The 5 Biggest Mistakes Made in The NBA During The 2010s

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @yoshifan331
    @yoshifan331 5 років тому +206

    Victor Oladipo was later traded for Paul George and Tobias Harris was later traded for Blake Griffin, yet the Magic didn't get value anywhere near that for trading either of them.

    • @kahnerruffin8114
      @kahnerruffin8114 4 роки тому +6

      Its the magic bro. They love to draft top 5 picks then trade them for role players

    • @jalen4945
      @jalen4945 4 роки тому +2

      Yup I’m a magic fan. Our decision making is terrible. I think I would make better decisions if they put me up there!

  • @giantl9196
    @giantl9196 5 років тому +208

    it's amazing how many ramifications that 2016 WCF had on the rest of the league

  • @jamescraig8546
    @jamescraig8546 5 років тому +286

    Steven Adams contract is never a bad contract. Easily worth it it just doesn’t show up in the basic stats

    • @TheKiller-fz5mc
      @TheKiller-fz5mc 5 років тому

      And also the potential he had.

    • @trevorrasche19
      @trevorrasche19 5 років тому

      This year i think he could be a top rebounder.

    • @shermanleeyh
      @shermanleeyh 5 років тому +23

      The bad stats are because of Westbrook

    • @KlaugKnaughrt
      @KlaugKnaughrt 5 років тому +4

      Zach Lee he’s actually doing worse lol

    • @mangobananana
      @mangobananana 5 років тому +2

      still overpaid for sure

  • @Hobbes250
    @Hobbes250 5 років тому +348

    Weird for a video to just end now a days on UA-cam. Threw me off a little lol

    • @liljune9296
      @liljune9296 5 років тому +30

      Hobbes250 me too I thought he was gonna say thanks for watching or sum like that

  • @abduugas
    @abduugas 5 років тому +529

    *Biggest mistake of the decade is easily the OKC Thunder not willing to pay James Harden in 2012* 🗣🗣

    • @jamesharden255
      @jamesharden255 5 років тому +30

      Abdu Ugas That’s why they’re a poverty franchise.

    • @trentonmullins4948
      @trentonmullins4948 5 років тому +23

      James Harden poverty franchise 😂😂 first time i’ve heard that

    • @abduugas
      @abduugas 5 років тому +19

      Ethan Petro And that’s why they’re now going into a rebuild. The team produced 3 MVPs and couldn’t even win 1 ring.

    • @nicktinson2950
      @nicktinson2950 5 років тому


    • @Qyshawn
      @Qyshawn 5 років тому +15

      I disagree. It's not like PKC went heavily downhill. They had some really good seasons w/o Harden and really choked in the Tourneys. I wouldnt call it a mistake more of what would have put them over the hump IF AND ONLY IF they were able to share the ball among the three without loss in productivity

  • @adammoore119
    @adammoore119 5 років тому +68

    Billy King’s trade was so bad, they literally made a rule to prevent teams from doing something similar in the future.

    • @tongzhi793
      @tongzhi793 4 роки тому +3

      Barry Allen when you’re so bad that the reason teams can’t screw themselves over you’ve gotta be doing something wrong

    • @ontoppatheworld
      @ontoppatheworld 4 роки тому +1

      Who is Barry Allen? Do you mean Ray Allen?

    • @lukevolm9186
      @lukevolm9186 2 роки тому

      @@ontoppatheworld the fastest man alive.

  • @holycanolibatman
    @holycanolibatman 5 років тому +19

    i remember thinking the 2014 nets were gonna be so raw that year LMAO i was so wrong

  • @damson7324
    @damson7324 5 років тому +15

    Steven Adams is underrated and deserves his money

  • @blakethomas6169
    @blakethomas6169 5 років тому +142

    Or how the Knicks gave a 4 year $72 million contract to an old Joakim Noah?

    • @alexgoodlad1003
      @alexgoodlad1003 5 років тому +30

      You could make a case that EVERY top 5 mistake has something to do with the Knicks.

