Even if you don't personally create some of your videos, it is so cool and amazing that such an ancient channel is still uploading new videos almost 16/17 years later. I don't know if you'll ever read or see this, but please keep uploading even you if only a small number of people appreciate what you do. I want to let you know that you are a total legend and badass for sticking around as long as you have without abandoning your channel. Keep going man, it really is cool!
これまで1•2部のOPに登場し、最終決戦のメインも務めたトゥインクルウィッシュの姿が3部にないという時点で、彼女らは、2部終了を以て全プレーヤーが一旦現実世界に帰ることになった時点で、ミネルヴァの懲役を招いた責任を取り、アストルムとの関わりを一切断ち切るけじめをつけています。そのため新シリーズ3部は、Fateで言うところのstay night続編のhollow atraxia、あるいは騎士君とは中の人が同じ主人公のEXTRAの続編CCCのような位置づけと考えるのが正解です。七冠でただ一人未だその正体を明らかにしていない最後の一人が、ラスボスとして姿を現すか(OPにそれらしき人が登場しているはずです。)が気になりますが、今は、今後に2部のアニメ化を強く望んでいる次第です。
Even if you don't personally create some of your videos, it is so cool and amazing that such an ancient channel is still uploading new videos almost 16/17 years later. I don't know if you'll ever read or see this, but please keep uploading even you if only a small number of people appreciate what you do. I want to let you know that you are a total legend and badass for sticking around as long as you have without abandoning your channel. Keep going man, it really is cool!
Jajaja ¿Eres el chavo del directo del ruinaversal?