This, but unironically. I plan to add movable aerodynamics to my track car, which is something that even production cars have nowadays, but is banned in F1. I also considered active suspension, but I don't think I reached the point where it would matter yet.
@@AlexanderBurgers mechanical active aero, chassis mount with wing an a pivot and adjusted by some damper/coilovers. Slowing down or cornering lifts wing, accelerating makes the wing go down for more down force. Don't know if that'll work tho
Im a physics teacher with a mechanical engineering background. There is no way I couldve explained dampening as good as you did, and I did a freaking minor project on it. I built simple dampening systems that would critically damp over a desirable range and had plans to improve upon it, mainly reduce the size so that those small dampers could be fit and tested on RC cars. A project that was left stranding right around when pandemic started in china because of lack of availability of parts that could only be feasibly ordered from china. You have fit so much physics in one 5 minute section of your video and done a such a good job of it. Awesome stuff guys. You inspire me.
Make the part yourself NEVER RELY ON CHINA SHIT. They take Australian iron and destroy it... Always procur your blocks from am American or Australian Furnace preferably then mill it yourself
Incredible job explaining this one ! The oscillation graph animations explained the subject brilliantly. Top notch work from the motion designers here !
Just imagine all the job that is put on those animation for the springs, shocks, "J-dampers" etc, and they upload every day of the week... WOW! Congratulations Donut Media for the hard work you are doing to inform us about everything !
Yeah, when fella said about damping out with the waves and showed me the animation another time it clicked immediately The tires animation was also very great
Morelike Ferrari yells ban because they have most say in things and their invention isn't unique anymore. Imagine if Ferrari invented Mercedeses DAS and others stole it. Banned same year for sure
@@pona212 The DAS-system is banned from 2021 onwards... like what do you want, they banned it at the earliest opportunity (being the next year since the car is build around it and it is a fundamental system of the car)
"We want F1 to be more like road cars" Uhhh that's like the complete OPPOSITE point of F1. You want road car racing then drive some touring cars. F1 should be about achieving the absolute pinnacle of engineering and speed.
Is f1 about technology or about spectacle? If it was about technology you'd see non-profit research organizations funding it and the entire lifestyle that goes with F1 would be non-existent, think space programs. F1 is about spectacle and if the tech gap between teams means there's no spectacle, well the tech has then got to go.
@@nooranik21 the tech is a big part lmao, that’s why there is a huge budget gap. The ones who can spend the most on tech win. The car development is the most important part of the sport
@@Stellar-Cowboy oh I totally agree, but at the end of the day the spectacle is what makes money and preserving that is more important to the FIA than advancing technical achievement.
My product design professor just yelled at me after class for cheating this semester on a hw and told me if I cheat at least get the answers right, lmao I felt this one.
Having worked as a TA, I seem to recall catching this once grading Machine Design homework, can't remember the exact story, but it was pretty funny. Maybe it was that the professor gave the final answer (for students to check themselves - he usually did so) but their process clearly didn't lead to that answer - yet they still wrote down said answer (which they clearly didn't get to on their own) wrong!
Sometimes I wonder about schools, do they really think actual professionals don't just google stuff all the time rather than memorizing literally everything in their field of work?
Dude, this was an AMAZING explanation. Massive props to the entire team here, you're condensing a LOT of applied physics into 10 minutes and you've done it succinctly. Man I love this channel
If Donut taught a Science class, you would have kids fighting in the hallway to get in. You would have to setup a bouncer and rope, "Sorry, Kevin. You aren't on the list! Back to the lunch line!"
Nah, it was mostly because Mosely hated Ron Dennis. As Eccleston said in his book, Mosely joked about the fine being "$5 million for the offense, $95 million for Ron being a twat" And to be fair to him, Ron Dennis *was* a twat
Par for the course for the FIA. Just like they didn't give a penalty to Hamilton for cutting the same corner 27 times in a race because he didn't "gain an advantage"
Only in F1 can a criminal offense be identified and acknowledged such as possession of stolen IP but it still manage to fall outside purview of international sporting code due to improper dissemination and rehash, y’all. Got my blood boiling this am haha
Remember McLaren's 100 million dollar fine? Some big name at the time, I dont' remember the name, said that it was 1 million for the violation, and 99 million because the victim was Ferrari. Wonder what would've happened if Renault's documents had ended up in Stepney's hands...
the three people who failed the next test after i had to retake an exam... for some reason they thought i was cheating because my test scores were so high when i didn't hand in all hw assignments (... everyday hw on average was .01 percent of my grade.. so sometimes i just didn't bother) my teacher defended me as i had been his student multiple times (social science courses) and he knew my character/in his class i normally had enough time to get the hw done anyways as he normally gave us time to work on it... he asked me if i knew anything and i just rolled my eyes... just point blank told him... do u think its weird to pull out a graphing calculator for an exam that requires 0 math..... didn't understand how they couldn't figure out that the other people getting perfect scores constantly were also having to retake the exam constantly... (this whole question came out because the teachers finally noticed a missing answer sheet...)
I did it the other way. Once I realized I was about to fail my physics test, I noticed the last three interrelated questions partially solve each other using simple algebra. The remaining unknowns defined a line which excluded all the multiple-choice answers but the correct one. Still failed, but I'm proud of it anyway.
This level of detail is outrageous. It only skims the surface of how complicated vibrations are, but it's mind blowing how coherently you explain this in such a short amount of time.
