I love it, Yaman is a man of very few words and actually speaks with his eyes. I wish Seher would be more relaxed, she always appears tensed when around Yaman.
Я почти два гола не смотрела Сехер и Яман потому что зло браво что назмие такой прекрасный сериал испортила и Халил предал партнёра а какая бы с вас получилась пара прекрасная и партнёры прекрасные талантливые все испортили за деньги продали все славу доверие достоинства и дружбу и партнёра как внешне справедливо назмие если вы прекрасный конец сделали и дальше лучше снимали ещё сериалы вместе с этой парой них такое притяжение они не говорят но свою любовь показывают глазами и не верится что у них не было настоящей любви и назмие и все испортили третий сезон и жизнь Силы но она вас всех победила встала на ноги и двигается вперед награды и в новом проекте он держится отлично ради неё смотрим сериалы и фанаты Силы Туркоглу любят её ценят и горой за ней стоим она моя любимца принцесса наша счастья здоровья и удачи в карьере желаем чтоб она поднялась высоко высоко назло врагам а у неё в Турции много врагов и ненавистников
I'm so grateful to know that the legacy put all sehyam scene together(not literally all)..thank you so much. l am really stuck to this series cause ,I always caught myself watching this series all over again and again.for me ,this is the best turkish series I ever watch..and I'm patiently waiting for season 2..♥️♥️♥️.
Мисля че между тях има нещо магнетично нещо много силно така че колкото и пъти да се разделят винаги ще са заедно никой не може да ги раздели Нито Мелиса нито лимонката Медина нито восъчните Нанука
And that wedding photos part..... Oh my goodness, it was like a dream, a beautiful dream. It seemed as if they wanted to crawl into each other's skin and never break the spell of the magic in those precious moments ❤❤❤
Si hubiera una pareja que se amara como ellos sería un milagro porque hoy en día se han perdido todos los valores en los que el amor es darlo todo sin esperar nada y ellos se lo dan todo el uno al otro sin esperar nada solo su felicidad y bienestar ,Bravo por esta pareja ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Cred ca aceasta nunta o va marca pe actrița (probabil și pe Halil) Sila și nici nu-și va mai dori o alta. A fost atât de frumos prezentata încât cu greu ar putea fi egalata de o alta asemenea ceremonie în viata reala. Actorii, ambii, si-au exprimat atât de verosimil trăirile încât au reușit sa convingă pe toată lumea de frumusețea sentimentelor lor. FELICITARI SI LE DORESC DIN SUFLET CA SI IN VIATA REALA SA AIBA NOROCUL UNOR ASTFEL DE CLIPE DE FERICIRE !!!!!!!!
Love that scene after Seher gets her hair and makeup done and Yaman comes in.... He looks at her like she's THE most beautiful thing he's ever seen ❤😍❤
No entiendo por qué no dejaron ser felices está pareja lo merecían después de vivir tanta injusticia y maldad al rededor el amor vencía todo. Y segian juntos. Hermosa pareja. Dejo de gustarme la novela después de la muerte de seher la otra actriz no tiene comparación en la actuación como seher amo estos dos actores juntis. Divinos felicidades en su carrera muchos exitos
Yaman en todo momento es tierno, amable y compañero de Seher ♥️ y trata que no se note el gran amor que siente por ella. Atento y gentil es un divino total ♥️👌💯❤️😍me mata su amor ❤️
es wird echt nie langweilig. Ich kann jede einzelne Folge auch immer wieder sehen. Bin inzwischen beim Dritten mal. Es ist Wahnsinn, wie echt alles wirkt, aber es ist nur ein Film mit sehr guten Schauspielerin, die dem Zuschauer den Eindruck verleihen, dass es echt ist. Fantastisch dieses Drehbuch, die Schauspieler, der Regisse1ur einfach alle, die damit beschäftigt sind.
Спасибо что предоставили возможность просмотреть вме заново,но только именно Ямана И Сехера,без других персонажей,здорово получилось,спасибо тому кто это придумал
Nu bănuiam atunci ce i se pregătea lui Seher, nu bănuiam ce sfârșit tragic avea să aibă sezonul 2......Ce mare dezamăgire,ce mare durere! Cu toții așteptăm împlinirea acestei mari iubiri......DE CE NU S-A DORIT ASTA?
Sher, you’re such a beautiful sister, and the way how you portray this series love by those who watch it. This is part of life that what we go through and the hardships and any sort we came across. The reality fir me here is Seher, who kept her purity and virtue, even though she married for the reason of her nephew. I really admire her ways and actions but I don’t think that Yaman understands or he did but he kept it to himself and when Seher is ready.
