Timestamps: 0:30 Innes wilding 1:21 Innes wants to be her own boss 2:10, Nick Nora crazy coincidences leading to one day 4:10 Nick sour patch kid 4:55 Yawning theory Nick Nora 7:20 Stomach theory Nick Nora 7:50 Hug breaks & cute gifts 13:20 Innes & her bf Gother, emo boy 16:45 Poster of feet on road
0:30 Innes wilding
1:21 Innes wants to be her own boss
2:10, Nick Nora crazy coincidences leading to one day
4:10 Nick sour patch kid
4:55 Yawning theory Nick Nora
7:20 Stomach theory Nick Nora
7:50 Hug breaks & cute gifts
13:20 Innes & her bf Gother, emo boy
16:45 Poster of feet on road
Why are you time stamping a 20 minute video…go outside….
@@dakotalenzi7630 calm thefk down dude
Female version of NMPLOL... NoraLoL
NMPLOL, but woman
@@shovancak yeah they were like redundant
This ending 😂
Well can she? lol
@@billyoshas8965I was talking about last phrase: "You are the cup" and video cuts to black 😂
I laughed so much more from Nora reacting to Tyler than Tyler reacting to the video 😂😂😂
Nora's reactions are priceless!
Haha the last one 😂
That ending 😂
What was that last clip? Two girls, one cup? :D
12:56 AINTNOWAY!!! 😮
never forget that Nora is the cup
The Tri dent is over 😢
bro aint no way Arthur sniped that shit
did he pay someone to do it?
otherwise that shit was mad impressive holy shit
Noralol kkkk
Jesus the girl in the miz death clip was annoying asf