NAAAH THIS GOTTA BE THE FUNNIEST EPISODE EVER 😂😂 8:18 Bruh has to be one of the funniest random dubreacts moments 😂😂 19:52 CLOSE THE SCHOOLS 25:00 BRO SAID SHE SPAWNED IN THE STREETS LMAOO 26:41 BRO SAID CHEESE OF MAC BUH 😂😂
I found this beautiful girl in School who is so kind and smart and trustworthy, Truly one in a million. Because Beautiful in Women is not what has always lacked, it’s trustworthy women and honest and smart.
Flight said they making Mac and cheese too nahh this relationship over, so for flight if his lady cheat and make another other then Mac and cheese she might get a second shot at staying together lol
22:29 “his jeans so tight if he fart it’s coming out his ankle” 😭😭😭
That’s actually hilarious I’m stealing that 🤣
Who else love the UDY reactions?🔥
ong it shows his true personality so much man they the best 🙏🏻
Fr this and scary reaction the best
@@Brezzy-0517dar man too😤
@@RioDaHokage fax
I like how going over to someone’s house, drinking wine, etc is eh. But making Mac and cheese is what drew the line 😂
Aye mac is the worldwide champ of food 😭😭. I would feel some type of way knowing my girl was cooking the goat food with/for another man
istg bro 😂😂
@@Coreyy12it’s the champ side not the champ food in general calm down bud
@@0to220 you’re taking it more serious than me but okay?
mac n cheese sounds*
18:39 He even had flight blushing💀
😂😂 flight do be acting sus since wemby got drafted
Lmfaoooo you funny bro💀😭😂😂
34:17 I love how he says you don’t think god sees that so inspirational flight
It’s getting to the point where the decoys gotta rail the girl in 4k in order for her to admit she cheated💀
FACTS!!! These ladies always try to deny that what they did is too far. “It was only a kiss on the cheek!” The fuck?!
Most these videos fake
@@conqeeftador5559 Fair point homie
@@temp2k773do u have proof of this i always thought that but never knew fs
@@temp2k773I feel like they used to be real but now they’re just fake
18:38 this man got flight blushing 😂😂
Nigga was giggling under his breath😭😭
8:19 went from 😂 to 💀
flight turning into the fastest speaker 19:53
Man was trying to break a world record
Bro went on 1.5x playback speed💀
Hy and 29:00 😭
1:33 that part. You lost soon as you feel a way. Better off moving on/being alone regardless of the outcome
ngl these videos are clutch to watch while eating
reading this comment while eating
36:04 Flight hopped in his chair like the food hit him 😭
Flight: “what kind of laugh is that”
Also Flight: 🐬 🐬🐬
Lmao I was looking for this comment 😂😂
Man said his jeans so tight that if he farts it comes out of his ankles lol😭😭😭😭
Dawg I was fucking dying when he said tht shit 😭😭😭😂😂😂😂
🤣 shii got me too
The boyfriend was handling it very maturely
Cause he probably cheating too 🤣
@weallnpc stfp, from the street you come, to the street you will return 😂
Went to college with dude…. 90% sure this fake, totally acting. I do think its possible UDY aren’t aware of it being fake though
@@JajaFootywhy u say it’s fake?
She took the chicken that they didn’t even cook 😂😂😂 Flight Team for the win!!!
They cooked it unfortunately.
13:30 you not slick flight bro you just tryna replay her thang
LMAOO i said the same shit
Flight bro you got no idea how happy this vid jus made me. Appreciate you man 🖤
9:50 Flight is the last person that should be talking 😭😭😭
Ong, flights laugh is atrocious😂
9:52 I know FLIGHT ain’t talkin bout someone else’s laugh 💀💀💀
“This is traumatizing, This is literally physically and mentally scary” no cap 😂
shi had me dyin 😭😭😭😭😭
19:55 nah flight got it 😭
Flight team stand up
We got!