Seher's wonderful words are like indirect revelations of her affection towards Yaman. It was sweet... Yaman was delightful you could see it in his eyes. 😊
Emanet became my daily routine I cannot express in words how I was waiting for season 2 hopefully one day left I repeatedly rewatch all the episodes even didn't remember how many times but never get tired or bored. Thanks to legacy for providing us an English subtitles
Ellos tienen que seguir juntos porque son perfectos y qué pongan un final feliz es lo qué sé merecen ellos y los fans, así que no lo estropeen después de tanto sufrimiento ❤️❤️
Nunca olvidaremos la magistral actuación de Yaman y Seher fue muy decepcionante destruir esa magia q lograron ellos con valiosisima interpretación SilHal SehYam forever en nuestros corazones fue un error garrafal destruir este amor infinito
A mi no me gusta la otra actriz Nana, no tiene comparacion con Seher y si Seher muere yo no vere otra interpretacion que no sean ellos, si fallece Seher han destrozado la interpretacion y la serie
L'actrice Sila Türkoglu a décidé de partir. La saison 3 devait avoir lieu et donc la scénariste a dû trouver une solution donc une autres histoires avec d'autres personnages autour de yaman & Youssouf kirimli 🤷🏼♀️
Sono bellissimi!!!❤️❤️❤️ Lo sguardo di Yaman 😍😍il più bello di tutti 😍😍😍Quando gli occhi gli ridono è superbo 😍😍😍complimenti a tutti e due gli attori, poi la musica è .....👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻❤️😊😊😊❤️😊😊😊❤️❤️❤️❤️👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
I watched many times over and over again and again. This show is beautiful it’s something so special and give you addictions, dependents or how ever you want to call. I am so happy and I will never stop watching. More than that, I never watched any Turkish movie or telenovelas . This is my first time and I consider myself very lucky because I don’t think it is anything more beautiful than this series. That’s why I am SOOOOO IMPRESSED. I feel in love 🥰 and it’s so good. UNIK FEELING AND VERY PROFOUND AND THE WEDDING SONG IT IS UNBELIEVABLE PRETTY, something to die for……❤️❤️❤️. Thank you very much to everyone who was involved to make something so beautiful. For the actors, I am speech less. I don’t have enough words . ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. I believe in this show,everything and everyone is at SUPERLATIVE, PERFECTION ???……❤️❤️❤️ I LOVE YOU ALL,thank you very much again 😘🤗❤️
I am still watching this everyday can't get enough. The wedding dance is incredible I just want to be her! She is so beautiful the way they look at each other I can't handle it. I'm lost in this don't come and find me ❤️️
Ok, excited for Monday again! The wait is over! The music is sooooo beautiful. Watching these premiers whew! Yaman fell hard for Seher a good while before she fell for him. Love them together❤️❤️❤️
Wedding scene was out of this world beautiful!! The intensity of Yaman looking at Seher is beyond words. The fact that he looked at her with such passion and without even blinking. Oh to have a man look at me like that would make me crumble to the floor in ecstacy with every glance! He would have to pick me up day and night🥰🥰🥰❤❤❤❤👍👍👍
Me hace mucha ilusión ver estos vídeos ,muchas gracias!!! Tengo muchas ganas que llegue el lunes 13 de septiembre para ver Emanet y la reconciliación de SehYam y tb la continuación de los demás personajes de la serie y la verdad que es la primera vez que se me hace tan eterna la espera de una serie !!!!💗💗💗
Sila,Halil denne pozerám Vaše krásne zamilované videá ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Iba Vaše nie vašich nových partnerov ! Už nepozerám ani seriály lebo ma bolí keď Vás vidím s niekým iným!!!!!!Ste nádherný pár a veľmi dobrí ľudia!!!!!!!Milujeme Vás želáme veľa úspechov, lásky, zdravia, šťastia ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Minha eterna admiração por esses dois atores 👏👏💐 pq nunca vi.Eles tem uma sintonia maravilhosa que aquece nossos corações ❤️❤️ Tanto talento junto ❤️❤️❤️❤️.
Es un matrimonio de ensueño preciosa pareja representan un hermoso amor parece tan real ,sus protagonistas vivieron este momento como nunca lo había visto de una belleza sin igual. La música su elegancia sus miradas .muy bello . los bailes únicos. La alegría real de los invitados ,la ira de la maldad ,bueno El amor es tan hermoso reflejado por sus protagonistas ,me hicieron llorar .viví este momento .Felicidades a todos los que vimos esta obra maestra.
Thank you Emanet for summarizing episode by episode in seasons 1...this is important to remember the storyline before continuing to seasons 2...i hope in the future it can be with english subtitles...
Beautiful, jst their eyes&hands speak ❤️❤️❤️❤️💓💓💓💞💞💓💓❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️So much inluv yet she&her is scared & scarred to show, YA an, how much she l0ves him💓💓💓💓💓💞💞💓💓♥️💓💓💓L0ve this series.. Was fortunate to find this video with subtitles, wish every episode had English subtitles 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷💞💞💞💞💕💞💕💞💕💞💞💕
Mulțumesc. Superbe secvențele alese, partea a treia arată dragostea dintre cei doi. Deși nu și-o arată direct, li se citește dragostea în privirea lor. Sper ca în sezonul 2, după ce se va afla tot adevărul, după ce vor trece toate obstacolele din calea lor, scenaristul să arate și mai mult dragostea dintre cei doi. Dragostea trebuie să câștige și nu răul, iar finalul să fie unul fericit pentru toți. Succes tuturor în noul sezon.
Interpretare unică, specială, naturală! Vă prețuiesc și iubesc! Cuplul cel mai compatibil al anilor 2020-2022. Halil-Yaman & Sila-Seher 😇😇💛💛 Fiți binecuvântați!
Yaman (Halil) molto piu bello attraente con qualche ciocca di capelli bianchi(non come e adesso, troppo dipinto ), e Seher(Sila) un talento straordinario, nato, naturale. Un duo che ci ha trasmesso tante emozioni. Mi piace guardare la prima serie e alcuni episodi della seconda serie. La terza serie per me non esiste.
I've been nervous about ep 206 since Thursday and now they're trying to give me all the feels back! These two are perfect together. I hope don't see more of nervous, unsure Seher. More normal conversations, more relaxed eye-stares (lol), and no more ugly boots for our beautiful princess. Oh and it's Seher or My Wife under phone contacts, not Yusuf's Aunt. Let's go season 2!! Emanet fam, it's almost GO Time!
Probably Sehar on the phone😀 He called her by her name in the last episode. I am curious to see what she will call him though....hoping its not Amca 🤞🏽😒
@@kimstevens7472 I call it anti-rape pj. If a man sees you in it, all desire usually is gone 😂. But srsly, She may always strip from it in front of him to wear sth nicer😚. Imagine his shock if she was brazen to do it!
The most beautiful scenes❤️ Full of love and happiness🥰😍 First part where Seher does not cry🤣🤣🤣🤣 Their time without tears and despair☺️ We are at the top now😊🥰tomorrow we will fall😔💔 I hope that second season will show us how to start climb again😇
Thank you so much for capturing all the beautiful moments of Seher and Yaman's love. The story has become so dark and hateful that it is not fun to watch any more. They ruined a perfect love story and changed it in to hatred and revenge and awful thoughts. That is why I skip episodes and skim through the rest just to read the comments of fans as they are more interesting than the story right now. I feel sorry for the two big talents of Halil and Sila that is going to waist here. Thanks so much for putting this together and for uploading.
I agree. I am American with English and Irish descent. I loved their story, but it was always disrupted by hatred and evil. Never enough love and happines that should have been shared between them, after all they went through to be together. I don't understand about Turkish culture, but why does a couple not sleep together on their wedding night? It seems to me that after waiting, that would be the ultimate joining of two hearts. I'm just asking because I am interested. It is a good thing to learn about other people.