You must be ironic, right? He is bullshitting coherently. This arrangament is unsuitable for anything except filtering a specific resonant frequency, and the guy failed to tell where would the energy go. "Turns back onto itself" is a meaningless stupidity, actually meaning it doesn't do anything.
@@PafiTheOne no he is not wrong. the energy is spent turning the little rotational device, since rotating an object requires torque. that force comes from the energy built up as the spring went down. he p much just explained it using non physics terms, but hes not "bullshitting."
@@fruitygranulizer540 Strawman. I didn't say he was "wrong". I said meaningless and unsuitable. Energy to be damped arrives again and again, and if the rotating object is already full of energy, then it can not continue sinking it. Your "explanation" is impossible.
My favourite parts about spygate are the whole stuff being casually uncovered by a massive tifosi working on a copy shop and Mosley saying that the fine was"$5 million for the offence and $95 million for Ron being a twat"
@@Reaper_03-01 yes it is and they are keeping the US GP at Circuit of the Americas too. I just hope multiple American grand Prix works better this time than it did in the '80s when they had the Caesar's Palace Parking lot GP!
Wouldn't you be able to substitute the flywheel with an electric motor? I mean an electric motor can store and release energy like the flywheel. So when the threaded rod goes down the electric motor brakes it and when there is no momentum anymore, the electric motor accelerates the threaded rod in the opposite way so as to counteract the compression of the spring.
if you're having troulbe understanding how it works (cuz i did), here's what helped me understand normally as a spring goes up, all the energy that is built up by the spring's compression is just released upwards and causes either the spring to bounce or, in the case of a shock abosrber, generate heat. with an interter, as the spring goes back up, not all the energy can just be bursted upwards. some of that energy is spent twisting the little rotating device. the rotational force is always perpendicular to the rotation and depends on the direction of rotation whcih is why the force is still down (this is a bit of a weird physics thing but its not that important). the main thing is that, instead of reducing the energy by generting heat, the interter "wastes" that energy by forcing it to spin the little thing.
“The FIA also wants the technology of F1 cars to be more like road cars”. Gee I wonder where half the tech in road cars come from then. They got it backwards!
That's just a bad way of phrasing it. The point *is* to have tech from F1 going into production road cars, not the other way around. They want the technology to be more *relevant* to road cars - a major issue in F1 right now is the lack of manufacturers, and part of the reason for that is that manufacturers don't want to or can't afford to invest so much money in technology that is specific to F1. The more the research and development is transferable to production vehicles, the more feasible it becomes for manufacturers to participate in f1.
This is a huge bullshit. 1: A flywheel in this arrangement would have made suspension non-working, since suspension must permit fast length change (dl/dt) without significant force change. It acts as an integrator for vertical speed. Flywheel (as any inertia) does absolutely the opposite, it reacts with a high force to high movement speed, it is a differentiator for vertical speed. Combining these 2 in parallel makes a resonator, at a resonant frequency of f=1/(2*pi*sqrt( inertia*compliance)) the mechanical imedance becomes 0, but will transfer any other frequency from the wheel to the body of the car, especially at high freq. 2: Flywheels don't absorb energy, neither suspension, then where the energy goes? The description breaks the rule of energy conservation. "Turns back onto itself" is a meaningless stupidity, actually meaning it doesn't do anything. 3: Although the springs natural frequency is an existing thing, it is such a high frequency (in the kHz range) that never excited significantly. The compliance of the spring and the inertia of the car determines the relevant frequency. Etc...
Man, donut should really start crediting the animators, scripters, directors and everyone else involved in the process of making the videos. Every B2B video feels like music to my ears, everything just works so perfectly adjusted that the output couldn't be more perfect. Special shout-out to the animators, because depending of yours knowledge on physics and engineering it must be hard to produce such good stuff being uneducated in this specialities. And this parts of the video sometimes are crucial to help the content being shown really sink in. Oh, how I wish I was still teaching physics, I would use SO MANY B2B clips in my classes XD. Pleas keep up with the amazing content!
Also, "dampening" means "making it wet" like when you drive through a puddle, while "damping" is "resistance proportional to speed" and dissipates energy.
2:40 WATCH MORE VIDEO F.U.L.L H.D 💓 CLICK HERE : livegirls19. com !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候1&!/ 1618949940
Cool to see this sort of video on interters, I actually wrote my uni dissertation on this (and magnetorheological dampers, another really cool suspension component) back in 2008 just as these stories were coming out (which was super convenient timing for me!). To put it simply, springs exert a force proportional to the distance between the end points relative to distance when the spring is at equilibrium, dampers exert a force inversely proportional to the velocity between the endpoints, and the inerter exerts a force inversely proportional to the acceleration between the two end points (so while you get the benefit of it fighting against the spring when it's in motion, you also have to compensate for the increased difficulty of initially compressing the spring due to having to spin up that flywheel). Really liked the visualisations, I've tried explaining how they work and people generally zone out pretty quickly so you've done a good job on making an informative & engaging video on the subject!
Is the inerter connected in series with a conventional damper or in parallel? The resistance it offers is proportional to acceleration, so if the inerter were tied directly from the wheel to the body the suspension rate would be approaching infinity for fast bumps which seems less than helpful?
Very nice vid, thanks. I didn't know about this device. It should be noted that Citoren introduced such an inertial dampening system on the 2cv born in 1948. These were called "batteurs". There, the inertia was that of linear displacement of a sprung mass in a tube fixed to the wheel-end of the suspension arm, nothing compatible with the requirements of a sports car (but with a 20-some hp flat twin, the 2cv was all but a sports car...). Great to see these ideas reborn in a modern version, sad to hear they will be banned...
