Based on your request, we've decided to the the second part of our: 15 Things Poor People Do that the Rich Don't! What should our next video be about? Recommend here: Get Rich Playlist:
I learned that the stock market was a rich man's game (yes, grandparents lost it all back then and preached that forever) but I've been around long enough to really taste how great it can be. To be profitable, with inflation at 6.1% These are surely desperate times, but in my opinion, there is no market condition that a good financial advisor cannot navigate, especially those that have existed since the crisis of 2008 and before.
They are quite effective, I've been using the skills of an advisor since the August 2015 stock sell off when the Dow fell over 1800 pts which inherently wiped out all my gains I was in down over $80,000 (terrible times)... That's when I started using an advisor, it took me about 6 months to break even and also a net gain of 'about $830,000 while others have waited over years to break even, being aggressive certainly comes with greater risk, but with an investmėnt advisör, it's all been calculated risk.
my 401k growth has been stagnant since the 2019. I wouldn't mind consulting the advisor who guides you, I really want to grow my retirement fund since I could retire in 3 years.
Do your due diligence and opt for one that has tactics to help your portfolio continue consistent and steady growth. "Vivian Carol Gioia" is accountable for the success of my portfolio, and I believe she has the qualifications and expertise to accomplish your objectives.
Vivian Carol Gioia is the licensed advisor I use. Just research the name. You’d find necessary details to work with a correspondence to set up an appointment.
I find this informative, curiously explored Vivian Carol Gioia on the web, spotted her consulting page, and was able to schedule a call session with her, she shows quite a great deal of expertise from her resume.. very much appreciated
1)Rich people read, a lot 2)They sacrifice the present for the future 3)Go all-in on their strengths 4)Believe they are responsible for their own fate 5)They set financial goals 6)The rich sleep less than the poor 7)Have money work for them 8)The rich don't protest or boycott they produce 9)The rich think in terms of abundance not scarcity 10)They play the long game 11)Focus on being healthy 12)Study other successful people 13)Have mentors 14)They understand the world is changing 15)They're making the world a better place I enjoy these videos, however I don't think the Rich are getting rich by spending 20 minutes to find out these facts, so here you go.
yes, but book it's problem for much countries - I search they in internet. Many people a nowadays read facile book's it is make problems for skillful's person's (((
Nobody can become financially successful overnight. They put in background work but we tend to see the finished part. Fear is a dangerous component, hindering us from taking bold steps we need in other to reach our goals. you have to contend with inflation, recession, decisions from the Feds and all. I was able to increase my portfolio by $289k in months. You have to seek for help in the right places.
I think it's not always about fear, Sometimes realistic factors discourage people from reaching their goals in life. For instance, I've tried investing in the stock market several times but always got discouraged by fluctuations of stock value
The best course of action if you lack market knowledge is to ask a consultant or investing coach for guidance or assistance. Speaking with a consultant helped me stay afloat in the market and grow my portfolio to about 65% since January, even though I know it sounds obvious or generic. I believe that is the most effective way to enter the business at the moment.
'Carol Vivian Constable, a highly respected figure in her field. I suggest delving deeper into her credentials, as she possesses extensive experience and serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking guidance in navigating the financial market.
People overestimate what they can do in 1 year but massively underestimate what they can do in 20 or 30 years..... Very practical advice !!!! Thanks Alux!!!
I only found this sight a few days ago. I have helped others to start businesses, paid for schooling of people who could not afford it. To me you build your self when you help others to succeed and work long and hard your self. Like Churchill said, "Never give up, never never give up". I was born crippled, was parlized once and other things. When You help others you help your self. Thank you, Alven Mahler
Number 15 is the key. I had a business that I built up just to improve on the way things were and it brought me success and fame. The funny thing is that I didn’t really come in with the mindset of making money as much as making a change. Innovations make money. Push boundaries always.
My dad was a really wealthy man who had a compagny and a couple of stores. He unfortunatly commited suicide when I was 11. I am now 16. My teachers, my mom and all my friends consider myself very smart and they says that I can achieve a lot of things in life. But I am very lazy. Because of that, I had difficulties in school. However, I decided to change my habits. When I put efforts, I am at the top of the class in everything. Now im willing to take another step in my life and prepare my mind to be even more rich, successfull and talented than my dad. You are not all my motivation, but I want to thank you for all the work you do to motivate people including me. I know I can achieve my goals and I hope some other people too. Have a great day and sorry for my english.
The wisest thing that should be on everyone mind currently should be to invest in different stream of income that depend on the govt especially with this current economic crisis around the world
The global pandemic shut many financial institutions from functioning thereby rendering most people jobless & investors lost more than they ever thought of losing.
hears a tip; if you can't find a mentor you can hire a therapist! they don't just talk about your feelings, they can lead you toward success! even though they're not a ceo or an entrepreneur, they are very educated and understand the physiological part of your problems! ask as many questions as you want because they're working for you! also, if you can't afford a therapist, you can always find at least one elderly person who knows the way the world works! (volunteer at a nursing home) we wouldn't have a future without the past! (lol i hope some of this makes sense)
Would you donate me one dollar on cash app? I'm asking because I'm just trying to get a better home to live I'm currently working and trying my hardest to save but for some reason to bills keep tapping into my savings account and I can never get where I'm trying to be.. I understand if you can't.... just only $1 I ask for nothing more nothing less. I'm a single father trying to do what's right. I understand if you have your doubts I'm just asking for a little help.... If anything's possible my account on cash app is $Mont4431990 I appreciate if you took the time to read and hopefully understand me.. I also understand if you move on from this I am currently working...
Dear people who are reading this! Remember my name! I will make a big impact in this world. Right now I am 17, and think different than all the people I have met. I can only appreciate a couple as I see how great their focus and hard work are.
Luka Prajo, good luck. :) I am 40, and I'd like to give you this advice on being successful: be kind to others, honor parents and other respectable elders (even if you don't agree, you can honor them without respecting them), and walk humbly before God. If this is good advice, you'll see the proof of it in real life. My advice is that you will have a better life if you care for those principles. Humility is great for everyone, rich or poor, because only some -- not all -- circumstances are wholly within our control. Yet never give up, because faith is always needed to make anything happen, and as long as there is breath, there is hope. If you fight, there's always a chance. If your faith or strength fails, there is a great opportunity for you to be found by the God of whom I wrote earlier, who will bring an entirely new perspective with new faith and strength.