@@gem0124 Dear Gail. I have to put a SPOILER ALERT for everybody here as what I will discuss includes a lot from future events. It has been a long time that I am not watching this show when I got to the end of season 1.. Recently I watched one episode, maybe the last season 2.. I still believe the writer has psychotically illness that is reflected in her work. I have to say please do not assume that what you see in this show reflects the Turkish culture. Turkey is part in Asia and part in Europe. When it comes to religion, even though the country is Muslim but people have variety of religions and faith and practices. Majority of people in Istanbul are more European not two families are the same. We see in some soaps people drink with their dinner but in some they avoid even showing a win glass and bluer it. We see women dress in variety of styles. Some more revealing and some totally covered. They are basically like the rest of the world. I am not an expert but familiar with different cultures. I can tell you with confidence that this is not how real Turkish people are. We have to separated the soaps from real people. I am sure majority of couples share a bed and have sexual relationship after marriage like the rest of the world. Yes good and bad happens all around the world but writers, in specific this writer reflects stuff from her own mind and in many instances they are exaggerated. The story that started nicely first became a freakshow. The relationship between this couple became like a yoyo. Yes at times one was trying to get close the other was out of it and at times the other way round. The events are repeated several times to the point that it gets irritating. Yes according to the story the first marriage was a fake one for keeping the nephew but later love developed and she dragged it so much it became agitating for many. I think I have spoiled it enough. Enjoy the show.
To F Stan. Thanks for your insights about Turkish culture. I apologize if I offended you in any way. I made that comment about sleeping together because of another person's comment that I was reading, and not because of what I seeing in the story. I'm sure things change in different cultures over time. I know American culture has changed. I just was wondering if the other comment being stated was true or not. Not to be mean but just curious. I am fascinated by other people, what they do, how they live, etc. I also know that this is just a TV series, put together, made up by people, who may put all kinds of twists to it to make it more interesting to the readers. It would have been a fantastic love story had the writers not put all that hatred in it. I, too skip some of the episodes because it just makes me sad. The worst scene for me, by far, was the one where seher shot yaman, left him to die, and walked away with yusuf.
@@gem0124 Spoiler Alert. You did not offend me at all. I appreciat your comments. It seems you are further ahead. That sceen was horrible. So unblievable based on the charachters that she had built up to that point. A woman who had stopped him of killing the man who had burried her alive and had made him to set him free, shoots and leaves. Just stupid scenario. I did not watch many then. I refuse to let this woman upset me she needs to see a therapist
Their love story could have been so beautiful ! What a pity that they destroyed it ..... Both actors are so talented, so sweet, so beautiful, you can hardly get enough of watching them ! Bravo Halil, bravo Sila ! I love you both, you are a delight and a balm for the soul !
Concordo com vc , a autora ,escritora Nazmye acabou com o encanto a magia de yamam e Seher ela insiste em separar os atores principais ela não tem noção
Emanet showed like the miracle in my worst time last year and I found passion and started to learn Turkish just for this show. But it went down hill as time went by and now I feel nothing but extremely melancholic ...
Yaman esa mirada ese beso 😘 muy hermosa pedida de mano. Las flores todo tu perfecto 💖💖💖💖 Seher hermosa tímida pero valiente eres genial. Y muy bendecida . Con el galán precioso que estás recibiendo en tu compromiso.
Beautiful and unforgettable couple the production destroyed such a nice couple's efforts Halil and Sila you achieved big success. God bless you both ♥️
Me too 😁 i'm watching ep 41 between 205 to remember me they love story, and I wish sezon 2 to be more stronger love between Seher + Yaman + Yusuf= ❤💙💜💋💋💋💋💑💏👪💋💋💋💋❤💙💜
Voice from Sweden..........I have been waiting and waiting.........all actors are so fantastic and the love couple are outstanding.....................Hollywood are old business now..........Turkey have the best actors...........
Na primeira vez que eu assisti as cenas do casamento foi so emoção agora eu fico pensando quantas vezes eles tiveram que gravar pra ficar tão emocionante!! Palmas para o Halil e a Sila 👏👏👏👏👏🇧🇷🇧🇷
These scenes are so amazing, the actors make you believe that life is truly beautiful and two people can live a deep unselfish love. I can watch these segments over and over however these are only a small potion of the series it’s sad to remember the majority of the series is traumatic and relentless evil. It’s expected with any series to have some unpleasant experience but if it’s dragged out for to long only to be followed by misery after misery it becomes lifeless and the excitement of the following episodes vanish. I continue to watch because of the two incredible main actors and l can’t leave anything unfinished even if the storyline gets intolerable and l really hope the writer doesn’t ruin this series like she did with Yemin!
Yoo the shyness they both portrayed it's so amazing.This is what you experience for the first time with you husband wondering what in store is awaiting for both of you
Sou brasileira, descendente de alemães. Me encanta assistir este seriado com artistas tão LINDOS e respeitados pelo trabalho que apresentam em O LEGADO. Estou revendo tudo que diz respeito à eles, Yaman e Seher e conhecendo a Turquia. Belíssima atuação de Halil Ibrahim Ceyhan e Silatürkoğlu, excelentes atores. Halil leva o mundo consigo tamanha sua dedicação e versatilidade. Sila, no seu papel desempenha muito bem, enfocando uma timidez e sua forma de falar, agradável. Tentei imaginá-los separados, mas nem pensar, são perfeitos JUNTOS e se levam muito bem nos olhares que falam e no silêncio, dizem TUDO. Momentos incríveis. Identifico grande cumplicidade destes dois maravilhosos atores e muita perfeição no desempenho. Procuro rever sempre os capítulos por toda beleza que existe. Yusuf, fascinante pela pouca idade atua naturalmente. Yusuf um pequeno grande ator. Parabéns!