Next step for F1 ban turbos Then engines Then wheels 😂 and they say its banned because it dousnt belong on a road car. but most things on cars came from F1 tech like double clutch, turbo's, double cam, direct injection, carbon brakes....
I hate that these sports racing championships keep banning shit and making it more and more standardized and shit. Some races should be about drivers, and then yes everything can be the same sure, some should be about cars. Quit banning shit that is effective, it kills innovation
As a primary device to deal with damping the suspension on a vehicle, I'd MUCH rather have an energy dissipating device like a standard shock over a reactive device like an inerter. The standard shock will take the spike from the suspension going over a bump in the road and instantly suck it up, and make it go away, whereas a reactive device like an inerter WILL take time, slow down the spike, will have a negative reaction to the spike, and that negative reaction can happen at a time that will have a profound impact to the handling and make it feel strange to the driver. The flywheel system will take a finite time to react, and that time is not adjustable without changing the weight and size of the parts, and the time that it takes to react to different spikes from road irregularities will not coincide with every condition a vehicle suspension will see on a road surface. Weirdness in vehicle reaction to differing conditions will be the result.
I've been debating finishing my mechanical engineering degree lately and I gotta say thanks for these great vids lately keeping me interested in and learning about cool things like this Jerry 🙌👌
@@hunger993 Calculating the rate of change in the oscillation of a spring as a factor of the springs natural kinetic coefficient brings back nightmares from Cal 2. PTSD like a mf and I'll never use it in everyday life.
One key point that was not brought up.On F1 cars, and LMP1 cars, the J damper is only used in conjunction with the "third spring", or heave damper as they are sometimes called. They are not used with the individual wheel springs / torsion bars. In Indy car, they do not allow third springs, so each wheel has an inerter. That makes their suspension systems even harder to tune correctly than an F1 car.
I’ve learned so much watching Donut, I watched for the first time on Facebook and I instantly subscribed here on UA-cam! You guys really are some of the best to do it!
Amazing! I'm an electrical engineer and this is essentially an inductor, but for a mechanical spring system instead of an electronic circuit. Thinking of it this way, makes a lot of sense that they can target specific oscillation frequencies to dampen.
I would desing an electromagnetic device as dumper. It would generate its own electric energy from inbound run and release it in the outbound run. Because we all know shock absorbers works only one way: the outbound way, (extension). With electro magnetic devices, there's no seal or ball screws or ball bearings to maintain. No heat release and, mainly, no maintenance subject parts. Also, fully adjustable... on te way and on demand. A computer can do that. Also, it wold work as a suspension sensor. The computer can evaluate the exact location of each dumper and increase counter emf to maintain horizontality (in conjunction with an accelerometer, or your phone) or even compensate centrifugal force to keep people inside confortable by inclinating the car the opossite way.
When I hear about budget caps and the whole "herp derp my car has a secret feature that yours doesn't" and these regulations, I feel like this would be a way more interesting sport if at each season one brand would be responsible for building and setting up all the cars that would have to be inspected before each race to guarantee that they are all the same and then only the drivers skills would be tested! On the next season the next brand would work on the cars and so on! This way everybody would indeed compete as equals.
Optimal cancellation comes from 180 degree phase separation, which is what you show in your graph. Waves 180 degrees out of phase cross the centerline at the same time
I'm studying everything they ban in F1 so I can shove it all into a single car made from home depot stuff. I will be unstoppable!
Don't worry bro I got slap on hood vents and stickers to add hp
@@icewallowcome6211 call it an f duct
This, but unironically. I plan to add movable aerodynamics to my track car, which is something that even production cars have nowadays, but is banned in F1. I also considered active suspension, but I don't think I reached the point where it would matter yet.
@@AlexanderBurgers mechanical active aero, chassis mount with wing an a pivot and adjusted by some damper/coilovers. Slowing down or cornering lifts wing, accelerating makes the wing go down for more down force. Don't know if that'll work tho
Just add some AMG logos and that's an extra 50 horsepower
Im a physics teacher with a mechanical engineering background. There is no way I couldve explained dampening as good as you did, and I did a freaking minor project on it. I built simple dampening systems that would critically damp over a desirable range and had plans to improve upon it, mainly reduce the size so that those small dampers could be fit and tested on RC cars. A project that was left stranding right around when pandemic started in china because of lack of availability of parts that could only be feasibly ordered from china. You have fit so much physics in one 5 minute section of your video and done a such a good job of it. Awesome stuff guys. You inspire me.
Make the part yourself NEVER RELY ON CHINA SHIT. They take Australian iron and destroy it... Always procur your blocks from am American or Australian Furnace preferably then mill it yourself
For rc cars you just 3D print them now 😋
If you're a physics teacher you'd know it's damping not dampening. Dampening is to make damp, as in wet. Damping is to damp, or reduce amplitude.
@@Biriadan facts
@James Hodson If engineers are known for anything, it's their impeccable grammar. yyyeash
Man, the graphs and 3D animations for this episode are great. Makes it so much easier to understand. Good job, Donut.
But it says 1mil instead of 100mil
Incredible job explaining this one ! The oscillation graph animations explained the subject brilliantly. Top notch work from the motion designers here !
Just imagine all the job that is put on those animation for the springs, shocks, "J-dampers" etc, and they upload every day of the week... WOW! Congratulations Donut Media for the hard work you are doing to inform us about everything !