Well ill give you the list 1. Achieve success 2. Live an enjoyable life 3. They dont struggle on everything 4. No need to worry about finding food 5. Wash their clothing 6. Buy a house 7. Arent a huge problem 8. They can employ people to do what they dont want to do 9. (Which is rlly anyone but the homeless) buy a car 10. (Sometimes) pay taxes 11. Buy food 12. They dont smell weird 13. They can afford anything 2 both do Sell drugs Do drugs
All the best. Just remember, inventing something is the easy part. It's the marketing that will actually define your invention. Sincerely, A fellow inventor. ☺
They say only 1 out of 10 businesses succeed, well if you stay persistent and create 10, one of those is guaranteed to work for you. Create 100 and you will have 10 successful generating you more income from all directions. That my friend is how you become wealthy and stay that way.
You guys are missing the point. Its not about the statistic but rather the persistance. Through each business failure you learn from your mistake thus guranteeing you a much better chance the next time around
Best person and mentor to learn from that how to set goals is Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn, Bob Proctor and greatest book of all time Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Thank you.
I will make an impact! I've been studying the topic of money and personal finances for some time now. Your videos help me and others like me to continually sharpen our competitive edge and WIN at this game called life. Thanks for all you do and put out. Keep up the GREAT work!!!
Starting My Clothes Line. Learning from others Fashion Empires & How they came to Success.... Putting myself out there doing my Research on what the Masses look for in the Fashion Community... Learning how other got Creative & Being Bold & Risking your Money & Investment.... My Fashion Brand will make an Impression on not just the Fashion World but On Life it's Self!! Spending Time Researching and Dedicating Time & Energy while others Laugh & Envy your Success due to there inability to follow there Dreams!! Thank you Alux for Always Inspiring Me to Be Bold & Think Outside the Box & not take short cuts on your Dreams & Investment's ..
First I have to say I watched one of your videos out of shear curiosity. As a former legal professional that has retired early because I no longer needed the stress of a career; I was curious about several of your topics. Bottom line - I've watched several of them and concur with almost all you have advised and posted. So much so it lead me to post this comment to say "good work". Please keep it up, many people have no respect or knowledge of money except to spend it; knowledge is key. Keep spreading it.
Number 4 is so true they blame (the poor) on everything and everyone instead of DOING SOMETHING. Read, get another hustle JUST DO IT. I'm 75 and still learning and I'm doing IT.😊
1. Rich people read-a lot 2. They sacrifice the present for the future 3. Go all-in on their strengths 4. Believe they are responsible for their own fate 5. They set financial goals 6. The rich sleep less than the poor 7. Have money work for them 8. The rich don't protest or boycott 9. The rich think in terms of abundance 10. They play the long game 11. Focus on being healthy 12. Have mentors 13. Study other successful people 14. They understand the world is changing 15. They're making the world a better place 16. Rich people get paid on results not on time.
I am heartfully saying that this is going to be impact on my life. thank you for an amazing video Alux And this is my first comment for the last 2 years.
I went to the mall about a month ago. There are 2 malls together M1 and M2. M1 has the about $100 less clothes. Food court with teens and kids running around in jeans and tshirts. Fast food. M2 has shirts for minimal cost $1,000. I kid you not. Little small eat outs with people with business suits living across the street in a $4,000 a month rent enterprise. So i crossed from M1 to M2 thinking first i wish I had this much money and if you are them of course you have more. Then, I thought. I have a roof over my head. I still get income and looking for that part time job too. My cothes are $30 and less and my rent 10% of the market price. It actually made me feel grateful. We need to be resourceful not rich. Know how to use resources and gain money that will support you without needing to put in ectra for a $5,000 month apartment. How? Is a totally different story.
I will make a huge f*cking impact. A lot of what was in this video are things I’ve been telling myself or doing since I was 12. People think I’m crazy when I share my goals with them. It was so refreshing to see it vocalized by someone else; and without mincing words. At age 24, I make 250k a year - and I’ve never had help from anyone. I WILL make an impact. One that won’t ever be forgotten.
Shikhar Shah you are crazy my friend crazy about your dreams an goals. Know people can't be blame some never will open there mind to become thier inner super hero. Peace
Honey, you missed several types of lazy people. The ones that maintain their credit only to leverage their debt to leave a mess for their families or society. People that are rich and claim every right of citizenship, yet find every loophole to avoid contributing or no more than legally required. 'Rich People' that falsify documentation to obtain welfare or subsidized health and child care. My professional background would allow me to go on, but I'll digress. It's frustrating because how is it that we turn a blind eye to the wealthy people who contribute to the demise of the same structure that helped them to amass wealth? I enjoyed the first video, but this one is more condescending than insightful by comparison. Signed, A Girl That Got Her Mind & Money Right
u are definitely right shes trying to shit on poor people I've met poor people that gave me the strongest advice i could have received stop acting like being rich is the key to life and i know poor people with great work ethics u had a few things right but to make it sound like all poor people are making horrible choices and the rich are like gods and save the world thats bullshit but keep running game because people will believe in this but man i wish our people would really read between the lines gain wisdom and understand
Etta, you make some great points, but the rich who abuse the system are no more better than those who scam the system like Mr. Madoff. They are EVIL, Not necessarily Lazy. Because they have to work very hard to fool everyone, and then live with their sinister deeds. Those who give ONLY what’s legally required are honestly no different from anyone else. I know I certainly wouldn’t want to pay more in taxes than I am legally required to do so. Yet many of those people have businesses that also have many employees who have to legally receive certain benefits as per the law’s demands of employers. So even in that sense they are still making a difference in some person’s life. And I also don’t believe that talking about the differences between the mentalities of the poor and the rich is necessarily about condemning the conditions of poverty that many people find themselves in. You will not meet an athlete who just eats, never practices, doesn’t take any steps to improve on any areas in their art, and just steps out there to be more amazing than everyone else. Great athletes/performers have been relieved of their positions and contracts simply due to their bad work ethics or behaviors. So likewise, there has to be a certain mentality or certain traits a person possesses/exhibits in or to amass great wealth/success, and maintain in. And some of my points here are also responding to subsequent comments to yours.😊
Just a thought.... your comment “....same structure that helped them to amass wealth” minimizes all of the work that wealthy people put into becoming wealthy. The reality is that they helped themselves and took advantage of opportunities that others didn’t. It’s all about understanding the world around you and seeking ways to thrive financially. Typically when we feel criticized by the truth is because we know on some level the criticism is valid. I’ve been there and know how hard it is to admit that you made some bad decisions. The truth is rich people do a lot of things that poor people don’t but could if they chose to.
Not all poor people are lazy. But they don't do the things becoming rich requires. But I'd be willing to bet that all lazy people are poor. Lazy people don't have the drive or discipline to put in the kind of intensive labor required to become rich. Getting rich and amassing wealth takes hard work and sacrifice with the right vehicles, something lazy people aren't willing to do. Lazy people are called lazy because they do just the bare minimum to get by. Nice little bullshit job of twisting what's said in the video. Opportunity is everyone's for the taking, you know. But rich people are rich because they availed themselves and took the initiative, and then *saw it through*, something the lazy don't do. Alux isn't the one needing a "reality check."