Göldeki bu sahne benim favorilerimden, Halil ve Sıla'nın sahnedeki tüm prodüksiyonlarına ve yetkinliğine rağmen bana çok gerçek ve özel bir şey veriyorlar, birlikte oynuyor gibi bile değiller, gerçek hayat gibi görünüyor 🤩👍🙌🙏🏻🧿🧢💘🐶🌹 💝🌻👏👏👏🇧🇷🇧🇷
Have to comment again. I've never seen anything like this. The music, flowers, candles, red carpet, hanging stars, close friends and family. The love and passion on Yaman's face. It is beyond beautiful. Every moment ingrained in my head. And the part leading up to the wedding when Yaman's family asks Seher's family for permission to marry Seher, the rings joined by the ribbon. It will always be a wonderful memory for me. Love, love, love!!!!!!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Even though this scene was beautiful, I have to say that now since time has passed, and I have learned more about Halil, my thoughts of him have drastically changed, and not for the better. I have come to see the true Halil. I am not impressed. I no longer watch any of S1 or 2. Season 3 is a circus with hairball as the ring leader.
@@gem0124 anch'io sono delusa dopo le ultime di Halil però questo non toglie che insieme a Sila hanno fatto 2 serie stupende purtroppo le ultime puntate rovinate dalla stessa sceneggiatrice x secondo me ha problemi mentali un vero peccato mai visto serie più bella e io ho 63 anni ne ho viste tante 💔💔
So in love watching them in this scene... so romantic/lovable
I really love Emanet.
Kahit paulit ulit kong panoorin. Wonderfully/Beautifully made.
I love it, Yaman is a man of very few words and actually speaks with his eyes. I wish Seher would be more relaxed, she always appears tensed when around Yaman.
Я почти два гола не смотрела Сехер и Яман потому что зло браво что назмие такой прекрасный сериал испортила и Халил предал партнёра а какая бы с вас получилась пара прекрасная и партнёры прекрасные талантливые все испортили за деньги продали все славу доверие достоинства и дружбу и партнёра как внешне справедливо назмие если вы прекрасный конец сделали и дальше лучше снимали ещё сериалы вместе с этой парой них такое притяжение они не говорят но свою любовь показывают глазами и не верится что у них не было настоящей любви и назмие и все испортили третий сезон и жизнь Силы но она вас всех победила встала на ноги и двигается вперед награды и в новом проекте он держится отлично ради неё смотрим сериалы и фанаты Силы Туркоглу любят её ценят и горой за ней стоим она моя любимца принцесса наша счастья здоровья и удачи в карьере желаем чтоб она поднялась высоко высоко назло врагам а у неё в Турции много врагов и ненавистников
That's because of all the EVILS and horror he made her go through,
He is a man that looks at her so suspicious and have those controlling eyes. Shelar and him need to relax when they are together.
I really like how he looks at her. I wished they both would embrace themselves.
So much talent for these two.Yaman &Seher forever in my heart ❤️ ❤
I'm so grateful to know that the legacy put all sehyam scene together(not literally all)..thank you so much. l am really stuck to this series cause ,I always caught myself watching this series all over again and again.for me ,this is the best turkish series I ever watch..and I'm patiently waiting for season 2..♥️♥️♥️.
Powerful!emotional, and magical performance from the two superstars 👏 bravo 👏👏💐💐🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆
Как няма да замре сърцето на Яман толкова красива булка беше Сила на нея не и трябва вече друга сватба
И двамата безумно влюбени и очарователни
Мисля че между тях има нещо магнетично нещо много силно така че колкото и пъти да се разделят винаги ще са заедно никой не може да ги раздели
Нито Мелиса нито лимонката Медина нито восъчните Нанука
Yusuf was so adorable...he was a witness too on his newly parents.. Daddy Yaman and Mommy Seher ❤️😍🤩
Merry Ted
Happy thanksgiving merry Christmas merry Christmas
P mn n you are m u qo. Dzzž dde l 3 Tk. M n. O hi bh bh I dont you know
Eu concordo que nenhum outro ator poderia ter feito esse papel com tanta perfeição como Halil e Sila incrivelmente perfeitos
And that wedding photos part.....
Oh my goodness, it was like a dream, a beautiful dream. It seemed as if they wanted to crawl into each other's skin and never break the spell of the magic in those precious moments ❤❤❤
Si hubiera una pareja que se amara como ellos sería un milagro porque hoy en día se han perdido todos los valores en los que el amor es darlo todo sin esperar nada y ellos se lo dan todo el uno al otro sin esperar nada solo su felicidad y bienestar ,Bravo por esta pareja ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
مستحيل الواحد يمل من اعادة الحلقات الجميله بهذا المسلسل مبدعين خليل وسيلا ثنائي روعه نتمنالهم النجاح تلو النجاح بحياتهم القادمه ❤️❤️
Arli e o. ,homem mais lindo da Turquia brasil
Cred ca aceasta nunta o va marca pe actrița (probabil și pe Halil) Sila și nici nu-și va mai dori o alta. A fost atât de frumos prezentata încât cu greu ar putea fi egalata de o alta asemenea ceremonie în viata reala. Actorii, ambii, si-au exprimat atât de verosimil trăirile încât au reușit sa convingă pe toată lumea de frumusețea sentimentelor lor. FELICITARI SI LE DORESC DIN SUFLET CA SI IN VIATA REALA SA AIBA NOROCUL UNOR ASTFEL DE CLIPE DE FERICIRE !!!!!!!!
Adorei muta saúde Para elas tudo bom ❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉
Love that scene after Seher gets her hair and makeup done and Yaman comes in....
He looks at her like she's THE most beautiful thing he's ever seen ❤😍❤
The most beautiful bride ❤️
She was the most beautiful and he is soooo handsome
No entiendo por qué no dejaron ser felices está pareja lo merecían después de vivir tanta injusticia y maldad al rededor el amor vencía todo. Y segian juntos. Hermosa pareja. Dejo de gustarme la novela después de la muerte de seher la otra actriz no tiene comparación en la actuación como seher amo estos dos actores juntis. Divinos felicidades en su carrera muchos exitos
Albo pieniåd,e które tą dróga zapłaciła za to żeby zagrać przy boku Yamana albo pisarka nie lubi miłości ponieważ nigdy nikt jej nie kochał 😢
I don't believe this should go on after her death. as a matter of fact, I did not watch 3.
Yaman en todo momento es tierno, amable y compañero de Seher ♥️ y trata que no se note el gran amor que siente por ella.