It’s November…
@@Irvin2500what’s your point
9:49 ain’t no way he said “what kinda laugh was that”😭😭
UDY reactions fire as always😂😂😂
Na flight killed me whn he stood on the chair like she threw the macaroni at him 💀💀💀💀💀
Flight starting to look like Snoop Dog😂
This the one time flight was not capping 😂😂😂
16:45 killed me😭
Flight loves pausing his vids to talk for 10 minutes straight gotta love him tho man😂😂
“I know somebody didn’t get no crafts mac & cheese somebody need a whoopin” 😭😭
Flight rewinding that ass thinkin nobody notice what he doin 😭
Flight never fails to spread my cheeks with joy and happiness 😭🙏
Okay buddy. Whatever floats your boat. 🤷
Bro wtf
No pause is crazy
flight been carrying yt🙏🏽
Since 2020
this vid has me crying flight u never fail man 😂😂😂
Cleaning his crib too is outrageous, that’s 2+ bodies
9:51 Ik this dude flight not talking bout anybody laugh 😂
"She spawn from the streets” 25:01 "To the streets she came to the streets she goes” 25:05 I’m dying 🤣😭😭😭😭
24:30 😂😂😂 nah he got it
8:18 Bruh has to be one of the funniest random dubreacts moments 😂😂
nah game recognize game, UDY x FTC Reacts is top tier.
21:58 ONG THAT WAS THE LAST STRAW SHIT FOUL ASL🤦🏾♂️ (Yes that shit got me mad ion gaf) and if y’all don’t get mad watching this idk wat to say💯
gah damn flight was preaching
@@mach_ Nbs he really was speaking straight facts💯🗣️
21:55 Flight, welcome to MGTOW my brotha🖤🤙🏾
You need to be in one of udy videos😂
8:20 bro choked on a hairball 😭😭
“If this man fart it’s coming out of his ankle”😭😭😭😭😭😭
Flight with the relationship advice 🔥😭
the audacity to tell him "you are fcking insecure" after he just saw u get in a random mans house and kiss him is just pathetic 🤣
Been craving these videos.
This the craziest UDY episode we’ve seen
Flight funny asl😂
bro said turn up king 30:46 I am dead😂
10:27 when she started having convo his reaction💀
“Their F***ing Holding Me Hostage” 😭😭😭
36:01 he really thought it was coming on him😂😂
Flight if your reading this I love you bro without ya vids I would’ve been off myself bro you don’t know how much ya content means to me❤️..
imagine flight as a decoy Udy make it happen
😂😂bro that shit would not go as plan would be funny asf tho😂😂
10:39 "if u broke just say so" LOL aint no way she gonna pass
19:53 had me dying fight 😭
14:26 😭😭😭😭😭
and shawty ass really went to a friendsgiving with bro 🤣🤣🤣🤣
3:35 ad of death
Was I the only one that caught him trying not to break character in the first 4 minutes 😭
8:23 bro😭😭😭😭😹😹😹
19:56 flight speaking fax
When flight calls macaroni salad Mac and cheese and believes it’s actually Mac and cheese 😂
Flights beef with the Mac and cheese situation this whole video is hilarious 😂😂😂
sounds like flight coulda done better then the decoy, what yall think FTC? 18:55
I found this beautiful girl in School who is so kind and smart and trustworthy, Truly one in a million. Because Beautiful in Women is not what has always lacked, it’s trustworthy women and honest and smart.
Love the Uds reactions
Let’s fkn go another udy vid
8:22 bro almost died 🤣
Flight might be the last guy to talk about girls entertaining others counting as cheating bruhhh. Ur girl literally has a OF
Nah flight u be speaking facts😭😭
11:00 the emojis from her with those texts is crazy
damn flights a goat he filmed this long video and streamed in the same day 🐐
17:23 is making mac & cheese that bad 😂😂
That Mac and Cheese look like Rice Krispie Treats 😂😂😂
It’s funny when flight gets pressed 😭
We need more reactions to these UDY vids
3:44 bros door is on its last leg😂
The fact she had to lean in to see a video that's playing in 8000K
That got me
Flight keep comin with these 🔥
the ad was crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy😭😭
Nahh the way she tried to gaslight him is crazy😭
13:18 bro saw the gyattt
Love the tongue and dolphin laugh 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Shawty took the chicken 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Hold up not flight roasting someone’s laugh💀🤣🤣
26:50 actually dying this nigga said cheese of mac
Flight be geeking omgggg 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
flight never fails to penetrate my mind with inspiration☺
Fiyah fa dat brudda
13:32 Flag? This a tarp bruh.
Flight said they making Mac and cheese too nahh this relationship over, so for flight if his lady cheat and make another other then Mac and cheese she might get a second shot at staying together lol
Flight uploaded hella vids today 😂🔥
Flight going crazy like this new it jus seem like that its now popping up or being posted in social media
these udy reactions be hella triggering i can only watch ‘em when flight reacts lol
25:08 when you tryna start yo 1998 toyota camry
21:56 did flight finally break up w that crazy of girl for good??