    • @JoeBro915
      @JoeBro915 5 років тому +6

      Alex Goodlad my god, signing old out of prime all stars, running the outdated triangle with Phil at the helm, and drafting frank as a result. Holy shit

    • @andrewortiz6430
      @andrewortiz6430 5 років тому

      @@JoeBro915 u guys did eventually get the guy u wanted in that draft in Dennis Smith jr

    • @JoeBro915
      @JoeBro915 5 років тому

      @@andrewortiz6430 and I'm not a fan of DSJ at the point either. The team has no willing passers except Payton, whose an offensive liability and Randle i guess

    • @justinebautista1383
      @justinebautista1383 5 років тому

      JoeBro915 Ntilikina is a very willing passer though.

  • @Cardiaccat98
    @Cardiaccat98 5 років тому +100

    The oladipo and Harris trade is the most stupid transaction that the magic ever did, even worse than not being able to resign Shaq

    • @numa2k147
      @numa2k147 5 років тому +19

      Not signing Shaq cost them championships. I don't think it's worse

    • @jaime5604
      @jaime5604 5 років тому +2

      Nah they were already contenders really to take over the east for years but messed up not signing Shaq

    • @Cardiaccat98
      @Cardiaccat98 5 років тому +2

      SuperSaiyan 3Hunna y’all do make a great point about that, but I made that statement even in spite of that point. Not signing shaq was terrible. Most of the time I even thought it was the worst thing ever for the magic. But the reason why I now think the oladipo and Harris situation was more boneheaded was because they didn’t need to resign them. They weren’t on expiring contracts unlike shaq. Yes it was obvious shaq deserved the highest salary in the nba and the magic played stupid with that. However, oladipo and Harris were still in contracts; they didn’t need to resign them at the time. Instead, they gave them up for Ibaka like he’s some perennial all star and for Terrence Ross, like they were trying to tank but contend for the playoffs at the same time, and when they did tank they got Mo Bamba when they already have a big man in Vucevic.
      Maybe I’m being a little biased about this, because it stopped me from becoming a magic fan lol

    • @numa2k147
      @numa2k147 5 років тому

      @@Cardiaccat98 nah I also agree with your point. Hindsight is 20/20 and we'll never know if they would have won with Shaq but they need to secure their future with Harris and Oladipo and didn't.

    • @PoohKalonji_97
      @PoohKalonji_97 5 років тому

      Joshua Rinosa What 🤣🤣🤣, Can’t believe 54 people actually agreed with you

  • @alexgoodlad1003
    @alexgoodlad1003 5 років тому +30

    The Knicks GM breathing is every top 5 mistake of the 2010's.

  • @larrybass370
    @larrybass370 5 років тому +76

    Danny Ainge is so overrated as a GM. He still getting by on a finesse move from the Nets

    • @21mazter70
      @21mazter70 5 років тому +3

      Larry Bass Atleast he is an above average gm

    • @leia6456
      @leia6456 5 років тому +34

      There was also the trade down for Tatum. Also they did an impressive rapid rebuild after the nets trade and made a contender lead by a last pick in the draft. While the Kyrie thing didn’t work out it was still a good idea and the cavs still absolutely lost that trade. He also put together the Celtics big 3 in the first place. And of course the Nets trade

    • @larrybass370
      @larrybass370 5 років тому +3

      @@21mazter70 I disagree, he had three players that all play the same position (Tatum, Brown, and Haywood). He signed Enes Kantor at center completely changing the defensive make-up of the team and other than Marcus Smart, the impact players he drafted came via the Brooklyn Nets trade.

    • @21mazter70
      @21mazter70 5 років тому +14

      @@larrybass370 Larry Bass Tbf they didnt expect tatum to be a great player already when they drafted him. Like they expected tatum to be the sub for hayward but when tatum proved he was already a starter that fucked up the whole thing. But i do agree on the latest moves not being great. The Enes kanter signing was imo a reaction to al horford wanting to leave but my point was that he was atleast better than a lot of gm from other teams that are struggling to get going. Like im not denying your statement that he is overrated but i was just pointing out that atleast he managed to keep boston in playoff picture for a while and his stupid decisions are not as bad as other teams and he made decent moves as gm.

