The Human Soul: What the Bible Really Says!

  • Опубліковано 13 січ 2025


  • @susannagarlitz792
    @susannagarlitz792 3 місяці тому +1

    Thank you for this wonderful insight.

    • @breweryministries
      @breweryministries  3 місяці тому +1

      Thank you! I was actually really surprised by what I found when I studied for this video!

  • @leftofcenter4
    @leftofcenter4 3 місяці тому

    We are 3 things: body, soul(mind) and spirit, our soul is actually our mind/brain in spirit form in an abstract kind of way and all of its life experiences. However the mind/brain dies off with the body and the soul is like your mind/brain that is forever connected to your spirit after death. Your soul is who you are in the spirit realm

  • @frankie653
    @frankie653 3 місяці тому

    Crazy. I was just thinking about this on my way home. Out of nowhere i get this video. Surreal... Anywho, i wanted to dive deeper myself today. From what i recall my old pastor once say we are body, spirit and soul. Some of the verses, 1 Thessalonians 5:23.; Hebrews 4:12. Mentions them separate from each other. At least that's how i read them myself. So i concluded 3 separate. Like the Trinity. Gen. 1:26 "Let us make man in our imagine" My understanding is God is a Trinity. Glorified body, holy Spirit and Father (soul?). With his nostrils, like a snot rocket, he gave life to Adam. Physical Body, spirit(consciousness?), (soul/breath?) Spirit l belongs to God since it's his breath. When we die, spirit goes back to original owner. Soul goes to heaven or hell. Body if ran the good fight becomes glorified. I could be completely wrong but it's a study definitely worth going into a rabbit hole for!! God bless you bro, and for what it's worth. It's a non-essential for salvation. Just good theology but ultimately Jesus is the way.

    • @breweryministries
      @breweryministries  3 місяці тому +1

      Thank you! That is super interesting. I've wondered myself if we are sort of modeled after the Trinity in terms of body, soul and spirit. I'm still wrestling with the various views I was studying but like you said, it's just something fun to think about, not essential for salvation. I'm really intrigued by the idea of the soul being the whole person, but I still think that could be taken a couple different ways too.

