Us in the West view Gorbachev as a great leader but I don't think the Russians feel the same way about him. I'd love to hear from someone in Russia about this.
The ones I talked to don't. My wife is of Russian heritage and her parents generation view Gorbachev more like "the guy who ruined everything". Understandable, after their world "collapsed" in 1992, only to be followed by super liberal hyper capitalism under Yeltsin.
The 80's were very turbulent times, this just emphasizes it again. I was a kid in the 80's and i remember a lot of this from TV. Now i may not have understood the full risks and consequences of these conflicts then, i sure remember the images of it.
@Fastbikkel, I think the 50s, 60s, 70s and today are way more turbelent that the 80s. I love the 80s. I miss those days. It was the best time of my life.
I was in high school in New Zealand and his voice still only reminds me of fear of nuclear war. We were made to watch The Day After and Threads even at the bottom of the world.
Regan wasn't just trying to warn us about the threat of nuclear war, he was warning us all about the threat of totalitarian communist government. Like those that impose vaccine mandates that broadly and indiscriminately target society at large (except for the elites of course), social credit style vaccine passports, military style abduction and detention of citizens etc. Wait a second all of that sounds vaguely familiar. 🤔
As a teen at the time in Canada I was convinced he was going to bring down Nuclear Destruction on us all. Meanwhile in the States they are still naming bridges after him.
@@hs-oy8wi OK, ha ha, that's funny. Now tell us his "welfare queen" story. You have fallen for the hagiography that attempts to cover his obvious senility in office.
During the Iran-Contra Affair, senior administration officials secretly facilitated the sale of weapons to Iran, who was subject to an arms embargo at the time. Then, the money made on the deal was illegally sent to fund the Contra death squads in Nicaragua, in violation of the Boland Amendment, prohibiting further funding of the Contras by the American government. From 1983 to 1984, the CIA set fire to Nicaraguan oil storage tanks and in 1984 mined Nicaraguan ports. During the same time, the Contras killed 23 primary school teachers and 135 volunteer adult education teachers. They destroyed 15 rural schools, forced the closing of 138 elementary schools and 64 adult education schools. There were reports of attacks on civilian targets causing killings, rapes, beatings, mutilations and torture. Former National Security Council staff member Oliver North even had ex-Rhodesian mercenaries bomb a hospital just to show Congress that the Contras could operate easily within the capitol. Additional crimes of the Reagan Administration include the 1986 bombing of Libya, invasion of Grenada, CIA smuggling of cocaine to support rebel groups in Latin America, the supporting of Apartheid in South Africa and the funding of the Mujahideen in Afghanistan who later became Al-Qaeda. Finally, Reagan sold chemical weapons to Saddam Hussein, including anthrax and the bubonic plague that were used in the Iran-Iraq War, in which the United States also sold weapons to Iran. Early in his political career Reagan opposed every major piece of civil rights legislation adopted by Congress, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Fair Housing Act of 1968. And even if one tries to explain away this opposition on the grounds that it came early in the history of the civil rights movement or was motivated by a misplaced reluctance to empower the federal government, Reagan’s civil rights record during his presidency is tough to justify. As President, Reagan supported tax breaks for schools that discriminated on the basis of race, opposed the extension of the Voting Rights Act, vetoed the Civil Rights Restoration Act and decimated the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). When you combine Reagan’s political record with his symbolic stance on race issues-his deriding welfare recipients as “welfare queens,” his employing “states rights” rhetoric in the same county where in 1964 three of the most infamous murders of civil rights workers occurred, his initial opposition to establish a national holiday to commemorate Martin Luther King Jr.-the Reagan legacy begins to lose much of its luster.
Matlock has a fundamental misunderstanding of what the Cold War was. Let's not forget, the USSR existed before the Cold War. America and the USSR were allies during World War II. So a huge communist state being in existence was not the Cold War. The Cold War, at its essense, was the nuclear stand off between the Superpowers, with thousands of nuclear weapons pointed at each other. The threat of total anihilation hung over the planet. Reagan came to office in 1981 with the Soviets on the march: Afghanistan they had invaded, civil wars the world over they were funding and arming, and they had placed SS 20 missiles at Western Europe, creating a nuclear imbalance. Reagan challenged the Soviets, morally, economicall and militarily. He called them the 'Evil Empire'. They were terrified of him, and called off the 1981 invasion of Poland largely because they didn't know how Reagan would respond. Reagan went ahead with the INF deployment in 1983, to counter the SS 20s, putting a 'pistol to our heads' as Gorbachev said. And that year he also unveiled the Strategic Defense Initiative, which the Soviets feared would give America a 'first strike capability'. Reagan brought the world to the precipice of disaster by his rhetoric and policies, and pushed the Soviets into a corner where they had but two choices: all out nuclear war, or suing for peace. Wisely, the Soviets stood back from the brink and decided to negotiate with Reagan. They re-started the Geneva arms talks BEFORE Gorbacehv came to office, Reagan was the one who first reached out to Gorbachev for a Summit, and the areas of their discussion were focused on themes of Reagan's choosing. He dominated the meetings. Yes, it took two to tango, but Reagan was leading the dance. In Reykjavik in 1986 the Soviets embraced Reagans dream of a nuclear free world, and though it fell apart over SDI, that was the moment when the Russians realized that far from plotting a first strike against the USSR, Reagan sincerely wanted peace. The nuclear straightjacket that was at the heart of the Cold War was removed. They could trust each other. From there the INF Treaty, Reagan's 1981 zero option, was embraced, and signed in 1987. The following year Reagan went to Moscow and challenged the Soviet people to embrace freedom: political, economic and religious. The Cold War was over at that point. Reagan himself said that he no longer considered himself to be in an 'evil empire'. The Superpowers had made peace. And that peace allowed the people behind the Iron Curtain, inspired by Reagan's words, to move forward and claim their freedom and their future. While the end of the Cold War was a win for both east and west, it woudln't have happened without Ronald Reagan. It was he who set it up, and it was his ideas of peace and freedom which ultimately prevailed.
@@jackcraig4268 yes, he was robbed! And Reagan and Gorbachev should have BOTH been Time's Men of the Decade! Also, Ronnie wanted an honorary Academy Award and they wouldn't give him that either! Damn liberals.