One thing I have noticed during my six decades of revolving around our sun is that almost all criminals and thieves and even quite a large proportion of homeless people are able-bodied and often still young. Living on the streets of a large city requires a significant amount of energy and smarts, and even being a criminal seems to require an inordinate amount of effort for minimal results: I mean, they've got to get away every time, and if they're caught once, it can ruin their "career" in crime. Meanwhile, those who are wealthy are sometimes people who have had to endure a life with an illness or a disability. The irony is that being young, healthy, and able-bodied can also cause a person to make some truly awful decisions, especially when education is lacking. Sometimes, "being lazy" is merely perhaps just a reflection of ignorance. - j q t -
Would you donate me one dollar on cash app? I'm asking because I'm just trying to get a better home to live I'm currently working and trying my hardest to save but for some reason to bills keep tapping into my savings account and I can never get where I'm trying to be.. I understand if you can't.... just only $1 I ask for nothing more nothing less. I'm a single father trying to do what's right. I understand if you have your doubts I'm just asking for a little help.... If anything's possible my account on cash app is $Mont4431990 I appreciate if you took the time to read and hopefully understand me.. I also understand if you move on from this I am currently working...
Making money is not the same as keeping it there is a reason why investments aren't well taught in schools, the examples you gave are well stationed, the market crisis gave me my first millions, people shy away from hard times, I embrace them...
I've come across a lot of recommendations but this one stands out. Nolan Velden Brent resume is pretty sophisticated, and shows he was active during the last bear market, I also emailed him. Thanks for the info!
I myself sometimes feel so lonely bc nobody has the same goals or dreams as I have...Ever since I was a kid I always thought that life could be different then the same BS that everybody does (rat race) I started a bussiness months ago thanks to you guys 👏👏👏 and it's going pretty guys motivated me to do what I do today...again i feel lonely bc people does not believe in self development and that they can change life I just dont have friends yeah I know hundreds of people but nobody has big dreams or maybe they do have them but never put the work to realize them...thanks for all the excellent videos you guys provide for us for free! And thanks for all the bonus facts as well 👍😊 true aluxer here!!
2:53 always hate when people say watching tv is a waste of time, but maybe that's bc I work in television. Watching tv is the equivalent of reading a book since it's time spent learning.
My great grandfather was awfully rich, married three times. His five kids moved on... great grandpa died. My grandfather was part of the army in World War II died poor but with honor. In all - being rich doesn't mean it'll last forever it just means believing in yourself (being responsible for your own fate), focus on being healthy, focus on family, give yourself a well deserved vacation, have great friends (one of them becomes your business partner/mentor), aid/volunteer or donate things to a charity. Being kind hasn't killed anybody, so why can't we be kind? help our community with the changes ahead (do not dwell on the past, keep pushing for the future). Have a great week UA-camrs!
Sacrificing the present is the main one. Im really sick of listening to my friends in their 40 complain about their shitty jobs and no pay. While they were partying in their teens and twenties, I was the friend at university, working full time and studying. Now I'm reaping the rewards. So I missed a party or two in 2007, who cares?!?
I will make an impact for the future generations. You know, I used to work for the Mexican Government, and I never understood why people love play the fool all morning, so when in the afternoon, they all say "Oh, I have so much work !". I never stayed at the office if I didn't need it. I never fitted at the style. That's why I was fired. Uhhh. Anyway, I was running micro-tiny company of my own, and now I am trying to grow it, with my friend's help. My mentors. Of course. ¡ Saludos desde CDMX !
As always a good video and inspiring, I’m a graphic designer and I’m always pushing at my work. Sometimes we forget what we have accomplished in past years but when I look back all the effort I put in was worth it and now I’m definitely better then before hope in a few years I’ll be even better. Your videos help to not forget and keep pushing forward for the future. Thank you so much for that. Keep up the great work!
Alux: The best moment to start your journey was ten years ago. Me: I was four ten years ago, I was to busy learning that I hate people. What do you want me to do?
I WILL MAKE AN IMPACT This is perhaps the most inspiring video on the internet today Usually I do not comment on videos, but this has been an exception. Keep on Doing good work team Alux and let's reach our goals ASAP!
i'll make an impact alux is the "your life is probably shit do something about it" i recommend after getting the theory on alux, go watch valutainment on the application of your plans
You can call your next video ProS and Cons of being Rich ! THE RICH DON'T TAKE THEIR Riches of MONEY with them WHEN THEY DIE. But the POOR blessed with SPIRITUAL RICHES DO take theirs with them. LOVE AND PEACE TO ALL
Rose Mary Morin Oh, because poor people are such Saints, and never cause harm to anyone 🙄 The Rich can , and often definitely pass their riches onto their kids, or charities when they die.
Number 2 is so true! When I was 23 I just did not fit in. All of the people around me were naïve selfish think they already know everything and didn’t wanna do anything productive except partying and go out spending their money. One day I decided to Start getting busy working out and playing the guitar. It was my passion and something I really enjoyed doing. I would go as far as to playing a guitar for 14 hours every single day and on the days when I had a schedule for 1-9 I would wake up at 8 AM drive to the convenience store to grab a drink by the guitar for 30 minutes then once it’s 10:30 AM around I would stop what I’m doing and go straight to the gym get my workout done even if it’s just 15 or 30 minutes eat real quick to replace the calories then start my shift come home play the guitar for a bit and repeat and after a year and a half of doing it it paid off so well that all the people who were around me were all saying to me “how did you do it?“ and then they say things like it was bizarre and that they have no idea how I did it and I just responded with I don’t waste time. The best time to do it is when you’re young. And as the years went on I started learning about the real world by going job to job and things that I knew nothing about instead of rather than staying at the same place for the rest of my life like most people. Which goes to number 14. The real world is changing very very fast the real world in 2015 is not the same as it was in 2016 2016 is not the same as it was in 2018 2019 was not the same as it is in 2020 it will always be different you either get one of the times or you are behind. The fact that the world is changing rapidly is what makes it fun.
A video on wall Street... And please have your option about it in reply section please because investing in right time and right place is really important
I will make an impact. This video is thought provoking because it caused me to reflect on what I do with my free time. Watching TV can become a "go to" during the pandemic. A strong effort needs to be made to change that.
Baaaaahahahaha 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Did she just called out the Cat Lovers 😹😹😹😹 on #12 LMAO. She is in for the kill!!!! Who needs Netflix when you can watch ALUX and have a real good laugh. This videos never fail to put a smile on my face. Thank you ALUX.
