We see in the graph that American oil production increased after the invasion of Iraq. This is the freedom and democracy they brought, destroying Iraq to be an oil pool belonging to America. 23 years after the invasion, and until now the Iraqi people are suffering from
American foreign policy for the past 60 years....create mischief and wars then steal and plunder....nobody with a slice of common sense can argue with that assessment
@@iamthelaw2828это значит то, что американская нефть не вся является американской. Почему исходя из графика нефть в Америке резко начала расти в годы вторжения в Сирию и Ирак?
Good question but one thing to point out is that every yr the us consumes more and more oil and even though we are producing the most of any country we still consume more than we produce. So it’s possible that in the past few yrs we started consuming more oil/gas leading to more imported oil and higher prices but I don’t believe we consumed such a big difference to triple gas prices and there’s got to be other reasons why it went up that idk about
In other developed countries not most people own a car or is just one car per family while in the US the father has car, the mom has a car, the teenager son has a car, the sister too etc. Plus some have a car for work and another to go out or to travel etc. The oil consumption in the USA is crazy.
You gotta remember, the government dont own any oil companies & the oil companies can sell oil to who ever they want to. Also, the US import more oil than we export & also, our largest oil refinery was bought by Saudi Arabia in 2017.
@@WilliamErlinger-bm1zz I did look it up. "..according to the National Earthquake Information Center, about 20,000 quakes worldwide each year, with no evidence that the frequency of seismic activity has changed." Nice try pal.
Awesome visual interpretation of the available data. I think an interesting data point to add would be which (U.S.) political party was the majority for each given year.
@@TrendingToks-projectx well, for THIS year 2023, we just reached the all time production high of 13MBPD. All time high, Cletus. The president is Joe Biden. He's a democratic.❤
@@johndunn9819 And yet he cancelled the Keystone pipeline, and then went begging to Saudi Arabia to increase production and groveled to the Venezuelans promising to remove sanctions if they increased supply. When all this failed, he irresponsibly released the Strategic Petroleum Reserves and put a committee together to figure out how to get more Canadian oil. All throughout this he boasts about being against fossil fuels because of climate change. Hence the Keystone cancellation.
Interestingly, the background music changes based on the country at the top of the chart, something like that country's folk/pop music. So when the music changes, you know #1 position has changed.
Гордость за Казахстан, но удручает уровень жизни населения с таким запасом нефти. Очевидно же, что выручкой пользуется узкий приближённый круг людей и распределяется между нашими олигархами. Народ наш не вкушает никаких радостей от этих земельных благ
Это и есть Капитализм за который вы боролись, с какой стати тебе как обыкновенному гражданину должно что-то перепродать? В Америке тоже миллионы бомжей… Все честно! Это тебе не совок 😂
@@CA-jz9bmэто тот совок, в котором туалетная бумага появилась в 60-х годах? В это время на Аляске каждый житель получает по 1000 долл за добываемый там нефть
@@omargorgoshadze4868 в калифорнии эту 1000 бы давали У нас тут 200000 бомжей и столько же сумасшедших. Ну а про карту какашек я даже говорить не буду.
@@omargorgoshadze4868 жители Аляски получают потому, что США боятся, что там не останется жителей, а не из-за нефти. В других местах никто не получает
Opec recently stated that they were reducing the barrels pumped each day, so they can increase fuel costs for the globe. When are the countries going to stop monopolies on energy? There's oil everywhere!
@@mgbgt7156 There's an old native American saying, that cutting the bottom off of a blanket and then sewing it on the top of the blanket. Only a white man would think he's getting more blanket. It's because of naive people that they get away with adjusting the dollar. Supposedly there's an oil shortage, that's the reason for high gas prices? Then why did opec say to the press that they're reducing 13m barrels a day so they can sell it for more? Only naive people think that makes sense
When they start pumping more and building strategic reserves and to flood the market whenever opec plays games. But the average American voter ain't ready to understand how supply and demand works.
@@dm_it_ruа продавать ты ее кому будешь? ОПЕК монополисты на добычу и продажу. Даже если бы ты был президентом Венесуэллы с неограниченным запасами, то США тупо заблокировали бы и тебя и твою нефть, как они это делают уже многие годы с Венесуэлой и Ираном. Проснись.
Вот вам одна из причин войны на Украине, разорвать связи между Европой и Россией и захватить энергетический рынок Европы Америкой, пусть и в ущерб Европе, ее мнение гегемона не интересует
I will forever be indebted to you you've changed my whole life continue to preach about your name for the world to hear you've saved me froma huge financial debt with just little investment, thanks s0 much Mrs. Sophia
As a Saudi citizen, I say that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the country that has the largest oil reserves in the world, and I speak from my position. We have enough oil for the next hundred years, and all the oil in the world is from the oil that we extract.
@@user-dv9cb7tm8o Why are you so salty of American success? 😂 The US has never stolen even 1 liter of oil from another country. We’ve always paid for our oil even when we buy it
Torço para que consigam se desenvolver bem com isso, sendo o país mais populoso do mundo certamente precisam de muita energia. Quem sabe veremos mais um país do BRICS entre os maiores produtores de energia no futuro!