No, it ended. Then USA realized they needed some kind of war to keep the money machine rolling. Covert operations were getting blown and Gulf War went to quickly. Needed a REAL war so we got Iraq 2.0 and Afghanistan.
His economic policies are missing. Whenever speaking on the breakup of the Soviet Union, only the US perspective is presented. Never the Soviet, Russian Federation perspective. Only her from Americans.
@chuck s must be white because everyone one else knows he help put Cocaine in my community in which we turned to crack but Chuck is the type of person who holds American back
Ronald raised my family from the demise of the Carter administration. During the Carter administration we lost everything, and regained most of what we had lost thru Reagan. Reagan was the reason I joined the Marines in 1987!
Marines are basically the high school bullies who loved using violence to torment their victims who wanted to keep bullying people and demand to be given respect for their "service" to stroke their ego since they have small wieners.
Such a great actor, the source of the Enron scandal, and the 2008 market crash. He single-handedly removed all the security in place to prevent Wal Street from running amuck. Those who say he was a great POTUS need to learn as much as they can about "trickle-down" economics and the facilities therein.
Carter started the anybody can get in a home with bad credit, Community Revitalization Act, he caved to a lobby group Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, ACORN established in 1970 by , then Clinton put it on steroids, and subprime loans, and the rest is history. You are leftist simp.
@@nateloreno9441 A rising tide may lift all boats, bamboozle fools, and gather votes; Its benefits are rather slim for those who, lacking boats, must swim. Wages stagnant since St Reagan the Senile, corporate profits at all time highs. That's what you get when you're all bamboozled and you vote: you cut your own throat and blame Thu Librulz (oh, sorry: I'd forgotten you'd worn that one out) I mean The Sozialistz!!!1! Bless your heart!
Trickle-down economics is a colloquial term for supply-side economic policies. In recent history, the term has been used by critics of supply-side economic policies, such as "Reaganomics". Whereas general supply-side theory favors lowering taxes overall, trickle-down theory more specifically advocates for a lower tax burden on the upper end of the economic spectrum.[1][2] Empirical evidence shows that the proposition is regressive and has never managed to achieve all of its stated goals as described by the Reagan administration. Wikipedia
Not true, reducing the taxes specifically on corporations allowed them to reinvest into the economy which increased hiring and raised the socioeconomic status of millions of people in the United States. You are parroting utterly ignorant Democrat talking points with respect to the fact that the GOVERNMENT wasn't giving out free handouts, which they shouldn't be doing anyone. "I'm from the government and I'm here to help" the most dangerous statement that can be made, and Biden says it, allllll the time.
@@rooh5825 Why Trickle-Down Economics Works in Theory But Not in Fact The Shortcomings of Supply-Side Economics By Kimberly Amadeo Updated December 30, 2021
"Supply side economics" is electoral strategy dressed up as economic policy. It was deliberately devised by republicans to provide political wins by running up the the federal deficit/debt and using it as a cudgel to hammer the democrats with whenever they controlled the federal government. It's a cynical, zero-sum political maneuver that has caused massive harm to America.
Reagan left his Lebanese allies at the mercy of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps who have occupied Lebanon for 40 years now through the creation of Hezbollah. This is Ronald Reagan's legacy. This is what he should be remembered for.
That "amateur night" screwup does not fit the narrative of Bold Ronnie the Brave, Noble, Wise. The Israelis, the French, the Beirut locals, all begged the US not to put all the troops in once place and to harden the approach. Negligence killed all those Marines. The real reason the US invaded Grenada (two days after all those Marines died unnecessarily) was to get 241 dead Marines off the front pages.
Reagan also abandoned the modernization of our system of measurement, the change from the English measurements, inches, feet etc. to the metric system that most of the world now uses. The English system is based on the length of a kings foot, as being a foot. The metric system is based on scientific knowledge. The temperature system is based on zero based on the freezing of water and 100 degrees is the boiling of water. it is interesting that the auto industry had converted before Reagan dropped the conversion. There for cars in the US made from the early ‘80s are built with metric bolts and nuts. This has helped them to be shipped overseas where the metric system is paramount.
@@AaronGrace1970 No: it was Bush I pardoning all the malefactors. Can't prosecute a case when all the felons are pardoned! Nobody wanted to impeach Reagan: they just wanted him GONE after 1987 Iran/Contra.
@@barbaraallen168 He died of Alzheimer's in 2004. You die from that condition after having the disease on average 4 to 8 years. Reagan was diagnosed in 1994. He left office in January 1989. Sorry, the time line just doesn't add up, and his diary attests to ZERO mental decline while in office.
Even today, ignorant 'murcan's (fascists and right wing tools) call people at the US Southern border ''illegals''. 'Murcans don't even know the history of the horrors their CIA and monsters like Reagan perpetrated in Central and South America. Those people are political refugees fleeing the dictators and murder squads unleashed by the US for corporate profit. But some do know and will not forget. I hated Reagan more than I thought it possible to hate (until the POS and war criminal W. Bush came). I am very sorry for the suffering brought upon you and your family. The US gov. overthrew Guatemala in '54. The war criminal Reagan illegally mined the harbors of Nicaragua. And the CIA flooded the inner cities with coke to fund the murder squads in El Salvador. Anyone who doesn't know Reagan's crimes against humanity is morally bankrupt and a racist.
Due to Reagan, a communist totalitarian state was prevented from being settled in Central America and Democracy eventually won the day. YOU'RE WELCOME!
@@julianciahaconsulting8663 I remember being nauseated by the comparison (even more so than by everything else that two dimensional prefab corporate shill and war criminal said).
people are so nostalgic for the 80s, and he had an entire era with his name on it, and he was patriotic…no wonder people have to go out of their way to point out “lows”
The first time I ever voted was with my Pops who was a World War II Navy Vet was for President Reagan and, then I went one better by joining his Navy.😆🤘🇱🇷
You've described just about every politician for a least the past 50 years, Obama was the change President in front of the crowd but was one of the most corporate Presidents in the history of this country.
All these years later, Reagan and Gorbachev must be seen as heroic. More heroic are the successors who kept their guns holstered while a new "kinder / gentler world" evolved.
