As the Austrian director of Vienna Orchestra said in the interview ; " this music it feels as if it's coming not from the head of a person but from inside the person like a "tummy, heart" , this is really a soulful music , a very very spiritual deep originated music. Proud of our ancestors !😍😍😍🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱
Those who do not understand this music please , please read about our history, about our ancestors, about our country and our soul. Please read about what we have been through to survive and still remain a beautiful spirit. All these are expressed through our music. Looooveee this music. Beautiful interpretation and proud to be ALBANIAN.
Seat Leon Thank you for appreciating our music Armenia! You have your culture as well. Ancient people tend to have culture, music and folklore that comes through centuries untouched and alive. Long live our countries and praise to our ancestors for creating such soulful music!!
@@liljanasufaj1643 you need to know how we are connected... una raca una faca... my Dad is an Armenian but my mum is Arvanite (a pure Albanian not like those who has erase their memory).
@@seatleon7368 I'm glad to know about it. Actually, lately I have learnt that Armenians are nothing less than Pelasgians, (same as us and Greeks) who moved from small Asia( western Turkey) to where Armenia is today, mixed with population and changed the language. A historian was tracing the whole movements of Ancient tribes of Balkans and Turkey. According to her, Helens don't exist, only Illyrians and Pelasgians tribes. Romans invented the Koine language ( modern Greek) and called Helen's all the educated people who spoke Koine. The normal population who didn't, were called " barbars". This language would become the language of Bizantine Empire, the language of the Church and the one of Academies. To sum it up, it became the international language of the time, just as English of today, BUT IT WAS NOT THE ANCIENT" GREEK" language, not the language of HOMER. Albanian language has been ignored on purpose or by mistake I can't say it, but right now the most prestigious world Academies have started to analyse our language and it is fascinating them. It is giving meaning to all ancient scriptures which were not explained till now. Ancient " Greek" Gods are explained through Albanian, not Modern Greek. That's why Greeks are being a bit frenzy to fight us nonstop, because everyday our history is coming up to light, mudding theirs.( and funnily enough, is not coming from us, Albanians). I'm happy your mum recognise herself as an Arvanite-Albanian. Greek state has manipulated history so bad on our backs and still doesn't want to accept it that the only hope to make connections through them and Ancient" Greeks",is through Arvanites, something they have tried so hard to stamp it. Good luck to you and your family. It is true " una faccia, una raca".
@@liljanasufaj1643 First of all, it is my pleasure to meet you! I have to start from Hellenes: • The meaning of Hellene is a idolatry, which mean believe in idols (polytheism) or Paganism. When ever we talk about the history of some modern nation, we usual are presenting the past from present view using a terms according to set norms in the historical branch, taken from the Renaissance and Romantic period. This is the period when Islam through the Ottomans penetrated the Illyrian peninsula. In need of activating the Christian population, which is beginning to embrace the Islamic culture (religion) of the Illyrian peninsula, a Western world is emerging an initiative to rewrite ancient history through writers and their novels (art, that the artist can use in all his fantasies) using a meme policy for the future of Europe. While the Franks create the ancient Hellas, the Russians (Scythians), through their writers and novels, impose the Slavic culture, which in the 9th century through Glagolitic and Cyrillic, is imposed in the 18th century by a church between a population that is literally illiterate and the sole source of knowledge came through the priests and spoke vulgar Latin. -"The Renaissance was a fervent period of European cultural, artistic, political and economic “rebirth” following the Middle Ages. Generally described as taking place from the 14th century to the 17th century, the Renaissance promoted the rediscovery of classical philosophy, literature and art." A period when glorification of today so-called Slavs begins through Mavro Orbini, calling the Scythians as patrons of Orthodoxy (Sclavi) or in Albanian Shka or Shkije. Here is one example: -"The Scythians also known as Scyth, Saka, Sakae, Sai, Iskuzai, or Askuzai, were Eurasian nomads, probably mostly using Eastern Iranian languages, who were mentioned by the literate peoples to their south as inhabiting large areas of the western and central Eurasian Steppe. I took the Renaissance as an example to illustrate how cultures penetrated the Illyrian peninsula from the late 17th century (Islam and Slavic culture) and Europe's need for protection from the Ottomans and their penetration deep west. The usage of the Latin word Graeico/Graiko (which is connected with Trojan War, Grae ico/Gra iko "running women") has been added after the Revolution in 1821 (Lord Byron,_1813.jpg). and the success of this mission has been repeated by Thomas Edward Lawrence or Lawrence of Arabia to rise up the Saudi tribes vs Ottomans. This is called meme policy. The Greeks called themselves Hellenes and their land was Hellas. The name 'Greeks' was given to the people of Greece later by the Romans. They lived in mainland Greece and the Greek islands, but also in colonies scattered around the Mediterranean Sea. The mistake is also from the Albanian perspective when is preferring the Albanian nationality to their ancestor. The nation has been glorify as a ideology after the French revolution, the