Setiap anda mengambil 10jt bpd, anda harus menemukan cadangan 20jt bdp dengan jumlah tersebut anda dapat menjaga kestabilan resource production, service dan reservour.
وإن ؟ الان لنفترض النفط انتهى جفت الابار او اصبح ثانويا من سوف يصمد بدون الاعتماد عليه فهو الاقوى والافضل ومن حاليا ميزانيته الغير النفطية تعادل 50 او 60 % من الميزانية الكلية فهو الافضل @@saud88mnfc82
السعودية تصدر اضعاف ماتصدره الصين وانظر للصين مقارنة بعدد سكانها كيف تعيش بتصدير 4 ملايين برميل ؟ وكذلك اميركا عدد سكانها تقريبا 350 مليون بينما السعودية والعراق من 30 الى 40 مليون فقط ويصدرون اضعاف ماتصدره هذه الدول الهائلة في عدد السكان + تسليحها المرتفع التكلفة الذي يحتاج ميزانيات ضخمة جدا بالترليونات فكيف نجحت هذه الدول بهكذا عدد من التصدير القليل مقارنة بما ذكرته ؟ @@saud88mnfc82
Видно, что все катаклизмы моей жизни в СССР и в России прекрасно укладываются в этот визуальный ряд. Понимаю, что Саудиты, читай- американские ребята. Интересно приращение "американской" нефти при крушении некоторых "нефтеносцев". Видно, как спор идет за деньги и власть. Первые реальные проблемы помню в 1979 году. СССР наращивает добычу и тут -бац! Афганистан! Очень удачно. Льем по 10 баксов за бочку нефти- а жрать нечего:)) 1991 год- фиаско. После лет 10 упражняюсь вместе со страной в способах выживания. Отчасти преуспел, но только отчасти. С 10-х годов опять начинает Россия уже показывать гонор, но тут Майдан на Украене- очень похоже на Афганистан в 1979 году:) Удивительное совпадение! Всем украинцам вдруг захотелось на Майдан! Вот, вам и 2022 год. По добыче Саудиты+Америка(с не совсем своей нефтью) уже в три раза превосходят Россию! Я тоже жмусь с деньгами, не так, как папа и мама в 1979 году, но чувствительно. У родителей была одна квартира, у меня их семь в четырех регионах РФ. Но мне тоже трудно. А, причём тут я и американские санкции??? Но Уолл Стрит и на меня это нахлобучил, причем, и на Украине тоже есть недвижимость- брошена целая 2-х комнатная квартира, миллионов на семь рублей! Пока еврейские банкиры с Уолл Стрит трясут Путина, а Путин тюкает "националистов", парни с Уолл Стрит просто отлаживают своё экономическое верховенство в этом подлейшем из миров! Вызвали б евреи Путина в мужской туалет и устроили б там драку на кулаках- без меня- я к нефти имею отношение, как балерина к асинизации, но меня тоже туда запихивают в эту разборку больших боссов. Почему? Зачем??? Хочу им всем сказать! Идите в жопу! И Путин и Рокфеллеры вместе взятые со всеми Пульцерами, Морганами и другими хитрожопыми империалистами!!! Все в жопу, вы не имеете ко мне ни какого отношения, ни с "демократией", ни с путинскими "скрепами". В жопу, уроды!!!
US oil production increased after the devastation of Libya, Iraq and Syria.. many people poor and die because of your country 😂 so don't over proud about it
Populasi besar. Cina yg produksi 4 juta barel perhari atau 6 Kali lebih besar dari indo aja jadi importir terbesar. impor 10 juta barel perhari karena pendapatan per kapita cina 3 kali lebih besar. Walau tranfortasi mengamdalkan kereta api listrik dan mobil listrik.
@@sebarau666 malaysia produksi minyak 700 ribu barel. Jumlah populasi 30 jutaan. Itupun masih impor minyak karena konsumsi besar. Karena banyak yg punya mobil. Bayangkan saja penjualan mobil 500 ribu unit pertahun.
It’s good to see all that domestic oil put to good use: lower prices for all. No doubt about it-lower prices. Triple. Triple the price of the early 2000’s.
Самое интересное в том, чем это закончится для самой Америки? Ведь львиная доля нефтедобычи в USA ведётся методом гидроразрыва пласта. А он является крайне экологически вредным! Уже сейчас есть районы Америки где невозможно использовать грунтовые воды из-за их крайней токсичности!
А приведёт это к тому же, что они получили в 30-е годы прошлого века, когда распахали прерии свои! 🤷♀️Поинтересуйтесь, если не знаете. Я недавно наткнулась на рассказ об этих событиях. Была в шоке! 😱
Да у них нефть чужая на 50% это ограбление Сирии ,Ирака ,Кувейта , Венесуэлы ,санкции на Россию и Иран и т.п....Вороаство и насилие над другими странами !!!