    • @larrybass370
      @larrybass370 5 років тому

      Tell me about it. I'm a Wizards fan

  • @DonnyZofChaos
    @DonnyZofChaos 5 років тому +11

    Steven Adams doesn't deserve to be on that list frfr

  • @Interstella-ni3vh
    @Interstella-ni3vh 5 років тому +22

    You left out Joakim Noah who robbed the Knicks of 72 Million and will be paying him until 2022

    • @whosaidthat84
      @whosaidthat84 4 роки тому +1

      The Knicks of the 2010s are one giant mistake

  • @matthewhodges892
    @matthewhodges892 5 років тому +1

    biggest misktake of the decade - Spurs handling of Kawhi Leonard. Turned title contenders into below .500 team

  • @MrE_
    @MrE_ 5 років тому +27

    That video ended kinda abruptly lol

    • @kpj2224
      @kpj2224 3 місяці тому

      lol it definitely did, I had an ad right when it ended so I thought it was just an ad. I wasn’t looking at my phone and wondered why I wasn’t hearing anything and the video was over 😂

  • @mattchew8mealey921
    @mattchew8mealey921 5 років тому +17

    I think you missed the most important part of the Harden and OKC story and that is that they not only prioritized Ibaka over Harden but much worse prioritized Kendrick Perkins over Harden as well.

  • @RickyPro888
    @RickyPro888 5 років тому +8

    Josh Smith earning more than Buddy Hield 😂

  • @LeBruh23
    @LeBruh23 5 років тому +6

    been waiting for another upload king 🐐

  • @luthervenders4752
    @luthervenders4752 4 роки тому +2

    OKC looking pretty good with all those picks now 😂

  • @b2th3m1th
    @b2th3m1th 4 роки тому +2

    The best part of the Gerald Wallace to Brooklyn trade is Billy King said the draft was a "3 man" draft. LOL.

  • @ThePeachTube
    @ThePeachTube 5 років тому +4

    Honestly I think Josh Smith at the time should’ve gone to LA, because they were willing to pay for anybody and they would’ve let him play SF.

  • @hassanhaulcy
    @hassanhaulcy 5 років тому +19

    Welp at least Brooklyn got KD and kyrie tho

    • @nicktinson2950
      @nicktinson2950 5 років тому +9

      Hassan Haulcy and a bunch of great role players. The Nets could possibly be trouble in the Eastern Conference

    • @atomsk1972
      @atomsk1972 5 років тому

      We'll see whether that was a good move or not. My gut feeling is 'not', but I'm happy to be wrong.

    • @RasenRendanX
      @RasenRendanX 5 років тому +5

      KD might not be the same player as before and Kyrie cant lead a team. This looks good on papar but might end being the same way as when they got Pierce, KG and Terry. Ofc i can be wrong as well but they took a gamble just like my Raps did for Kawhi and it paid off.

  • @northgaming2102
    @northgaming2102 5 років тому +1

    Paul pierce and Garnett were sent as quite assassins

  • @markmccormick4354
    @markmccormick4354 4 роки тому

    "And yet.... IT SOMEHOW STILL GETS WORSE..."
    Lmao I love when he says that

  • @33Danso3x
    @33Danso3x 5 років тому +5

    Best basketball channel on youtube no cap

    • @cameronjohnson9361
      @cameronjohnson9361 5 років тому

      D.J. Keegxn I feel like low is the most credible of the nba UA-cam community in terms of player legacies

  • @Jeff-zm5xp
    @Jeff-zm5xp 5 років тому

    Great video concept, love the editing

  • @iDougWill
    @iDougWill 4 роки тому +2

    The Williams and Joe Johnson trades weren’t bad but man the Celtics trade was just horrid. Really made being a nets fan for the past like decade terrible

  • @WhyBigjordan
    @WhyBigjordan 4 роки тому

    Omar did a good job with helping you research and develop your stance for this video. I could hear a lot of him in your script. Great video! 😃

  • @_iamthe_walrus
    @_iamthe_walrus 5 років тому

    Good stuff brotha, keep on making videos!