state nation from Europe is develop in 18 century on Balkan in 19 century and 20 century. The Albanian nation is born in 20 century and internal use is Shqipnija or Shqiperia, depend of dialect, Gheg or Tosk. Once upon time, the term Shqipoj has mean "spoke clear to understand you" and the biggest mistake is to not keep the old term Arber, Arbresh. Now, the most scholars or history science explain that Illyrian has been mentioned last time in the 2nd century, the question is, has that Illyrian people vaporized? Not at all, the population on the Illyrian peninsula has lived a tribal live and the bullshit story of City-state is just a fantasy of the modern historian. I do not deny that cities were created, but it was still a tribal way of life, so we have Thessalians, Athenians, Macedonians, Spartans, Epirus, Dardanians ... it is true that there were philosophers but they are not the only ones, it is also true that they philosophers advocated Hellenic religion, from a theological point of view, they were the messiahs of polytheism. Introducing ancient philosophy as Greek, forgetting that the term Greek is from the 19th century, gives clues to cultural creation for the needs of Europe.The Roman empire invented a new form or rule, instead of tribal life they broth the Republic. Let's go back to where the Illyrians evaporated! • Decius - ruled AD 249-251 • Hostilianus - ruled AD 251 • Claudius II "Gothicus" - ruled AD 268-270 • Quintillus - ruled AD 270 • Aurelian - ruled AD 270-275 • Probus - ruled AD 276-282 • Diocletian - ruled AD 284-305 • Maximianus "Herculius" - ruled AD 286-305 • Constantine I - ruled AD 306-337 • Constantius II - ruled AD 337-361 • Jovian - ruled AD 363-364 • Valentinianus I - ruled AD 364-375 • Valens - ruled AD 364-378 • Gratian - ruled AD 375-383 • Valentinianus II - ruled AD 375-392 • Marcianus - ruled AD 450-457 • Anastasius I - ruled AD 491-518 • Justin I - ruled AD 518-527 • Justinian I - ruled AD 527-565 The Illyrians, in matter of fact, become Romans and they have been ruled the Roman empire. The first war were "Roman - Illyrian wars" . The Messapians (, Lapygians ( were direct connection to Etruscans. The migration of the population has been occurred in modern Italy around 4,800 year ago, mostly the population has arrived from Anatolia. The Hittites and the Egyptian were so close to each other were the cult of sun (Helios) has been spread trough migration. The "Homeric Greek" written is actually Phoenician alphabet with some minor change alpha, beta, gamma, delta, omega... How is possible that there is no Illyrian written mark when the same alphabet has been used trough Illyrian peninsula. Why has been called Illyrian peninsula and not Hellenic peninsula? After all, how is possible that Etruscan word can be understand by an Albanian? I find a Albanian guy trough social media who has give a meaning of Etruscan stone tablet. Here is his comment: Here is one example, Cippus Perusinus/Etruscan language. No modern archaeologist or European will find the meaning as Balkan individual who has language root from past. I will copy / past a part of Cippus Perusinus: Cippus Perusinus - Wikipedia • eurat tanna larezul ame vaχr. Did this have meaning to you? Let’s try on different way • e urat tan na la rez ula me vaχr. (by the bridge we left out from starlight-moonlight near/with graves) Let s to continue: • Lautn . Velθina-ś, eśtla Afuna-s, sleleθc aru ::tezan, Lautn . Velθina-ś, eś tla Afuna-s, sleleθc aru ::te zan, (Lautn (some rank or name) Veltina says to Afuna (sh), choose a a boy to find) fuśle-ri (a cave/field) tesn-ś tei-ś Raśne-ś ipa ama hen. tesn-ś t e iś Raśneś i pa a ma hen. (He saw Rashnesh (the boy name) and he says him) • Velthina θuraś araś Velthina θu raś araś (that was Velthina son) the chosen boy • pe raścemulml escul, zuci en esci epl, tularu. per aś cem ul mlesculzu ci en esciepl, tu la ru. (why you are seating young boy, are you try to escape, to avoid)…. This is just one example that no single outsider from the Balkan language and narratives can get this and he is going to lead you in another direction/ the translation of the stone tablet. According to what I have checked, the stone tablet speaks of a group of soldiers reaching the bridge and getting dark, the man in charge looking for a shelter, a cave, where they will stay overnight. The chief leader assigns the son of one of the elders soldier to find a place in the cave, while other older soldiers tease the young soldier with ghosts, and the same young soldier has no courage to enter. Finally, the high-pitched chief (there is an explanation that he turns black in anger) gives a high-pitched search for the cave and rebukes the old soldiers for intimidating the young soldier with demons in the cave, turning to the young soldier if he finds a demon to bring before him. It is a large written, I want to confirm your post but do not mix modern Albanian with the past. I cannot deny that modern Albanian are direct descendant from Illyrian, opposite, they are keeping the language, tradition and custom (Besa). I just do not agree to Albanize the past! There is more details but i cannot write all in once....
look bro you are so informated but l Can say that Alexander do a testament ( egsist in vatican) and this was first of all' for the soons of him soldiers with beauty slaves from all' est . And him was afraid that one day them do a people and gives them the name slave in eternity thats why are sllav ( slave ) today and in albanian them state Sër bij means bij të seres ( series soons ) . Them used by religjion against albanians identic like greks . The english name of Greece is ecsactly grik ( throat ) . Looking map of Ballkan ( head of dog ) or bisant ( Beast part ) is a Beast in front of Africa ( is fraid ) and the throat ( grik ) of the Beast is the Place of greks ( a locality who make a state ) Respect from 🇦🇱 .