@@leosv0 почему же бред? По моему К. Маркс сказал, что нет такого преступления для капиталиста, на которое он пойдет ради прибыли в 1000%. Разве не так?
Even though USA produces most oil, our own refineries cannot refine it bcuz its too high in sulfur. Our very few refineries have standsrzied to middle eastern low sulfur oil.
The US has a few refineries that can refine just about anything; however, some of the ones in the south refine high sulfur content due to the trade the US used to have with Venezuela. Most of their crude is higher in Sulfur content.
"By 'quality', I am going to assume the lowest sulfur content and the highest API gravity (I.e. light sweet crude). "In terms of absolute volume of light sweet crude produced, the US, at 7 million barrels of light sweet crude per day, is far and away number 1. Nigeria is second at 2 MMbd, while Norway is third at 1.3 MMbd."
Data are incorrect. US production is around 12-13 mln barrels per day. Still No. 1 but not a big gain over SA and RU. Also their production is about to cut in 2025-26 years because reserves are depleted. Moreover USA consume significantly more oil than they produce. And moreover their refinery industry needs imported 'heavy' oil (of Russian, Iranian or Venezuelan production) for certain petroleum products because USA don't have 'heavy' oil at all.
هناك لوبي عالمي يتحكم في استخراج النفط. النفط موجود في العديد من البلدان ولكن لا يتم استخراجه. يحتاج استخراجه إلى المال والاستثمار.. إن الاستقرار والإرادة السياسية الجيدة تساعدان في استخراج النفط وازدهار البلاد.
US oil production increased after the devastation of Libya, Iraq and Syria.. many people poor and die because of your country 😂 so don't over proud about it
Indonesia not an oil producing country, I think you mean Brunei? Australia wasn't mentioned and yet is still a major oil producer, and has some of the largest proven reserves of oil in the world
Where did you get the 16 million barrels per day statistic from???? Visit Wikipedia and look United States Oil production September 2023 is 12.9 million!!! Not 16!!!
US oil production increased after the devastation of Libya, Iraq and Syria.. many people poor and die because of your country 😂 so don't over proud about it
@@gritosalerta952 Yes I am NOT proud of it. And I can never be proud of any nations except my Own Philippines no matter how poor it is😁. Well, I am just saying, that US is always #1 in everything to imply that they Do Everything Whatever It cost just to attain it. They dont care on the collateral damage just to win and be number 1. US is GREEDY and many people know it, I guess. ✌😁✌
Not accurate, Saudi Arabia since a decade ago didn’t surpass 10 million barrels per day except in some occasions, and you forgot when saudi oil production cut to half after the houthis attack on saudi eastern region.
The US is 55th in the world in maternal mortality. The US is 33rd of 38 among the most developed countries in infant mortality. The US is second in the world in total deaths by murder with guns. The US is second in the world in per Capita suicides by guns. The US is first in world with largest prison population in total numbers and per Capita. There many more statistics in which the leads the world or is close to the top in the worst categories. So why do some people think the US is so great??
@@michaeldeierhoi4096probably a US citizen who made that comment. What about bankruptcy on relation to healthcare. I suspect they’re probably near the top with that.
@@jaijai5250 Indeed, bankruptcy is also puts the US at the top of the list as well especially as it relates to people with massive medical bills despite often having health insurance. I am an American as well and for the reasons I listed and many more I have a nuanced respect for the US. Americans need to stop running from its past!
US oil production increased after the devastation of Libya, Iraq and Syria.. many people poor and die because of your country 😂 so don't over proud about it
Surprisingly, U.S. oil production increased after the devastation of Libya, Iraq and Syria
That’s when the USA was “protecting” the oil from the bandits and stealing the oil for their own use.
ضم يديك ووقف كجدار ضد
هذا الشيطان
@@zouaouibouyahi8497demônio é esse extremistas que matam inocentes através de seus homens bombas, e cristãos por causa de suas religião mulcumanas
They counts all that to their stocks
How is that surprising?!!
اللهم صل على محمد وال محمد
We see in the graph that American oil production increased after the invasion of Iraq. This is the freedom and democracy they brought, destroying Iraq to be an oil pool belonging to America. 23 years after the invasion, and until now the Iraqi people are suffering from
The United States: a gas station masquerading as a country. You too, Canada.
Уверен, что больше половины нефти США - это награбленное у других стран
هذا صحيح
İnsan hayatından değerli birşey varsa oda petroldur ABD şeytani için
حتى الذهب وموارد اخرى تسرقها امريكا من دول الشرق الأوسط
حکومت های کمونیستی بهترین خدمتگزار آمریکا برای غارت منابع کشورها هستند
نعم أمريكاء زرعت رؤس وحكام في الشرق الأوسط ليساعدوها في نهب الثروات
The question is how much of US oil is actually US oil?
What does that mean?