18th and 19th Century immigration dynamics saw a rugged integration of multiple European cultures into the LARGE TENT which was the United States of America. 20th Century America ultimately celebrated our 'MONGREL' heritage after the UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER of legacy tyrants. Hispanic elements will ultimately constitute a substantial constituency in 21st Century United States which may reinvigorate 19th Century visions of a Pan-American confederacy.
@@Gos1234567A hostage was released, and then they would kidnap another one. It was like blackmail. Reagan was always on thin ice with Iran because of October Surprise. They were afraid of the consequences should that story and the massive traffic of US aircraft spares and weaponry going to Iran through Israel and NATO allies become common knowledge.
@@sawjack8961 Gorbachev thought he could reform the CCCP system. He was wrong. Poor b@stard. Now he parrots Sputin's line because he likes living in a comfortable dacha.
Mixed feelings. I was just a kid but I always liked him. Always felt he was doing the best for the country and was the face of the1980's which was my whole childhood and teenage years. Granted my teens sucked but i don't blame him.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice characterizes foreign-policy during this period as 'murky'. Nothing validates this assessment more abundantly than Congressional acquiescence toward military involvement in 'The War On Drugs' while disavowing any knowledge or responsibility. I've still got the jungle boots as a souvenir. No medals, no ribbons, no footnotes on my DD Form 214 - just the boots.
For a short time, our Oregon Air National Guard Squadron's trophy-case displayed Honduran, Columbian, Border Patrol, et al military berets, insignia, and other paraphernalia gathered from our participation in 'The War On Drugs'. Those tokens disappeared without any formal accounting.
Timeline - World History Both YOU OR EITHER of YOUR Counterparts do NOT UNDERSTAND the settings on UA-cam.. WHY do messages appear > :VIDEO NOT ALLOWED'...
I've noticed something: In the past 40 years we've had 7 Presidents; 4 Republican and 3 Democrat. The 4 Republicans saw the U.S. economy enter a recession before they left office, and so a Democrat came in to fix the economy. The Democrat saw the U.S. economy recovering by the time he left office only to have a Republican replace him and continue the cycle over again.
Isn’t joe Biden a democrat? He hasn’t fixed anything he’s made the economy much worse and the chance of a recession is higher now than it was when a republican was in office
@@catherinemacaskill1421 lmao it’s a global economy and most governments did the same dumb lockdowns closing everything but paying everyone to stay home.. what does that mean? Everyone has more purchasing power but there’s less supply/ stuff for people to buy so prices have to go up it’s basic economics..
Reagan should have been impeached for the Iran-Contra Affair. It still angers me how he kept funding the Contras despite congress telling him explicitly not to fund them.
And John Kennedy should've been removed from office for the crimes he committed to keep his private scandals out of the headlines. Not to mention it's a documented fact he was having an affair with an informant for the KGB in the months leading up to the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Matlock in this documentary and several people commenting here seem to be completely ignorant of the fact, that without Both Reagan and Gorbachev the Cold War would not have ended when it did or how it did ! I was born in 1970.... and I watched the events closely with my father during the 80's, we could not have had a better President than Reagan during that time. In fact, Reagan was probably the best American President we've had during my lifetime !
Yes and when we negotiated with Gorbachev we promised that NATO would never go any further east than Western Germany. And now look at how well we have kept that promise.
No, we didn't, there was no promise made by the US or NATO, some idiotic diplomat who can't speak on behalf of NATO, OR the US, who has nothing to do with making policy does NOT count.
@@robertharper3754 So basically the president of the United States half of his diplomatic staff and cabinet over about 7 to 8 years is in your opinion some idiotic diplomat and doesn't count. Ok.
@@stonehouseguitars3869, LOL, they never said that. There isn't even a tape of them saying that. Not to mention that Russia ISN'T the USSR, so even if it was a deal, guess what? That deal would have been with the USSR, which no longer exists. Have you noticed how many former Soviet states have rushed toward the West?
We would put you in our top 5 people of continuing human existence either. Biden, Trump, Obama, and Bush 43 all won electoral college victories and had popular support; you didn't and just excluded every president in the last two decades who Reagan couldn't have won a modern election against.
Interesting, for my own personal top 5 list goes as follows #1 Roanld Reagan #2 Obama #3 Bill Clinton #4 Gerald Ford #5 George Bush Jr. Honorable Mention President John F. Kennedy President Joe Biden My 2 cents! :)
"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help.' " - Ronald Reagan, August 12, 1986. Joe Biden has made variations of this statement more than 180 times now since he "became" President. Scary scary times.
As a teen at the time in Canada I was convinced he was going to bring down Nuclear Destruction on us all. Meanwhile in the States they are still naming bridges after him.
yeah i remember being a young canadian backpacker in europe - Amsterdam - the summer of 84 i think it was when reagan made the joke on the Voice of America radio about bombing Russia....the europeans absolutely freaked day there were 200,000 people on the streets in amsterdam demonstrating against american nukes in europe
He killed 80,000 of his own civilian population through inaction on the AIDS epidemic and literally created the crack problem. There is so much more to this story than you're admitting to. He was a monster, his wife was worse than trump about state secrets because she couldn't stop blabbing to her 'fortune teller'. It is an absolute miracle that the US has survived this long with such god awful governance as we've had is astounding.
About to find out what the timeline history audience is all about. Is this going to turn into political lunacy or are people capable of having reasonable discussions? Ready, set, go.
@@FelixBat Well then my comment about you being a lovely person still stands then ;) haha. It is a sad state when you can't be certain whether or not you're witnessing sarcasm or reality these days. Definitely recommend using the "/s" sarcasm tag in the future because I certainly ate that onion. All the best Mr. Flibble!
I have not heard about the hunger strike in Beijing back in 89. My boat (submarine) made a port call in Hong Kong the day after Tietaman Square massacre. I don't know if they correlate with each or precede one another?
Would the world be so different today had Mondale and Ferraro taken over in '84? Probably not by much and likely no better. He'd be just another figurehead to blame for how miserable we all are.
@@davidniggemeyer1692 I appreciate a person who has mastery of the English vocabulary! I appreciate you correcting things here, good vocabulary and good articulation, awesomely done! Thanks.
