• @Jsearcy18
    @Jsearcy18 9 місяців тому +166

    That was a good demonstration of what makes the tyranids so dangerous. Losing that swarm wouldn't even be a blip on the radar for them but 84 brothers is an incredibly difficult loss to replace.

    • @matthewstegall7921
      @matthewstegall7921 9 місяців тому +17

      Eeeehhhh it's the Black Templars. they are known for having spares 😂😂😂

    • @Jason-Joestar
      @Jason-Joestar 9 місяців тому +4

      The gene seed is enough to create two new Space Marines. Of course, this does not mean they pass the apprenticeship process becoming a Space Marine.

    • @MrRawrCEO
      @MrRawrCEO 9 місяців тому

      I dunno man.
      500 space marines taking out over a million tyranids...with NO heavy armour/artillery support?
      If anything this is a good demonstration of why SPACE MARINES are so dangerous.

    • @Keemperor40K
      @Keemperor40K 9 місяців тому +4

      @@Jason-Joestar 2 every 10 years or so.
      So a Black Templar or any Space Marine with 50 years of combat will have made enough Gene-Seed for 10 Space Marines each.

    • @benaplin9861
      @benaplin9861 9 місяців тому +9

      In fairness, this isn't how Space Marines are said to fight. They arrive at a battle, strike at vital targets and then leave for the next set of impossibly hard objectives. They secure beacheads, launch decapitation strikes and eliminate key enemy locations. They aren't really equipped for drawn out battles anymore.

  • @Retrosicotte
    @Retrosicotte 9 місяців тому +64

    Video Title: Space Marines suffer heavy casualties against small tyranid scout group.

  • @MrGBH
    @MrGBH 9 місяців тому +91

    As to the number of Space Marines. Each Chapter is divided into 10 Companies, each comprised of 100 Men.
    Those Companies do not include the motor pool, the Techmarines, the Apothecarion, the Librarium, or other such specialists.
    However, the 1st Company is comprised of veterans, and as such will fluctuate.
    Similarly, the 10th Company is comprised of Neophytes at the Scout level of their training, so that number also fluctuates.
    So there are 800 regular Battle Brothers per Codex compliant Chapter.
    Then there are the Black Templars, who don't give a flying one

    • @foxbat51
      @foxbat51 9 місяців тому +6

      There's still only about 6000 Black Templar though, across three separate crusading fleets. At least that's what it was before the whole Primaris thing.

    • @barlotardy
      @barlotardy 9 місяців тому +7

      Lore-wise, I seem to recall that the Templars use a loophole that allows for no chapter size limit when on crusade; Of course, the Templars are ALWAYS on a crusade....

    • @TheCommunistColin
      @TheCommunistColin 9 місяців тому +1

      @@foxbat51 With the Primaris range refresh the Black Templars presumably have even more guys now, I think in their 9E codex supplement it's mentioned they've got dozens of smaller crusade fleets in addition to the 3 main ones you mention (or at least I assume they're the same 3 ones, the supplement also has 3 named ones).

    • @generik7414
      @generik7414 9 місяців тому

      ​@@barlotardy Suppose it's a loophole, but it's a loophole that the black templars didn't really exploit. It's that, unless crusading, a chapter cannot have more than 1000 marines. This was to limit the power of the adeptus astartes to something the high lords can manage, in order to prevent another large scale civil war with legions.
      Due to how dangerous crusades are, namely their attrition rate, marines are allowed to go over the standard 1000 astartes limit. It's worth noting that, despite their lack of limit, there's only a few thousand black templars and they're actually split enough that if you compared them to say, the blood angels and their successors, or the ultramarines and theirs, they aren't actually all that dangerous to the Imperium's status quo.

    • @captaingarvielloken2319
      @captaingarvielloken2319 9 місяців тому

      The lore also states the Space Wolves don't follow the codex on the number of troops. They have 13 companies and from what I can remember, each company ranges from 200-400 troops not including non-space marines.