I just want to point out that as far as using a template between the audio voice track and the music in the background this is ideal your voice is crystal clear but the music is still pleasing enough that it carries us along
Are you serious?? There are many hardworking poor people (especially in underdeveloped countries) who will remain poor because of greed and because the system is set up to keep them poor!
You're right. There are powers that be that want to keep us enslaved. It's just a matter of fact. However, some people do rise above it. The key is in LEARNING what they did to rise above it and having the discipline to actually take those steps. Good luck to you wherever you are.
James William and Lauren Blaine There are times when you can plan, think, and learn from your mistakes and "Life Still Happens". Even if you did all you needed to do to be successful, life will hit you when you least expect it. Think about your comments when it happens to you, and it will. #EMPATHY. Open your heart to it
I will make an impact. This video is such a refreshing break from reality in that in my day-to-day life I am constantly ridiculed for not being normal. Thank you for supporting me in my strangeness of self development vs. keeping up with the Kardashians. Thank you for telling us outright that the long game is where it is at. It is so discouraging to thinki everyday that my plan will take 10+ years to start paying thank you so very much for this video and the tidbit about Warren Buffett making most of his money after the age of 50. I am rejuvenated and ready to put in more work. I will make an impact.
Actually the government doesn’t discriminate against people based on statistics. But keep being a sheep(actually don’t; sheep are cute and all but they don’t amount to much).
Based on your request, we've decided to the the second part of our: 15 Things Poor People Do that the Rich Don't!
What should our next video be about? Recommend here:
Get Rich Playlist: !Part two's awwesome!Great video!
Glad you're enjoying it Ramin!
15 things to concentrate on studies or to be successful student
I will make an impact
I learned that the stock market was a rich man's game (yes, grandparents lost it all back then and preached that forever) but I've been around long enough to really taste how great it can be. To be profitable, with inflation at 6.1% These are surely desperate times, but in my opinion, there is no market condition that a good financial advisor cannot navigate, especially those that have existed since the crisis of 2008 and before.
They are quite effective, I've been using the skills of an advisor since the August 2015 stock sell off when the Dow fell over 1800 pts which inherently wiped out all my gains I was in down over $80,000 (terrible times)... That's when I started using an advisor, it took me about 6 months to break even and also a net gain of 'about $830,000 while others have waited over years to break even, being aggressive certainly comes with greater risk, but with an investmėnt advisör, it's all been calculated risk.
my 401k growth has been stagnant since the 2019. I wouldn't mind consulting the advisor who guides you, I really want to grow my retirement fund since I could retire in 3 years.
Do your due diligence and opt for one that has tactics to help your portfolio continue consistent and steady growth. "Vivian Carol Gioia" is accountable for the success of my portfolio, and I believe she has the qualifications and expertise to accomplish your objectives.
Vivian Carol Gioia is the licensed advisor I use. Just research the name. You’d find necessary details to work with a correspondence to set up an appointment.
I find this informative, curiously explored Vivian Carol Gioia on the web, spotted her consulting page, and was able to schedule a call session with her, she shows quite a great deal of expertise from her resume.. very much appreciated
1)Rich people read, a lot
2)They sacrifice the present for the future
3)Go all-in on their strengths
4)Believe they are responsible for their own fate
5)They set financial goals
6)The rich sleep less than the poor
7)Have money work for them
8)The rich don't protest or boycott they produce
9)The rich think in terms of abundance not scarcity
10)They play the long game
11)Focus on being healthy
12)Study other successful people
13)Have mentors
14)They understand the world is changing
15)They're making the world a better place
I enjoy these videos, however I don't think the Rich are getting rich by spending 20 minutes to find out these facts, so here you go.
16. Rich people get paid on results not on time. :)
thanks, i was gonna skip it just to read what you wrote
yes, but book it's problem for much countries - I search they in internet. Many people a nowadays read facile book's it is make problems for skillful's person's (((
ZoHBo well said.
ZoHBo, I had a high school teacher say, 'It’s not what you know but who you know' and that is so true.
Nobody can become financially successful overnight. They put in background work but we tend to see the finished part. Fear is a dangerous component, hindering us from taking bold steps we need in other to reach our goals. you have to contend with inflation, recession, decisions from the Feds and all. I was able to increase my portfolio by $289k in months. You have to seek for help in the right places.
I think it's not always about fear, Sometimes realistic factors discourage people from reaching their goals in life. For instance, I've tried investing in the stock market several times but always got discouraged by fluctuations of stock value
The best course of action if you lack market knowledge is to ask a consultant or investing coach for guidance or assistance. Speaking with a consultant helped me stay afloat in the market and grow my portfolio to about 65% since January, even though I know it sounds obvious or generic. I believe that is the most effective way to enter the business at the moment.
please who is the consultant that assist you with your investment and if you don't mind, how do I get in touch with them?
'Carol Vivian Constable, a highly respected figure in her field. I suggest delving deeper into her credentials, as she possesses extensive experience and serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking guidance in navigating the financial market.
She appears to be well-educated and well-read. I ran an online search on her name and came across her website; thank you for sharing.
Getting a mentor has made a difference. I'm held accountable. I had to raise the bar. Alux is my online mentor. Thanks for the push Alux!
"Hardwork beats talent, when talent doesn't work hard"
Oh no hard work can’t beat talent
@@propertyv6240 really? You know Cristiano Ronaldo?
Very true, without talent, hard work will only take you so far.
@@farzaan7 talent plus hardwork makes him successful,
😃😃😃.. You forgot-- Intelligence.!!
People overestimate what they can do in 1 year but massively underestimate what they can do in 20 or 30 years..... Very practical advice !!!! Thanks Alux!!!
Rich people have multiple sources of income
Keith De Hood not always
Not really, my dad has a software company and that’s we’re all the income comes from.
You can too.
@@nishp995 Amir baap ki Nalayak Aaulad
I'll give you that one! I do agree with most of these though.
I only found this sight a few days ago. I have helped others to start businesses, paid for schooling of people who could not afford it. To me you build your self when you help others to succeed and work long and hard your self. Like Churchill said, "Never give up, never never give up". I was born crippled, was parlized once and other things. When You help others you help your self. Thank you, Alven Mahler
Number 15 is the key. I had a business that I built up just to improve on the way things were and it brought me success and fame. The funny thing is that I didn’t really come in with the mindset of making money as much as making a change.
Innovations make money. Push boundaries always.
Hello, do you know how can I sell my invention, it's already patented.
What did you build up to improve others life?
I will make an impact in this world.
