlement or at least a shelter long enough to be rescued.

  • @scottf4586
    @scottf4586 3 місяці тому

    the mighty and powerful phasetomato...

  • @aderek79
    @aderek79 3 місяці тому

    Downtime? Clean. SC is a game that needs some Viscera Cleanup gameplay. 🙂

  • @Cimpher
    @Cimpher 3 місяці тому

    Great to see phase one. More phase one.

  • @TheRyanK
    @TheRyanK 3 місяці тому +1

    I think you are forgetting about probability volumes in regards to downtime

  • @justinsandock
    @justinsandock 3 місяці тому

    Good video. I like your thoughts on group play and living on ships.

  • @BlackLightningBird
    @BlackLightningBird 3 місяці тому +2

    The landing gear is too low, so it's going to be horrible to do bunkers with it, since it's the only thing you can do in the game currently 🤣
    Im excited they're doing more 'in-between' ships. We need a salvage ship to be in between the Vulture and Reclaimer.

    • @Tentacl
      @Tentacl 3 місяці тому

      I just fear they do too many like with mining, making the largest incredibly expensive to justify it, like they did with mining - imho the Arrastra will make the Mole pretty much obsolete.

    • @BlackLightningBird
      @BlackLightningBird 3 місяці тому

      @@Tentacl Orion will also make the Arrastra obsolete, we need more redundancy so we have more options at the same level of progression.

    • @Tentacl
      @Tentacl 3 місяці тому

      @@BlackLightningBird I don't think so - the Orion is gigantic, doubt it will be able to mine in atmo, etc. The arrastra, tough, has a modern design, meaning operation chairs are all in the same room, unlike the Mole, meaning while it's larger it's easier to operate solo or with 2 players (a much more realistic daily gameplay expectation, and how people use the Reclaimer).
      What I would actually like is an upgrade for the vulture to stack containers behind or something to allow more cargo ready for sale or transport. It's a great solo ship and I don't see why someone would use a "scrap mole" instead os the reclaimer if they went for a larger ship exactly because - like the Arrastra - the reclaimer allows for 1 room operations other than packing and stacking.

  • @littleturtle8264
    @littleturtle8264 3 місяці тому

    Its good to see some new faces

  • @ro0140
    @ro0140 3 місяці тому

    I picked up a CCU for both, just in case and I have a Caterpillar so I probably upgrade that one to de IronClad, about the Assault variant I don't know yet.

  • @j.d.4697
    @j.d.4697 3 місяці тому

    Good episode! 👍

  • @pugjob4612
    @pugjob4612 3 місяці тому

    Feel like living out of a ship dreams and group play dreams are going to be really hard to live out at the same time. Even if crew logging works. Unless your group just plays games for a living. I've day dreams and adjusted my expectations and fleet to lower crew reqs and flexibility.

    • @wheelz79
      @wheelz79 3 місяці тому

      This is a reality that more people should realize. My fleet is also built around close to solo gameplay.

  • @AccidentalFriendlyFire
    @AccidentalFriendlyFire 3 місяці тому

    Thanks for bringing in another channel to listen to, Space Tomato! I'm going to have to go through his videos like I did yours. :-D
    Loving the Ironclad and the theory crafting it inspires!

  • @Vioblight
    @Vioblight 3 місяці тому +1

    Hate to say it but there is Always an excuse for lack of progress. “Serve meshing”, “Squadron 42”, Tier zero is fine for several years”, “they will rework this ship” “It’s not marketing it’s just a coincidence” “we can’t have gameplay or voice line quests it will ruin our 15 server FPS” etc…
    Games cool, will check back in every several months or something..

  • @CaughtInTheMiddle0823
    @CaughtInTheMiddle0823 3 місяці тому

    So are we going to have a number of “larger ships” coming out that are nearly unusable like the Hull C? Or….

  • @TheJudgeo7
    @TheJudgeo7 3 місяці тому

    Nice muezin chants in the background, Tomato 😅 in what part of Turkey are you based?

  • @805Peej
    @805Peej 3 місяці тому

    16:40 wasn't that EXE's theory crafting?

    • @SpaceTomatoToo
      @SpaceTomatoToo  3 місяці тому

      Indeed! We talked about it on Inforunners as well. The idea of how much info they give you is key

  • @llillian4055
    @llillian4055 3 місяці тому

    Sataball ship :)

  • @rp2974
    @rp2974 3 місяці тому +1

    They cant make a mobile base until they add the option for multibed logging. Whats the point of any of this if your friends can’t even spawn on your ship.

  • @rybuds47
    @rybuds47 3 місяці тому

    Jacking up the price before the q&a comes out has convinced me not to spend a dime on this.
    Its an in game buy for me.

  • @banumtinielthenoob2406
    @banumtinielthenoob2406 3 місяці тому

    Yo Phase!!!