  • @JT-ne8pn
    @JT-ne8pn 9 місяців тому +7

    To answer your question, actually most space marines vehicles are piloted by servitors; the main exception being landspeeders, fighter planes, bikes and occasionally being in a cupola. The marines have the ability to pilot all manner of combat vehicles but are suited for grander purposes.

  • @OmasIl-Vec
    @OmasIl-Vec 9 місяців тому +28

    Blood lakes for the Blood God! Those heavy bolters are something else, omg. Great choice for the map, worked perfectly.

    • @DarthMaul2
      @DarthMaul2 9 місяців тому +2

      love the fact the carnfix is running like a normal human

  • @ts25679
    @ts25679 9 місяців тому +4

    Dane Cook once made a joke about the old complaint: "All guys want is sex." by saying "All guys would also love to be part of a heist." To which I would also add the desire to stand atop the battlements with something minigun adjacent as an endless tide of alien abominations throw themselves at you, laughing like a crazed loon, blasting your favourite music and daring death to come for you. Well at least that's what I imagine firing a heavy bolter would feel like.

  • @somanyswords3966
    @somanyswords3966 9 місяців тому +11

    By the Emperor's grace! I didn't expect the Imperial forces to last long against that horde, but the sheer level of dakka surprised and amazed me and saved the day.

  • @Synthmilk
    @Synthmilk 9 місяців тому +4

    That...was impressively lore accurate, loved it!

  • @isaacthompson5056
    @isaacthompson5056 9 місяців тому +13

    I love Tyranids. Can we please get a Tyranids vs ork battle soon?

  • @Hobbyrepubliken
    @Hobbyrepubliken 9 місяців тому +4

    Space Marines use a lot of servitors to drive veichles and mount gun points

  • @mastercharlesdiltardino8058
    @mastercharlesdiltardino8058 9 місяців тому +3

    in orbit "ok, they got em all"
    "alright deploying orbital bombardment"

    • @ChaoticPinky
      @ChaoticPinky 9 місяців тому +1

      Can never be to sure right ?

  • @PositiveVibes94
    @PositiveVibes94 8 місяців тому +3

    84 deaths would be considered a pyrrhic victory for sure

  • @Cobalt57
    @Cobalt57 4 місяці тому +1

    I always knew high ground gave advantages, but “being able to avoid drowning in a blood lake because blood runs downhill” is now added to the list 😂

    • @ChaoticPinky
      @ChaoticPinky 4 місяці тому

      blood and bodies ARE the high ground some times xD

  • @generik7414
    @generik7414 9 місяців тому +6

    I think the big part of the...I don't want to say "unfairness" of this though, is that the tyranids aren't using anything with ranged attacks. I know its simplified, but this would've gone completely differently if there were some hive guards firing from the hills.

    • @RoxyGotMoxy.
      @RoxyGotMoxy. 9 місяців тому +4

      yup, and/or Mawlocks bursting up from below right in the middle of the squads :P

  • @videohead5916
    @videohead5916 9 місяців тому +2

    I'd love to see a mod where when enough blood is spilled, khorne demons spawn.

  • @Attacian
    @Attacian 9 місяців тому +6

    I honestly thought the nids would slay the smurfs and black templar.

    • @tobleroneilluminati5048
      @tobleroneilluminati5048 9 місяців тому +3

      Smurfs! That's a great nickname for the ultramarines

    • @Tiramizur
      @Tiramizur 9 місяців тому +2

      They would do it in next wave. It was just a tiny vanguard to test battle capabilities of Astartes.

    • @Attacian
      @Attacian 9 місяців тому +1

      That is actually a very fair point.@@Tiramizur

  • @edelta88
    @edelta88 13 днів тому

    Guardsmen: "Sir! We have no fortifications!"
    Space Marines: "Then we will build them."

  • @JustaGuy_Gaming
    @JustaGuy_Gaming 9 місяців тому +5

    In terms of space marine numbers, it depends a lot by the chapter's interpretation of the rules. In general aspirants, apothecary or tech Marines don't count, though each group has its own limits per chapter.
    It is one the many loop holes chapters like the space wolves use. They have tons of aspirants and scouts and basically only count veteran troops as their true space marines.