God bless ALBANIAN soul and you Shkelzen Doli. Te lumte mor shqiptar bukurosh. Zoti te bekofte dhe te besh sa me shume mrekulli te tilla per vend tend Shqiperine. Nje popull vdes, kur i vdes shpirti=arti dhe muzika e tij.
Mjaft frymëzues për të gjithë kombin shqiptar kjo lëvizje juaj artistike në bashkëpunim me institucionet më të larta të artit dhe televizionit në Austri. Kryevepër!
Kulture njerez, kulture, .... Prodhoni dhe percillni kulture, pasi kultura rezon muret e injorances, stereotipet, lidh popujt dhe krijon respekt per te gjithe. Faleminderit Shkelzen. Pershendetje te gjitheve.
Hapni syte dhe degjoni o Sazexhinj Fodull e Ordinere ..merrni sa do pak Mesim dhe pervoje..Kjo eshte Niveli i nje muzike te mirfillte dhe te paster Shqipetare...
Perla te muzikes shqipetare te interpretuara nga mjeshtri i madh Shekzen Doli. Te lumte Shkelzen na ben te ndihemi krenare qe jemi shqiptare dhe te kemi tyte na perfaqesosh ne menyren me brilante.
Ja pra keto jan duart e arta ky pra eshte tingulli qe zgjon edhe te vdekurin nga varri oh sa bukur sa mahnitese , edhe njiqind her ta degjoj nuk ngopem ju lumt jeni me te miret
@@tanitani6929 Kosova ka shume kundershtare te shtetesise me i madhi eshte Servia kuptohet por disa pa dijenin e tyre mendojn se jan patriot nese e anashkalojn emrin Kosove si ti ne kete rast.Kosova eshte shteti yne te cilin e promovojme e dojm dhe e mbrojme flm
Muzike qe vjen nga thellesia e shekujve e qe te dritheron shpirtin akoma edhe sot.Luajtur me aq mjeshteri nga instrumentisti i talentuar Shkelzen Doli.Bravo
Mrekullia jonë shqipëtare. Nuk ka vesh qenjeje të gjallë në botë i cili nuk e pranon me kënaqësi këtë kombonim zërash të bërë për mrekulli. Arti është vlerë univerzale pa marrë parasysh se nga vjen dhe patjetër që qenja e gjallë e pranon si të bukur, si domethënëse, të harmonizuar me njeriun e natyren ... etj etj . E në këtë rast kemi bukurin tonë të shprehur për mrekulli.
Kur e degjoni mbyllni syt do tju duket sikur gjendeni te Tirana e asaj kohe, do te ndjeni kenaqsin e nje dasme tipike dhe kjo muzik do tju futet ne zemer
Albania. Zoti ju Bekoftë Zotri Shkëlzen Doli. Me mbushe Nostalgji. Me knaqe Zemrën. Faleminderit Shqip dhe ska asgjë më të bukure. Ngordhje njeher e mire për Tallava e kinse Muzikën, këngët, kengetaret dhe pjestaret e kinse "estradës" me 0 (ZERO) VLERE (pavlera).
Pergezimet me te sinqerta per kete veper shum te bukur......paci gjithmone deshiren dhe vullnetin per te bere te tilla kryevepra te kultures sone......pac bekimin e te gjithe Shqyptareve.
Shum respekt per jugun, edhe muziken e tyre. Por muzika veriore shum ma e bukur. Pse? Sipas mendimit tim, ka njie ndoshta dy harmonia ne muzike labe, por kur vjen tek serenated verior, gjen dhejt ose pesmbdhjet hamonia artistikor dhe komponente. Met kall, pot dyja te bukur edhe me filles shpirti shqiptar.
Suuuuuuuper perle .Me vjen mire qe vlerat e muzikes Shqipetare jane edhe neper orkestrat e medha te muzikes boterore por , kjo lloj muzike me frymezon dhe me krenon .Sa mire qe degjoj vertet muzike po muzike ama .
Yes : Shkelzen : kjo esht Folklorit Shqipetar : ::: bravo : bash me Hekuranin : Ju mund te beni muzik te Mrekullueshme Shqipetare : keto lloj muzike te gjith e pelqen : per largo in e streets it : :::: Ju jeni Doktor : spiritual❤️❤️⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖🌎🌎🙏🏻🙏🏻🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🇦🇱🇦🇱✅✅✅🌍🌍🌍🌍👈🏻👈🏻👈🏻👈🏻🌺🌺✅✅✅🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🌠🌠🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🕊🕊🎈🎈🎈🎈🕊🕊🕊🕊
Don’t be surprised with this wonderful music, Albania always has and will give to the world amazing artist
This is old Ancinent albanian music
Thank you Michael!