  • @FresHumbleNCool
    @FresHumbleNCool 5 років тому +1

    Being a resident of Florida, the only thing that scares me worse than hurricanes, is what stupid trade the Orlando Magic will may make next.

  • @xxaybo
    @xxaybo 5 років тому +7

    You’re sleeping on Terrence Ross lol

  • @FrenchTheBroHost
    @FrenchTheBroHost 5 років тому +12

    Biggest mistake was spelling “mistake” wrong in the thumbnail

  • @Dspezza
    @Dspezza 5 років тому +9

    Never clicked off a agent 00 vid so fast

    • @ayushbajaj4708
      @ayushbajaj4708 5 років тому +3

      You shouldn't have been watching him in the first place

    • @jayswipedit
      @jayswipedit 5 років тому

      @@ayushbajaj4708 ikr he's clickbait fat trash

  • @roddy4442
    @roddy4442 5 років тому

    Ayyy back at it again with another banger!!!

  • @samuelnaibaho4107
    @samuelnaibaho4107 4 роки тому +1

    Lmao why would the Nets even try to build a "superteam" around old players past their prime? Props to the Nets for getting Kyrie and KD though.

  • @cpaxerc4300
    @cpaxerc4300 4 роки тому +2

    5:50 damn he got me

  • @ishnuallahguy5740
    @ishnuallahguy5740 4 роки тому +2

    Steven Adams has been playing pretty great. I don’t think he’s a 120 million dollar player, but he should have gotten like 4/5 for 80/100 million seems about right. But he also hasn’t starting playing that well until the last two seasons.

  • @mohitsharia8975
    @mohitsharia8975 5 років тому

    Great video bro!

  • @ivaneurope
    @ivaneurope 4 роки тому +1

    Dishonourable mentions:
    The Knicks trading away their entire team to acquire Carmelo Anthony when they would've got him for less in free agency
    The Lakers giving up on D'Angelo Russell
    The Clippers trading away their UNPROTECTED 1st round pick (Kyrie Irving) at the trade deadline to get rid of Baron Davis
    The failed Jimmy Butler experiment in Minnesota
    The Magic trading Dwight Howard for scraps and the subsequent failiure of the Lakers in building a "superteam"
    The Kyrie Irving trade that dented the Cleveland Cavaliers' chances at NBA Championship

  • @SeBushi
    @SeBushi 5 років тому +2

    Damian Lillard could’ve been drafted to a bad team in the nets to a bad team in the blazers

  • @UKWizdakey2lyfe
    @UKWizdakey2lyfe 5 років тому +2

    Brooklyn wasn’t as bad as people made it out. If it were for Miami they could have made a finals appearance

    • @lyfeofmeej168
      @lyfeofmeej168 5 років тому

      Lol they were the 4 seed pretty solid a couple years

  • @sebastianosborne5121
    @sebastianosborne5121 5 років тому +1

    As a Thunder fan FML

  • @jeffreylasky2737
    @jeffreylasky2737 4 роки тому

    Josh Smith at times during his time with the Hawks he always looked like he was about to become a superstar.
    His talent was unreal.

    • @jarrellneriahshamah5394
      @jarrellneriahshamah5394 4 роки тому

      True but as soon as it was time for himto be a franchise player he fell off! He's no kind of leader!

  • @DeSerT_PunK
    @DeSerT_PunK 5 років тому

    I love these types of videos!

  • @Ismail-zs8uz
    @Ismail-zs8uz 5 років тому +1

    I was going to say why did the video end so abruptly. Then I realized that we’ve gotten so used to the “like, share and comment below” practice that we forgot UA-cam is about good videos.

  • @slackerofhell
    @slackerofhell 4 роки тому

    That OKC team this year was surprising. I thought they’d drop off to 12th seed at best. To think they were the 5th seed in the west before the COVID-19 pandemic started is wild.