  • @olympic8504
    @olympic8504 9 місяців тому +5

    :) nice new merch looks like that unity dev did your work

  • @nicolaspetersen6847
    @nicolaspetersen6847 9 місяців тому +5

    aspirants dont technically count, the chapter may only have 900 space marines, with 100 scouts which are almost space marines. there are plenty of chapters that outright ignore the codex astartes, black templars are probably the most blatant, depending on the edition there are as many has 6000 black templars. space wolves also disregard the codex but that's because their gene seed mutates really bad when the chapter isnt based on fenris so they dont have the luxury of founding new chapters.

    • @zarektheinsane6656
      @zarektheinsane6656 9 місяців тому

      Before the return of the Wulfen the Wolves ranged between 9-10k active Marines, sadly they have never been at full strength for more than a moment. With the Wulfen I'd probably say their numbers are around 13-15k now with the Primaris added.

  • @siechamontillado
    @siechamontillado 9 місяців тому +4

    Can't wait for the Land's Raiders to be added - that's going to be insane!!

  • @techmarine83
    @techmarine83 9 місяців тому

    Yes, vehicle crew counts towards the 1,000 marines. In most chapters the 2nd-5th companies are battle companies and 6th-9th are reserves. Vehicle crews are usually manned by marines from a reserve company. Back before Guilliman wrote the Codex Astartes at the end of the Horus Heresy, there were legions tens of thousands strong and with some legions it was hundreds of thousands. Back then vehicle crews were made up of failed marine aspirants. They were stronger, faster and tougher than normal humans due to the varying degrees of implantation steps they "passed" but they were not able to make it all the way for one reason or another. So these "serfs" would man the super heavy tanks like the Fellblade and such. As per Games Workshop books.

  • @FueganTheAnnihilator
    @FueganTheAnnihilator 9 місяців тому +4

    Can’t wait for future content in this! I’d love to see some units with Flamers and Meltas some day (once someone makes a mod with those)
    I’d say I’d love to see more Eldar units but Emperor knows no one is ever gonna make those 😭😭

  • @aham2903
    @aham2903 9 місяців тому +1

    Khorne is pleased with this slaughter.

  • @wither5673
    @wither5673 9 місяців тому +1

    the carnifex just.....JOGGING like a human kills me lol.

  • @danielsmith8837
    @danielsmith8837 9 місяців тому +1

    Anyone else notice the heavy bolters were injuring the black Templar? Long before the nyds reached their lines there was already blood and explosions on the Templar lines from being shot in the back

  • @dannyswain889
    @dannyswain889 9 місяців тому +1

    Answer to your question about chapters and total numbers. Yes vehicle crews count towards the total 1000, you’ll find traditionally its members of 8th or 9th company that crew vehicles. And aspirants don’t count towards the total until they reach scout status, so training can and will stop progressing until losses are taken

  • @jaanzi4347
    @jaanzi4347 9 місяців тому

    Black Templars tactical doctine:
    1. Kill an enemy in glorious melee combat.
    2. Use that enemy's corpse as a step ladder, thus maintaining a high ground advantage against other enemies.
    3. Repeat.

  • @prisregil
    @prisregil 9 місяців тому +1

    Now that about terminator squads with assault cannons and cyclone missile launchers

  • @guesswhoandrew1782
    @guesswhoandrew1782 9 місяців тому +1

    This is so cool to see!
    Would love a Helms Deep Situations like this

  • @captaingarvielloken2319
    @captaingarvielloken2319 9 місяців тому

    Two legions don't follow the codex on the troop limit, Black Templars who use a loophole and the Space Wolves who just don't care and get away with it. Mostly cause they are like the only Legion that guards their huge sector, they also get leeway for being one of the original 18 (20) legions.

  • @theoverpreparerlamenters3r436
    @theoverpreparerlamenters3r436 9 місяців тому +1

    Scout marines do not count, and chapters are allowed to go over 1000 marines if they are currently crusading. I do not know what happens to excess marines once they take a break from crusading.