Besten Dank Michael. Thenk You Michael.
Respekte i nderuar që e përkrah muzikë e pastër burimore shqiptare
As the Austrian director of Vienna Orchestra said in the interview ; " this music it feels as if it's coming not from the head of a person but from inside the person like a "tummy, heart" , this is really a soulful music , a very very spiritual deep originated music. Proud of our ancestors !😍😍😍🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱
Albanians are people of the spirit. True artists.
wonderful music...bravo from Scotland.
Alba gu brath
God Bless United State of Albania and Scotland
Albanians love Scotland , because it is a legend in Ancient history of Greek Antiquity , that says, Albanian and Scottish are of the same origin.
Please listen also
Ethem Qerimaj Kaba per Violine
Austria has a great Albanology study program. Rrespect for the best friend of Albania in all our painfull history
Hermosa pieza musical, saludos 👋🏼 desde el centro del mundo en Sud América.
Austria has been always our friend..much love from Albania 🇦🇱❤️🇦🇹
Those who do not understand this music please , please read about our history, about our ancestors, about our country and our soul. Please read about what we have been through to survive and still remain a beautiful spirit. All these are expressed through our music. Looooveee this music. Beautiful interpretation and proud to be ALBANIAN.
Such a beautiful song and performances, greetings from Armenian - Canadian community.
Seat Leon Thank you for appreciating our music Armenia! You have your culture as well. Ancient people tend to have culture, music and folklore that comes through centuries untouched and alive. Long live our countries and praise to our ancestors for creating such soulful music!!
@@liljanasufaj1643 you need to know how we are connected... una raca una faca... my Dad is an Armenian but my mum is Arvanite (a pure Albanian not like those who has erase their memory).
@@seatleon7368 I'm glad to know about it. Actually, lately I have learnt that Armenians are nothing less than Pelasgians, (same as us and Greeks) who moved from small Asia( western Turkey) to where Armenia is today, mixed with population and changed the language.
A historian was tracing the whole movements of Ancient tribes of Balkans and Turkey. According to her, Helens don't exist, only Illyrians and Pelasgians tribes. Romans invented the Koine language ( modern Greek) and called Helen's all the educated people who spoke Koine. The normal population who didn't, were called " barbars". This language would become the language of Bizantine Empire, the language of the Church and the one of Academies. To sum it up, it became the international language of the time, just as English of today, BUT IT WAS NOT THE ANCIENT" GREEK" language, not the language of HOMER.
Albanian language has been ignored on purpose or by mistake I can't say it, but right now the most prestigious world Academies have started to analyse our language and it is fascinating them. It is giving meaning to all ancient scriptures which were not explained till now. Ancient " Greek" Gods are explained through Albanian, not Modern Greek. That's why Greeks are being a bit frenzy to fight us nonstop, because everyday our history is coming up to light, mudding theirs.( and funnily enough, is not coming from us, Albanians).
I'm happy your mum recognise herself as an Arvanite-Albanian. Greek state has manipulated history so bad on our backs and still doesn't want to accept it that the only hope to make connections through them and Ancient" Greeks",is through Arvanites, something they have tried so hard to stamp it.
Good luck to you and your family.
It is true " una faccia, una raca".
First of all, it is my pleasure to meet you!
I have to start from Hellenes:
• The meaning of Hellene is a idolatry, which mean believe in idols (polytheism) or Paganism.
When ever we talk about the history of some modern nation, we usual are presenting the past from present view using a terms according to set norms in the historical branch, taken from the Renaissance and Romantic period. This is the period when Islam through the Ottomans penetrated the Illyrian peninsula. In need of activating the Christian population, which is beginning to embrace the Islamic culture (religion) of the Illyrian peninsula, a Western world is emerging an initiative to rewrite ancient history through writers and their novels (art, that the artist can use in all his fantasies) using a meme policy for the future of Europe. While the Franks create the ancient Hellas, the Russians (Scythians), through their writers and novels, impose the Slavic culture, which in the 9th century through Glagolitic and Cyrillic, is imposed in the 18th century by a church between a population that is literally illiterate and the sole source of knowledge came through the priests and spoke vulgar Latin.
-"The Renaissance was a fervent period of European cultural, artistic, political and economic “rebirth” following the Middle Ages. Generally described as taking place from the 14th century to the 17th century, the Renaissance promoted the rediscovery of classical philosophy, literature and art."