What he means is how much of the reserves have been stolen from the middle east
American foreign policy for the past 60 years....create mischief and wars then steal and plunder....nobody with a slice of common sense can argue with that assessment
@@iamthelaw2828يعني ذالك انها تسرق ثروات الشعوب ...مثل دولة العراق وسوريا وليبيا في الشرق الاوسط
@@iamthelaw2828это значит то, что американская нефть не вся является американской. Почему исходя из графика нефть в Америке резко начала расти в годы вторжения в Сирию и Ирак?
Isn’t the US paying higher gas prices today compared to 2019? How can we be producing more oil since then but have outrageous gas prices now?
Good question but one thing to point out is that every yr the us consumes more and more oil and even though we are producing the most of any country we still consume more than we produce. So it’s possible that in the past few yrs we started consuming more oil/gas leading to more imported oil and higher prices but I don’t believe we consumed such a big difference to triple gas prices and there’s got to be other reasons why it went up that idk about
Because Biden simply diverted less oil to the US market which didn't stop corporations from finding foreign buyers
Because they companies producing the oil are full of greedy bastards!
In other developed countries not most people own a car or is just one car per family while in the US the father has car, the mom has a car, the teenager son has a car, the sister too etc. Plus some have a car for work and another to go out or to travel etc. The oil consumption in the USA is crazy.
You gotta remember, the government dont own any oil companies & the oil companies can sell oil to who ever they want to. Also, the US import more oil than we export & also, our largest oil refinery was bought by Saudi Arabia in 2017.
Interesting and fun with music who lead the top. Thanks
Houston Oilers was my favorite Football team! 😃
You date yourself, sir! 😅 Did you like the TN Oilers for the short time before the name change?
Earl Left...Earl Right 😂
Earl Left...Earl Right 😂
American football is the worst sport. No wonder why it is only popular in US.
Whatever, the creator of this informatics deserves appreciation
2012 US Shale Revolution really put the US in hyper speed.
There seem to be more earthquakes in the past 10 years. Look it up.
@@WilliamErlinger-bm1zz I did look it up. "..according to the National Earthquake Information Center, about 20,000 quakes worldwide each year, with no evidence that the frequency of seismic activity has changed." Nice try pal.
Сланцевая революция в США уничтожает природу и экологию как никакая другая...
Всю природу загадили
Hyper speed of pollution, that's for sure.
Awesome visual interpretation of the available data. I think an interesting data point to add would be which (U.S.) political party was the majority for each given year.
Nice 1.
@@TrendingToks-projectx well, for THIS year 2023, we just reached the all time production high of 13MBPD. All time high, Cletus.
The president is Joe Biden. He's a democratic.❤
@@johndunn9819 And yet he cancelled the Keystone pipeline, and then went begging to Saudi Arabia to increase production and groveled to the Venezuelans promising to remove sanctions if they increased supply. When all this failed, he irresponsibly released the Strategic Petroleum Reserves and put a committee together to figure out how to get more Canadian oil. All throughout this he boasts about being against fossil fuels because of climate change. Hence the Keystone cancellation.
@johndunn9819 and democrats tell their voter base.... bluehairs and trannies... they hate oil 🛢
And why would one do this for 1 country in a international chart?
Understanding the world through the process of oil production
Interestingly, the background music changes based on the country at the top of the chart, something like that country's folk/pop music. So when the music changes, you know #1 position has changed.
Great and engaging running chart!
Yes indeed, even the emblem at the centre of Iranian flag changed from Lion and Sun, pre 1979, to a crab, post the American coup in Iran that year.
Surprise... Future eco-friendly Hai 💯🤝
Гордость за Казахстан, но удручает уровень жизни населения с таким запасом нефти. Очевидно же, что выручкой пользуется узкий приближённый круг людей и распределяется между нашими олигархами. Народ наш не вкушает никаких радостей от этих земельных благ
Это и есть Капитализм за который вы боролись, с какой стати тебе как обыкновенному гражданину должно что-то перепродать?
В Америке тоже миллионы бомжей…
Все честно! Это тебе не совок 😂
@@CA-jz9bmэто тот совок, в котором туалетная бумага появилась в 60-х годах? В это время на Аляске каждый житель получает по 1000 долл за добываемый там нефть
@@omargorgoshadze4868 в калифорнии эту 1000 бы давали
У нас тут 200000 бомжей и столько же сумасшедших. Ну а про карту какашек я даже говорить не буду.
@@omargorgoshadze4868 жители Аляски получают потому, что США боятся, что там не останется жителей, а не из-за нефти. В других местах никто не получает
Rick Ross said he getting that oil money 😆.
Great presentation of data
maybe it's nothing, but interesting that Russian oil production goes down in 2008 when Medvedev takes over from Putin
We went from producing over 11 million barrels in early 1990s to less then 5 in 2000s
Qual País?
The wonders of Fracking has made the US an oil and gas producing juggernaut.
Это чудеса ограбления других стран: Сирии, Ирака и т.д.
Typical jealous Russian @@user-dv9cb7tm8o
@@user-dv9cb7tm8oNo oil has come from those countries. How stupid are you?
Many people are at war, and America is stealing. In return he supplies weapons...
Fracking has absolutely nothing to do with oil, genius.