Atento y gentil es un divino total ♥️👌💯❤️😍me mata su amor ❤️
es wird echt nie langweilig. Ich kann jede einzelne Folge auch immer wieder sehen. Bin inzwischen beim Dritten mal. Es ist Wahnsinn, wie echt alles wirkt, aber es ist nur ein Film mit sehr guten Schauspielerin, die dem Zuschauer den Eindruck verleihen, dass es echt ist. Fantastisch dieses Drehbuch, die Schauspieler, der Regisse1ur einfach alle, die damit beschäftigt sind.
Richtig. Ich kann es auch nicht lassen, immer wieder rein zu schauen. 😆🤣
Ohhh mygaaad! The way yaman look at her. 🥰🥰🥰🥰
This two is so adorable!!
Emanet is kind of addiction to me....never get enough of it....thanks to team emanet for putting all scenes of our beloved Seyham together.....
Im so amazed with Yaman and Seher..they brought us to share happiness in all of the series Ive watched
Спасибо что предоставили возможность просмотреть вме заново,но только именно Ямана И Сехера,без других персонажей,здорово получилось,спасибо тому кто это придумал
Nu bănuiam atunci ce i se pregătea lui Seher, nu bănuiam ce sfârșit tragic avea să aibă sezonul 2......Ce mare dezamăgire,ce mare durere! Cu toții așteptăm împlinirea acestei mari iubiri......DE CE NU S-A DORIT ASTA?
Can’t get enough of these two 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Sher, you’re such a beautiful sister, and the way how you portray this series love by those who watch it. This is part of life that what we go through and the hardships and any sort we came across.
The reality fir me here is Seher, who kept her purity and virtue, even though she married for the reason of her nephew. I really admire her ways and actions but I don’t think that Yaman understands or he did but he kept it to himself and when Seher is ready.
One of my favorite parts is coming ❤️❤️❤️ the most perfect wedding I've ever seen
Yes that's true and then it all went straight to hell from there. Where are the wedding pics of them hugged up?
The Plot Story is nonsense but this was the most beautiful wedding with a perfect heart touching song I have ever seen on screen.❣️
@@kimstevens7472 the only good part of the show with no misery and depression was the wedding preparations episodes and the wedding itself.
Yes in my life..@59
I'm happy to watched the entire episodes
Seher's wonderful words are like indirect revelations of her affection towards Yaman. It was sweet... Yaman was delightful you could see it in his eyes. 😊
Emanet became my daily routine I cannot express in words how I was waiting for season 2 hopefully one day left I repeatedly rewatch all the episodes even didn't remember how many times but never get tired or bored. Thanks to legacy for providing us an English subtitles
I watched the old episodes so much, I know them by heart 😂😂
Same here. Its Lovely to watch it again and again.
Watch again and again all episodes of sehyam we all are addicted
These episodes from season 1 are the only ones worth watching as far as season 2 so far there isn’t any pleasant scenes to watch happily .
Çox gozel
I hve to admit....they made a stunningly beautiful couple.....she was absolutely beautiful and he was more than handsome.
Ellos tienen que seguir juntos porque son perfectos y qué pongan un final feliz es lo qué sé merecen ellos y los fans, así que no lo estropeen después de tanto sufrimiento ❤️❤️
I really love watching this scene.
Emanet.. a beautiful love story of Yaman and Seher. Meaningful.
Nunca olvidaremos la magistral actuación de Yaman y Seher fue muy decepcionante destruir esa magia q lograron ellos con valiosisima interpretación
SilHal SehYam forever en nuestros corazones fue un error garrafal destruir este amor infinito
A mi no me gusta la otra actriz Nana, no tiene comparacion con Seher y si Seher muere yo no vere otra interpretacion que no sean ellos, si fallece Seher han destrozado la interpretacion y la serie
L'actrice Sila Türkoglu a décidé de partir. La saison 3 devait avoir lieu et donc la scénariste a dû trouver une solution donc une autres histoires avec d'autres personnages autour de yaman & Youssouf kirimli 🤷🏼♀️
Lindos demais ficou perfeito
Kure nuk Kam pare neper filma nje cift kaq te bukur ne fejesen dhe martesen e tyre Yaman Zeher Amazing & melodia qe I Shoqeron gjate gjithe kohes
Sono bellissimi!!!❤️❤️❤️ Lo sguardo di Yaman 😍😍il più bello di tutti 😍😍😍Quando gli occhi gli ridono è superbo 😍😍😍complimenti a tutti e due gli attori, poi la musica è .....👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻❤️😊😊😊❤️😊😊😊❤️❤️❤️❤️👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
I watched many times over and over again and again. This show is beautiful it’s something so special and give you addictions, dependents or how ever you want to call. I am so happy and I will never stop watching. More than that, I never watched any Turkish movie or telenovelas . This is my first time and I consider myself very lucky because I don’t think it is anything more beautiful than this series. That’s why I am SOOOOO IMPRESSED. I feel in love 🥰 and it’s so good. UNIK FEELING AND VERY PROFOUND AND THE WEDDING SONG IT IS UNBELIEVABLE PRETTY, something to die for……❤️❤️❤️. Thank you very much to everyone who was involved to make something so beautiful. For the actors, I am speech less. I don’t have enough words . ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. I believe in this show,everything and everyone is at SUPERLATIVE, PERFECTION ???……❤️❤️❤️ I LOVE YOU ALL,thank you very much again 😘🤗❤️
I love Seh❤Yam bcz their chemistry is just amazing 💑
I will love to see them acting together again seh❤️yam ❤❤❤
I am still watching this everyday can't get enough. The wedding dance is incredible I just want to be her! She is so beautiful the way they look at each other I can't handle it. I'm lost in this don't come and find me ❤️️
Ok, excited for Monday again! The wait is over! The music is sooooo beautiful. Watching these premiers whew! Yaman fell hard for Seher a good while before she fell for him. Love them together❤️❤️❤️
I love Halil and Sila their chemistry is amazing
Wedding scene was out of this world beautiful!! The intensity of Yaman looking at Seher is beyond words. The fact that he looked at her with such passion and without even blinking. Oh to have a man look at me like that would make me crumble to the floor in ecstacy with every glance! He would have to pick me up day and night🥰🥰🥰❤❤❤❤👍👍👍
Good grief woman get hold of yourself for heavens sake 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 you are funny
Wonderful episode, congratulations to zll actors, actris and production.🎉
Last two months seen it repeatedly so many times nd continue it till now . Halil you r a gem . God bless you.