What impact
I think so👍😁
You wont
My dad was a really wealthy man who had a compagny and a couple of stores. He unfortunatly commited suicide when I was 11. I am now 16. My teachers, my mom and all my friends consider myself very smart and they says that I can achieve a lot of things in life. But I am very lazy. Because of that, I had difficulties in school. However, I decided to change my habits. When I put efforts, I am at the top of the class in everything. Now im willing to take another step in my life and prepare my mind to be even more rich, successfull and talented than my dad. You are not all my motivation, but I want to thank you for all the work you do to motivate people including me. I know I can achieve my goals and I hope some other people too. Have a great day and sorry for my english.
Hey, your English is good.
We wish you the best of luck in your journey George!
..and yeah, your English is ok, don't worry about it!
George Lacroix Thank you for making that Change buddy.. We'll love to see you up at the top.. Well done
Ehy hire me after u get a company lol
😂😂😂 you can plan creating one instead ;)
The wisest thing that should be on everyone mind currently should be to invest in different stream of income that depend on the govt especially with this current economic crisis around the world
I am glad that I am achieving success in trading after I read through a post on btc and how to get started with the help of an expert mr billy
Investing in btc now is really good especially with the current growth in price of btc in the market now.
@@frankcastle5419 Is he legit, can he be trusted?
Yes he's legit also an expert and I have been earning from he's platform.
The global pandemic shut many financial institutions from functioning thereby rendering most people jobless & investors lost more than they ever thought of losing.
hears a tip; if you can't find a mentor you can hire a therapist! they don't just talk about your feelings, they can lead you toward success! even though they're not a ceo or an entrepreneur, they are very educated and understand the physiological part of your problems! ask as many questions as you want because they're working for you!
also, if you can't afford a therapist, you can always find at least one elderly person who knows the way the world works! (volunteer at a nursing home) we wouldn't have a future without the past! (lol i hope some of this makes sense)
Thanks for advise 👍
dont know how my therapist can help me make career decisions..
Would you donate me one dollar on cash app? I'm asking because I'm just trying to get a better home to live I'm currently working and trying my hardest to save but for some reason to bills keep tapping into my savings account and I can never get where I'm trying to be.. I understand if you can't.... just only $1 I ask for nothing more nothing less. I'm a single father trying to do what's right. I understand if you have your doubts I'm just asking for a little help.... If anything's possible my account on cash app is $Mont4431990 I appreciate if you took the time to read and hopefully understand me.. I also understand if you move on from this I am currently working...
U are making plenty of sense think for the legend.
menthor are for children
I've watched this two years ago and it's still gold. I will make an impact.
Dear people who are reading this! Remember my name! I will make a big impact in this world. Right now I am 17, and think different than all the people I have met. I can only appreciate a couple as I see how great their focus and hard work are.
Luka Prajo, good luck. :) I am 40, and I'd like to give you this advice on being successful: be kind to others, honor parents and other respectable elders (even if you don't agree, you can honor them without respecting them), and walk humbly before God. If this is good advice, you'll see the proof of it in real life. My advice is that you will have a better life if you care for those principles. Humility is great for everyone, rich or poor, because only some -- not all -- circumstances are wholly within our control. Yet never give up, because faith is always needed to make anything happen, and as long as there is breath, there is hope. If you fight, there's always a chance. If your faith or strength fails, there is a great opportunity for you to be found by the God of whom I wrote earlier, who will bring an entirely new perspective with new faith and strength.
I'm sorry, I meant to write "you can honor them without agreeing with them." I didn't mean to write honor without respect, which doesn't make sense.
I literally said the same thing I wish the best of luck who know maybe one day we collaborate ?
Luka Prajo everyone says that
Luka Prajo good luck and Dream big my friend
Well ill give you the list
1. Achieve success
2. Live an enjoyable life
3. They dont struggle on everything
4. No need to worry about finding food
5. Wash their clothing
6. Buy a house
7. Arent a huge problem
8. They can employ people to do what they dont want to do
9. (Which is rlly anyone but the homeless) buy a car
10. (Sometimes) pay taxes
11. Buy food
12. They dont smell weird
13. They can afford anything
2 both do
Sell drugs
Do drugs
I will make an impact as soon as my patent gets approved. Just wait and see how I change the world and make it better.
i'm intriugued, following you
I clicked this video just too say we rich can impact your ass, what do you need my gold frosted patek phillipe watch or money ?
All the best. Just remember, inventing something is the easy part.
It's the marketing that will actually define your invention.
A fellow inventor. ☺
“I don’t don’t even know who you are”
They say only 1 out of 10 businesses succeed, well if you stay persistent and create 10, one of those is guaranteed to work for you. Create 100 and you will have 10 successful generating you more income from all directions. That my friend is how you become wealthy and stay that way.
Edward Ornelas not how statistics works fam
Edward Ornelas:
Probabilities are not guaranteed...
You guys are missing the point. Its not about the statistic but rather the persistance. Through each business failure you learn from your mistake thus guranteeing you a much better chance the next time around
Edward Ornelas I don't think you know what guaranteed means
i’ve heard ‘them’ say only 5% of new businesses make it past the first year and a mere 1% make it to 5 years.
the fact that you are watching this video means that you and I will make an IMPACT!
This is great to listen to while actually working on my goals. Fires up the motivation :)
This video was up 2 years ago. Still, I will make an impact! Amen!
Best person and mentor to learn from that how to set goals is Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn, Bob Proctor and greatest book of all time Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.
Thank you.
I'm a huge fan of Brian Tracy and will listen to the others. Thank you
I’m reading “Think and Grow Rich” now! Helps you to understand how powerful we are.
I will make a greater impact!
Reading Tony Robbins and taking action also helpt a lot.
I will make an impact! I've been studying the topic of money and personal finances for some time now. Your videos help me and others like me to continually sharpen our competitive edge and WIN at this game called life. Thanks for all you do and put out. Keep up the GREAT work!!!
This video is one the best I’ve seen on UA-cam!
I already make an impact. I work with special needs children and help them learn how to function in our world!!
Thank you for serving these loving children, You are awe
You are awesome
That’s Great I’m going to take over my Dads shoe Business so yeah gonna be making Nigeria a better place
You are awesome!🤗😘🙏
That's great.
Starting My Clothes Line. Learning from others Fashion Empires & How they came to Success.... Putting myself out there doing my Research on what the Masses look for in the Fashion Community... Learning how other got Creative & Being Bold & Risking your Money & Investment.... My Fashion Brand will make an Impression on not just the Fashion World but On Life it's Self!! Spending Time Researching and Dedicating Time & Energy while others Laugh & Envy your Success due to there inability to follow there Dreams!!
Thank you Alux for Always Inspiring Me to Be Bold & Think Outside the Box & not take short cuts on your Dreams & Investment's ..