Yeah, when fella said about damping out with the waves and showed me the animation another time it clicked immediately
The tires animation was also very great
I do animated graphics and these need time to make! Their animators must be sweating every work day 😂 props to them!
Absolutely, I tried editing for a whole like, 2 days before and that was tedious af...
A new cool innovation for F1: exists
FIA: *B A N N E D*
wow epic comment dude
@Waldel Martell and wheels. And tires. And a chassis. And an engine. And a suspension system
Correction : A new cool innovation for F1 from a non french team
Morelike Ferrari yells ban because they have most say in things and their invention isn't unique anymore. Imagine if Ferrari invented Mercedeses DAS and others stole it. Banned same year for sure
@@pona212 The DAS-system is banned from 2021 onwards... like what do you want, they banned it at the earliest opportunity (being the next year since the car is build around it and it is a fundamental system of the car)
“They don’t like mass, don’t tell ya mom” damn it jerry! XD
*insert dayum gif here
jfc that got me good. Almost 8 minutes of physics and the bam, out of nowhere that hits like a brick.
@@carguy7884 ;-;
That was the sound of Jeremiah getting canceled by the Twitter sjws...for fat shaming
You only missed two zeros off your $100,000,000 🤣🤣
The animation was done by Dr. Evil.... "ONE MILLLLLLEEEEON DOLLARS"
You too noticed xdxd
Ecks dee ecks dee!!!
i actually had to stop the video 14 seconds in to figure the discrepancy out which led me to not watch the rest of it
It's 420 I thought I was just really high. I mean I am, but numbers bro. NUMBERS! IF YOU'RE GONNA MAKE A VIDEO DO IT RIGHT! j/k
" The guys in F1 don't like heavy stuff, don't tell your mom " 😂😂😂😂😂
"When you invent cool things, you get to name it whatever you want."- Tell that to the guy who invented .GIF
say Z
now you get it shut up
That’s not how you pronounce GIF!
I will pronounce it jif when Jod himself comes down and tells me to.
@@musewolfman maybe his son Gesus can explain?
Giraffes Interchange Fermat
If you can simply explain a complex engineering concept, you're a good engineer yourself ! (and a good "teacher")
Or good at reading a script
Like they say, you learn more about the subject when you try to teach it to others
1:36 𝐂𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞 ➜ livegirls19. com
》》 𝙊𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝘼𝙙𝙪𝙡𝙩 《《
來調味食物煮的時候%^%^ 1618951077
@@omegaarms4287 pretty sure he has a degree in mechanical engineering. I'm working on mine right now so I don't doubt he already knew all of that
"We want F1 to be more like road cars" Uhhh that's like the complete OPPOSITE point of F1. You want road car racing then drive some touring cars. F1 should be about achieving the absolute pinnacle of engineering and speed.
The more aero, the less overtaking. In a way, the faster the cars are around a specific corner, the less action
Is f1 about technology or about spectacle? If it was about technology you'd see non-profit research organizations funding it and the entire lifestyle that goes with F1 would be non-existent, think space programs. F1 is about spectacle and if the tech gap between teams means there's no spectacle, well the tech has then got to go.
@@nooranik21 the tech is a big part lmao, that’s why there is a huge budget gap. The ones who can spend the most on tech win. The car development is the most important part of the sport
@@Stellar-Cowboy oh I totally agree, but at the end of the day the spectacle is what makes money and preserving that is more important to the FIA than advancing technical achievement.
Try Pike's Peak.
My product design professor just yelled at me after class for cheating this semester on a hw and told me if I cheat at least get the answers right, lmao I felt this one.
@md belal stfu
Having worked as a TA, I seem to recall catching this once grading Machine Design homework, can't remember the exact story, but it was pretty funny. Maybe it was that the professor gave the final answer (for students to check themselves - he usually did so) but their process clearly didn't lead to that answer - yet they still wrote down said answer (which they clearly didn't get to on their own) wrong!
Sometimes I wonder about schools, do they really think actual professionals don't just google stuff all the time rather than memorizing literally everything in their field of work?
@@quillmaurer6563 I've definitely done this and just hoped the TA grading it didn't look to closely lmao.
@@garbagetrash2938 Yeah, clearly the kid was hoping for that. Unfortunately for them, I was paid by the hour.
Dude, this was an AMAZING explanation. Massive props to the entire team here, you're condensing a LOT of applied physics into 10 minutes and you've done it succinctly.
Man I love this channel
0:12 "McLaren was fined 100 million dollars"
0:17 Graphic says $1,000,000 (1 million dollars)
If Donut taught a Science class, you would have kids fighting in the hallway to get in. You would have to setup a bouncer and rope, "Sorry, Kevin. You aren't on the list! Back to the lunch line!"
Nah, kids always find a way to hate on anything that they are being required to do.
He gave a better description of flywheels in 2 minutes then I got in a 90 minute engineering lecture.
@Sep G thats the point. Nobody would come that does
nt want too. You would only have people who want to learn, fight.
Donut is a wonderful place 🤣
Fine I’d rather go eat food anyway
I like how there is a whole storyline to the Keep's commercials that Donut produces
(edit) Thanks y'all for the likes and comments! Have a good day :)
i like how you actually watch em instead of just skipping
@@Ohio_Isnt_Real yeah i skip them, the keeps ad reads are annoying.