WELL! I guess that decides what I'm watching tonight, doesn't it!
I didn't know this was a series, i super like it
If you like hearing commentators subtly bash former presidents then you will love it!!
Us in the West view Gorbachev as a great leader but I don't think the Russians feel the same way about him. I'd love to hear from someone in Russia about this.
The ones I talked to don't. My wife is of Russian heritage and her parents generation view Gorbachev more like "the guy who ruined everything". Understandable, after their world "collapsed" in 1992, only to be followed by super liberal hyper capitalism under Yeltsin.
Almost everyone I know calls him a traitor, even those that hate USSR
I have a friend from Russia and he told me that he hated Gorbachev.
does it matter what the Russians think about him?)))
Gnarly. Insightful documentary
The 80's were very turbulent times, this just emphasizes it again.
I was a kid in the 80's and i remember a lot of this from TV.
Now i may not have understood the full risks and consequences of these conflicts then, i sure remember the images of it.
Now you get a second chance:)
Thanks to the Afghans and comrade Dyatlov for taking down ussr
@@mzamroni Dyatlov died for the sins of bad designers and a Soviet system that never admitted fault or failure but blamed it on someone.
@Fastbikkel, I think the 50s, 60s, 70s and today are way more turbelent that the 80s. I love the 80s. I miss those days. It was the best time of my life.
Very Insightful documentary.
I was in high school in New Zealand and his voice still only reminds me of fear of nuclear war. We were made to watch The Day After and Threads even at the bottom of the world.
Regan wasn't just trying to warn us about the threat of nuclear war, he was warning us all about the threat of totalitarian communist government. Like those that impose vaccine mandates that broadly and indiscriminately target society at large (except for the elites of course), social credit style vaccine passports, military style abduction and detention of citizens etc. Wait a second all of that sounds vaguely familiar. 🤔
@@patrickpleasant151 Regan would've chucked you in a cell, don't confuse totalitarianism for 'freedom'
@@ruffdrafter Go drive around alone with two masks on cretin.
As a teen at the time in Canada I was convinced he was going to bring down Nuclear Destruction on us all. Meanwhile in the States they are still naming bridges after him.
@@rexmundi3108 Trudeau is that you?
He warned the people about the 9 scariest words in the English language and people just won't listen.
And what are those words
@@jbarral6509 'I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.'
@@hs-oy8wi OK, ha ha, that's funny. Now tell us his "welfare queen" story. You have fallen for the hagiography that attempts to cover his obvious senility in office.
@@jbarral6509 communism 9 words
@Tony51929 u don’t understand words just say that 😂😂😂😂
During the Iran-Contra Affair, senior administration officials secretly facilitated the sale of weapons to Iran, who was subject to an arms embargo at the time. Then, the money made on the deal was illegally sent to fund the Contra death squads in Nicaragua, in violation of the Boland Amendment, prohibiting further funding of the Contras by the American government.
From 1983 to 1984, the CIA set fire to Nicaraguan oil storage tanks and in 1984 mined Nicaraguan ports. During the same time, the Contras killed 23 primary school teachers and 135 volunteer adult education teachers. They destroyed 15 rural schools, forced the closing of 138 elementary schools and 64 adult education schools. There were reports of attacks on civilian targets causing killings, rapes, beatings, mutilations and torture. Former National Security Council staff member Oliver North even had ex-Rhodesian mercenaries bomb a hospital just to show Congress that the Contras could operate easily within the capitol.
Additional crimes of the Reagan Administration include the 1986 bombing of Libya, invasion of Grenada, CIA smuggling of cocaine to support rebel groups in Latin America, the supporting of Apartheid in South Africa and the funding of the Mujahideen in Afghanistan who later became Al-Qaeda. Finally, Reagan sold chemical weapons to Saddam Hussein, including anthrax and the bubonic plague that were used in the Iran-Iraq War, in which the United States also sold weapons to Iran. Early in his political career Reagan opposed every major piece of civil rights legislation adopted by Congress, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Fair Housing Act of 1968. And even if one tries to explain away this opposition on the grounds that it came early in the history of the civil rights movement or was motivated by a misplaced reluctance to empower the federal government, Reagan’s civil rights record during his presidency is tough to justify. As President, Reagan supported tax breaks for schools that discriminated on the basis of race, opposed the extension of the Voting Rights Act, vetoed the Civil Rights Restoration Act and decimated the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). When you combine Reagan’s political record with his symbolic stance on race issues-his deriding welfare recipients as “welfare queens,” his employing “states rights” rhetoric in the same county where in 1964 three of the most infamous murders of civil rights workers occurred, his initial opposition to establish a national holiday to commemorate Martin Luther King Jr.-the Reagan legacy begins to lose much of its luster.
Totally just
Great Content!!!! I've subscribed.
Matlock has a fundamental misunderstanding of what the Cold War was. Let's not forget, the USSR existed before the Cold War. America and the USSR were allies during World War II. So a huge communist state being in existence was not the Cold War. The Cold War, at its essense, was the nuclear stand off between the Superpowers, with thousands of nuclear weapons pointed at each other. The threat of total anihilation hung over the planet. Reagan came to office in 1981 with the Soviets on the march: Afghanistan they had invaded, civil wars the world over they were funding and arming, and they had placed SS 20 missiles at Western Europe, creating a nuclear imbalance. Reagan challenged the Soviets, morally, economicall and militarily. He called them the 'Evil Empire'. They were terrified of him, and called off the 1981 invasion of Poland largely because they didn't know how Reagan would respond. Reagan went ahead with the INF deployment in 1983, to counter the SS 20s, putting a 'pistol to our heads' as Gorbachev said. And that year he also unveiled the Strategic Defense Initiative, which the Soviets feared would give America a 'first strike capability'. Reagan brought the world to the precipice of disaster by his rhetoric and policies, and pushed the Soviets into a corner where they had but two choices: all out nuclear war, or suing for peace. Wisely, the Soviets stood back from the brink and decided to negotiate with Reagan. They re-started the Geneva arms talks BEFORE Gorbacehv came to office, Reagan was the one who first reached out to Gorbachev for a Summit, and the areas of their discussion were focused on themes of Reagan's choosing. He dominated the meetings. Yes, it took two to tango, but Reagan was leading the dance. In Reykjavik in 1986 the Soviets embraced Reagans dream of a nuclear free world, and though it fell apart over SDI, that was the moment when the Russians realized that far from plotting a first strike against the USSR, Reagan sincerely wanted peace. The nuclear straightjacket that was at the heart of the Cold War was removed. They could trust each other. From there the INF Treaty, Reagan's 1981 zero option, was embraced, and signed in 1987. The following year Reagan went to Moscow and challenged the Soviet people to embrace freedom: political, economic and religious. The Cold War was over at that point. Reagan himself said that he no longer considered himself to be in an 'evil empire'. The Superpowers had made peace. And that peace allowed the people behind the Iron Curtain, inspired by Reagan's words, to move forward and claim their freedom and their future. While the end of the Cold War was a win for both east and west, it woudln't have happened without Ronald Reagan. It was he who set it up, and it was his ideas of peace and freedom which ultimately prevailed.