  • @M_R_243
    @M_R_243 9 місяців тому +1

    Cool video! Side note-having unlimited ammo, zero malfunctions, no issues with overheating barrels, and no blue on blue (accidentally shooting a friendly) certainly helps!

    • @tarektechmarine8209
      @tarektechmarine8209 9 місяців тому +2

      Very true. Ammo would be a massive problem. The space marines would be a fighting retreat, drawing tyranids into choke points.

    • @drarsen33
      @drarsen33 9 місяців тому

      indeed. But also Tyranids are not being slowed down by bodies and torrents of blood. And range of firearms is reduced in these simulations. You dont have artillery lobbing shells over 40km away etc.

  • @cerdic6867
    @cerdic6867 9 місяців тому +2

    In the lore the vehicle crew are part of the armoury and dont count, aspirants dont count, honour guard and command squads and garrisons dont count, specialists dont count, and officers dont count. Nor do deathwatch members or dreadnoughts. Full strength should be somewhere around 1,100-1,600.

    • @pigeon2165
      @pigeon2165 9 місяців тому +1

      Plus the loop holes that allow more then 1000

    • @ChaoticPinky
      @ChaoticPinky 9 місяців тому +1

      Thats kind of insane really when you think about it. So the restriction really is on space marine troops only.

  • @Rathkeaux
    @Rathkeaux 9 місяців тому +3

    I wonder what the smallest number of space marines is that could take this swarm.
    Or how big of a swarm would be needed to take out this formation of marines.

  • @crazy4sian
    @crazy4sian 8 місяців тому +1

    Oh hey, it's the opening skirmish to the Battle of Macragge.

    • @ChaoticPinky
      @ChaoticPinky 8 місяців тому +1

      Someone knows their lore :P

  • @ArmsandArmor
    @ArmsandArmor 9 місяців тому

    as others have probably stated the tenth company of a codex chapter is the scout company, and scouts are not counted toward the 1000 marine cap so typically you have 900~ fully armored marines in the first nine companies and then however many scouts they can acquire in the 10th company. so the vehicles are typically manned by either scouts or even regular human chapter serfs. with the addition of primaris marines rouboute gulliman lifted the 1000 marine cap so many chapters will have around 500 firstborn that didnt convert to primaris and then anywhere from 500 to 2500 primaris marines. some chapters are still exclusively firstborn like the grey knights (so far). some never really adhered to the codex like space wolves and would have 1200+ marines anyways.

  • @hectoreduardoargotereyes5927
    @hectoreduardoargotereyes5927 5 місяців тому +1

    The Emperor protects.

  • @rhino2960
    @rhino2960 9 місяців тому +1

    im waiting to see someone mod in artillery as well, imagine earthshakers, manticore missile batteries, whirlwinds ect. raining death on further away enemies.

  • @alesterryku
    @alesterryku 6 місяців тому

    i read somewhere that the full contingent of a codex compliant chapter including dreadnoughts, neophytes, chaplains, techmarines, Et al number closer to 1600 units at least

  • @Cylindryk
    @Cylindryk 9 місяців тому

    Well, that 1 thousand space marines is number of 10 companies - 1 Veteran, 4 Battle Companies, 4 Reserve Companies and Scout Company (aspirants).
    Captains, Librarians, Techmarines, Command Squads, Honour Guard are excluded from that, and all vehicle pilots (excludind Land Speeders for some reason) are from Techmarines, so they do not count toward that 1000 number.
    And 10th company number 100 aspirants is fluid, but it would me most average number.
    So, in reality, each Chapter have around 1200-1400 marines, depending on their scout company and vehicle pool.
    Also there is worth to note that sometimes there are some.. companies/unit, that are excluded from typical counting, like special Ultramarines Honour Company, stationed at Cadia, or Fulminata, Primaris-only Demi-Company, which was start of moving Ultramarines from Frist Borne to Primaris Space Marines.
    Aaand there are some units, like DeathWatch, which recruits from other chapters, but later these Space Marines return to their original Chapters.