Am happy that the comment section is live again! Hope they don't give us more heartbreaks in 2nd season, sehyam❤️
Expect more heart ache that you can ever imagine. Enjoy!!!!
She is not going to make easy for us, Naz style
Both of them are good actor and actress this one is Sila one the best acting I'm proud of her.And also Halil Ibrahim Cehan
Casal lindo excelentes interpretes, não vejo Seher sem Yaman, nem Yaman sem Seher, um completa o outro. Assisto por que amo a história, pelo dois.
Concordo plenamente em número e grau...⛵🌟🌠🌙🌞💯🏹🌟🌞⭐🏹💯🌞🌙☀️🌠🌟🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
Verdade 🎯Apesar das maldades que as cobras fazem eles cada dia se amam mais
Eu sei como assistir tofps os capitolos alguem pode me ajudar e dificil a lingua deles
We all are crazy people Around the World, Watching, Watching and Watching...😊😍
Yes watching , watching and i am just watching Emanet only for Halil Ibrahim .
Gracias por subir prácticamente todo emanet, feliz de solo ver horas y horas de ellos dos! El resto sobra.
Me hace mucha ilusión ver estos vídeos ,muchas gracias!!!
Tengo muchas ganas que llegue el lunes 13 de septiembre para ver Emanet y la reconciliación de SehYam y tb la continuación de los demás personajes de la serie y la verdad que es la primera vez que se me hace tan eterna la espera de una serie !!!!💗💗💗
Sila,Halil denne pozerám Vaše krásne zamilované videá ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Iba Vaše nie vašich nových partnerov ! Už nepozerám ani seriály lebo ma bolí keď Vás vidím s niekým iným!!!!!!Ste nádherný pár a veľmi dobrí ľudia!!!!!!!Milujeme Vás želáme veľa úspechov, lásky, zdravia, šťastia ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hai proprio ragione vederlo con un'altra mi disgusta 👎👎👎
Minha eterna admiração por esses dois atores 👏👏💐 pq nunca vi.Eles tem uma sintonia maravilhosa que aquece nossos corações ❤️❤️ Tanto talento junto ❤️❤️❤️❤️.
Es un matrimonio de ensueño preciosa pareja representan un hermoso amor parece tan real ,sus protagonistas vivieron este momento como nunca lo había visto de una belleza sin igual. La música su elegancia sus miradas .muy bello . los bailes únicos. La alegría real de los invitados ,la ira de la maldad ,bueno El amor es tan hermoso reflejado por sus protagonistas ,me hicieron llorar .viví este momento .Felicidades a todos los que vimos esta obra maestra.
Thank you Emanet for summarizing episode by episode in seasons 1...this is important to remember the storyline before continuing to seasons 2...i hope in the future it can be with english subtitles...
Be honest ....when their two hands join each other ....and their eyes look at each other full of love....my heart trembles 😁😁😁😁😊
Doar se iubesc si in realitate nu credeti?
Beautiful, jst their eyes&hands speak ❤️❤️❤️❤️💓💓💓💞💞💓💓❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️So much inluv yet she&her is scared & scarred to show, YA an, how much she l0ves him💓💓💓💓💓💞💞💓💓♥️💓💓💓L0ve this series.. Was fortunate to find this video with subtitles, wish every episode had English subtitles 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷💞💞💞💞💕💞💕💞💕💞💞💕
Best Turkish series
Yes, even when they hold hands, they fit together so perfectly and beautifully😍
Mulțumesc. Superbe secvențele alese, partea a treia arată dragostea dintre cei doi. Deși nu și-o arată direct, li se citește dragostea în privirea lor. Sper ca în sezonul 2, după ce se va afla tot adevărul, după ce vor trece toate obstacolele din calea lor, scenaristul să arate și mai mult dragostea dintre cei doi. Dragostea trebuie să câștige și nu răul, iar finalul să fie unul fericit pentru toți. Succes tuturor în noul sezon.
Esa era la idea pero fue destruido por su autor
I always coming here when i miss them...seher hanim is very pretty and that of her hair style❤❤❤
Cel mai frumos cand mainile lor se impreuna, este la fel de senzual ca un sarut! Bravo copii super frumos, un cuplu de vis!
Good one Yanam ' all planned / the ring won't come off .Nice
The most beautiful wedding in the WORLD .That song is spine chilling !
Interpretare unică, specială, naturală!
Vă prețuiesc și iubesc!
Cuplul cel mai compatibil al anilor 2020-2022.
Halil-Yaman & Sila-Seher 😇😇💛💛
Fiți binecuvântați!
Yaman (Halil) molto piu bello attraente con qualche ciocca di capelli bianchi(non come e adesso, troppo dipinto ), e Seher(Sila) un talento straordinario, nato, naturale. Un duo che ci ha trasmesso tante emozioni. Mi piace guardare la prima serie e alcuni episodi della seconda serie. La terza serie per me non esiste.
Idem 👏👏👏
I've been nervous about ep 206 since Thursday and now they're trying to give me all the feels back! These two are perfect together. I hope don't see more of nervous, unsure Seher. More normal conversations, more relaxed eye-stares (lol), and no more ugly boots for our beautiful princess. Oh and it's Seher or My Wife under phone contacts, not Yusuf's Aunt. Let's go season 2!! Emanet fam, it's almost GO Time!
or ugly purple striped pajamas.
Probably Sehar on the phone😀 He called her by her name in the last episode. I am curious to see what she will call him though....hoping its not Amca 🤞🏽😒
@@anug8643 She will probably put his name into her phone as The Husband I Shot.
@@anug8643 And this is interesting - his number in her phone is called Yaman. And in his - Yusuf's Teyze. Speaking vollumes.
@@kimstevens7472 I call it anti-rape pj. If a man sees you in it, all desire usually is gone 😂. But srsly, She may always strip from it in front of him to wear sth nicer😚. Imagine his shock if she was brazen to do it!