A period when glorification of today so-called Slavs begins through Mavro Orbini, calling the Scythians as patrons of Orthodoxy (Sclavi) or in Albanian Shka or Shkije. Here is one example:
-"The Scythians also known as Scyth, Saka, Sakae, Sai, Iskuzai, or Askuzai, were Eurasian nomads, probably mostly using Eastern Iranian languages, who were mentioned by the literate peoples to their south as inhabiting large areas of the western and central Eurasian Steppe.
I took the Renaissance as an example to illustrate how cultures penetrated the Illyrian peninsula from the late 17th century (Islam and Slavic culture) and Europe's need for protection from the Ottomans and their penetration deep west. The usage of the Latin word Graeico/Graiko (which is connected with Trojan War, Grae ico/Gra iko "running women") has been added after the Revolution in 1821 (Lord Byron,_1813.jpg). and the success of this mission has been repeated by Thomas Edward Lawrence or Lawrence of Arabia to rise up the Saudi tribes vs Ottomans.
This is called meme policy.
The Greeks called themselves Hellenes and their land was Hellas. The name 'Greeks' was given to the people of Greece later by the Romans. They lived in mainland Greece and the Greek islands, but also in colonies scattered around the Mediterranean Sea.
The mistake is also from the Albanian perspective when is preferring the Albanian nationality to their ancestor. The nation has been glorify as a ideology after the French revolution, the state nation from Europe is develop in 18 century on Balkan in 19 century and 20 century. The Albanian nation is born in 20 century and internal use is Shqipnija or Shqiperia, depend of dialect, Gheg or Tosk. Once upon time, the term Shqipoj has mean "spoke clear to understand you" and the biggest mistake is to not keep the old term Arber, Arbresh.
Now, the most scholars or history science explain that Illyrian has been mentioned last time in the 2nd century, the question is, has that Illyrian people vaporized? Not at all, the population on the Illyrian peninsula has lived a tribal live and the bullshit story of City-state is just a fantasy of the modern historian. I do not deny that cities were created, but it was still a tribal way of life, so we have Thessalians, Athenians, Macedonians, Spartans, Epirus, Dardanians ... it is true that there were philosophers but they are not the only ones, it is also true that they philosophers advocated Hellenic religion, from a theological point of view, they were the messiahs of polytheism. Introducing ancient philosophy as Greek, forgetting that the term Greek is from the 19th century, gives clues to cultural creation for the needs of Europe.The Roman empire invented a new form or rule, instead of tribal life they broth the Republic.
Let's go back to where the Illyrians evaporated!
• Decius - ruled AD 249-251
• Hostilianus - ruled AD 251
• Claudius II "Gothicus" - ruled AD 268-270
• Quintillus - ruled AD 270
• Aurelian - ruled AD 270-275
• Probus - ruled AD 276-282
• Diocletian - ruled AD 284-305
• Maximianus "Herculius" - ruled AD 286-305
• Constantine I - ruled AD 306-337
• Constantius II - ruled AD 337-361
• Jovian - ruled AD 363-364
• Valentinianus I - ruled AD 364-375
• Valens - ruled AD 364-378
• Gratian - ruled AD 375-383
• Valentinianus II - ruled AD 375-392
• Marcianus - ruled AD 450-457
• Anastasius I - ruled AD 491-518
• Justin I - ruled AD 518-527
• Justinian I - ruled AD 527-565
The Illyrians, in matter of fact, become Romans and they have been ruled the Roman empire. The first war were "Roman - Illyrian wars" . The Messapians (, Lapygians ( were direct connection to Etruscans. The migration of the population has been occurred in modern Italy around 4,800 year ago, mostly the population has arrived from Anatolia. The Hittites and the Egyptian were so close to each other were the cult of sun (Helios) has been spread trough migration. The "Homeric Greek" written is actually Phoenician alphabet with some minor change alpha, beta, gamma, delta, omega... How is possible that there is no Illyrian written mark when the same alphabet has been used trough Illyrian peninsula. Why has been called Illyrian peninsula and not Hellenic peninsula? After all, how is possible that Etruscan word can be understand by an Albanian? I find a Albanian guy trough social media who has give a meaning of Etruscan stone tablet. Here is his comment:
Here is one example, Cippus Perusinus/Etruscan language. No modern archaeologist or European will find the meaning as Balkan individual who has language root from past. I will copy / past a part of Cippus Perusinus: Cippus Perusinus - Wikipedia
• eurat tanna larezul ame vaχr.
Did this have meaning to you? Let’s try on different way
• e urat tan na la rez ula me vaχr.
(by the bridge we left out from starlight-moonlight near/with graves)
Let s to continue:
• Lautn . Velθina-ś, eśtla Afuna-s, sleleθc aru ::tezan,
Lautn . Velθina-ś, eś tla Afuna-s, sleleθc aru ::te zan,
(Lautn (some rank or name) Veltina says to Afuna (sh), choose a a boy to find)
fuśle-ri (a cave/field)
tesn-ś tei-ś Raśne-ś ipa ama hen.
tesn-ś t e iś Raśneś i pa a ma hen.