@@raynjpg but then you wont get to see him go live at his parents farm in the next one :(
I'm appreciate that too.... even though I've never watched one
I love the relationship he has with Dave, it's heartwarming.
Me: finally finishes my uni semester on springs, masses and dampers.
Donut: Have some more...
Just like a Donut from Krispy Kreme!
The coolest use of this technology is used in skyscrapers for earthquake protection. Although this was a cool video, too.
0:42 of course they wouldn't fine Renault. McLaren's mistake was stealing from the FiA's darling
Nah, it was mostly because Mosely hated Ron Dennis. As Eccleston said in his book, Mosely joked about the fine being "$5 million for the offense, $95 million for Ron being a twat"
And to be fair to him, Ron Dennis *was* a twat
Mercedes didn't exist back then.
@@tankpenguin175 back then the fia’s darling was Ferrari. It seems they find another team to coddle and be biased about every few years.
@@tankpenguin175 Back then, Mercedes was McLaren engine supplier. And Mecedes-Benz was funded in 1926.
When i heard “no fines” i was like “bullshit” doesnt matter if they didnt understand the thing
Stealing is stealing.
They Say FIA stands for: Ferrari International Assistance...
Seemingly like everything else these days..
@@stuartd9741 lol
Right. They should have gotten a bigger fine for being to stupid to understand what they stole smh.
Par for the course for the FIA. Just like they didn't give a penalty to Hamilton for cutting the same corner 27 times in a race because he didn't "gain an advantage"
@@stuartd9741 lmfao
Actually being an engineer really makes me love Jeremiah’s videos. One of my favorite UA-camrs for sure
straight up watching this because it was assigned for Mechanical Vibrations
Jerry seems weirdly obsessed with my mom.
Just call her, Jerry!! She's always asking about you, you don't have to be shy!
Does she ask about me
How’s she doing these days
I am always amazed that Jerry is able to come up with different ideas .. for te same sponsor
He dosen't the writers give him a script
Only in F1 can a criminal offense be identified and acknowledged such as possession of stolen IP but it still manage to fall outside purview of international sporting code due to improper dissemination and rehash, y’all. Got my blood boiling this am haha
Makes sense
Remember McLaren's 100 million dollar fine? Some big name at the time, I dont' remember the name, said that it was 1 million for the violation, and 99 million because the victim was Ferrari. Wonder what would've happened if Renault's documents had ended up in Stepney's hands...
intellectual property should be abolished anyway. Capitalism is bad for the earth and humanity
@@poiu477 There would be no F1 in your world.
@@greglarson4188 Sure, as a professional sport, it would just be like an amateur league under capitalism.
0:58 shout out to all of us who cheated on a test and still failed
the three people who failed the next test after i had to retake an exam... for some reason they thought i was cheating because my test scores were so high when i didn't hand in all hw assignments (... everyday hw on average was .01 percent of my grade.. so sometimes i just didn't bother)
my teacher defended me as i had been his student multiple times (social science courses) and he knew my character/in his class i normally had enough time to get the hw done anyways as he normally gave us time to work on it... he asked me if i knew anything and i just rolled my eyes...
just point blank told him... do u think its weird to pull out a graphing calculator for an exam that requires 0 math..... didn't understand how they couldn't figure out that the other people getting perfect scores constantly were also having to retake the exam constantly... (this whole question came out because the teachers finally noticed a missing answer sheet...)
I did it the other way. Once I realized I was about to fail my physics test, I noticed the last three interrelated questions partially solve each other using simple algebra. The remaining unknowns defined a line which excluded all the multiple-choice answers but the correct one. Still failed, but I'm proud of it anyway.
@@DistracticusPrime Making it more important to learn how to take tests rather than the actual information sums up the UA-cam algorithm perfectly.
This level of detail is outrageous. It only skims the surface of how complicated vibrations are, but it's mind blowing how coherently you explain this in such a short amount of time.
You must be ironic, right? He is bullshitting coherently. This arrangament is unsuitable for anything except filtering a specific resonant frequency, and the guy failed to tell where would the energy go. "Turns back onto itself" is a meaningless stupidity, actually meaning it doesn't do anything.
@@PafiTheOne no he is not wrong. the energy is spent turning the little rotational device, since rotating an object requires torque. that force comes from the energy built up as the spring went down. he p much just explained it using non physics terms, but hes not "bullshitting."
@@fruitygranulizer540 Strawman. I didn't say he was "wrong". I said meaningless and unsuitable.
Energy to be damped arrives again and again, and if the rotating object is already full of energy, then it can not continue sinking it. Your "explanation" is impossible.
@@PafiTheOne the rotating object does not "have" any inherent energy. it just uses up energy to be rotated.
@@fruitygranulizer540 Do you want to deny energy conservation? :-)
Rotation does not use up energy. It accumulates it.
The "Yo Mama" jokes really should keep on until the end of this series.
Anyone doesn't want this series ended
@Mitzi Garcia bruh
@@minatouzumaki405 what
When you can learn more from B2B, than from your physics teacher.
ufttt !!
Facts, even in engineering he still explains more/better than my instructors
LoL my physics teacher on high school tested us completely different subjects than he lectured.
That was an absolute masterclass in explaining technical stuff!
they definitely taught me how to spell kinetic wrong
Honestly dude, props to explaining it so well. Made total sense. I love seeing you on the show every week!
It's always hard to say "damping" and not "dampening". It's reduced oscillations, it's not wet. Great episode.