The most beautiful scenes❤️ Full of love and happiness🥰😍 First part where Seher does not cry🤣🤣🤣🤣 Their time without tears and despair☺️ We are at the top now😊🥰tomorrow we will fall😔💔 I hope that second season will show us how to start climb again😇
Thank you so much for capturing all the beautiful moments of Seher and Yaman's love. The story has become so dark and hateful that it is not fun to watch any more. They ruined a perfect love story and changed it in to hatred and revenge and awful thoughts. That is why I skip episodes and skim through the rest just to read the comments of fans as they are more interesting than the story right now. I feel sorry for the two big talents of Halil and Sila that is going to waist here.
Thanks so much for putting this together and for uploading.
I agree. I am American with English and Irish descent. I loved their story, but it was always disrupted by hatred and evil. Never enough love and happines that should have been shared between them, after all they went through to be together. I don't understand about Turkish culture, but why does a couple not sleep together on their wedding night? It seems to me that after waiting, that would be the ultimate joining of two hearts. I'm just asking because I am interested. It is a good thing to learn about other people.
@@gem0124 Dear Gail. I have to put a SPOILER ALERT for everybody here as what I will discuss includes a lot from future events. It has been a long time that I am not watching this show when I got to the end of season 1.. Recently I watched one episode, maybe the last season 2.. I still believe the writer has psychotically illness that is reflected in her work.
I have to say please do not assume that what you see in this show reflects the Turkish culture. Turkey is part in Asia and part in Europe. When it comes to religion, even though the country is Muslim but people have variety of religions and faith and practices. Majority of people in Istanbul are more European not two families are the same. We see in some soaps people drink with their dinner but in some they avoid even showing a win glass and bluer it. We see women dress in variety of styles. Some more revealing and some totally covered. They are basically like the rest of the world.
I am not an expert but familiar with different cultures. I can tell you with confidence that this is not how real Turkish people are. We have to separated the soaps from real people. I am sure majority of couples share a bed and have sexual relationship after marriage like the rest of the world. Yes good and bad happens all around the world but writers, in specific this writer reflects stuff from her own mind and in many instances they are exaggerated. The story that started nicely first became a freakshow. The relationship between this couple became like a yoyo. Yes at times one was trying to get close the other was out of it and at times the other way round. The events are repeated several times to the point that it gets irritating. Yes according to the story the first marriage was a fake one for keeping the nephew but later love developed and she dragged it so much it became agitating for many. I think I have spoiled it enough. Enjoy the show.
@@gem0124 I agree. also repeated disruptions by the little boy was so boring and predictable and unreal. It started to agitate me.
To F Stan. Thanks for your insights about Turkish culture. I apologize if I offended you in any way. I made that comment about sleeping together because of another person's comment that I was reading, and not because of what I seeing in the story. I'm sure things change in different cultures over time. I know American culture has changed. I just was wondering if the other comment being stated was true or not. Not to be mean but just curious. I am fascinated by other people, what they do, how they live, etc. I also know that this is just a TV series, put together, made up by people, who may put all kinds of twists to it to make it more interesting to the readers. It would have been a fantastic love story had the writers not put all that hatred in it. I, too skip some of the episodes because it just makes me sad. The worst scene for me, by far, was the one where seher shot yaman, left him to die, and walked away with yusuf.
@@gem0124 Spoiler Alert. You did not offend me at all. I appreciat your comments. It seems you are further ahead. That sceen was horrible. So unblievable based on the charachters that she had built up to that point. A woman who had stopped him of killing the man who had burried her alive and had made him to set him free, shoots and leaves. Just stupid scenario. I did not watch many then. I refuse to let this woman upset me she needs to see a therapist
Their love story could have been so beautiful ! What a pity that they destroyed it ..... Both actors are so talented, so sweet, so beautiful, you can hardly get enough of watching them ! Bravo Halil, bravo Sila ! I love you both, you are a delight and a balm for the soul !
Concordo com vc , a autora ,escritora Nazmye acabou com o encanto a magia de yamam e Seher ela insiste em separar os atores principais ela não tem noção
Que maravilha fizeram um resumo da história do meu casal preferido Yaman 🎯Seher 💏💘🌹🌼
Niesamowite jak można z dramatu zrobić tak przepiękne i wzruszające romantiko. Cudownie się to ogląda, wielkie brawa dla pomysłodawcy i wykonawcy...
Felicitări, sunteți superbi,cu toată emoția și dragostea voastră, vă apreciezi f.mult
Sila Turkoglu in that wedding dress flawless ❤️
Realmente, vendo esse casal,pude ter certeza que o amor não precisa de palavras.
1000%agreed upon👌👌👌👌👌💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💕💕💞💞💞🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷
Que lindos! Adorei a expressão de satisfação dele e o rostinho lindo dela . Quanta saudade destes momentos de atuação perfeita !
Yaman cannot look away from his beautiful bride !
I've never watched a wedding dance so intensly and so many times,never saw a bride and a groom shining like them.That was the wedding of my dreams!
Emanet showed like the miracle in my worst time last year and I found passion and started to learn Turkish just for this show. But it went down hill as time went by and now I feel nothing but extremely melancholic ...
Uno de los capítulos más hermosos ❤️😍
Yaman esa mirada ese beso 😘 muy hermosa pedida de mano. Las flores todo tu perfecto 💖💖💖💖 Seher hermosa tímida pero valiente eres genial. Y muy bendecida . Con el galán precioso que estás recibiendo en tu compromiso.
Thanks for english subtitle,love this series❤🇲🇲❤🇹🇷Never gets bored SehYam scenes,watching again and again😍❤
I can't speak the language but I am loving this. The way Yaman looked at her was wonderful.;and the way she looks at him says it all
I can' speak turkish either but the language of their eyes says everything. I never stop watching them., ♾️❤️🇬🇷
I watch this over and again
Yes, their eyes say it all. I watch the wedding over and over and the parts leading up to it
Beautiful and unforgettable couple the production destroyed such a nice couple's efforts Halil and Sila you achieved big success. God bless you both ♥️
Nunca vamos esquecer emanet vai ficar na memória linda historia de amor!🥰🥰❤️❤️
Thank you so much for making this short series for only for them I’m inpatient so it’s amazing for me glad you did it ❤❤❤ much love
Im watiching old episoid to find sehyaman sceen😍😅😭😢😅 now all sehyam sceens are here ❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥
Me too 😁 i'm watching ep 41 between 205 to remember me they love story, and I wish sezon 2 to be more stronger love between Seher + Yaman + Yusuf= ❤💙💜💋💋💋💋💑💏👪💋💋💋💋❤💙💜
@@brokeassanimelover are u from sri lanka
@@nuvinivithanage1161 yeah. I'm from Sri Lanka 🇱🇰🇱🇰😁. You're too, aren't you?
