How some Sri Lankans treat tourists.

  • Опубліковано 1 кві 2022
  • I was threatened with assault and physical harm by a local Sri Lankan during my travel in Sri Lanka. I have narrated the details below and shared video proof below. The bearded person wearing the cap is Sam and the other person is the hostel owner.
    This incident happened on the night of 21st March 2022 at around 11pm. The incident occurred in Unnawatuna-based hostel.
    A local Sri Lankan Muslim guy going by the alias "Sam" was staying in same hostel in a private room with his Russian girlfriend. I was in another room and had no connection with them. I did not like the guy and his behavior (openly smoked drugs all day, was mostly drunk and had a wrong vibe to him) and so avoided him all the time.
    On my last night Sam approached me when I was alone and starts acting weird. I tried to avoid him, but he kept coming back. As I always avoid such troublemakers, I was not sure what he wanted from me. He tries to instigate me with words and actions, but i was not sure what was wrong with him. This goes on for like 10-15 minutes. I could see in his eyes he was looking for revenge and meant everything wrong. I was surprised all this was happening so openly. And then he threatens me with physical harm, that's when i called the hostel owner to intervene.
    Like other travelers, I had interacted with everyone in the hostel including owners, employees and fellow travelers. Somehow Sam got jealous of only me speaking to his Russian girlfriend, whereas we all travelers were interacting as a group and no one never spoke to her alone. Threatening of physical harm is 100% criminal. And threatening a tourist is a cardinal sin. Hostel employees tried to intervene but Sam would not budge. Then I called the hostel owner to intervene. When I began to record the video, he suddenly became very calm and defensive and tried to avoid the situation. I am sure, if I didn't record the video no one would believe me.
    I did not call the police or lodge an official complaint because:
    1. He looked and behaved like a local criminal gang member. Check his accent, language and demeanor in the video. Its like a drug dealer.
    2. He openly did drugs in the hostel, in front of everyone.
    3. He was very dangerous and since he threatened me so openly, probably could have been part of local mafia. He could be carrying weapons and could have retaliated with other gang members, if I escalated the matter.
    4. Most importantly, I did not want to spoil my holiday. I knew better ways to punish such behavior.
    Since it was a foreign land, i chose to reveal the truth only after i reached India safely.
    You have to ask yourself a few questions first.
    1. Is this behavior even morally correct considering the billions of dollars India is sending as assistance to Sri Lanka and and much more in last 40-50 years. Indians deserve the highest respect in this land.
    2. If this is what tourists get in return for spending 1500-2000 USD for travel in Sri Lanka, why should tourists come to Sri Lanka? especially Indians?
    3. Who does this to tourists? No one in even Russia, Dubai and even Singapore will do this. Why? because tourists bring in valuable foreign exchange.
    I don't think tourists deserve this, especially since now travelers get a lot more hassle free travel in other countries compared to the troubles in Sri Lanka.
    Thankfully I am an UA-cam influencer and I can ensure thousands hear my story. But where does that leave Sri Lanka. Especially in such difficult times, when you can travel and stay cheaper in places like Thailand, Vietnam, Bali and Philippines. I have visited 13 countries and travelled 25 times to them. I have clocked almost 400 days of travel in just last 3 years. But this experience was just horrible.
    I am sharing the UA-cam video on all travel forums around the world. If I get a fair redressal, I will post a follow-up video.