My favourite parts about spygate are the whole stuff being casually uncovered by a massive tifosi working on a copy shop and Mosley saying that the fine was"$5 million for the offence and $95 million for Ron being a twat"
As is tradition in f1.
I am confused about this
I'm glad to see more Formula one content on Donut - it clearly shows that the sport is growing in popularity in the US.
I believe that Miami is getting a track in 2022.
I love the F1 content
@@Reaper_03-01 yes it is and they are keeping the US GP at Circuit of the Americas too.
I just hope multiple American grand Prix works better this time than it did in the '80s when they had the Caesar's Palace Parking lot GP!
@@BOABModels that GP is one hell of a story!
Do a B2B on your motorbike, Jeremiah. Please.
Yes please
Oh oh and the truck his sister lost lol
@@martindavenport8046 not lost, stole and sold
Hopefully the RC51
Waiting for the boomers that say only cars are good and bikes are for criminals or some shit
Wouldn't you be able to substitute the flywheel with an electric motor?
I mean an electric motor can store and release energy like the flywheel.
So when the threaded rod goes down the electric motor brakes it and when there is no momentum anymore, the electric motor accelerates the threaded rod in the opposite way so as to counteract the compression of the spring.
if you're having troulbe understanding how it works (cuz i did), here's what helped me understand
normally as a spring goes up, all the energy that is built up by the spring's compression is just released upwards and causes either the spring to bounce or, in the case of a shock abosrber, generate heat.
with an interter, as the spring goes back up, not all the energy can just be bursted upwards. some of that energy is spent twisting the little rotating device. the rotational force is always perpendicular to the rotation and depends on the direction of rotation whcih is why the force is still down (this is a bit of a weird physics thing but its not that important). the main thing is that, instead of reducing the energy by generting heat, the interter "wastes" that energy by forcing it to spin the little thing.
Wow as a hardcore f1 fan I really appreciate this. Such things are not explained on mainstream f1 media. Thank you
I so dig the way Jeremiah explains stuff. Makes it so simple and easy to understand.
“The FIA also wants the technology of F1 cars to be more like road cars”. Gee I wonder where half the tech in road cars come from then. They got it backwards!
Sounds like a good way to stifle innovation, if you ask me!
Not every invention is going to be more expensive (the mass damper comes to mind)
That's just a bad way of phrasing it.
The point *is* to have tech from F1 going into production road cars, not the other way around.
They want the technology to be more *relevant* to road cars - a major issue in F1 right now is the lack of manufacturers, and part of the reason for that is that manufacturers don't want to or can't afford to invest so much money in technology that is specific to F1. The more the research and development is transferable to production vehicles, the more feasible it becomes for manufacturers to participate in f1.
@@valerierodger7700 the more money they can make too hehe
yall actually produced a better video explanation of damping than my uni professor. Have yall considered doing a regular segment on STEM?
don't think he understands a lot from the stuff he speaks about, he really seems dumb....
@@TheKenjoje rude
@@electronicwoe but true....
@@TheKenjoje My guy he has a masters degree in Biomed Engineering and a Bachelors in MechE.
This is a huge bullshit. 1: A flywheel in this arrangement would have made suspension non-working, since suspension must permit fast length change (dl/dt) without significant force change. It acts as an integrator for vertical speed. Flywheel (as any inertia) does absolutely the opposite, it reacts with a high force to high movement speed, it is a differentiator for vertical speed. Combining these 2 in parallel makes a resonator, at a resonant frequency of f=1/(2*pi*sqrt( inertia*compliance)) the mechanical imedance becomes 0, but will transfer any other frequency from the wheel to the body of the car, especially at high freq. 2: Flywheels don't absorb energy, neither suspension, then where the energy goes? The description breaks the rule of energy conservation. "Turns back onto itself" is a meaningless stupidity, actually meaning it doesn't do anything. 3: Although the springs natural frequency is an existing thing, it is such a high frequency (in the kHz range) that never excited significantly. The compliance of the spring and the inertia of the car determines the relevant frequency.
Enormous props to the VFX team in this episode
9:27 you can hear the Haas gm saying “we look like a bunch of wankers” lol
EngineeringExplained is calling - he wants his channel back.
Not enough whiteboard and conversions from nonsense Imperial to sensible Metric units 🤣🤣
2:41 B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's -L-o-V-e-S-e-X-..❤️⤵️
livegirls19. com
在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。.說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味食物煮的時候 1618949140
Jer: "This may be the most complicated episode of B2B ever"
F1 Fans: Laugh in science
I think the episode about longest running engines was more complicated.
Yep, conventional dampeners + suspension is like a RC circuit, inerter is like RL, or RLC if used only on tiny vibrations.
@@tomf3150 Spring+Inerter would rather work as LC. Now just make that flywheel turn in viscous oil and you add the R (and damping) to the system.
@@akkudakkupl maybe make the flywheel like a water wheel to add resistance to rotation
Man, donut should really start crediting the animators, scripters, directors and everyone else involved in the process of making the videos. Every B2B video feels like music to my ears, everything just works so perfectly adjusted that the output couldn't be more perfect.
Special shout-out to the animators, because depending of yours knowledge on physics and engineering it must be hard to produce such good stuff being uneducated in this specialities. And this parts of the video sometimes are crucial to help the content being shown really sink in.
Oh, how I wish I was still teaching physics, I would use SO MANY B2B clips in my classes XD.
Pleas keep up with the amazing content!