  • @giordanovirgile201
    @giordanovirgile201 4 роки тому

    The Nic Batum contract will *NEVER* not be funny 😂😂😭

  • @jorxanc.745
    @jorxanc.745 4 роки тому

    Oklahoma flipped that deal with Russel WB and Pandemic P into tons of draftpicks and is probably now worth it

  • @ConicornGaming
    @ConicornGaming 5 років тому +1

    my guy fully had a stroke at 0:47

  • @hubertmosiej
    @hubertmosiej 4 роки тому +1

    Billy King is a BUUMMMM!!!!!!

  • @Chris-ld5vk
    @Chris-ld5vk 5 років тому +35

    1. Your spelling of mistakes in the thumbnail

    • @Chris-ld5vk
      @Chris-ld5vk 5 років тому +4

      He fixed it 😑

    • @sidneymaster5
      @sidneymaster5 5 років тому +1

      This coming from a guy with 14 subscribers and 0 videos

    • @jaren9382
      @jaren9382 5 років тому +2

      @@sidneymaster5 correcting someone's spelling isn't based on popularity. It's based on knowledge

    • @sidneymaster5
      @sidneymaster5 5 років тому

      @@jaren9382 it's just being plain idiotic.. but whatever makes you feel good about yourself I guess 🤷🏽‍♂️

    • @jaren9382
      @jaren9382 5 років тому +2

      @@sidneymaster5 what's idiotic is you using fallacy just because he corrected someone's spelling than you proceed to discredit that because of "subscriber count"

  • @TheBeestMode
    @TheBeestMode 5 років тому +5

    How is HARDEN one of the greatest that you've ever seen? He chokes in game 7's, and he doesn't make anyone better. Chris Paul ✅, home court ✅, no DURANT ✅. It doesn't matter, he still can't get it done

    • @moozdooz
      @moozdooz 5 років тому +1

      Man averages 38 a game, how can he not be 🤣

    • @jarrellneriahshamah5394
      @jarrellneriahshamah5394 4 роки тому


    • @goldenstatewarriors9418
      @goldenstatewarriors9418 3 роки тому

      James Harden averaged 36.4 a game for his MVP season. Those are Michael Jordan live numbers. He's one of the best playmakers the league has ever seen, has led the league in assists several times, took the Rockets to the Playoffs 8 straight years. If he didnt have to battle the Warriors 4 times, he'd have a few rings by now.

  • @socialistbatman1211
    @socialistbatman1211 5 років тому +2

    The nba decade started at 2009-10 and ends at the end of the 19-20 season.

    • @grrmy5820
      @grrmy5820 5 років тому

      No it starts 2010-11 look it up

  • @gswdeclan
    @gswdeclan 4 роки тому +1

    The worst thing about OKC/Harden is that they had the choice to keep everyone, they were just too cheap to pay the luxury tax. I guess all that public money from the taxpayers to subsidize their arena wasn't enough.

  • @taehnxdrxx
    @taehnxdrxx 5 років тому +1

    Why u be doing Agent like that💀💀💀😂😂😂

  • @loganmattoon5284
    @loganmattoon5284 Рік тому +1

    Josh smith look like a 2k protagonist

  • @khentsaludo5162
    @khentsaludo5162 5 років тому +1

    So Brooklyn not just traded 4 1st Rd picks as a mistake. They actually traded almost all of their 1st Rd picks in this decade. Ohhhhh My! 😂

  • @LostCrow1997
    @LostCrow1997 5 років тому

    I love this type of content especially for casual fans the league ain’t rigged or has an advantage for large market teams your team just sucks. Has terrible management thus creating a bad team. There’s at least one true star in every draft yet your lottery team misses it every time.