Opec recently stated that they were reducing the barrels pumped each day, so they can increase fuel costs for the globe. When are the countries going to stop monopolies on energy? There's oil everywhere!
OPEC is dropping the Dollar so are 50 other countries.
There's an old native American saying, that cutting the bottom off of a blanket and then sewing it on the top of the blanket. Only a white man would think he's getting more blanket. It's because of naive people that they get away with adjusting the dollar. Supposedly there's an oil shortage, that's the reason for high gas prices? Then why did opec say to the press that they're reducing 13m barrels a day so they can sell it for more? Only naive people think that makes sense
When they start pumping more and building strategic reserves and to flood the market whenever opec plays games. But the average American voter ain't ready to understand how supply and demand works.
Если нефть повсюду так и добывайте ее повсюду. Чем же тогда ОПЕК+ мешает
@@dm_it_ruа продавать ты ее кому будешь? ОПЕК монополисты на добычу и продажу. Даже если бы ты был президентом Венесуэллы с неограниченным запасами, то США тупо заблокировали бы и тебя и твою нефть, как они это делают уже многие годы с Венесуэлой и Ираном. Проснись.
Mulai tahun 2000 Indonesia jadi pengimpor minyak
Wow, the United States Shale Boom was really a “BOOM”!
It doubled their production and left Saudi Arabia and Russia with a good distance between them.
USA has higher oil production because it has modern technology without sanctions but has not much reserves as sanctioned Iran! Iran 🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷 💪💪💪
The United States has a large production due to the fact that they steal from other countries.
Вот вам одна из причин войны на Украине, разорвать связи между Европой и Россией и захватить энергетический рынок Европы Америкой, пусть и в ущерб Европе, ее мнение гегемона не интересует
@@dmitrijszabalujevs9669but US didnt invade ukraine, if orc russia didnt invade they still have EU market😅
Kindly name the music clip that plays in the background at the start of the video. The one that sounds like a western film score.
I will forever be indebted to you you've changed my whole life continue to preach about your name for the world to hear you've saved me froma huge financial debt with just little investment, thanks s0
much Mrs. Sophia
Mrs Sophia has changed my financial status for the best.all thanks to my aunty who introduced her to me
13th wining thanks to Mrs Sophia She's really the best, I've made a lot
Wow I' m just shock someone mentioned expert Sophia I thought I'm the only one trading with her
She helped me recover what I lost trying to trade my self
I invested £5000 pounds I I received £54,000 thousand pounds within 7 days working
Although Venezuela don't have the clean type and cost of production is higher they will take number 1 spot in few yrs
Not even close. Shale fracking is much more efficient than wells.
As a Saudi citizen, I say that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the country that has the largest oil reserves in the world, and I speak from my position. We have enough oil for the next hundred years, and all the oil in the world is from the oil that we extract.
Starting background music is awesome
Would love to see a graph on US oil reserves by date!
cadangan minyak AS di Timur Tengah libiya Irak suriah jadi ladang minyak AS setelah di hancurkan.. memang biadab AS itu..
Там запасов уже, похоже, не осталось. Вся нефть награбленная.
@@user-dv9cb7tm8o Why are you so salty of American success? 😂 The US has never stolen even 1 liter of oil from another country. We’ve always paid for our oil even when we buy it
@@tylerclayton6081 Вы, твари, ещё за убитых индейцев ответите!
@@tylerclayton6081think they still cry about Alaska which we had bought.
The demand will slowly but gradually start droping.
Bharat Ko bhi jald se jald oil production project per kaam karna chahiye.
Torço para que consigam se desenvolver bem com isso, sendo o país mais populoso do mundo certamente precisam de muita energia. Quem sabe veremos mais um país do BRICS entre os maiores produtores de energia no futuro!
Нет. Вам нужно все усилия направить на переименование своей страны😂😂😂
Не надо пожалуйста.твы же все засрете экологию ещё больше.
Setiap anda mengambil 10jt bpd, anda harus menemukan cadangan 20jt bdp dengan jumlah tersebut anda dapat menjaga kestabilan resource production, service dan reservour.
Wow, what happened to Nigeria that made it fall out out of the ranking so quickly? 😳
Buhari and APC Govt.
I was expecting the fallout honestly, I was even surprised we were seen on the graph as of 2021
Corruption killed us 😢😢😢
العرب لوحدهم ينتجون 26 مليون برميل نفط يوميا . يا إلهي لو كان العرب متحدون في دوله كونفدراليه ، لكانوا أسياد العالم بِلا منازع . الله يحب العرب .
Сослагательное наклонение в русском языке: если бы, да кабы... Евреи с Уолл Стрит всех нажгли: и арабов, и русских, и украинцев, прости Господи!😢
احنا السعوديين ما نبغى نكون متحدين مع اي دولة
Gostaria deste mesmo modelo de gráfico do crescimento do PIB, eu já vi mas não consigo encontrar
А мне нужно валенки чтобы ноги не замезли 😂
Great chart!