(He saw Rashnesh (the boy name) and he says him)
• Velthina θuraś araś
Velthina θu raś araś (that was Velthina son) the chosen boy
• pe raścemulml escul, zuci en esci epl, tularu.
per aś cem ul mlesculzu ci en esciepl, tu la ru.
(why you are seating young boy, are you try to escape, to avoid)….
This is just one example that no single outsider from the Balkan language and narratives can get this and he is going to lead you in another direction/ the translation of the stone tablet. According to what I have checked, the stone tablet speaks of a group of soldiers reaching the bridge and getting dark, the man in charge looking for a shelter, a cave, where they will stay overnight. The chief leader assigns the son of one of the elders soldier to find a place in the cave, while other older soldiers tease the young soldier with ghosts, and the same young soldier has no courage to enter. Finally, the high-pitched chief (there is an explanation that he turns black in anger) gives a high-pitched search for the cave and rebukes the old soldiers for intimidating the young soldier with demons in the cave, turning to the young soldier if he finds a demon to bring before him.
It is a large written, I want to confirm your post but do not mix modern Albanian with the past. I cannot deny that modern Albanian are direct descendant from Illyrian, opposite, they are keeping the language, tradition and custom (Besa). I just do not agree to Albanize the past! There is more details but i cannot write all in once....
look bro you are so informated but l Can say that Alexander do a testament ( egsist in vatican) and this was first of all' for the soons of him soldiers with beauty slaves from all' est . And him was afraid that one day them do a people and gives them the name slave in eternity thats why are sllav ( slave ) today and in albanian them state Sër bij means bij të seres ( series soons ) . Them used by religjion against albanians identic like greks . The english name of Greece is ecsactly grik ( throat ) . Looking map of Ballkan ( head of dog ) or bisant ( Beast part ) is a Beast in front of Africa ( is fraid ) and the throat ( grik ) of the Beast is the Place of greks ( a locality who make a state ) Respect from 🇦🇱 .
I love Albania
violinists are usually boring. This guy is amazingly talented but ohhhhhhh so handsome,movie star looks.
Shkelzen Doli was at my parents engagement and played the violin very well. Big up from Gjakova.
God bless ALBANIAN soul and you Shkelzen Doli. Te lumte mor shqiptar bukurosh. Zoti te bekofte dhe te besh sa me shume mrekulli te tilla per vend tend Shqiperine. Nje popull vdes, kur i vdes shpirti=arti dhe muzika e tij.
Mjaft frymëzues për të gjithë kombin shqiptar kjo lëvizje juaj artistike në bashkëpunim me institucionet më të larta të artit dhe televizionit në Austri. Kryevepër!
Μπραβο Αλβανοι, ομορφη 🙏🇦🇱🇬🇷👏🏻
@@miralika9303 O budall jam Shqiptar nga Greqia.
Po shkruaj shqip
@@iMonsieurAnthony veq 🇦🇱🇦🇱
Mira Lika Mrš
Antonis qij familen qa shkrun greqisht mase je shqiptar
Kulture njerez, kulture, .... Prodhoni dhe percillni kulture, pasi kultura rezon muret e injorances, stereotipet, lidh popujt dhe krijon respekt per te gjithe. Faleminderit Shkelzen. Pershendetje te gjitheve.
Hapni syte dhe degjoni o Sazexhinj Fodull e Ordinere ..merrni sa do pak Mesim dhe pervoje..Kjo eshte Niveli i nje muzike te mirfillte dhe te paster Shqipetare...
Pse e ke shkru emekn ne gjizen greke? Grek je?
Bira qensh
Now compare this ancient albanian masterpiece to the modern albanian rap. You can’t. The ancient on is incomparable and special.
I dont know where these stupid hip hop trash are coming from. They are ruining our music
The modern "albanian" rappers are a disgrace and totally trash.. they are ruinning our traditions and our nation!
so proud 🇦🇱🇽🇰 sec mu knaq zemra
maviolda daka edhe muaa..
Po flamurin e bosnes çe deshe
@@illyriaanmbret5660 Kosoves trullan
Te kanaqet shpirti, te mbushet zemra plot me keto melodi te vendit tone...Perla, pasuri...! 🇦🇱Bravo! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🇦🇱
Shume krenare per shqiprin dhe shqiptaret tane🦅🦅🙏🙏🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱
Wundervoll. Die Seele eines kleines und tapferen Volkes! Danke Shkelzen
si eshte e mundur qe kjo bukuri te kete vetem 6.000 shikime na tranoj Meda
+bekim syka po i tranoj Meda e tallavat
+ADA B ehh populli I gjore mbetet me than asgje ma shume
+bekim syka njerezit e kane mendjen te bomba e sinanit :)
+djali1981 hahhahaha e fort kjo ose te seriali bidai
Shkelzen Doli 👑👏👏 krenar na bën o vlla 😊 shëndet te uroj e jetë të gjatë
Perla te muzikes shqipetare te interpretuara nga mjeshtri i madh Shekzen Doli.