  • @zarektheinsane6656
    @zarektheinsane6656 9 місяців тому

    Lets be honest, those tyranids will be used for the protein cakes the Guard are going to be eating at dinner.

  • @chengchin5073
    @chengchin5073 9 місяців тому

    The battle brothers of the black templar numbers into thousands according to the high marshal we number close to 6000 Astartes.

  • @generik7414
    @generik7414 9 місяців тому

    The run animation on the carnifexes is so fucking funny

  • @weareharbinger914
    @weareharbinger914 9 місяців тому

    Near endless waves of troops are no match for literally limitless ammo. Khorne is happy this day.
    Lore wise i believe a smaller swarm has accomplished more, but they had a swarmlord. Also dumb stuff like suicidal sisters of battle happened.

  • @smokejaguar67
    @smokejaguar67 9 місяців тому

    I love the game and I love exactly those battles. The nids animations are good too

  • @johnstockley6976
    @johnstockley6976 9 місяців тому

    1000 front line battle brothers. Then scouts, techmarines, apothecaries, librarians. Then neophytes(seperate from scout aspirants) and the auxiliary forces and chapter serfs(who are support personal every bit as skilled in combat as front line guardsmen) a codex compliant chapter could theoretically feild up to 10,000 combatants, but never would because it would kill the chapter.

  • @Jason-Joestar
    @Jason-Joestar 9 місяців тому +1

    You asked whether scouts are also counting as Space Marines. Each Space Marine order consists of 1.000 Space Marines consisting of ten companies. Each company includes 100 Space Marines. According to the Codex Astartes, an Order is structured as follows.
    Companies 1 to 5 are battle comapnies. 1st company is the Veteran's company.
    Companies 6 to 10 are the reinforcement companies.
    The 10th company is the scout company
    1 Arsenal
    1 Scriptorium
    1 Apothecarium
    1 Space Marine Fleet
    1 Headquarters
    Hence, the 10th company is the Scout Company, you can say scouts are counted to a Space Marine Order.
    Some orders like the Black Templars consist of more than 1.000 Space Marines.

  • @JerryMetal
    @JerryMetal 9 місяців тому

    The more biomass is splattered all over the planet the more yummy the planet looks to the next wave of Tyranids!

  • @bad-people6510
    @bad-people6510 11 днів тому

    Yes vehicle crews count toward the Chapter space marine cap, no aspirants don't count towards the cap, neophytes don't even count towards the cap, and a lot of them, Black Templars in particular, just ignore the cap all together.

  • @emilsinclair4190
    @emilsinclair4190 9 місяців тому +1

    Nids def need some range attacks

  • @kristianvillarosa4655
    @kristianvillarosa4655 9 місяців тому +1

    If a Battlebrother is not available; a vehicle such as a rhino will be manned by either a serf or a servitor.

  • @operator9858
    @operator9858 9 місяців тому

    this was my big plan when i was a kid just getting into the game lolol

  • @Kierawolf
    @Kierawolf 3 місяці тому

    The imperial guard are the hammer of the emperor the space marines are the emperors angels of death.

  • @filthy66shrek
    @filthy66shrek 9 місяців тому +4

    How big would've the body-piles been if you only used carnifexes in this battle ?

  • @kylesmith2757
    @kylesmith2757 4 місяці тому +1

    i love the commentary

  • @primarchoftheunnamed3237
    @primarchoftheunnamed3237 9 місяців тому

    The vehicles themselves don’t count to a chapter’s total Marine count. A thousand marines in a Codex Compliant Chapter.

  • @michaelperez9015
    @michaelperez9015 9 місяців тому +1

    Wat a battle we'll done

  • @ryanbentley1965
    @ryanbentley1965 9 місяців тому

    Codex astartes makes for 1000 battle brothers as infantry, whereas techmarines, apothacaries, chaplains, command squads, pilots, librarians usually account for a few dozen each spread across the companies, and vehicle crew account for a dozen or so per company plus dreadnoughts, brothers in the deathwatch put most chapters fighting strength between 1-2000 marines.