المملكة العربية السعودية 🇸🇦👍🏼
انت تظن ان الذي يصدر اكثر
هذا الافضل بالعكس الذي لايعتمد على النفط هذا هو الافضل انظر للصين تصدر فقط ٤ ملايين واقتصادها قوي جدا
@@HAYTHAM-AL-KUFIUوانظر لامريكا وروسيا 😂
وإن ؟ الان لنفترض النفط انتهى جفت الابار
او اصبح ثانويا
من سوف يصمد بدون الاعتماد عليه فهو الاقوى
ومن حاليا ميزانيته الغير النفطية تعادل 50 او 60 % من الميزانية الكلية فهو الافضل
السعودية تصدر اضعاف ماتصدره الصين
وانظر للصين مقارنة بعدد سكانها
كيف تعيش بتصدير 4 ملايين برميل ؟
وكذلك اميركا عدد سكانها تقريبا 350 مليون
بينما السعودية والعراق من 30 الى 40 مليون فقط ويصدرون اضعاف ماتصدره هذه الدول الهائلة في عدد السكان + تسليحها المرتفع التكلفة الذي يحتاج ميزانيات ضخمة جدا
بالترليونات فكيف نجحت هذه الدول بهكذا عدد من التصدير القليل مقارنة بما ذكرته ؟
بلادي اكبر منتج للنفط🇸🇦
yo viendo a Venezuela, como va desapareciendo poco a poco 😢
Can make chart on Tourisum
Which countries are on top or same as your all last works
Indicates countries consumption as well. 😊
Oil from Iraq,Libya and Syria.
Never made it to us markets...
Why did Saudi Arabia'a oil production decreased terribly in the 80s?
Because ….. see more
Because of the repercussions of the Iran-Iraq war
The price of oil fell very hard, so saudis recort production to try to pump the price. Failled miserably.
Texas would be #3 if it were a country
Thanks free oil from Syria and Iraq.
What nonsense are you talking about
سوريا مو من بلدان النفط ولا اصلا موجوده بالقائمه ولا هي عضو بمنظمة أوبك ولا اوابك ههههههههه
Would like to know the per capita income for the years 2020 to 2023
Thank you very much ❤
Cost of barrel is huge difference between US and Saudi. It cost Saudi $20 per barrel. US almost $70.
Iran still with heavy western sanctions kicks its ass! Iran 🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷 💪💪💪
Russia too 🇷🇺💪
Still poor. With tha oil, you're suppose to be super rich.
@@blueslastmoment blame to the whole collective west for imposing sanctions on my country,without that Iran would reach trillions of dollars
@@davidcampuzano7234 Russia is sanctioned for 1 and 5 months when Iran is sanctioned for almost 50 years! you dont know anything about Iran
@@Dani2kGaming_GEIR Russia is the most sanctioned country in the world
Venezuela. The biggest reserve on the planet.
One of the poorest countries in the world... Gotta love the western world thugs
And one of the craziest governments.
Huh? I am TOTALLY surprised! I knew about oil in Russia, but NOT that they were the largest oil producing country in the world.
Видно, что все катаклизмы моей жизни в СССР и в России прекрасно укладываются в этот визуальный ряд. Понимаю, что Саудиты, читай- американские ребята. Интересно приращение "американской" нефти при крушении некоторых "нефтеносцев". Видно, как спор идет за деньги и власть. Первые реальные проблемы помню в 1979 году. СССР наращивает добычу и тут -бац! Афганистан! Очень удачно. Льем по 10 баксов за бочку нефти- а жрать нечего:)) 1991 год- фиаско. После лет 10 упражняюсь вместе со страной в способах выживания. Отчасти преуспел, но только отчасти. С 10-х годов опять начинает Россия уже показывать гонор, но тут Майдан на Украене- очень похоже на Афганистан в 1979 году:) Удивительное совпадение! Всем украинцам вдруг захотелось на Майдан! Вот, вам и 2022 год. По добыче Саудиты+Америка(с не совсем своей нефтью) уже в три раза превосходят Россию! Я тоже жмусь с деньгами, не так, как папа и мама в 1979 году, но чувствительно. У родителей была одна квартира, у меня их семь в четырех регионах РФ. Но мне тоже трудно. А, причём тут я и американские санкции??? Но Уолл Стрит и на меня это нахлобучил, причем, и на Украине тоже есть недвижимость- брошена целая 2-х комнатная квартира, миллионов на семь рублей! Пока еврейские банкиры с Уолл Стрит трясут Путина, а Путин тюкает "националистов", парни с Уолл Стрит просто отлаживают своё экономическое верховенство в этом подлейшем из миров! Вызвали б евреи Путина в мужской туалет и устроили б там драку на кулаках- без меня- я к нефти имею отношение, как балерина к асинизации, но меня тоже туда запихивают в эту разборку больших боссов. Почему? Зачем??? Хочу им всем сказать! Идите в жопу! И Путин и Рокфеллеры вместе взятые со всеми Пульцерами, Морганами и другими хитрожопыми империалистами!!! Все в жопу, вы не имеете ко мне ни какого отношения, ни с "демократией", ни с путинскими "скрепами". В жопу, уроды!!!