I think one of the historical injustices was that Pres. Reagan was not also given the Nobel Prize along with
@@jackcraig4268 yes, he was robbed! And Reagan and Gorbachev should have BOTH been Time's Men of the Decade! Also, Ronnie wanted an honorary Academy Award and they wouldn't give him that either! Damn liberals.
The USSR were allies of the Nazis before changing sides. Dictated only by self-interest, Stalin's late embrace of the Allies was short lasting.
@@jackcraig4268 hahahahaha Reagen was a scumbag. I was a young adult during his Presidency. He should've gone to prison for the Iran-Contra bs.
And war has never ended, only changed it's identity
No, it ended. Then USA realized they needed some kind of war to keep the money machine rolling. Covert operations were getting blown and Gulf War went to quickly. Needed a REAL war so we got Iraq 2.0 and Afghanistan.
Finally more Cold War content :>
AMEN to that!
His economic policies are missing. Whenever speaking on the breakup of the Soviet Union, only the US perspective is presented. Never the Soviet, Russian Federation perspective. Only her from Americans.
His economic policies are talked about in the other half of this documentary
Nothing good from the soviets perspective
@@thelivingrocks1933where is the other half?
I don't see the first 2 parts. This was informative though.
Thank you.
I just remember him being MIA the last few years.
I don't recall.
Alzheimer’s made him less harmful
Well, uh, I do not recall
Biden's MIA now!🤣🤣🤣
@@gaozhi2007 Lame, and not even original or funny.
Where can I find parts 1 and 2?
Did you ever find them? I’m looking also
There are only lows. We are still feeling.
lol the only lows we are feeling now is from that Bozo we have in the Whitehouse. I'd love to have a Ronald Reagan in office over Crazy Joe Biden. 😡
@chuck s must be white because everyone one else knows he help put Cocaine in my community in which we turned to crack but Chuck is the type of person who holds American back
@@chucks_88 , I agree.
Ronald raised my family from the demise of the Carter administration. During the Carter administration we lost everything, and regained most of what we had lost thru Reagan. Reagan was the reason I joined the Marines in 1987!
And then you woke up.
thank you for your service. Reagan was proud of many things, but nothing made him prouder than the men and women who served in uniform.
Marines are basically the high school bullies who loved using violence to torment their victims who wanted to keep bullying people and demand to be given respect for their "service" to stroke their ego since they have small wieners.
@@bingosunnoon9341 Who asked for your opinion you 🤡.
Yeah, the Carter administration was a joke. I was in the Navy in during Regan's first term.
The slide begins.
thank you for this great channel
where can i find the first 2 episodes of this please?
Well done, I became a teenager in 1987.
Very interesting
Great channel now
Thank you Timeline. This could not have been made by American TV. We love our myths too much.
This was actually made for American TV in 2012.
We learned about both sides of the Cold War in school. Tf you on about?
Just another America hating American.
Such a great actor, the source of the Enron scandal, and the 2008 market crash. He single-handedly removed all the security in place to prevent Wal Street from running amuck. Those who say he was a great POTUS need to learn as much as they can about "trickle-down" economics and the facilities therein.
Carter started the anybody can get in a home with bad credit, Community Revitalization Act, he caved to a lobby group Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, ACORN established in 1970 by , then Clinton put it on steroids, and subprime loans, and the rest is history. You are leftist simp.
Hey wait a minute, trickle down economics can help the 'little guy' too!
A rising tide may lift all boats, bamboozle fools, and gather votes;
Its benefits are rather slim for those who,
lacking boats, must swim.
Wages stagnant since St Reagan the Senile, corporate profits at all time highs. That's what you get when you're all bamboozled and you vote: you cut your own throat and blame Thu Librulz (oh, sorry: I'd forgotten you'd worn that one out) I mean The Sozialistz!!!1!
Bless your heart!
@@nateloreno9441 Oh yeah! just like the trickling down of seagull feces can help grow crops :) (as in, that's how effective it is).
You do realize that the Enron Scandal was a huge overreach of a Federal Prosecutor and ALL THE CONVICTIONS were overturned
Call me naïve, but I viewed Reagan as worthy of my obedience and Condoleezza Rice as worthy of my respect (and secret affection).
Thank you all.
With the clowns we have had for presidents its a wonder we are still,a,free people.
Especially with the current one
@@bobgriffith1810 he is in fact the President
And he is in fact, a joke.
Trickle-down economics is a colloquial term for supply-side economic policies. In recent history, the term has been used by critics of supply-side economic policies, such as "Reaganomics". Whereas general supply-side theory favors lowering taxes overall, trickle-down theory more specifically advocates for a lower tax burden on the upper end of the economic spectrum.[1][2] Empirical evidence shows that the proposition is regressive and has never managed to achieve all of its stated goals as described by the Reagan administration. Wikipedia
Everything Reagan proposed was bad with what we refer to as Reaganomics unless you are a billionaire.
Not true, reducing the taxes specifically on corporations allowed them to reinvest into the economy which increased hiring and raised the socioeconomic status of millions of people in the United States. You are parroting utterly ignorant Democrat talking points with respect to the fact that the GOVERNMENT wasn't giving out free handouts, which they shouldn't be doing anyone. "I'm from the government and I'm here to help" the most dangerous statement that can be made, and Biden says it, allllll the time.