Benjamin Blizzard that's my dream too!
Chinenye Kalu You got this Honey!!! Go for it....
First I have to say I watched one of your videos out of shear curiosity. As a former legal professional that has retired early because I no longer needed the stress of a career; I was curious about several of your topics. Bottom line - I've watched several of them and concur with almost all you have advised and posted. So much so it lead me to post this comment to say "good work". Please keep it up, many people have no respect or knowledge of money except to spend it; knowledge is key. Keep spreading it.
Number 4 is so true they blame (the poor) on everything and everyone instead of DOING SOMETHING. Read, get another hustle JUST DO IT. I'm 75 and still learning and I'm doing IT.😊
Hey alux!! Plz make a video on 15 must read books to be successful!!!
Great video btw!!
I will make an impact!
sneha kolluru totally agree! I would be interested to find out if I’ve read any of them already!
My personal favorite is The One Thing!
Completely agree, that video would be a must watch....
We need such kind of video
sneha kolluru hey I requested that too 😄 hopefully they will make one like that it will be such a helpful video 📚
I second that motion
I will make an impact goddamnit! This shit is all I think about all day everyday. One way after another.
Odin's Eye are you still like that? Best regards mate
That is the spirit!!
Legend has it he remained poor
Jesus!! I know this is old but everything in this hit me hard! 🔥
me too. been bit by a multilevel before, I am cautiously optimistic
1. Rich people read-a lot
2. They sacrifice the present for the future
3. Go all-in on their strengths
4. Believe they are responsible for their own fate
5. They set financial goals
6. The rich sleep less than the poor
7. Have money work for them
8. The rich don't protest or boycott
9. The rich think in terms of abundance
10. They play the long game
11. Focus on being healthy
12. Have mentors
13. Study other successful people
14. They understand the world is changing
15. They're making the world a better place
16. Rich people get paid on results not on time.
I will make an impact! Using my time wisely while living in this covid-19 era!
I am heartfully saying that this is going to be impact on my life.
thank you for an amazing video Alux
And this is my first comment for the last 2 years.
Thank you for being part of the Alux family and for your comment! We are happy to hear that all our hard work is put to good use!
hard work never waste keep going on...!
Thank you for replying for the comet.
Tulasi Sai Racom/com/
Tulasi Sai Ram stop shitting in the street
rich people don´t spend their time watching "what rich people do" videos
Oh? This one does.
wannawatchu66 LMAO you think because you used a comma and a full stop you come of as educated “thus” rich?
Because they already know how to get rich
Robert Orendt that’s because they are Already rich 😂💀
I went to the mall about a month ago. There are 2 malls together M1 and M2. M1 has the about $100 less clothes. Food court with teens and kids running around in jeans and tshirts. Fast food. M2 has shirts for minimal cost $1,000. I kid you not. Little small eat outs with people with business suits living across the street in a $4,000 a month rent enterprise.
So i crossed from M1 to M2 thinking first i wish I had this much money and if you are them of course you have more. Then, I thought. I have a roof over my head. I still get income and looking for that part time job too. My cothes are $30 and less and my rent 10% of the market price.
It actually made me feel grateful. We need to be resourceful not rich. Know how to use resources and gain money that will support you without needing to put in ectra for a $5,000 month apartment.
How? Is a totally different story.
I already possess some of the attributes. Now I'm even more inspired and motivated. Thanks for a great and thought provoking video!
I will make a huge f*cking impact. A lot of what was in this video are things I’ve been telling myself or doing since I was 12. People think I’m crazy when I share my goals with them.
It was so refreshing to see it vocalized by someone else; and without mincing words. At age 24, I make 250k a year - and I’ve never had help from anyone.
I WILL make an impact. One that won’t ever be forgotten.
You will
If u can then I can.
Shikhar Shah I like your story
Shikhar Shah stop telling everybody your goals just shut up and keep a tight circle just work!
Shikhar Shah you are crazy my friend crazy about your dreams an goals. Know people can't be blame some never will open there mind to become thier inner super hero. Peace
Honey, you missed several types of lazy people. The ones that maintain their credit only to leverage their debt to leave a mess for their families or society. People that are rich and claim every right of citizenship, yet find every loophole to avoid contributing or no more than legally required. 'Rich People' that falsify documentation to obtain welfare or subsidized health and child care. My professional background would allow me to go on, but I'll digress. It's frustrating because how is it that we turn a blind eye to the wealthy people who contribute to the demise of the same structure that helped them to amass wealth? I enjoyed the first video, but this one is more condescending than insightful by comparison. Signed, A Girl That Got Her Mind & Money Right
u are definitely right shes trying to shit on poor people I've met poor people that gave me the strongest advice i could have received stop acting like being rich is the key to life and i know poor people with great work ethics u had a few things right but to make it sound like all poor people are making horrible choices and the rich are like gods and save the world thats bullshit but keep running game because people will believe in this but man i wish our people would really read between the lines gain wisdom and understand
No integrity hipocrites.
Etta, you make some great points, but the rich who abuse the system are no more better than those who scam the system like Mr. Madoff. They are EVIL, Not necessarily Lazy. Because they have to work very hard to fool everyone, and then live with their sinister deeds. Those who give ONLY what’s legally required are honestly no different from anyone else. I know I certainly wouldn’t want to pay more in taxes than I am legally required to do so. Yet many of those people have businesses that also have many employees who have to legally receive certain benefits as per the law’s demands of employers. So even in that sense they are still making a difference in some person’s life. And I also don’t believe that talking about the differences between the mentalities of the poor and the rich is necessarily about condemning the conditions of poverty that many people find themselves in. You will not meet an athlete who just eats, never practices, doesn’t take any steps to improve on any areas in their art, and just steps out there to be more amazing than everyone else. Great athletes/performers have been relieved of their positions and contracts simply due to their bad work ethics or behaviors. So likewise, there has to be a certain mentality or certain traits a person possesses/exhibits in or to amass great wealth/success, and maintain in. And some of my points here are also responding to subsequent comments to yours.😊
Don't put all of your energy criticizing other people. Do something different where you think it's being done wrong. Focus!
Just a thought.... your comment “....same structure that helped them to amass wealth” minimizes all of the work that wealthy people put into becoming wealthy. The reality is that they helped themselves and took advantage of opportunities that others didn’t. It’s all about understanding the world around you and seeking ways to thrive financially.
Typically when we feel criticized by the truth is because we know on some level the criticism is valid. I’ve been there and know how hard it is to admit that you made some bad decisions.
The truth is rich people do a lot of things that poor people don’t but could if they chose to.
What's a remarkable content...
I watched this video 3years after it was posted and it's still very much relevant. Kudos!