  • @JustaGuy_Gaming
    @JustaGuy_Gaming 9 місяців тому

    Pre battle guess, bloody. Tyranid deflection the worst match up for fire heavy weapons.

  • @jameshadland3217
    @jameshadland3217 9 місяців тому

    Well, only 1k after the hearsay before that happened, chapters were at 10k plus and had even more fire power that was lost after the age of darkness.
    As a 30k tabletop player, the unit roster is better, and so is the tech accessible to space marine units.

  • @harry33987
    @harry33987 9 місяців тому +2


  • @Dirt1061
    @Dirt1061 9 місяців тому

    I figured the 1000 Space Marines was more of an honor system. But from the books I have read it seems all pilots and vehicle crews are Space Marines and would count.

  • @Uncle_Smallett
    @Uncle_Smallett 9 місяців тому

    Muuuuuch more interesting, than usual meat-grinder between two crowds! Here is some feel of power of marines. But, still, would be even more interesting to see battle of more spaced squads, forming lines and NOT shooting friendly backs, like 7 bolter plus 2 heavy bolter teams placed on good positions, not forming ancient useless phalanx. More modern tactics, you know what i mean. Squares is useful for melee or volley shooters, not riflemen.
    Would be great to see real difference between horde and taskforce, crowd and fireteams. Not only comparing virtual "power numbers" of units.

  • @snafoomagee413
    @snafoomagee413 8 місяців тому

    Would be good if you could work in them flanking and moving around the front line. Think it would be quite different! Cool movie though

  • @amanofnoreputation2164
    @amanofnoreputation2164 9 місяців тому

    A space marine Chapter is supposed to be close to 1000 marines, but not every chapter follows the Codex Astartes I.E the doctrine that laid this down. Even the ones that do clearly have their ways of fudging the rules by replenishing their ranks from chapters specifically made to act as their reserves.
    Whatever the case, the total number of mariens in the galaxy is in the low millions which is staggeirngly small considering the sheer scale of the 40K universe.

  • @devinjohnson-mi9fl
    @devinjohnson-mi9fl 9 місяців тому

    i love these guys lol

  • @zebulonreynaud919
    @zebulonreynaud919 6 місяців тому

    lore accurate

  • @TylerDB91
    @TylerDB91 7 днів тому

    if you go horus heresy era the ultra marines had over 10,000 astartes

  • @lordmortos979
    @lordmortos979 9 місяців тому

    Another day another blood bath!😂

  • @truetheternal2314
    @truetheternal2314 9 місяців тому

    Its 1000 battle brothers. Liberians, scouts, chaplains, apothecaries, and other specialist general don't count. its combat troops that is limited.

  • @lastmanstanding5423
    @lastmanstanding5423 9 місяців тому +1

    I see you really found your audience with the 40k content.
    gg wp

  • @quigglebert
    @quigglebert 9 місяців тому

    I thought the crews of vehicles were not space marines, with the exception of dreadnoughts.
    But honestly, my lore was last updated in 5ed

  • @FunBunChuck
    @FunBunChuck 9 місяців тому

    Tyranids lost?
    *BLASPHEMY!!!* 😱😱😱

  • @locarno24
    @locarno24 9 місяців тому +1

    The scariest thing is that thats about four times as many marines as actually fought in most battles and they still get similar kill ratios...
    Heres a thought: based on the tabletop RPGs, a boltgun round weight about 100g - or each ten rounds fired is a kilogram of ammo.
    I leave it to you to make a rough guess how many tonnes of shells that battle used....

    • @sputnikscopershoot99
      @sputnikscopershoot99 9 місяців тому

      M8 imagine the logistical nightmare of procuring so much fucking ammo to fight off possibly a splinter fleet Tyranid recon force...😂
      I can see that mountain of bolter casing after the battle. Oof the mechanicus gonna go ballistic

  • @adjhd1
    @adjhd1 9 місяців тому

    Love the videos but every time he said ad-A-ptus Astartes my eye twitched.