  • @buckhubach2720
    @buckhubach2720 3 місяці тому

    Liberator? I got this one but Liberator is better i think

  • @alwayssearching4760
    @alwayssearching4760 3 місяці тому

    Fat Cat is a solo ship. With multiplayer possible but not really. If you have multiple people they are going to want to be in the polaris not the Fat Cat in most cases. I may have extra gameplay and have to get out of my captians chair to replace a fuse now, but thats not enough insentive for me to grab another person to have to split the credits with. Ill just do it myself

  • @MrSmith123123
    @MrSmith123123 3 місяці тому

    Gonna see DigThat32 on the podcast sometime? :)

  • @Thor_Asgard_
    @Thor_Asgard_ 3 місяці тому

    i want a space sim and not a damn waiting game where i play cards. They make it more and more to be a damn timewaste reducing fun. We need a mix of NPCs AI blades and frinds to play with, otherwise the game will be dead pretty fast

    • @SpaceTomatoToo
      @SpaceTomatoToo  3 місяці тому +1

      Unfortunately it's not going to be the right game for a lot of people. It's been designed with things taking a bit longer than your average game!

    • @Thor_Asgard_
      @Thor_Asgard_ 3 місяці тому

      @@SpaceTomatoToo i live on the promise of the as it was intended to be and not artificially altering it to kill the fun. They will be pretty sad if it flops because of their decissions lately. Iam all in for things taking longer, but sitting in a ship where i have to play cards and play pool to waste time wont be fun for long and i guess that 90% or more of the people will learn that the hard way. but by then it will be too late and the game be dead.

    • @SpaceTomatoToo
      @SpaceTomatoToo  3 місяці тому +1

      @@Thor_Asgard_ It was intended to have long travel times in this game, it's not being artificially added. You won't be forced to play cards or pool, but the fact is ships as old as 10 years ago were built with those features, and the idea of it taking a while to get from point a to point b is how the economy and org response are balanced.
      There are several things like this that I think will turn players off of SC, which is inevitable, but it's certainly not a new decision.

    • @Shawnsrumi
      @Shawnsrumi 3 місяці тому

      @@Thor_Asgard_ it really sounds like you played yourself on this one bro. You imagined a promise they never made.😊

  • @benmoi3390
    @benmoi3390 3 місяці тому

    wqhy they made it a drake ship and not a ARGO one... argo is all about just industrial and stuff... and drake got cargo ship and the vultur which in my mind should has been made as an ARGO ship... and the reclaimer should had been a drake ship... but whatever...
    ya a military ship compagny making a salvaging flying scrapyard... who is overseing the whole concept ship ???
    the Carrack look like a RSI ship and they instead give Arrastra to RSI who already got so many ship... galaxy, apollo, zeus, perseus, polaris, etc... why thos 2 ships are in RSI...
    and why the shift of RSI to a "starwar" Empire style design?
    can'T make a new ship compagy?... mirai was already going to be the "empire" pastiche of SC why not go all in then...
    it'S just seams to lack direction and oversight sadly...
    and I'm not talking at 2 stupid ship design being the Corsair and the Ares...
    whotf would rather put a big gun with recoil on the side assymetrically producing a counrter thrust effect that would require to be managed by computer and various thruster...
    ooo but it look k00L... I don't mind just put in place weapon PHYSIC recoil... not implementing a fake Cone spreading of every weapon!!!
    they are getting lazy and taking shortcut... and the game is turning as a MMORPG ... the more it goes since they announced those stats shit..

  • @theg0z0n
    @theg0z0n 3 місяці тому

    Your question at 23:00. What does the engineer do while you're just flying without combat.
    Your boy immediately starts talking about the 890 basket all court. If all the weird things Star Citizens say, being willing for the game to be so boring that you need to play games in the game has to be the weirdest. Turret gunning and engineering gameplay are just artificial methods CIG is putting in the way of solo players to restrict their ability to play. Has zero to do with enjoying their product. Terrible design IMO.

  • @addis504
    @addis504 3 місяці тому

    Great show guys! I think the kraken and the ironclad are being added for outlaw factions to make the sc verse makes sense and align with its lore. We can’t have the bad guys constantly showing up with UEE government capitals like their easy rentals😂😂

  • @blodrush25
    @blodrush25 3 місяці тому

    i am very Worry this inginering ruin the Single player experince for things do not just break if not they gaet damge so if you are not in combat an so on yes meybe it degrade but as non combat this seem insane if you need run around an fix this on the fly when you are taking damge

  • @rp2974
    @rp2974 3 місяці тому +1

    Lets sell some more ultra rare $700 pixels when we already have a multiple year long backlog. Nobody should even acknowledge this ship exists.

  • @GeneElder.R27
    @GeneElder.R27 3 місяці тому

    I think your enthusiasm for exploration gameplay is premature. One of the features of MasterModes was suppose to be the ability to point your ship in any direction and "warp" there, taking us off the rails of CIGs POI markers. That ability to go where ever we wanted to did not materialize and is an indicator that CIG has no idea how they are going to impliment "exploration" gameplay.