Te lumte Shkelzen na ben te ndihemi krenare qe jemi shqiptare dhe te kemi tyte na perfaqesosh ne menyren me brilante.
Po cfare ben keshtu o Shkelzen vellai........po na rreh zemra me 100 rrahje ne minute,ku e perballojme dot kete madheshti ne!
Ja pra keto jan duart e arta ky pra eshte tingulli qe zgjon edhe te vdekurin nga varri oh sa bukur sa mahnitese , edhe njiqind her ta degjoj nuk ngopem ju lumt jeni me te miret
Mr Doli is Kosovan ' Albanian🙂😊😊With every listening im enjoying it more and more!!!
Dardan jo kosovan
@@tanitani6929 Kosova ka shume kundershtare te shtetesise me i madhi eshte Servia kuptohet por disa pa dijenin e tyre mendojn se jan patriot nese e anashkalojn emrin Kosove si ti ne kete rast.Kosova eshte shteti yne te cilin e promovojme e dojm dhe e mbrojme flm
@@agronhajdari5462Kosovan leshi ku e gjete ate term ti, ta dha vucici a, Apo sllobodani??
@@agronhajdari5462po pra Thu hen, an Albanian from Kosova !!
@@kosovaisalbania3720 ma dha UCK ja dhe USA ja dhe krejt deshmoret qe luftuan per Kosoven. Kosova eshte shtet dashte apo nuk dashe ti
Muzike qe vjen nga thellesia e shekujve e qe te dritheron shpirtin akoma edhe sot.Luajtur me aq mjeshteri nga instrumentisti i talentuar Shkelzen Doli.Bravo
Te kendofte shpirti o Shkelzen,paç hymer!!!
The proud soul of Illyria 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
O Yll i Shqipetareve .Balsam per Shpirtin e Emigranteve
Mrekullia jonë shqipëtare. Nuk ka vesh qenjeje të gjallë në botë i cili nuk e pranon me kënaqësi këtë kombonim zërash të bërë për mrekulli. Arti është vlerë univerzale pa marrë parasysh se nga vjen dhe patjetër që qenja e gjallë e pranon si të bukur, si domethënëse, të harmonizuar me njeriun e natyren ... etj etj . E në këtë rast kemi bukurin tonë të shprehur për mrekulli.
Just great !!!!! 🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇹🇦🇹🇦🇹. Ich danke dir Shkelzen !!!
What a talent. .makes me proud to be albanian. .just amazing
I am very proud of my heritage
Ju lumshin ato duar! Zemrat tona jane atje, me ju. Shume faleminderit! Zoti ju bekofte ju dhe Shqiperine!
kto jan vlerat e shqipnis. rrespekte per menyren si i percjell. meriton shum me teper 😃
E shkelqyer dhe magjepse. Prezantimi me I persosur I muzikes shqiptare ane e mbane botes. Faleminderit qe na mallengjeni e na beni te ndihemi krenare.
Kur e degjoni mbyllni syt do tju duket sikur gjendeni te Tirana e asaj kohe, do te ndjeni kenaqsin e nje dasme tipike dhe kjo muzik do tju futet ne zemer
Zoti e shtoftë jetën tënde
sepse na i ke kënaqur shpirti, me muzikë tamam, dhe me fal per shprehjen, dhe jo pordhë me rigon.
I madhi Shkelzen Doli, mjeshter i lindur me shpirt te madh artisti
Shkelzen Doli, Shkelzen Shqipnia
I am proud to be Albanian
Perlat tona kanë nevojë për njohje, të lumt artist!
o njerz te bukur te kombit tim nuk ka kushe ta vlersoj ket mrekulli neket bot
Ky eshte shpirti artistik i popullit tone che Shkëlzeni e raprezanton mrekullisht me mjeshtri gjeniale
mrekullia e vertete shqiptare ,,,,,,,, te lumte o djali i shqiperise
Miliona klikimr shkojn per muharrem ahmetin keng magjupishte e sun e gjejn kurr vendin e vet ketu ku duhet😊😊😊
Doli, you truly are a MAESTRO! Keep it up!
Muzik fantastice interpretim ecelent.Kjo eshte muzika shqipetare jo keto qe degjojme tani.Tallavare talla leshi talla preshi. CAZZO
Zoti ju Bekoftë Zotri Shkëlzen Doli.
Me mbushe Nostalgji. Me knaqe Zemrën. Faleminderit Shqip dhe ska asgjë më të bukure.
Ngordhje njeher e mire për Tallava e kinse Muzikën, këngët, kengetaret dhe pjestaret e kinse "estradës" me 0 (ZERO) VLERE (pavlera).
Shqiptar I vertete dhe I talentuar
Mrekulli prej 2 te mrekullueshmeve, te riu e te vjetrit, Shkelzenit e Hekuranit. Sa bukur kur perlat luhen nga mjeshter si keta
Urojme te jetojne keto vlera kombetare shqiptare gjeri sa te ekzistoje koha! Qoft i bekur Kombi Shqiptar!