By FIA definition of stealing, it's okay to rob a bank (Renault) if you don't understand what money is 🤦♂️
No it's actually its ok to steal as long as it don't hurt our favorite child Ferrari ~FIA probably
I can't help it, seeing kinetic spelled out as kenetic so many times got to me. I had to leave a comment.
The funny thing is too. That inert was originally spelt innert in Germatic english.
So we say inerter, When it should actually be spelled Innertor.
Also, "dampening" means "making it wet" like when you drive through a puddle, while "damping" is "resistance proportional to speed" and dissipates energy.
2:40 WATCH MORE VIDEO F.U.L.L H.D 💓 CLICK HERE : livegirls19. com
!💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候1&!/ 1618949940
Glad I wasn't the only one that saw that
Being early to B2B is one of the greatest things to wake up to lol
I’m glad they banned drinking red-bull before F1 races. Way to many people had wings.
wut? srs bsns?
Everyone: I go to university
Me: *I like fast things so I'm watching donut to be faster than you* uga duga
Cool to see this sort of video on interters, I actually wrote my uni dissertation on this (and magnetorheological dampers, another really cool suspension component) back in 2008 just as these stories were coming out (which was super convenient timing for me!).
To put it simply, springs exert a force proportional to the distance between the end points relative to distance when the spring is at equilibrium, dampers exert a force inversely proportional to the velocity between the endpoints, and the inerter exerts a force inversely proportional to the acceleration between the two end points (so while you get the benefit of it fighting against the spring when it's in motion, you also have to compensate for the increased difficulty of initially compressing the spring due to having to spin up that flywheel).
Really liked the visualisations, I've tried explaining how they work and people generally zone out pretty quickly so you've done a good job on making an informative & engaging video on the subject!
Is the inerter connected in series with a conventional damper or in parallel? The resistance it offers is proportional to acceleration, so if the inerter were tied directly from the wheel to the body the suspension rate would be approaching infinity for fast bumps which seems less than helpful?
⚡ *My respect & regards for the F1 engineers in the background who created J DAMPERS in the first place* 👏🏻👏🏻
It wasn't developed by F1 engineers. It was developed by a Cambridge University professor.
@@FaintAcrobat u know that many f1 engineers work at universities?
@@joejohnnys no, I did not
you're first
Listen here fool u ain't tricking no body u went from 6 to 11 and now 12
This reminded me of my classes of applied dynamics and control theory with Fourier, Laplace and all the crew
This is the kind of B2B humankind deserves! engineering rules!
Very nice vid, thanks. I didn't know about this device. It should be noted that Citoren introduced such an inertial dampening system on the 2cv born in 1948. These were called "batteurs". There, the inertia was that of linear displacement of a sprung mass in a tube fixed to the wheel-end of the suspension arm, nothing compatible with the requirements of a sports car (but with a 20-some hp flat twin, the 2cv was all but a sports car...). Great to see these ideas reborn in a modern version, sad to hear they will be banned...
Next step for F1 ban turbos
Then engines
Then wheels 😂 and they say its banned because it dousnt belong on a road car. but most things on cars came from F1 tech like double clutch, turbo's, double cam, direct injection, carbon brakes....
Mclaren a British team : gets fine for stealing
Renualt a French team: gets no fine for stealing
Mclaren : damm you french
glow tail a UA-cam commenter: can't spell McLaren
3:14 𝐂𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞 ➜ livegirls19. com
》》 𝙊𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝘼𝙙𝙪𝙡𝙩 《《
來調味食物煮的時候%^%^ 1618948168
I was just waiting for him to say “dampen”, and then he did. Make the springs wet so they don’t oscillate!
Never seen a video of yours before. This might be the best explanation of anything on you tube. So clear and thorough. Thank you.
Love they an Evo 9 for their suspension explanation scene
Dude this show is great. I come to donut for the science and engineering.
"Put that on a t-shirt and send it to your Mom". Nice!
Jer Bear is killing it, such a fan of B2B
I hate that these sports racing championships keep banning shit and making it more and more standardized and shit.
Some races should be about drivers, and then yes everything can be the same sure, some should be about cars. Quit banning shit that is effective, it kills innovation
I understood more from this video than any of my physics classes this year
Your Keeps ads are the only ones I won’t skip through!
For me it is the opposite. I love Jerry but I cant stand the keeps ads. They are so cringe. It is just my opinion dont get upset please.
You know you're early when bots start spamming the entire comment section.
1:29 ➡️ livegirls19. com ⤵️
B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's
說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候 1618949908
I both hate and love the high performance attitude towards components:
"If it didn't break after the usage - it's too heavy".
Haas chassis team has entered the chat
As a primary device to deal with damping the suspension on a vehicle, I'd MUCH rather have an energy dissipating device like a standard shock over a reactive device like an inerter. The standard shock will take the spike from the suspension going over a bump in the road and instantly suck it up, and make it go away, whereas a reactive device like an inerter WILL take time, slow down the spike, will have a negative reaction to the spike, and that negative reaction can happen at a time that will have a profound impact to the handling and make it feel strange to the driver. The flywheel system will take a finite time to react, and that time is not adjustable without changing the weight and size of the parts, and the time that it takes to react to different spikes from road irregularities will not coincide with every condition a vehicle suspension will see on a road surface. Weirdness in vehicle reaction to differing conditions will be the result.
They should use j dampers as micro generators for EVs
Day 345 of asking James to do an Up to speed on his Dad
You go my friend!
What if he doesn’t have a dad ?
One year anniversary soon.
@@bluesword6127 Well....