  • @markthenextlevel
    @markthenextlevel 5 років тому +2

    Vetoing the cp3 trade that cost kobe like 3 rings

    • @alexanderdemella6228
      @alexanderdemella6228 4 роки тому

      Yeah that has to be on the list and I wish David stern didn't veto that trade because if it wasn't for that then CP3 would've easily got his first ring and Kobe would've got an additional 2-3 rings

  • @PaperChaserLa
    @PaperChaserLa 5 років тому

    Steven Adams deserves his contract for sure

  • @CR-tr2yi
    @CR-tr2yi 5 років тому

    This is literally the first time I ever seen anyone mention how ridiculous that batum deal was

  • @agentdoclin
    @agentdoclin 4 роки тому

    Chandler Parsons' contract was so bad that a UA-cam Ad didn't even let LOW finish his statement on how much his contract was. Damn.

  • @michaelmartin6673
    @michaelmartin6673 5 років тому

    Anyone that says Steven Adams contract is bad don’t know anything about basketball Steven Adams does all the dirty work and is a beast on the board. He might not light up he box states but he’s a top 5-7 center in the nba right now

  • @erikduethman6491
    @erikduethman6491 5 років тому +3

    James Dolan can find a way to make this list before 2019 is over

  • @khentsaludo5162
    @khentsaludo5162 5 років тому

    I think it should be included or at least be an honorable mention when we are talking about the biggest mistakes of the 2010's.. It is Tom Thibodeau not subbing out D. Rose in the final minute of the 1st round in the playoffs even they already wrapped up that game. That decision just hurts a lot and dismantle the future of the Chicago Bulls at least until now. ☹️

  • @bomzatv
    @bomzatv 5 років тому +5

    The disrespect on T Ross bruh, he just had a career year in ORL

    • @ChrisbeFoSerious
      @ChrisbeFoSerious 5 років тому

      Magic fan here. I love T-Ross and that he’s finally coming into his own... BUT he’s still an older 6th Man who we got for a 2-Way All-Star and a Offensive Beast / Fringe All-Star.

  • @DudetaketheBus
    @DudetaketheBus 5 років тому +1

    Even after all them mistakes by the Nets... THE KNICKS STILL NEVER MADE A FINALS APPEARANCE!

  • @grantrants3728
    @grantrants3728 5 років тому +1

    Can you make a video about Brandon bass please?

  • @jbj7599
    @jbj7599 4 роки тому +1

    Im still disappointed that the Bucks traded Tobias Harris away, they didnt give him a chance, be a good fit with Middleton and Giannis

  • @rata_laadat
    @rata_laadat 3 роки тому

    Idk if the Contracf in here but that Chandler Parsons Contract was horrendous plus I remember that year alot Guys who are below being an All star or even average player got Max contracts

  • @shrek8651
    @shrek8651 5 років тому +5

    JR Smith and using henny

    • @otfaj6962
      @otfaj6962 5 років тому +1

      Lol henny and black n mild

  • @teo2shifty
    @teo2shifty 5 років тому +1

    The Pistons when they realized that Josh Smith wasn't worth it😳😫

  • @somregularguy
    @somregularguy 5 років тому +1

    Wow when you realize the nets could’ve been the modern cetltics, had they had a little more competence back then

  • @john43261
    @john43261 4 роки тому

    The 2013-14 Nets were able to beat the big 3 in Miami a couple of times. If they weren't so old they might have shockingly upset them in the playoffs.

  • @999_DRFL
    @999_DRFL 4 роки тому +1

    The magic turned 3 all stars into Terrance Ross

    • @kahnerruffin8114
      @kahnerruffin8114 4 роки тому +1

      Sums up the magics entire front office history..

  • @debrahoffman4673
    @debrahoffman4673 5 років тому

    What's with the abrupt cutoff at the end feels like there should've been more

  • @TheVgaTV
    @TheVgaTV 3 роки тому

    I was wondering where the T-Wolves not taking Curry was at, then realized that was in 2009, making me feel incredibly old that it was 11 years ago....

  • @franciskozak1012
    @franciskozak1012 5 років тому

    I seem to be the only one that thinks the thunder had a great off season. Having all those assets with sga is a good start on a rebuild

  • @LateDude96
    @LateDude96 5 років тому +9

    #1 mistake: Suns and Kings skipping Doncic and Hawks trading him away in the 2018 draft.