@@rooh5825 Why Trickle-Down Economics Works in Theory But Not in Fact The Shortcomings of Supply-Side Economics By Kimberly Amadeo Updated December 30, 2021
@@DjWellDressedMan - she has a masters in administration. I have a masters in macroeconomics. I'd say I know more about this topic than she does.
"Supply side economics" is electoral strategy dressed up as economic policy. It was deliberately devised by republicans to provide political wins by running up the the federal deficit/debt and using it as a cudgel to hammer the democrats with whenever they controlled the federal government. It's a cynical, zero-sum political maneuver that has caused massive harm to America.
Reagan left his Lebanese allies at the mercy of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps who have occupied Lebanon for 40 years now through the creation of Hezbollah.
This is Ronald Reagan's legacy. This is what he should be remembered for.
Not really. He ended the Cold War. The best president in my lifetime behind trump.
@@Kunfucious577 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I disagree....I would say the utter hypocrisy of Reagan's War on Drugs while the CIA flooded america with coke and crack cocaine....
@@julianciahaconsulting8663 yeah but where’s that same disgust for china and Mexico flooding our streets with drugs today?
@@Kunfucious577 😂🤣😂🤣😂 tell us another joke.
How come they don’t mention the debacle in Beirut when marines were killed by a bomb and Reagan slinked out of Beirut without a fight.
That "amateur night" screwup does not fit the narrative of Bold Ronnie the Brave, Noble, Wise. The Israelis, the French, the Beirut locals, all begged the US not to put all the troops in once place and to harden the approach. Negligence killed all those Marines. The real reason the US invaded Grenada (two days after all those Marines died unnecessarily) was to get 241 dead Marines off the front pages.
Reagan also abandoned the modernization of our system of measurement, the change from the English measurements, inches, feet etc. to the metric system that most of the world now uses. The English system is based on the length of a kings foot, as being a foot. The metric system is based on scientific knowledge. The temperature system is based on zero based on the freezing of water and 100 degrees is the boiling of water. it is interesting that the auto industry had converted before Reagan dropped the conversion. There for cars in the US made from the early ‘80s are built with metric bolts and nuts. This has helped them to be shipped overseas where the metric system is paramount.
God bless u for this
Timeline information all the time congratulation
No mention of Libya?
No mention of a lot of blunders.
Gaddafi deserved it
How Reagan did not get impeached for Iran Contra still blows me away
Ollie North!
@@hungrygarfield Absolutely, if it wasn't for Col. Oliver North taking one for the team, the Reagan Presidency would have been sunk.
@@AaronGrace1970 No: it was Bush I pardoning all the malefactors. Can't prosecute a case when all the felons are pardoned! Nobody wanted to impeach Reagan: they just wanted him GONE after 1987 Iran/Contra.
Look at Trump to know how impeachment a president doesn't work.
No mention of the assassination attempt
The trauma of that expedited his Alzheimer's
@@barbaraallen168 He died of Alzheimer's in 2004. You die from that condition after having the disease on average 4 to 8 years. Reagan was diagnosed in 1994. He left office in January 1989. Sorry, the time line just doesn't add up, and his diary attests to ZERO mental decline while in office.
Title doesnt fit. Video "document" was like 5th colonny democratic socialism party lecture
Does this video go into the details of his support of the genocide in Guatemala?
Of COURSE not! That doesn't match the god-building they want for Saint Reagan the Senile.
Reagan and Thatcher, the Best Western double act since Churchill and FDR.
Three of the worst leader of all time
Not Churchill I meant fdr, Reagan and Thatcher
@@loona_mew really? Please do elaborate? You must be a sore lefty?
@@daviskaya100 I literally said Churchill is better leader than fdr how TF does that sound like a leftist
@@loona_mew My misunderstanding.
@@daviskaya100 whatever lefty
God bless the memory of President Ronald Reagan. From Romania with respect.
Due to Regan me and my family were exiled from our homeland. Unfortunately I am a child of the contra war. Living thru it stole my childhood.
Even today, ignorant 'murcan's (fascists and right wing tools) call people at the US Southern border ''illegals''. 'Murcans don't even know the history of the horrors their CIA and monsters like Reagan perpetrated in Central and South America. Those people are political refugees fleeing the dictators and murder squads unleashed by the US for corporate profit. But some do know and will not forget. I hated Reagan more than I thought it possible to hate (until the POS and war criminal W. Bush came). I am very sorry for the suffering brought upon you and your family. The US gov. overthrew Guatemala in '54. The war criminal Reagan illegally mined the harbors of Nicaragua. And the CIA flooded the inner cities with coke to fund the murder squads in El Salvador. Anyone who doesn't know Reagan's crimes against humanity is morally bankrupt and a racist.
You are a fool FSLN had a soul, unlike those scum contras
Due to Reagan, a communist totalitarian state was prevented from being settled in Central America and Democracy eventually won the day. YOU'RE WELCOME!
remember when reagan compared the contras to the US Founding Fathers? Could be reagan's worse analogy of his political career
@@julianciahaconsulting8663 I remember being nauseated by the comparison (even more so than by everything else that two dimensional prefab corporate shill and war criminal said).
Love it or hate it, "American Dad" has the best Ollie North explanation
Ollie North!
Ollie North!
my third favorite episode, behind krampus and the majestic, or course.
15:41 This guy's an editor, and he's literally saying "would of"?
Your code ‘TIMELINE’ does not work!
basically, mom and dad said we cant be friends so we did it on the side...
It hits different now when he said he didn't remember: early onset of Alzheimer's. 😨
people are so nostalgic for the 80s, and he had an entire era with his name on it, and he was patriotic…no wonder people have to go out of their way to point out “lows”
The first time I ever voted was with my Pops who was a World War II Navy Vet was for President Reagan and, then I went one better by joining his Navy.😆🤘🇱🇷
@ryanak, I love the 80s.
Good Morning New York
once an actor, always an actor. hand him a script and he becomes the character
Your thinking of joe
Sharp jim
@@startrekmaniac1701 Could you at least put SOME efforts into your comebacks?