  • @RatdogDRB
    @RatdogDRB 3 місяці тому +3

    Good provocation of thought there, young man. Genesis tells us that God formed man from the dust of the earth and BREATHED into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul.
    In Genesis 6 we have the fallen angels mingling their seed with the daughters of men and the Nephilim are made. Noah's flood happens and all of mankind who mingled with the fallen angel seed are destroyed. They had no SOUL, because that is what is given BY God when we're God's creation. And since there was that disconnect, there is no place for these beings in heaven or hell. Heaven is for God's creation. Hell is reserved for Satan and his fallen angels. So, these disembodied spirits of the Nephilim become the demons. They were not created by God, their spirit came from the seed of the fallen angel, but they had no original/initial connection with God. And since they have no physical body anymore, they must possess something.
    The passage you showed in this video lists God's order: Spirit, Soul, Body. Satan tempted Jesus via: Body, Soul, Spirit. He always mirrors God's way, but that mirrored image is always backward. Man has a sinful nature, consider what do we most pray about when we come to God? Concerns of the body, damaged emotions, and maybe things concerning the spirit.
    God's Word asks us what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his own soul? So we can lose our soul. God's Word also cautions us that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the one sin which cannot be forgiven. Our soul is that connection to/with God which we receive from HIM. And WE must nurture/preserve that connection. Consider those in the last days who receive the mark of the beast. They receive damnation of their soul. They give over the very thing (to anti-Christ) that which makes us HUMAN.
    God gives each of us a unique DNA signature. Nephilim do not come FROM God, so they have no connection to/with God. The New Testament tells us that as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man. Daniel 2:43 speaks of they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men but shall not cleave. The difference between the latter-day Nephilim and those of the days of Noah is the marriage covenant not being present in the last days.
    Look at how people describe another person, "you look into their eyes and nobody's there, it's empty." Or, "you look into their eyes, and you see pure evil." I submit the former is someone who's soul is lost (damned? Not necessarily, "LOST"). The latter, pure evil might suggest possession by an evil spirit. The eyes are said to be the window to the soul. Now, let's begin to consider the phenomenon of "The Black-Eyed Kids", and/or reports of "hybrids". What's different about them? The eyes. Without a soul, what's before you, the eyes are NEVER "right". What do we hear being reported in modern times? People being "abducted" and violated sexually. What else do we read about? Cloning (Dolly the sheep). If one does a deep dive of the reports of people saying they've been abducted by "aliens", it's always something creepy going on. Is this what Daniel 2:43 speaks of? The cloning of human bodies? For what purpose? Demons must possess. Let's not forget the reports of cattle mutilation. Why "cattle"? Do a Google search, bovine blood is suitable for human transfusions. Incubation of human clones needs what? Blood. Cloned bodies need animation, demonic possession. But they lack the soul, the connection to God. Kill the "meat suit" and the demon gets another one in reserve? Is this what "The Grays" are? Early/unsophisticated versions of a "meat suit" to be inhabited/animated by a demon? Read the reports of people claiming to have been abducted, these "Grays" don't seem to have any compassion/feeling, as if they have no soul.
    What would be the purpose of all of this tomfoolery? When Lucifer was cast out of heaven, 1/3 of the angels went with him. God declares the structure of the seed war in Genesis 3:15. Lucifer is outnumbered two-to-one, he needs an army. An army for what? Armageddon.
    This is why I believe that a GOOD understanding of Genesis 3:15 is paramount for understanding the Bible, and the destruction of the Nephilim of Noah's time; the inhabitants of the Promised Land, whom God told Joshua to destroy them all (men/women/children/livestock). It wasn't genocide against humanity as it's often called, it's purging corrupted beings that were corrupted by fallen angelic seed.
    I believe the Bible does address "UFOs" and "Aliens". Ezekiel's vision of the beings/vehicle used. The description is not clear, I believe it's due to those beings being from another dimension and our perception of them is distorted due to our nature/existence in THIS dimension. Yet it appears that John (in Revelation) was taken to heaven to describe what he saw there. I'm betting that John saw the same beings/vehicle there, but the description was much clearer due to the fact that these beings were in their own resident dimension of existence and John was joining them there. Elisha's servant had his eye opened after Elisha prayed for that to happen and he saw the fiery chariots and the army of God. Elijah was taken up in a chariot in a whirlwind. Why "chariot"? That's how the men of those days knew how to describe a vehicle/conveyance.
    I keep mentioning books by Vicky Joy Anderson (They Only Come Out At Night) on sleep paralysis, Karin Wilkinson (Stolen Seed, Evil Harvest), LA Marzulli's many works (most recent book is 'Rungs of Disclosure"). When you read these books, consider the attributes of angels described in the account in Acts 12 where Peter is in prison, In Genesis when the angels visited Abraham, when two of those angels went to rescue Lot.
    But angels can't have sex you say? Consider this. God's rules are that on EARTH "be fruitful and multiply", but when the Pharisees tried to trip up Jesus in their discussion of the woman whose husband dies, the brother marries her, he dies, the next brother marries her... and when SHE dies whose wife will she be in heaven? Jesus told them that we'll NOT be marrying and given IN marriage in heaven, just like the angels. So, in HEAVEN the rule is no reproduction, that is reserved for when on EARTH. Read Jude verses 6,7. It speaks of the angels having left their FIRST ESTATE in heaven, then goes directly into the description of angelic beings being mobbed when they went to rescue Lot, which was, on EARTH.
    God bless you, young man. Looking forward to the next video! Our soul is what is given to us BY God which gives us our connection TO God. We're made in the likeness and image of God. Consider this: Spirit=Holy Spirit, Soul=God the Father, Body=Jesus. Our soul is what connects us to a most Holy and just God, redeemed by the blood of Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit. THE complete work to reconcile ALL of mankind through the promise of a renewed/perfect DNA at the time of the rapture of the church.

    • @lindaloo206
      @lindaloo206 3 місяці тому +1

      Wow!!!! well written. I still don't get why a Satan and the falling angels still exist even to this day. Isn't the God(s) tired of all these centuries of people crying and people dying? 😢 the song "Blowin in the Wind" I always think God should stop the violences and come on home for good.😢

    • @breweryministries
      @breweryministries  3 місяці тому +1

      Thank you! That's a great analogy of humans being a backwards mirror of God. I remember the first time I read Jude after learning it was about the rebellion of the Sons of God. I've been fascinated with that chapter ever since, especially Jude 5 in regards to Jesus being the one who led the people out of Egypt, and how Jude unlocks the story of the mob Lot faced. Powerful stuff!