  • @ThePhantomFeather
    @ThePhantomFeather 9 місяців тому

    space marine 2 lookin promising =P

  • @winningjubbly9712
    @winningjubbly9712 9 місяців тому

    I'm assuming this is just comedy because that many tyranids is WAY too big for the Space Marines in the video. Even 1000 Heavy Bolters would struggle pathetically against those numbers.

  • @basketcase289
    @basketcase289 9 місяців тому +1

    Yes the rule is 1k SM per chapter so the like 3 guys it takes to man a predator (SM tank) count as three dudes, although I've seen it mentioned a few times in lore that some chapters will have mortal chapter serfs man some of their vehicles so those unaugmented people would not count towards the 1k. Aspirants/neophytes do count as well I think although you might get grey areas when they're in the early stages of SM apotheosis and implantation

  • @drfill9210
    @drfill9210 9 місяців тому

    Double the marines, triple the tyranids?

  • @0ne0fmany
    @0ne0fmany 9 місяців тому

    Question, for I know little about UEBS2:
    How are the stats determined?
    Is it based on the 40k tabletop ruleset, or how?

    • @ChaoticPinky
      @ChaoticPinky 9 місяців тому +1

      The game has its own set of stats that are nothing to do with Warhammer. These are all mods. I have simply edited the stats of units for them to fall in line with what "lore and books" would lead us to belive these units are like rather than what the rules of the 40k book say they are like. Hope that makes sence :p

  • @liberatumplox625
    @liberatumplox625 9 місяців тому

    100 Heavy Bolters at Ram Ranch!

  • @dathill
    @dathill 6 місяців тому

    How would the space marines get enough ammo?

  • @prdprdprdprdprdel
    @prdprdprdprdprdel 9 місяців тому

    I still don't understand how they optimized this game to render millions of models, meanwhile starfield stutters on a 4090 if there's one too many potatoes on the screen...

  • @matthewlloyd3255
    @matthewlloyd3255 9 місяців тому +1

    How much ammo does each marine carry?

    • @ChaoticPinky
      @ChaoticPinky 9 місяців тому

      In this game there is no ammo or reloading

  • @brandonpickrell6232
    @brandonpickrell6232 9 місяців тому +1

  • @guyeswanson7958
    @guyeswanson7958 9 місяців тому

    Day 2 of requesting thunder warriors vs the last Terran free state

  • @baffinglyhandsome7785
    @baffinglyhandsome7785 9 місяців тому


  • @SvenTviking
    @SvenTviking 9 місяців тому

    It’s sad the GW people just don’t understand war. Swarm waves get slaughtered by artillery.

  • @williamyates7679
    @williamyates7679 4 місяці тому

    and the blk templars say "what is better than to die for the emperor?

  • @Tjorvia
    @Tjorvia 9 місяців тому

    strange that my comment about the blue space marine in the picture for the video appears to have possibly been deleted
    strange indeed

    • @ChaoticPinky
      @ChaoticPinky 9 місяців тому

      Well I didnt delete it.. its not held for review and there is no notification.... very strange...

    • @Tjorvia
      @Tjorvia 9 місяців тому

      @@ChaoticPinky my comment was along the lines of "the blue space marine in the picture holding the heavy bolter is a custom space marine chapter Iron Dragons Space Marine picture I had commissioned by an artist on DeviantArt known as "nachoman" back in about 2007 or so, because you can see on the space marine's right shoulder pauldron there's a dragon skull, but the space marine is colored red rather than blue," then I said "small world"

    • @ChaoticPinky
      @ChaoticPinky 9 місяців тому

      No comment of that nature has been deleted. All lists are empty probably an issue at your end led to the comment not posting, otherwise no idea :)

  • @rrohring1970
    @rrohring1970 9 місяців тому

    The title is misleading. There are more than just 100 heavy bolsters.

  • @emilsinclair4190
    @emilsinclair4190 9 місяців тому


  • @shaydorahl6740
    @shaydorahl6740 9 місяців тому

    That's a pretty small Tyranid swarm.

  • @matthewgalt7845
    @matthewgalt7845 9 місяців тому

    Nice and brutal cheers mate