@@gaiusjuliuspleaser I’m right now. The guy can’t finish a thought or a sentence without an aid or teleprompter
You've described just about every politician for a least the past 50 years, Obama was the change President in front of the crowd but was one of the most corporate Presidents in the history of this country.
All these years later, Reagan and Gorbachev must be seen as heroic. More heroic are the successors who kept their guns holstered while a new "kinder / gentler world" evolved.
Central America has been a good start.
18th and 19th Century immigration dynamics saw a rugged integration of multiple European cultures into the LARGE TENT which was the United States of America.
20th Century America ultimately celebrated our 'MONGREL' heritage after the UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER of legacy tyrants.
Hispanic elements will ultimately constitute a substantial constituency in 21st Century United States which may reinvigorate 19th Century visions of a Pan-American confederacy.
6:32 PM 10-Feb-2022 Thurs.
“His speech had no effect on the walls coming down”
Yeah... Suuuure it didn’t🤣
I remember living in the USA under Reagan. What a chaotic president, what a horrible time for the middle class and the poor. 😢
How exactly?
Top 5 president right there…
Middle class started to degenerate under Carter.
One of the worst presidents of the USA.
@@zarategabe Nope, easily top 5, only Communists don't like him.
Seems to me that Reagan bailed on Oliver north and them. And let them go to jail for following his orders
GHW Bush was running that show. Reagan was dumb as a stump. No world view. Bush pardoned them all the day he became president. Reagan never knew.
Yea and no hostages were freed.Can’t believe Nixon had to resign over a break I. But nothing happened to Ronny selling arms to your enemy
@@Gos1234567A hostage was released, and then they would kidnap another one. It was like blackmail. Reagan was always on thin ice with Iran because of October Surprise. They were afraid of the consequences should that story and the massive traffic of US aircraft spares and weaponry going to Iran through Israel and NATO allies become common knowledge.
Condoleezza talking about sketchy dealings of the American government haha
Where is part 2
The greedy UA-cam gave a commercial every 2 minutes. Greed
this doc is so slanted against Ragen its sad
@@michaelmcgovern8110 hey Michelle Gorbachev is my favorite communist at least he didn't kill millions of people like Stalin and Khrushchev
@@sawjack8961 Gorbachev thought he could reform the CCCP system. He was wrong. Poor b@stard. Now he parrots Sputin's line because he likes living in a comfortable dacha.
Facts hurt don't they ?
@@EjDantes , are you sure it's facts?
Mixed feelings. I was just a kid but I always liked him. Always felt he was doing the best for the country and was the face of the1980's which was my whole childhood and teenage years. Granted my teens sucked but i don't blame him.
Doing the best for the country by ignoring the aids epidemic?
@@Sandszable In all fairness, His generation in general ignored it and both parties failed.
@@Sandszable I guess he could’ve shut down the world for a couple years.
@@Kunfucious577 because not ignoring = shutting down the world. What a great straw man.
@@Sandszable because reagon was the mastermind behind the aids epidemic.
I was in College in Spain. Great times.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice characterizes foreign-policy during this period as 'murky'. Nothing validates this assessment more abundantly than Congressional acquiescence toward military involvement in 'The War On Drugs' while disavowing any knowledge or responsibility. I've still got the jungle boots as a souvenir. No medals, no ribbons, no footnotes on my DD Form 214 - just the boots.
For a short time, our Oregon Air National Guard Squadron's trophy-case displayed Honduran, Columbian, Border Patrol, et al military berets, insignia, and other paraphernalia gathered from our participation in 'The War On Drugs'. Those tokens disappeared without any formal accounting.
20:51 she’s pretty :o
Timeline - World History
Both YOU OR EITHER of YOUR Counterparts do NOT UNDERSTAND the settings on UA-cam..
WHY do messages appear > :VIDEO NOT ALLOWED'...
The presidency doesn’t have that powerful sense about it anymore. It’s over
I've noticed something: In the past 40 years we've had 7 Presidents; 4 Republican and 3 Democrat. The 4 Republicans saw the U.S. economy enter a recession before they left office, and so a Democrat came in to fix the economy. The Democrat saw the U.S. economy recovering by the time he left office only to have a Republican replace him and continue the cycle over again.
Isn’t joe Biden a democrat? He hasn’t fixed anything he’s made the economy much worse and the chance of a recession is higher now than it was when a republican was in office
justin, Biden's administration has seen a huge surge in employment and new jobs. Inflation is a crisis across the globe right now.
@@catherinemacaskill1421 lmao it’s a global economy and most governments did the same dumb lockdowns closing everything but paying everyone to stay home.. what does that mean? Everyone has more purchasing power but there’s less supply/ stuff for people to buy so prices have to go up it’s basic economics..
You noticed that too
@UC_I77bdlgZ3Mx5VGZm68ZpA you do realize all the countries low on that list actually produce products the rest of the world consumes
yes... they do...
Great President
@@wendypollock8168 , Why?
Reagan should have been impeached for the Iran-Contra Affair. It still angers me how he kept funding the Contras despite congress telling him explicitly not to fund them.
And John Kennedy should've been removed from office for the crimes he committed to keep his private scandals out of the headlines. Not to mention it's a documented fact he was having an affair with an informant for the KGB in the months leading up to the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Should Biden be impeached for threading withhold funding from Ukraine?
Shut up. Reagen was one of the greatest president of all times.
@@nyfinest487 you will never be able to convince this brain dead parroting cnn supporter of that
Does it anger you about the horrible events of today?
Regardless of your politics. He was a great president. He made sure we were defended and shut down Soviet Russia.
That's because Gorbachev was a western puppy
Matlock in this documentary and several people commenting here seem to be completely ignorant of the fact, that without Both Reagan and Gorbachev the Cold War would not have ended when it did or how it did !
I was born in 1970.... and I watched the events closely with my father during the 80's, we could not have had a better President than Reagan during that time.
In fact, Reagan was probably the best American President we've had during my lifetime !
With so many wealthy people can’t we help also the others to survive ?
Yes and when we negotiated with Gorbachev we promised that NATO would never go any further east than Western Germany. And now look at how well we have kept that promise.
No, we didn't, there was no promise made by the US or NATO, some idiotic diplomat who can't speak on behalf of NATO, OR the US, who has nothing to do with making policy does NOT count.