    • @breweryministries
      @breweryministries  3 місяці тому +2

      That is a great question. He is definitely much stronger than I am. I don't think I could endure seeing all of that!

    • @RatdogDRB
      @RatdogDRB 3 місяці тому

      @@lindaloo206 Consider the verse in 2 Peter 3:8 where it says that a day with the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. Our timeline is based upon our perception of time. God is timeless, so this same duration is but a blink to Him.

    • @breweryministries
      @breweryministries  3 місяці тому +1

      I think that's a good point. For the next video I was trying to explain what happened before time began and it's like impossible for my brain to try to process anything like that without trying to think in terms of time

  • @aonewatchman
    @aonewatchman 3 місяці тому

    Hello .... Your body houses the spirit and the soul ... your spirit is you making a decision in thought, word or action ... your soul is your report card that accompanies your spirit upon death returning to God ... Scripture says we will all be judged on our soul/report card concerning our thoughts, words and actions.

  • @aussierob7177
    @aussierob7177 3 місяці тому

    The soul is the spiritual principle of human beings. The soul is the subject of human consciousness and freedom. Soul and body together form one unique human nature. Each human soul is individual and immortal, immediately created by God. The soul does not die with the body, from which it is separated by death, and with which it will be reunited in the final resurrection.

  • @caulcampbell6880
    @caulcampbell6880 3 місяці тому

    The spirit and body equal the living soul, for it is written God breathe in the body the breath of life and the body becomes a living soul, Genesis chapter 2

    • @breweryministries
      @breweryministries  3 місяці тому +1

      You're right, Genesis 2 is a good example of that concept! I had never thought of the soul this way until I was studying for this video

    • @caulcampbell6880
      @caulcampbell6880 3 місяці тому

      @@breweryministries it is more real than a concept because here we are all of us called mankind, praise God 👏

  • @treeoflifeworkshop
    @treeoflifeworkshop 3 місяці тому

    I tend to look at the soul as our consciousness. Science can explain the biological workings of the body and the brain but it cannot explain how putting it all together makes us conscious, self-aware beings. Why do we think the way we do? Why do I make choices differently from another person. Perhaps much of that comes from our sociological and geographical context in which we grow up and live within. Much like how several different people can see the same accident but give you completely different recountings of said incident. Does our personal context cause us to pick up on specific cues that another may let go unnoticed? Perhaps, but what is it that takes what we learn and are modeled with to make the decisions we make? The brain, yes, but we are not merely computers that live out a logical algorithm. We are beings that sometimes make illogical choices despite the facts we are presented with. With the advent of AI we begin to ask, can AI become self-aware and conscious? I suppose in a very rudimentary way we can say a computer algorithm can reproduce the effect or appearance of consciousness but even a computer brain is bound by its own algorithm to work out the most logical and workable answer it can calculate and extrapolate. And it does it quite well. But I don’t believe it will ever have the ability to make a choice that clearly goes against its own logic. Yet we as humans are wonderfully imperfect and that is what makes each of us so unique because we freely choose to do something contrary to the facts laid before us. Think about how 2 people may fall in “love” and seek to be together though everything and everyone around them tells them that it should not be. Sound familiar? And yet, they make the illogical decision to try to make it work even though in the end it may go completely off the rails. Or it could be a fairytale ending. I believe it’s the soul that makes those decisions which is part logical brain function and part mystery. And I believe that is what we are called to be guided by the sprit of Christ so that the decisions we make are influenced by something beyond ourselves that desires the best for us. And it’s when our own spirit is connected with the Spirit of God that we can begin to make much better decisions for ourselves and those around us. So in a way we are called to let the spirit of God, which lives in us as a Christ follower, influence our personal, individual spirit, which in essence drives how our soul, along with our mind, makes decisions which puts our body into action. And yet, we still make stupid decisions which leads to sin. That is why we need a savior. So I believe it is the soul that is that mystery component that gives us consciousness and the free will to choose, even if it’s the wrong choice. But that’s just me. Ha

    • @breweryministries
      @breweryministries  3 місяці тому +1

      Very good thoughts! I think the conscience adds a really interesting layer to all of this, because like you said, we seem to have competing/conflicting thoughts and urges, like there's some kind of battle going on inside of us. Logic vs feelings almost.

  • @alexblue6991
    @alexblue6991 3 місяці тому

    The British government doesn't have a soul