I WILL MAKE AN IMPACT! Thank you for another AMAZING video. Loving the way you are straight forward and brutal, but honest. 😃
“Poor people are lazy” meanwhile the whole world revolves around their work that no one wants to do. Alux get a reality check
Not all poor people are lazy. But they don't do the things becoming rich requires. But I'd be willing to bet that all lazy people are poor. Lazy people don't have the drive or discipline to put in the kind of intensive labor required to become rich. Getting rich and amassing wealth takes hard work and sacrifice with the right vehicles, something lazy people aren't willing to do. Lazy people are called lazy because they do just the bare minimum to get by. Nice little bullshit job of twisting what's said in the video. Opportunity is everyone's for the taking, you know. But rich people are rich because they availed themselves and took the initiative, and then *saw it through*, something the lazy don't do. Alux isn't the one needing a "reality check."
One thing I have noticed during my six decades of revolving around our sun is that almost all criminals and thieves and even quite a large proportion of homeless people are able-bodied and often still young. Living on the streets of a large city requires a significant amount of energy and smarts, and even being a criminal seems to require an inordinate amount of effort for minimal results: I mean, they've got to get away every time, and if they're caught once, it can ruin their "career" in crime. Meanwhile, those who are wealthy are sometimes people who have had to endure a life with an illness or a disability. The irony is that being young, healthy, and able-bodied can also cause a person to make some truly awful decisions, especially when education is lacking. Sometimes, "being lazy" is merely perhaps just a reflection of ignorance. - j q t -
U really are a dickhead that would get beaten to death out on the tough streets
.... 'revolves around their work' - which is paid for by the rich !!!
I just love how accurate alux are.. Ur videos work as a huge push whenever I feel down.. ❤️
That’s what we do
Would you donate me one dollar on cash app? I'm asking because I'm just trying to get a better home to live I'm currently working and trying my hardest to save but for some reason to bills keep tapping into my savings account and I can never get where I'm trying to be.. I understand if you can't.... just only $1 I ask for nothing more nothing less. I'm a single father trying to do what's right. I understand if you have your doubts I'm just asking for a little help.... If anything's possible my account on cash app is $Mont4431990 I appreciate if you took the time to read and hopefully understand me.. I also understand if you move on from this I am currently working...
Rich people DO expect the government to help them with bail outs. Rich people DO lobby. Rich people DO blame their money problems on poor people.
Rich people don’t have money problems, they’re rich… 😐
Guilherme Soares you won’t
@@georgevigheciu7934 c'mon dude. you can be better than that. saying something like that isn't going to help anyone.
If it’s for the better go for it don’t let anyone stop you
He will destroy the world 🌎
Been 3 mos, hows it going
I will make an impact. Going to go through my financial library and start take notes
I will make an impact!! Already working on my goals! love from 🇮🇳
Whow it's is going di .
Making money is not the same as keeping it there is a reason why investments aren't well taught in schools, the examples you gave are well stationed, the market crisis gave me my first millions, people shy away from hard times, I embrace them...
@Alax Frye wow ,that’s stirring! Do you mind connecting me to your advisor please. I desperately need one to diversified my portfolio.
I've come across a lot of recommendations but this one stands out. Nolan Velden Brent resume is pretty sophisticated, and shows he was active during the last bear market, I also emailed him. Thanks for the info!
I myself sometimes feel so lonely bc nobody has the same goals or dreams as I have...Ever since I was a kid I always thought that life could be different then the same BS that everybody does (rat race) I started a bussiness months ago thanks to you guys 👏👏👏 and it's going pretty guys motivated me to do what I do today...again i feel lonely bc people does not believe in self development and that they can change life I just dont have friends yeah I know hundreds of people but nobody has big dreams or maybe they do have them but never put the work to realize them...thanks for all the excellent videos you guys provide for us for free! And thanks for all the bonus facts as well 👍😊 true aluxer here!!
I want to be your partner to take away the lonliness through Master minding together
Why should you be lonely while there are countless number of people whom you can coup and prosper!
"I will make in impact" let's action speak louder than words!!
2:53 always hate when people say watching tv is a waste of time, but maybe that's bc I work in television. Watching tv is the equivalent of reading a book since it's time spent learning.
It's not, internet is way better like you tube
My great grandfather was awfully rich, married three times. His five kids moved on... great grandpa died. My grandfather was part of the army in World War II died poor but with honor. In all - being rich doesn't mean it'll last forever it just means believing in yourself (being responsible for your own fate), focus on being healthy, focus on family, give yourself a well deserved vacation, have great friends (one of them becomes your business partner/mentor), aid/volunteer or donate things to a charity. Being kind hasn't killed anybody, so why can't we be kind? help our community with the changes ahead (do not dwell on the past, keep pushing for the future). Have a great week UA-camrs!
Number 6 made a quote come to mind "We don't get tired, we get money"
Thanks to alux
Sacrificing the present is the main one. Im really sick of listening to my friends in their 40 complain about their shitty jobs and no pay. While they were partying in their teens and twenties, I was the friend at university, working full time and studying. Now I'm reaping the rewards. So I missed a party or two in 2007, who cares?!?
I will make an impact for the future generations.
You know, I used to work for the Mexican Government, and I never understood why people love play the fool all morning, so when in the afternoon, they all say "Oh, I have so much work !". I never stayed at the office if I didn't need it. I never fitted at the style. That's why I was fired. Uhhh.
Anyway, I was running micro-tiny company of my own, and now I am trying to grow it, with my friend's help. My mentors. Of course.
¡ Saludos desde CDMX !
As always a good video and inspiring, I’m a graphic designer and I’m always pushing at my work. Sometimes we forget what we have accomplished in past years but when I look back all the effort I put in was worth it and now I’m definitely better then before hope in a few years I’ll be even better. Your videos help to not forget and keep pushing forward for the future. Thank you so much for that. Keep up the great work!
I thank God for your videos, I'm learning a lot, and I hope they'll make a different in my life.
I will make an impact !❤🍀 thank you for reminding me always !!
I must be rich and impact the world positively
Alux: The best moment to start your journey was ten years ago.
Me: I was four ten years ago, I was to busy learning that I hate people. What do you want me to do?
Learn to love yourself and other people.
“All of them are a bunch of bullshit”
That line made my day
This is perhaps the most inspiring video on the internet today
Usually I do not comment on videos, but this has been an exception.
Keep on Doing good work team Alux and let's reach our goals ASAP!
i'll make an impact
alux is the "your life is probably shit do something about it" i recommend after getting the theory on alux, go watch valutainment on the application of your plans
Rich people aren't religious.
God bless you...