Njeriu qe na krenoi neper bote me muziken e tije❤
Fantastik 👏🏻👏🏻Mutika me e bukur ne boteeee 🇦🇱🇦🇱😍
Pergezimet me te sinqerta per kete veper shum te bukur......paci gjithmone deshiren dhe vullnetin per te bere te tilla kryevepra te kultures sone......pac bekimin e te gjithe Shqyptareve.
Rrespekte dhe pergezime pafund, jeni perçuesit me te mire te vlerave te arta te popullit shqiptar,jeni krenaria e shqiptarve.
Zoti e bekofte shqiperin e dhe te medhejte e kombit
krenari kur kombi ka nje njeri si artisti Shekelzen Doli,por mjerim qe ka edhe Labi,Meda,Xheza,e gazmend rama
ballët me sedefe,,,, Shkëlzen je gjigandë......rrespekt dhe për artistin Xhambazi.
Long live Shqipëria 🇦🇱👐🏻
oo duart tu prarofshin ...Shkelzen Doli !
I shkelqyeshëm z.Doli
Talent apsolut preciz, kjo esht muzika popullore shqiptare,
Oh ma kenaqet shpirtin! Rrofshit! 😊🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱
Komplimente dhe suksese z.Doli 👏🏻 . Puna juaj artistike na bën të ndihemi krenarë .
Nje mrekulli. Te qeteson shpirtin.
Urime ta boft Zoti diten 1000 je mrekullia in persona faleminderit per muziken ,te lumshin gishtat 🌟🌟🌟🌟💕💕💕💕
Perfekt bravo Shkelzen Doli .
Si mos ta duash kete perle! Kush me mire se ti.😍😍😍😍😍😍
te lumte dora o birri nene Shqiptare.
E pa përshkrueshme!Bravo!
fantastikr muzika Ilira-Shqiptare
Një mrekulli muzikore!!!
Nje bravoooo e madhe eshte pak arbeni korce
Wauuuuu Madheshtore Faleminderit..
Veq vazhdo mos u ndal.
Nje talent i rralle Respekt 👐🏻
Kryeveper. Prekese. Magjike.
Faleminderit qe ekziston!
Wow, sa bukur. Ju lumshin duart Z. Shkelzen. Shpresoj qe nje dite te mund te vij tju shoh drejt per se drejti.
Shum respekt per jugun, edhe muziken e tyre. Por muzika veriore shum ma e bukur. Pse? Sipas mendimit tim, ka njie ndoshta dy harmonia ne muzike labe, por kur vjen tek serenated verior, gjen dhejt ose pesmbdhjet hamonia artistikor dhe komponente. Met kall, pot dyja te bukur edhe me filles shpirti shqiptar.
Mendimet jane relative shok! Pershembull mua me pelqen me shume kabate e jugut !
Kjo eshte muzika e Shqiperise se Mesme.
Ju LUMT shume bukur melodi Shqiptare ne instrumete Stradivarius. Kjo eshte mrekullI.
Wunderschöne Musik 👏👏👏💫💫
Kenaqesi per veshet dhe shpirtin . Bravo
Albanian legend, thank you for this Masterpiece 🥰 Kosova te don.
Muzika shqiptare sa bukur tongellon nga artistet e mrekullueshem
Fill Harmoni o kjo, la ment kur nijoi. Hajde PERO.
Suuuuuuuper perle .Me vjen mire qe vlerat e muzikes Shqipetare jane edhe neper orkestrat e medha te muzikes boterore por , kjo lloj muzike me frymezon dhe me krenon .Sa mire qe degjoj vertet muzike po muzike ama .
Falenderoj zotin qe kam lind Shqiptar .
thanks dora for sharing this beautiful song with me : )
Shume e bukur ,perle🇦🇱
Te lumt vella Shkelzen😍🎻🎻
Me te vertet fantastik interpretim perfekt B R A V O OOOOOOOO
Te lumt Shkelzen Doli
Nuk e di a mjafton nje Falenderim kjo Kryeveper. Une te them FALEMINDERIT nga zemra ime.
respekt , artist i madh .
Albanien sehr sehr grosses Musiknation.Modernes un orientales sehr gut gemischtes Musik
Das ist doch nicht oriental. Es kommt aus Europa und bleibt immer noch europäisch.
Ist nicht oriental
Yes : Shkelzen : kjo esht Folklorit Shqipetar : ::: bravo : bash me Hekuranin : Ju mund te beni muzik te Mrekullueshme Shqipetare : keto lloj muzike te gjith e pelqen : per largo in e streets it : :::: Ju jeni Doktor : spiritual❤️❤️⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖🌎🌎🙏🏻🙏🏻🕌🕌🕌🕌🕌🇦🇱🇦🇱✅✅✅🌍🌍🌍🌍👈🏻👈🏻👈🏻👈🏻🌺🌺✅✅✅🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🌠🌠🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🕊🕊🎈🎈🎈🎈🕊🕊🕊🕊