СССР 💪💪💪
Soooo why are we still having conversations about Saudi Arabia??
Cause they chopped up an American journalist & handed Trump's son in law Jared kushner $2billion dollars for...we don't know
how Malaysia is also the world's best oil producer🇲🇾
Malaysia Just 600,000 barrel
India produces more than 3 million
@@LastDance007 3 million not enough to serve 1.4 billion people
And the people still screaming for cheap petrol prices ....
@@abusham5104 just enough.. now the prices already cheap. Even the price in Saudi Arabia more higher
Saudi Arabia💪💪💪💪
Kita jadi tau produksi minyak dari tahun ke tahun
Amerika raja minyak yang sebenarnya,,
buying and selling oil with dollar is a important thing to us
Actually if you check stats the US is far away the largest oil and gas producer.
No it steals a lot of it from other countries that it has illegally invaded
# 1in both Oil and Gas
U mean Libya and Iraqi and Syrian
US oil production increased after the devastation of Libya, Iraq and Syria.. many people poor and die because of your country 😂 so don't over proud about it
Actually it was because of the shale boom.
Libya, Iraq and Syria has nothing to do with that.
Indonesia mendunia! Di mana negri tetangga ya hahah
Populasi besar. Cina yg produksi 4 juta barel perhari atau 6 Kali lebih besar dari indo aja jadi importir terbesar. impor 10 juta barel perhari karena pendapatan per kapita cina 3 kali lebih besar. Walau tranfortasi mengamdalkan kereta api listrik dan mobil listrik.
Biar aja kita kalah sama cina tapi tidak dengan Malaysia
@@sebarau666 malaysia produksi minyak 700 ribu barel. Jumlah populasi 30 jutaan. Itupun masih impor minyak karena konsumsi besar. Karena banyak yg punya mobil. Bayangkan saja penjualan mobil 500 ribu unit pertahun.
السعودية هي المحرك الاساسي لهذا السوق
وتديره بحسب رؤيتها
واعتقد انها تجحت باستنزاف المخزون الامريكي بجدارة 💪🏻
ههههه سعوديتك حلبها ترامب نفس مايحلبون البقر وسلمان فرحان ويرقص
You are wrong
The music was good
De estados unidos no lo creo por que esta super Caro si fuse asi estan produciendo no estariamos asi sufriendo con el precio de la gasolina
Mientras aumenta de un lado disminuye de otro... ademas las refinerias no estan a full capacidad.
10 năm tới Việt Nam sẽ tiệm cận các nền kinh tế trong top này
En México ya lo dijo Andrés Manuel López Obrador, solo produciremos lo necesario para la nación no habrá exportacion, y estoy muy de acuerdo.👍
😅😅😅 comentario mediocre a gobierno muy mediocre !!😅😅😅
It’s good to see all that domestic oil put to good use: lower prices for all. No doubt about it-lower prices. Triple. Triple the price of the early 2000’s.
Open Oil Pipelines from Canada to USA. You Tube.
That was like going 2 the track nd watch the ponys race.
Самое интересное в том, чем это закончится для самой Америки? Ведь львиная доля нефтедобычи в USA ведётся методом гидроразрыва пласта. А он является крайне экологически вредным! Уже сейчас есть районы Америки где невозможно использовать грунтовые воды из-за их крайней токсичности!
А приведёт это к тому же, что они получили в 30-е годы прошлого века, когда распахали прерии свои! 🤷♀️Поинтересуйтесь, если не знаете. Я недавно наткнулась на рассказ об этих событиях. Была в шоке! 😱
Да у них нефть чужая на 50% это ограбление Сирии ,Ирака ,Кувейта , Венесуэлы ,санкции на Россию и Иран и т.п....Вороаство и насилие над другими странами !!!
Да бред!
@@leosv0 почему же бред? По моему К. Маркс сказал, что нет такого преступления для капиталиста, на которое он пойдет ради прибыли в 1000%. Разве не так?
@@mfedotus не так. А Маркс долбойоп.
USSR Collapse in 1991 & Iran change flag in 1979
Mexico would even produce more than 4 million barrels but better not to avoid conflicts with OPEP
Estados Unidos llevara libertad a cualquier país que produce petróleo 😂😂😂
@@mexidiosexportatrenes410😅😅😅😅👍...and will deliberate that same country from any natural wealth
Wow very cool graphs 👍👊we hurt this rock!😑 the only one we got!
Hoy Venezuela no llega a 900.000 BPD
Năm nào giá cao Mỹ lại sản suất xuaats khẩu nhiều nhất ?
Even though USA produces most oil, our own refineries cannot refine it bcuz its too high in sulfur. Our very few refineries have standsrzied to middle eastern low sulfur oil.
The US has a few refineries that can refine just about anything; however, some of the ones in the south refine high sulfur content due to the trade the US used to have with Venezuela. Most of their crude is higher in Sulfur content.