His dad died
Love the show. You guys should do one where car companies should make smaller car like old times since there's shortage of electrical stuff
Hi Donut. I have a suggestion, do an up to speed on CAT/Caterpillar.
1:56 B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's -L-o-V-e-S-e-X-..❤️⤵️
livegirls19. com
在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。.說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味食物煮的時候 1618949920
Seriously - you guys have an extreme talent for explaining complex concepts in a simple manner - amazing content, production and editing!
Wow. This was a truly great episode. Nice work. I had to recall many years of graduate-level classes to have it make sense! I love it!
Not surprisingly amazed, F1 just loves to ban every thing gotta love them
Dang Jerry, B2B becoming one of my favorite Donut shows
I wish they'd give Jerry's show a different name and return B2B to what it was: actually looking at specific cars from bumper to bumper.
@@raynjpg The Nissan Altima episode they released a few weeks ago was really good, I liked that episode
@@raynjpg yea, it’s basically science garage
I’ll never get tired of hearing the B2B intro tune
If you want the full song, it’s Wash by Timothy Infinite
Lol the picture of the damper at 0:30 is literally what my textbooks looked like in college. Fun stuff
For the ones who still dont get the damper function: In layman terms, a damper is a spring's brake
I've been debating finishing my mechanical engineering degree lately and I gotta say thanks for these great vids lately keeping me interested in and learning about cool things like this Jerry 🙌👌
Finish it.
@@FelonyVideos Just started classes today 💪
@@FelonyVideos Done it.
This video was kind of funny and yes "DON'T TELL YOUR MOM" LOLOLOL 😂😂🤣🤣
I like how he kept it simple, better than many of my college professors
Well hes not trying to teach you how do a damped spring differential equation so it makes sense its simpler
@@hunger993 Calculating the rate of change in the oscillation of a spring as a factor of the springs natural kinetic coefficient brings back nightmares from Cal 2. PTSD like a mf and I'll never use it in everyday life.
wouldn't this be a possible solution to the 2022 F1 porpoising without resorting to active suspension?
One key point that was not brought up.On F1 cars, and LMP1 cars, the J damper is only used in conjunction with the "third spring", or heave damper as they are sometimes called. They are not used with the individual wheel springs / torsion bars. In Indy car, they do not allow third springs, so each wheel has an inerter. That makes their suspension systems even harder to tune correctly than an F1 car.
Love Jeremiah's " your mom " jokes 😂😂
Really strong technical explanations interspersed with deep-fried memes are why I like Jerry’s videos.
I’ve learned so much watching Donut, I watched for the first time on Facebook and I instantly subscribed here on UA-cam! You guys really are some of the best to do it!
3:46 ۞―P̳r̳e̳m̳i̳u̳m̳ ̳P̳r̳i̳v̳a̳t̳ ̳S̳e̳x̳―۞
➡️➡️️ 》》 livegirls19. com 《《
♠【﹄💖𝐊𝐋𝐈𝐊≔⫸LINK 💖﹃】 ♠みゃあこさん!ฅ( ̳• •̫ • ̳ฅ)ニャン !❤️ 在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。
來調味食物煮的時候 1618942583
it seem weird to get rid of something that sounds like it improve safety for driver.
Like he said, with the enormous reduction in tyre wall hight for 22 the problem will solve it's self.
Amazing! I'm an electrical engineer and this is essentially an inductor, but for a mechanical spring system instead of an electronic circuit. Thinking of it this way, makes a lot of sense that they can target specific oscillation frequencies to dampen.
That IS the problem though.... getting the "inductor" to react the same over a widely differing road surface..
I would desing an electromagnetic device as dumper. It would generate its own electric energy from inbound run and release it in the outbound run. Because we all know shock absorbers works only one way: the outbound way, (extension). With electro magnetic devices, there's no seal or ball screws or ball bearings to maintain. No heat release and, mainly, no maintenance subject parts. Also, fully adjustable... on te way and on demand. A computer can do that. Also, it wold work as a suspension sensor. The computer can evaluate the exact location of each dumper and increase counter emf to maintain horizontality (in conjunction with an accelerometer, or your phone) or even compensate centrifugal force to keep people inside confortable by inclinating the car the opossite way.
3:57 "Kenetic"
Had to pause the video to say that that mom joke slapped me from out of nowhere jeez
Edit: joke builds up from 7:36
I’m not right
I’m not wrong
But when i see donut
I would just eat it
When I hear about budget caps and the whole "herp derp my car has a secret feature that yours doesn't" and these regulations, I feel like this would be a way more interesting sport if at each season one brand would be responsible for building and setting up all the cars that would have to be inspected before each race to guarantee that they are all the same and then only the drivers skills would be tested! On the next season the next brand would work on the cars and so on!
This way everybody would indeed compete as equals.
yes!! and participation ribbons for all the drivers and crews...
If you like that type of racing, then watch the Trans Am series
More "complicated" B2B topics like this please!
"Put that on a T-shirt and send it to your mom"
Yeah, along with a card that says "I love you, even if those F1 guys don't."
I understood the physics from this video more than what I understood in high-school
Your name how can you do that?
pls make a " up to speed : everything you need to know about Peugeot "
like if you agree 👍
y e s.
y e s l o l
l o l b r u h
Optimal cancellation comes from 180 degree phase separation, which is what you show in your graph. Waves 180 degrees out of phase cross the centerline at the same time
You guys are by far my favorite "car" channel in youtube :D thanks for the good content as always !