@@brokeassanimelover yes im from sri lanka 😀
So mach talent for Sila and Yamen ⭐️⭐️Day werry good special actors
I love the soulful, longing looks they share....its poetry in motion.
I was waiting for the part 3 past 2 days, kept checking every hour if it’s available or not . I am so happy to see the add . Thank you lagacy
Me too 😜
I love the way turkish families ask for the bride's hand. It should be consider cultural heritage. Greetings from Uruguay.
Que ansiedad 😱 que llegue el lunes para ver Emanet no veo la hora de que empiece gracias legacy
Voice from Sweden..........I have been waiting and waiting.........all actors are so fantastic and the love couple are outstanding.....................Hollywood are old business now..........Turkey have the best actors...........
I love this scene so much, how lovely to be in love, beautiful.
I sware I'm counting the hours now I just miss seeing these two on set ...sehyam❤️❤️
Na primeira vez que eu assisti as cenas do casamento foi so emoção agora eu fico pensando quantas vezes eles tiveram que gravar pra ficar tão emocionante!! Palmas para o Halil e a Sila 👏👏👏👏👏🇧🇷🇧🇷
traduzir para português
I love watching this seen...can't stop myself repeating it...
Handsome Groom n Pretty bride
Lovely wedding Gown
Lovely music n dance super
Watching again and again is my daily routine 🤩 maybe side effect of emanet…addiction 😝😘
their heart speaks a language , of love but the mouth says something else ..
These scenes are so amazing, the actors make you believe that life is truly beautiful and two people can live a deep unselfish love. I can watch these segments over and over however these are only a small potion of the series it’s sad to remember the majority of the series is traumatic and relentless evil. It’s expected with any series to have some unpleasant experience but if it’s dragged out for to long only to be followed by misery after misery it becomes lifeless and the excitement of the following episodes vanish. I continue to watch because of the two incredible main actors and l can’t leave anything unfinished even if the storyline gets intolerable and l really hope the writer doesn’t ruin this series like she did with Yemin!
Purtroppo la fatto ha rovinato una serie stupenda penso abbia disturbi mentali 💔💔
Yoo the shyness they both portrayed it's so amazing.This is what you experience for the first time with you husband wondering what in store is awaiting for both of you
Sou brasileira, descendente de alemães. Me encanta assistir este seriado com artistas tão LINDOS e respeitados pelo trabalho que apresentam em O LEGADO. Estou revendo tudo que diz respeito à eles, Yaman e Seher e conhecendo a Turquia. Belíssima atuação de Halil Ibrahim Ceyhan e Silatürkoğlu, excelentes atores. Halil leva o mundo consigo tamanha sua dedicação e versatilidade. Sila, no seu papel desempenha muito bem, enfocando uma timidez e sua forma de falar, agradável. Tentei imaginá-los separados, mas nem pensar, são perfeitos JUNTOS e se levam muito bem nos olhares que falam e no silêncio, dizem TUDO. Momentos incríveis. Identifico grande cumplicidade destes dois maravilhosos atores e muita perfeição no desempenho. Procuro rever sempre os capítulos por toda beleza que existe. Yusuf, fascinante pela pouca idade atua naturalmente. Yusuf um pequeno grande ator. Parabéns!
Göldeki bu sahne benim favorilerimden, Halil ve Sıla'nın sahnedeki tüm prodüksiyonlarına ve yetkinliğine rağmen bana çok gerçek ve özel bir şey veriyorlar, birlikte oynuyor gibi bile değiller, gerçek hayat gibi görünüyor 🤩👍🙌🙏🏻🧿🧢💘🐶🌹 💝🌻👏👏👏🇧🇷🇧🇷
Have to comment again. I've never seen anything like this. The music, flowers, candles, red carpet, hanging stars, close friends and family. The love and passion on Yaman's face. It is beyond beautiful. Every moment ingrained in my head. And the part leading up to the wedding when Yaman's family asks Seher's family for permission to marry Seher, the rings joined by the ribbon. It will always be a wonderful memory for me. Love, love, love!!!!!!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I feel the same. I tend to revisit these scenes from time to time. Best ever!❤❤
Even though this scene was beautiful, I have to say that now since time has passed, and I have learned more about Halil, my thoughts of him have drastically changed, and not for the better. I have come to see the true Halil. I am not impressed. I no longer watch any of S1 or 2. Season 3 is a circus with hairball as the ring leader.
@@gem0124 anch'io sono delusa dopo le ultime di Halil però questo non toglie che insieme a Sila hanno fatto 2 serie stupende purtroppo le ultime puntate rovinate dalla stessa sceneggiatrice x secondo me ha problemi mentali un vero peccato mai visto serie più bella e io ho 63 anni ne ho viste tante 💔💔
@@gem0124 la 3 una pagliacciata infinita 🤢🤢
Allah kömeyin olsun bele sehyam sehnelerine göre🤗🤗🤗🤲🤲👏👏👏👍👍İşim gücüm qalıb burdayam yene 🤣🤣🙉🙉🙉💞💞💕💕
Thank you for doing this !we appreciate all of you who put this together!its a joy to watch my favorite show with subtitles!
So excited and happy for 2nd season, but in the same time a little scary, everything is going to be the same, no happiness at all
I have the same feeling…😔😔
Me too
Exactly , scary feeling for me too because same old sad and painful episodes are awaiting us in season two also .
Don't affraid. Will be ok after 2 weeks.
@@AS-18 let’s hope that we will see something better in the new season. But we all forgot that it’s a drama not a love story that we want 🥺🥺
Well done Seher and Yaman👏😍