"By 'quality', I am going to assume the lowest sulfur content and the highest API gravity (I.e. light sweet crude).
"In terms of absolute volume of light sweet crude produced, the US, at 7 million barrels of light sweet crude per day, is far and away number 1. Nigeria is second at 2 MMbd, while Norway is third at 1.3 MMbd."
сша грабят другие страны так сильно, что даже не могут переработать награбленное.
My understanding is our oil especially from fracking is in some cases better than oil in Qatar and as a result we exported to them.
I from algeria 🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿❤️❤️❤️💪💪💪💪
please do usa state population 1950 - 2100
Tere jaise chootye ki samajh me aane wali baat nhi hai
Oil ,gas ,LNG, kobalt, lithium, uranium, gold ++rare earth mineral, uranium, thorium INDONESIA FULL SMILE 🤟
It says in the bottom right corner
Bring out country vs textile consumption/GDP ratio
Data are incorrect. US production is around 12-13 mln barrels per day. Still No. 1 but not a big gain over SA and RU. Also their production is about to cut in 2025-26 years because reserves are depleted. Moreover USA consume significantly more oil than they produce. And moreover their refinery industry needs imported 'heavy' oil (of Russian, Iranian or Venezuelan production) for certain petroleum products because USA don't have 'heavy' oil at all.
Canadian, No#1 supplier to US
My heart breaks for my country, Nigeria. Where did we ever get it wrong in this country? 💔😔
Iraq ✌️
Suggestion; oil consuming countries
هناك لوبي عالمي يتحكم في استخراج النفط. النفط موجود في العديد من البلدان ولكن لا يتم استخراجه. يحتاج استخراجه إلى المال والاستثمار.. إن الاستقرار والإرادة السياسية الجيدة تساعدان في استخراج النفط وازدهار البلاد.
United States at one time was the world’s leading oil producers
That’s a bunch of fk’g bullshit!
US oil production increased after the devastation of Libya, Iraq and Syria.. many people poor and die because of your country 😂 so don't over proud about it
@@gritosalerta952 the USA is stealing the oil from Syria as we talk - the very minute!
@@gritosalerta952you are using the product of usa app lol
Brazil’s coming!!
Indonesia not an oil producing country, I think you mean Brunei? Australia wasn't mentioned and yet is still a major oil producer, and has some of the largest proven reserves of oil in the world
It seems Indonesia started producing oil without notifying you first. Although it doesn't cover its own consumption and has to import some.
Where did you get the 16 million barrels per day statistic from???? Visit Wikipedia and look United States Oil production September 2023 is 12.9 million!!! Not 16!!!
Американская добыча только на бумаге😂
Американская добыча увеличилась после опустошения Ливии, Ирака, Сирии
The more dependent we became on foreign oil the more the middle class suffered and the more foreign wars there were. .
US always number 1 in everything lol.
US oil production increased after the devastation of Libya, Iraq and Syria.. many people poor and die because of your country 😂 so don't over proud about it
@@gritosalerta952 Yes I am NOT proud of it. And I can never be proud of any nations except my Own Philippines no matter how poor it is😁. Well, I am just saying, that US is always #1 in everything to imply that they Do Everything Whatever It cost just to attain it. They dont care on the collateral damage just to win and be number 1. US is GREEDY and many people know it, I guess. ✌😁✌
В грабежах и убийствах по всему миру...
@@gritosalerta952The correct explanation is hydraulic fracking. Research it.
Which country is the no.1, The music changes to suit that
rf mogila👍👍👍
Mafia state! Enjoy living in poverty to make your criminal oligarchs rich 😂😂😂 the CCCP/Russian way!
Not accurate, Saudi Arabia since a decade ago didn’t surpass 10 million barrels per day except in some occasions, and you forgot when saudi oil production cut to half after the houthis attack on saudi eastern region.
Saudi Arabia's discovered oil reserves amount to 700 billion barrels, enough to produce 10 million barrels per day for 190 years.
America is always on top of other countries in everything 😂😂😂
Yes, tops in everything including $31.1 Trillion in debt. No country can come close.
The US is 55th in the world in maternal mortality.
The US is 33rd of 38 among the most developed countries in infant mortality.
The US is second in the world in total deaths by murder with guns.
The US is second in the world in per Capita suicides by guns.
The US is first in world with largest prison population in total numbers and per Capita.
There many more statistics in which the leads the world or is close to the top in the worst categories. So why do some people think the US is so great??
@@michaeldeierhoi4096probably a US citizen who made that comment. What about bankruptcy on relation to healthcare. I suspect they’re probably near the top with that.
@@jaijai5250 Indeed, bankruptcy is also puts the US at the top of the list as well especially as it relates to people with massive medical bills despite often having health insurance.
I am an American as well and for the reasons I listed and many more I have a nuanced respect for the US. Americans need to stop running from its past!
US oil production increased after the devastation of Libya, Iraq and Syria.. many people poor and die because of your country 😂 so don't over proud about it
Canada 🇨🇦🍁