I am 62 years old
I have experience of many advices mentioned in this video
I have great impact on this world
Thanks alux
Would you make a video on some good books
satyam sahu message and spam these guys to make a book list bro
Wow! So inspiring!
Damn right Nicolas!
You can call your next video ProS and Cons of being Rich !
But the POOR blessed with SPIRITUAL RICHES DO take theirs with them.
Rose Mary Morin Oh, because poor people are such Saints, and never cause harm to anyone 🙄 The Rich can , and often definitely pass their riches onto their kids, or charities when they die.
I will make an impact, why can’t 2020 AND 2021 be full of blessings and goals achieved? Let’s get it.
I will make an impact!
Thanks Phylicia!
Thank you for making awesome content! please respond to mine it will mean a lot thank you anyways
Phylicia Ste
With the help of God I will be successful and I will prove and inspire future generations to do great things in life
God has nothing to do with it. You'll be like all the other lazy people that think God is looking out for them.
I will make an impact. Thank you ALUX FOR making this video.
Number 2 is so true! When I was 23 I just did not fit in. All of the people around me were naïve selfish think they already know everything and didn’t wanna do anything productive except partying and go out spending their money. One day I decided to Start getting busy working out and playing the guitar. It was my passion and something I really enjoyed doing. I would go as far as to playing a guitar for 14 hours every single day and on the days when I had a schedule for 1-9 I would wake up at 8 AM drive to the convenience store to grab a drink by the guitar for 30 minutes then once it’s 10:30 AM around I would stop what I’m doing and go straight to the gym get my workout done even if it’s just 15 or 30 minutes eat real quick to replace the calories then start my shift come home play the guitar for a bit and repeat and after a year and a half of doing it it paid off so well that all the people who were around me were all saying to me “how did you do it?“ and then they say things like it was bizarre and that they have no idea how I did it and I just responded with I don’t waste time. The best time to do it is when you’re young. And as the years went on I started learning about the real world by going job to job and things that I knew nothing about instead of rather than staying at the same place for the rest of my life like most people. Which goes to number 14. The real world is changing very very fast the real world in 2015 is not the same as it was in 2016 2016 is not the same as it was in 2018 2019 was not the same as it is in 2020 it will always be different you either get one of the times or you are behind. The fact that the world is changing rapidly is what makes it fun.
As always, excellent content. Loving the realism. Also, I WILL make an Impact!
I WILL MAKE AN IMPACT.... Also... The rich make money while they sleep.
Their investments earn interest while they sleep.
The Sinister Minister yes they do. Real estate is the best business on this planet!
A video on wall Street...
And please have your option about it in reply section please because investing in right time and right place is really important
Any particular stock? FACEBOOK AND TESLA
how it works, how to get started i would think
Yes 10 things you need to know about stock investment
Invest when nobody wants to invest in it. That's the best hint you can have. And stocks are not the one anymore.
I will make an impact. This video is thought provoking because it caused me to reflect on what I do with my free time. Watching TV can become a "go to" during the pandemic. A strong effort needs to be made to change that.
Preach! This is the honest n brutal truth that lots of people can't seem to accept. 100% agree with this video. I will make an impact!
This is so inspiring
It makes you realise that You ve still got a chance to push and achieve your dreams
I will be stronger today than yesterday
I will be faster,smarter today than yesterday
The right mindset Lohith! oh thanks Alux
Baaaaahahahaha 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Did she just called out the Cat Lovers 😹😹😹😹 on #12 LMAO. She is in for the kill!!!! Who needs Netflix when you can watch ALUX and have a real good laugh. This videos never fail to put a smile on my face. Thank you ALUX.
I love that this video has such a high dislike to like ratio, considering the quality of content. ~1:20! It's very telling.
the rich talk about idea, the poor talk about people
I will make a huge impact!!
That's the right attitude Sahas! yea sure. Is there any way we can work together?
Good for you! That IS the attitude to have! I'll be there alongside you making my own huge impact, brother!
wannawatchu66 yea sure brother!! All the best!!
7:46 ??? This is the contrary! With sleep you can't do nothing!
I think rich sleep BETTER than the poor. You cannot be productive if your sleep is bad
I will make an impact on the world for our people and Nature...😇🙏🙏🙏
That's awesome!
U said that rich people read books a lot.These is the thing that iam going to do right now.Learing the things from others wrong steps.
Shubham Bargude you’re not learning if you’re not doing!
I would love to join with a group of some dream chasers..any suggestions?
I just want to point out that as far as using a template between the audio voice track and the music in the background this is ideal your voice is crystal clear but the music is still pleasing enough that it carries us along
memeulous sent me here how about you?
Dubstep Doge hello fellow memulouse sender
Dubstep Doge wagwan piffting what's ya bbm pin
Are you serious?? There are many hardworking poor people (especially in underdeveloped countries) who will remain poor because of greed and because the system is set up to keep them poor!
soshallitbe that is bull shit most poor people are there own worst enemy. By the way they act and think.
You're right. There are powers that be that want to keep us enslaved. It's just a matter of fact. However, some people do rise above it. The key is in LEARNING what they did to rise above it and having the discipline to actually take those steps. Good luck to you wherever you are.
soshallitbe your are right but not in the U.S. poor people in the u.s are simple
I am agree with you. Everybody can not be rich that's how capitalist system works.
James William and Lauren Blaine
There are times when you can plan, think, and learn from your mistakes and "Life Still Happens". Even if you did all you needed to do to be successful, life will hit you when you least expect it. Think about your comments when it happens to you, and it will. #EMPATHY. Open your heart to it
I will make an impact. This video is such a refreshing break from reality in that in my day-to-day life I am constantly ridiculed for not being normal. Thank you for supporting me in my strangeness of self development vs. keeping up with the Kardashians. Thank you for telling us outright that the long game is where it is at. It is so discouraging to thinki everyday that my plan will take 10+ years to start paying thank you so very much for this video and the tidbit about Warren Buffett making most of his money after the age of 50. I am rejuvenated and ready to put in more work. I will make an impact.
I'm going to make an impact an extraordinary impact like POW!!!
i will make an IMPACT!!
Good luck Ubani!
“Rich people don’t blame others for their misfortune.” AKA, the government is not your daddy and your not being discriminated against.
Google search "Finland homeless", Google search "redlining".
Actually the government doesn’t discriminate against people based on statistics. But keep being a sheep(actually don’t; sheep are cute and all but they don’t amount to much).
The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine. Successful people do daily what the unsuccessful only do occasionally.
you're right, thanks for introducing me to colinswilson of financial education
There are scammer but real brokers are out
there for investors
I will make an impact for sure!!!
Rahul. my fart will make a impact
YTS 7 wtf are you doing then