@@robertharper3754 So basically the president of the United States half of his diplomatic staff and cabinet over about 7 to 8 years is in your opinion some idiotic diplomat and doesn't count. Ok.
@@stonehouseguitars3869, LOL, they never said that. There isn't even a tape of them saying that. Not to mention that Russia ISN'T the USSR, so even if it was a deal, guess what? That deal would have been with the USSR, which no longer exists. Have you noticed how many former Soviet states have rushed toward the West?
@@robertharper3754 You clearly lack the ability to read. That's a shame. I hope you don't vote.
Funny how there is never a source listed for this. Thanks dude, that joke never gets old.
Sept/19/23 Tuesday
5:03 Svetlana
I wouldn't put Reagan in my top 5 or anything but I would take him over Biden, Trump, Obama and Bush JR any day.
We would put you in our top 5 people of continuing human existence either. Biden, Trump, Obama, and Bush 43 all won electoral college victories and had popular support; you didn't and just excluded every president in the last two decades who Reagan couldn't have won a modern election against.
@@ritemolawbks8012 You seem very upset, Reagan won 49 states in 1984 and no President especially after him came anywhere near his popularity.
Interesting, for my own personal top 5 list goes as follows
#1 Roanld Reagan
#2 Obama
#3 Bill Clinton
#4 Gerald Ford
#5 George Bush Jr.
Honorable Mention
President John F. Kennedy
President Joe Biden
My 2 cents! :)
Agreed though I consider Reagan, Clinton and Obama as good presidents.
Reagan was the worst of them all. He destroyed the working class with his smooth voice and they re-elected him 😢
"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help.' " - Ronald Reagan, August 12, 1986. Joe Biden has made variations of this statement more than 180 times now since he "became" President. Scary scary times.
As a teen at the time in Canada I was convinced he was going to bring down Nuclear Destruction on us all. Meanwhile in the States they are still naming bridges after him.
Because you were wrong and he was right.
Why? You seem very misinformed, lol.
It could happen with Joey.
yeah i remember being a young canadian backpacker in europe - Amsterdam - the summer of 84 i think it was when reagan made the joke on the Voice of America radio about bombing Russia....the europeans absolutely freaked day there were 200,000 people on the streets in amsterdam demonstrating against american nukes in europe
@@damianhoratiu2287 No: because the right needs a hero, so they built Reagan into one.
30:58 her hair
This is a Reagan hit piece… easy to judge after the fact. The man saved the west, end of story.
He killed 80,000 of his own civilian population through inaction on the AIDS epidemic and literally created the crack problem.
There is so much more to this story than you're admitting to. He was a monster, his wife was worse than trump about state secrets because she couldn't stop blabbing to her 'fortune teller'. It is an absolute miracle that the US has survived this long with such god awful governance as we've had is astounding.
RR sure did act presidential… And I do mean act… most often he was confused and pathetic… “JUST SAY NO”
You spelled Joe Biden wrong
@@kirkandkaylaglaser2922 Biden and Reagan are a lot more similar than you might think, they both suck
First woman president-Nancy Regan make no mistake she was calling the shots thruout most of his second term .
And she let AIDs run rampant, girl power!
@@ruffdrafter had the best quaalude's and wasnt afraid to stumble across the white house floor
@@voltrondefofunv5708 I mean I don't doubt she knew how to party, just a terrible person is all
You mean Nancy or her astrologer?
@@voltrondefofunv5708 Vladimir Horowitz took advantage of this.
Aah condoleza the war criminals
About to find out what the timeline history audience is all about. Is this going to turn into political lunacy or are people capable of having reasonable discussions?
Ready, set, go.
There is no reasonable discussion in Politics Unfortunately.
@@stackstheripper3056 honestly hoping for a lot from this crowd. If someone appreciates history they ought to appreciate discourse.
@@BenRush absolutely right. Some people csnt except others opinions. It's a shame but let's go!
@@FelixBat @Ben Rush lol, case in point with this lovely person above.
@@FelixBat Well then my comment about you being a lovely person still stands then ;) haha. It is a sad state when you can't be certain whether or not you're witnessing sarcasm or reality these days. Definitely recommend using the "/s" sarcasm tag in the future because I certainly ate that onion. All the best Mr. Flibble!
To many many lies!!
Cite your sources
LOL, there was so much honestly in politics before Reagan. Come on, Man
Didn't he indebt America to a degree that still haunts it today? Or have I misunderstood something?
No, you have not misunderstood anything!
We are still suffering now from his careless spending.
It also inspired the hunger strike in Beijing 06/04/1989
I have not heard about the hunger strike in Beijing back in 89. My boat (submarine) made a port call in Hong Kong the day after Tietaman Square massacre. I don't know if they correlate with each or precede one another?
My name is Abbasia, a divorced woman without children, I am 35 years old, from Algeria
After Donald Trump... we'll need another Ronald Reagan to lead the West...
Would the world be so different today had Mondale and Ferraro taken over in '84? Probably not by much and likely no better. He'd be just another figurehead to blame for how miserable we all are.
He a traitor he sold drug.
He probably didn't know about due to Alzheimer's.
Cite your sources
@@davidniggemeyer1692 I appreciate a person who has mastery of the English vocabulary! I appreciate you correcting things here, good vocabulary and good articulation, awesomely done! Thanks.
His entire presidency was a low
Is that way he lost 1 state his 2nd term?
@@startrekmaniac1701 because people are stupid. He was a brainless traitor who appealed to racists and assorted scum
I'll take Reagan over any President that came after him.
I mean that’s very bias and you act like racist weren’t supporting democrats and republicans at the time and still do you tool
@@chuckenmcnuggets4464 are we really supposed to take some one named after a chicken byproduct food from a greedy fast food restaurant seriously?
Reagan was a horrible president for all but the wealthy.
Is that why he lost 1 state?
@@startrekmaniac1701 Nazis won big in elections too. That doesn't mean Nazis are good, it just means you've got a lot of Nazis.
@@startrekmaniac1701 fdr won all states too
@@loona_mew nope he actually didnt
So, he's like every other President a least in more modern times. The last great President for the middle class was Ike.