    • @kman215
      @kman215 5 років тому +2

      Trae is pretty good

  • @JaySmurdaThyScrubGod
    @JaySmurdaThyScrubGod 5 років тому +9

    Hey at least we didn't get fultz on our nets because that would of been a roadblock were KD and kyrie would head to the knicks instead of the nets thank u celtics look like we won that trade jk 😂

  • @tyrrellhueston8588
    @tyrrellhueston8588 5 років тому

    BROO the nets really fumbled the WHOLE bag in what could've been .. ( '11 3rd , '12 6th " lillard " , 2 '13 , '14 , '16 '17 1st overall , '18 1st round picks ) .. without paying all that money .. this mightve been the gsw if they planned better

  • @Filipinoimposter
    @Filipinoimposter 4 роки тому

    10:15 one of the few times the Blazers are on the good side of history

  • @anthonyhutchins2300
    @anthonyhutchins2300 4 роки тому

    Steven Adams contract is worth it in my opinion. 25 sounds like alot but with guys making 40+ these days it's not too crazy.

  • @josefrancisco4178
    @josefrancisco4178 5 років тому

    The blazers building around Lillard and CJ

  • @jimbobfisher8904
    @jimbobfisher8904 5 років тому

    I never realized that the magic cheated themselves out of potential deep playoff runs until you pointed it out.

  • @YK-xh3ls
    @YK-xh3ls 5 років тому

    10:14 was the pick unprotected. I am pretty sure it was top 5 protected...

  • @coolhands4444
    @coolhands4444 5 років тому +6

    The magic could be the entire list. So could the Knicks

    • @drehitemup9904
      @drehitemup9904 5 років тому +1

      The knicks have just been sad but the magic were irrelevant and bad

    • @trentonmullins4948
      @trentonmullins4948 5 років тому

      Coolhands444 suns, timberwolves and hornets too

  • @RickyPro888
    @RickyPro888 5 років тому +1

    Agree except with Adams, he was worth every cent of that contract

  • @pdotwalkemdownsilly
    @pdotwalkemdownsilly 5 років тому

    Great vid!

  • @Tony__Tone
    @Tony__Tone 5 років тому

    The basketball gods didn't want the Thunder to win a chip because of the way that franchise left Seattle.

  • @thenotoriousmichaeljackson8938
    @thenotoriousmichaeljackson8938 5 років тому

    Most abrupt ending ever lmao

  • @qiushihu9443
    @qiushihu9443 5 років тому

    Please make a video about biggest mistakes players make (ex. Cousins passed on the Pelican contract)

  • @troyissocool
    @troyissocool 4 роки тому

    Not to mention that Sabonis turned out to be a monster as well. He's a top 50 NBA player this season, maybe higher. Magic could've used him

  • @tylito4764
    @tylito4764 5 років тому +1

    Magic traded Oladipo, Harris for Ibaka to trade him for Ross 😂😂😂

  • @JoeBro915
    @JoeBro915 5 років тому

    That salary spike fucked so many teams simultaneously. Hope these GMs learned their lesson to not just toss stupid contracts at anybody

  • @97NROD
    @97NROD 5 років тому

    Even though Oladipo & Harris were on the Magic. I still don’t believe that they would have progressed like they have now.
    Oladipo going to the Pacers was the best move for his growth
    Harris going to the Pistons was the best move for his growth.
    It’s sorta like when James Harden said that if he didn’t get traded to the Rockets he would of gotten his chance to grow into the superstar player he is today.

  • @DaemonPix
    @DaemonPix 4 роки тому

    If Danny Ainge is wanting to trade with you then evaluate heavily as he always gets the upper hand.

  • @randyp8849
    @randyp8849 5 років тому

    Can you believe Orlando refused to give Shaq 100 million but a little over a decade later they gave Rashard Lewis 100 million.

  • @serbonkers4130
    @serbonkers4130 5 років тому

    Mavs dismantling the 2011 team, getting deron, rondo and parsons.